[00:55] LocutusOfBorg: ok, autopkgtests passed on an --all-proposed retry, whee [08:21] yes slangasek :) I'm planning to no-change rebuild again stuff now [08:25] I don't want to be ever blamed because of a miscompilation due to a missing rebuild [08:26] hopefully they will be sorted out in a matter of two hours, queues are empty, and autopkgtests too [14:16] How can I rebuild Ubuntu from source ? [14:17] such as for a new arch (ILP32) [14:18] you'd need to take the source packages and rebuild them against either a running toolchain on the arch you want or build a cross compiler/toolchain [14:18] it's not really the scope of this channel [14:32] ikonia, yeah but is there a better way than manually building everything [14:32] what do the ubuntu devs use ? [14:45] automated build jobs [14:50] kuri0: are you working with the Linaro or Debian toolchain? [14:50] kuri0: Linario have some useful information at https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/arm64-ilp32 [14:52] based on the fact that he's asking the same question in other channels about other distros I don't get the impression this is a serious situation [14:59] ikonia, i asked in #debian since ubuntu is based on debian and it might have a similar build process [15:00] TJ-, that link only says how to build the kernel [15:00] i could easily build a buildroot image though [15:00] which can be useful for testing [15:03] kuri0: at the end itÅ› got links to prebuilt rootfs etc [15:03] TJ-, yeah but i want ubuntu [15:03] i could use that for testing thanks [15:03] You could use that as the base for then building Ubuntu packages [15:04] TJ-, so build apt and dpkg from source and then install stuff ? [15:04] i think that might be better done with buildroot [15:05] also i could create a custom debian repo with the packages built for ilp32 [15:05] but i haven't found a way to automate building the packages [15:05] ill have to manually build them [15:27] ill write my own script to build the packages [15:27] because none seem to exist === Sir_Gallantmon is now known as Son_Goku [17:04] sunweaver: it synced but gosa-dev depends on php7.0-cli? [17:04] sunweaver: hardcoded :/ [19:05] Hi all! How can I help w the release of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver ? [19:09] how do you think you can help ? [19:10] rindolf: if you have a spare machine, doing some install testing would probably be a useful contribution [19:10] ikonia: by testing the prereleases [19:11] sladen: i have some VMs [19:11] ok, so download it and test it [19:11] rindolf: if there isn't a spare machine, installing applications, and clicking around (probably things like the system settings) it check things work [19:11] rindolf: main thing when finding a bug is to work out how to reproduce it reliably [19:11] rindolf: which can often take quite a bit of guessing around [19:13] sladen: thanks [19:25] rindolf: thank _you_ !! [19:25] sladen: you're welcome [19:26] sladen: installing 18.04 in a vbox vm now [19:26] it took a while for the installer screen to come up [19:57] nacc: oh well... [19:57] I can do another unstable upload. [19:57] I'll do that anyway, as we don't want that in Debian, either. [20:01] nacc: gosa-2.7.4+reloaded3-3 has just been dput to Debian unstable. [20:01] with the php7.0-cli -> php-cli fix for gosa-dev. [20:33] sladen: the ubuntu 18.04 systen seems to work fine - i installed some stuff [20:33] sladen: no major complaints [20:46] With debhelper is there a way to run only the auto_configure target (including override_dh_auto_configure) ? [23:07] sunweaver: thanks, i'll sync that shortly (i uploaded the same fi xto ubuntu)