[00:48] I know I said I would upgrade this machine to bionic right about now, but I'm going to wait for some testing first! [02:15] Whoever posted on Google+ isn't accurate. [02:16] https://plus.google.com/107577785796696065138/posts/JKLqVAKC53b [02:16] This is the first beta, not the first RC. [02:16] Please fix it. [02:18] It is the first RC of Beta 1. Usually there are several spins before the Beta is final. [02:20] Ahh. but I left of Beta 1 in the G+ post. [02:29] mparillo: Right, but the word "RC" isn't accurate. :) [02:31] Thanks mparillo! [06:48] made some changes to make it clear these are candidate images for the beta, and not necessarily the beta [06:49] Kool [06:51] 'candidate' could be confused with a RC by some I guess, but could not think of a better word, and think its important to be very clear this is not the beta1 announcement, which will follow. [06:52] "first spin" was a good one [06:53] not sure many people would quite get what that means. we do, but.... [06:56] anyway. sorry to step on toes :/ [06:57] we have to supply accurate information [06:57] that's what we all want [06:57] I'm glad for all help and I know mparillo is too [07:00] I'll could be busy a lot of the rest of the day, so I'm sorta rushing to do a few things now ;) [07:07] me too [08:23] we really need to be careful in our social communications to not say things like "beta 1 is available", as its NOT [08:49] did I say that? [08:50] "Happy to say that #Kubuntu #beta 1 for our next LTS, Bionic is now available for #testing!" [08:50] mmm [08:51] I can edit it.... I got rushed I guess [08:51] I know that means not the actual beta, but I think that is not clear to people outside this loop [08:51] yes [08:53] did you see the discussion on the -release about dropping milestones and just having monthly iso test days? [08:53] that has an appeal [08:53] not for 18.04 [08:53] yes, I read up after I returned home [08:54] I'm unsure [08:54] valorie: https://kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5-12-3-bugfix-updates-available-for-17-10-backports-ppa/ [08:56] I pushed those. 99% sure they are ok. I may not have too much time later today, but should an issue crop up, I will MAKE time to fix [08:56] I think I have it now but haven't rebooted yet [08:56] I know the freeze for the beta causes some problems [08:57] but still..... [08:58] but still what? [08:59] still it's an event [08:59] oh. right. yes. I get that [08:59] but I can change my mind and we can make "testing days" an event [08:59] yes [09:00] we'll work with the majority opinion [09:14] ok, fixed my original tweet [09:14] and retweeted from kubuntu making it clear that it was a clarification [09:14] thanks, acheronuk [09:15] next time I'll have this prepared ahead of time, hopefully [09:17] np. stuff happens and we are busy [09:21] ha, I saved it in a text file for next time [09:30] oh gosh, it's 1:30am [09:30] niters