
ikoniawhat makes you think the build failed ?00:00
ikoniafrom that paste00:00
JoopSoopThat's the wrong one that had only half the output. Here it is when I caught all the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ndczCkDfYt/00:02
JoopSoopDid I post the same one twice by mistake?00:02
ikoniaso if you look at the error, it's basically saying it's referencing something that doesn't exist00:03
JoopSoop@ikonia, the "hd_exe_section_is_code" of it?  I am sorry I am a novice.  I couldn't pick out what is significant within this and there is no documentation. the readme says just "type make"00:05
ikoniaJoopSoop: so we can't support this software for you00:05
JoopSoopI thought this was the place to ask such questions00:05
ikoniaJoopSoop: the guy who maintains it is the guy to help you, if he no longer maintains it and it's unmaintained, you're pretty much screwed00:06
ikoniaJoopSoop: this is ubuntu support - not 3rd party software build support that is out of support00:06
OerHeksif you would get the source from our repo's. i guess it works..00:09
ikoniaOerHeks: is it in the repos ?00:10
ikoniaI don't see it00:10
JoopSoop_@ikonia  That's disappointing. I'll look for a community that with a broader goal to help solve each others linux/ubuntu problems.00:11
JoopSoop_thanks for looking00:11
ikoniaJoopSoop_: sounds a good move00:11
OerHeksfor artful https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdisasm/0.23-600:12
ikoniathats the library00:12
ikonianot the thing he's actually building00:13
ikonialooking at the source the bit you see on the screen is the binding to libdisam00:13
ghostnik11Bashing-om, hey i am finally back on and i used super disk to get into ubuntu but i don't know how to undo the changes that got install so that ubuntu can be seen as a choose during booting process. i am now in ubuntu the one that crashed during the update00:26
Bashing-omghostnik11: - think'n00:28
ghostnik11Bashing-om, is their an command i can run to purge all the previous stuff that was being installed while it crashed. also i tried to run update grub and it crashes when it says its loading grubia32 or something like that00:29
Bashing-omghostnik11: What is the real issue that you are facing presently ?00:33
ghostnik11Bashing-om, i can't boot into ubuntu b/c it crashed while it was doing an apt-install update = like when u just tell it to normally update stuff that the system needs to update periodically. so now i don't have the option to boot into ubuntu but i download superdisk2 and was able to have it on a live cd and i can find the ubuntu and boot it but only with the superdisk2. so i want to be able to boot back into it without superdisk200:35
ghostnik11Bashing-om, so i just took a look at this real quick: https://journalxtra.com/linux/desktop-recovery/fix-ubuntu-16-10-upgrade-boot-failure/ but the thing is my system didn't crash during an update00:36
ghostnik11they said i can run a dpkg –configure -a and that will undo maybe the changes? Bashing-om i don't know but what do u think00:37
Bashing-omghostnik11: K; remind me, is this an EFI booting system ?00:38
ghostnik11Bashing-om, yeah the bootloader uses windows like mbr first i think then i get the grub option of ubuntu? like i don't see it anymore when i press esc key to see if i can boot with ubuntu. well b/4 i had 3 options: 2 options for ubuntu and 1 for android x86. but now i only have one option for ubuntu and 1 for android but when i click ubuntu it seems to just bring me to android so i think its not connected properly00:44
Bashing-omghostnik11: Uh huh - sounds like the ubuntu link is broken . but I have no EFI experience - off hand I do not know how to repair it .00:47
ghostnik11Bashing-om, do you know any site i can go to to read up on how to fix and efi link to let me get to grub?00:48
songdenhow to install spss v20 in ubuntu?00:49
ikoniawhat is spss ?00:49
kostkonikonia, statistical software00:49
songdenapp for statistic00:49
Bashing-omghostnik11: Sorry, again EFI is not on my field of interest - hang loose here and see if others here will pick you up .00:50
ikoniais it open source ?00:50
ikonia(I've never heard of it)00:50
songdenit's own IBM00:50
ikoniaso wouldn't IBM have install instructions for ubuntu ?00:50
kostkonikonia, no, but it's industry standard like matlab for example00:51
songdenbut i need to install00:51
ikoniakostkon: right, I get the idea, good reference example00:51
ikoniasongden: so if it's IBM software, ask them how to install it00:51
songdendid you know about other software can use present in statistic?00:53
ikonianot personally no00:53
hfpHowie69: I think I like xfce4, it's pretty light and super configurable.01:08
Alabasterfirst time on IRC in a very long time01:09
Alabastercan anyone hear me.. heh01:09
Bashing-omAlabaster: I read you .01:09
Alabasterawesome... I am so out the loop01:10
AlabasterI forgot my old friend. IRC. I wonder how humanity has been these last years01:10
ghostnik11hey so i need help fixing and efi so that it recognizes the ubuntu partition and i can get back into ubuntu. i have looked up at these steps and want to know if this will help me: https://superuser.com/questions/376470/how-to-reinstall-grub2-efi01:10
AlabasterSo I guess this just means there are not a lot of people really actually in the room01:10
hfpAlabaster: hmmmm I see 1500 people in the room01:11
Bashing-omAlabaster: irc is still here .. and still supported . speaking of support, you are in a support channel, not a "chat" room .01:11
AlabasterDo people still give a hand to noobs this day anymore. I'm pulling my hair out01:11
hfpAlabaster: that's what this channel is for. Ask away and if someone can help they'll answer01:12
electricmilkNothing wrong with helping newbs01:12
electricmilkWe are all newbs to one topic or another01:12
Alabasterwell I don't want to bother anyone. But yeah. New to Linux again for about ... well decade01:12
electricmilkNow when someone comes in a channel with NO etiquette. That is frustrating01:13
AlabasterThanks guys. Sounds like oldschool IRC01:13
Alabasteryeah I can assume01:13
electricmilkYou have to laugh when someone comes in going "HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY ISN"T ANYONE HELPING ME"  But doesn't post a question...and then leaves01:14
Alabasteryeah lol01:14
hohoroot@alu:/var/log# lspci -nn | grep -E 'VGA|Display' 09:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Vega [Radeon Vega 8 Mobile] [1002:15dd] (rev c6)01:15
hohoany idea how to get that sucker running?  text mode only (sshd, can't even get local console.)01:15
AlabasterI just installed Ubuntu as a VM and installed gnome 3 as my GUI Shell01:15
Alabasterfirst stupid question will I break anything or loose permissions if I had changed the user name without the file in the /host folder01:16
AlabasterI turned it from linux@vmblahblahc~vmblah to Me@me01:17
hoho@Alabaster how did you changed the user name?01:19
Alabasterehhhhh forgot the googling I did... ehhhh01:20
Alabasteri mean if I list my home folder in the terminal everything shows up01:20
AlabasterI honestly don't remember the simple lines I put in, I just don't simply remember the basics01:21
hoho@Alabaster: usermod just changes the name, home directory stays the same unless you give it -d argument to change the home at the same time. so should be fine if you did it that way.01:21
AlabasterI do believe I did usermod -something01:22
hoho@Alabaster, sounds like it's fine then.01:22
Alabasteryeah its' just /home/linux still01:22
hohoamybody know about Ryzen support?  I got a new 2400G, and ssh works great ;-)01:23
Alabasterdo I need anything after my username@hostname like the "~host" at the end I believe it is01:23
ghostnik11so it seems that my efi boot on hdd is not there01:23
Alabasterlike is me@me fine?01:24
hoho@Alabaster ''do I need anything" ... what for?  what are you trying to do?01:24
Alabasteror do I need to have me@me~me01:24
Alabasterwell after installing everything I want to learn how linux works in relation to the open world (Global) communication to others and devices. Learn networking through linux and the like01:25
Alabasterfirst off I tried something as odd sounding as the "write" command with two terminals open and not a damn thing happened01:26
hoho@Alabaster:  not specific enough.  What command are you feeding me@me~me to?  What specific action are you hoping to accomplish?01:27
Alabasterim just making sure me@me is fine and that I will be able to be found when talking, remoting and learning with others network speaking01:28
Alabasternow you see how much a noob I am referring to myself as I assume01:29
Alabasterok all I know is me = username and @me = hostname correct?01:29
bazhangAlabaster, what is network speaking, and how is this specific to ubuntu support01:29
hoho@Alabaster me = username @ is a separator  me= hostname.01:30
Alabasterhoho yeah thats what I thought01:30
Alabasterhoho is it fine I have ~name at the end?01:31
hohoAnyone know how to get bleeding edge AMD drivers?  xorgs-edgers doesn't seem to be it anymore?01:31
hoho@Alabaster:  what is ~name for?01:31
Alabasterwhat is the ~(name) anyway.. for example me@me~someword01:32
bazhangAlabaster, did you have some ubuntu support related questions for the channel01:33
hoho@Alabaser: I think you're just looking at a shell prompt... it is telling you your username, your hostname, and the (last) directory you are in. It isn't somethng you use to communicate with others.01:33
Alabasteroriginally my vm setup my linux as linux@linux~virtualMachine I believe01:33
bazhangAlabaster, what version of ubuntu is that01:34
Alabasterwell I found the write command could communicate to others through command line01:34
hoho@Alabaster, you were logged into as user: linux on hostname linux, in /home/virtualMachine... most likely.01:34
Alabasterit just updated a couple days ago I believe from .301:35
bazhangAlabaster, and what is 'network speaking'01:35
hohoAMD drivers anyone?   Ryzen?01:35
Alabasterattempting to learn things for basic career needed knowledge01:36
ghostnik11can i repair efi boot with this command: dosfsck01:36
Alabasterlike helping clients with software. Generally speaking per example a friend of mine should or as needed RDPd01:36
bazhangAlabaster, then you would need a general networking channel to assist you, unless you have some ubuntu related support issues01:37
Alabasterbut just in the fun sense to begin with just talking to other people with the "write"command01:37
ghostnik11here is a my pastebin of fdisk: https://pastebin.com/JDMutft301:37
AlabasterI'm just making sure first really I didn't screw up anything and my linux can be found or find others01:38
Alabasterbut I see what your saying. I should find a basic linux channel or linux command chat01:38
hfpAlabaster: sounds like you need an online tutorial of sorts01:39
bazhangAlabaster, you were thinking about using 'write' in the terminal to chat with others over the internet?01:39
AlabasterSo I will ask one last terribly dumb question... If anyone uses a Virtual Machine to run Linux where is the real IP address? The one I see in Windows IPconfig or in linux??01:39
Alabasterno I just wanted to test if it sent to another terminal as per the YT video I was watching01:40
vistefanHi! How could I disable notification "There is still a process running in this terminal. Closing the terminal will kill it." that appears when i close gnome-terminal? I want it to not appear even if I have running tasks.01:40
bazhangAlabaster, that's not even specific to linux01:40
Alabasterdidn't happen01:40
AlabasterYeah I know. I realize I should be in others learning or re-learning command lines01:41
ghostnik11is it normal for the start of your partition to say 0.00? because i ran the parted command and it says my start has 0.0001:42
bazhangAlabaster, try #bash , ##networking for such things01:42
Alabasterbazhang. Thanks.01:42
AlabasterThanks everyone01:43
hoho@ghostnik11:  I usually put the first partition offset from 0, so I would start at 1049kB or something like that.  on a hard disk.01:43
ghostnik11hoho, i am trying to fix efi boot so i can boot to ubuntu and my system crashed during an update and now i can't get back into ubuntu so looked a parted command it shows where the partition is and that it has a gpt scheme but i don't know if its correct01:44
ghostnik11Hey so i need help b/c my system crashes when i run sudo dpkg --configure -a02:02
ghostnik11It shows setting up grub-efi-ia32 and then it freezes when it says installing for i386-efi platform02:03
vistefanGuys, could someone give me an answer? I asked but nobody replied.02:10
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
tomreynvistefan: what did you ask again?02:19
