[07:31] good morning [07:33] good morning desktoppers [07:33] salut didrocks [07:34] salut oSoMoN [07:52] desktoppers - do the bb review in 10 mins? [07:52] didrocks, I'll send you a hangout link. duflu - do you want to get involved too? [07:59] willcooke, yes, let me get set up [08:01] willcooke, got a link? [08:02] duflu, didrocks https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/will?authuser=0 [08:15] willcooke: coming in 5min [08:19] Trevinho, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/+bug/1725921 [08:19] Ubuntu bug 1725921 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu Bionic) "[regression] Combobox menus have gray text on gray background" [High,In progress] [08:36] How do I stop the automatic suspend feature on the login screen? 3.27 seems to want to suspend the whole machine even when I am ssh'd in [08:37] (and yes I already set automatic suspend to off in settings) [08:45] duflu, unsure if you can do that [08:45] oSoMoN, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/khgnQ2WMcb/ [08:45] oSoMoN, how do you feel about that? [08:51] seb128, I thought it should be possible since shutdown warns you about ssh users [08:52] something needs to take an suspend inhibitor [08:52] Probably not... ssh is not a GUI client [08:54] New fun fact: gnome-shell consume Wayland frames at 119Hz [08:54] It should be 59.95Hz [08:55] Laney: reviewing your MP3 MIRs, let's chat if you have time? [08:56] sure, come find me in the desktop room [09:08] Laney: ok, in a minute [09:10] ♥ [09:32] * duflu wonders if it's a waste of time trying to use LP while the sprint is on [09:33] why? [09:33] I have to admit I've been enjoying being 100ms closer to the mail server :) [09:34] the sprint has no impact on launchpad [09:34] though I'm hitting timeouts atm, but that's probably "just" a launchpad issue [09:34] seb128, yeah it was fine till Budapest woke up [09:34] That's ok, I'll tag it to be done tomorrow [09:35] duflu, I asked on #launchpad anyway [09:35] I have always wondered why the timeouts occur at all. Because the error occurs *before* any reasonable timeout ellapses [09:37] duflu, it worked now on the bug I was trying to edit, so maybe it's back to normal [09:39] seb128, yes works [09:39] yes; it works [09:39] good [10:41] * didrocks grrrrs at people comitting non building version in a VCS… [10:49] jbicha: I'd rather ximion did it if he has time [10:49] it's not technically team :/ [10:49] Laney: good morning. I don't know when he returns from holiday [10:50] was around yesterday [11:03] jamesh, robert_ancell, kenvandine, the "support multiple apps in a snap" card is "in progress" without any update since january, what is missing and is it really being worked on atm? [11:06] seb128: the feature is fixed in newer versions of gnome-software but hadn't been backported to xenial. robert_ancell has offered to do that [11:07] jamesh, we probably don't need to handle the backport on this cycle trello board? [11:08] seb128: it isn't tied to the 18.04 release cycle, no. [11:10] tkamppeter, did you see my ping about status update on https://trello.com/c/kMTto6kl/2-fix-printing-of-filled-pdf-forms-using-qpdf ? [11:18] seb128, I'm looking at trello too :) Can this be moved to done? https://trello.com/c/yjBpcmJh/173-remove-the-ecryptfs-option-from-the-installer [11:19] willcooke, it's in done no? [11:19] I moved it on friday [11:19] kenvandine, https://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_form_radio [11:19] seb128, oh, odd. I refreshed and so it is. I must have been using some very old cached version. soz [11:20] willcooke, thanks for checking/asking in any case :) [11:23] kenvandine, tkamppeter, oSoMoN, we should maybe move https://trello.com/c/TxIN7fGQ/1-make-all-print-dialogs-use-current-printing-technologies-via-common-backends-cpdb to 18.10? We still have a backlog of MIRs we need that have higher priority than that one, the package and feature is new, it doesn't seem realistic that we get the reviews&promotion&testing for 18.10 at this point, wdyt? [11:23] willcooke, ^ [11:23] also it would be for libreoffice only [11:23] tkamppeter, thanks for the qpdf card update [11:24] +1 [11:24] didrocks, willcooke, https://trello.com/c/1O9c61mI/49-aws-greengrassd-snap-and-tutorials seems like something that we should get off the board ... do we want to move to the 18.10 column or just archive? [11:25] seb128, to be clear re: printing LO: yeah I agree. Too many other MIRs at this point so I think that if something has to give, that's a reasonable one to do. [11:25] willcooke, thx [11:26] seb128: I added yet another MIR, want to subscribe the team to graphene? LP: #1753581 [11:26] Launchpad bug 1753581 in graphene (Ubuntu) "[MIR] graphene" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1753581 [11:26] seb128, didrocks archive it IMO. That doesnt seem to be a high priority thing anymore, and not something for our team at this point. Maybe it will come back again in the future, but I think it's safe to say it's not doing to get done this cycle anyway, too many other things to do [11:26] jbicha, I saw, I would prefer stop pilling up MIRs at this point when it's clear we are already not going to get what we need reviewed [11:27] willcooke, wfm, ok for you didrocks? [11:28] cyphermox: you ok with promoting