
mupPR snapd#4725 closed: tests: avoid removing preinstalled snaps on core <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4725>01:06
mupPR snapcraft#1988 opened: RFC: elf: only set rpaths to libs of the same arch <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1988>01:48
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jdstrandzyga-ubuntu (cc mvo): ack, thanks. I was running stable core and local built from master deb06:32
zyga-ubuntuThat explains it then06:32
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: would you mind looking at https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/350156100#L5241 ?06:36
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: I'm puzzled by the failure cause it only fails on 16.04 i386 and debian-9. it is failing in a file I edited, but not a test case I edited. I don't see how PR 3998 would cause this to fail, and if it did, why it would be specific to i386 Ubuntu and debian-906:37
mupPR #3998: snap-confine, snap-seccomp: utilize new seccomp logging features <Created by tyhicks> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3998>06:37
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: but I've done 3 retries and it always fails, for just those two06:37
zyga-ubuntuhmmm debian 9 and i386 xenial06:38
zyga-ubuntuI'll look into it after breakfast06:38
zyga-ubuntuI should get going :)06:38
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: ok. thanks! I've looked at my changes in that pr, but you might want to double check06:39
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: the only thing I was thinking is maybe there restore() or the snap removes were leaving artifacts, but again, why just those two?06:40
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: have a nice breakfast :)06:40
mupPR snapcraft#1987 closed: pluginhandler: add option to disable patchelf for a part <enhancement> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1987>06:46
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mupPR core#84 opened: xdg-open: switch to "snapctl user-open" based implementation <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/84>07:43
mupPR snapcraft#1959 closed: elf: only patch elf files that aren't referenced by DT_NEEDED <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1959>08:02
jameshzyga-ubuntu: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/supporting-desktop-themes-via-the-content-interface/412208:23
ackkzyga-ubuntu, hi, so actually turns out that removing the ~/snap directory didn't fix my issue with snap-confine failing with permission denied08:41
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: I know your busy, but curious if you found anything onthe  PR 3998 spread test issue09:13
mupPR #3998: snap-confine, snap-seccomp: utilize new seccomp logging features <Created by tyhicks> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3998>09:13
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: I ask, in part, because popey and friends would love to see PR 3998 in 2.32, and I need to chat with mvo about that, but only once it lands09:14
popey+1 :)09:14
popeyIt blocks a bunch of electron apps which try to chown, and games which try to setpriority09:15
jdstrandI've enumerated what this fixes in the PR too09:16
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: ish, I'm testing a fix now09:21
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: it took me $FOREVER because I didn't have my linode key and I had to bring the i386 qemu image over09:21
zyga-ubuntuit's testing locally now09:21
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: oh, if you have a moment, can you paste the diff? I'm curious what it was09:28
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: sure, though not sure it works :)09:28
zyga-ubuntuin 3 min I will know09:28
ackkzyga-ubuntu, is there a way to get more debug logs from snap-confine? I'm not sure what that failure is about09:28
jdstrandas mentioned, I was pretty puzzled by it09:29
zyga-ubuntuackk: you can set SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=yes SNAPD_DEBUG=109:29
zyga-ubuntuackk: that will show you way more things09:29
ackkzyga-ubuntu, thanks09:31
ackkzyga-ubuntu, that gives me this message: 2018/03/07 09:32:12.793577 cmd.go:102: DEBUG: core snap (at "/snap/core/current") is older ("2.31.1") than distribution package ("2.31.1+18.04")09:32