vistefantomreyn: Hi! How could I disable notification "There is still a process running in this terminal. Closing the terminal will kill it." that appears when i close gnome-terminal? I want it to not appear even if I have running tasks.02:19
tomreynoh hmm i've never run into this message, but i dont use gnome temrinal02:20
tomreynlet's see what a web search has to say on this02:20
tomreynso "ps T" should show you the processes still running02:21
tomreynvistefan: maybe you always have the same process still running there and this just needs to be fixed?02:21
tomreynthis is from https://askubuntu.com/questions/772350/how-to-find-still-running-processes-in-a-terminal02:22
vistefanNo, no, that's not the trouble. This is more configuration question. I value this message a bit annoying. I use tmux so sometimes it is proper for me to close terminal where tmux is still running. Or e.g. I can use vim and save file, but i don't want to quit vim manually to close the terminal I just want to close whole window. So I want to disable this notification, because I know what i do.02:23
tomreyni see. i guess vim wont be able to remove temp files then but if you're aware of that i guess that works. but i don't know the answer, sorry.02:25
vistefanAnd what term you use?02:25
vistefani see. Thx for support.02:26
tomreynwell, we did not get too far there ;)02:26
tomreynvistefan: try this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/499662/how-to-disable-popup-close-this-terminal-when-closing-terminal02:27
vistefantomreyn: i got gconf-editor, but i don't have the node org -> gnome -> terminal -> legacy02:32
tomreynvistefan: try with dconf-editor02:32
tomreynwhich ubuntu release are yuou using there?02:33
vistefantomreyn: that worked.02:35
vistefanI'm on 16.0402:35
vistefanThank you02:36
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
hfpI'm struggling with my network. I have both a WiFi and Ethernet plugged in. But for some reason, Ubuntu will prefer WiFi over Ethernet. My metrics don't match what I set in my network preferences. What gives?02:52
hohoIs there another channel to get help with graphics driver installs?  Can't get my new video working.02:54
iresfhello everone02:54
iresfis it possible to have a dedicated internet access with 1000 nodes ( computers ) that each of  node has different public IP   ?02:54
jdrYou want 1000 public ips?02:54
hoho@iresf: yes. it's called the internet.02:54
hoho@resf: is IPv6 OK? would be easiest in that case.  for 1k IPv4 addresses, you likely have to pay.02:56
hfpiresf: good luck with IPv4, easy peasy with IPv602:56
outoftime_92Firefox stoped working. First I pressed "Wait" and few minutes later "Force quit". Main proccess killed, all childen are alive. How to kill them?02:57
outoftime_92Can't open firefox03:01
outoftime_92And I have this $ tail /var/log/syslog http://termbin.com/2dii03:05
outoftime_92HobGoblin: it is good channel for help with graphics intall, just required people away03:12
hfpoutoftime_92: run `pidof firefox`03:15
hfpoutoftime_92: and ten `kill -9 <pid>` replacing <pid> with every number that pidof gave you03:15
hfpit will kill all the zombie firefox processes, then you should be good to re-open firefox03:16
outoftime_92hfp: do you know any way to loop through pids except for ...; do ... ; done ?03:18
outoftime_92hfp: http://termbin.com/8c4t still have some03:22
outoftime_92hfp: checked with ps aux | grep -i firefox03:22
outoftime_92hfp: don't know how to extract second row with pids to kill them03:22
outoftime_92hfp: second column*03:23
outoftime_92hfp: even sudo kill -9 didn't help03:24
hfpoutoftime_92: you could pipe the output of `pidof firefox` to cut03:25
hfpbut if you have only 2 processes left, it will probably be faster to type them manually03:25
hfp3 processes*03:26
hfpoutoftime_92: ^03:26
outoftime_92hfp: http://termbin.com/bez303:27
hfpoutoftime_92: you have only 3 pids to kill, why don't you do it manually? it's much faster than debugging your for loop IMHO03:29
hfpand I think your issue is that $pid is the whole list of pids03:30
hfpyou could echo them instead to see if you get one iteration or three03:30
outoftime_923 in a row03:31
outoftime_92hfp: 3 rows I mean03:31
hfpheh idk then... what happens if you `sudo kill -9 20758`? Does that kill it?03:32
outoftime_92hfp: nope03:32
hfpsorry, idk then. you could try `ps axfu` to see what the parent process is and see if you can kill it instead03:34
outoftime_92found this in my dmesg http://termbin.com/n94t03:36
outoftime_92hfp: http://termbin.com/ai1k03:36
hfpif you grep through ps axfu, it won't help you. the point is to see the parent of the firefox processes so you can kill the parent instead03:38
outoftime_92hfp: sbin/upstart --user parent03:40
outoftime_92hfp: sbin/upstart --user03:40
outoftime_92hfp: I'm not sure is it good idea to kill this process03:41
hfphfp: yeah probably not03:42
hfpoutoftime_92: ^03:42
kksafakmy wireless card doesn't work on ASPIRE ONE 72503:42
hfpoutoftime_92: what if you restarted the machine, that should take care of it03:43
outoftime_92hfp: I know, but it is now a acceptable solution03:44
kksafakmy wireless card doesn't work on ASPIRE ONE 725 after install xubuntu 17. i have the BCM943228HMGB brodcom wireless card03:44
outoftime_92hfp: not acceptable03:45
outoftime_92kksafak: check hard and soft block03:45
hfpoutoftime_92: sorry then, I don't have any other ideas03:46
outoftime_92hfp: I can not reboot my dev machine everytime I set up my working anvironment and something goes wrong03:48
kksafak_what is hard and soft block?03:49
outoftime_92kksafak_: I'm not very helpfull right now, I can't start browser (: Google for "wifi hard and soft block"03:50
outoftime_92kksafak_: dont' forget prefix "ubuntu"03:50
outoftime_92kksafak_: maybe you have smartphone or some other internet access03:50
kksafak_yes i have a smartphone and i can connect wired on netbook03:52
outoftime_92kksafak_: visit ubuntu help page with tutorial how to set up wifi manually03:53
outoftime_92kksafak_: and report on which step faulty happens03:53
outoftime_92kksafak_: P.S. maybe you will find archlinux wiki very handy (I do)03:54
kksafak_#outoftime_92 is archlinux helpful to me? i have xubuntu 1703:55
outoftime_92kksafak_: manual wifi setup is common for almost every distro03:55
kksafak_thank you very much... @outoftime_9203:55
outoftime_92kksafak_: in ubuntu you just have to turn off net service03:56
outoftime_92kksafak_: network-manager I suppose03:56
outoftime_92kksafak_: if nobody responds, than they are away and can't help you, you will help a lot with report on which step of manual wifi setup you have an eror. So you will ask more precise question.03:58
outoftime_92kksafak_: dont' forget to report and ask your question again one in a while03:59
kksafak_thank you, i understandü04:00
outoftime_92How to kill zombie processed under /sbin/upstart --user ?04:03
=== gms is now known as Guest34261
pengwensoutoftime_92: reboot04:15
Bashing-omoutoftime_92: See: http://askubuntu.com/questions/111422/how-to-find-zombie-process .04:17
outoftime_92pengwens: It is not an acceptable solution. I can not afford rebooting dev maching with few booted project every time firefox wants to f**k my brain04:17
outoftime_92Bashing-om: how should I do it if firefox didn't launch?04:17
Bashing-omoutoftime_92: Terminal will not care if the target is active .  ps aux | grep 'Z'  to find the zombies .04:25
outoftime_92Bashing-om: http://termbin.com/2j8c04:28
Bashing-omoutoftime_92: read the Askubuntu link .. ya want to work next with 'pstree' .04:30
outoftime_92Bashing-om: 'to kill zombie proc you need to kill it's parent' parent is "/sbin/upstart --user"04:33
outoftime_92Bashing-om: is it good idea to kill it?04:34
Bashing-omoutoftime_92: Depends on what pstree reports .04:36
iresfif  i use ipv6 but a website disable  it  then is it possible to access it  ?04:41
=== Guest61751 is now known as dongleiirc
outoftime_92Bashing-om: ptree shows same tree as ps auxf does?04:48
Bashing-omoutoftime_92: Do not know .04:50
outoftime_92Bashing-om: http://termbin.com/x9in do yo know what this dmesg means?04:53
Bashing-omoutoftime_92: look'n .04:56
=== alexander is now known as Guest46017
Bashing-omoutoftime_92: "general protection fault:" I'd be running a file system check . What is the file system ?04:58
outoftime_92Bashing-om: what?05:02
Bashing-omoutoftime_92: System says it needs help .05:04
conan_Hey guys, whoz in NYC and up for a strip club?05:24
conan_I invite05:24
lotuspsychjeconan_: only ubuntu support here05:24
outoftime_92lotuspsychje: only Ubuntu strip club?05:25
conan_do you have a good channel to advise?05:25
lotuspsychjeoutoftime_92: plz dont feed05:25
lotuspsychje!alis | conan_ find channels05:25
ubottuconan_ find channels: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"05:25
outoftime_92lotuspsychje: do not judge strict, I have really bad mood, need relax a bit..05:26
lotuspsychje!discuss | outoftime_92 i dont judge05:27
ubottuoutoftime_92 i dont judge: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!05:27
conan_Okay okay05:27
ConsoleFxI am having a very annoying issue with my wireless connectivity05:45
ConsoleFxAll of a sudden I am unable to connect through my USB wireless dongle05:45
ConsoleFxI am sure I didnt perform any stupid installation which would screw up my networks or wireless05:46
ConsoleFxall of a sudden it shows "Device not ready"05:46
rroethofjust installed few vps'es.. no networking..05:46
rroethofsomething with an idiot decided to go and do 'netplan'05:47
ConsoleFxI tried $sudo rflist unlock all, but still no luck. I verified the file networkmanager.state and all parameters are set to True only. Nothing is false.05:47
rroethofwhat fool decided to switch a perfectly working /etc/network/interfaces with that yaml crap netplan thing?05:47
ConsoleFxAny helps!05:47
MeaCulpaConsoleFx does it show in your file manager as mounted?05:49
ConsoleFxHey MeaCulpa05:49
ConsoleFxhello! :)05:49
MeaCulpahow you doing05:49
MeaCulpaI"m just having a stab in the dark05:50
ConsoleFxMeaCulpa, it feels like this ubuntu is not sparing me a day lol05:50
ConsoleFxall weird issues05:50
MeaCulpabut it's something to do huh05:50
ConsoleFxbtw i formatted it to 16.04 now05:50
ConsoleFxcouldnt handle 17.10 anymore05:50
MeaCulpagood plan, are you happier with it?05:50
ConsoleFxofcourse but this issue of wireless is driving me nuts05:51
ConsoleFxsince yesterday05:51
ConsoleFxthis never happened to before05:51
ConsoleFxto me before**05:51
MeaCulpaI tried installing kubuntu desktop today with no joy, I figure if somethings working leave it be hehe05:51
MeaCulpamust be a way around it05:51
MeaCulpacheck and see if it's mounted in your file manager05:52
ConsoleFxsomething is blocking the wireless driver I feel05:52
ConsoleFxmounted?? meaning05:52
ConsoleFxu mean the USB dongle as a USB drive?05:52
MeaCulpameaning it should appear under +other05:52
rroethofhmm feel like dropping Ubuntu altogether.. why the frack replace /etc/network/interfaces with crappy yaml bullshit05:52
MeaCulpayeah I think it should be mounted, like a disk05:53
ConsoleFxbasically it doesnt mount05:53
ConsoleFxhowever i could see in dmesg that its plugged-in05:53
MeaCulpawhat happens when you plug it in with system running?05:53
ConsoleFxbut it says "Link is not ready"05:54
MeaCulpaany notifications?05:54
MeaCulpalet me try plugging one into mine05:54
ConsoleFxOnly in the notification panel, it says Wi-Fi Networks<lf>device not ready05:54
MeaCulpahmm mine notifies that a network connection is established when plugged in05:57
MeaCulpamaybe an issue with the dongle05:57
MeaCulpacan you try it in something else05:57
ConsoleFxit works fine on my dual boot win7 though05:57
ConsoleFxin the same usb port05:57
MeaCulpamaybe take a look in network settings05:58
ConsoleFxnothing significant05:59
ConsoleFxall looks normal05:59
ConsoleFxi have no idea wtf happened :s05:59
ConsoleFxthis is indeed annoying05:59
MeaCulpaif you go into system setting then network it should come up under the wired tab where there is an on/off switch06:01
MeaCulpaopen your network setting and watch as you plug it in06:01
ConsoleFxlink detected: no06:01
MeaCulpahang on at tic consolefx06:02
MeaCulpaI turned mine off while I was messing with it now I cant get it back and I think there in lies the clue06:03
MeaCulpajust as well I never use it06:04
ConsoleFxso there is no way I can reset my complete wireless settings to defaults?06:06
ConsoleFxjust in-case06:06
MeaCulpawait up it took a few minutes now it's appeared06:07
MeaCulpamaybe give it some time to wake up06:07
MeaCulpado you have any other ports to try?06:07
MeaCulpawell it's all happening automagically for me06:07
MeaCulpatry banging it lol06:07
MeaCulpamaybe a reboot???06:07
MeaCulpaare you on that machine now?06:08
