
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> And do we have a JACK implementation on UT?00:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TartanSpartan, Audio is not alsa00:06
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> ?00:09
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> The libmad0 chang didn't work btw.00:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> You can't use jack.00:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> You might need to tweak the audacity config before, to use pulse instead of alsa or jack00:15
ubptgbotZevs33 was added by: Zevs3300:17
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I'm on it.00:19
ubptgbot<dohbee> I wouldn't expect mad change to fix it. Where did you get that from?00:19
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Someone was struggling with similar errors on a Chromebook.00:20
=== vanyasem[m] is now known as Guest34829
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> In audacity.cfg I hanged host=ALSA to host=PULSE, hope that does the trick.00:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> Might get further at least00:23
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Crash despite dong that. So now I look at preferences in Audacity.00:26
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Interface: host: ALSA00:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> It should fall back though, like it does on x8600:27
ubptgbot<dohbee> I'm sure it has bugs though00:27
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> The other menu option is OSS, wasn't aware of that being anything but the precursor agency to the CIA :P00:27
ubptgbot<dohbee> There was no precursor to CIA00:28
ubptgbot<dohbee> It is the precursor to alsa though00:28
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> #FactCheck00:28
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/rC7Ry0iD.png00:29
ubptgbot<dohbee> #ireaditoninternetsotrue00:29
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Leaving aside our coverage of intelligence agencies;00:30
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> There's no PULSE option for the hosts. Is that logical?00:30
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @dohbee, When was the last time you saw a lie on the internet?00:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> @PhoenixLandPirate, Your post00:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TartanSpartan, Maybe it builds different for arm00:31
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @dohbee, :c00:32
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> This should help possibly00:32
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> :00:32
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/s06bEId3.png00:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> barrel.fish->shoot()00:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> Weird00:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> Did that help?00:36
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Looking for where I might find alsa-plugins.00:37
ubptgbot<dohbee> apt?00:37
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Not in the UT/Wheezy archives apparently.00:37
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> pulseaudio did need to be installed.00:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> Oh00:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> Shouldn't00:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> It's running in host00:39
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Well, maybe didn't *need* to, but it let me.00:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> Sure. It let you install sudo too00:41
ubptgbot<dohbee> You can do anything in the chroot00:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> Well, `apt-cache search alsa` should help00:48
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> alsa-plugins isn't there. Trying to add the jessie repo for it.00:50
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> So @dohbee, Halium developers said something pretty obvious now that I think about it00:50
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> If `/data` were encrypted with something supporting block-level integrity validation, we've killed all birds with one stone.00:51
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Then, a MDM would simply need to find a way to install itself persistently and  remove `phablet` from sudoers00:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> Meh01:06
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @dohbee, No good to you?01:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> Not in a good mood right now01:08
ubptgbot<li zhihao> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/9KtprCwc.png01:12
ubptgbot<li zhihao> What's wrong?01:12
ubptgbot<li zhihao> failed to set brightness01:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Multiboot is not supported01:13
ubptgbot<li zhihao> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/4CTzoaZG.png01:18
ubptgbot<li zhihao> it can't find my device01:19
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Is it booted with adb enabled01:19
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> If not, select "Select device manually"01:19
ubptgbot<li zhihao> Okay01:37
ubptgbot<li zhihao> My adb tools was installed in a wrong way01:37
ubptgbot<li zhihao> it can't push the file to the device01:45
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I had that happen once with my nexus 5, but it worked on the second run01:45
ubptgbot<li zhihao> i will try again01:47
ubptgbot<li zhihao> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/PeB0kNZW.png01:50