zyga-ubuntuackk: that's okay, that's coming from parts other than snap-confine though09:33
jdstrandroadmr: fyi, I think this is another one like yesterday: https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/love-game/revisions/231/09:35
BjornT_sergiusens: this is what i currently have for bug 1752538: https://github.com/bjornt/snapcraft/commit/676457cfc4ad090387ea9d807ceca521bb936f0109:36
mupBug #1752538: Building snap using base-18 is broken with 2.39 <Snapcraft:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752538>09:36
jdstrandralsina: and hi! :)09:36
ackkzyga-ubuntu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vDQrQvj8JR/ is the full strace09:41
mupPR snapd#4796 opened: cmd/snap: "current"→"installed"; "refreshed"→"refresh-date" <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4796>09:47
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Chipacakyrofa: o/?09:50
roadmrhey jdstrand ! Let me check10:03
Dianomic_StefanoHi, we have developed a service (FogLAMP) that uses avahi, it is visible using the command 'avahi-browse' when it runs in Ubuntu Server - but it is not visible when it runs in a snap in Ubuntu Core, any suggestions ?10:09
roadmrjdstrand: yes, sorry about that. I'll unwedge that one10:09
ChipacaDianomic_Stefano: does your snap include an avahi daemon?10:15
Dianomic_Stefanoyes : foglamp@foglamp-core:~$ snap list10:16
Dianomic_StefanoName          Version                   Rev   Tracking  Developer  Notes10:16
Dianomic_Stefanoavahi         0.7-26-g89573c2           87    edge      ondra      -10:16
Dianomic_Stefanoavahi-client  0.6.32                    38    stable    ondra      devmode10:16
Dianomic_Stefanoclassic       16.04                     26    edge      canonical  devmode10:16
Dianomic_Stefanocore          16-2.31.1+git606.68b2ef4  4176  edge      canonical  core10:16
Dianomic_Stefanopc            16.04-0.8                 9     stable    canonical  gadget10:16
Dianomic_Stefanopc-kernel     4.4.0-116.140             104   stable    canonical  kernel10:16
Dianomic_Stefano 10:16
ChipacaDianomic_Stefano: sorry, do you mean your _service_ is visible in avahi-browse, or your _server_?10:17
Dianomic_Stefanothis is the snap list :10:19
Dianomic_Stefanofoglamp@foglamp-core:~$ snap list10:19
Dianomic_StefanoName          Version                   Rev   Tracking  Developer  Notes10:19
Dianomic_Stefanoavahi         0.7-26-g89573c2           87    edge      ondra      -10:19
Dianomic_Stefanoavahi-client  0.6.32                    38    edge      ondra      -10:19
Dianomic_Stefanoclassic       16.04                     26    edge      canonical  devmode10:19
Dianomic_Stefanocore          16-2.31.1+git606.68b2ef4  4176  edge      canonical  core10:19
Dianomic_Stefanofoglamp       1.2.0                     x1    -         -          devmode10:19
Dianomic_Stefanopc            16.04-0.8                 9     stable    canonical  gadget10:19
Dianomic_Stefanopc-kernel     4.4.0-116.140             104   stable    canonical  kernel10:19
Dianomic_Stefanofoglamp is our snap10:20
Dianomic_StefanoI installed avahi-client to being able to use 'avahi-client.browse'10:20
ChipacaDianomic_Stefano: you said10:21
ChipacaDianomic_Stefano: you " have developed a service […]  that uses avahi, it is visible using the command 'avahi-browse' when it runs in Ubuntu Server"10:21
Dianomic_Stefanoif I start foglamp in a Ubuntu server (in the same network) - I can see the service in the Ubuntu core using 'avahi-client.browse -a -t'10:21
ChipacaDianomic_Stefano: ok10:22
ChipacaDianomic_Stefano: so, how does your snap talk to the avahi snap?10:22
Dianomic_Stefanoif I start foglamp within the 'foglamp snap' I can't see the service running using 'avahi-client.browse -a -t' (and foglamp is running for sure)10:22
Dianomic_Stefanoso, should I configure my snap 'foglamp' to talk with the avahi snap ? how ?10:23
ChipacaDianomic_Stefano: the avahi snap exposes avahi-observe and avahi-control10:23
ChipacaDianomic_Stefano: you probably need to connect your snap to avahi-control to add services, but I'm not sure10:24
Chipacaondra: can you inform us?10:24
Dianomic_Stefanothanks for helping...10:25
Chipacaniemeyer: could you make spread look in ~/snap/google-cloud-sdk/current/.config/gcloud/ as well as ~/.config/gcloud for the google creds?10:54
ondraChipaca Dianomic_Stefano hi, sorry in the meeting, will have a look after11:02