ConsoleFxnope.. i had a spare laptop06:08
ConsoleFxits on by my side though06:08
MeaCulpawell try rebooting then plug in again06:08
ConsoleFxthe dmesg shows link is not ready06:09
MeaCulpaor boot with it plugged in06:09
ConsoleFxtried many times :(06:09
ConsoleFxno luck buddy06:09
MeaCulpaI can imagine06:09
ConsoleFxit freaks me out when i think of reinstalling again06:09
MeaCulpano don't do that06:09
ConsoleFxi m sure there is a minor problem which is not showing any hints now06:10
ConsoleFxonce that small stuff is fixed, it should start working06:10
ConsoleFxbecause the same works fine with win7 flawless06:10
lotuspsychjeConsoleFx MeaCulpa easy on the enter button, try to focus on the actual issue?06:11
ConsoleFxlotuspsychje, okay :)06:14
lotuspsychjeConsoleFx: wifi chipset? driver loaded? kernel version?06:14
ConsoleFxlotuspsychje, yep.. the USB is recognizing06:15
ConsoleFxcan confirm through lsusb06:15
ConsoleFxlotuspsychje, all it says, device not ready in the top right corner notification panel06:16
MeaCulpaall I can find is to shutdown unplug all other network connections and try rebooting06:16
MeaCulpathere are a few articles about this sort of thing, I guess you read them?06:16
ConsoleFxMeaCulpa, I rebooted couple of times though inserting//plugging out the usb06:17
ConsoleFxno luck so far06:17
ConsoleFxwent through few articles though06:17
ConsoleFxsome says you need to modify NetworkManager.state file to true06:17
ConsoleFxverified my configs and all are set to true only06:17
MeaCulpaSorry I can't help and that /etc/default/tlp file doesn't exist on my machine06:17
MeaCulpadoes it exist on yours?06:18
MeaCulpayou're reading the same stuff then06:18
MeaCulpaso many things are tuned to work on doze and nothing else06:19
MeaCulpamay I ask what make dongle?06:19
MeaCulpamine is a huawei06:19
MeaCulpaI'll plug in and see if the file appears brb06:20
MeaCulpaare you here ConsoleFx06:29
MeaCulpatry installing network-manager06:30
MeaCulpaI see its name mentioned in my syslog when I plug and unplug my dongle06:30
MeaCulpasudo apt-get install network-manager06:31
MeaCulpasupposed to be for VPN06:31
ConsoleFxalredy installed06:31
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MeaCulpaI suspect the dongle, here try mine06:32
ConsoleFxi think "may be" the dongle firmware is screwed06:32
MeaCulpacould be a bill gates thing06:32
MeaCulpaI have to go sorry06:32
skishore86how to install intrusion detection software on Ubuntu 16.0406:50
skishore86help please06:51
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/06:52
skishore86ok thank you\06:52
MeaCulpaConsolefx are you here?06:53
guivercskishore86, the only such software I've installed is tripwire; but it was too long ago for me to be willing to advise.  as i recall it was only a `apt-get install` but setup required more.  have you looked for articles?06:53
guiverc(articles on your options - not just tripwire)06:54
skishore86@guiverc I have followed this link.. https://blog.rapid7.com/2017/01/11/how-to-install-snort-nids-on-ubuntu-linux/06:54
skishore86@guiverc but it is not working06:54
guiverc(just looked; tarball..)  - what issues/error did you have?06:56
skishore86guiverc, this link is not working wget https://www.snort.org/downloads/snort/snort-
skishore86guiverc, page not found!06:59
guivercyeah I just tried - 404 too, so I'll open in a browser & peek..06:59
skishore86guiverc, I have tried even in browser06:59
skishore86guiverc, same issue06:59
guiverc  try wget https://www.snort.org/downloads/snort/daq-2.0.6.tar.gz07:00
skishore86guiverc, thats different url..07:01
guivercor better wget https://www.snort.org/downloads/snort/snort-  (the version you wanted)07:01
guivercyeah - b/c of 404, I browsed up until I got no error then looked in browser07:01
skishore86guiverc, got it... will try it now..07:01
stoopkidhi so, on an ubuntu 14.04 machine i had a usb drive, /dev/sdc, and a hard-drive /dev/sdb, and i copied the ubuntu 16.04 iso from the usb to the hard-drive with `dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdb oflag=sync`, and an lsblk on /dev/sdb shows two partitions sdb1, 1.4G, and sdb2, 2.3M, but i'm seeing that /dev/sdb1 has no FSTYPE while /dev/sdc1 has iso966007:03
guivercstoopkid, yeah - what did you expect?  (you dd'd a iso07:04
guiverciso's are for writing to dvd, or usb for booting & installing.07:05
guivercsorry - hold on.  i think i err'd07:06
stoopkidso i can't dd the iso to the hard-drive and then boot into the install with that hard-drive?07:07
guivercsorry I had a look at a usb-install-media; two parts one 2.3Mb & other 1.5gb (ubuntu 16.04.3 I think)07:08
siva_machinaYou need to boot it from an external medium. Then use that to install to your Hard drive.07:08
stoopkidthat's what lsblk is showing, yea07:08
guivercnope - it's for booting, so you can TRY ubuntu and INSTALL to another usb/hdd/....07:08
guiverctechnically you may be able to boot & install from your hdd, but it'll be to another device (or partition with some work...)   I'd just re-write to a usb-thumb-drive07:10
stoopkidwell i've got it on the thumb-drive but this computer doesn't seem to support usb booting07:11
maryoI would like to customize live image of ubuntu by installing certain packages. What is the recommended way to do this?07:11
siva_machinastoopkid Do you have a blank dvd?07:12
guivercstoopkid, how old is it? (your machine)  you have to make changes to boot-order within bios first, though for most dell/hp/.. you can press <f9> (or another key) @ boot to pull up an option (though this can be disabled by bios)07:12
guivercthe <f9/f12/..> key is easily missed; modern hardware is pretty quick...07:12
stoopkidi open up bios, it lets me set boot priority, there's an hdd subgroup, that has it's own priority list, that shows the hard-drives and the usb, it says press + to move an option up, - to move it down, but, doesn't seem to change anything, and i can't find any options in the bios where changing this would've been disabled or something07:14
stoopkidi.e. when i press + or - the options don't move in the priority list, screen just flickers a bit and the priority stays the same07:15
guivercstoopkid, yeah changing bios can be a pain (we don't do it enough to remember anything), but you need usb to be higher. also note some machines can only boot USB device when there is only one usb installed  (esp. older hardware)07:16
guivercdid you see a 'secure boot' option?07:17
stoopkidso hrm, what if i remove /dev/sda physically, so that the usb is the only thing in the boot priority, and then put it back in after its already booted from usb?07:17
guivercnope - with the hdd removed; you'll likely be unable to install to hdd (unless your hardware supports hotswap)07:18
stoopkidi think secureboot is uefi right?07:18
siva_machinaYou eould most likely end up with ane07:19
siva_machinaan ecpebdivr door stop07:19
stoopkidi think this is bios07:19
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stoopkidno /sys/firmware/efi07:20
stoopkid(if that's a proper way to check for that?)07:20
guivercstoopkid, sorry my knowledge of uefi is limited.   i'd hope your fix is in bios. what age & make is the machine?07:23
stoopkid`lshw` shows hp pavilion 061, motherboard asustek nagami2 (version 2), firmware BIOS phoenix technologies version 3.07, date 04/13/200607:25
guivercstoopkid, i'm trying to get into bios in an inspiron (spel?) to see if i can find any clues on bios..07:29
stoopkidi can pull open the bios and take pics of each screen if that'll help, i really didn't see anything at all that looked like it had anything to do with it though, besides for that hdd group priority list07:31
guivercstoopkid, nope (its dell anyway), also looked at sony (more modern) and see reference to 'external' drives (enable/disable) but I'm not sure you'll see that in yours07:36
guivercstoopkid, thanks, i'll look online for now (i gotta go very soon anyway)07:38
ArronicusCouple quick questions if anyone has a moment;07:39
guivercstoopkid, this may help https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c00364979  (may not apply to yours though)07:39
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ArronicusI'm looking to install linux on my ARM processor chromebook, does anyone know of any lightweight linux distros right now that are compatible? Was wondering if lubuntu or xubuntu might work? Also, a lot of the guides say that you need a usb mouse. Is that a requirement, or will my touchpad work fine?07:40
guivercstoopkid, i'd suggest trying searching online for abit; i used `phoenix bios hp setting usb to boot` & got quite a few pages; hopefully one will look like yours.07:41
guiverc(ps: i don't use oogle - use whatever you feel is appropriate esp. search terms)07:41
stoopkidwhy don't you use google? just curious07:42
stoopkidi saw an F10 option to supposedly get into some system recovery menu, but i'm guessing this was a probably a best buy machine made to be packaged with windows and that was a windows system recovery; when i press F10 i just end up in ubuntu, which is kind of funny/ironic i'm right about the windows thing heh07:45
stoopkidif** i'm right07:45
guiverc((privacy; i do in one browser.. they see enough of me thru other services...))07:46
stoopkidyea i guess they are privy to quite a bit of metadata, asymmetrically07:47
guiverci suspect yep: f10 would boots a set partition (recovery does that on sony thing here) for recovery07:47
guivercstoopkid, i gotta go sorry (dinner elsewhere) - maybe others can help...07:48
stoopkidnp thanks for the help07:48
stoopkidwho knows i may still be here trying to figure it out when you return XD07:49
maryoJust looking for some guidance in customizing live image of ubuntu by installing certain packages which is needed for us. What is the recommended way to do this?07:56
stoopkidso, what's different between booting installation from a usb and booting installation from an iso dd'd onto a hard-drive, like, is there something equivalent you could put on a hard-drive?08:00
davidiskohi there. what the hell the predictable network interface names a bull<>it is? everytime i add/remove some pcie device it renames my ethernet interface and then my /etc/network/interfaces is useless and the machines boots with no internet connection. any ideas?08:08
bolvaryHello, I am using Ubuntu Windows dual, and after updating my Windows yesterday I can no longer login to Windows 10. In Ubuntu I have installed boot-repair and now it gives me the minimal bash-like line editing08:32
bolvaryPlease advise how to proceed.08:33
cfhowlettfirst fix windows with the windows fix tools.  then reinstall grub on the ubuntu side08:33
cfhowlett!grub | bolvary08:33
ubottubolvary: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:33
bolvaryI have already did update-grub, and since I cannot log into Windows I do not know how to use its fix tools.08:35
cfhowlettask ##windows for windows support08:35
bolvarythanks, i will08:35
cfhowlettand "update grub" is NOT reinstall gurb08:35
outoftime_92I have started memtest+ 5.01 and runned it 2 passes. I have 7 error about single Failing Address. Is there a way to block access to that memory?08:41
outoftime_92One more question is: how to determine which of 3 slots have an error by an address?08:42
bolvarycfhowlett thanks for the clarification08:54
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SegFault114.04 repository purged or what? 'apt update && apt upgrade' is throwing me a bunch of 404s.08:59
Vic2I am running Ubuntu 14.04.5 and had something wierd happen ... it appears that wine has disappeared from the PC.  So, I installed the wine 3.0 from the winehq web site.  It did not run my application so I uninstalled it and am now trying to reinstall Wine from the software center but encounter this error ...  unmet dependencies: wine1.6: Depends: wine1.6-amd64 (= 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4) but 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 is to be installed09:14
Vic2         Depends: wine1.6-i386 (= 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4) but it is a virtual package09:14
Vic2how do I need to proceed?09:14
outoftime_92Vic2: reask your questions once in a while09:35
outoftime_92Vic2: also try to join wine channel, maybe they will help you faster09:36
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Vic2outoftime ty, i resolved that issue on my own, but am going to the wine channel to help with another wine specific issue ... what is their channel?09:49
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:49
easyOnMehello everyone09:53
easyOnMeI need some help09:53
easyOnMeas I encounter some issues with my ubuntu when I opened my laptop just now09:53
