[05:45] I'm proud to be using ubuntu mate as my only Os as of march 1st, 2018. Goodbye windows [05:50] strange issues I'm having with the upcoming development lts images. They won't boot to the desktop. I'm running on a vizio ct14 ultrabook with a dogfish ssd, intel 3217U cpu and integrated graphics. Linux has no problems with my hardware [11:04] Hi, based on your experience, how well does it work to have ubuntu mate installed along with packages for xubuntu-desktop (xfce)? I havent decided yet what i want. [11:04] markus-mate: in general it's best to use VMs to test multiple DEs [11:04] If i install kubuntu on a ubuntu install, then try few different things it eventually pollutes the installation. [11:04] In theory multiple DEs are fine; in practice, some services from one DE may end up running on the other DE [11:05] And, uninstalling a DE isn't always as easy as it sounds... [11:05] Thanks, I am running on a VM now to try mate. [11:05] OK, run one for each DE [11:05] You can also do snapshots if you want [11:05] I really like gnome 2, it just works as i expect from a desktop environment. [11:06] Mate doesnt look much more modern then what i remember how gnome 2 looked 10 years ago. [11:07] Is mate adjusted for more modern technologies? (vague question i know) [11:07] Yes, it's starting to support hidpi etc [11:08] I have a 1440 27inch display so that could be good. [11:08] I think i\ll just reinstall ubuntu on my desktop (on my laptop now) and try it out [11:08] in full screen vm [16:34] come disinstallare pacchetti in mate [16:36] mate|38616, sudo apt remove pacchetti nome [17:46] hello world [17:47] hello citizen [18:13] Welcome === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka === Nathan_ is now known as kernal