the mp3 stuff now? [11:28] jbicha, well, subscribed the team anyway but I'm unsure we get that done for bionic [11:28] seb128: well for instance, I can duplicate LP: #1752197 on bionic with gstreamergl disabled but not with gstreamergl 😢 [11:28] Launchpad bug 1752197 in webkit2gtk (Ubuntu Artful) "Gnome Web has trouble playing YouTube videos" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752197 [11:29] jbicha, that doesn't have to do with the topic though [11:29] basically the video will get stuck in pause, but the audio will resume if you press play (after pressing pause) [11:29] jbicha, we just have more MIRs in the review queue that are going to get reviewed this cycle, they all have important features properties [11:30] it really does though. webkit2gtk is running an untested code path that is broken if we ship with gstreamergl disabled [11:30] right, as said all the MIRs we filled we did because we believe they are things we need [11:30] no need to convince anyone about that [11:31] what are you trying to argue for? [11:31] I'm just saying that we depends on other teams for reviews and the output is not what we wish it was [11:31] willcooke: seb128: +1 as well for me. [11:31] so we are going to need to drop on some [11:31] I was just providing justification here for this mir. That's all [11:31] didrocks, thx [11:32] jbicha, k, I was not disputing there is a valid one [11:32] I'm just trying to be realistic about our backlog [11:32] jbicha, also we don't use webkit to access to web in our default installation [11:32] so somewhat it lowers the importance of that issue [11:33] even if sucks for gnome-web users [11:33] captive portal display page uses webit [11:33] k [11:33] Laney, not going to play youtube :) [11:33] SHRUG [11:33] ok [11:33] I'm not arguing it would be good to have [11:34] +not [11:34] shrug shrug shrug [11:34] those discussions are pretty annoying [11:35] hey desktopers :) [11:35] I was just stating that we are stuck with a MIRs/security reviews backlog [11:35] no need to pile up on me [11:35] sorry to keep going, but … the bug also is trivially reproducible with the GNOME Getting Started videos in the Help app which we do ship by default [11:35] hey Rico [11:35] Laney, hi, are there reported gstreamer regressions already? [11:35] seb128, hey [11:36] jbicha, k, what do you suggest to resolve the issue? [11:36] jbicha, Laney, I'm not sure what you are trying to get at there [11:36] let's be constructive? [11:40] jbicha, and anyway it's a webkit upstream issue, if they provide the capability to not use gstreamer-gl then it should work [11:40] or they should not make it optional [11:41] sure, they could kill the option… [11:41] they should [11:41] it's misleading to provide a choice to tell off for using it [11:42] jbicha, anyway again what would be constructive is to provide a suggestion of what we could so [11:42] hmm, it would cause us pain if they kill the option [11:42] moaning about the MIR backlog isn't helping anyone [11:42] it's not under our control [11:42] I'm not trying to moan over here [11:42] regarding gstreamer, it seems playing some video in totem over gvfs doesn't work anymore, also nautilus doesn't show the media file information [11:42] well, describe how it sucks not having that MIR reviewed sort it [11:42] is [11:43] for 18.04 LTS, it's pretty easy to enable gstreamergl if we really needed too, but for 16.04 LTS, we'd have to depend on the bad gstreamer plugins [11:43] ricotz, since 1.3? do you have good from proposed as well? [11:43] jbicha, right [11:43] seb128, yes, 1.13.1 here [11:43] ricotz, k, open a bug? (maybe upstream as well) [11:44] 1.13.90 is already out which could make a difference [11:44] jbicha, so basically they need to fix the non gl case [11:44] (I was just trying to explain the justification, because while you're not on the Mir team, you do have limited ability to priotize our MIRs, but I'm happy to end this topic for today.) [11:44] ricotz, well file the bug and we can retest when we update [11:44] jbicha, k, understood [11:44] yup, I'm re-filing the pause bug now [11:45] jbicha, we need udisks and portals unblocked first [11:45] and mayeb gnome-calendar [11:46] and the mp3 codecs ones (though that is being sorted out today it seems) [11:46] and xrdp maybe [11:46] and woff [11:46] I don't see any of those we can drop easily [11:46] or put lower than graphene [11:48] oh and the fprint/libfprint ones also [11:49] anyway, need to go for lunch, keeping the laptop unsuspended by I might drop off internet anyway, unsure if there is enough signal there to stay online [11:54] ha, chrome-gnome-shell is low-priority for me :( [12:05] jbicha: mind only adding me to MIR cards once we agreed it's a MIR we are going to act upon btw? [12:38] didrocks: maybe I shouldn't add you to any of them then since I don't really decide that? [12:48] hrm. fprint in main you say? got any links related to that? [12:48] curious about why etc [12:48] Nafallo: I think the idea is to let someone replace the "unlock screen" button with a finger swipe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fprintd/+bug/1745455 [12:48] Ubuntu bug 1745455 in fprintd (Ubuntu) "[MIR] fprintd" [Undecided,New] [12:49] what sarnold said is correct [12:49] I used it before, so I'm familiar what it