easyOnMeI am no longer seeing the minimize, close and maximize buttons of the my nautilus09:53
easyOnMealso the desktop the bar above that shows the wifi icons and other stuff does not show up09:54
Vic2ty ubottu09:54
Vic2ubottu is a bot no?09:55
ubottuVic2: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:55
easyOnMehello everyone09:55
Vic2ok unintelligent one!09:55
easyOnMeI need some help09:55
easyOnMeas I encounter some issues with my ubuntu when I opened my laptop just now09:55
easyOnMeI am no longer seeing the minimize, close and maximize buttons of the my nautilus09:55
cfhowletteasyOnMe, logout.  login.  should fix it.  if not, reboot.09:56
easyOnMeI have been doing that but to no avail09:56
easyOnMeI even reinstalled the nautilus but nothing happens09:57
easyOnMealso my desktop bar that should appear on the left is no longer around09:57
cfhowlettcheck your display resolution settings.09:57
easyOnMeusually it shows whenever I completed my log in09:57
easyOnMewhat about the resolution settings09:58
easyOnMewhat should I do or adjust09:58
cfhowlettwrong settings = wrong display.09:59
easyOnMeaslo the windows I cannot do any movement using my mouse09:59
cfhowlettyou should be set at your screens native resoution, but experiment09:59
easyOnMebut usually the windows of the nautilus will show the close, maximize and minimize icons right10:00
TJ-easyOnMe: check the $HOME/.xsession-errors log file for clues10:00
easyOnMebut now each nautilus window I opened it does not show it10:00
easyOnMehow do I check the /.xsession-errors log file10:02
MonkeyDusteasyOnMe    less ~/.xsession-errors10:05
easyOnMeit did not show anything10:06
easyOnMealso the top most bars for each nautilus windows does not appear10:06
outoftime_92TJ-: Hello. Can you advice to read something about Ubuntu/Linux administration ?10:09
MonkeyDustoutoftime_92  https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/12/50-unix-linux-sysadmin-tutorials/10:11
TJ-outoftime_92: something like this? https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/10:12
TJ-outoftime_92: ha! just found your email :D10:12
easyOnMeguys any other advice about the problem I encounter10:12
easyOnMetried adjusting the appearance setting to no avail10:12
easyOnMeI just did not remember adjusting any display settings10:14
TJ-easyOnMe: it sounds like the desktop environment manager thing (I forget it's name!!) has crashed, but I can't remember the steps for trying to restart it10:14
easyOnMeI will be right back10:16
easyOnMeI found something and I am just going to try it by logging out and logging in10:16
easyOnMesee you later again guys10:16
outoftime_92MonkeyDust: thanks, I'll save it10:19
outoftime_92TJ-: check your mail time to time, it is your launchpad public mail. Maybe somebody will write you (:10:20
outoftime_92TJ-: I think your link is a good start for solving issues related to desktop version.10:21
TJ-outoftime_92: I do, but I have about 80 different mailing lists and each has it's own email folder, so I only check some once or twice a week10:21
ikoniaconego: please stop10:30
ikoniaconego: please stop10:30
hate-teenHello World !10:31
stoopkidso if i have the ubuntu installation iso stored on a drive, is there any way to run it to install ubuntu onto that drive without going through external media like flash drives or secondary hard-drives or cd/dvds etc?10:33
ikoniastoopkid: you can, but it's reasonably tricky to setup10:33
cfhowlettwhy not do a normal installation?10:34
ikoniayou'll find it a lot easier to just burn to DVD/USB10:34
gordonjcpUSB, at that10:34
gordonjcpdo you even get DVD drives now?10:34
stoopkidwell, i don't have any cd/dvd's and this particular machine won't usb boot10:34
ikoniaa quick click on amazon will remove that problem in less than 24 hours10:35
TJ-stoopkid: if the system has plenty of RAM it's possible to 'move' the ISO image into tmpfs so the media can be written to10:36
BluesKajHi folks11:09
brcijoin #javafx11:19
brcihow does this work11:19
denixx|h2Hi all!11:27
stoopkidTJ-: sorry got pulled away11:29
stoopkidwhat's plenty? i've got 2G11:29
TJ-stoopkid: 2G is not enough :)  ... there needs to be enough RAM to both run the installer OS as normal and use some as a RAM-disk which needs to be the size of the ISO file11:30
stoopkidhow much memory does the installer typically use? looks like booting directly into root shell with recovery mode takes ~106M leaving 1.8G free, i notice ubuntu iso is ~1.5G, i guess that would leave ~3G free in my probably naive theories?11:33
stoopkidsorry ~.3G11:33
stoopkiddo you have a link that explains how to do this tmpfs method? i'd be curious to see how it works even if i can't actually do it with this machine with the amount of RAM i've got in it11:39
TJ-stoopkid: I don't; It's a method I developed myself to find out if it was possible due to a few people asking the question11:43
stoopkidso would be what's called creating a 'ramdisk' for the iso? and then some how jumping into executing it?11:44
stoopkidso this would*11:44
Vic2Back again with my Wine issue ..... I am looking in the history of the software center more closely ... it appears that I did updates at 10:00 and then at 10:05 wine and ocl-icd-lobopencl1 were removed .... the ocl... was one of the things I had to reinstall to reinstall Wine 1.6. ... so maybe some other update was incompatible with Wine and that caused Wine to be removed?11:54
akai have a problem with audio drive for a asus eeepc 1005px. Is not working in Bodhi linux and i don-t know what to o anymore after i google it all over for help.11:57
akaDoes someone knows what to do? pleas help me!11:59
guivercBodhi is not Ubuntu, thus off-topic for this room. Audio works fine on my eeepc with lubuntu though12:01
guivercsorry aka i don't know what room is more appropriate for you.  if this were askubuntu i'd direct you to se's unix & linux q&a site.12:02
akai know that is based on ubuntu12:03
MonkeyDustaka  and ubuntu is based on debian12:03
Vic2aka - https://discordapp.com/invite/Qrn4rsP12:05
akavic2 - i am alone there12:05
Vic2Well it is very early on a Sunday morning in the US and EU ... so maybe wait a few hours?12:06
guivercwhile not a IRC site; if you're willing to use a question-answer site; maybe https://unix.stackexchange.com12:07
Vic2Which version of Wine is in the repository for 16.04?12:12
guivercVic2, 1.6.2 according to my reading of https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=wine12:14
Vic2ty, so same as in 14.04 .... which makes me wonder why I am having this problem and yet it seems to be limited in scope?12:15
ikonialimited in scope ?12:16
Vic2I have not seen others complain that wine is suddenly broken after updates 10 days ago ...12:17
ikoniain what way is wine broken, generally or for one application,12:17
Vic2I cannot say if generally or one app as I only run one app with wine.12:18
ikoniaso you understand that wine is not a "solution"12:18
ikoniain that it will work/break as application around it change, and as the applications it allows to work change12:18
ikoniaeg: wine could work fine for 10 years for one game, they change the protocol the game uses to talk to the game server, wine crashes12:19
ikonianothing to do with wine updates or anything like that,12:19
Vic2seemingly so but there have been no changes in the app in this time period.12:19
ikoniaso if you use wine to get you out of a problem, thats great, but if you depend on wine as solution, I personally think you'll be dissapointed12:19
ikoniaVic2: there may have been changes around it, ubuntu, wine, the app - 3 core things that can impact wine's ability to function12:20
ikoniaand it's 1 app, it maybe working fine for everyone else with other apps12:20
dchow do I uninstall software I install offline. I installed sublime using this link http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/getting_started/install.html. I would like to use ppa instead, how do I remove sublime?12:26
ikoniaundo what you did12:27
ikoniait's that simple if you have instructions that say "do this" work them backwards12:27
dcokay. so I need to delete sublime folder in /opt and sublime.desktop. How do I undo symbolic linking?12:28
dcI used this command earlier sudo ln -s /opt/Sublime\ Text\ 3/sublime_text /usr/bin/sublime12:29
ikoniajust remove the symbolic links12:29
ikoniathey are just files from your perspective12:29
Vic20009:err:wgl:init_opengl Failed to load libGL: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:32
Vic20009:err:wgl:init_opengl OpenGL support is disabled.12:32
Vic2wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0x55db83 (thread 0009), starting debugger...12:32
Vic2Is there anything useful in that? a dependency that perhaps someone notices that I am missing? anything?12:32
ikoniayou can see it failing to load the libgl library12:33
ikoniaso thats something I'd work on fixing12:33
Vic2ok, so what would the package be containing that library?  This is where I start to not have much of a clue.  I can certainly reinstall libraries, but do not know what to install to install them ....12:34
ikoniadepends on your video card setup,12:34
ikonialooks like it's in the mesa package12:35
ikoniaalso the nvidia package12:35
ikonia(if you're using nvidia)12:35
Vic2Intel Q45/43 ?12:36
multifractalIf I wanted to format my laptop with SSD drive prior to giving it to someone else, how can I semi-securely erase the data? Could I go to a live Ubuntu installer environment, and do something like `dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda`?12:36
Vic2That is what overview says concerning the graphics ... Intel Q45/4312:37
Kon-multifractal, just reformat all your partitions with a different filesystem from the one used12:38
Kon-You don't even really need to go that far, but you can if you're paranoid12:38
multifractalKon- interesting, wht's the rationale?12:38
Kon-Data can sometimes be recovered if the partition is wiped but nothing has written over it12:39
multifractalJust so that off-the-shelf recovery tools will struggle to recover the data. I'm not intending to hide my tracks from James Bond type attackers.12:40
frostschutzmultifractal, with SSD you can erase all data in an eyeblink using blkdiscard /dev/deleteme (full TRIM entire device)12:40
frostschutzmultifractal, still, overwriting with random data (shred -v -n 1) is the most lethal option, but it's a waste of write cycles if you're going to keep using that SSD anyhow12:42
VojeHello. Using a fully updated 17.10, i have for the last year had issues with avahi-daemon crashing on a regular basis. Most often on the eduroam web on my uni. Any tips?12:44
brainwashVoje: maybe just disabling it12:46
Vojebrainwash: So it's unnecessary? If not, why does Ubuntu include a component that regularly crashes? :S12:48
ikoniait doesn't crash on a regular basis for everyone12:48
ikoniathat's why12:48
Vojeikonia: Still. If it's not a necessary component, vanilla, lts ubuntu should not include a component with those issues. Google is full of it.12:49
ikoniait doesn't have issues12:50
ikoniait's not necessary - it's there to help, which it does for the majority12:50
VojeMy impression from google searches is not that my issues are isolated.12:50
ikoniayou can google any bit of software and you'll find people raising issues12:51
ikoniasome genuine, some user error,12:51
brainwashyou could read through bug reports like this one bug 163834512:51
ubottubug 1638345 in avahi (Ubuntu) "avahi-daemon crashes multiple times an hour" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163834512:51
ikoniano-one writes google posts saying "this is stable software" so of course a google search will pull up bug reports first12:51
VojeWhen the tip solution i get is that i should disable it, it does not seem like a core, stable component.12:52
VojeBut ok, I'm not trying to cause a ruckus :D12:52
VojeI'll just diasble it12:52
ikoniaone person saying "disable it if you don't need it" is does not make it a core stable component does it12:53
ikoniaif I say "install 2 versions of it" does that make it mega stable so you should install 2 copies, no it doesn't12:53
ikoniaone person making a quick suggestion does not make this unstable12:53
VojeDo you even understand core component?12:53
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VojeDo you have any better tips for me then?12:54
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VojeTo solve my issues with that core component?12:54
brainwashyou can help to debug the issue12:54
VojeI don't have the skills to do this on my own, but with guidence, yes12:55
ikoniaVoje: yes, I do12:55
ikoniaI understand core component12:55
Vojeikonia: I'm listening12:55
ikoniaclearly you're not12:55
ikoniaas you're just mouthing off about how unstable it is12:56
VojeCome on now, help me12:56
