[02:11] bluesabre: I saw something to do with minimal installation [02:11] sigh [02:11] that was more a hardcoded list of packages to remove - not like tasksel [02:13] That was my guess. [02:15] https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubiquity/minimal-package-list/+merge/337700 [02:15] though I did see something which was an actual list [02:37] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: thunar-shares-plugin 0.3.0 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-thunar-shares-plugin-0-3-0-released-tp50763.html (by André Miranda) [04:37] flocculant: thanks, and looks like we should be good to publish at any time [10:23] bluesabre: published it [10:23] knome: do you want the cover pic at fb to be bionic? [10:23] if so please give me $6,000,000 :D [10:27] posted on fb [10:28] knome pleia2 - could we have some twitter and g+1 love too :) [11:53] Unit193: did you have any more feedback on https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/xubuntu-default-settings/thunar-uca-print/+merge/340058, or is it ready to merge? [12:35] I hope not at least! [12:40] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r662 [ Simon Steinbeiß ]... (by Sean Davis) [12:53] what are these tiling shortcuts then? [12:53] don't suppose there's a list anywhere is there? [13:50] flocculant: just super+arrows for the four tilings and then numpad stuff for the corners. it's editable in xfwm4's keyboard settings anyway [14:47] ochosi: I guess I turned it all off somehow then lol [16:42] flocculant: done [16:42] pleia2: you're wonderful :) [16:42] thanks [16:43] <3 [16:45] https://twitter.com/AaronPrisk/status/970300878904332288?s=09 [16:45] good job all around :) [16:48] Kumool: can you :) [16:48] ha ha [16:49] that was supposed to be a :) [16:51] ochosi bluesabre - seems we have light-locker issues again - someone in #xubuntu is finding ti not working, wouldn't trigger in vm here either [16:55] can't seem to get it working in bionic either [16:59] https://i.imgur.com/v7bKZlB.png [17:00] bbl [18:14] flocculant: seems to work here with a fully updated bionic... try "light-locker-command -l" [18:14] I think -q queries whether it is currently locked [18:26] bluesabre: it appeared to eventually get there - just a good while after the 2 minutes I'd it set for [18:26] and -l does lock [18:42] bluesabre: weren't there some greeter-specific fixes needed for greybird..? [18:42] or for the greeter itself, can't remember [18:42] something with panel and panel items there [21:07] ochosi: the panel on the top has slightly different bg color where the indicators are, but there [21:08] 's also fixes needed for the greeter itself, it looks bad in adwaita [21:33] hmm, ok [21:33] i can take a look at it in xephyr [21:33] (if i remember how to do the test run of the greeter) [21:33] i think by now my gtk3 understanding is in a different place then back then, so i'd hope that will be easy to fix [21:33] bluesabre: ^ [22:05] ochosi: dm-tool add-nested-seat [22:05] and "allow-debugging=true" in the conf so you can run inspector [22:05] that sounds different than what i remembered, but i'll go with anything that works :p [22:05] yeah [22:05] btw, the checkbuttons in gtk2 already match gtk3 [22:05] lightdm --test-mode has been broken for years [22:05] ah right [22:05] that was what i remembered [22:06] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r663 * Add new custom action for Thunar to "Print file/s", affect... (by Sean Davis) [22:06] and that's merged [22:06] still waiting for -release ack [22:06] (just need to put the finishing touches on the checkboxes) [22:06] kewl, thanks a bunch [22:06] it's a fairly trivial and easy-to-read script, i don't expect big troubles [22:07] we've really been on quite a release/fixing roll lately [22:08] very nice stuff coming together there [22:08] btw, if you're looking for the 4.12 version of the display patch i mentioned yesterday, you can check this branch (schuellerf was kind enough to cherry-pick already) https://git.xfce.org/users/schuellerf/xfce4-settings/ [22:09] i already discovered another potential race condition in the connect/disconnect cycle btw [22:10] nice [22:11] i'll try to fix that asap as well [22:11] but i also don't wanna keep adding to your review backlog [22:11] i'll give you some breathing space and fix greybird first [22:11] then the greeter, then the display dialog (i guess) [22:12] alrighty, sounds good to me [22:49] bluesabre: hm, so how do i get to the greeter? that straight launches my session [22:50] or do i need to disable auto-login? [22:50] ochosi: yup [22:50] (logging out just seems to produce a blackscreen) [22:50] the allow-debugging goes into lightdm's conf or the greeter's? [22:51] ochosi: greeter conf [22:51] (ah right, had already enabled it in the settings dialog...) [22:52] meh, so i guess i need to restart lightdm for the setting to take effect... [22:56] bluesabre: how do you start the inspector there again? the shortcut (ctrl+shift+d doesn't seem to take any effect as ctrl+shift are the grab keys for xephyr) [23:02] i think i have some ideas for patches already to fix the panel vs. menubar situation (which produces the weird look of adwaita), but i can't use the inspector to do live testing :/ [23:06] (seems both keyboard shortcuts are hardwired :'( ) [23:15] guess i need to investigate another time when i know how to actually launch the inspector there [23:29] ctrl+shift+i I think is the normal one [23:29] otherwise you'll probably have to lock your screen to launch it [23:34] yeah, but the problem is ctrl+shift is swallowed by xephyr [23:34] or does that shortcut actually work for you..? [23:37] haven't tried, don't do much theming :) [23:37] meh :) [23:53] fwiw i also don't manage to launch gtkinspector in my actual greeter... [23:54] even though allow-debugging is set to true [23:55] might require more now [23:55] when they first introduced it, you only needed the shortcut [23:55] mhm, quite possible [23:55] then they required an env var as well [23:55] i think you also need the env var [23:55] right [23:57] another day then [23:58] hm, it also needs the gsetting [23:58] globally, i guess [23:58] "gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.Debug enable-inspector-keybinding true"