
handsome_fengHi, It would be great if someone can upload the ukwm: LP: #1740252 , Thanks! :)01:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1740252 in Ubuntu Kylin "[FFe] ukwm" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174025201:12
RhondaUnit193: I've pushed 1.0.7-1 to Debian unstable, are you able to sync that into ubuntu because of security related patches?  1.0 series is a maintenance release these days, so only bug fixes, new features go into 1.115:53
Unit193Rhonda: Irssi was just patched in Ubuntu for the security issues, though since 1.0.7 is bugfix only I don't see why it wouldn't make it.16:19
Rhonda… and right when I have the time to work on it I really would love to get this series.debian and series.ubuntu thing done.16:20
Unit193I'd like the firsttimer text to be the only difference, irc.ubuntu.com isn't really ideal with breaking TLS verification. :/16:27
Unit193There's still a push towards Qt5 in this release right?  ophcrack, an unseeded universe package, just had an upload to Debian that switches to Qt5.23:56

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