Vojeand not just slander12:56
ikoniaVoje: I think someone else should help you,12:56
ikoniano one is slandering you12:56
Noxturnix-PCwhat's the problem?12:56
VojeAvahi-daemon crashes on a regular basis, and I'm starting to get annoyed of it.12:57
VojeMost often it happens on the eduroam web on my uni, but now it started happening at home as well12:57
Vojethe best tip i've gotten is to disable it12:58
VojeAnd that seems like the best tip I'll get... Thanks brainwash!13:00
Sven_vBVoje, if you don't need avahi, it's probably a good idea to disable it.13:03
Sven_vBeduroam doesn't sound like a network where you'd usually announce service availability to other machines in the network,13:04
Sven_vBVoje, LTS should still include it because avahi can be very helpful in private networks, e.g. for automatically discovering available printers.13:05
Sven_vBVoje, for more detailed analysis, we'd need more info about the crashes, like error and log messages.13:06
VojeSven_vB: Good answers, ty.13:06
VojeSven_vB: I have an error open though13:07
VojeAlways send reports, and have dnone so for a year.13:07
Sven_vByeah I know, free spare time of qualified technicians is sparse.13:08
VojeI can understand that13:08
VojeSven_vB: Care to guide some, or should i just disable it and go on my way? :)13:08
Sven_vBVoje, I'll have a look at the error messages if you like.13:09
VojeSven_vB: How can i share it? I have the dialouge window up, but maybe it creates a log file as well?13:09
VojeSven_vB: Did some digging and found this repetition in syslog. Is this something? https://pastebin.com/8q7SsSQU13:14
TJ-Voje: ouch! "Out of memory, aborting ..."13:15
VojeI see that, but right after startup?13:15
TJ-Debian bug here https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=84192613:16
ubottuDebian bug 841926 in avahi-daemon "avahi-daemon crashes with "Out of memory, aborting ..."" [Normal,Fixed]13:16
VojeBut the error the dialogue window throws it that "Avahi-daemon crashed with SIGABRT in avahi_malloc()".13:17
riotzuhm.. i dont see the microcode updates on the applications window on 17.10 anymore13:17
VojeAnd that gave me different hits on google13:17
riotzhave they been removed?13:17
TJ-Voje: what does "apt list --installed avahi-daemon" report?13:19
coffeeguyhi is the upgrade from 16.04.3 to 16.04.4 automatic with software updater?13:19
VojeTJ-: 0.6.32. And i see on that bug report link says that it should be fixed in 0.7.13:20
TJ-coffeeguy: the point upgrades only really apply in 2 situations: what's in the ISO installer images, and which Hardware Enablement kernel/xorg packages are available13:20
VojeTJ-: So an upgrade is now next13:20
coffeeguythanks TJ13:21
TJ-coffeeguy: regular upgrades will bring in everything those have... you should see "cat /etc/issue" reporting the point release from those upgrades13:22
TJ-Voje: 18.04 has the latest release, but 17.10 and lower would require an SRU (Stable Release Upgrade) which generally doesn't allow wholesale version changes, only specific bug-fixing patches13:23
=== andre is now known as Guest85218
VojeTJ-: I'm starting to notice difficulties on how to do it, yes. SHould i upgrade to 18.04 beta?13:24
david_Hi everyone. Am I in the right chat line for linux mint 18 questions?13:25
TJ-Voje: no, but please report the bug for 17.10 in Launchpad then we can see about getting it fixe13:25
TJ-!mint " david_13:25
ubottuTJ-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:25
TJ-!mint | david_13:25
ubottudavid_: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)13:25
coffeeguy18.04 going to be a LTR?13:26
TJ-coffeeguy: LTS (Long Term Support) - yes13:26
coffeeguyyah ah ok ty13:26
VojeTJ-: Ok, for those answers I'll do as you ask :)13:27
TJ-Voje: I'm checking upstream now to see if we can easily backport the out-of-memory fix13:27
VojeTJ-: nice :)13:27
=== u0_a93 is now known as Noxturnix
VojeTJ-: WHat is the proper way to do this? I found this, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/+bug/1638345 and it seems like the same bug.13:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638345 in avahi (Ubuntu) "avahi-daemon crashes multiple times an hour" [High,Confirmed]13:33
TJ-Voje: good find! I didn't spot that one when searching for "out of memory"13:34
VojeTJ-: But it seems like no one has said that it happens on 17.1013:35
VojeTJ-: There's a workaround though13:35
=== lola is now known as Guest33976
TJ-Voje: did you follow through to the SRU bug #1661869 ... that talks about the issue being caused by privileged containers + host (all using the same host UID) causing the limits hit due to 1 avahi-daemon per container + host's13:39
ubottubug 1661869 in avahi (Ubuntu) "maas install fails inside of a 16.04 lxd container due to avahi problems" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166186913:39
VojeTJ-: What do you mean follow through? If that is how i found the bug on launchpad?13:40
TJ-Voje: the bug ^^^ I've just mentioned was mentioned/linked in the report you found as being the one to track the progress of the fixes, and in the bug I've linked there is a patch... but for some reason it hasn't followed through to being published13:41
VojeTJ-: Ahh, I see. No, I didn't catch that. I'm reading it now, but most is way above my level of competence.13:43
TJ-Voje: I've added a comment to prod the assigned developer (if they read their email!) to get the SRU moving13:43
TJ-Voje: you could build the patched version yourself quite easily13:44
VojeTJ-: :) Nice. I have now just commented out those [rlimits] sections in the avahi-daemon.13:44
VojeWhich seemed to be a workaround. I'll see if that helps tomorrow at uni :)13:44
VojeTJ-: But, should i do something at launchpad?13:45
VojeTJ-: Or is what you did enough?13:46
TJ-Voje: no, LP looks good, but I recommend you subscribe to the bug notification emails to keep informed13:50
VojeTJ-: Ait. Ty!13:52
TJ-Voje: I'm testing the fix build in a container; it's only about 10 commands, if you want to do it13:52
MrHallhello, i have high temperature with ubuntu, i try to reduce that go down cpu frecuency but doesnt work (now is over 60 C), someone know how can i fix this issue?13:53
MrHallWith windows temperature is beetwen 40-6013:53
MrHalli think its because ubuntu use unity, but i dont know13:54
VojeTJ-: My understanding is that there where two fixes. One was to disable the connection between MAAS(?) and avahi-daemon, and the other was to remove the rlimits in the avahi config. And that both where valid options?13:54
VojeI did the last one.13:54
MrHallVoje: im noob on linux, in my job im using mint13:55
MrHalland i was thinking install mint too13:55
VojeTJ-: Or do you recommend me doing the fix?13:55
MrHallim asking13:55
VojeMrHall: Sorry, the comment was not coined at you :S13:55
Litrying to install ubuntu from usb but i'm prompt to grub>13:56
Liwhat should I do to fix that and continue the boot up13:56
Lioh forgot it's sunday13:57
TJ-Voje: the MAAS fix doesn't apply to you, but this patch removes the internal rlimits for both memory and uids13:57
VojeTJ-: Ok, so it would be wise you say? Can you send me the commands?13:58
TJ-Voje: the build is running here in a container; if it is successful I'll pastebin the commands required to replicate it13:58
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
VojeTJ-: ty!13:58
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
kuri0How can I build Ubuntu from source so I can port it to a new Arch (ILP32)14:07
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MonkeyDustkuri0  better ask in #ubuntu-devel14:16
Hell-RazorSo who has pciepassthrough working on ubuntu?14:18
ikoniathats not an ubuntu-devel question14:18
DarkhunterHello, I have two same motherboards with I-219V network adapter. In first mobo everything works smooth and no issues. Second motherboard network works only for the first time then at next start it waits for Raise Network Adapters for like 5 minutes and then there is no connection from that adapter. Sometimes there is a chance that the adapter works but mostly it doesn't. Also there is something wrong with keyboard. It's running lik14:20
Darkhuntermes faster...But it changes every second. It presses keys many more times than I do...14:20
hfpHi, I can't understand why Ubuntu resets my network interfaces metrics constantly. It always makes WiFi higher priority than Ethernet when both are connected... Why would it do that? And how do I fix it?14:30
hfpYesterday, I had set once more Ethernet to have metric 100. Now it's back to 600 for WiFi and 20100 (!!!) for Ethernet.14:31
hfproute: http://termbin.com/algj14:32
shevchukanyone using smem? is there a way I can exclude smem process itself from output / total calculations? i.e. when I do `smem -t -P firefox` I get firefox processes and smem process as it has 'firefox' too in its command line14:33
shevchuknow using sudo smem + user filter, so smem gets run from root and thus gets filtered out, but this seems ugly )14:34
hfpand now it's back to ethernet 100 and wifi 600. what's going on?14:35
TJ-Voje: sorry I was so long! took me a while to make the instructions bullet-proof. Give them a read and then ask me any questions before you start. http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/build-avahi.1.log14:40
edomateNo puedo accesar a mi undidad cifrada con ubuntu mate, alguien puede ayudarme?14:47
ikonia!es | edomate14:48
ubottuedomate: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:48
mzazaWhen I try to call cerbot from a bash script I get an error cerbot: command not found, while I can call it from shell. Any ideas?14:51
TJ-mzaza: do you mean the certbot for Let's Encrypt?14:52
mzazaTJ-: yes14:53
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mzazaTJ-: I will just say I am sorry, and I will never ever say how I fixed it :D14:54
mzazaIt's working now.14:54
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=== Noxturnix is now known as IRCNewb
maryoJust looking for some guidance in customizing live image of ubuntu by installing certain packages which is needed for us. What is the recommended way to do this?15:04
VojeTJ-: Wow, that's a solid guide there! Ty! I'll see if I'll get to it later today.15:13
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Sven_vBhow can I force fooapp to use my custom foolib.so instead of the default one?15:29
ioriaexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH not working ?15:31
Sven_vBjust forgot that keyword, thanks.15:32
=== daynaskully is now known as dskull
TJ-I've got the grp:r_win:toggle set as the hotkey for keyboard layout switch; I've accidentally somehow triggered it so it's changed layouts but I cannot seem to get it to change back, is there some trick to the way a 'toggle' is done, or is it simply supposed to be press-and-release to change?16:04
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
hfpHow do I force Ubuntu to sync time from the ntp server? It's out of sync according to timedatectl16:07
ioriaTJ-, you need to change the layout ?16:10
TJ-ioria: I've got 2 layouts set; was randomly hitting keys bottom-right of the keyboard and accidentally switched the layout, now I can't on-purpose trigger it to switch again16:11
ioriaTJ-, are you on gui or text mode ?16:12
TJ-ioria: GUI16:13
Mom17fflazer beams16:13
ioriaTJ-,  you can restore default with   setxkbmap us16:13
Mom17ff.....i have to goe...16:14
ioriaTJ-,  when you set hotkeys they are tied to the layout, i guess16:15
DarkhunterHello, my network stops working after installing nvidia drivers...It sometimes works but it doesn't persist after reboot...16:20
DarkhunterI don't know what to do...Network adapter is intel 219-v, can somebody help?16:20
TJ-ioria: fails: "setxkbmap gb mac" => 'Error loading new keyboard description" and I see in /var/log/Xorg.0.log "(EE) Error loading keymap /var/lib/xkb/server-0.xkm" and /that/ is because a different naming seems to be used in that directory! "ls /var/lib/xkb/" => server-2B4266AA55228AE7D9557A18F1965DBA19850816.xkm16:21
ioriaTJ-,  i see ...    us works ?16:23
TJ-ioria: no idea, I don't use US16:23
ioriaTJ-,  yep, it's a try ...16:23
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TJ-ioria: ahhh, it's a bug... I've managed to get it back but still not sure which command did it !16:28
ioriaTJ-,  good .... history :þ16:29
ioriaTJ-,  a malformed  /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/gb   ?16:29
rommelis it possible to install a variant of ubuntu to another hard drive from within an ubuntu install using chroot16:30
TJ-ioria: not sure right now, I can't find any errors reported. Both layouts work, but the primary that I accidentially switched away from wasn't returned to whenI pressed the hotkey, and setxkbmap was reporting an error when I passed it the variant16:32