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Have you wiped your cache partition prior to starting?01:51
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Normally it isn't a problem, but now that I think about it you were running multirom01:51
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Otherwise, you might want to try a different USB cable or port01:51
ubptgbot<li zhihao> i haven't wipeed My cache partition01:52
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Try a different USB cable and port first, then you can try wiping the cache partition01:52
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Also make sure the USB port on the Nexus is clean.01:53
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> One piece of hair can cause the whole process to fail01:53
ubptgbot<li zhihao> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/DdaV3lHD.png01:54
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yep, so it got the recovery on there right.01:55
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Can you get into `adb shell`?01:55
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> If so, run `df -h` on the phone and put the output on paste.ubuntu.com01:55
ubptgbot<li zhihao> get into adb shell on my pc?01:56
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Right01:56
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ubptgbot<li zhihao> no devices found02:02
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Oddly, on my Pro 5, Audacity doesn't even list OSS as an option. Anyway, bedtime02:03
ubptgbot<li zhihao> it's morning in my city nowπŸ˜‚02:04
ubptgbot<Uchihaitachii> @li zhihao, U should try cm 12 with kexec hardboot patch02:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> what unhelpful advice02:16
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It may fix the problem now, but we still really don't support MultiROM.02:17
ubptgbot<li zhihao> i didn't use multirom02:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> i had lineage 14.1 (or whatever the android 7.1 equiv is), on my n5, when i flashed ubuntu on, with no problems02:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> (granted, i've never used the ubports-installer thing)02:20
ubptgbot<li zhihao> it seems that it can't recognize my device when I'm in ubports recobery02:21
ubptgbot<li zhihao> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/94tFTq2X.png02:22
ubptgbot<li zhihao> @dohbee, how to flash ubunty without ubports-installer?02:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> in ubuntu you can use ubuntu-device-flash02:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> anyway, i gotta go. good luck02:26
ubptgbot<li zhihao> thanks02:26
ubptgbot<Gorsh2> There was another thingy, what was it called02:46
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> magic device tool?02:47
ubptgbot<Gorsh2> THAT one02:47
ubptgbot<Gorsh2> I had issues with device-flash on my N402:47
ubptgbot<Gorsh2> And MDT worked like a charmm02:47
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Ok, I woke up and decided to give it another try. I get playback now with pulse audio, but it's as slow as mollases. Any tips here? Which of these do you think will be most relevant?02:54
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Managing_Computer_Resources_and_Drivers02:54
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I'm not recording just now though, only trying to play a song inside it.02:55
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Ah, YES, I got it :D03:04
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Will fine tune parameters tomorrow and see what are the bottlenecks.03:04
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Suspect the M10 chokes easier than the Pro 5 (it did for the Breakout clone) so will test if the Pro 5 can beast it on standard e.g. conventional desktop style settings.03:06
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Anyway, back to bed.03:06
ubptgbot<Igor Dikiy> While building ubports-boot I’m getting an error about there should be only one hybris-boot03:16
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ubptgbotabubrewok was added by: abubrewok05:06
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Turns out the MP5 doesn't have the firepower (lol I made a funny) to tank out regular desktop levels of performance either. I hope the quality drop involved to permit normal speed playback is low enough to be at "imperceptible to the human ear" standard. I'll do some tests tonight with a song rendered on a PC and the tablet.05:41
antonlanvoh Heise empfohlenes Screencast-Programm: OBS-Studio: https://www.heise.de/download/product/obs-openbroadcastersoftware_06:29
ubptgbot<advocatux> Hello Gabriel and Andri, you can get started here https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome07:58
ubptgbot<advocatux> Hi antonlan, there's a German group if you want to comment about whatever in German08:00
antonlan@advocatux: thank you for the hint, I'll try to integrate it into my "pidgin over irc.freenode.net" - workaround" - tool :-). Btw: How is the name of the link, #ubports-de?08:12
ubptgbot<advocatux> http://t.me/UBports_Deutsch08:14
antonlan@advocatux: okay, thank you..08:15
ubptgbot<advocatux> You're welcome08:16
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> My advice for anyone wanting to install Audacity based on my experiments:08:18
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> When you're doing the apt install, also include the pulseaudio package, and set the audio playback preferences to "pulse" or the program will crash on playback;08:19
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> *devices preferences08:20