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mupPR snapd#4797 opened: many: add the snapd-generator <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4797>11:23
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ondraDianomic_Stefano ping12:08
ondraDianomic_Stefano you can use avahi-client as example how to implement and connect to avahi snap daemon service.12:10
ondraDianomic_Stefano source for avahi client is here https://github.com/kubiko/avahi-client12:10
ondraDianomic_Stefano depending how you want to expose your service, you can either use dbus, socket interface, or you can as well use content interface for service and simply place service file in there12:11
Saviqniemeyer: "Cannot allocate google:fedora-27: cannot allocate new Google server for fedora-27: required 'compute.images.useReadOnly' permission for 'projects/computeengine/global/images/fedora-cloud-base-27-1-6-x86-64'" when trying to use google with fedora images12:36
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jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: hi! :)12:58
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: what happened with the test?12:58
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: if you're busy, I understand, but I need to get it working so if you can't, can you tell me what you think it is?12:59
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: re, so I tested it a little but then we found another bug that broke the test entirely13:00
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: (squashfs)13:00
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: we fixed that13:00
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: and as soon as this lands I can merge master and see if my fix is ok13:00
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: and while this happens I'm fixing the snap.mount unit for containers13:01
zyga-ubuntuand that's where we are13:01
zyga-ubuntuI wrote down the list of bugs we found this weeks so that we can keep track of things and not forget it13:01
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: hey ok. yay for bug fixes! boo you are hitting them all at once. but yay people are here to interact with! but ... ;)13:04
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: yeah, I hope to get to roughly the same bug count we had in the morning soon :D13:04
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: thank you. not trying to be a pest (do I have to try?)13:04
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: haha13:05
Dianomic_Stefanoondra: thanks, I'm going to take a look to it.13:06
ondraDianomic_Stefano you are welcome :)13:06
Chipacakyrofa: o/?13:37
jameshpopey: I've got a skeleton themes package.  Where did you want me to upload it?13:48
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popeyjamesh: did we agree to put it under snapcrafters?14:07
jameshpopey: yeah.  So I guess github.com/snapcrafters/gtk-common-themes?14:08
popeyif you put it somewhere on github I can import it into snapcrafters jamesh14:10
mupPR snapcraft#1988 closed: elf: only set rpaths to libs of the same arch <bug> <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1988>14:12
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Dianomic_Stefanoondra:hi, our service, foglamp, uses dbus so we have to expose that type of functionality. is it something related to changes in the snapcraft.yaml file only or is it something also in the code that we have to change/adapt ?14:21
ondraDianomic_Stefano if you are using dbus, then all you need to defined in your snapcraft.yaml is avahi-control plug14:55
ondraDianomic_Stefano then once you install your snap, snap connect <your snap>:avahi-control  avahi14:55
ondraDianomic_Stefano define plug like this https://github.com/kubiko/avahi-client/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L3214:56
niemeyerSaviq: Fixed the role so that everybody has access to that permission too15:01
niemeyerSaviq: Please let me know if you see anything else like this15:01
Saviqniemeyer: thanks!15:08
* Saviq tries15:08
Saviqniemeyer: we hit ENOSPC on the fedora images, should we grow the partition ourselves? I suppose cloud-init does it on ubuntu hosts?15:21
cachio__Saviq, are you running on google?15:25
cachio__Saviq, how much space do you need?15:27
kyrofaHey Chipaca, I'm here now!15:28
kyrofaAre you?15:28
kyrofaOur days almost completely miss each other while you folks are in budapest15:29
Chipacakyrofa: i am15:35
Chipacakyrofa: hello15:35
Chipacakyrofa: let's talk about timestamps in our commands' output15:35
kyrofaChipaca, hey there, sure!15:35
Chipacakyrofa: so, we want to let people tinker with the output of stuff easily using grep/cut/etc15:36
Chipacakyrofa: so for that it looks like RFC3339 is the way to go15:36
Chipacathat's the nassty YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSzzz format15:37
Chipacabut, because that's nasty for humans, we'd like to also offer friendlier timestamps15:37
Chipacacurrent proposal is for it to be "NN days ago, at HH:MM:SS ZZZ"15:37
kyrofaChipaca, would supporting outputting json be better for such use-cases?15:37
Chipacakyrofa: I think json would be a nice addition, but not replace things15:38
kyrofaFair enough. Default to the human-friendly ones?15:38
Chipacaone nit with the human-friendly one is that if N is big, it's not that useful15:38
kyrofaWorks for me. At some delta, does it make sense to switch from "days ago" to a date?15:38
Chipacasay, "779 days ago, at 09:35 PST"15:39
kyrofaYeah totally15:39
kyrofaI think more than a week it's not very useful15:39
ChipacaI think switching to just a YYYY-mm-dd after that would be alright15:39
ChipacaI don't have a good, locale-aware way of printing that unfortunately15:39
Chipaca(but everybody should understand that particular one ,right? i mean, it's iso :-p )15:40
kyrofaI'm trying to think if times would still be useful to know for some things. Like when snaps were released15:40
Chipacakyrofa: I think i'd set the cutoff a bit further out than a week15:40
Chipacaprecisely because it drops time precision15:40
Chipacabut if you need to know the time of something further out than that i'm not too worried about you having to grok the rfc3339 nastiness (because aiui it'd be rare)15:41
kyrofaGood point, if we support that it covers everything15:41
kyrofaHowever, you raise a good point about locale. We need a way to do the same thing across both go and python15:41
kyrofaWould it be easier to forgo the "days ago" approach and just provide "YYYY-mm-dd, at HH:SS Z" ?15:42
Chipacaat my end, translating messages isn't an issue15:43
Chipacatranslating times, is15:43
kyrofaAh. Both are an issue for us :D15:43
Chipacakyrofa: how so?15:43
kyrofaMostly kidding-- we don't actually translate at all15:43
Chipacakyrofa: if you do want to start doing it, you could piggyback on our catalogues15:44
kyrofaYeah that's a larger discussion we need to have15:44
kyrofaDo you want to forgo translating the times for now, and push ahead with this? Or do some research?15:45
kyrofaI like the approach15:45
kyrofaJust need to decide the cutoff for days ago15:45
kyrofaKeep in mind that a lot of the timestamps coming from the store are without the zone, which means they're UTC if I remember correctly15:46
kyrofaAlso, what option were you thinking of using for switching between them? --nasty?15:47
kyrofaWould be nice to have it be the same between tools15:47
Chipacakyrofa: 'coming from the store', in the json? or elswhere15:48
Chipacakyrofa: that reminds me, human-friendly times would be local, machine-friendly would be utc15:48
kyrofaYeah, json. I think the acl timestamps are lacking zones15:48
kyrofaChipaca, makes sense15:49
Chipacakyrofa: we should double-check that's not a bug, and that they are indeed z15:49
kyrofaChipaca, here I have a chat log15:50
Chipacakyrofa: wrt flags, --absolute-times?15:50
kyrofaHmm... doesn't seem obvious, but I don't really have a better suggestion either15:51
Chipacakyrofa: sleep on it?15:53
Chipacawrt cut off, 30 days?15:53
kyrofaChipaca, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/86bTpK98BW/ FYI15:54
kyrofaSounds good15:54
mupPR snapd#4798 opened: snap: don't create empty Change with "Hold" state on disconnect <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4798>15:54
Dianomic_Stefanoondra:Hi, I changed the snapcraft.yaml of our snap in :15:56
Dianomic_Stefano  foglamp:15:56
Dianomic_Stefano       command: usr/bin/wrapper-foglamp15:56
Dianomic_Stefano       plugs:15:56
Dianomic_Stefano          - avahi-control15:56
Dianomic_Stefano          - network15:56
kyrofaChipaca, thanks for the chat, that's been bothering me for a while15:57
Dianomic_Stefanoat at the start of the service I have got : Mar  7 15:54:35 foglamp-core avahi.avahi-daemon[1169]: Error parsing EntryGroup::AddService message Mar  7 15:54:35 foglamp-core avahi.avahi-daemon[1169]: dbus-entry-group.c: interface=org.freedesktop.Avahi.EntryGroup, path=/Client46/EntryGroup1, member=AddService Mar  7 15:54:35 foglamp-core avahi.avahi-daemon[1169]: Error parsing EntryGroup::AddService15:57
Dianomic_StefanoMar  7 15:54:35 foglamp-core avahi.avahi-daemon[1169]: Error parsing EntryGroup::AddService message15:57
Dianomic_StefanoMar  7 15:54:35 foglamp-core avahi.avahi-daemon[1169]: dbus-entry-group.c: interface=org.freedesktop.Avahi.EntryGroup, path=/Client46/EntryGroup1, member=AddService15:57
Dianomic_StefanoMar  7 15:54:35 foglamp-core avahi.avahi-daemon[1169]: Error parsing EntryGroup::AddService message15:57
Dianomic_StefanoMar  7 15:54:35 foglamp-core avahi.avahi-daemon[1169]: dbus-entry-group.c: interface=org.freedesktop.Avahi.EntryGroup, path=/Client46/EntryGroup1, member=AddService15:57
Chipacakyrofa: perfect thanks15:57
ChipacaDianomic_Stefano: please use a pastebin for pasting long text15:58
ChipacaDianomic_Stefano: pastebin.ubuntu.com15:58
Dianomic_Stefanoondra: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/HQJqBdNTzK/16:03
mupPR snapcraft#1989 opened: elf: don't parse elf more than we need to <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1989>16:07
morphis_kyrofa, popey: do you guys have an example snap somewhere which is using Qt+QML? I don't get one working, things are crashing just badly for me so far16:15
ondraDianomic_Stefano this looks like problem with your dbus message to the avahi service, is this working when you run it on classic system?16:28
ondraDianomic_Stefano is it working when you run it  in --devmode16:28
Dianomic_StefanoI installed using 'sudo snap install --devmode foglamp_1.3.3_amd64.snap'16:29
Dianomic_Stefanoad it produce the error messages in the syslog16:29
ondraDianomic_Stefano first make sure that your client is working well with avahi daemon before you start snapping it. Debugging in snap confinement is just adding unnecessary burden to debugging16:30
Dianomic_Stefanoit works fine in a standard Ubuntu Server and using for example 'avahi-browse -t -a  -d local ' to check its existence16:30
ondraDianomic_Stefano OK once I have time I will debug with my example client avahi-client.browse -t -a  -d local16:33
ondraDianomic_Stefano as that seems to be also failing now16:33
ondraDianomic_Stefano so quick work around, avoid use of avahi-browse -a16:43
ondraDianomic_Stefano avahi does not broadcast correctly PTR record, at least what I could so far find about this error16:44
popeymorphis_: i do not16:47
Dianomic_Stefanoondra: the point seems different:  I was able to start our service using the snap that was created having  the snapcraft.yaml having only ' plugs: [network]'16:47
ondraDianomic_Stefano I was testing with avahi-client.browse _http._tcp16:48
Dianomic_Stefanoondra: I was no more able to start our service when I created the snap having in snapcraft.yaml '  plugs:           - avahi-control           - network'16:48
ondraDianomic_Stefano and that works, but when I call avahi-client.browse -t -a  -d local16:48
ondraDianomic_Stefano then I get error16:48
ondraDianomic_Stefano that just means that your service was before not talking to avahi daemon at all16:48
Dianomic_Stefanobut it worked fine in the standard Ubuntu server16:49
ondraDianomic_Stefano yeah because there daemon is installed as deb package and is not confined16:51
morphis_popey: hm16:51
ondraDianomic_Stefano on core apparmor will fag any unauthorised communication to the daemon16:51
ondraDianomic_Stefano so running client as --devmode does not guarantee you that you can talk to avahi snap daemon16:52
ondraDianomic_Stefano communication is secured from both sides. On server it's only from one side if you are talking to something from classic side16:53
Dianomic_Stefanoondra: could I completely disable apparmor ? if this could help.16:54
ondraDianomic_Stefano you can install also avahi in devmode16:54
ondraDianomic_Stefano then both sides are unconfined16:54
Dianomic_Stefanoondra: I'm going to try16:55
morphis_popey: I feel like the xenial Qt version was just too old and buggy for my use case17:00
Dianomic_Stefanoondra: same situation - https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/BKPH3qCNfM/17:06
Nafallohiya. can I overwrite ~/snap to ~/.snap somewhere? :-)17:07
naccNafallo: i think it's pretty well defined to be ~/snap17:14
morphis_popey: so yes, that was the problem; using newer qt prebuilt from qt.io fixes the problems and make the snap working on various Ubuntu versions17:17
mupPR snapcraft#1990 opened: tests: build and install snapcraft on osx <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1990>17:19
Nafallonacc: i.e. I can't change it?17:21
naccNafallo: I don't believe so, but I'm not 100%17:21
naccNafallo: i think you'd need to patch snapd to do so, but I'm not sure (SNAP_USER_DATA and SNAP_USER_COMMON depend on that path)17:22
ondraDianomic_Stefano hmm, I'm not expert on avahi, so we might need to ask lathiat for help17:23
ondraDianomic_Stefano are you calling avahi-browser directly?17:23
Nafallonacc: thanks for the response. I'll guess we need IndexIgnore for the home dir next ;-)17:24
naccNafallo: :)17:24
Dianomic_Stefanoondra: no, I have used 'avahi-client.browse -a -t'17:24
ondraDianomic_Stefano interestingly without changing anything vahi-client.browse -t -a  -d local does work now17:25
ondraDianomic_Stefano ok avahi-client.browse -a -t does work here17:25
ondraDianomic_Stefano so what are you running this on?17:25
ondrazyga-ubuntu any idea what this means? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HH7NK5hPF5/17:42
zyga-ubuntuondra: It means that the snap has a content interface plug with a default provider that does not exist18:04
zyga-ubuntuCC mvo18:04
ondrazyga-ubuntu hmm, it is installed on that machine18:07
ondrazyga-ubuntu and shouldn't this be warning instead of error blocking installation18:07
ondrazyga-ubuntu OK my bad, I had wrong version of default provider, sorry for that18:09
fireclawTheFoxHey everyone. My snapcraft plugin doesn't work when run on launchpad, quiting with "no attribute '_python_major_version'". The plugin is derived from the python plugin and does work fine if run locally. Does anyone know what could cause this?20:26
naccfireclawTheFox: how are you building locally? cleanbuild?20:28
naccfireclawTheFox: in any case, i'd first check the version of snapcraft locally vs. the version on LP20:29
fireclawTheFoxthe snapcraft version I have is the stable 2.39.2 (1177)20:32
naccfireclawTheFox: and how are you building locally?20:32
naccfireclawTheFox: and on what release?20:32
fireclawTheFoxusually snapcraft -d I did try cleanbuild but last time I tried it stopped almost instantly with some lxd problem. Will try that again.20:33
fireclawTheFoxrelease of what? Do you mean the Ubuntu version?20:34
naccfireclawTheFox: yeah20:34
naccfireclawTheFox: ok, that rules out one thought i had :)20:34
naccfireclawTheFox: note that the snapcraft used by LP is from the debs (I believe) and is currently at 2.39.3+really2.3520:34
naccfireclawTheFox: so you should test using that one, probably20:35
fireclawTheFoxusing cleanbuild I get this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/z7yTYDzHJ9/20:35
naccfireclawTheFox: yeah, i believe that was fixed in snapcaft (it's aobut using a snap to call lxd20:36
nacckyrofa: --^ do you know if that's fixed in snapcraft? i think you had commented on this in the github issue20:37
fireclawTheFoxHow do I get the 2.39.3 deb version?20:37
naccfireclawTheFox: of snapcraft? i assume you need to uninstall the snapcraft snap and install the snapcraft deb (apt)20:38
fireclawTheFoxah ok, will try20:38
naccalthough that does raise the question of why the snapcraft snap is behind the the snapcraft deb20:38
kyrofanacc, I don't believe it's fixed, we didn't want to introduce a hack in snapcraft to work around a lxd bug20:38
nacckyrofa: ack, is there a suggestion for fireclawTheFox to workaround it?20:39
kyrofanacc, fireclawTheFox I personally fire up a clean lxd image with a custom profile that installs snapcraft, then build in there20:39
kyrofaNot as seamless, but works well enough for me20:39
kyrofaCould also use our docker container if you like, snapcore/snapcraft20:41
kyrofa:latest is the deb, :<channel> is each channel of the snap, edge, beta, candidate and stable20:41
nacckyrofa: ah makes sense20:42
fireclawTheFoxok, installed the deb version which gives me the same version as launchpads and as expected results in the same error.20:43
magicaltroutstupid question multiple developers, if you want to grant access to push to the same snap. Can you? :)20:43
kyrofafireclawTheFox, indeed, it's not a snapcraft bug, it's a lxd bug20:43
kyrofaAs long as you have lxd installed from the deb, you'll have that issue20:43
kyrofamagicaltrout, indeed you can add collaborators in the web interface of the store, but it's kind of all or nothing-- they can administer the snap20:44
kyrofa(i.e. not just push)20:44
fireclawTheFoxkyrofa: I meant the error that I get because of the not existing _python_major_version, not the lxd one. I do wonder though, if the deb version is a more recent version than the sources on git, as this specific variable I was using is still there in the git sources.20:46
naccfireclawTheFox: *older* version than what is in git20:46
naccfireclawTheFox: the issue is presumably that, since you were using a newer snapcraft (from the snap) than what is in xenial-updates20:47
nacckyrofa: which brings up a good point about the snapcraft snap, hsouldn't it get reverted too?20:47
nacckyrofa: given we know it's broken for certain (*cough*) classic snaps20:47
fireclawTheFoxah ok, so I'm ahead.20:47
naccfireclawTheFox: well, you were (when on the snapped snapcraft)20:47
kyrofanacc, it IS? Oh no, I should have spent every day this week on that! :D20:47
magicaltroutah yeah got it20:48
nacckyrofa: heh :)20:48
nacckyrofa: it was more a question of how the snapped snapcraft works relative to the deb :)20:48
nacc(version wise)20:48
kyrofanacc, kidding aside, I'm not sure. It's actually been released for a lot longer than the deb, but things didn't explode until we released the deb since that's what all the infrastructure is based upon20:49
nacckyrofa: yeah20:49
kyrofanacc, the snap works a bit differently since it bundled the correct version of patchelf20:49
kyrofaWith the deb, we didn't have that option20:49
nacckyrofa: oh sure20:49
fireclawTheFoxnacc, kyrofa, does it change anything, if I switch the series of the snap reciep on launchpad (e.g. to Artful or Bionic) or will it always use the same snapcraft version?20:49
kyrofafireclawTheFox, if you're building a snap in LP, I suggest always using xenial20:50
naccfireclawTheFox: you don't (generally) want to do that :)20:50
naccfor other reasons :)20:50
fireclawTheFoxso for now, I either have to wait until LP will update the snapcraft version or fix my custom plugin, right?20:51
naccfireclawTheFox: yes, I believe so. The latter is probably preferable, since it seems to be dependent on external python code (which you don't control the version of)20:52
kyrofafireclawTheFox, I haven't actually seen the issue you've hit. I think I missed it above20:52
kyrofaAll I saw was the lxd bit20:52
fireclawTheFoxkyrofa, the error I posted above was before I changed to the deb version. The new one looks like the one I get on launchpad so that's fine.20:55
kyrofafireclawTheFox, ohhh, you're using a local plugin written against git master, but the deb is much older20:56
kyrofaOkay, same page now20:56
nacckyrofa: yeah, and that's why i was asking about the snap :)20:57
fireclawTheFoxyeah, I have a local plugin which was based on the snap/git version of snapcraft20:57
kyrofafireclawTheFox, normally that wouldn't be a problem except we haven't had a deb release for a while so it's pretty far behind. I suggest updating the local plugin referring to the 2.35 tag20:58
fireclawTheFoxwill do20:58
fireclawTheFoxif the standard python plugin would be able to accept custom setup tool commands (e.g. replacing the install arg) I might not even needed to build a custom plugin.21:01
bashfulrobothey guys... how does one remove a snap from a channel in the store? I tried doing `snapcraft release {name} {rev} {channel}` with an older revision. But `list-revisions` shows both in the original channels. Isthis something that you do with the `close` option?21:08
bashfulrobotsorry - "remove a snap revision"21:09
kyrofabashfulrobot, check `snapcraft status` instead21:12
kyrofaOr `snap info`21:12
kyrofabashfulrobot, or, in list-revisions, look for the asterisk21:13
kyrofaBasically, the store remembers that a given snap was released into a given channel, and list-revisions shows you that21:13
kyrofaBut the only thing that really matters is which revision is currently ACTIVE in that channel21:13
kyrofafireclawTheFox, can you be more specific about what the plugin is doing today and what you need it to do?21:15
kyrofafireclawTheFox, we're always open to adding to it21:15
bashfulrobotkyrofa: Rockstar! Thanks. Misunderstood the output21:15
kyrofabashfulrobot, there's a lot of info there, easy to misinterpret21:15
