
Scary_GuyI'd like KDE if it wasn't so bloated.  but then again I've seen the glory of i3wm.  I could probably move to something even smaller too but this is pretty tiny yet featured03:11
jrwreni don't think it is any more bloated than gnome03:13
Scary_GuyHere's another one I hadn't seen, which shows Unity as the worst https://flexion.org/posts/2014-03-memory-consumption-of-linux-desktop-environments/03:16
Scary_GuyCinnamon is too bloated for me though, but I'm also running ten year old hardware03:18
cmaloneyAh, sprints?16:35
rick_hyea budapest this week16:58
rick_hneed to get home16:58
jrwrenoooh... that sounds awesome.17:09
rick_hMeh, doesn't do anything for me.17:37
jrwrenwell, i've never been, and I'd like to see for myself :)17:41
cmaloneyI think Budapest is your least-favorite sprint location17:41
greg-git's a common one?18:16
greg-gcheap I guess?18:16
jrwrencan't be too common. i never went there. :p19:10
jrwrenmaybe its common for manager sprint.19:10
rick_hI'm just not a east europe fan I guess.20:06
rick_hno, it was my first sprint some 7 years ago20:06
rick_hso second time, I guess it's been used maybe 4 times so far20:07
rick_hso not crazy common like london or cape town or such20:07
jrwren7 years!20:09
rick_hjoined in 201120:10
rick_hI guess 6.5 years20:10
rick_hsince I joined towards the end of the year20:10

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