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ioriaTJ-,  glad you solved, btw16:34
TJ-ioria: weird, still reports an error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6yrcmWVZ7S/16:35
TJ-ioria: which seems to be (from Xorg.0.log) (EE) Error loading keymap /var/lib/xkb/server-0.xkm16:36
ioriaTJ-,  cat /etc/default/keyboard   looks ok ?16:37
TJ-ioria: ha, it creates then /deletes/ it! https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JvNfdBVGsP/16:38
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TJ-ioria: time for strace i think16:40
ioriaTJ-,  you think that file is the problem ?16:40
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
Borw3Hello, I think Ubuntu servers are down again, I can't sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.... Keep getting connection Error16:44
Borw3Here is error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RthkRM7pD5/16:45
dchi, anyone aware of pdf viewer that support tabs, pdf, and djvu ?16:46
TJ-ioria: from the strace it seems setxkbmap writes the map over a the socket (/tmp/.X11-unix/X0) to the X server which must be creating the file, and deleting it. Then setxkbmap tries to open the expected file and it's not there16:46
ioriaTJ-,  you have also  the hard way : sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration16:48
Borw3Please somebody help16:48
Borw3TJ-: Ubuntu proxy server is down again, here is prove, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RthkRM7pD5/16:48
Borw3TJ-: Please do what you did last time16:49
ioriaTJ-,  but i bet on a config file misconfiguration (=error)16:50
TJ-Borw3: are you at home trying to access it ?16:50
TJ-ioria: I'm trying to find a way to further debug it, but now it's over the socket it's much more difficult16:50
Borw3TJ-: Yes, it was working for everything I tried to dist-upgrade but the 4.13.x kernel part.16:51
TJ-Borw3: I've just tested that IP address and it's up and working16:52
Borw3TJ-: Last time it was up and working too on your side, remember last time it was a firefox problem, now its kernel :(16:52
TJ-Borw3: no, last time the IP address you used failed to respond to my tests but was OK again 10 minutes later16:55
nagyghi all16:56
stillunt1tledhi all16:57
stillunt1tlednagyg: hi16:58
nagygI have an old Ubuntu install on a server which has /boot full now and it needs to be cleaned and then the system needs to be upgraded to a more current one. uname -r shows: 3.13.0-74-generic is used. I removed all linux headers and images older than that (except one). Question is that /boot is still full with linux images _newer_ than 3.13.0-74. Can I remove those as well?16:58
nagygthe reason I am doing this is because apt-get upgrade shows this: The following packages have unmet dependencies. linux-image-generic-lts-trusty : Depends: linux-image-3.13.0-95-generic but it is not installable16:59
nagyghi stillunt1tled17:00
Borw3I can dist-upgrade anything except that from IP:, and I can ping it :(17:00
Borw3Prove of Ping: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SwXBRKqjnb/17:01
TJ-Borw3: the Bad Gateway could be sent by a proxy server between you and the Ubuntu server17:06
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TJ-Borw3: I see you're getting it for both the security.ubuntu.com and ppa.launchpad.net connections17:08
ioriaTJ-, if you run  setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout gb       same error ?17:13
TJ-ioria: ahhh, it needs the model to accept the variant - thanks! This works "sudo setxkbmap -v 10 -model appleali_iso gb mac" ... but inotifywait still shows the generate file being deleted :D So that must be a red herring17:18
ioriaTJ-,  yup17:18
TJ-ioria: now to get back to the original issue - the hotkey not seeming to work when I want it to :D17:18
TJ-Oh this makes no sense; right 'Win' key press-release isn't causing a layout change17:20
ioriaTJ-,  Super + space ? (default on unity)17:21
TJ-anyhow, can't be bothering with this now, I'm back to the required layout so I can carry on without generating the wrong symbols in code!17:21
TJ-ioria: not even sure which key 'super' maps to on this keyboard - left Apple/Command key maybe?17:22
Borw3TJ-: How comes I can download the deb file directly from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-hwe/linux-image-4.13.0-36-generic_4.13.0-36.40~16.04.1_amd64.deb.......17:23
Borw3..............but in apt-get dist-upgrade it fails17:24
TJ-Borw3: I told you, you've got a HTTP proxy in between, is it configured in apt's config or could it be a transparent proxy?17:24
TJ-Borw3: try searching the apt settings, "grep -rn Proxy /etc/apt/"17:25
Borw3TJ-: Nothing is configured, its the same way it was since install, no proxy anywhere, I can download the deb file from firefox directly but can't with apt-get dist-upgrade :(17:25
qswzIs there a way to make "tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness <<< 30" executable without sudo permissions? I'd like to run it from crontab17:26
ioriaTJ-,  Super it's the Win key17:26
TJ-Borw3: try also "env | grep -i proxy"17:26
qswzif I put it in sudo crontab -e, it's not working17:26
TJ-ioria: right, so on the Apple keyboard it'd be the left 'Apple' key17:26
Borw3TJ-: env | grep -i proxy returns nothing :(17:27
qswzI'd like the same level of permissions thna xbacklight17:27
qswzwhich is non-root17:27
ioriaTJ-,  probably ....17:27
TJ-Borw3: pastebin the headers the server returns with "wget -S -O /dev/null http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-4.13.0-36-generic_4.13.0-36.40_amd64.deb"17:27
qswzwould it work by putting a script in /usr/bin ?17:28
Borw3TJ-: Here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/V3vmGJqDgP/17:28
=== Thargoid is now known as stwalkerster
TJ-Borw3: there you go, you are hitting an Akami cache server:  X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from akam-cache-box:80017:30
Borw3TJ-: But its downloading even with wget.... I don't understand :(17:31
TJ-Borw3: hmmm, on reearching it, I'm not sure it is an Akami server... the name confuses. I /think/ it's a caching appliance called a cache-box installed, likely by your ISP or one of it's providers17:35
Borw3TJ-: LOL, but why is wget going ahead with the download and apt-get dist-upgrade keeps missing that package :(17:37
TJ-Borw3: apt is being told it's a bad gateway, wget isn't17:37
Borw3TJ-: There is no way of making apt ignore that warning and keep downloading?17:38
TJ-Borw3: No - the cache-box device is refusing to pass on the request. We can get to see the HTTP headers with apt too, use "sudo apt -o Debug::Acquire::http=true ... rest of the command"17:42
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TJ-Borw3: whoever your ISP is in Kenya is operating that cache-box; either your ISP or their upstream provider Seacom17:45
TJ-Borw3: I suspect 'akam-cache-box' is something to do with AKAM (Aga Khan Academy) in Mombasa17:47
tomreynso not akamai, where the nasdaq abbreviation is AKAM17:49
tomreynbut i guess akamai would not expose they're using squid proxy cache if ti was them.17:49
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
nagyghi, I have a dependency problem on an old Ubuntu server: The following packages have unmet dependencies. linux-image-generic-lts-trusty : Depends: linux-image-3.13.0-95-generic but it is not installable17:59
nagygapt-cache depends linux-image-generic-lts-trusty says: Depends: linux-image-3.13.0-117-generic17:59
nagygand linux-image-3.13.0-95-generic is not listed as available package18:00
=== ScrubaDub is now known as Hell-Razor
nagygwhat can be done in this scenario?18:00
iorianagyg, i think you're still on 12.04 precise18:01
nagygioria, yes, exactly18:01
nagygthis is an old Ubuntu server18:01
nagygit was installed like 4 years ago18:01
iorianagyg, 12.04 it's no more supported .maybe do-release-upgrade to get 14.04  or fresh install of xenial18:02
nagygioria, yes I'd like to the an upgrade but I don't know if I can do it in this state18:03
nagygdo you think it worth a shot?18:03
ioria!info linux-image-3.13.0-95-generic trusty18:03
ubottulinux-image-3.13.0-95-generic (source: linux): Linux kernel image for version 3.13.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP. In component main, is optional. Version 3.13.0-95.142 (trusty), package size 14434 kB, installed size 32431 kB18:03
mdemoanybody know if ubuntu has had a discussion like the "What can Debian do to provide complex applications to its users?" thread?18:04
iorianagyg, you have no choice , i'am afraid18:05
nagygioria, yep ... thanks anyway18:05
iorianagyg, ok18:06
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
qswzhow does sudo knows what is ~? like sudo ls ~, since sudo is not my user18:22
pcarlinoi've to make a db backup in a command line somebody knows the komand?18:22
ioc_qswz, sudo echo ls ~      ~ is expanded by bash and sudo does not see it, as happens e.g. with * and ?18:25
qswzwell, it seems to work18:26
qswzthat's why I was surprised718:26
qswzmaybe because it's in my session18:26
tomreynpcarlino: which database server?18:29
lesshasteI would like to play a video at x16 speed.. is there a simple way to do that?18:31
pcarlinotomreyn mysql18:34
qswzwoa.. finally got sudoers thing work18:34
tomreynpcarlino: mysqldump then18:34
TheWildhttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2379358 <- this, exactly18:36
TheWildwhich package contains h264dec.h?18:36
qswzlooks like video decoding18:39
qswztry ffmpeg18:39
OerHeks!find  h264dec.h18:40
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 272 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=h264dec.h&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all18:40
TheWildffmpeg is already installed18:40
tomreynh264dec.h is a header file, you'd need to have the development / source package installed which provides it18:41
OerHeksyour url shows a libav error18:41
tomreynbut there doesn't seem to be any package which contains this file in either artful (17.10) or xenial (16.04)18:41
=== bobo__ is now known as stinker
TheWildyeah, I don't know which package I should install.18:42
TheWildI need untrunc and I did everything exactly what was in instructions18:43
TheWildg++ can't compile it because of missing h264dec.h18:43
tomreynmaybe the instructions were not written for your ubuntu release, or are just wrong, we cannot know.18:44
TheWild:( :( :( :(18:44
tomreynyou can always ask the developers of "untrunc" or open a bug report explaining how you followed their instructions and how you could not build the software.18:45
tomreynmaybe there's also a PPA you could use18:46
lubuntu__join #lubuntu18:48
lubuntu__lol. sorry. Is there  a help channel for lubuntu ?18:48
compdocjoin /#lubuntu18:51
tomreynTheWild: https://github.com/ponchio/untrunc/issues/87#issuecomment-36904853018:51
compdocwould be /join #lubuntu18:51
TheWildyeah, I will try compiling libavcodec on my own18:52
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=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
TJ-TheWild: h264dec.h is in libavcodec/  - it's a private header, not a part of any public -dev  headers18:55
TheWildhmm... maybe no need to recompile, just let the g++ know where to search for headers18:56
aroonihow do i go from moving to a nightly release i.e. https://launchpad.net/~fish-shell/+archive/ubuntu/nightly-master ;; back to regular release?  just delete the ppa?  or some other steps?19:00
mini_borcan somebody explain why, in the following example, all other users would be deleted when writing a username with space in front of it? https://pastebin.com/Rqb3R2dD19:02
lubuntu__join /#lubuntu19:10
qswzit's fun that visudo doesn't use vi19:21
qswzgosh nano is a pita19:21
osseqswz: might want to export EDITOR=vim19:30
osseoops never mind19:30
ossecheck what /usr/bin/editor points to19:31
qswzah thx19:33
qswzI've been trying select-editor, but didn't persist19:33
qswzlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 févr. 15 13:01 /usr/bin/editor -> /etc/alternatives/editor*19:34
qswzlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 févr. 15 13:01 /etc/alternatives/editor -> /bin/nano*19:34
qswzI do sudo ln -s that to change?19:35
osseyou're supposed to use update-alternatives19:35
ossebut I don't know how to use it :P On my system /etc/alternatives/editor points to a vim. I suppose installing the gvim package did that for me19:36
qswzI thought sudo select-editor was the wy to go19:37
ossecould be, but /usr/bin/editor is under the control of the alternatives system at least19:37
osseqswz: try sudo update-alternatives --config editor19:38
qswzthx, perfect19:40
TheNumbHi #19:55
TheNumbDoes the kernel team hang out on irc?19:56