does. curious why it came up now though. [12:49] but (a) last time I looked at the code quality I was unimpressed (b) so far I know it works on exactly one machine, so we'd have to figure out how to share that machine around to fix things :) [12:50] Nafallo, because it's an useful feature? [12:52] fingerprint instead of password? I mean, I've seen the trend on phones, and there it makes sense to me. I'm not sure I'd trust the fingerprint readers on laptops as much though. *shrugs* just being paranoid I guess. [12:52] especially if we plan to implement it as sufficient without other auth. [12:52] Nafallo, it's going to be unlock only, not login or auth for e.g sudo [12:53] Nafallo: we already allow login without password, 'screenlock' without password, etc. To my mind this is just making a physical button alias a software 'unlock' button :) [12:54] but it lookde like the tools involved were too eager to let anyone actually log in as root last time I looked at it [12:54] yeah. I guess it depends on context. we'll keep it as desktop-recommends and everything should work when you uninstall them, right? ;-) [12:55] you also need to register the fingerprint, so it will be opt-in regardless. [12:55] sarnold, is that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fprintd/+bug/1532264 ? (which has a patch), also we need to change the pam configuration [12:55] Ubuntu bug 1532264 in fprintd (Ubuntu) "fprintd allows unauthorized root access" [High,Confirmed] [12:55] Nafallo, yes [12:55] okay. I can calm down a bit again then :-) [12:56] :) [12:56] seb128: yeah, that's the one; I'm surprised marco's fix is entirely polkitish things, I expected pam things too. But I haven't yet gotten the time to give it a real good look :( [13:27] kenvandine, we moved the meeting to the ballroom [15:32] jibel, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Improving_performance/Boot_process#Using_bootchart2 ... seems bootchart2 can be used with systemd [15:42] seb128, yes, I confirm it works with systemd [15:43] jibel, good, let me know if it gives better data [15:47] jbicha, can we just re-enable that libblockdev s390x plugin even if it's a diff over Debian to unblock that MIR/discussion? [15:55] kenvandine, is there a bug for that classic snap warning text change? [15:55] robert_ancell, i don't remember :) [15:56] i know there was an email going around complaining about it months ago [16:00] seb128: I asked xnox to ask mbiebl about it. The MIR doesn't say that it's blocked on that issue [16:00] robert_ancell, kenvandine - there was a mail "Classic Snaps in GNOME Software" that m_pt replied to but we didnt go any further. (Can fwd if you need it). might be worth asking him directly since we're here? [16:00] jbicha, it's complicating the discussion and I talked to security who hadn't been reviewed on the impression there was still things being argued over [16:01] robert_ancell, that had the text which was requested in the forum post, but was resoundingly nacked :) [16:02] seb128: is xnox there? Could you ask him about the status? he seemed to be fine with talking to Debian last time we talked… [16:02] jbicha, I don't see a strong issue with having an Ubuntu diff for that plugin this cycle, we can keep the discussion with Debian going after that [16:02] I talked to him earlier [16:02] we can talk to Debian but beta1 is this week so I would like to just do it in Ubuntu now for bionic [16:03] unless you have a strong objection [16:03] it's an annoyance. I talked to x_nox Feb 26 about it [16:04] right, well we can keep arguing and being stucked [16:06] you'll need to revert https://salsa.debian.org/utopia-team/libblockdev/commit/0d4f2128 but some of those symbols were added instead at [16:06] https://salsa.debian.org/utopia-team/libblockdev/commit/f8f5fd82 [16:07] jbicha, thx [16:07] I mean if x_nox refuses to ask mbiebl then I suppose I could ask mbiebl again instead, but I'm a middle man here [16:09] I can ask x_nox to ping mbiel, but meanwhile we should get unblocked [16:09] jbicha, it's just that first commit to revert no, unsure what you meant with the second url? [16:10] it won't cleanly revert because I later needed to add s390 symbols any way to the Debian package [16:10] ah ok [16:10] thx [16:14] oSoMoN, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wptk92YyXy/ [16:15] oSoMoN, that fixes an issue with what i sent you earlier [16:28] seb128, the resulting graph is definitely easier to interpret than systemd-bootchart [16:28] great [16:32] kenvandine, I know what my problem is: I have gst-plugins-bad in my stage packages, but it's not in the gnome-3-26 PPA [16:32] oh no [16:32] can we live without that [16:32] ? [16:33] well that means no video playback in libreoffice [16:33] how hard would it be to add it to the PPA? [16:33] not sure :) [16:34] oSoMoN, does the libreoffice deb depend on it? [16:34] i doubt it [16:34] no, it suggests it [16:36] in a deb world it's easy to install a suggested package and get extra functionality, but with a snap it's either you have the functionality or you don't, you can't add it on the fly [17:24] greyback, still around? [18:58] desktopers, great work with 3.27/28 [18:58] it feels much more reliable than with 3.25/26 [18:59] all this crash fixing really paid off === amano_ is now known as amano