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Under recording preferences, set the latency:audio to buffer to 200ms for good playback;08:20
ubptgbot<peterbittner> A delicate question: … My BQ Aquaris E5 is finally broken (small crack in the display which makes the touch screen unresponsive), now I'm looking for a replacement. Unfortunately, I'm obliged to use WhatsApp (hate it!), and I enjoy using Slack (I'm ashamed!) on the mobile device. I'd love to use Ubuntu Touch again, though. … Bo08:22
ubptgbotttom line: I think a dual boot solution would be great. Which device should I buy?08:22
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> If your device is underpowered compared to the M10 and Pro 5, consider nixing other effects like cursor position tracking over the waveform during playback, and left/right speaker volume levels, and mic levels too perhaps. Tone down performance according to the guide I linked.08:23
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> But I was able to achieve great performance on the M10 at least for playback with the latency tweak. Will test with recording via mic, via pulse audio source and with rendering a song later.08:24
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Additional notes: … - I've seen https://forums.ubports.com/topic/309/dualboot … - I've also read the FAQs, specifically the parts that mention dual-boot. Not very encouraging. 😞08:25
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] Additional notes: … - I've seen https://forums.ubports.com/topic/309/dualboot … - I've also read the FAQs, specifically the parts that mention dual-boot. Not very encouraging. 😞 https://ubports.com/community/faq08:25
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Will also test the sweet spot for the latency adjustment  (Audacity's default setting is 100ms I believe). Can anyone deeply familiar with the program, and/or and audiophile, comment on that thought with regard to the UT hardwares?08:27
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> *an audiophile08:28
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] Additional notes: … - I've seen https://forums.ubports.com/topic/309/dualboot … - I've also read the FAQs, specifically the parts that mention dual-boot. Not very encouraging. 😞 https://ubports.com/community/faq … - More than a smart phone I'd rather prefer having a smart watch that fully replaces a phone; but the marke08:28
ubptgbott in just net there yet (I've tried a Chinese model with 3G SIM slot; not super-exciting), it would require having glasses that project an image onto your retina, or an external monitor of the size of a current smart phone.08:28
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] Additional notes: … - I've seen https://forums.ubports.com/topic/309/dualboot … - I've also read the FAQs, specifically the parts that mention dual-boot. Not very encouraging. 😞 https://ubports.com/community/faq … - More than a smart phone I'd rather prefer having a smart watch that fully replaces a phone; but the marke08:28
ubptgbott is just not there yet (I've tried a Chinese model with 3G SIM slot; not super-exciting), it would require having glasses that project an image onto your retina, or an external monitor of the size of a current smart phone.08:28
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] Additional notes: … - I've seen https://forums.ubports.com/topic/309/dualboot … - I've also read the FAQs, specifically the parts that mention dual-boot. Not very encouraging. 😞 https://ubports.com/community/faq … - More than a smart phone I'd rather prefer having a smart watch that fully replaces a phone; but the marke08:28
ubptgbott is just not there yet (I've tried a Chinese model with a 3G SIM slot; not super-exciting), it would require having glasses that project an image onto your retina, or an external monitor of the size of a current smart phone.08:28
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] Additional notes: … - I've seen https://forums.ubports.com/topic/309/dualboot … - I've also read the FAQs, specifically the parts that mention dual-boot. Not very encouraging. 😞 https://ubports.com/community/faq … - More than a smart phone I'd rather prefer having a smart watch that fully replaces a phone; but the marke08:30
ubptgbott is just not there yet (I've tried a Chinese model with a 3G SIM slot; not super-exciting), it would require having glasses that project an image onto your retina, or an external monitor of the size of a current smart phone (both is in development but not yet sold).08:30
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @peterbittner, if you really want dual boot then I guess Nexus 5 is a good option...you can use MultiROM but BE AWARE THAT IT ISN'T OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED SO IT MIGHT NOT WORK IN THE FUTURE.....not sure if OPO supports MultiROM as well08:35
ubptgbot<peterbittner> OPO = ?08:35
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Ah, OnePlus One, okay08:35
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] Ah, OnePlus One, okay … https://ubports.com/devices/ready-to-use-devices08:35
ubptgbot<Javacookies> do you plan to use it as daily driver? the performance and experience is definitely a big upgrade from an E5 but the battery and video (playing/recording) isn't good as of the moment08:36
ubptgbot<peterbittner> I need it every day, yes. (Even though I'd prefer having a watch to look at the current time. Seriously, I hate how smart phones have transformed us into individuals that continuously stare on their device screens.)08:37