fireclawTheFoxkyrofa, it's a plugin to utilize the deployment system of the Panda3D game engine. It doesn't do that much, just calling the setup.py script with -OO and build_apps instead of install and finally copy some libs into the root directory.21:20
mupIssue snapcraft#1991 opened: Distrubuted ROS system among multiple snaps <Created by Lingaprahasam> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1991>21:23
fireclawTheFoxkyrofa: you can take a look at my actual plugin here: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fireclawthefox/thetravelingfox/snap/view/head:/snap/plugins/x_panda3d.py21:26
kyrofafireclawTheFox, oh man, you're gonna be so sad making that work on 2.3521:27
kyrofaDon't throw this away21:27
kyrofafireclawTheFox, so panda3d won't work with pip?21:30
fireclawTheFoxkyrofa I can install it with pip, but then I have the complete engine installed which isn't really desirable. Using the deploy tools of the engine will pack up everything nicely and will save a lot of space.21:32
kyrofafireclawTheFox, interesting, okay. As you may have seen in the code, as call setup.py install directly as a workaround for a bug, not really as a thing we expect many people need21:33
kyrofaPerhaps that needs to change21:33
fireclawTheFoxyeah, not sure if many people do write custom setup tools, but for those who are, having this configurable would be a welcome addition.21:34
fireclawTheFoxbtw, what bug are you talking about that calling setup.py install directly fixes?21:35
mupIssue snapcraft#1991 closed: Distrubuted ROS system among multiple snaps <Created by Lingaprahasam> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1991>21:41
Lite5h4dowHi there22:15
Lite5h4dowIm having issues installing snapd22:15
Lite5h4dowfrom the AUR22:15
Lite5h4dowwell, snapd and snapd-git both fail to build22:16
Lite5h4dowis any one here?22:18
Lite5h4dowguess not22:19
Lite5h4dowrest in pepperonies22:19
bashfulrobotkyrofa: It's actually not too bad. But it is one of those things as you work through it for the first time... 😃22:19
Lite5h4dowhello palasso22:21
Lite5h4dowdo you know anything about building snapd on arch?22:22
palassoYeah, it's on the AUR22:22
Lite5h4dowproblem with that22:22
Lite5h4dowit fails to build22:22
Lite5h4dowboth snapd and snapd-git fail22:23
palassocould you pastebin the output?22:23
palassohmmmm it's not descriptive22:26
palassosnapd gives you same output?22:26
Lite5h4dowsame error22:26
palassoHave you considered to build the package through makepkg?22:28
Lite5h4dowsame error22:28
Lite5h4dowits an error in the pkgbuild22:28
palassoI'll try to build it now and see what will happen22:28
Lite5h4dowautoreconf isnt a recognised command22:28
Lite5h4dowany luck?22:32
palassoIt's still building, I'll let you know once it's finished22:40
palassoand finished22:40
palassoIt builds on my machine22:40
Lite5h4dowcould you walk me through what you did?22:40
Lite5h4dowbecause i built it and it broke22:41
palassojust makepkg22:41
Lite5h4dowyour on arch right?22:41
palassoyeah of course22:41
Lite5h4dow really weird22:41
palassoI could upload the built package for you to download if you want22:42
Lite5h4dowi think it was just my version of base-devel22:45
Lite5h4dowit was a little old22:45
Lite5h4dowit installed22:45
Lite5h4dowmy bad22:45
palassoOkay, nice22:45
Lite5h4dowim on a macbook, so not every package works22:46
Lite5h4dowso i had the core packages frozed22:46
palassoAhh yeah this is a problem for arch.22:46
palassoIf you freeze lost of core packages it's hard to install newer software22:47
Lite5h4dowty for taking the time to help22:48
Lite5h4downow to see if i can get anbox installed22:49
palassoLite5h4dow: if you wish to remain with many packages frozen consider using the Arch Linux Archive. You could point your repo to a specific date and get all software from that date (no security fixes). Otherwise perhaps you should look for some other distro that does fixed-point releases. Or maybe some strategy for rollbacks in case of regressions after updating22:50
Lite5h4dowoh ok22:51
Lite5h4dowill definately do that22:55
Lite5h4dowbut im looking into it and it seems all the current versions of the core packages support my macbook22:55
Lite5h4dowso im going to do a full upgrade tonigh22:55
Thillaihello team23:34
ThillaiI have a Edge Gateway that runs ubuntu-core/15.04/stable..23:37
ThillaiI am trying to install Apache2 on this device.. Does anyone have idea on thi..23:37

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