[00:51] Hi! As you may know, the openstore app does not show nothing on UBports 16.04... May somebody tell me if the UBports team have some idea when it will be fixed? [00:52] I can wait. I asked just to have an idea... [01:36] oversider_kosma was added by: oversider_kosma [01:58] dantalian was added by: dantalian [02:23] как поставить на телефон Meizu 5Pro? [02:24] how to install Meizu 5Pro [02:35] Depends on which one you have [02:59] Nxrobin Leong was added by: Nxrobin Leong [02:59] not sure does it support for devices Huawei G525 ? [07:03] Ampersant was added by: Ampersant [07:20] @Nxrobin Leong, no [09:15] Attention OPO Users: This guide will help you get MTP to work: https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1015/howto-opo-fix-mtp-driver-permissions - And its a great example to see how complex the stuff is we got under the hood lol. [09:31] Is there anyone who tried to install ubuntu touch in Panasonic Android phone??? [09:32] I want to remove Android from it [09:52] https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome a link forConstantine, Makc, Nxrobin and Volodymyr. Check out our large number of Telegram groups in languages other than English [09:54] Rahul.I am not optimistic for that device. I recommend that you check out Moto G2 Titan, which is a 'community supported' device. You should be able to locate one quite easily? [09:55] It is good to have lots of people using the same device. It is easier then to solve problems which are device specific [09:58] Charlie Carlos was added by: Charlie Carlos [09:59] Hi Charlie! Please check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome [10:03] @dohbee, What model is BQ 5510? I can't find any info about it. Besides that name doesn't follow usual BQ's name convention [10:09] Strikepower Max 4g. Doesn't seem like a genuine BQ at all? [10:10] Bad because that brings genuine BQ into disrepute [10:15] Yep, I found that mysterious model in Russian pages only [10:35] we have a different company with name bq [10:38] http://bq.ru/ - this is the fake one [10:41] 😳 [10:45] Insane hype on the specifications. Buyer beware 😂 [10:59] meizu 5pro [11:01] how to install Meizu 5Pro [11:05] @gennadii1981, https://devices.ubports.com/#/turbo [11:14] @gennadii1981, [Edit] https://devices.ubports.com/#/turbo … Edit: see this also http://ubuntu-touch.io/device/turbo [11:16] redshaman was added by: redshaman [11:22] @redshaman, Valar morghulis. You can get up to speed here https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome [11:33] @advocatux, Is the ubuntu-touch.io domain also owned by ubports? [11:33] sure [11:35] Yes it is [11:41] @UniversalSuperBox Did you do anything special when testing the Kaidan click? Two other testers reported that it doesn't start, even with the build that already worked on your phone. [11:41] [Edit] @UniversalSuperBox Did you do anything special for testing the Kaidan click? Two other testers reported that it doesn't start, even with the build that already worked on your phone. [11:51] @neothethird, Why do you have two websites with different (but similar) content? [11:52] because they are in the process of being re-designed [11:54] Okay 👍 [11:56] :) Thanks for the iodate to Crazy Mark! [12:39] @advocatux, Valar dohaeris. :) I actually wanted to port Ubuntu Touch for my device and need a good tutorial for it [12:39] That's why joined this group [12:41] What model? [12:43] Oops, I need to go now. This is a good starting point for porting https://docs.halium.org/en/latest/ … More info here https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/ [12:58] LeoKor was added by: LeoKor [13:26] @JBBgameich, Nope, just installed them on 16.04 [13:36] There is a bug in calculator [13:36] (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/R06xIj9c.png [13:36] (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/nELAA8xL.png [13:36] (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/EjEd1JI2.png [14:25] Hello LeoKo. To get up to speed look at https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome [14:27] Izzan was added by: Izzan [14:28] Hi Izzan. You can read about UBports on https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome [14:34] Sorry I'm new here just wondering if nexus 5 can run anbox? [14:34] Not yet. There are some Qualcomm issues to resolve [14:35] Experimental with Meizu Pro5 and BQ M10 tablet [14:36] Got it, thanks 👌 [14:37] At the moment, getting 16.04 stable is priority 1, 2 and 3! [14:37] I hope the development went well [14:38] Now moving from a bit chaotic to serious testing [14:39] Not ready for use yet. There for exploration and play though [14:43] I think, I will try ubuntu 15.04 first then 😁 [14:46] @UniversalSuperBox in the last community update (or however you call it now) you said something about a book - can you please send me a link [14:46] Yes! [14:46] Let me find it [14:46] Thank you 👍🤠 [14:47] https://m.barnesandnoble.com/w/embedded-android-karim-yaghmour/1110854068 [14:47] This is the only place I can find it on sale [14:47] (Not sponsored by B&N) [14:49] Thank you :-) [14:49] @Stereofont, Will you advise where to find correct instruction to implement it? [14:49] @unknown, I also have a list of the pages I found most relevant and interesting for Halium porters if you want that [14:50] @LeoKor, https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/anbox.html [14:51] @UniversalSuperBox, I don't think that I will understand anything - but anyway... [14:52] @Izzan, My advice is to try UBports 15.04, stable channel (OTA-3). Is way better [14:53] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/NOxJ0fX9.bin [14:53] Well here it is anyway [14:58] Thx [14:59] @Waldbursche, Can you fill in a bug report? … https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/contribute/bugreporting.html [15:06] @advocatux, Ok, I will try it. Thanks [15:07] 👍 [15:15] @UniversalSuperBox, Thanks a lot! [15:19] Are there some here who would benefit either from an Africa group or a Polish language group? It seems that there is some potential for both [15:20] PL +1 :) [15:20] Any chance that an admin could pin this for a while? [15:21] Thanks Dalton [15:33] Hi, I have a Meizu PRO5 and I am tryin tu install UBports 15.04 … I have launched the command and connected the phone with dev mode on, but nothin seems to happen... … How lon will it take to see things happening? [15:34] [Edit] Hi, I have a Meizu PRO5 and I am trying to install UBports 15.04 … I have launched the command and connected the phone with dev mode on, but nothin seems to happen... … How lon will it take to see things happening? [15:34] [Edit] Hi, I have a Meizu PRO5 and I am trying to install UBports 15.04 … I have launched the command and connected the phone with dev mode on, but nothing seems to happen... … How lon will it take to see things happening? [15:34] @jaezcurraandroid, I recommend that you join Welcome & Install [15:34] [Edit] Hi, I have a Meizu PRO5 and I am trying to install UBports 15.04 … I have launched the command and connected the phone with dev mode on, but nothing seems to happen... … How long will it take to see things happening? [15:34] How can I join them? [15:35] Done [15:35] Many thx 😊 [17:27] rharshit was added by: rharshit [17:55] @rharshit, Hello Harshit. You can learn more about UBports by reading [17:56] @rharshit, [Edit] Hello Harshit. You can learn more about UBports by reading … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome [19:15] @UniversalSuperBox, This is a very good book and is transforming my understanding of Android. There is also a three hour presentation on Youtube that Karim Yaghmour gave of this shortly before publication: … `https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtw7MVCFtZkTg93Ofr7KTusbSSauVu6bi` … Not having a background on Android in [19:15] ternals, I found it useful to watch the overview before tackling the text, as it cleared up many questions I might otherwise have had and would not have seen answered for hundreds of pages. [19:15] Unfortunately the second edition of the book was never published. [19:20] And it's getting harder and harder to find the original. B&N is literally the only place that has it... unless you want to subscribe to Safari [19:30] I tried installing a Hopper .apk on desktop Ubuntu with AMD64 architecture. No dice. But hope it works on ARM UT devices. Looking forward to getting flight price tracking back. [19:51] @UniversalSuperBox, Quite a few sources on Abebooks, including India and UK. The price of some is stratospheric though [20:34] Ultramenia was added by: Ultramenia [20:37] @Ultramenia, Hi Martín, to get you started https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome [20:41] Many thanks [21:00] Hey you, can we somehow implement a encrypted home? [21:01] because if I want to use ubuntu touch as my daily phone it has to be in accordance with the new EU Data Protection regulation [21:01] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation [21:02] Basicaly this means any kind of sensible data of customers or memberlists etc. has to be on a encrypted storage [21:19] chrisc has posted a method on the forum for encrypting the home directory. This requires making changes to the rootfs, so it's not something that you could call supported, but if you're comfortable with the command line - and with risk - you might want to take a look: … `https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1012/one-method-to-enc [21:19] rypt-home-phablet` [21:19] It will also require you to run commands after each boot to unlock the crypt and remount home. [21:21] @nanu_c, It's already possible to encrypt the home, there's no GUI implementation yet, but it works iirc [21:21] He has code on a website I linked from the above forum thread that shows how to encrypt /tmp randomly also. [21:21] @trainailleur, oh, that's it [21:21] you beated me on time ;) [21:21] @trainailleur, One thing, putting links in backticks keeps them from being links [21:21] Pop, sorry. [21:22] https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1012/one-method-to-encrypt-home-phablet [21:22] [Edit] Oops, sorry. [21:22] Thanks a lot! [21:23] [Edit] chrisc has posted a method on the forum for encrypting the home directory. This requires making changes to the rootfs, so it's not something that you could call supported, but if you're comfortable with the command line - and with risk - you might want to take a look: … https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1012/one-method- [21:23] to-encrypt-home-phablet [21:24] [Edit] Oops, sorry. I corrected it. Still have a lot to learn about Telegram. [21:25] So could we make this an option for xenial :)? [21:26] Hope it helps, but be careful and back up your data first. Also, bear in mind that UBPorts updates by overwriting the rootfs, so any OS updates will blow away cryptsetup. [21:26] Or so I understand (could be wrong). [21:28] In general, I don't think it's advised to install stuff to the core OS, but I don't know of another way to do this. [21:30] I think this is a feature that should be tackled sooner rather than later, but I don't know if there's anyone who can get it in with all the other stuff in the backlog and OTA-4 [22:18] I think it breaks libertine and chroot too [22:32] at least, i can't use sbuild on my encrypted home on x86, so i presume the same issues exist there [22:33] @nanu_c, i don't think GPDR is applicable to individuals though, is it? [22:40] I had to sign to what extent I have access to personal data and to encrypt it [22:40] GPDR Article 32 [22:41] ensure. (a)the pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data; [22:41] This includes contact details in the phonebook [22:41] Sorry to intrude but I'm curious as to what this is referring to if you're able to speak about it [22:43] This are the new european Data Protection Regulation coming to force at 25. May 2018 [22:43] @nanu_c, You are stating this in the context of a business, I presume? [22:43] That's right [22:54] So you're thinking here in terms of e.g. business contacts that you would have on your phone? [22:56] i'm just clarifying whom exactly GPDR effects, as I don't want to see a big "oh noes we can't use ubuntu phone in europe after may" thing happening [22:56] unfortunately though, if you need a phone that complies with GPDR, ubuntu touch is probably not an option right now [22:57] the partition isn't encrypted, and you can't lock the bootloader [22:57] the retail devices might be a bit better there, but still don't have encrypted data partition [23:06] @dohbee, I dont think that any other Android or Apple phone withstands the directive also. Any app you install could suck off the date there, and this can happen potentially to everyone, also owners of a business. I cannot imagine the Eurpoean Parliament is targeting phones that are used by humans. They are targeting more or l [23:06] ess data collection on servers and IT systems that are carryint sensitive private information. Normally a phone book is public and not sensitive. And who is keeping client files on their phones? [23:06] @dohbee, [Edit] I dont think that any other Android or Apple phone withstands the directive also. Any app you install could suck off the data there, and this can happen potentially to everyone, also owners of a business. I cannot imagine the Eurpoean Parliament is targeting phones that are used by humans. They are targeting mo [23:06] re or less data collection on servers and IT systems that are carryint sensitive private information. Normally a phone book is public and not sensitive. And who is keeping client files on their phones? [23:07] @dohbee, [Edit] I dont think that any other Android or Apple phone withstands the directive also. Any app you install could suck off the data there, and this can happen potentially to everyone, also owners of a business. I cannot imagine the Eurpoean Parliament is targeting phones that are used by humans. They are targeting mo [23:07] re or less data collection on servers and IT systems that are carrying sensitive private information. Normally a phone book is public and not sensitive. And who is keeping client files on their phones? [23:08] @Flohack, Well, GPDR affects any device under the business. Not personal devices. But if you use same device for personal and business, it could be problematic I guess. Business devices shouldn't have external apps or data sync of contacts to unregulated services, I guess. [23:08] To do so would mean leaking customer data. [23:08] Sales people have customer data on phones, for sure, as an example. [23:08] Depending on the size of your business, that sales person could be you, of course. [23:08] :) [23:09] At least on Ubuntu phones, apps can't read the entire contacts list so easily. [23:11] also, naming things has become more difficult even