[09:16] morning boys and girls. [09:36] o/ [09:36] o/ [09:38] heating is off, i've had a peek outside and most of the now outside seem gone. bare ground in lots of places... [09:40] now? has now been aborbed into a blackhole or something outside your window? lol. [09:40] absorbed* [09:57] ireland as an low island with high rain falls has very good drainage... there will be flooding not where i am... [10:00] here neither. [19:36] yay for it not raining today, so my 60/10 connection is stable at 10/3 [19:37] oh yeah can't remember if i came in to say, the weather has ruined my phone line [19:40] was it 60/10 before? [19:40] yep [19:40] i think the snow sat on the connection box and then melted and rolled into it [19:44] it might resync itself back up as it dries out? [19:45] nah it's screwed, huge noise on the line [19:45] oh that's much better; if the audio is bad you can tell them to come and fix it [19:45] they're meant to be replacing it since it's war time age, the properties either side of me still have the ol' lead cables leading up to it [19:45] lead cables?! [19:46] mmhmm [19:46] war time! [19:46] mines normal though [19:46] * penguin42 has heard of lead piping, but not lead cables [19:46] yeah i did that but i'm in a big queue for all the ones that the weather ruined [19:46] * penguin42 wonders if you go mad faster by watching stuff downloaded over lead cables [19:46] nod [19:47] basically the box has been swinging on the wall in front since we got it detached from my house and i painted the front, but the lad that was meant to arrange the ground being dug up for the lines to be replaced swanned off on holiday it would appear [19:50] it's only staying stable today since it's not wet, heh [19:52] perhaps you should wrap a scarf around it? [19:53] hehe, i don't own a ladder - it's at first floor level and my lane has a steep gradient so you couldn't use one without some kinda block under one leg [19:53] i'd have gone up there, whipped the cover off, cleaned up my pair and wrapped a plastic bag around it otherwise [19:53] i've got a few of the grease taps they use to join pairs together [19:54] sounds like you need someone with a landrover that you can stand on.... [19:54] pedestrian only lane :) [19:55] horse? [19:56] can't stand 'em! [19:56] can't say I've had enough contact with them to know [19:57] apparently they're common and cheap to keep up there, but they're costly on the islands [19:58] home made stilts... [19:59] * penguin42 wonders what you'll have to do to get BT etc to get to it if it's in such an inaccessible place; you can imagine it having to be a BT awkward-places team [20:00] we don't have BT here :) [20:00] a guy on a bike with a ladder... does windows in his spare time... [20:00] daftykins: Fortunate [20:00] they were pretty cool when i wanted to paint the house, came out same-day and took the box off the front and lashed it to the scaffold [20:01] it's possible they might tell me to just deal with it and wait for the proper road dig up [20:01] hair-dryer on a long poll [20:03] i did lean out the nearest window when i got up today to see if i could reach it xD not a chance [20:03] i can smell darwain awards nomination... :-P [20:04] naaah i know when i'm beaten [20:09] it's not over till you're wrapped in 20ft of coax face down in a water butt... :-P [20:10] nah, coax is no good to get tangled in [20:10] you'd think... :-) [20:11] https://i.imgur.com/a4BGATo.jpg this is it btw [20:12] daftykins: Oh well.... [20:12] daftykins: You've obviously missed the trick of laying a ladder across from the neighbours [20:12] it could have an accident so they have to replace it... [20:12] it'd be one long ladder :D [20:13] oh they're doing it anyway yeah, just they're not being too quick on making the arrangements [20:13] put those hacking classes to good use and build a suspension bridge from ice lolly sticks across the gap... :-) [20:13] allegedly all this bit does is join up with runs in the road, below - so they'll only replace the 3 metres up the wall [20:13] scary bits of wires and knots :-) [20:14] can see all the neighbours lines look rubbish since we removed all the fixings from the front of my place to do the painting, though [20:16] the scaffolders had nothing so i had to give them a bit of cat6 UTP to tether the box to the front of my place off a gutter bracket [20:17] cat6! The luxury! [20:17] I guess, your cats do get the cream [20:20] :o [20:25] ugh these products that are amazon prime members only [20:29] even a keyboard o0 [20:30] you need to be careful with amazon you end up on prime without realising it , i did once, noticed and cancled straight away [20:31] ah just buying some stuff for a client, looks like i can share his wifes prime membership with him so these items can be had :D [20:34] :) [20:35] yep, that was easy [20:37] ...too easy... ::cue ominous music:: [20:37] i'll be nipping to London for their new flat soon, to go and set things up [20:38] means i have to ship these things to there and not be a tax dodger for once! [21:10] apple to release a $999 mac air this year... at that price it'll problably have 0 usb ports... :-) [22:55] here's a lad to fix your external broadband box... :-) https://imgur.com/gallery/wA165 [22:59] :D