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> You might also consider, depending on your RAM amount, saving a temporary project (just a quick recording to render or whatever) under tmp/ as Audacity projects can be a little chunky and I like the idea of avoiding writes to flash memory whenever possible.08:41
ubptgbot<peterbittner> I'm not a gamer. That may make a difference. I really just do tethering for my notebook on the go, some rare phone calls (regular and VoIP, e.g. Viber), emails, messaging (Slack, WhatsApp, Hangouts, rarely Viber, Telegram), web browsing.08:41
ubptgbot<Glatorius> @peterbittner, Ahaha, my E5 gave up a few days ago due to exactly the same reason.08:44
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Is there any description of a full convergence equipment anywhere? On the UBports website I only see the photo of it. https://ubports.com/devices/nexus5-convergence08:48
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] Is there any description of a full convergence equipment anywhere? Which pieces (e.g. docking station) can I buy where? Or is it just regular cables, bluetooth and so? On the UBports website I only see the photo of it. https://ubports.com/devices/nexus5-convergence08:49
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> yeah i found it strange when i saw this πŸ˜‚08:49
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] Is there any description of a full convergence equipment anywhere? Which pieces (e.g. docking station) can I buy where? Or is it just regular cables, bluetooth and so? On the UBports website I only see the photo of a solution. https://ubports.com/devices/nexus5-convergence08:49
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Squish :3, this i mean πŸ˜‚08:51
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @peterbittner, first you need is a slimport adapter...I believe only HDMI works so no VGA … then for best experience, bluetooth mouse and keyboard, I guess mostly work....I bought a trifolding keyboard for portability ;)08:56
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Will there be wireless connectivity to the monitor anytime soon? Canonical worked on that, didn't they?08:58
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] Will there be wireless connectivity to the monitor anytime soon? Canonical worked on that, didn't they? … I have a radio wireless keyboard and mouse (similar to [1]), will that work on USB over the slimport adapter? [1] https://duckduckgo.com/?q=radio+wireless+mouse+keyboard+rapoo&t=canonical&iax=images&ia=images&iai=htt09:03
ubptgbot<Javacookies> yeah, UT has aethercast for miracast functionality but it's a bit wonky and never worked on my Nexus 5, and I think if it works the lag would be a problem09:46
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @peterbittner, that seems to use a USB dongle right? … as far as I know, USB won't work when using slimport … it might work without without slimport though09:48
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I always have to chime in here: if you're doing aethercast for wireless convergence, use wired peripherals, not wireless ones.10:02
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @TartanSpartan, i have a bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and they connect simultaneously fine to my fp2. aethercast is indeed laggy and seems to fillup memory untill unity8 gives up, but i haven't noticed bloetooth peripherals being a problem or a cause10:05
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @TartanSpartan, [Edit] i have a bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and they connect simultaneously fine to my fp2. aethercast is indeed laggy and seems to fill up memory until unity8 gives up, but i haven't noticed bluetooth peripherals being a problem or a cause10:05
ubptgbot<YougoChats> aethercast performs the same with or without keyboard and mouse10:06
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Well, they are. They stress the wireless traffic bus and bottleneck it so you get a laggy experience. Add browsing or YouTube vids on top of that and what can we expect? Try getting a USB OTG hub and compare with a good old fashioned cabled keyboard and mouse combo.10:07
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> If that's the case, maybe the FP2 is buggy for aethercast? I haven't experienced that on the M10 or MP5.10:08
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @TartanSpartan, hmm ok10:14
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Youtube on FP2 while aethercast = LOL anyway10:14
IvanSemkin[m]Hello everyone. Test message.10:15
ubptgbot<YougoChats> and FP2 needs very little excuse to reboot as it is10:15
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @IvanSemkin[m], works10:15
IvanSemkin[m]cool, thanks10:16
IvanSemkin[m]i wonder why it uses my name instead of my nick10:17
IvanSemkin[m]that way i am not pingable on telegram10:18
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Does that mean it's inclusion as a core device is not so much because of the reliability of it's hardware but more it's ecofriendly credentials?10:18
bshahIvanSemkin[m]: message @appservice-irc:matrix.org to change your nick10:18
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Note, I haven't used the phone, so that isn't a critique or an insult, just a genuine question.10:19
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @TartanSpartan, dunno. the specs are not fantastic but fine. it's ubports optimisation or lack thereof i think10:19
ubptgbot<YougoChats> also FP2 on android reportedly repoots often too so it might be low level10:20
ubptgbot<YougoChats> [Edit] also FP2 on android reportedly reboots often too so it might be low level10:20
ubptgbot<YougoChats> but for me, i do like the honest phone with opoen source OS angle10:21
