
=== capturixeur2 is now known as trebmuh
sonHello :)07:52
Peppernrinoi would like to try and help out with some stuff if i can.17:24
Peppernrinohas any thought been given about offloading tasks to more-capable hosts? like an IoT solution so ubuntu-studio could be used on devices that would normally be incapable of processing large tasks... e.g. android phone.17:29
OvenWerksInteresting thought.17:35
OvenWerksFirst I am sure any help would be wonderful: http://ubuntustudio.org/contribute/17:36
OvenWerksI must admit I have a blind spot for using Studio on something like the android. I Use only the audio portions of things and the Android audio setup is not usable for any of the audio work I do because of it's latency (I'm not sure if Jackd runs on android at all)17:38
Peppernrinonot the android specifically...17:38
OvenWerksAbout the most I have been able to run on an android has been controllers, mostly OSC controllers.17:38
Peppernrinomore crappier computers.17:38
Peppernrinohttps://steemit.com/gridcoin/@peppernrino/brainstorming-boinc-projects-008 see grc-son's comment here.17:39
Peppernrinosorry for blog spam.17:39
Peppernrinototally posted that wothout thinking. lol please don't ban me. <317:39
OvenWerksSo far as I know it should mostly be possible to run a lot of the Studio stuff on a Pi these days.17:39
Peppernrinothat's good to know.17:39
OvenWerksI know someone has been able to run Ardour there and jack.17:40
Peppernrinoare there any more exhaustive VSTs we might be able to consider?17:40
Peppernrinovirtual sound templates... i think?17:40
Peppernrinolike uh.... autotune, etc.17:40
OvenWerksDo you mean stienberg style VSTs?17:40
OvenWerksOr plugins in general?17:41
Peppernrinoprobably plugins in general.17:41
Peppernrinojust brainstorming, as the title implies... is there any need for a distributed workload....17:42
Peppernrinono pressure. haha17:42
Peppernrinojsut seeing if there's a space to fill. :)17:42
OvenWerksWindows VSTs (or mac) are difficult to run in Linux. Linux VSTs are fine, but LV2s are better in many ways.17:42
OvenWerksThere is lots of space to fill.17:43
OvenWerksThe dev team here right now are mostly so busy with "life" as to not really be here.17:43
Peppernrinoyeah, i read the forum thingy there.17:44
OvenWerksSpeaking of which, I am going to have to go now. Back later. (Family is on it's way out the door)17:45
Peppernrinohave you guys heard of Emanate?17:45
Peppernrinoagain, not trying to pitch things.17:45
Peppernrinoit's a thing the dude that made dsound is doing17:45
Peppernrinooh no. just read what you said. haha. talk later. :)17:46
OvenWerksPeppernrino: Looked at eminate/dsound. That looks like it may be nice for desktop audio. In my experience wifi is not stable enough for profesional low latency audio. Skype's 30ms latency can deal with that quite well, but by the time things get beyond about 10ms latency (5ms oneway) a musician will have trouble playing along.20:26

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