
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Beta 1] (20180306.1) has been added00:05
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Beta 1] (20180306.1) has been added00:06
lubotRhn19 was added by: Rhn1903:01
lubot<tsimonq2> Welcome!03:12
lubot<Jacob Kim> Question: do linux apps generally have a cli portion with a gui frontend?05:45
lubot<Jacob Kim> And if yes what is a good way do develop sth like that in Qt05:45
lubot<tsimonq2> It depends.05:46
lubot<tsimonq2> And to be honest, it's kind of offtopic for this channel. ;)05:46
lubot<Jacob Kim> I c05:46
lubot<tsimonq2> @fbnbmns, Sorry, I'll give you a list tomorrow (I'm UTC-6 so "tomorrow" is Wednesday).05:46
lubot<fbnbmns> @tsimonq2, Yeah, no worries ☺️06:51
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu Development | Support: #lubuntu | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | Bridges: @lubuntudevel (Telegram), #lubuntu:disroot.org (Matrix) | Lubuntu 16.04.4 has been released! https://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-16-04-4-has-been-released | Now testing Bionic Beaver Beta 1, due 8 Mar 2018
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Next Desktop amd64 [Bionic Beta 1] (20180307) has been added20:18
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Next Desktop i386 [Bionic Beta 1] (20180307) has been added20:18
mpmcHey folks, trying Lubuntu next 18.04 - boots fine but loads to a dialog asking me to pick a window manager & just says "other.." this is using the daily ISO.20:19
lubot<tsimonq2> I'll investigate that tonight.20:29
mpmc<tsimonq2>: Was that directed at me? :p Making sure I haven't screwed something up my end.20:36
lubot<tsimonq2> Yeah.20:36
mpmchehe, OK. I'm running lxqt/Debian on my chromebook, wanted to update my htpc before the 18.04 rush & decided to try lubuntu next as I really like the direction lxqt is going. Oh well bugs are to be expected I suppose. Similarly phab.lubuntu.me doesn't work with github yet :(20:39
lubot<tsimonq2> Phab.Lubuntu.me> what do you mean?20:39
mpmc<tsimonq2>: clicking "login with github" = Authentication provider ("GitHub") encountered an error while attempting to log in. The OAuth provider returned an error: redirect_uri_mismatch20:40
lubot<tsimonq2> Harumph.20:40
lubot<tsimonq2> I'll have to try that out.20:40
mpmc<tsimonq2>: OK thanks, feel free to ping me if you figure it out! 20:46
wxli've used it before without problem20:47
mpmcwxl: It's the daily image from today.20:47
wxli'm talking about phab, mpmc 20:47
mpmcmy mistake, sorry!20:48
wxli can confirm the behavior20:48
wxlwhich is weird because that's how i would log in20:48
wxlit used to work20:48
mpmcOh I forgot to mention, 16.04 -> 18.04 Lubuntu is broken too :( I tried to do a live upgrade but it failed due to missing dependencies, recovery & an dpkg --configure -a later and it seemed to work, but after an apt upgrade (following a reboot) it got stuck on creating a systemd timer service file link!21:08
mpmcI may try that again for the hell of it & see what happens!21:09
lubot<tsimonq2> @mpmc> Oh I forgot to mention, 16.04 -, Yeah we need some testing on that21:12
wxlpretty sure there's a bug for that21:13
wxlalthough i thought it was something specific to networking21:13
mpmcHmm, another go at dpkg --configure -a and it seems to be stuck on "setting up base-files." Heh, I think my install is hosed.21:20
wxlwhat do you mean stuck? like it immediately fails?21:21
mpmcwxl: nope.. blinking cursor syndrome :p21:21
wxlmpmc: curious. open up a virtual terminal and see if there's anything interesting going on in the logs21:22
mpmcwxl: I would if I knew how from terminal/recovery :p 21:22
wxloh you can't boot in normally, mpmc ?21:23
mpmcNo, blank screen.21:23
wxlbefore it even boots x? oh jeez.21:23
mpmcdo-release-upgrade -d bailed after missing some libqt deps or something.21:24
mpmcwxl: It gets as far as starting the login, but it's just blank, I could see a quick flicker of systemd :p21:24
wxloh well that may mean x is up. ctrl-alt-f{1-6} your way into a virtual terminal21:25
mpmcI tried that before, didn't work :p21:26
mpmcBut I'll try again.21:26
wxlsorry :(21:26
mpmcwxl: Not your fault, it happens :p21:26
mpmcwxl: Ok I'm logged in!21:27
wxloh goodie :)21:28
wxlthen you do have a live system 21:28
mpmcmy keyboard has some weird "media mode" that starts on boot :/21:28
mpmcAny debug logs that might be of use?21:28
wxlyou can use other virtual terminals or if you want to get really fancy you could use tmux to multitask, but you could try `tail -f /var/log/*.log` although you might also want to include /var/log/apt/*.log21:30
mpmcooohhh. from the apport log, dpkg --configure -a had segfaulted! on my first upgrade attempt this afternoon!21:33
mpmcI'm just going to fresh install after I do a clean backup of my home dir. Getting a bit late to debug this any more as I want to watch TV :p21:45
mpmcThats a very nice backdrop on the lxde install screen!!23:19
mpmcwxl: Yup, network problem, the installer keeps up/downing eth :/23:39
mpmcThat explains why "Wired Connection 1" keeps disappearing from the tray :(23:39

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