
lxle1604greetings LUbunters01:29
lxle1604anybody know much about all-in-one epson printers (specifically scanner)?01:29
lxle1604I have 8 other Linux OSes running, and all work with my printer scanner.  the only one that does not is LXLE.  any hints?01:31
flipper887lxle have you checked the hardware compatibility list for Debian/Ubuntu03:30
red46installed lubuntu 17,10.1 on a Sony Vaio laptop.what can I do to stop the cursor from jerking around when I get it to move at all?06:33
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red46installed lubuntu 17,10.1 on a Sony Vaio laptop.what can I do to stop the cursor from jerking around when I get it to move at all?14:45
red46and using touchpad14:46
hemimaniacHad the same problem on an old travel mate, Menu > Preferences > Keyboard and Mouse, under mouse back the speed and sensitivity way off, log out and back in, worth a try14:49
red46i tried that and no difference14:49
Lothairey'a quelqu'un?18:16
Lothairesalut les gars18:16
Lothaireje voudrai savoir si Lubuntu est adapté pour un netbook à base d'atom N270 monocore donc et 2Go de RAM, mais un SSD 120Go? Et GMA 950 oblige^^18:17
wxl!fr | Lothaire18:17
ubottuLothaire: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:17
Lothaireok pas de soucis merci18:18
RoodyJammerNo one here? I could use some help22:42
krytarikFeel free to ask the real question anytime btw.22:53
roodyjamersorry. i had something i had to do22:54
roodyjamerim new to this so i didnt really know22:54
roodyjamerhow do i install amd drivers into my computer?22:56
roodyjamerive found that nothing on the articles i find online work correctly22:56
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