ubptgbot<YougoChats> [Edit] but for me, i do like the honest phone with open source OS angle10:21
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Uchihaitachii, Yes10:23
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Is there a fully supported phone with dual-SIM, apart from the FP2? (I wish the Nexus 5 had dual-SIM!)10:28
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> What holds the Pro 5 back from being considered fully supported, besides not being a so-named core device? Also, it's a powerhouse.10:30
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @thomas ripper, Hi Thomas. Have a look here for more about UBports https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome10:31
ubptgbot<peternerlich> @TartanSpartan, that probably lies in the definition of core devices10:32
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> And for (the other) Peter, is that distinction enough to not sell him on the phone? It wasn't for me. And it's one of the first devices to get Anbox in beta, to boot.10:33
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Igor Dikiy, Are you on the porting group?10:35
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Igor Dikiy, [Edit] Are you in the porting group?10:35
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @peterbittner, Both of the old BQ phones have dual SIM10:36
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @peterbittner, the bq phones have dual sim i think?10:37
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @YougoChats, πŸ˜‹10:39
ubptgbot<peternerlich> @TartanSpartan, (just jumped in btw., didn't read the above) I guess 'core device' is most of all connected with the promise that this device will be fully supported in the future and will receive all new features eventually. I can imagine that making that promise too often could stall the progress... idk10:40
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ubptgbot<Mark> How much work would it be to get github.com/nuttyartist/notes onto UT?11:31
ubptgbot<advocatux> Mark, I don't know but have you tried https://open-store.io/app/turtl-ut.cibersheep ?11:37
ubptgbot<Mark> :) I'll take a gander. Thanks11:49
ubptgbot<Mark> Meh! It's online. :/11:53
ubptgbot<advocatux> Works offline12:01
ubptgbot<Mark> yeah but I guess the data is stored on someone else's server.12:03
ubptgbot<advocatux> You can set your own server if you want12:03
ubptgbot<advocatux> There are other note taking apps, some more sophistaced than others, like https://open-store.io/app/uwp.costales12:04
ubptgbot<advocatux> [Edit] There are other note taking apps, some more sophisticated than others, like https://open-store.io/app/uwp.costales12:04
ubptgbot<Mark> :) thanks advocatux12:05
ubptgbot<advocatux> Or https://open-store.io/app/litewrite.lduboeuf https://open-store.io/app/crazy-mark.timsueberkrueb12:05
ubptgbot<advocatux> [Edit] Or https://open-store.io/app/litewrite.lduboeuf … https://open-store.io/app/crazy-mark.timsueberkrueb12:06
ubptgbot<Mark> UWriter is a good compromise!12:06
ubptgbot<advocatux> I'm glad to help πŸ‘12:06
ubptgbot<Mark> :)12:06
ubptgbot<Mark> :) I use Crazy Mark too!12:07
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @advocatux, Woop12:22
ubptgbot<Nikfrager> @peterbittner, Moto G 2 XT1068 and Meizu Pro 5 have dual-SIM too.12:24
ubptgbot<advocatux> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/k5Bo7x5B.mp412:24
ubptgbot<dirmanhero> Is open store included in ubports? (Sorry if it sounds so noobishπŸ˜‚) I think tomorrow I'll get that hammerhead to install it12:27
ubptgbot<advocatux> Yes it is. Is an app in your device12:28
ubptgbot<advocatux> What UBports version are you running? It must be installed by default12:29
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @peterbittner, you will like listening to quite a few Audiocasts :)  We also hate this and believe UT is a solution to this problem for other people who hate it.  And for those who don't hate it they can keep using their devices the same way, I guess.12:29
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @wayneoutthere, check PM12:31
ubptgbot<peterbittner> @Stereofont, Well, I should have said, "phones that can still be bought" ... πŸ˜‰13:03
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Sorry that I don't stop bothering. What would be the best option for a convergence phone that also has dual-SIM? - I really want both, if that's possible, but I prefer convergence, if it works really well, over dual-SIM.15:11
ubptgbotLotation was added by: Lotation15:11
ubptgbot<advocatux> @Lotation, Hi Lotation, take a look here to get you up to speed https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome15:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> @peterbittner, I guess maybe the Meizu Pro 5 if you can get one and then get Ubuntu on it (it's not trivial to install, as you have to have the Ubuntu Edition stuff on it first before you can flash ubports on)15:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> Nexus 5 or OnePlus One might be easier to get perhaps15:27
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> The Nexus 5 has slimport for the real convergence thing15:27
ubptgbot<dohbee> i guess when the HTC 10 is usable, it would be a great device, but not dual sim either15:27
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah, Pro 5 is miracast for external display15:28
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I can show you where to get a Pro 5, 64GB, 4GB RAM, pimped out mack-daddy edition for an amazing price, just ask if so.15:48
ubptgbotPaul was added by: Paul15:56