hfpHow can I see what events are triggered when my Thinkpad is docked and undocked? I want to run a script when these events happen. Using 17.1019:56
ioriahfp, for reference : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaptopLidAndDockScripts19:58
hfpioria: thanks, I was looking on the thinkpad wiki instead :D20:00
hfpioria: Hmmm my thinkpad is docked at the moment, and I don't have the /sys/devices/platform/dock.0/docked file that the example script is referring to20:05
hfpwait nvm, I have to create it it seems20:05
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YADW1Hello! It's been a couple of days, when I boot the computer the GRUB screen is covered in black dots (just like in this picture https://ubuntu-mate.community/uploads/default/optimized/2X/0/0b2fcf9492492dc699f2823aea2db2473129bd7b_1_690x195.jpg). I'm on Ubuntu 17.10, any ideas for a fix?20:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752716 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Weird ascii characters lines all over grub menu" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:12
ioriaYADW1, caused by the last grub update , i guess20:12
YADW1Um. Interesting, so it's not because of something I did.20:12
YADW1Thank you, I suppose I'll just have to wait for the next update then.20:13
devarshiafter removal of anaconda when i try to access $python it throws me this "bash: /home/devarshi/anaconda2/bin/python: No such file or directory"20:30
devarshican anyone tell me how to set environment path for this ???20:31
devarshiok solved20:33
Scoop7Hello how can I verify that my swap file is really working ?20:37
aroraHey, by mistakenly, I had changed gnome terminal preferences and now it wouldn't open, any idea how to reset it?20:39
OerHeksswapon -s20:40
OerHeksarora, check out the ~/.config/ folder for gnome-terminal20:41
OerHeksremove that folder and restart terminal20:41
aroraOerHeks: There's no gnome-terminal folder20:42
Scoop7OerHeks https://imgur.com/a/zjXIu20:42
Whiskeyps aux | awk '{print $6/1024 " MB\t\t" $11}' | grep "./symlinks/MyApp-New$" | sort -n20:43
Whiskey80.2656 MB ./symlinks/MyApp-New20:43
WhiskeyHow can i only get the numbers before MB ?20:43
Insanity1arora, you could check if you have a folder .gconf20:43
hfpAny idea what is the modern equivalent command for "sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart" on 17.10?20:44
aroraInsanity1: No it's not there either20:44
Scoop7OerHeks have any ideas ?20:45
Insanity1That's rather odd20:45
Insanity1Keep in mind this is a hidden folder20:45
OerHeksarora, oh right, maybe this page is a help, https://askubuntu.com/questions/852969/how-to-remove-gnome-terminal-profiles-in-16-04-lts20:45
kkremitzkihfp: sudo systemctl restart hal20:45
OerHeksjust remove the current profile and get the default back20:45
Insanity1arora, you can also take a look here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/14487/how-to-reset-the-terminal-properties-and-preferences20:45
hfpkkremitzki: I mean the hal service doesn't exist anymore20:46
OerHeksScoop7, stop putting such few lines on imgur.. it looks like swap is working, no?20:46
Scoop7OerHeks I don't know, may need to force rise the ram usage to test it, but it's a prod server so not sure :/  Also, it's a imgur issue not the users :/20:48
Scoop7also shouldn't it say type: partition instead of type: file ?20:48
mate-userhi :)20:49
cautioni have no idea what's taking up 99% of my disc storage on my digital ocean 30 gig droplet20:49
mate-uservote for your distro here https://strawpoll.com/sheypwzd :)20:49
OerHeksas of 17.04 ubuntu comes with a swapfile, so i guess it is ok20:49
cautioncan somebody help me find out?20:50
Scoop7OerHeks it's a 16.04 LTS ubuntu that I've set up on AWS EC2 instance, I've manually set up the swapfile as well20:50
OerHekscaution, we cannot, but you can check the admin login20:50
brainwashhfp: then why do you have to restart it?20:51
aroraThanks OerHeks Insanity1 fixed it with $gnome-terminal -- /bin/sleep 1000, then reverted broken preferences20:51
cautionadmin login?20:51
OerHeksScoop7, you you ask me why it is swapfile, as you set that yourself20:51
aroraThanks OerHeks Insanity1 fixed it with $gnome-terminal -- /bin/sleep 1000, then reverted broken preferences20:51
aroraThanks OerHeks Insanity1 fixed it with $gnome-terminal -- /bin/sleep 1000, then reverted broken preferences20:51
ioriait's a bot20:51
aroraOops, sorry for that20:51
OerHeksarora, have fun :-)20:51
aroraioria: xD20:52
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Insanity1Glad that it's fixed20:53
Scoop7OerHeks can't you just whip up some magical command which would check if it's working and directly answer it and if not - it would fix it and inform it ?20:54
cautionhow do i remove unused packages?20:54
Bashing-omcaution: See whewre the disk space is consumed; pastebin ' df -h ; df -i ' .20:55
MeaCulpacaution sudo apt purge 'package' and sudo apt remove 'package without quotes20:55
cautioni did 'sudo apt-get autoremove' which seems to have recoverd 500mb20:56
cautionchicken feed :(20:56
MeaCulpahave you ever seen 550 M of wheat grains :)20:57
MeaCulpaquite a big chicken20:57
caution'/dev/vda1        30G   27G  2.3G  93% /'20:58
Scoop7caution what are you running there?20:58
cautionno way to find out which directoris are taking up most space?20:58
TJ-caution: "sudo du -h -d 2 / "20:59
MeaCulpado ll /20:59
cautionScoop7: what was suggested above: 'df -h ; df -i'20:59
cautionthat was just a line from teh actual output21:00
Scoop7my wild guess would be - log files or releases pi21:00
Scoop7pilling up21:00
cautioncan just do 'rm /var/log/*' on this sucker?21:02
TJ-caution: No! you'll upset things21:02
cautionwhats the safest way?21:02
TJ-caution: you can remove the archived/compressed log files though the xxxxx.Y.gz files21:02
cautioncommand for that is?21:03
TJ-caution: well first check which files you want to remove (by size I guess): : "ls -laSr /var/log/"21:03
cautionwhat do you mean check? are they any critical system files in that dir i should be aware of when deleting?21:04
TJ-caution: then you can do "sudo rm /var/log/<filename>" to remove21:04
TJ-caution: the xxxxx.Y.gz files have been archived and are no longer in-use, only the files ending ".log" are in-use (and 'syslog', wtmp, lastlog, and a few othes with no .extension)21:05
cautionhere is the output https://pastebin.com/miNGxCgF21:06
cautionTj: do you have the command to remove these so called 'xxxxx.Y.gz' files?21:07
TJ-caution: ahhhh! it's the /active/ logs using the space and I can tell why; you've got UFW (firewall) logging and it's messages also get written to syslog and kern.log --- try reducing the amount of logging UFW is doing21:08
TJ-caution: you don't have any archived logs, your problem is that UFW is writing megabytes of log entries into the active files21:08
cautionTJ: ok, help me fix this (if there is one)21:09
TJ-caution: see "man ufw" and the 'logging' command21:09
* certifie is listening to - Kryptic Void_spectrolite.mp321:10
ikoniacertifie: please disable that21:10
random-6881Hi, please I want to ask about how I can export environment variables from a bash script ?21:11
ikoniaexport VARIABLE=$something21:11
ikoniaalso the #bash channel21:11
cautionTJ: what can I do about it?21:12
cautionwhat options do i have?21:12
random-6881I know about the export command but a bash script is executed in it's own environment so all the changes doesn't apply in the terminal, but that's what I want21:13
certifiewhats does GA stands for in GA kernel?21:13
TJ-caution: you need to reduce or disable the logging; it depends on why you have so much logging. You should be reading the log files to see what is being logged and react accordingly21:13
TJ-certifie: General Availability21:13
ikoniarandom-6881: I'm not sure what you are asking, if you set something in the running shell, it will be in that shell unti it exits, if you want help with bash scripting try the #bash channel21:14
TJ-random-6881: not possible; the child shell executing the script cannot affect it's parent's environment21:14
certifielike whats that supposed to mean?21:14
cautionTJ: according to this output, it seems to be "low" https://pastebin.com/03WL0Lai21:14
JonelethIrenicuswhen did ubuntu drop unity 7?21:15
JonelethIrenicuswas it 17.10?21:15
TJ-caution: that's good in one way, but worrying if UFW is the cause of syslog getting so big. Check what's in syslog. "tail -f /var/log/syslog" to see ongoing messages as they arrive21:15
compdocthe next release for sure21:15
hfpAnybody managed to get the docking/undocking script method to work at all on 17.10? I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaptopLidAndDockScripts but it doesn't do anything at all21:16
TJ-caution: "less /var/log/syslog" to read the file without it growing - press G to goto end of file, g to goto start of file21:16
caution3.2G /var/log/syslog21:17
random-6881Ok I'll try the bash channel thanks !21:17
certifieorange is the new black21:20
cautionTJ: https://pastebin.com/kMivQQLY21:20
cautionany suggestions?21:24
certifiecaution: why arent you on ipv6?21:25
cautionthats not important right now21:26
cautionbut noted21:26
rkantos_Anyone got a tip on how to locate which program has prompted in Ubuntu Mate? The Window doesn't have info that would lead to the correct program...21:26
certifieipv6 is sooo much more secure21:26
cautionwell, at present there isn't much to secure :)21:27
caution'/var/log/syslog' seems to be growing exponentially21:28
ioc_rkantos_, you have a window by an unknown program? xprop (then select the window) or: xlsclients21:28
cautionits size currently is 3.2G21:28
rkantos_ioc_: exactly! thanks!21:29
cautionculprit seems to be ufw_block21:29
certifiesend it to /dev/null21:30
ioc_caution, the nuber in brackets is the timestamp (seconds since the system was booted) and SYN means connection attempt21:31
cautioni need a solution not an explanation of the output21:31
certifiedont you find strange that you got miliseconds?21:31
certifiebut dont have milli minuts21:32
certifiehow many seconds do you have on a milihour?21:33
cautionis this normal behaviour for ufw?21:34
certifiei gont all my log files redireted to googledrive21:35
TJ-caution: yes, as I said you need to either reduce or disable UFW logging. I don't use it so not sure if you can stop it logging SYN attempts but log other more important things21:35
certifiecreate a simlink21:35
certifieyou could use log rotate21:36
certifiehave fun21:36
certifieand RTFM21:37
cautionTJ: done, now how do i safely reduce the size of the syslog?21:37
cautionits almost 4gig21:37
certifierm -f21:38
cautionis that safe?21:38
certifieyes if you use caution21:39
TJ-caution: try forcing rotation: "sudo /usr/sbin/logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.conf"21:39
cautionwhat do that command do?21:39
TJ-certifie: then check /var/log/ see if the current syslog is now syslog.1  (you can tell by file size)21:40
TJ-caution: then check /var/log/ see if the current syslog is now syslog.1  (you can tell by file size)21:40
cautionwhat i'm i doin with that command?21:40
TJ-caution: I said above ^^ forcing rotation of the logs21:40
cautionnot familar with the terminology21:41
certifieits self explanatory21:41
gelswipif you're not sure what a command does you can run 'man <command>'. for logrotate: https://linux.die.net/man/8/logrotate21:41
ioc_(another reason is space is freed when all processes close the file, so the daemon needs to close it somehow after rm)21:41
gelswipoh he already linked the manpage21:42
TJ-caution: log files get 'rotated' out from the in-use file to archived copies either when they get to a certain size or after a certain time, first the file is renamed to XXXX.1 then next time it gets named XXXX.2 and compressed so it becomes XXXX.2.gz21:42
certifiesorry i dont have such cool domain name has yours21:42
cautionTJ: https://pastebin.com/jg4XysP121:45
TJ-caution: hmm, looks like you found a bug in the mysql package!21:46
* certifie hnads caution a cookie21:47
TJ-caution: that appears to be a common error, and could be caused if the system has mariadb installed instead of the real mysqldb - but there are other reasons too21:49
cautioni don't recall install any packages of that. I do have mysql installed21:50
cautionthat name*21:50
MeaCulpacertifie you get 60^3 seconds in a millihour21:50
MeaCulpathat ought to simplify things for you21:51
certifievery much21:51
MeaCulpathinking seriously of getting certified myself, can't give up playing mines21:52
certifiecertified nuts21:52
MeaCulpait's taught me the error of my ways playing lotto21:53
TJ-caution: can't reproduce it here with mysql-server. Which Ubuntu release is it "cat /etc/issue"  ?21:54
cautionTJ Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS \n \l21:54
