
mitya57acheronuk, tsimonq2: Looks like there is an option for that: https://github.com/annulen/webkit/blob/qtwebkit-5.212/Source/cmake/OptionsQt.cmake#L24109:06
mitya57Should be as easy as adding -DUSE_GSTREAMER=OFF to EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGUMENTS (in d/rules).09:07
acheronukhopefully gstreamer in -proposed will be sorted today so such measures won't be needed. it was just an idle thought and might not be wise09:08
acheronukmitya57: hmmm. when I tried I added -DGSTREAMER_DEFAULT=OFF, which did not work. which I guess it wouldn't09:11
lubot<mitya57> @acheronuk, Yes, that probably wouldn't work. USE_GSTREAMER is better.09:24

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