
smoserdojordan: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/cloud-init/job/cloud-init-ci-nightly/06:34
smoserthat is nightly runs. the #260 was a platform failure unrelated to cloud-init it looks like.06:34
smoserpowersj: 2018-03-07 06:41:50,707 - tests.cloud_tests - ERROR - stage: collect for platform: lxd encountered error: 'Operation' object has no attribute 'description'06:42
smoserthat make any sense to you ?06:42
powersjuhhh no06:42
powersjlxd           3.0.0.beta306:45
* smoser recreates tox06:45
powersjhow long have you been running 3.0?06:45
powersjI'm wondering if pylxd and lxd are out of sync again06:45
smoseri have no idea, but that was my first question too06:45
smoserdo3meli: you there ?08:44
do3melismose: sure i am ;-)08:47
smoserwe have a integration test harness08:49
smoserand it has a salt minion test.08:49
smoserit does not run by default, but is currently failing08:49
smoserbefore i merged your changes i wanted to make sure that it was running (which is how i found it fails)08:49
smoserwe dont run it by default because (I think) we did not want to depend on 3rd party08:49
smoserwhat i'm asking is that we need to kind of get that sorted, and verify that your change will work (or should work) with theintegration tets08:50
smoserwould you be interested in taking a look at that ? i can point you at how to run and suc.08:50
smosera vm with ubuntu and lxd is the easiest way to set up that environment08:51
* smoser wonders if he scared do3meli away08:52
do3melihaha. no still here. no worries.08:57
do3melii am happy to help with that integration test but would require you to point me into the right direction: a) in which file are those tests define? b) ho to run the integration test? and c) are there any docs describing how to setup an integration test env?09:01
smoserdo3meli: http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/tests.html09:02
smoserthat is the doc we have on interation test.09:02
smoseri just ran09:03
smoser tox-venv citest python3 -m tests.cloud_tests run --platform=lxd --os-name=xenial --preserve-data --data-dir=results.lxd.d --verbose --test=tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/salt_minion.py09:03
smoserand saw the failure09:03
smoser'tox-venv' is in ./tools/ but it is basically just a "run this command in the tox venv". you could also do...09:03
smosertox -e citest run --platform=lxd --os-name=xenial --preserve-data --data-dir=results.lxd.d --verbose --test=tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/salt_minion.py09:03
smoseroh. in order to *run* that test you have to http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FVF8VvPkcY/09:04
do3melismoser: you run this command in a freshly new installed ubuntu vm after cloning the git. is that correct?09:05
do3meliwhich ubuntu vm image did you use? cloud? server? desktop?09:11
smoserdo3meli: well you could09:12
smoseri would use an ubuntu cloud image. but youc an do the install for sure.09:12
do3meliok. let me try to get a test env up and running and see if i can reproduce the failing integration test. will get back to you once there...09:18
smoserdo3meli: where will you start ...09:21
smoseras in is your working system freebsd ?09:21
smoserjust let me know if you ahve any questions.09:23
smoserif i have to.. i can launch you a vm somewhere too09:23
do3melii thought about spinning up an ubuntu cloud vm - i have an env ready to do this. my working system is ubuntu btw.09:24
smoseroh. well then i suggest just installing and using lxd on the working system.09:35
smoserthat make sense ?09:35
smoserlxd is really nice09:35
smoserjust apt-get install lxd and then 'lxd init'09:35
smoseri think that is probably all you should need.09:36
do3melismoser: good point - let me try lxd then10:31
do3melismoser: do i have to setup the citest tox-env somehow? i get "no module named "six".10:42
smosertox --notest -e citest10:49
smoserbut tox-venv i thought would do that.10:49
smoserdo3meli: ^ sorry for slow reply. that make sense ?10:53
smoseryeah, my ~/bin/tox-venv *does* do the create. but the one in cloud-init does not. sorry.10:54
do3meliafter installing bzr it was able to setup citest requirements. now tox-venv cmd fails with:10:54
do3meli  File "/home/doemeli/git/cloud-init/.tox/citest/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pylxd/client.py", line 267, in __init__10:54
do3meli    raise exceptions.ClientConnectionFailed()10:54
do3melido i have to start an lxd container first?10:56
do3melior will the tox-venv do that for me ?10:56
smoserthe harness should do that for you.11:01
do3meliahh think i got it. as i first installed lxd my user was not yet in that group11:01
smoseri suspect you just arent able to run a lxd container first11:01
do3meliafter getting a new shell now seems to work ;-)11:01
smoserlxc launch ubuntu-daily:xenial testme11:02
smoserthen lxc delete --force testme11:02
do3melii think it works now. need to enable the ci test now and rerun it11:02
smoserok. yeah, you problably didn't have access to the lxd socket (group / sggroup stuff)11:02
do3meliso just to confirm smoser: the test you mentioned in the beginning of this discussion was producing this failure: AssertionError: 'role: web' not found in '' ?11:06
smoserand i probably regressed it (if you git blame)11:08
do3meliallright, then let me dig into that now ;-)11:09
do3melijust a general question: do you still want to have this test to be disabled per default? or is it may better to have it enabled?11:09
smoserhave to think11:11
smoserwhat I do not want... is for c-i failures based on external things changing11:11
smoser(ubuntu archive is ok)11:11
smoserbut if this generally works, and doens't have a dependency on , say salt-minion.com/something11:12
smoserthen i'm good with enabling it11:12
do3melithe only dependency i see is the pkg install of the salt-minion.11:15
do3melidepending on the apt sources settings this is external or the default ubuntu repo ( i think it is in there too in a very old version - i personally use the official salt repos from repo.saltstack.com) - but as we dont manage the repository this is kind of 50/50 chance if it works or not. for the cloud-init ci system it will always work as long as the ubuntu repo contains the minion pkg.11:18
do3melibut for setups in the wild it basically comes down to the repo setting.11:18
smoserdo3meli: i'm looking at that . we'll get it fixed13:26
do3melismoser: thanks - please ping me once resolved14:18
smoserdo3meli: so i think ifyou just drop the --results-dir it will work14:52
smoseri think14:52
do3melilet me see14:52
smoserdo3meli, powersj ^ thanks for your patience do3meli16:07
blackboxswhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/338366 powersj <---16:31
dojordan@blockboxsw you there?17:11
dojordan@blackboxsw* you there?17:16
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