[11:40] Hi! [11:41] I have a Lenovo Miix 320-10ICR [11:41] It have an 8ht gen Intel graphics [11:41] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_graphics_processing_units#Eighth_generation [11:42] Actually, Win 10 says it's a Dev 22B0 [11:43] CPU is Atom x5-Z8350 [11:44] So, it's HD Graphics 400 [11:45] I'm trying to get running Bionic in LiveCD mode on it. [11:45] LiveUSB, actually :) [11:46] I've managed "first phase" problems: it's loads, as I can figure out. But it uses only microHDMI output! [11:48] loading it with "nomodeset i915.modeset=1 fbcon=rotate:1" for kernel and "set gfxmode=1200x1980" helps to get rotated screen at first at it's own display. [11:49] But later it gets switched to some other mode and loads graphics, and leaves only microHDMI output enabled. [11:50] Looks like this in final: https://www.dropbox.com/s/60xq3emchvbhbx0/2018-03-04%2012.55.40.jpg?dl=0 [11:51] Disabled main display, and something of Ubuntu Bionic on the other display. [11:52] I am willing to try to disable main display and get desktop just use microHDMI alone. How can I manage it if I even don't know names of video outputs? [11:55] If someone willing to look how it boots, I've shoot a video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g48pc8ppkjo6rz2/2018-03-04%2012.48.04.mp4?dl=0 [12:07] If someone can guide me to some page where I can find information about video names, I'd be happy :) [12:24] Hmmm. What if I'll try to press ctrl+alt+f2 at final stage... bbs... [13:05] Looks like https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=96571 [13:05] Freedesktop bug 96571 in DRM/Intel "[CHV] Backlight init fails on Surface 3 if module load order is wrong" [Minor,New] [13:06] "[drm:pwm_setup_backlight [i915]] *ERROR* Failed to own the pwm chip" [13:22] Heh, looks like I need to make custom kernel. [13:26] denixx|h2: or just create a rule in /etc/modprobe.d/ to control load-order using the 'install' directive [13:27] TJ-: can I do it for LiveUSB? [13:27] denixx|h2: Hmmm, there are kernel command-line options that can control some parts of modprobe, let me check [13:28] I managed to get to desktop with "video=DSP-1:d" :) [13:29] Sorry [13:29] "video=DSI-1:d" [13:29] https://www.dropbox.com/s/lv6njy5gw9ghnq1/2018-03-04%2015.28.00.jpg?dl=0 [13:30] https://www.dropbox.com/s/olrx2h58ucgh95a/2018-03-04%2014.37.30.jpg?dl=0 [13:31] But if I could manage the order for i915 to make it boot after backlight control be available, I may make this as solution somewhere :) [13:33] no, kernel command-line doesn't have the option - although I was reading kernel docs/code yesterday where I am /sure/ I saw a bunch of module.xxxx options for doing just this! [13:35] I think I will be overwhelmed with all that if I start to dig just now. :) [13:37] May I ask additional question: [13:37] Can that be fixed after installation? [13:37] Or kernel build options is the only workaround? [13:38] Never messed with it :) Can try to, though... [13:47] [15:26:14] denixx|h2: or just create a rule in /etc/modprobe.d/ to control load-order using the 'install' directive [13:47] TJ-: Kan you throw me some readme link? [13:47] Can* [13:56] denixx|h2: 'man modprobe.d' lists the syntax, I can't find an example now of using 'install' to control load order but I've done it many years ago; it basically strings multiple 'install' commands together so you do something like "install i915 modprobe " [15:09] TJ-: Thanks a lot! [15:09] I'll check later. === denixx|ph1 is now known as denixx === denixx is now known as denixx|ph1 === denixx|ph1 is now known as denixx|ph1|2 === denixx|ph1|2 is now known as denixx|ph1 [21:18] a friend of mine tells me that most ubuntu devs use this https://i.ebayimg.com/images/a/T2eC16d,!yME9s5qIGEoBR6vYp4itg~~/s-l1600.jpg [21:19] thats why ubuntu gets its coloring from [22:10] ...