=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF [10:38] hi. [10:38] is it possible to install the cinnamon-desktop on lubuntu? [10:55] bumblebee, yes. or gnome-desktop, or any other desktop included in the Ubuntu repos [10:57] the reason why i'm asking this is: i am using an old PC with only 1 gb ram. that's why i installed lubuntu on it. will it slow down my PC when i use cinnamon? [11:51] I'm afraid so. Lubuntu is a lightweight desktop. Cinnamon isn't. You'll add "weight" to your system if you install it. [12:06] okay, thank you. [12:09] You're welcome :) [14:38] re [14:43] i would like to use firefox ESR instead of normal firefox. i have downloaded firefox ESR on the mozilla page (https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/all/) and extracted the file. now i can use it by opening the folder and double-clicking on the file named firefox. but is it also possible to have firefox ESR in my start menu and in the quick launch bar (instead of the normal firefox)? [14:44] (and i would like firefox ESR to be my standard internet browser) [14:48] in mint there is a preferred applications utilty on the menu, there may be something similar in lubuntu [14:49] i have already searched for it === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka