
guivercRukus, what version of Ubuntu?00:02
wencherhey guys. what's the procedure to upgrade 17.10 to mitigate meltdown and spectre? the doco says that kernel packages have been released but my desktop is still vulnerable00:03
wencher(having installed those kernel upgrades)00:04
guivercwencher, if you update (using supported kernels) you'll receive all patches00:04
wencherguiverc: i did. i ran https://github.com/speed47/spectre-meltdown-checker afterwards but still says vulnerable to s1,s2 and meltdown00:05
guivercwencher, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/SpectreAndMeltdown00:06
wencherguiverc: yeah. so it says metldown is Y. but when i test it says, i am still vulnerable to meltdown00:07
wencher(for amd64 on 17.10)00:07
wencherguiverc: do you use 17.10 and if so, can you give me your kernel image version please?00:09
wenchercould be that au mirror is fscked up00:09
OerHeksnot until intel releases a new microcode, AFAIK00:09
Scoop7guys just beware that regular ff and ff developers edition suck, use ff nightly !00:10
wencherOerHeks: i did see *no* intel-microcode updates as well but that's related to s1 and s2 if i am not mistaken right?00:10
certifiedwhy is ff so slow on android?00:11
bazhangcertified, ask android support, thats not topical here00:13
guivercwencher, yeah i use 17.10 but not on this machine.  ubuntu is as supported (to my knowledge) as other OSes as it relies on intel fixes (last intel fix was withdrawn as I recall)00:14
certifiedits not a bug its a feature00:15
certifiedinteligent designed00:15
certifiedif i have AMD cpu do i get meltow mitigation?00:17
wencherguiverc: ok00:17
OerHekssure, wait for the new hardware.00:17
wenchercertified: you do00:17
guiverccertified, yep - microcode for amd I'm sure i saw00:17
certifiedbut AMD dosent have meltdown bug00:18
wencherhttps://linuxhint.com/check-patch-spectre-meltdown-ubuntu/ is interesting.. the fella says he is using 17.1000:19
guiverccertified, nope, but m$ft fixed stuffed some amd's anyway... amd has spectre though00:20
certifiedseems like all cpu have it00:20
certifiedmaybe risc dosent00:20
guivercnot all - but most  (almost all x86)00:21
certifiedarm isnt x8600:21
guivercraspberry pi's don't :)   ubuntu-mate on pi's are golden!00:21
certifiedinst that using arm?00:22
guivercyeah, armv7 in my pi200:23
certifiedi think even gpus have it00:24
certifiedor they need new drivers00:24
certifiedgl geting new driver for my card00:25
certifiedits under legacy wont fix00:25
tomreynRukus: try this, then logout and login: sudo update-icon-caches /usr/share/icons/*00:37
tomreynRukus: also check the root file system for errors sometime, just in case (i've seen such issues caused by file system incoherences in the past).00:39
jjvvxhow do I search through locally installed packages00:56
jjvvx(apt-cache search)00:57
love3I tried using apt-get and this happened. https://pastebin.com/nktrRWhE What do I do?01:07
OerHekslove3, mint issue?01:14
love3lol how did you know?01:15
OerHeks(#linuxmint-help is on irc.spotchat.org01:15
OerHeksmint has its own issues.01:15
pengwensdoes anyone know the process for getting newer packages put into the synaptic repositories?01:20
OerHekspengwens, find a PPA with newer versions, or you can plase a SRU on the list01:21
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates01:21
pengwenscool, thank you01:23
OerHeksmind that LTS versions are aimed on stability, not newer functions with updates, only security fixes.01:23
OerHeksversions in between might have newer sources ..01:24
JavaGhostif you use a LGPL library in your project, then you can't close your source ? and you can't also sell your app ?01:31
wencherlooks like the issue was elsewhere01:42
wencherthanks fellas01:42
wencher(elsewhere = grub) :D01:42
wencherguiverc: ^ ty01:43
JavaGhostI just want to use a LPGPL library for making an app. now if I use a LGPL library in my project, then can I close my source ? and can I also sell my app ?01:45
CrellJavaGhost: You can sell anything people are willing to give you money for.  If it's *GPL licensed, though, you cannot prevent them from reselling it or giving it away if they so choose.01:45
JavaGhostCrell: ty for responsing, so can I also close my app source and don't give end-use the source of application ?01:47
CrellIf you're using someone else's LGPL library, you have to give your downstream customers/users access to the source of that library, but you are not required to give them access to the rest of the code outside of that library.01:47
CrellWith various caveats around where the library boundary is that vary somewhat from one language to another depending on how exactly they work.01:47
JavaGhostCrell: for a library like jpf (in java for making plugin system in your app), jpf is LGPL, if I use it for my app, then I need just give a link of jpf source ?01:49
CrellIs it LGPLv2 or LGPLv3?01:50
JavaGhostit just said: it's lgpl http://jpf.sourceforge.net/01:50
CrellThat probably means LGPLv2-and-later.  Especially if it's still on sourceforge. :-)01:51
CrellAh, yes, LGPLv2.1.  At the top of the License page.01:51
JavaGhostCrell: Ah, and what that meaning for me ? :)01:52
CrellStrictly speaking, with *GPLv2 someone is allowed to request the code directly from you on a CD.  As a practical matter though, yes, stating that you're using it and linking to the official project page is sufficient in 99.3% of cases.01:52
Crell(IANAL TINLA, but I used to be the Director of Legal Affairs for an OSS foundation and worked with the Software Freedom Law Center on our policy statements, so I'm slightly above casual man-on-the-street knowledge.)01:53
JavaGhostCrell: this means that I can close my source, and in a "about menu" claim that I used that library, and also can sell my app yes ?01:53
CrellAll that said, beware the asterisk around library boundaries (I don't know the details for Java), and be aware that by releasing proprietary code you are telling your customers that you reserve the right to override their decisions about what their computer does.  Proprietary software is a form of control at a distance.01:55
JavaGhostCrell: thank you so much Crell you helped me a lot :*01:55
JavaGhostCrell: Ah, thank you !01:56
CrellDisclaimer: I'm a Free Software (rather than Open Source) advocate.  Propretary software is a form of oppression. :-)01:57
MrKeunerhi, I just upgraded to 18.04/17.10 not sure01:58
JavaGhostCrell: actually I'm makin an app but it's free, I just wanted to know wether I can sell it or not :) ty for helping01:58
MrKeunerIs there a way to uninstall all packages that are not in default installation?01:58
CrellEntirely unrelated question for the room: I want to increase the amount of swap space in my (K)Ubuntu 17.10 system.  I'm pretty sure it's a swap file, not swap partition. I was previously directed to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq, which talks about adding a swap file, but how would I resize one?  Just add a new one of the new size then deactivate the old one?  If so, how would I deactivate the old one?01:59
CrellJavaGhost: If you're making it no-cost you may as well make it Free Software as well. :-)02:00
Ben64Crell: swapoff /path/to/swapfile02:00
CrellAnd that persists reboots?02:00
CrellMy fstab currently has this for swap: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 - That... suggests that I have to do a bit more to make it an encrypted swap file.  I'm used to not being able to write into /dev with fallocate.02:02
MeaCulpacrell: have you considered "If you find this app helpful, feel free to hit the 'donate' button?"02:04
CrellMeaCulpa: I think that was to JavaGhost?02:04
MeaCulpasorry, not meaning to intrude02:04
CrellNot a problem, just directing the message to the likely audience. :-)02:06
CrellI'm here for help with swap files.  The GPL knowledge drop is just something I do.02:06
Ben64yeah i'm not sure about encrypted swap02:07
CrellMe either.02:08
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JavaGhostYes, :D donate is a great strategy02:41
theBoxHi people. I have a very strange problem. Using the ubuntu 4.13.0-32 kernel and a dracut initramfs, my hard drives remain unseen by the initramfs, with blkid from the initramfs showing nothing. nothing shows up in /sys/class/block/ either.  A custom compiled 4.15 kernel works though, is there any kernel option that could be responsible here?03:32
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kryojenikI'm doing some testing with bionic and discovered that installing package zutils (via ansible) uninstalls all the zfs management components since zutils now has a conflict with zfsutils.03:54
halvorsWhy does ubuntu not create a swap partition when installing and selected auto?03:56
guiverckryojenik, bionic questions should go to #ubuntu+103:56
phillijwwhen I log into my user, I see that /media/phillijw/Thing gets mounted. Can I tell it to mount with certain permissions somehow? is that fstab? because its not currently in fstab04:04
haheijoin #odoo04:05
jjvvxhow exactly do I use snaps? I just installed the snap for phpstorm but it's not in my $PATH04:09
theBoxphillijw: you may want to try adding  mode=xxxx to the options field in fstab, see man mount, search for mode=04:10
theBoxnote that its & 077704:11
Pinkamena_Dubuntu 16.04 - computer shuts down during boot process if AMD graphics card is installed. (booting windows with the exact same setup runs without issue). It literally is just going through the system services starting etc on the log screen and then the power just cuts with no warning.05:07
kandinskican anybody help me on diagnosing and fixing this issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WVPpYqfCtZ/05:39
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outoftime_92kandinski: reask time to time, it is usuaull question06:10
Alabasterhello if anyone is awake!06:19
lotuspsychjeAlabaster: hello, we are :p06:19
Alabastersorry to bother anyone but has anyone ever encountered after installing the arc ppa and messing around with Tweak tools when you boot up your Ubuntu VM or restart Desktop Icons dont show up unless I go into tweak tools and turn them off then on??06:20
AlabasterOr is because I am starting to use up over half my memory from not restarting my actual computer?06:21
kandinskioutoftime_92: thanks06:21
kandinskiI'll re-ask in a couple of hours06:21
lotuspsychjeAlabaster: we dont support external ppa's mate, as they are a risk for the ubuntu system06:21
Alabastermy VM is getting awfully slow and taking more time to boot and when I go full screen it lags06:21
Alabasteris there anything you know that would maybe be a reason to cause the desktop icons not to show up when rebooting or booting up VM Ubuntu?06:22
Alabasterok heres another question if I go into my home folder and check permissions it shows Owner as literally the word "me" is that normal? or should it be my username??06:25
AlabasterI am so at a loss here06:27
Alabasteris owner:"Me" odd?06:28
Alabasterthe actual word "Me"06:28
Alabasternot Alabaster06:28
=== Leion1 is now known as Leion
ubottuacdriverview: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».06:37
hackthekernelHey there! trying to use IRC06:47
hackthekernelanyone here06:47
lotuspsychjehackthekernel: whats up?06:49
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hackthekernelJust excited to start this beautiful journey with computers06:49
lotuspsychjehackthekernel: this channel is meant for ubuntu support only06:54
ThraspicMy webhost won't let me configure TTL in my DNS settings.  Should I pout like a baby and cry n stuff, or is there a practical solution?07:11
tonywbHi I can't get my linux system to wake up after suspend on hdmi monitor. It wakes fine on vga monitor07:12
Alabastersorry to bother anyone but I have a question if I may ask?07:13
EriC^^Alabaster: go ahead07:13
AlabasterSometimes when I boot or reboot in my Ubuntu VM my desktop icons are gone until I go into tweak tools and turn them off and then turn them on07:14
Alabaster16.04.04 of course07:15
Alabastermight you know what could cause that EriC?07:16
EriC^^Alabaster: no idea, are all the files in your home dir owned by you?07:16
Alabasterunder permissions the say next to owner the word "Me" not Alabaster but "Me" is that odd for it to say that??07:17
EriC^^i dont think so, try "sudo find ~ ! -user $USER"07:18
Alabasterone sec will do07:18
Alabasterwhat should it read out?07:19
EriC^^it shouldnt give anything back07:20
Alabasterthree lines07:20
Alabastersays home linux .dbus session-bus .cache/dconf07:21
Alabasterit wont let put the / in this chat07:22
=== denixx is now known as denixx|w1
XXCoderyou cant START chat line with /07:22
XXCoder /example07:22
XXCoderI added space and its fine07:23
Alabasterit says first line / home / linux / .dbus07:23
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Alabaster then / home / linux / .dbus / session-bus07:23
EriC^^Alabaster: try sudo chown -R $USER: ~07:23
EriC^^as your user07:23
EriC^^ok, maybe it will work better now07:24
Alabasterdo I type my name in there somewhere?07:24
AlabasterI wonder how do I change in the file manager owner:Me to Alabaster??07:26
EriC^^Alabaster: i think it just works that way, it means you're the owner07:26
Alabasterowner:Me Group:linux07:26
EriC^^yeah it's not a problem07:27
AlabasterI hope so. seems weird the owner says "Me". I mean you're probably right. Just silly for Ubuntu07:27
Alabasterits also taking more time to start up and when I full screen the system just stalls for minutes07:29
Alabasteryep I restarted and the icons worked. Did a full reboot and no Desktop icons. weird07:29
Alabasterits odd because I guess gnome isn't throwing them up until I reset it in tweak tools07:30
ikoniacreate a new user and repeat the test07:31
ikoniait maybe something to do with your user settings, rather than a problem07:31
Alabastergood idea ikonia07:34
tonywbI have a question about my hdmi monitor not wakeing up after suspend please07:36
guiverctonywb, you may not get a answer because people in the room don't have one, but thank you for your patience (I saw your prior post too)07:40
tonywbOK. I was thinking I had to wait in line07:41
Alabasteryeah when I restart the whole VM Ubuntu on another user Desktop Icons automatically start with it07:44
Alabasterin fact the group in Permissions says the username. On my original account it says Linux.07:46
lotuspsychjemeteorx: better not login to irc as root08:04
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AmichaiAfter one of the recent updates to Ubuntu Xenial, a link to an executable shell script on the desktop stopped working. When I double click it it opens the file with Gedit instead of running the script08:31
ikonialook at the properties of that link08:32
ikonialook at the permissions on the script, making sure it is actually executable08:32
hatoriДоброе время суток.08:33
ikonia!ru | hatori08:33
ubottuhatori: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:33
TheMythPThello guys. weirdly, my touchpad have the edge scrolling in the wrong order. when i slide down content goes up and when i slide up content goes down. any ideas?08:36
XanoI'm trying to make notify-send target specific users by switching to each individual user (su or sudo) prior to calling notify-send. However, when testing with my own user (switching to myself) in a terminal this does not show the message in my GUI, not even after applying the tips from https://www.christianroessler.net/tech/2015/send-desktop-notifications-with-notify-send-to-other-users-from-within-cron-script.html08:37
ikoniaXano: that sounds like a bad way of sending notifies08:40
ikoniaand quite a secuirty hole being created just for a notify08:40
TheMythPTi mean, when i slide down in my touchpad edge scrolling, i expect to see the scroll bar of a web page, i.e, to scroll down to and happens exactly the opposite. but on mouse, the scroll wheel works fine08:42
Xanoikonia, It's for a script that will run as a root cron job or as the local user anyway.08:44
kandinskican anybody help me on diagnosing and fixing this issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WVPpYqfCtZ/08:45
Xanoikonia, So if you can't switch to the user you want to send notifications to, that's your problem.08:45
Xano(I figured)08:45
geirhaeach user should run this in their sessions instead08:46
TheMythPToops. solved the issue. "Natural Scrolling" isn't that natural :x08:48
Xanogeirha, Well it's a back-up script and the currently logged-in user may not have access to all the paths that need to be backed up, but they do want to be notified of back-up errors.08:52
geirhawell, then I'd have the cronjob write this notification to a certain location. Then all users can run a separate script in their session (e.g. via startup applications), that watches that location and does the send-notify when something's up08:54
mohsen_what is here09:00
=== Betonneklakske is now known as Garc
adalbertHi, could anyone help me with certbot and apache2 ? I've made certificate for and https to my apache2 server is working.  But when I create a virtual host on apache2 with the same domainname and certificate it doesn't work anymore.09:33
deemadalbert: how does your vhost config look like?09:37
adalbertdeem: sec, i'll pastebin it09:38
adalbertThis is the one that's working, the default-ssl.conf , https://pastebin.com/vD2MHh0A09:40
adalbertWhen I use this one, https is not verified no more ... https://pastebin.com/DyPqRtm509:42
deemadalbert: did you restarted apache after enabling the configuration?09:43
adalbertdeem: ofcourse09:43
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deemadalbert: seems like a client problem on your side. it's trusted. https://pastebin.com/r2nU1BmZ09:46
deemadalbert: also you can point your config directly to /etc/letsencrypt/live/<yourdomain>/fullchain.pem etc, so you will use the correct certificate after renewing09:47
adalbertdeem: oke, i'll restart my apache2 to the vhost now, can you do the same log again in a minute ?09:48
adalbertdeem: we can check for a difference ?09:49
adalbertdeem: it's restarted09:49
adalbertdeem: https is no longer verified :(09:50
deemadalbert: cause it's a different certificate now09:50
adalbertdeem: what do you mean, i'm using the same .crt ?09:51
deemadalbert: https://pastebin.com/JuDDZCNe09:51
deemthe webserver is answering with a self signed certificate now09:51
adalbertdeem: i see09:52
adalbertdeem: how do i fix it?09:52
deemyou should check your configs again09:52
jebladSeems like Firefox (?) has begun to open some (?) videos in a muted fashion. Anybody with any information on this?09:55
lovilris .deb a compiled file09:57
lovilror can it also be a source file?09:57
fstoltzHi, I was messing about with changing the language for menus etc, and out of the blue, suddenly all my files and folders from $HOME is showing up on my desktop. If I remove them, it removes the actual folder aswell. Is there anyway to remove this? I do not know what make this happen. Thank you09:57
lovilris .deb  a binary?09:59
EriC^^fstoltz: try to run "nautilus -q" then open the file manager again10:06
fstoltzEriC^^: Running nautilus -q removed everything from the desktop, though as soon as I opened nautilius again, it comes back..10:10
EriC^^did you try logging out and back in?10:12
fstoltzNope, but I've logged in/out several times and it's stayed like that. But I'll give it a try, running nautilus -q and then logout & back in. brb 1 sec10:13
fstoltzEriC^^: Nope, still there when I log in.10:15
fstoltzEriC^^: Any other suggestions?10:15
adalbertdeem: still there mate?10:17
BluesKajHi folks10:17
haltIs there any tool for ubuntu where I can lock a folder with password or gpg encryption, I want to use cloud storages but I can't just upload my data to someone else, so want to enrcipt locally first, I found solutions like restic which is great for backup but can't have a live mount, or  thinngs like cryptomator but that is java based :(10:18
Ben64halt: you can use gpg10:20
deemadalbert: sure. did you checked your configs?10:21
fstoltzAnyone knows how to stop all my folders & files in $HOME appearing on my desktop? I'm not sure what caused it to show, I was messing about with languages and suddenly all my home folder & files popped up on the desktop.10:21
adalbertdeem: it's working now , i'll post the config i've used ,sec .10:21
haltBen64: and how can I live mount that ? I know how to lock a folder into a zip but how can I keep interacting with the content of the folder10:21
Triffid_Hunterhalt: ecryptfs?10:21
adalbertdeem: https://pastebin.com/WLRUKa3a10:22
khyrthyhi, darkhunter10:23
khyrthy: \10:23
deemadalbert: did your default configuration used another cert or why did it changed?10:23
khyrthyhi, cewood10:23
adalbertdeem: yes , this is the default i was using but didn't work10:24
adalbert https://pastebin.com/DyPqRtm510:24
haltTriffid_Hunter: that looks interesting, do you have more example driven documentation then the http://ecryptfs.org/documentation.html10:24
Triffid_Hunterhalt: nope, just came up when I asked google for per-directory encryption solutions in linux10:25
haltkarma google ++10:26
Fenhlhello, could someone please help me set up mpd audio? This computer has multiple audio devices listed in the Settings app, but only physical audio output (a TV connected via HDMI). Audio in general is working as I can hear an mp3 file played from the Files app, but playing that same file in mpd does not produce sound. I've tried a few things in the mpd config but I'm probably missing something obvious10:29
khyrthyI'm feeling ignored10:29
khyrthyHi, Leo10:30
* JimBuntu stops ignoring khyrthy 10:30
khyrthyhi bigblind !10:31
BluesKajkhyrthy, don't feel ignored , this is  ubuntu's support chat, not a regular chat10:31
JimBuntuGood point BluesKaj ... all (most?) are welcome at #ubuntu-offtopic10:32
khyrthyBluesKaj, where can I find a regular chat ?10:34
BluesKajguess he/she found one :-)10:35
random-6881erdem: hi10:37
erdemi am running ubuntu server and just installed xfce, now i want to mount an encrypted hdd, double clicking it on dekstop prompt password input but as soon as i mount i get a permission error10:37
erdemalready added my user to "disk" group10:37
chelsea_can anybody tell me how to get anbox to work? running ubuntu mate 16.010:38
erdem"Not authorized to perform operation"10:39
erdemare there any other groups my user has to be part of?10:39
chelsea_new to ubuntu10:41
erdemmy app crashed, did i miss anything`10:45
JimBunturpi = Raspberry Pi?10:45
BluesKajchelsea_, ok then what's an anbox?10:45
BluesKajJimBuntu, exactly10:45
JimBuntuBluesKaj, anbox = Android in a box. anbox.io10:46
BluesKajright, kinda figured, then it's most likely an arm architecture cpu etc10:48
BluesKajI have a rpi3 ..works great with Raspbian OS10:49
BluesKajchelsea_, ck what do you want to do with the anbox?10:49
chelsea_download android apps10:56
memeroutein ubuntu mate 16.04 is it possible to get a CPU temperature widget in the taskbar (raspberry pi3) ?10:56
BluesKajchelsea_, I suggest you join the #android chat11:02
chelsea_join #android11:05
BluesKajjust click on #android11:06
=== HobGoblin is now known as UukGoblin
acalypopse!s thor 201711:28
ubottuacalypopse: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:28
tannishpageHey. I have a Lenovo thinkpad e460 I am not able to go into my BIOS. I was wondering if I could use GRUB command-line (when you press c in GRUB menu) to access BIOS11:31
JimBuntutannishpage, the GRUB command line isn't going to let you access BIOS, afaik11:32
tannishpageBut when ubuntu is installed the GRUB menu allows you to boot into the BIOS.11:33
JimBuntutannishpage, ? I will say that you *should* be able to enter BIOS via F1. Is there some specific reason you can't get into BIOS or an unknown issue?11:34
tannishpageJinBuntu: I have no clue what the problem is. I can't enter BIOS.11:35
jaydemiranyone familiar with PopOS?11:35
jaydemirIt appears to be using Gnome3 and I'm wondering how to enable ALT to drag windows11:35
jaydemirseems like a silly omission11:35
akikjaydemir: try the windows/super key instead11:36
jaydemirakik: that did it11:36
jaydemirwhy would they move it to that11:36
akikjaydemir: change because of .. change11:36
JimBuntutannishpage, with your laptop completely powered off... if you press the power button and then keep pressing F1 a few times per second... you can't get into BIOS? Have you checked to make sure your F1 key is working? Are you, by any chance, trying to use an external keyboard?11:37
akikone of the most useful features in xorg11:37
jaydemiron what hardware is F1 bios? It's usually F10 or F1211:38
JimBuntujaydemir, on the specific Lenovo laptop in question11:38
jaydemiroh lenovo11:38
tannishpageJimBuntu: (Its the enter key btw). I power off, i press enter and it boots into windows. It beebs once and boots into ubuntu11:38
jaydemiryeah good luck11:38
tannishpageignore the last word11:38
tannishpagewindows i meant11:38
jaydemirwhat version of Windows? Somehow 10 has this ability to hijack the hardware on boot so you have to be ridiculously quick11:39
tannishpagewindows 1011:39
JimBuntutannishpage, You need to make sure it's a complete power off with Windows, otherwise the F-keys will not work at reboot. You should also be able to tell it to reboot into the BIOS via Windows shutdown. 1 moment while I look up the exact command (not a Windows user)11:39
jaydemirlenovo also goes out of there way to make it unreasonably hard to install Linux on their machines11:39
tannishpageJimBuntu: ok11:40
gulzartannishpage: reboot windows, Not shutdown11:40
tannishpageJimBuntu: I found the GRUB command to boot to bios using GRUB command line. Its fwsetup.11:40
JimBuntutannishpage, https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/access-bios-windows-1011:41
JimBuntuAh, yes11:41
erdemhello again#11:43
erdemim having a problem with a snap package, dont know how to work within the environment11:43
erdemdo i have to "chroot" or smth like that?11:43
pragmaticenigmaI don't think you have to do anything special once they're installed. To install you need sudo permission, then you can check it is installed by entering "snap list"11:46
guivercerdem, what snap... for the snaps I use; i run them as normal apps.11:49
erdemjust installed nextcloud11:49
erdemnow i wanted to change the "data" directory11:49
erdemfollowing this guide11:50
erdemthis is how i run the first command11:52
erdemoh wrong link, one moment11:52
guivercerdem, i've never run a snap with `sudo` ... (i'm giving it a go ... busy)11:56
erdem$snap_name = getenv('SNAP_NAME');11:57
erdem'path'=> '/snap/'.$snap_name.'/current/htdocs/apps',11:57
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guivercerdem, ok. if running a snap under my own id is fine, but when I used sudo my usual $PATH was gone so snap failed to be found...11:57
erdemin htdocs/config/config.php11:57
erdemseems like the env var is not set?11:58
pragmaticenigmaI thought snaps were meant to run in normal user mode, and not require root access?11:58
erdemyes but if you work with the app within the snap you might need root, no?11:59
pragmaticenigmaEspecially server type ones, as you won't want to run web accessible services as a root user11:59
erdembecause in my case all files belong to root:root within the snap11:59
pragmaticenigmaWho the files belong to doesn't matter as long as they are executable/readable to all users12:00
pragmaticenigmaYou're getting an error because nextcloud is not supposed to run as root, it doesn't have the proper environment variables setup for it.12:01
guivercI don't like the sudo to run snaps either... it seems risky...12:01
erdembut somehow that env variable is not set12:01
erdemeven if i run as normal user12:01
pragmaticenigmaI would consult the documentation for nextcloud, and possibly try reaching out to their user group to see if anyone there has run into a similar issue12:02
pragmaticenigmaIf running as a normal user fails, maybe try removing the snap and installing again? following this guide: https://itsfoss.com/use-snap-packages-ubuntu-16-04/12:03
erdemexport SNAP_NAME=nextcloud12:04
erdemseems to fix the porblem but12:04
erdemCannot write into "config" directory!12:05
erdemThis can usually be fixed by giving the webserver write access to the config directory12:05
erdemseems like this command is not supposed to work within snaps?12:05
erdembecause they are meant to always be read only?12:05
pragmaticenigmaquestion: why are you trying to run a server as a snap?12:08
erdemit seemed like this would be a quick and easy way to set everything up12:09
erdemseems like its not12:09
erdemmaybe i should manually install apache/sql/nextcloud etc12:09
kallenpWhat are the first steps after installing Ubuntu desktop ? What proprietery multimedia codecs ? Howto change menu fonts, etc. ? Any idea ? I am beginner. Thanks12:09
guiverckallenp, there are tons of websites titled 10(15,5..) things to do after installing ubuntu - have you looked?12:10
pragmaticenigmaerdem, if you intend this to be a permanent installation, i would go with installing from the repo instead... it will auto config most of it for you, and you can customize it after. Snaps just don't seem like a good idea to me for server type activities12:11
kallenpguiverc: can you send me link ?12:11
erdempragmaticenigma, i will try that, thank you for your suggestion12:12
guiverckallenp, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-16-04-lts  (i didn't open it, but omg is usually good)12:12
kallenpguiverc: Verry thanks ! :-)12:15
guiverckallenp, most welcome :)12:16
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kallenpguiverc: thanks :-)12:19
guiverckallenp, it is 16.04 LTS you are using right; if using 17.10 go for the 17.10 article... (17.10 uses gnome DEsktop, 16.04 uses Unity)12:23
kallenpguiverc: I am using 16.04 LTS12:23
kengsleysomebody there ?12:24
guivercyep Hi kengsley ; if you have a question, please just ask it.12:24
kengsleyi'm using elementary os12:24
kengsleycan you help me a tv software ?12:25
kengsleyto find12:25
DiecastMessiahkengsley: you will have to check with elementary support, this is purly ubuntu support.12:27
DiecastMessiahthere is a ubuntu flavor that is made for tv ..i think it mythTv or something . sorry i am pretty new to it all12:28
DiecastMessiahoh he left12:29
guivercnot a problem... i would have answered the same (ubuntu & official flavors like askubuntu where I'm more commonly at..)12:30
DiecastMessiahis there a ! elementary command on here?12:31
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)12:31
ubottuElementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.12:31
guiverc/ i was only trying that; I assume it was more common to have mint questions (it sure is on askubu)12:32
DiecastMessiahyeah me to i just to be sure there was one made for elem os12:32
guiverc  // I'm not sure i could spell elem.. :)12:33
DiecastMessiahi cannot lol. I read fine but spelling is whole other thing with me lol12:34
SircleIn apache How do I redirect all www urls to non www? I have done this but it seems not working https://pastebin.mozilla.org/907913612:36
guiverchi elliot_ , if you have a question please ask it.  if someone (available) knows the answer, they'll answer it or help you.12:42
elliot_i want a install software in ubuntu ?12:43
guivercwhat version of ubuntu are you using elliot_ ?12:44
guivercyou can load ubuntu.software from the menu (click super or your windoze key then type software and it should appear) then navigate to what you want & click 'install'12:46
elliot_in terminal ??12:47
guivercelliot_, for me; i know the apps i want, so go to command line and enter commands `sudo apt install vim` (to install vim editor, but only because I know it's 'vim' i want) -- ubuntu software lets you browse & pick using gui12:47
guivercelliot_, if you like terminal; i `sudo apt install aptitude` then use `aptitude` to select my software (use aptitude if I don't know the name, eg. my vim example, way more than ubuntu.software)12:48
guivercelliot_,  but if you know the name of the software you like, for example firefox, just enter the command `sudo apt install firefox`12:49
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elliot_guiverc thanks :)12:50
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guivercelliot_, hold on... looking for something..12:50
guivercelliot_, another really easy option; `sudo apt install ubuntu-mate-welcome` which contains (1) ubuntu-mate welcome screen, and (2) the mate-software-store..   it's option 2 that i like most; it contains some software not found in aptitude/ubuntu.software such as skype & other non-canonical software sources (it adds repos as necessary!)12:52
guivercelliot_, note: ubuntu-mate-welcome is in universe; so universe must be enabled first12:53
songdenwhy i can't create project in MonoDeveloper?13:02
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skjensenHi Guys, I'm having a bit of trouble connection a U-Blox SARA-U201 EVK modem to my laptop.  I have plugged it into the cellular native usb port on the device.  I can see from googling that others are getting 4 /dev/ttyACMx devices. I'm not getting any. I see this in syslog: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ChH48DqcdS/13:07
Triffid_Hunterskjensen: either the device is broken or your usb port is broken,13:08
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skjensenOkay.. That's not good.. :/ USB port is working with other devices. It's a brand new evaluation kit I got.. so doubt it's broken.. But never say never..13:09
skjensenI got a feeling it's because it's the wrong kernel module there is being used to mount the device. Any idea how I can get cdc_acm to be associated with the device?13:09
willyhow can i install wine on ubuntu. sudo apt install wine is giving me error13:37
memo1Hi, im trying to install the ubuntu server and keeps failing, in system defaults.  What should i do?  Is a problem with the distro?13:37
ConsoleFxwilly, what error?13:44
ConsoleFxwilly, can you try $sudo apt-get autoremove and then run $sudo apt install wine ?13:45
willysame error13:46
ConsoleFxautoremove -f ?13:46
pragmaticenigmawilly, does running an apt upgrade render any different results? possible that some package upgradees are needed first?13:51
HegnaHowdy yall13:54
HegnaWell folks my electron counterbalance overloaded13:55
HegnaHow do i fix it without neutrino containment rods13:55
HegnaI dont wanna damage the hadron array13:56
HegnaBecause that would mean recalibrating my QHD13:56
willyno sudo upgrade doing the same13:56
HegnaWilly can you help?13:57
HegnaMy OC3 optical lines are fried13:57
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pragmaticenigmaI don't think wine is your issue then, you might have a corrpupt cache for apt. Might want to try "apt autoclean" and "apt clean all" then update and try another upgrade13:58
willyhegna: what exactly are you trying to do. i think this is not the right channel for you14:00
HegnaIm trying to repair my counterbalance for my quqntum acceloration aray14:00
willythis is support channel for ubuntu operating system.14:01
HegnaIt uses ubuntu14:01
PiciHegna: try https://www.reddit.com/r/VXJunkies/ , not #ubuntu14:01
pragmaticenigmawilly, did you catch my last message?14:02
willypragmaticenigma: yeah the output is same14:03
willynothing happens14:03
HegnaIt was directed to me14:03
HegnaAnd no, it did nothing14:04
ecormierwilly: apt update14:04
willyhegna: i think you are on the wrong channel. your problem doesn't seem to be ubuntu related14:04
HegnaWilly pardon my language but your kiba being a little bitch right now14:05
HegnaIm on the right channel14:05
ecormierHegna: no one here can help you, sorry14:05
HegnaPragmatic is trying to14:06
ecormierpragmaticenigma: is talking to willy14:06
ecormiertroll elsewhere please14:06
ecormierwilly: no errors there, try installing wine again... which version of ubuntu are you on14:07
willyi am on ubuntu 16.04 but the error is still there14:08
pragmaticenigmaecormier, there is something in willy's apt cache or setup that is preventing him from installing wine. If they try to install or upgrade they get an error message14:08
ecormierpragmaticenigma: I got it, I thought sources might be out of sync14:09
reautopiahello ! it's my first time to be here, excited14:10
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willypragmatice: anything else that i can try?14:12
JimBuntureautopia, This channel is for Ubuntu support. Join #ubuntu-discuss to talk about Ubuntu in general or #ubuntu-offtopic to talk about whatever with others who may use Ubuntu. Otherwise, if you need help with Ubuntu, simply ask your question.14:12
pragmaticenigmawilly, we'd have to figure out what the root cause is for apt to be having trouble... what do you get when you run "apt list --upgradable"14:14
willyisc-dhcp-client/xenial-proposed 4.3.3-5ubuntu12.10 amd64 [upgradable from: 4.3.3-5ubuntu12.9]14:15
willy                      isc-dhcp-common/xenial-proposed 4.3.3-5ubuntu12.10 amd64 [upgradable from: 4.3.3-5ubuntu12.9]14:15
pragmaticenigmawilly, do you have the experimental channels active in apt?14:16
cbithi guys! Is there any way to reduce the memory usage of Ubuntu 17.10. I have only 8GB of RAM(XPS13)and during work (docker, visual studio code,...) I often saturate it.14:17
willyi dont know. how can i check it14:17
Triffid_Huntercbit: find out what's using the most and find an alternative for that thing14:18
pragmaticenigmacan you pastebin these files? /etc/apt/sources.list and the files from /etc/apt/sources.list.d14:18
Triffid_Huntercbit: for example, chrome with 10 tabs takes about the same ram as firefox with 400 tabs so that switch is an easy way to trim ram usage14:18
Triffid_Huntercbit: or dumping vs code for a regular text editor perhaps14:18
ageisW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>14:19
ageisW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-security/universe/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch14:19
ageisis anyone else getting this?14:19
ageison trusty14:19
pragmaticenigmacbit, docker requires 8 GM of RAM just for the manger node... Docker alone is saturating your system14:19
pragmaticenigmaThat should have said 8 GB of RAM... do not know why my keyboard enterd an M14:20
pragmaticenigmaageis, is updating to Ubuntu 16.04 an option for you? Ubuntu 14.04 is fast approaching it's End Of Life support14:21
pragmaticenigmaotherwise, try again in a few hours... sometimes the repos are in the middle of having packages updated on the server14:22
ageispragmaticenigma it's a SecureDrop user. they're all on trusty14:22
ageismgiration to xenial is in progress14:23
pragmaticenigmaageis, best to wait a bit and try again... you might need to run an "apt-get clean all" and "apt-get autoclean" to make sure something isn't stuck14:24
cbitpragmaticenigma, Triffid_Hunter yeah I'm using Firefox and I love it ;) unfortuantely I have to deal with Docker and VScode because of the project I'm working on14:24
cbityeah maybe if I could find some good plugins for vim and Angular+Typescript I could ditch VScode14:24
pragmaticenigmacbit, your issue isn't vscode... it's docker... it requires 12 GB or RAM just to run one node14:25
cbitoh nice, so I probably have no workaround for that xD14:26
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IndustrialHi. I am getting ENOSPC errors but df -h says 12% used14:28
IndustrialAll text I copy14:28
Industrialmakes the browser tab stuck14:29
Industrialall text I paste, stuck browser tab :S14:29
Industrial(and no paste)14:29
IndustrialI have 16GB ram and a 500GB SSD14:29
pragmaticenigmawilly, I'm really stumpped... There is something in your package management setup that is causing this issue. I'm not certain what it is, but it appears you have experimental repos enabled which hold unstable packages. Makes this really hard to troubleshoot14:31
willyis there anyway to fix it14:32
hfpHi, I noticed that firefox and chrome are tearing when scrolling. Is that something with my setup or is it the same for everyone? This is a video of what I mean, notice how the text tears around the middle of the screen: https://streamable.com/zpc2a14:32
JimBuntuhfp, I do not have that tearing in Chrome.14:33
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egyptianhi - how do i tell apt-get upgrade to only install security patches?14:39
pragmaticenigmaegyptian, all updates provided by apt-get upgrade are security patches... program version changes are rarely issued through upgrades, unless the package maintaners are unable to backport the security patch to an older version14:43
aeroINDIAN ubuntu iso install14:44
egyptianpragmaticenigma: r u sure? i have seen upgrades to python and other programs too14:47
helmiany woman here?14:48
egyptianhelmi: ish ma3na?14:48
leftyfbhelmi: That is offtopic. Do you have an Ubuntu support question?14:48
helmiegyptians : i am a man14:49
egyptianya ragel!!!14:50
egyptianoh man!14:50
egyptianpragmaticenigma: google tells me only unattended updates will install security patches and i want to verify coz i cant find it for apt-get upgrade14:51
willyleftyfb: this is stalion , who was asking about help on wine installation a couple of days ago. you left to have lunch. if u have time can u please help me now14:53
leftyfbwilly: there's 1500 people in here.14:54
willyyeah , yet my problem still persist.14:57
Borw3willy: What problem?14:57
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willyi am trying to install wine on ubuntu 16.04 but getting error.14:58
Borw3what error?14:58
Borw3willy: Tried installing from wine themselves by following https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu ?14:59
willydid whatever i was suggested to do from any member on this channel. but no solution15:00
Borw3willy: LOL, try the steps in https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu... It's the official one from wine themselves.15:00
EriC^^willy: try to keep installing the packages it says it depends on15:00
EriC^^sudo apt-get install wine1.615:01
Borw3EriC^^: Isn't wine 1.6 too old LOL, people flexing 3.0+15:01
leftyfb1.6 is what is in ubuntu 16.0415:01
hfpAnybody get `tlp recalibrate` to work on their ThinkPad? I have installed the tp-smapi and tpacpi-bat modules from the ubuntu repos, but tlp says they're inactive even after rebooting15:01
auronandacewilly: you could just install playonlinux, then you can get any version of wine you want15:02
leftyfbthe fact that willy cannot install a package from universe is telling of a bigger problem15:02
Borw3leftyfb: LOL, well ubuntu package manager is sleeping on his ass, cause other packages like firefox are updated to latest version.15:02
leftyfbThere are lots of ways to install wine, but that fact that willy cannot install a package from the official sources is a problem and should be address before worrying about just getting wine installed from some other method15:03
Borw3leftyfb: LOL, even debian updated to wine 2.0.x in their Repo, why Ubuntu still shipping wine 1.6? XD15:06
leftyfb!info wine15:07
ubottuPackage wine does not exist in artful15:07
Borw3No wine on artful? what of Bionic? XD15:07
Borw3Somebody in Ubuntu is sleeping on the job XD15:08
leftyfbBorw3: please don't15:08
leftyfbBorw3: regardless, none of this helps willy15:08
flying_sausageshey guys, I have a little development board and it has a USB port over which a serial console with a shell runs, specifically on ttymxc0. I'm trying to disable it at boot, by running systemctl disable serial-getty@ttymxc0.service but on reboot it still starts.15:09
flying_sausagesWhn I'm logged over through this port and I stop the service, the console stops though, so for sure it is the one.15:10
flying_sausagesafter disabling it, and still logging in with ttymxc0, when I check the status of the service, it says the following15:10
flying_sausages   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)15:11
flying_sausages   Active: [[0;1;32mactive (running)[[0m since Mon 2018-02-19 17:50:35 UTC; 3min 23s ago15:11
willyborw3:cant install by following te official site . https://pastebin.com/5uw3HYcR15:11
flying_sausageshow can I really make sure that this service doesn't start at boot? what could be overriding the systemctl disable?15:11
Borw3willy: WOW, LOL, I think it might be your OS, what version is it?15:12
Borw3willy: Did you upgrade from 14.04 or fresh install?15:12
bpyeIs there anywhere to see the current bugs in 18.04?15:13
willyyeah, i upgraded from 1415:14
flying_sausagesI also tried to systemctl mask serial-getty@.service15:14
flying_sausages but that still does not solve my issue15:14
Borw3flying_sausages: Try reading https://askubuntu.com/questions/19320/how-to-enable-or-disable-services second post :D15:14
leftyfb!bionic | bpye15:15
ubottubpye: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+115:15
Borw3willy: That is probably the problem XD, try fresh install , otherwise build wine from source.15:15
leftyfbwilly: I would try disabling the PPA's you have15:16
leftyfbwilly: use the software and updates utility and the "other Software" tab and uncheck everything. Then run sudo apt-get update in a terminal15:18
leftyfbflying_sausages: what version of ubuntu?15:19
pragmaticenigmaflying_sausages, also, what is the development board?15:20
willyleftyfb: done that. ran command sudo apt install wine, getting same errror15:22
pragmaticenigmawhen you uncheck, did you run apt update first?15:22
pragmaticenigmawhat about an apt upgrade?15:23
pragmaticenigmawilly, let's try that. Before we can install wine, we have to get APT working properly. Let's focus on getting apt working before focusing on wine for now15:24
willydone that.15:25
willynow what15:25
pragmaticenigmadid any errors come up with upgrade?15:25
Borw3Guy has 14.04 packages blocking packages needed to install wine, maybe try installing older version of wine, like 1.4 or something XD15:25
leftyfbwilly: what did apt-get update say?15:26
leftyfbBorw3: incorrect15:26
leftyfbBorw3: where are you getting that information?15:26
Borw3leftyfb: He said himself he upgraded from 14.04, that normally tends to cause broken packages, even worse, he might have upgraded from Kubuntu to 16.04 XD15:27
leftyfbBorw3: none of what you just said is valid data15:27
Borw3leftyfb: Kubuntu worn people not to upgrade to 16.04 from 14.04 because it will cause broken packages. XD15:28
willyi upgraded from ubuntu 14 to 1615:28
leftyfbwilly: just so we're not missing anything, can paste everything including the command you typed and the ready prompt at the end?15:28
Borw3willy: Also which DE of Ubuntu are you using? is it Kubuntu(KDE)?15:29
leftyfbBorw3: do you have some article/documentation showing the kubuntu team warning people not to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04?15:30
pragmaticenigmaBorw3, we have no idea on the history of willy's machine and you're making assumptions on limited information. Willy could have updated that machine when 16.04 came out, they could have done it yesterday, we haven't asked and we're not conserned by that. Which flavor doesn't matter either, their problem is clearly with APT and that is what we are focused on. Please help us figure out the issue with willy's apt package15:30
Borw3leftyfb: https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-16-04-4-lts-update-available/15:30
Borw3pragmaticenigma: https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-16-04-4-lts-update-available/15:31
leftyfbwilly: were/art you running kubuntu/KDE?15:32
acheronukleftyfb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu#A14.04_LTS_to_16.04_LTS_upgrade15:32
leftyfbnzpugs: test failed. Also not the appropriate place to test your IRC client15:34
willyleftyfb: sorry last paste was output for "sudo apt update" . https://pastebin.com/hYPhCi8N15:34
leftyfbBorw3: please stop with all the LOL's15:34
leftyfbwilly: ok, so that looks good. ....15:35
willyi am using unity15:35
tom_i have an issue very similar to this https://askubuntu.com/questions/798375/hundreds-of-nameownerchanged-dbus-signals-using-cpu15:35
tom_anybody have a solution?15:35
Borw3willy: try "sudo apt-cache madison wine" and see what it returns. :D15:35
pragmaticenigmaNo! willy do not do that15:36
Borw3pragmaticenigma: LOL, it just shows the versions of wine available.15:36
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: that last command isn't harmful15:37
pragmaticenigmawilly, your issue si that you still have xenial-propsed enabled.. that contains packages that aren't fully tested and are not ready for production15:38
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: that is not the issue15:38
pragmaticenigmapackages in there are going to conflict with packages in universe and other parts of the package management eco system15:38
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: I have proposed installed on all my machines and have wine installed on several of them15:38
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: that's not how proposed works15:39
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: especially since there's no later version of wine currently in proposed15:39
leftyfbwilly: sudo apt-get remove --purge --dry-run wine*15:39
leftyfbwilly: please show me the output of that15:40
pragmaticenigmaThat's what I was lead to believe... also on the issue earlier... telling someone to run a command followed "see what it return :D" is disingenuous and should make anyone suspicious of the command. Borw3 it would be wise to drop the emoticons and LOL's to help make it appear that you are serious about helping15:40
leftyfbwilly: ok, try: sudo apt install wine1.615:41
tom_can anyone help with my issue?15:42
anno13233hello i have question about kernel on ubuntu 16.04 why the kernel in 16.04 is the 4.4 ?15:42
pragmaticenigma!ask tom15:42
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: though I do agree with the emoticon commentary from Borw315:43
tom_i think it is related to avahi-daemon but i am not sure15:43
Borw3willy: I am suspicous you upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and now to 16.04 XD15:43
leftyfb!hwe | tom_15:43
ubottutom_: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:43
anno13233whene i look to the http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ the latest stable is 4.15 ?15:43
tom_i have an issue very similar to this https://askubuntu.com/questions/798375/hundreds-of-nameownerchanged-dbus-signals-using-cpu15:43
leftyfb!hwe | anno1323315:43
ubottuanno13233: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:43
leftyfbwilly: uname -i15:45
willyleftyfb: as far as i can remember , i just upgraded from ubuntu 1415:45
leftyfbwilly: apt-cache policy fonts-droid15:46
erdemi need to use a ms excel file with macros. libre office is not capable of handling that file/macros. any workaround or alternative tool that works on linux?15:47
leftyfberdem: office.com15:47
Borw3erdem: wps office.15:47
leftyfbwilly: sudo aptitude install wine15:47
pragmaticenigmaerdem, you could try office.com which allows free access to open excel documents... macros may not work however15:48
erdemoffice.com is the web version of ms office?15:49
leftyfbwilly: pick 3)15:49
pragmaticenigmaerdem, yes15:49
leftyfbwilly: r 315:50
Borw3leftyfb: He might need 32bit to run windows apps properly since its not wine2.0+15:52
leftyfbwilly: pick Y15:52
leftyfbBorw3: it's called debugging15:52
leftyfbwilly: ok, go through it again and this time hit n at the end, then Y15:53
jj_2018hi all, apt is in a broken state and I'm not sure how to fix it, I've already done the apt -f install which didn't work. The error is at: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jkXxFNhKrz/15:56
leftyfbwilly: accept it if you have't already15:56
InTheWingsAnyone pointers about the Ubuntu email leaks ?15:56
leftyfbInTheWings: ?15:57
leftyfbInTheWings: email leaks?15:57
willyjust wanted to confirm it wont break other softwares/packages on my system?15:57
EriC^^jj_2018: there's a ppa package causing the problem, do you need it?15:57
InTheWingsleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/raw/pUeHgn8g15:57
leftyfbwilly: it should not15:57
willyok. this may take a while leftyfb.15:58
jj_2018Eric^^ yes unfortuanly I really do15:58
leftyfbInTheWings: it's probably referring to the very public @ubuntu.com email addresses that someone spent the time to farm.15:58
EriC^^jj_2018: what happens when you try installing it? brb15:58
InTheWingsleftyfb: and i received that on another @15:58
leftyfbInTheWings: it's spam. Ignore/delete it15:59
jj_2018EriC^^: I saw that it's libsodium wich is part of the libsodium18 package, just not sure how to proceed15:59
willyleftyfb:which command am i supposed to run after this.16:01
leftyfbwilly: if it finished, try: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install wine16:01
jj_2018EriC^^: I installed KeePassXC and its working becasue the library libsodium is already installed as part of libsodium18, but it lists libsodium23 as a dependancy and now apt won't let me do anything else16:01
willynot finished yet. it will take half an hour approx.16:02
pragmaticenigmajj_2018, keepassxc isn't part of the main ubuntu repositories, our ability to troubleshoot it will be limited16:03
jj_2018pragmaticenigma: that I get, I'm just wondering if their is a way to get past the dependancy issue, or force the system to install the newer version of libsodium16:04
leftyfbjj_2018: remove --purge keepassxc16:04
pragmaticenigmajj_2018, you would have to compile libsodium23 from source16:05
pragmaticenigmaor find someone with a ppa that maintains it16:05
jj_2018leftyfb: wow, thats not a good solution, I use keepass on a regularly16:05
godxenocan anyone help me16:05
godxenovnc4server : Depends: xbase-clients but it is not going to be installed16:05
godxenoE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).16:05
leftyfbjj_2018: how do you use it if you can't install it?16:06
jj_2018leftyfb: it got installed, but somehow apt is still asking to install the package16:06
pragmaticenigmajj_2018, how did you install it, can you provide a link to the instructions you used?16:07
EriC^^jj_2018: what happens when you try to install libsodium23?16:07
leftyfbjj_2018: keepass2 and keepassx are available in the official repo's. You can try those. If you're having issues with a 3rd party project not available in the official repo's, you'll need to contact them for support16:07
pragmaticenigmaEriC^^, they won't be able to install libsodium23 ... ubuntu only supports up through libsodium1816:08
EriC^^pragmaticenigma: yeah he's using a ppa16:08
pragmaticenigmaEriC^^, the ppa should have provided it as a dependency, but it didn't have it flagged... so apt didn't stop the install16:09
pragmaticenigmajj_2018, if you are using ubuntu 16.04 or newer, you could try installing the snap package being offered. That should include all the dependencies16:09
jj_2018EriC^^: leftyfb pragmaticenigma ok looking at the PPA for Keepassxc it looks like others are having this issue, and they recomend reinstalling libsodium1816:09
jj_2018pragmaticenigma: I may have to give that a try thanks, thats a really good idea16:10
pragmaticenigmaAlso, the maintainers recommend removing and reinstalling libsodium18 to get past the issue. There is a linking issue with the library that keepassxc doesn't pick up on16:11
jj_2018pragmaticenigma: the problem with removing libsodium18 is that it wants to remove lots of other stuff with it16:12
pragmaticenigmayeah... is there any particular reason that you want keepassxc instead of keepassx?16:13
EriC^^jj_2018: what does 'sudo apt-get install libsodium23' give?16:16
=== druid__ is now known as Druide_
willyleftyfb:running sudo apt install wine giving : wine is already the newest version (1:1.6.2-0ubuntu14.2).16:18
leftyfbwilly: problem solved16:18
leftyfbwilly: I would highly recommend next month when 18.04 comes out, you should backup everything and install 18.04 from scratch. Or wait till 18.04.1 like I do, but it might be time for you to fresh install regardless.16:19
outoftime_92What is wrong "W: Target Packages (main/binary-amd64/Packages) is configured multiple times in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3 and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list:1" ?16:20
leftyfboutoftime_92: it means you have the same entry listed twice in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list. Edit the file and delete the duplicate line16:21
willyleftyfb: first of all i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. just last thing can u please refer me to some tutorial to learn using wine to install window app .16:22
leftyfbwilly: download a Windows exe/msi file and doubleclick it16:22
willyany tips so that i dont mess with ubuntu packages again in future16:23
leftyfbwilly: It looks like some package you had installed installed a later version of liblcms2-2 than the official repo's provide. Just be careful with the ppa's you add16:25
jj_2018EriC^^: leftyfb pragmaticenigma thanks guys for the help, got it wokring now, needed to remove keepassxc, downgrade libsodium18 and then install keepassxc which installed libsodium23, now it seems to all be working agian16:25
EriC^^jj_2018: cool16:26
outoftime_92leftyfb: thank you.16:27
willyso i must check what packages are being changed when adding ppa16:27
outoftime_92How `ping` works. It is possible that server not didn't accept ping requests but accepts any other?16:27
naccoutoftime_92: yes16:33
godxenoi need help16:44
outoftime_92godxeno: just ask16:44
godxenopackaged wont install on my dedicated server ;(16:45
erdemwhere do i put my own bash scripts that should be available to everybody on the system? /usr/bin ?#16:46
EriC^^erdem: /usr/local/bin perhaps16:47
erdemthank you16:48
EriC^^no problem16:48
leftyfberdem: you'll have to add /usr/local/bin to your $PATH for each user or globally16:49
ChiLLabiSHello! How do i see the verion of an amdgpu-pro install?16:49
jbz6it is generaly already part of the path16:50
ChiLLabiSI installed it before but don't know if i installed the regular or the PRO version16:50
leftyfbjbz6: you're right. I was wrong16:51
jbz6@leftyfb, no problem16:51
jbz6did you extract it from a .tar.gz ?16:53
jbz6ok, dont you have the name of the version on that ?16:54
ChiLLabiSI want to check if i installed the regular or the pro version16:54
ChiLLabiSI've forgotten16:54
jbz6ok i see16:55
ChiLLabiSThere is 2 different versions in the install folder16:55
jbz6never used it but, what about blabla -version ?16:55
jbz6like a java -version16:55
jbz6or many other bins16:55
Borw3or man blahblahblah16:56
ChiLLabiSAll i get is amdgpu-uninstall16:56
jbz6lol Borw316:57
jbz6did you check in you ps ?16:58
jbz6ps -x | grep amd16:58
jbz6if its used16:58
erdemdo you guys know a tool that lets me autocomplete predefined texts, no matter which app i am currently typing in`16:59
Borw3erdem: vim :D16:59
jbz6yo, @ChiLLabiS17:00
jbz6System Check17:00
jbz6The easiest way to find out if you have AMDGPU-Pro already installed on your Ubuntu System is to query the Debian package manager.17:00
jbz6Using the following command at a terminal will provide you with the version of the AMDGPU-Pro stack on your system, or inform you that there are no packages found:17:00
jbz6dpkg -l amdgpu-pro17:00
Borw3erdem: Sorry, not vim, but ment to say vim plugins in specific applications :D17:00
jbz6ps is a command to list all of your processes17:00
ChiLLabiSjust says amd17:00
jbz6lol ok17:01
ChiLLabiS6326 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto amd17:01
jbz6try dpkg -l amdgpu-pro17:01
ChiLLabiSthat worked jbz617:02
ChiLLabiSthank you17:02
jbz6ok cool ;) you're welcome17:02
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest97740
Lavinhogood afternoon17:23
Lavinhohow to install ubuntu on acer es1-132 ?17:24
Lavinhoinstalled but no bootable device17:24
Lavinhohelp me please17:24
pragmaticenigmaLavinho, take a look at https://askubuntu.com/questions/287064/how-do-i-make-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb17:26
pragmaticenigmaread the whole article *BEFORE* you start17:26
Lavinhono understand17:27
Lavinhobut reboot17:27
Lavinhoand message no bootabe device17:27
Lavinhoand bios no selected uefi trusted file option17:28
Lavinhono option17:28
naccgodxeno: you might need to file a bug17:29
flying_sausageshey guys, where do I need to symlink my .service file in order for it to start on boot again?17:31
flying_sausagessorry, this is within systemd context17:32
jesse__ho any news here17:33
naccjesse__: wrong channel?17:33
naccflying_sausages: should be sufficent to `systemctl enable <service>`117:34
jesse__mac are jusnk17:34
naccjesse__: this is the ubuntu support channel17:34
naccjesse__: you might want #ubuntu-offtopic or some other channel17:34
jesse__am ok17:34
jesse__benn around a long time jsut lokking about17:35
jesse__jsut pot snoffing17:35
ikoniathen stop17:35
jesse__stop typing17:35
naccikonia: thanks17:36
flying_sausagesnacc, I'm building a recipe for yocto so I don't have a shell running17:39
naccflying_sausages: in theory, you could need to symlink it from one of the wants iirc17:40
wadI'm on my Ubuntu box, and I need to transfer a file to a remote Windows machine. I can connect to it with Remmina, but that doesn't seem to let me upload a file to it. Is there some other tool you guys know of?17:46
teddyzcute ftp17:48
wadThe Windows machine is all locked down. No browser, etc.17:48
teddyzboot the other box linux and move the file17:49
teddyzon a usb st17:49
wadThe remote machine is in a datacenter in another state. :(17:49
teddyzare the two in the same room17:50
teddyzok waht make17:50
teddyzplug a cell phone on it17:51
teddyzthe in ternet a scam wad you move anything17:53
ducassewad: why is it locked down? haven't you got admin access?17:54
teddyzyou move any with modem17:54
teddyzamin hack it17:54
teddyzplug  new rotter a with a new pasword17:55
leftyfbwad: if you don't have a browser, how do you expect to download any solutions suggested to you?17:56
teddyzpassword a are funny thing there on computer with to many ways to get in17:56
teddyzrun internet exp on the run button17:56
teddyzor but it on usb st17:57
teddyzit better to un a boot dis. with linuz17:57
teddyzor linux17:57
teddyzor  are move lage files17:58
leftyfbteddyz: If you're going to make suggestions, please try to speak clear English17:58
teddyzam not for here sorry17:59
teddyzam flying17:59
wadThis Windows machine has no browser installed.17:59
leftyfbwad: if you don't have a browser, how do you expect to download any solutions suggested to you?17:59
teddyzi dont speck the kings enlishhh17:59
teddyzwad relly oh boty18:00
leftyfbteddyz: please stop18:00
teddyzyou tring to in a school sever18:00
teddyzyou trying to hank in to school sever18:01
ducasseteddyz: trolling is not welcome here, cut it out18:01
leftyfbwad: I would suggest the portable version of winscp. https://winscp.net/download/WinSCP-5.13-Portable.zip18:01
leftyfbwad: please see #windows for further support with getting it installed18:01
teddyzlefty can i kiis you18:01
leftyfb!op | teddyz18:02
ubottuteddyz: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax18:02
wadI can get into the remove Windows box via Remmina. It's a locked-down application server, running in AWS. Even though I can interact with the desktop, I haven't been able to find a way to transfer a file to the remote filesystem. I'm fairly good at linux, Windows, not so much.18:03
leftyfbwad: please go to #windows for support with Windows18:03
wadOkay. Thanks guys!18:03
leftyfbwad: if they ask about file transfer to linux, I'd suggest scp which winscp will do just fine18:04
teddyzgood day wad18:04
teddyzjsut remmber the is free18:04
teddyzyou get what you pay for18:04
leftyfbteddyz: please leave18:05
wad(I HATE WINDOWS! Why do people think they make good servers?? Stab myself in the face...)18:05
teddyzuse linux windows like the russan do18:05
leftyfbwad: That kind of talk isn't necessary18:05
teddyzit fast and easy18:06
leftyfb!op | teddyz18:06
teddyzam been in milt . many yeats18:06
teddyzit just a fax michin18:06
leftyfbteddyz: please leave18:06
navplayermmotto g5 connect via usb18:07
teddyzi connect with tow cans on string18:08
navplayerno bot selected18:08
navplayermodel phone xt167218:09
teddyzmot by make in mex good stuff18:10
navplayerok tah18:11
teddyzyou use to craf18:11
leftyfbnavplayer: just ignore teddyz. They're not here to help18:11
teddyz att18:11
teddyzam white a fat and 400 lb18:12
navplayermy phone is craffted18:12
navplayerin loser update18:12
teddyznever ?18:12
teddyzmint sims cheep18:13
teddyz15 mouth18:13
leftyfb!op | teddyz18:13
leftyfb!op | navplayer18:14
ubottunavplayer: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax18:14
teddyzbeen arould18:14
teddyzam flying18:14
teddyzto my mom18:14
navplayerinstaled for fastboo18:15
teddyzhome in thexas18:15
leftyfbteddyz: please /part18:15
leftyfbnavplayer: What exactly is your Ubuntu support question?18:15
teddyzubntu is toy softway18:15
navplayerin 50% update craft18:16
teddyz i teach18:16
navplayerto power of18:16
teddyzi writer18:16
teddyzviodo games18:16
navplayeris config network FON18:17
teddyz on your fone ald18:17
navplayerIS set up18:17
teddyzhave to land this thing be back18:18
navplayerno remove usb18:19
navplayerled is on18:19
navplayerto power f18:19
denixx|h2All! I'm actually on Bionic. But I'll appreciate someone help me to find needed place to edit.18:20
leftyfb!bionic | denixx|h218:20
ubottudenixx|h2: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+118:20
navplayeris power off display18:20
denixx|h2Yeah, I'm there.18:21
navplayeron liht led18:21
ducassedenixx|h2: that's the place to ask your question18:21
tgm4883where's ikonia when we need him again18:22
leftyfbor any of the other 33 ops mentioned18:22
tgm4883leftyfb: true18:23
teddyzsystem will collect data on the user's OS details, hardware setup, apps and OS settings18:23
leftyfbteddyz: please leave. Go do something else with your time.18:23
navplayerand 7.1 nou18:24
teddyz nah18:24
teddyzaa cvs is a cvs flie18:25
zuhaitzHi, I am in gnome shell - ubuntu 16.04 and kmailservice5 is active with 100% cpu, how can I know what program is using it? Please.18:27
teddyzUndergraduate working with human cadavers in GCU lab18:27
teddyzhoo looka beer can18:27
navplayerye cpu 100%18:28
leftyfbzuhaitz: it's kmail18:28
zuhaitzkmail is not insstalled leftyfb18:29
lurchadamshi guys, torn between opensuse tumbleweed and ubuntu 18.04 for a desktop user (no IT professional). Looking for direct input/ experience as in why would you recommend ubuntu over opensuse tumbleweed?18:29
zuhaitzleftyfb: Package 'kmail' is not installed, so not removed18:29
teddyzubuntu 18.04 no wonder am runing robo liux18:29
leftyfbzuhaitz: could be kio or app-install-service apparently18:29
leftyfblurchadams: that's not a support question. Please go to #ubuntu-offtopic18:30
FroMasterWith Ubuntu 16.04, I noticed the locale changed from en_US.UTF-8 to en_US.utf8. The Ubuntu/Xenial documentation still references using the older en_US.UTF-8 format (https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/amd64/apbs04.html) Where should I report this?18:30
zuhaitzleftyfb: it happened me after trying o installing some plugins in rhythmbox18:30
teddyzthis a kids room18:30
leftyfb!bug | FroMaster18:30
ubottuFroMaster: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:30
FroMasterleftyfb, Guess I first should figure out if it is a bug?18:31
teddyzbug spare18:32
navplayerread in one18:33
leftyfbif someone just booted teddyz, please add navplayer18:33
pragmaticenigmaIs anyone familiar with i915 Intel Graphics configuration for power save or monitor power saving? I have an issue with a Toshiba A15 laptop. Sometimes when the screen goes to power save, the screen displays streaky vertical lines.18:39
pragmaticenigmaBecause it only does this sometimes, I think it's one of the power state modes being triggered that the laptop does not support18:40
pragmaticenigmaI have had very little luck and disabling power management to begin troubleshooting as something else always seems to take over18:40
FroMasterUbuntu 16.04, `locale` shows LANG=en_US.UTF-8 but `localectl -list-locale` shows en_US.utf8 ... Things seem to be working but... Anyone know what the right setting should be?18:41
=== vrg is now known as Verge
pragmaticenigmaNot sure I understand what you are asking FroMaster ... is US English not your primary language?18:42
FroMasterpragmaticenigma, the name of the locale looks to have changed from en_US.UTF-8 to en_US.utf818:43
pragmaticenigmaI don't know how you got the second command to work, localectl doesn't have a parameter -list-locale18:44
FroMastersorry, localectl list-locale18:45
pragmaticenigmaFroMaster, it is normal, they mean the same thing, just slightly different representations18:45
navplayerphone removed fron usb18:46
=== Rez_ is now known as Lo
`mistheya fellas, seems my boot partition has run full19:01
`mistcan't seem to clean it either...19:01
`mistkeep on getting E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:02
`mistregardless of what i do pretty much. Anyone know how to clean out these packages?19:02
Bashing-om`mist: Show us, in a pastebin ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' . See where we go from there .19:04
`mistBashing-om: https://pastebin.com/yUtsMppK19:05
Bashing-om`mist: Not the command result I requested .. as is might try ' sudo apt install linux-image-4.4.0-116-generic ' see what happens .19:08
`mistBashing-om: https://pastebin.com/AZ7uMJAa19:10
`mistfull output19:10
Bashing-om`mist: Do not see an out of space issue at this time .. OK try the ' sudo apt install linux-image-4.4.0-116-generic ' .19:13
jwitkoHey all, I'm attempting to have a java application run at Desktop instantiation for the "ubuntu" user.  I've attempted to put a .desktop file in $HOME/.config/autostart/<service_name>.desktop but it does not start when I log into the desktop and I can't seem to find any logging.  My desktop file can be seen here:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XTDX6ywkBg/19:19
jwitkoI've also tried moving it into /etc/xdg/autostart/  with no luck19:20
jwitkoIf I execute the Exec command directly as the user, the java app starts up and works no problem19:20
kostkonjwitko, try using the full path for the .jar executable19:20
jwitkokostkon, ok I'll try that now.  Would I just need to logout/login to the user or is a reboot required ?19:20
pragmaticenigmayou should be able to logout and login to see if it takes effect19:21
vadiHow can I check if computers SSD is functioning OK from a liveusb?19:22
vadiThe computer refuses to boot with the SSD, it gets stuck on "Loading Operating System..."19:22
jwitkokostkon, pragmaticenigma , I made the edit to use the full path of the jar file in both the local user and system desktop files.  Logged Off and Logged In, process is still not running.19:22
pragmaticenigmaIs this a gui application? or command line?19:23
Bashing-omvadi: What file systm is on the SSD ?19:23
jwitkopragmaticenigma, GUI application19:23
pragmaticenigmajwitko, Try removing the nodisplay option?19:23
vadiBashing-om: ext4 I'm guessing19:24
vadiThe usual Ubuntu one19:24
vadiIt's also encrypted with the disk encryption in 16.04 I think19:24
rizonzhi guys what version of PHP is now in 16.04 ?19:24
naccrizonz: 7.0.2519:25
naccrizonz: (in xenial-updates)19:25
Bashing-omvadi: No guessing here - leads to some great problems .. from that liveUSB show us - in a pastebin site ' sudo parted -l ; . See what we have to work with ,19:25
rizonzmeh, ondrej his php .7.2 packages are failing atm19:25
naccrizonz: php7.2 is only in bionic19:25
rizonznacc: ondrej had packages for 16.0419:26
naccrizonz: if you are having issues with ondrej's ppa, please contact onrej19:26
naccrizonz: i know19:26
kostkonjwitko, what happens when you double click on it19:26
jwitkopragmaticenigma, sorry I misspoke.  It runs as a background service but requires a display (cannot run headless).  I set the "NoDisplay" option to false and logged off/on.  No luck.19:26
jwitkoIt is supposed to put an icon in the system tray19:26
jwitkokostkon, there is no icon to double click on.  but if I run from a command line (from within a desktop) it starts up no problem19:27
pragmaticenigmadoes that software vendor offer any advice on getting it to autostart? jwitko19:27
kostkonjwitko, you should be able to double click on the desktop file. also, make it executable, if it isn't already19:28
jwitkokostkon, they were not executable.  I have made them executable now and did a log on/off.  it did not help, but I am rebooting now just in case its required to take effect.19:29
jwitkopragmaticenigma, this is an in-house application.19:29
pragmaticenigmajwitko, perhaps this might help instead? https://askubuntu.com/questions/644762/telegram-at-startup19:29
pragmaticenigmait's how to add an application to launch on startup19:30
pragmaticenigmause the same command from your .desktop and see if that works19:30
diverdudehi. i am getting error like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SfPzKsyKt3/ when i try to run sudo apt-get update. what is wrong?19:30
naccdiverdude: for some reason yhou have a cdrom source listed in your sources.list still19:30
vadi2Bashing-om: https://pastebin.com/MxgSeFcp19:31
StephenLynxany idea why nmcli just gives me an unknown error when trying to connect o a wifi?19:31
diverdudenacc: weird,.... i never had a cd rom in this machine19:31
naccdiverdude: it's added from the installer (usb is treated as a cdrom, iirc)19:31
jwitkokostkon, I think you might be on to something!  double-clicking returns an error "failed to execute child process, no such file or directory"19:31
naccdiverdude: just comment it out19:31
diverdudenacc: cani disable it?19:31
diverdudenacc: where?19:31
rizonznacc: I needed to readd ondrej his ppa19:32
kostkonjwitko, try running it in the terminal as well, now that you've made it executable19:32
naccdiverdude: /etc/apt/sources.list (or some file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d)19:32
naccrizonz: mm ok? not really relevant to me particularly :)19:32
Bashing-omvadi2: " btrfs " file system . I have zero experience - can not advise .19:32
jwitkokostkon, pragmaticenigma , so i have verified that the ubuntu user can see/access both files listed in the Exec command19:33
rizonznacc: but good to know ;)19:33
jwitkokostkon, how does one execute a desktop file from the command line?   a ./file gives all sorts of errors (as expected, since its just a text file?)19:34
kostkonjwitko, you could try removing the quotation marks from exec and see what happens19:34
jwitkokostkon, ......19:35
kostkonjwitko, if it's been set as executable you should be able to run it as ./file19:35
jwitkokostkon, removing the quotes worked lol19:35
kostkonjwitko, nice19:36
kostkonjwitko, also consider adding the StartupWMClass entry19:36
vadihow come the mouse cursor dissapears when I move it over the Files window in a 16.04 liveusb? It makes it real hard to use19:36
diverdudewhen i then try to run apt-get upgrade it throws an error and says i have to run apt-get install -f. However when i do that it just hangs, like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vq8x73QkWD/   What is going wrong here?19:36
naccdiverdude: are you sure it's haning? it's downloading a package actively over the network in that paste19:37
jwitkokostkon, pragmaticenigma , thank you both very much19:37
naccdiverdude: you also probably need to clean our your /boot at some point19:37
jwitkokostkon, what would I put in "StartupWMClass=" ?19:37
naccdiverdude: see line 18 in the paste19:38
kostkonjwitko, open a terminal, type  xprop | grep WM_CLASS  and then when the cursor changes shape click on the java app's main window. it will give you a value. set that value as the value of the StartupWMClass entry19:38
diverdudenacc: ahhh its just very slow. its at 84% now19:39
kostkonjwitko, if you'll get more than one value use the less generic one19:39
jwitkokostkon, unfortuntely the java process does not have a window19:39
kostkonjwitko, only a tray icon?19:40
Astra1993hi everyone19:41
jwitkokostkon, yes.  There is no window to the application.19:41
diverdudenacc: so clean out boot using apt-get install -f ?19:42
naccdiverdude: no.19:43
diverdudenacc: so clean out boot using apt-get install -f ?19:43
naccdiverdude: read line 18 in your paste19:43
pragmaticenigmakostkon, it's an applet for the system tray... when a user interacts with it, it will likely launch a full window application19:43
diverdudenacc: bah...it errored: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wF5DZJcvx7/19:44
tgm4883diverdude: as expected19:44
naccdiverdude: i feel like maybe you are ignoring me?19:44
diverdudetgm4883: what19:44
naccdiverdude: read line 18 in your paste (i've said this twice now)19:45
godxenowhats a good program to open rar files?19:45
tgm4883diverdude: read what was told to you. Nacc told you twice (now three times) where it tells you the exact command to run19:45
m3rlingodxeno, unrar19:45
tgm4883diverdude: He actually told you no, don't run the command you asked about and you ran that command anyway19:45
diverdudebut then it asks me to run apt-get install -f when i try to run sudo apt autoremove19:46
Astra1993I need a tool for repairing corruption in files downloaded from my server. Occasionally when I download files, small parts of it gets corrupted (interruptions in network) and I don't want to download the entire file again. Any suggestions?19:46
tgm4883diverdude: well that's information that you probably should have stated19:46
diverdudetgm4883: ok sorry...but what to do then19:49
naccdiverdude: please pastebin the exact ouptut from `sudo apt-get autoremove`19:49
wafflejockAstra1993 can maybe use rsync with --append-verify https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/48298/can-rsync-resume-after-being-interrupted19:50
=== Peetz1r is now known as Peetz0r
x_hello, how i can see network traffic ? I want to see windows 10 network traffic in virtualbox19:53
vadiHow can I debug Ubuntu not loading from an SSD?19:53
vadiThe SSD has Ubuntu installed and I can browse it fine from a LiveUSB.19:53
tgm4883!details | vadi19:53
ubottuvadi: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.19:53
wafflejockx_ wireshark? er maybe etherape depends on what you're trying to monitor or 'what level' of detail you need19:53
vadiWhat details are you looking after?19:54
tgm4883vadi: what happens during boot?19:54
visipvadi: do you have it installed on UEFI and Secure Boot is enabled?19:54
visipvadi: Is it installed with MBR or GPT disks?19:54
vadiIt says "Loading Operating System...", shows a purple screen for a moment, then it all goes black. Case disk usage keeps on blinking. Yes, UEFI and Secure Boot is enabled - I have to sign my virtualbox modules and such.19:55
vadiThere is a master boot record.19:55
Astra1993wafflejock, thanks. Let me test it.19:55
vadiWhat can I do to diagnose the problem?19:58
TJ-vadi: you can get to the GRUB boot menu by pressing Escape? if so, do that, highlight the Ubuntu entry, press 'e' to edit it, navigate to the line beginning "linux ..." and remove "quiet splash" and add "debug" then press Ctrl+x (or F10) to boot with those changes. You may/should see the kernel messages then19:58
vltx_: iftop is quite nice.19:59
vadiDid that - it scrolled text for a bit, then black screen20:01
vadiWhat does that mean?20:01
diverdudenacc: sorry, my bad. It asked me to do apt-get autoremove -f but when i do that i get this error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BT3Ng77RCD/20:02
ioriavadi, what's your video card ?20:02
naccdiverdude: strange, you can manually remove some stuff from your /boot. can you pastebin `ls -ahl /boot` ?20:02
vadinvidia 780 ti20:03
ioriavadi, try the nomodeset parameter20:03
ioriavadi, where you removed 'quiet splash'   ass 'nomodeset'20:04
ioriasy, *add20:04
diverdudenacc: here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w3DZykj2Yk/20:04
naccdiverdude: and `uname -r` ?20:04
naccdiverdude: sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-38-generic /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-81-generic, then try autoremove again (no -f !)20:05
naccpresuming your current kernel is niether of those20:05
diverdudenacc: uname -r 4.4.0-97-generic20:06
naccdiverdude: yeah remove those initrds first then try autoremove again20:06
diverdudenacc: then it errors and asks me to use -f20:06
vadiit booted with nomodeset. What does this mean?20:07
naccdiverdude: i don't believe you :)20:07
naccdiverdude: can you pastebin the exact output from `sudo apt autoremove` ?20:07
TJ-nacc: this may help  http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/apt-autoremove-old-kernels20:07
ioriadiverdude, why 97 if the latest installed is 4.4.0-101-generic  ?20:07
naccioria: next step, next step20:07
diverdudenacc: i get this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xwtpxtDz7s/20:07
naccioria: we need to first clear up their /boot20:07
ioriai see20:07
naccdiverdude: right, that's referring to apt-get, afaict, it's poorly worded20:08
naccdiverdude: so you're already wedged20:08
naccfirst, remove some initrds, as i suggested20:08
naccthen run sudo apt-get -f install, then run sudo apt-get autoremove20:08
diverdudenacc: i removed those which you suggested20:08
diverdudenacc: and then i ran apt-get autoremove and i get that error20:09
diverdudenacc: should i remove other?20:09
x_Where store downloaded program with components ?20:11
ioriax_,  what you mean ?20:12
m3rlinx_: /var/cache/apt/archives20:12
diverdudenacc: ?20:12
diverdudenacc: so i need to reinstall ubuntu?20:12
Fretegiafternoon guys20:13
Fretegiand gals20:13
Fretegiis there a repo anyone knows of that contains the 2.7 or higher versions of GNUCash?20:13
Fretegiseems you have to manually build it at the moment.  which i am not against.  just more a pain to keep updated that way20:14
ioria!info gnucash bionic20:14
ubottugnucash (source: gnucash): personal and small-business financial-accounting software. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:2.6.18-1 (bionic), package size 2324 kB, installed size 10199 kB20:14
naccdiverdude: which error?20:17
naccdiverdude: 1) remove initrds as told, 2) run sudo apt-get -f install, 3) run sudo apt-get autremove20:18
diverdudenacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rx4hVrsXmh/20:18
naccdiverdude: ok, so you need to remove more20:19
diverdudenacc: ok, what more20:19
naccdiverdude: sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-{38,81,83,87,89}-generic20:19
diverdudenacc: i have onlye these. Can i remove it all? /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0- initrd.img-4.4.0-104-generic  initrd.img-4.4.0-93-generic   initrd.img-4.4.0-97-generic initrd.img-4.4.0-92-generic   initrd.img-4.4.0-96-generic20:21
naccdiverdude: no, you don't want to remove them all20:21
naccdiverdude: you mean after running the above command you do? or before?20:21
wafflejockx_ "dpkg -L packagename" will show the files installed from some given package if you've installed something and want to list the unpacked files20:22
naccTJ-: do you mind stepping in, i need to go afk20:22
diverdudenacc: how can i just remove all i dont need?20:22
naccdiverdude: you can use TJ-'s script20:22
naccdiverdude: http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/apt-autoremove-old-kernels20:22
diverdudeok, will try it20:22
TJ-nacc: sure, although I'm in-and-out right fighting config of squid-deb-proxy for IPv6 :)20:23
TJ-diverdude: that script of mine identifies any kernels due for autoremoval, then deletes the initrd.img files associated with them to free some space, then does the autoremove which should leave you with some free space20:23
Ebothey, is anybody here?20:25
Fretegiso seems the only way is to just build the latest gnucash manually each time huh20:25
leftyfb!ask | Ebot20:26
ubottuEbot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:26
Ebotok, thank you :)20:26
Eboti'm a newbe :D20:26
diverdudeTJ-: when i run the script i get the same error :(20:27
pragmaticenigmaIs anyone familiar with i915 Intel Graphics configuration for power save or monitor power saving? I have an issue with a Toshiba A15 laptop. Sometimes when the screen goes to power save, the screen displays streaky vertical lines.20:27
TJ-diverdude: can you pastebin the error, or give me a link if you have previously pastebinned it?20:27
diverdudeTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9MW5BMTJHK/20:28
TJ-poor streaky :)20:28
pragmaticenigmaBecause it only does this sometimes, I think it's one of the power state modes being triggered that the laptop does not support20:28
pragmaticenigmaI have had very little luck and disabling power management to begin troubleshooting as something else always seems to take over20:28
TJ-diverdude: can you show me "pastebinit <( ls -latr /boot/; df -h )"20:29
diverdudeTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KKc9QHHBVP/20:30
Astra1993wafflejock, rsync is working great. --inplace did it. Do I need the --checksum parameter set too?20:32
TJ-diverdude: OK, do this: "sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-{81,83,87,89,92,93}-generic"20:32
TJ-diverdude: then do "df -h /boot" and you should see some free space; if so, "sudo apt autoremove"20:32
diverdudeTJ-: avail 219M20:32
StephenLynxi got this issue with nmcli. I want to disconnect from the currenctly wifi network, but for it to disconnect I must inform which duplicate it is, obtained from nmcli c20:32
StephenLynxcan I just tell it to use the id used when I get it from nmcli dev wifi or just disconnect from any network?20:33
Astra1993It seems that rsync without --checksum uses the file's size and modtime to figure out if it needs to update the file.20:33
TJ-diverdude: you should now be in a position to run "sudo apt-get -f install" to ensure all packages are fully configured20:33
TJ-StephenLynx: nmcli con down needs to know which connection20:35
diverdudeTJ-: still running aut of space and error :(20:35
TJ-diverdude: what command is causing that?20:36
diverdudeTJ-: thats when i do sudo apt-get -f install afte ri did the rm you told me to do20:36
diverdudeTJ-: the sudo apt-get -f install20:36
TJ-diverdude: OK, so I think it is possibly you've got a hold on all those kernels so it is rebuilding the initrd.img files we just deleted... lets explore some more. Show me: "pastebinit <( df -h /boot; dpkg -l 'linux-image*' | grep ^ii; ls -latr /boot/)"20:37
diverdudeTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2Hd6wTS2KZ/20:38
pragmaticenigmaor if anyone has any knowldege on power management in general for Ubuntu that would be appreciated20:39
pragmaticenigmaevery site/page I visit on the web has some sort of attempt, but nothing is 100% and it's hard when you disable one feature to find out it doesn't survive a reboot or something else takes over for it later20:40
daxmax64Hey there, I'm having some trouble finding the solution to a problem with Ubuntu 17.1020:40
diverdudeTJ-: did you get that?20:41
TJ-diverdude: OK, let's try again! "sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-{81,83,87,89,92,93}-generic; sud dpkg -r linux-image-4.4.0-{81,83,87,89,92,93}-generic"20:41
TJ-diverdude: STOP! Typo in that one, here: "sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-{81,83,87,89,92,93}-generic; sudo dpkg -r linux-image-4.4.0-{81,83,87,89,92,93}-generic"20:41
MeaCulpapragmaticenigma you find power settings under system settings20:41
Sven__I don't get it. how can Ubiquity fail to create a user just because it's another computer? I installed Ubuntu successfully on 3 machines in the last few days, but today, it crashes: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Ns5dKRXbf5/20:41
=== Sven__ is now known as Sven_vB
MeaCulpaclick on the right top wheel20:41
Sven_vBtrying to install Xenial 64bit on a lenovo ideapad 31020:42
diverdudeTJ-: error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Zh8XDms6YJ/20:42
daxmax64Every time I drag & drop files, Nautilus locks up. Does anyone have a fix for this yet?20:42
TJ-Sven_vB: any UTF-8 unicode non-ASCII characters in the username?20:43
OnigiriI setup a bionic today on efi/software raid/lvm in a raid1. Is there some simple mechanic to keep the efi slice on both drives in sync? Can I convince grub to copy the data from one drive to another when it updates?20:43
Sven_vBTJ-, nope, just 3 ascii letters. I'll try another password hash though, to make sure.20:44
TJ-diverdude: OK, we're almost there! "sudo dpkg -r sudo dpkg -r linux-image-4.4.0-{81,83,87,89,92,93}-generic linux-image-extra-4.4.0-{81,83,87,89,92,93}-generic"20:44
TJ-Sven_vB: could be a length issue maybe?20:44
Sven_vBTJ-, yeah maybe.20:45
pragmaticenigmaMeaCulpa, those don't do anything for my situation20:45
MeaCulpaok, can't help you sorry20:45
Sven_vBoh I accidentially copied a colon with the hash.20:45
Sven_vBhope that's it20:45
diverdudeTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WKKrnj4cdd/20:45
MeaCulpaSven_vB you certainly need good typing skills lol20:46
Sven_vBMeaCulpa, I'd prefer a more helpful error message in Ubiquity. :)20:46
MeaCulpa<has gone mental over typos20:47
pragmaticenigmathe problem is kernel and driver level... that much I have been able to determine. If I run a different distribution, like CentOs, I don't have this issue. So it's something in how Ubuntu is configured to determine available power states. I just don't know what those power states are and which one to disable so it doesn't keep causing this problem20:47
TJ-diverdude: Another typo by me, here you go  "sudo dpkg -r linux-image-4.4.0-{81,83,87,89,92,93}-generic linux-image-extra-4.4.0-{81,83,87,89,92,93}-generic"20:47
MeaCulpamaybe update the kernel20:47
MeaCulpaor use another20:47
MeaCulpacan anyone tell me off the top, where the kernel site is please20:48
TJ-MeaCulpa: which kernel site? http://kernel.org ?20:48
MeaCulpathe one with the latest stable update20:49
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks for the hint about bad characters. :)20:49
TJ-MeaCulpa: you need to be more precise; it's not clear whether you're referring to Ubuntu kernels, Ubuntu builds of the mainline kernel, or the mainline kernels!20:49
MeaCulpathanks TJ20:49
MeaCulpaI really don't know the difference I just know there is somewhere to get a nice update that is presumably better20:50
MeaCulpaand I like to try them20:51
pragmaticenigmaThe kernels provided in the repos are the most compatible... anything outside of that you will have to compile and build on your own20:52
pragmaticenigmaMeaCulpa, ^ ^20:52
TJ-!mainline | MeaCulpa20:53
ubottuMeaCulpa: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds20:53
diverdudeTJ-: ok, that worked i think. what now?20:53
TJ-diverdude: you should have free space? "df -h /boot" ... if so, retry "sudo apt-get -f install"20:54
diverdudeTJ-: yes that went through also20:56
diverdudeTJ-: now sudo apt-get autoremove ?20:57
MeaCulpaTJ could you give me the url please for mainline kernels please20:57
MeaCulpaand thanks for your advice20:57
AlabasterI have a question if I may ask20:58
TJ-diverdude: I think I did that manually but yes, do it, get it nice and clean again :)20:58
TJ-MeaCulpa: read the link ubottu gave you20:59
diverdudeTJ-: ahh nice...so i can finally install filezilla i think hehehe20:59
MeaCulpathanks everyone you're very helpful20:59
TJ-diverdude: sorry it took us so long!20:59
Astra1993How big is the block size in rsync when it's comparing two files?21:00
diverdudeTJ-: hey, dont be sorry. I should thank you....i would have never fixed that myself21:01
AlabasterShould it say under Properties Permissions Owner as just literally the word "Me" instead of my username on my main account?21:01
pragmaticenigmadiverdude, a good maintence to add in the future is to run apt autoremove after a kernel update, so it will remove the older ones21:02
diverdudepragmaticenigma: right. thanks21:02
diverdudeDoes anybody know if there is an easy way to upload files to MS onedrive in ubuntu? (not using the broken web interface)21:02
pragmaticenigmaI have not seen any such tool... could take a look at microsoft garage to see if they have any linux utils they've been working on21:03
pragmaticenigmaAlabaster, the GUI tries to be helpful in using friendly words in place of system terms. It is normal to see "Me" under file permissions when the file is created or owned by the current user account. If you were to look in a system directory, you would see the more traditional "root" being used. If you looked in another user folder, you might see their real name in place of their username21:05
Alabasteryeah I see that. And one other q Pragma..21:06
AlabasterUnder Group a dropdown box for Group says "Linux"21:07
Alabasteris that correct?21:07
pragmaticenigmaIf a group has the name Linux, then yes it is possible21:08
Alabasterwell I changed my username and hostname. My old username since I just went with it was linux@ but changed it to Alabaster@ so I don't know if I did it correctly21:09
AlabasterI have choices like admin, sudo and such in the nautilus Properties file manager21:10
pragmaticenigmaEach user created also creates a group of the same name21:10
Alabasterso is there a way to verify my group name for my main account?21:11
pragmaticenigmaas long as your new user account is part of the group linux, you will be able to access those files according to the group permissions. Otherwise if you are converting the files and directories to your new account, the command "chown -R alabaster:alabaster ./" the directory containng your files will change both the user and group to your alabaster account21:12
AlabasterBecause Pragma on a second account I created the Group is the username21:12
Alabasternope the second account username is "someone" and the permission for group on that account is "someone"21:13
Alabasterso how can I fix this in my main account?21:14
AlabasterI'm just going to delete the second account21:14
Alabastersorry if I am being unclear21:18
pragmaticenigmaAlabaster, I'm not sure about how to go about what you're doing... I've never migrated user accounts... the account once setup is the account I stick with21:18
AlabasterI'm just trying to figure out if on my main account Group Permission should be dropped down to "linux" or I should have a choice for "alabaster"?21:19
pragmaticenigmaAlabaster, this page has a good explination on how to change your username.. you don't create a new account to do it https://askubuntu.com/questions/34074/how-do-i-change-my-username21:19
AlabasterI already changed my username just making sure Group has the write dropdown21:20
pragmaticenigmaNo, Alabaster, you said you craeted a new account with the desired account login name21:20
pragmaticenigmait's not the same thing21:20
Alabastersorry to confuse you I created a second account to check to see what the user permissions and group was showing21:21
pragmaticenigmaa better way to check permissions and groups is to use terminal with the command "ls -l" or in some installations "ll" in the directory you are inquireing about. The terminal doesn't use friendly names21:22
pragmaticenigmaOnly you as a system owner can determine what the permissions should be... we don't know what is your desired intent and there is no such thing as "one right way" to do something21:23
AlabasterI typed ll and it say Alabaster (space) linux21:24
pragmaticenigmathat would indicate the files are owned by Alabaster and are part o the group linux21:24
Alabasterokay so linux is also a correct group.21:25
AlabasterOn the second account I created the permission for home folder for group is only the second user21:25
pragmaticenigmathat would mean the user Alabaster owns the files and can do anything set in the user permission (read, write, execute) and any user belonging to the group "linux" can perform any permission given by the group setting21:25
AlabasterI can't change the group on the second user in the file manager. It's a dropdown but only shows "someone"21:26
pragmaticenigmabecause you don't have permission to modify that file21:26
pragmaticenigmaif the file is owned by the second user, and you are not a part of the group the file is labeled as, you cannot modify the file unless the permission for everyone allows you to21:27
pragmaticenigmaGive this a read, maybe it will help clarify some of what I'm saying better. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:28
Alabasterso by default a second user only belongs to his own group21:28
Alabasterand actually I guess that means by default if I create a second user I don't have permissions from my main account21:29
naccAlabaster: uh, of course not?21:29
naccAlabaster: not sure what the point of users and groups would be otherwise21:30
Alabasteryeah I guess it makes sense. In windows which I'm used to I only have access to shared21:30
Alabasterwell I am kind of setting myself up to learn how to administer others accounts21:31
pragmaticenigmaAlabaster, window's file permissions are a little different as windows has users and roles... instead of users and groups21:32
AlabasterI guess that makes sense21:32
naccAlabaster: IMO, it's better to learn directly in unix/linux rather than trying to find parallels21:32
naccAlabaster: the models are very different, as pragmaticenigma is saying21:33
pragmaticenigmabut they functionally work similar... If a user creates a file, the file automatically is set with their user and their group as the default. usually with the permission of user read, write; group read, write; everyone read;21:33
Alabasteryeah. I just didn't know if I screwed anything up when I changed my username and hostname21:33
Alabastera couple days ago21:33
pragmaticenigmaif you can still access the files, you are probably doing okay21:33
naccAlabaster: hostname is generally less relevant21:33
pragmaticenigmathough i would look at that previous article for referance in the future... https://askubuntu.com/questions/34074/how-do-i-change-my-username21:34
naccAlabaster: username is ... less common, but i think should work (I believe the underlying tools move stuff), presuming you used the tools to chagne it21:34
naccthere have been bugs in that area21:34
Alabasterwell either I haven't learn or can't access files on my main account to the second user I created but I guess that what be correct as your saying21:35
AlabasterI think when I originally changed my username I did do it on a second account because other than already logged in or process to kill I kept getting errors21:36
pragmaticenigmacorrect... unless the second user is part of the group assigned yto your files... they will not have access to them21:36
AlabasterI meant the other way around. Having access from my main account to second user21:37
pragmaticenigmathe only way for a user to access another user's files is if that other user is a member of the first user's group (or group assigned to the files) or if the other user has been granted sudo permission21:38
TJ-Alabaster: you can use ACLs to allow another user access to the home directory, using 'setfacl ...' in appropriate ways21:38
Alabasteroh wait I didn't set up the second account as an admin like I did the first time I created a second account and removed it21:38
pragmaticenigmaA good idea since you're learning, is to set up a virtual machine running Ubuntu... and test things out in there... that way you can try things out before attempting them on a important machine21:39
AlabasterYeah thats what I am doing.21:40
TJ-Alabaster: Here's an example; my user is 'tj' and has access to /home/squoo.sh:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sHz5zhVNXx/21:40
pragmaticenigmaawesoem... you're well on your way then... knowning to setup a second machine or vm to test with makes life easier21:41
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: that's not entirely true, not on a default install21:41
Alabasterokay I changed the second user to have admin and now in the second account I can change group from someone and or choose sudo21:41
tgm4883By default, others have read access21:42
AlabasterI just don't know why on my main account the first one I started on Group my username I changed it to "Alabaster" is not a choice in the Group dropdown box21:43
Alabastersince the second account has a group to choose that is the username21:43
AlabasterI'm going try this change home folder name thing..21:46
AlabasterI don't understand the part home / "newHomeDir" and "newUsername"21:46
Alabasterdo I do it like this usermod -d / home / Alabaster -m Alabaster?21:47
Alabasterright now its / home / linux21:47
TJ-Alabaster: there should be no spaces: /home/linux21:49
AlabasterI know it wont let me type it in chat21:49
TJ-Alabaster: :O21:49
Alabasterokay TJ so it's still called home/linux21:49
TJ-Alabaster: it should be ok as long as it isn't at the start of a line, because most IRC clients interpret / as the start of a command21:49
Alabasterwhat do I type out after usermod -d /21:50
TJ-Alabaster: are you reading "man usermod" to understand the options ?21:50
AlabasterI don't understand the question21:51
TJ-Alabaster: almost every command in Linux has a 'man'ual page describing how to use it; we can these 'man-pages' and the command to view them is 'man <command-name>" so try typing in a terminal "man usermod"21:52
TJ-s/we can/we call/21:52
Alabasterwow to much comes up21:53
