
nhainespleia2: \o/01:09
nhainesMy talk on the changes in Ubuntu is coming together, too. This'll be a fun year!01:10
lynorianoops I screwed up but bumped scale needing volunteers on the mailing list07:45
pleia2nhaines: registration for UbuCon is really confusing18:29
pleia2it doesn't seem to exist anywhere, there are no links to register for just UbuCon on http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-scale/register/18:29
darthrobot`Title: [Register | UbuCon portal]18:30
pleia2we're getting questions on Twitter as I advertise talks and things18:31
pleia2also, happen to know if der.hans or JT Nelson have Twitter handles?18:42

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