certifieim glad all cars are going to be selfdriven that way everyone will just take the already availble autodriven bus21:55
MeaCulpahope they don't use linux to control them21:56
MeaCulpamight apt update a day too late21:56
certifieno they use windows xp21:56
TJ-caution: same here, which mysql do you have? " dpkg -l 'mysql*' | grep ^ii "21:56
MeaCulpaI wish someone would rewrite hexchat so you could cut and paste from the window21:57
cautionTJ https://pastebin.com/G1KdGmtE21:57
MeaCulpasays a lot for irssi I guess21:57
TJ-caution: this is what I see http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cGzT3HvZTR/21:58
TJ-caution: so there must be something different in your configuration of mysqlserver causing that; I believe it's related to the password for accessing mysql, did you set/change one when installing it, or afterwards?21:59
cautioni did modify the setting so i will not have to enter password to connect21:59
cautionin my local machine22:00
guivercMeaCulpa, use ctrl+ins to 'copy from window' (hexchat)22:00
certifiei always ssh to my local machine22:01
certifiecause its more fun that way22:01
TJ-caution: if you changed it on the server then from what I read you'd need to update the config file with the password, or something like that.22:01
MeaCulpaquiverc: thanks very much22:01
cautionwhat if i temporarily disable mysql?22:01
cautionwill it work?22:01
TJ-caution: anyhow, besides that issue, did you check if the logrotate moved that very large /var/log/syslog to be /var/log/syslog.1 ?22:01
cautionTJ: it appears so22:02
guntbert!ot > certifie22:02
ubottucertifie, please see my private message22:02
cautioni see 'syslog.1'22:02
cautionTJ: is it safe to remove syslog.1?22:03
cautionsyslog is 022:03
cautionsyslog.1 is 3.2 gig22:03
certifiecant join  #ubuntu-offtopic :)22:04
TJ-caution: Yes :) now you can safely "sudo rm /var/log/syslog.1"22:04
guntbertcertifie: you need to be registered there22:04
TJ-caution: and make a note to investigate the mysql logrotate issue22:04
certifieyou dont say22:05
cautionok, its gone down to 82% over disk space22:05
cautionoverall disk space*22:05
TJ-caution: you might want to re-chec the 'du' list to hunt for anything else taking up too much space: "sudo du -d 2 / | sort -n" will generate a sorted list with biggest last22:05
codebamhey could someone help me with these apt dependency errors? https://ptpb.pw/rekI/text22:07
codebamI tried apt -f install already22:07
certifielogrotate -f -s /dev/null22:07
codebamcertifie: this just showed usage of the command logrotate22:08
certifiehow big did you make your vm?22:09
TJ-codebam: have you done "sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade" to ensure libssl1.0.0is up to date ?22:09
codebamTJ-: about 20 mins ago, but I can try again22:09
certifiesorry im running windows 1022:09
cautionah '14G/opt/tomcat'22:09
cautionfound some even big22:09
codebamyeah no updates TJ-22:09
TJ-caution: those loook like good figure... but /opt/tomcat is large, what've you got in there!?22:09
cautionTJ: right22:09
cautionTJ: give me some commands to find out :)22:10
MeaCulpadoes anyone know of a program that lets you enter text in pdf forms?22:11
TJ-caution: hey! you installed it, you should know what you're doing :P22:11
MeaCulpameaning fill them out22:11
cautionmaybe its the logs22:11
TJ-caution: presumably you installed some Java web-apps for tomcat? maybe you left it open to the world and someone has found a way to upload files to it?22:11
TJ-caution: you can keep using the 'du' command with deeper paths to find out where the space is used, e.g. "sudo du -d 3 /opt/tomcat | sort -n"22:12
codebamanyone have any ideas? I really dont care what it removes to get them to install, but I think it might have to do with ubuntu specific packages22:13
certifieyou got love linux cammands flags22:13
TJ-caution: that might suggest you left it open to the world and it's being used/attacked/whatever22:13
certifiethey use most of the alphabet22:13
cautionTJ: i have a firewall22:14
TJ-certifie: it's much better than trying to point at random pixels in a GUI :)22:14
TJ-caution: maybe, but was it protecting tomcat?22:14
kostkoncodebam, apt-cache policy python-dev libssl-dev22:14
TJ-caution: check the tomcat logs, find out what it is recording, don't just delete its logs22:14
codebamkostkon: https://ptpb.pw/JHca22:15
certifiewhay better thats why all the people do it22:15
acheronukcodebam: have you disabled update repos?22:16
codebamacheronuk: um not sure22:16
kostkoncodebam, same for libssl1.0.0 libpython-dev python2.7-dev?22:16
acheronukcodebam: and you are in 16.04?22:16
certifiei mean bllions of people that use linux command line cant be wrong22:17
gsmarquisWhen placing blank media in DVD burner I get constant message ..... already mounted.22:17
acheronukcodebam: 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.6 is a version from a previous security update22:18
acheronukcodebam: 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4 is the original 16.04 version22:18
cautionTJ check all this line by line? https://pastebin.com/fXqsGPwA22:19
codebamacheronuk: I'm on 16.04.122:19
codebamjust checked with lsb_release22:19
Bashing-omcodebam:  Hint: " sysop@x1604:~$ lsb_release -a >> Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS " .22:22
codebamoh, how do I update to .422:22
certifieuse apt command22:23
codebamwhat apt command?22:23
certifieaka advanced presistent threat22:23
Bashing-omcodebam: Fo not know that it will fix yoyr dependency issue, but needs doing ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' .22:23
codebamI did a dist-upgrade earlier and it didn't do anything22:23
acheronukwhat is relevant here is that you need the security/update repos enabled22:24
codebamBashing-om: full-upgrade didn't do anything22:24
Bashing-omcodebam: pastebin for us ' sudo apt update ' .22:24
codebamacheronuk: can I have that?22:24
MeaCulpacould someone explain the difference between apt update and apt upgrade please22:25
codebamBashing-om: https://ptpb.pw/dThW22:25
certifiesome one read that and give me the anser pls22:26
codebamMeaCulpa: update updates your package lists (versions and where to get them), upgrade actually downloads and installs the packages that can be upgraded22:26
MeaCulpacodeebam thanks22:26
MeaCulpacodebam :)22:26
cautionactually catalina.out seems to be the largest22:26
sneakyimpdoes anyone know who to speak to about the node-uglify package?22:27
certifienothing better then to read ubuntu foruns to search for questions to aks in this channel22:27
MeaCulpaI'd like two dollars for everytime I visited ask ubuntu22:28
acheronukcodebam: re-enable recommended and security updates repos https://i.imgur.com/BjVEymc.png22:28
codebamacheronuk: this is a server, I don't have gui access, could you pastebin me your /etc/apt/sources.list ?22:29
certifiei ear mp3 pluggins arent ugly anymore22:30
sneakyimpcan someone tell me how my name appears to them here? I'm using pidgin for IRC chat and haven't quite got the hang of it yet22:30
TJ-codebam: it should have lines for $RELEASE  $RELEASE-updates $RELEASE-security22:30
TJ-codebam: see /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list22:31
acheronukcodebam: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/s538V3qR46/22:35
MeaCulpais it possible to pipe cat through grep,22:35
certifiewhat kind of question is that^?22:36
MeaCulpareasonable short one22:36
MeaCulpaI just tried and it didn't work22:36
codebamTJ-: that says trusty main restricted?22:36
codebamor did you mean the link22:36
codebamthanks acheronuk22:37
acheronukcodebam: xenial-updates and xenial-security lines are needed22:37
TJ-codebam: it's an /example/ ... replace trusty with the actual release22:37
certifiecat foo |grep foobar22:37
MeaCulpaI was trying to look for some text in a file22:37
MeaCulpathought cat would do it22:38
codebamTJ-: this is my current sources.list? is this right? https://ptpb.pw/izNh22:38
codebambecause with that I don't have any updates22:39
certifiewhats doesent?22:39
TJ-codebam: in your sources.list you've got deb-src entries for the source packages from -updates and -security but no deb entries for the binaries!22:40
acheronukcodebam: you wouldn't. you only have deb-src lines for updates22:40
acheronukyour server must have had them at some point, as otherwise there would not be the current version mismatch22:41
codebamawesome I think I fixed it22:41
codebamnot sure who did this to the server, but it seems like it's all good now22:41
codebamthanks TJ- and acheronuk :)22:42
TJ-codebam: this is wat you need https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mcHxVJnPfH/22:42
codebamthanks TJ-, changed it just now22:48
cautionTJ: /dev/vda1        30G   11G   19G  38% /22:49
cautionafter emptying out catalina.out log in inside tomcat22:49
cautionsingle file took 12 gig22:49
cautionnow my disk size look somewhat normal :)22:50
Tonnercolorhi does sombody knows why when i call my  phpmyadmin the page appears like simple html without buttons¨¨23:05
tomreynTonnercolor: no, how could we, you provided no details. we could guess, thoguh: somethign is configured incorrectly.23:22
tomreynhi akem, got any ubuntu support questions?23:23
Tonnercolortomreyn i had installed apache2, mysql, php  and phpmyadmin. it's a new install23:24
tomreynTonnercolor: on which ubuntu release? what do the log files say?23:24
Tonnercolorubuntu 16.0423:25
OerHeksTonnercolor, what guide did you follow? one needs to do a few steps after install.. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-phpmyadmin-on-ubuntu-16-0423:25
Tonnercolortomreyn ubuntu 16.04 lts 64 bits23:25
tomreynTonnercolor: okay, fully updated then? then lsb_release -ds would say so23:26
certifiewhat does g stands for in gtreamer?23:26
tomreynwell it would list the latest point release23:26
OerHeksg-gnome most likely23:26
Tonnercolor0erHeks thanks23:27
TonnercolorOerHeks thanks23:27
certifieubuntu is gmone based also23:27
kostkoncertifie, ubuntu-gnome?23:30
certifieif only kmplayer worked on linux23:30
kostkoncertifie, try gmplayer23:31
OerHeksgnome-mpv, gives me good result and control23:31
certifieand it also got an app for android to see 3d movies23:31
bazhangcertifie, kmplayer works and is the repos23:31
OerHeks!info kmplayer23:32
ubottukmplayer (source: kmplayer): media player for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.12.0b-1 (artful), package size 738 kB, installed size 3297 kB23:32
certifieI beg to differ23:32
bazhangcertifie, thats not where to install it from23:32
certifiethats not the same app23:32
certifieonly windows and mac version23:32
bazhangcertifie, we support repo apps, why bring something else up here23:33
certifiebecause its the best media player i found so far23:33
certifiemaybe it works on wine23:34
bazhangcertifie, then install it from the repos, but it's smplayer if you want a gui for mplayer23:34
bazhangcertifie, wine is not needed for apps from the ubuntu repo23:35
certifiebazhang: its not kmplayer from linux23:35
bazhangcertifie, again why bring it up here, we dont support it, and it's not topical here23:35
certifiealready stated it only works on windows and mac23:35
certifiebecause its the best media player i found so far23:35
certifieo recon K stands for korea23:36
bazhangcertifie, thats fine, but please take the offtopic chatter elsewhere23:36
Rukushey everyone, quick question, i have gnome desktop, and terminal and calculator do not have an icon ... its the purple gear one.23:41
RukusWhats up with that?23:41
Rukussoftware update too, and a couple others23:42
guivercRukus, what theme & icon-set are you using?  the icon-set you are using may not have a icon for them  (note: i'm no expert)23:45
tomreynRukus: when did this break? did it ever look properly? is this a new install?23:45
Rukustomreyn, like this since new install23:47
Rukusguiverc, default afaik lemme look23:47
tomreynRukus: which ubuntu release is this? lsb_release -ds23:47
tomreynwere there errors during installation?23:48
tomreyndo you have nvidia graphics?23:48
tomreynhmm maybe post a screen shot then23:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:49
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.23:49
certifiednuke me?23:49
tomreynthis is a mostly peaceful ubuntu support channel23:50
tomreynRukus: sorry, I got to go, but maybe someone else will look into it if you post a screenshot and repeat the issue.23:51
Rukustomreyn,  https://imgur.com/a/ckAgz23:53
Rukusit doesnt bother me too much. maybe if i learned to theme, but i don't care to23:53
certifiedwhats the onion adress of freenode?23:53
bazhangcertified, please ask that in #freenode23:55
certifiedyes wrong window23:58

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