Alabasternot just usermod commands21:53
AlabasterI understand the letters.21:53
Alabasterwhat i'm confused is do I substitue newHomeDir to what I want the folder in /home to be called21:54
TJ-Alabaster: if when a man-page is showing you press 'h' you'll get help on how to navigate/search21:54
AlabasterI'm saying I understand -d new homedir21:56
Alabasterand -m is move21:57
AlabasterI get that. But I don't understand what to type in the directions for newHomeDir. what it's subsituted for the new name I want it to be or the old one???21:57
TJ-Alabaster: it says right there in the man-page under '-d --home' : "The user's new login directory."21:59
Alabasternever mind I will just type out usermod -d /home/Alabaster -m Alabaster21:59
Alabastercurrently in process 278222:00
AlabasterI don't wanna screw anything up kill that process?22:00
Alabasterlike will it log me out or something or drop the terminal22:01
kostkonOrvalvisje, hi22:16
Orvalvisjeacer aspire es14 ... wanted to install lubuntu 16.04 ... when finished after restarting it says no bootable device found22:16
UserUSpragmaticenigma: ha, as if22:16
UserUSlol nvm my bad22:17
ChiLLabiSI thank you for helping people! It's so good and plz continue22:17
UserUSOrvalvisje: Did you install "something else" or did you do install on entire disk?22:17
Orvalvisjelooked into internet where it says i have to change some things(uefi) in the boot, however, i don't have those options722:19
kenrinYou don't have secure boot in the bios ?22:19
Orvalvisje@userus... i installed on the entire disk (it is only 32GB)22:19
Orvalvisjei don't have any uefi options in my boot22:20
Orvalvisjebesides the fact that i am an absolute noob, i also did not make a backup of my win10 that was installed22:23
badboyjerdamn i hate when that happens22:23
badboyjermust make backup22:23
Orvalvisjeyou know, i was so confident that the lubuntu would make a clean install, i did not even check for possible errors on the net, like the 17 version wit Lenovo22:24
kostkonOrvalvisje, which iso did you install22:25
tomreynOrvalvisje: do you know what the first hit on a search engine search for "ubuntu acer aspire es14" is? ;-)22:25
UserUSOrvalvisje: Boot into a Ubuntu Live disk, install and download the gnome boot manager repair tool I think it is (look up a youtube vid with it)22:25
tomreynOrvalvisje: it doesn't actually help though, so lets diagnose it22:26
stochastixIs there a good current walk through on installing Ubuntu on ZFS root, that would work for 18.04?22:27
UserUSI've done a lot of ubuntu installs through testing and I recall that the no boot device usually means the EUFI boot partition/boot configuration was messed up in the install. Or you incorrectly formatted the drive.22:27
Orvalvisje@userus ... i am using a usb stick with lubuntu iso 16.04.3 lts amd6422:28
kostkonstochastix, #ubuntu+1 is the channel for 18.0422:28
stochastixkostkon: Thanks, apologies .22:28
UserUSOrvalvisje: TBH, I'd reinstall but do the something else this time and watch a quick vid on what partitions you need. That's the best thing to learn because then it makes it easier to troubleshoot. I gtg, but good luck with your issue man, best of luck22:29
kostkonOrvalvisje, turns out that 16.04.4 just came out would you willing to try that if you are considering reinstalling22:30
TJ-Orvalvisje: The ES14 is UEFI, and if I recall correctly it is hard-coded to use the Windows EFI boot-manager path and won't save the path to the Ubuntu boot manager22:31
TJ-Orvalvisje: The solution is to boot from the Installer ISO, choose the 'Try Ubuntu' session, then from that we can talk you through editing the boot-manager path to pretend to be Windows22:31
Orvalvisjei am sorry, i have to go, my daughter fell in the bathroom ... another time i enter again ... thanks already, sorry to run away like this22:34
_UsUrPeR_hey all. I'm trying to get an ssh a tunnel outbound to bounce a VLC connection off an external server, and I'm having some issues22:39
_UsUrPeR_he command I'm using: ssh -vvvNL 7776:remote_server:7777 user@myserver.org22:40
_UsUrPeR_taking a look at the response, I'm seeing the channel is being closed after seeing "read failed"22:40
_UsUrPeR_the ssh connection to my remote server is working properly, but it doesn't appear to be forwarding the connection to the remote_server22:40
wedgie_UsUrPeR_: you mean the ssh from your local to myserver.org works?22:48
MeaCulpaam I allowed to brag about getting the big game of mines out :)22:49
MeaCulpatoo late I have22:49
MeaCulpasmall things....22:49
wedgie_UsUrPeR_: then what happens when you send stuff to localhost:7776 ?22:50
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kostkonMeaCulpa, which one22:53
TJ-_UsUrPeR_: does myserver.org have firewall rules blocking it?22:53
MeaCulpa30x16 lol been trying for weeks22:53
kostkonMeaCulpa, sorry i meant which game specifically from the long list of mines clone games that are out there22:54
MeaCulpaoh the one that comes bundled with ubuntu 16.0422:54
kostkonMeaCulpa, hmm22:54
MeaCulpaI had been thinking it impossible and totally random22:55
MeaCulpakostcom bummer theres no prize22:56
kostkonMeaCulpa, of course there isn't. but yeah it's gnome-mines and it comes preinstalled22:56
MeaCulpaI can give up wasting my time on it now the thrill has gone lol22:57
kostkonMeaCulpa, it was about time :P22:58
MeaCulpakostkon it's all comes down to luck, maybe I should buy a lottery ticket and return to 'loser' mode22:59
rashello all - need some quick turnaround advice on trying to get Ubuntu installed on a new machine. I've never had any trouble getting it working on any machines in the past, but a coworker and I have been trying now for three days and still getting nowhere. It seems like our problems aren't uncommon, but none of the solutions I've found from searches have been any help. Is this a good place to ask for help, or if not, where should I go?22:59
kostkonMeaCulpa, hmm no don;t bet your mmoney on it so no don't buy one :P23:00
MeaCulpathat's a winning move kostkon23:00
kostkonMeaCulpa, hmm i doubt it. if everything was that simple..23:01
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MeaCulpaif I could set up a custom board and put 6 mines in 40 squares then hit even one first click it's time to buy a lottery ticket23:01
wtjonesHey. I wanted to know where i could find a guide to updating an existing ubuntu package in the repos.23:02
wtjonesas in patching it and putting it on launchpad23:02
guivercwtjones, have you looked at the lp guide? https://help.launchpad.net/23:03
wtjonesoh thanks. I had not seen that page23:04
robbmunsonwtjones: the ubuntu wiki is a good source too.23:04
wtjonesI want to help bring the irssi package up to date in specific23:05
pragmaticenigmaWhen in Gui or Command line I have an issue that the power save state causes a screen corruption (displays vertical streaks). I believe it to be due to a power save state the monitor does not support. Can someone help me figure out what that power state might be and disable it?23:07
Bashing-om!details | ras :: here is the palce :)23:07
ubotturas :: here is the palce :): Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.23:07
wtjonessorry about that, I disconnected by accident23:09
Bashing-omwtjones: There is also the #irssi channel where it is well supported .23:10
wtjonescool I just joined23:10
guivercwtjones, robbmunson was right; there's a lot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/  (search for what you want)23:10
rasquick summary: - tried both 16.04 and 17.10 - using new hardware (8700K, TITAN V, 64GB) - Trying to install Ubuntu to a 1.2TB PCIe SSD from a live USB - in UEFI mode, boots to grub screen but after that is always totally black - in BIOS mode, boots into ubuntu live for test/install, but never successfully installs23:11
rasI've found a ton of forum posts with similar issues but nothing there seems to help23:11
Bashing-omras: in UEFI mode, can you boot to the login screen ?23:12
rasBashing-om: No - it just stays black after I choose 'install ubuntu' or 'try ubuntu' options... have tried various parameters with 'e' edit23:14
rasAlso - I don't think it's an nVidia driver issue, as I have the machine configured to boot from IGPU from the motherboard bios level... that doesn't rule out issues with the 8700K IGPU, though23:16
wtjonesguiverc ok cool23:17
Bashing-omras: From that liveUSB, what shows - in a pastebin site :' sudo parted -l ' ?  See what it we are working with .23:17
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rasBashing-om: okay let me check23:18
TJ-ras: when booting in EFI mode, sometimes, the firmware doesn't correct implement the GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) which results in this kind of issue, I recall there was at one time a workaround but I forget what it is.23:18
TJ-ras: this article has a lot of useful explanation and might help you figure out a way around it https://superuser.com/questions/1030645/how-to-detect-whether-a-uefi-booted-linux-machines-video-mode-is-graphics-outpu#103080823:19
rasTJ-: reading now23:21
RobinHood2015How do I install makepkg-mingw onto Ubuntu? Or is there a dedicated Ubuntu or Debian equivalent for the same?23:23
TJ-ras: that article suggests the PC's firmware setup menus may have an option to change the mode of the display adapter which is worth trying if it does, because that might be enough to get the installer working... once installed correctly my guess is this won't be a problem and you could switch the video mode back to whatever it is right now23:23
rasI see... I think I might have tried something like that already, but after I post the 'parted -l' results I can try23:25
rasBashing-om: Here is the output: https://pastebin.com/iGE26Kzz      - To explain, there is a 250GB SSD with Win10 on it. Originally I was planning to dual boot on that drive, but because of the issues with install, I decided to try just installing on the 1.2TB directly instead.23:28
rasIf it makes any difference, the 250GB is M.2 and the 1.2TB is PCIe. Both are NVME, and seem to be recognized as such by both motherboard fw and OS23:30
TJ-ras: when the PC starts in EFI mode, at the GRUB menu, have you tried adding 'nomodeset' to the kernel command-line and starting it with that?23:33
rasYes, that was one of the first things I tried23:33
rasmade no difference - still totally black screen23:33
Bashing-omras: In "/dev/nvme0n1" there is no /EFI partition to support EFI booting .. Now, I do not "know" UEFI others will have to advise if the esp partition on  /dev/nvme1n1 will also be able to boot the other drive .23:34
rasyeah, I noticed that as well - again, this is because I can only get the Live USB to run in BIOS mode, not UEFI23:34
Bashing-omras: ^^ Nother thought .. is not EFI boot, that GPT partitoining is requited ?23:35
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rasbut I guess what I am confused by is - if I can booth the Live USB in BIOS mode and install what *looks* like an Ubuntu partition setup, why can I not boot the install in BIOS mode?23:35
Jordan_Uras: Have you tried booting with the kernel parameter "video=efifb"?23:36
Bashing-omras: However, if you are willing to choose what boots from the firmware, and do not care that you can not boot Windows from ubuntu ... will not matter then if ubuntu is installed on that other drive in MBR mode .23:37
rasBashing-om: Honestly partitioning is beyond my knowledge, so idk23:37
dlihow do I disable "Hover click"? if the mouse pointer stays for a few seconds, mouse is auto clicked.23:37
rasYeah if necessary we can go to MB FW to change what boots - we will very rarely be using the Win10 side23:37
rasJordan_U: No - I will try this now23:38
rasJordan_U: Do I simply add this to the existing parameters, or do I need to replace/remove something?23:38
dliLooks like onboard cannot disable the hover clicking: http://i.imgur.com/B0buvK7.png23:40
tomreynras: you may want to remove "quiet" and "splash" and place it there instead. if this wont work try just adding it before the "---" on the "linux" line23:41
rasJordan_U: Just tried removing 'quiet splash' and placing the 'video=efifb' there instead... did not work.23:42
rastomreyn: kk, will try that next23:42
Bashing-omras: As Jordan_U advises .. replace quiet splash with "video=efifb" . Then also look at : https://www.dell.com/support/article/nl/nl/nlbsdt1/sln299303/loading-ubuntu-on-systems-using-pcie-m2-drives?lang=en for a nvme boot option that may apply on 16.04 .23:43
Jordan_Uras: Looking further, you may need to specify more than just "video=efifb", you may need to specify your resolution as well like "video=efifb:width:640,height:480" .23:43
rasJordan_U: Just tried specifying res - didn't seem to make any change. Will now try Bashing-om 's suggestion with nvme_load ...23:46
Lavinhogood night23:49
Lavinhohow to install refind on ubuntu 17.1023:50
Lavinhoacer es1-13223:50
Lavinhodeb fails23:50
Lavinhoppa fails23:50
kenrinfails how?23:50
TJ-Lavinho: is the es1-132 using a 32-bit x86 UEFI and needs grub-efi-ia32 ?23:51
bobdobbsoh no! not error!23:51
rasJordan_U Bashing-om Still not working - black screen23:51
Lavinhohelp me please23:52
TJ-Lavinho: ahhh, this is another model where it hard-codes the boot-manager file path; see this workaround https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/476726/es1-132-cannot-install-other-os-than-windows-10-bios-options-missing/p223:52
Bashing-omras: Regrets. I bow to Jordan_U's and TJ-'s greater skills .23:53
kenrinIs that an acer specific thing?23:54
Lavinhoacer es1-13223:55
TJ-kenrin: It's in many Insyde H2O UEFI across many makes/models now23:55
TJ-kenrin: basically, efibootmgr adds the Ubuntu boot-menu option and can read it back, but after a reboot the firmware has deleted the entry/path if it doesn't confirm to the hard-coded paths in the firmware23:55
TJ-kenrin: no idea what the programmers were thinking... must have been away with the fairies to write code like that23:56
Lavinhohelp me please23:56
kenrinThat is not good when their website says "The most widely used UEFI BIOS in production"23:57
TJ-Lavinho: I just did, read the workaround in the linked forum post23:57
yoyodownloaderhi, does anyone know of a way to automatically do downloads via another computer?  Like I want to click on a download link, but then my browser should send taht download to my server instead and have the server download it23:57
TJ-kenrin: because 'cheap'23:57

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