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah, only issue i have with the htc 10 hardware, is that it's only 32 GB internal storage15:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> but on the other hand, it has oh so many pixels15:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> and is only just ever so slightly larger than the pixel15:58
ubptgbot<dohbee> (another annoyance, smaller would be better)15:59
ubptgbotKambutschak was added by: Kambutschak16:21
ubptgbot<Lotation> To mare omo16:28
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> hi @Kambutschak16:30
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/HZGdmfWd.webp16:31
ubptgbot<Kambutschak> Hello 😊16:31
ubptgbot<dkshfo> does anyone use firestarter firewall?16:39
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @Lotation mono no aware :(16:40
ubptgbot<Lotation> @TartanSpartan, What?16:45
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> lol16:48
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Hello Paul and Kamil. If you would like to know more about UBports, here is a good place to start https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome17:00
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Lotation, Lotation, which is your first language?17:02
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Your quote in Italian made me think of that one in Japanese.17:14
ubptgbot<Lotation> @Stereofont, Italian17:20
ubptgbot<iapyghia> @Stereofont, He is veneto17:48
ubptgbot<iapyghia> @Stereofont, [Edit] He is venetian17:48
ubptgbot<peterbittner> I just learned that the Meizu PRO 5 is one of the few devices that runs Anbox. And it's capable of doing convergence in a way that is comparable with the Nexus 5. … Wouldn't that qualify it to be placed on https://ubports.com/devices/ready-to-use-devices with an appealing description?17:50
ubptgbot<iapyghia> @Stereofont, "to mare omo" is venetian dialect and its translation means "your mother is a man"17:57
ubptgbot<Mattia990> @iapyghia, Yes, It is true... I'm italian too17:58
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Ah, so ban then. That's pretty easy17:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> @peterbittner, It doesn't have Slimport/MHL, only wireless display. So it's not quite "comparable"18:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> I'm not sure why the Pro 5 isn't a "core" device, but I presume partly because they're pretty hard to come by, and it's the only Exynos device18:02
ubptgbot<W M> I second the vote for some Pro 5 love. I bought one on launch, and still use it with Android. I'd love to be able to have a usable UBport on it.18:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> ubports is usable on it today.18:17
ubptgbothaxn3x9 was added by: haxn3x918:32
ubptgbot<advocatux> Hi Shabbir Hasan, if you would like to know more about UBports, here is a good place to start https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome18:38
ubptgbot<haxn3x9> Can we flash in any phone?18:47
ubptgbot<iapyghia> @haxn3x9, https://devices.ubports.com/#/18:49
ubptgbot<advocatux> As Ciro pointed out, you can install UBports in just some devices for now18:51
ubptgbot<haxn3x9> My device isn't in list18:51
ubptgbot<advocatux> What device is?18:51
ubptgbot<dohbee> @iapyghia, http://ubuntu-touch.io/devices is the updated url18:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> actually18:53
ubptgbot<iapyghia> @dohbee, Sorry18:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox can you update the group description to point to the new URL?18:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> @iapyghia, nah, looks like the group description is pointing to the old site still, too18:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> also the link for titan goes to a 404?18:55
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I noticed that, too18:55
ubptgbot<advocatux> That reminds me, can we set a descriptive page in https://stats.ubports.com/ saying why is unavailable now? That "The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later."  makes people think is just down19:02
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee the smartscopesproxy is a service, probably we can disable it right?19:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack, yes, you can kill it. i'm pretty sure the server is gone now19:05
ubptgbot<Flohack> hmm interesting I dont find the upstart job for it19:05
ubptgbot<Flohack> Damn who is starting this19:06
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It might be in the user session19:06
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Which would be in `/usr/share/upstart/sessions` if I remember right19:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't think it's an upstart job. i think it gets started by unity819:07
ubptgbot<Flohack> hmmm19:09
ubptgbot<Flohack> Im browsing timer stats to optimize the battery once more πŸ˜†19:09
ubptgbot<Flohack> it constantly waking up19:09
ubptgbot<Flohack> [Edit] its constantly waking up19:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> just remove it from the source tree, and build a new image without it :)19:11
ubptgbot<Flohack> lol19:11
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee, I will but it got a log file in upstart: … upstart/smart-scopes-proxy.log19:29
ubptgbot<Flohack> So doesnt that mean it should have an upstart job too19:29
ubptgbot<dohbee> assuming it's not just writing the log there to be cool, i guess19:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> i mean, what's the parent process in the process list?19:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> will answer your question pretty quickly :)19:33
ubptgbot<Flohack> hmm damn I killed & renamed it. But it was respawning πŸ˜†19:49
ubptgbot<Flohack> I need more phones19:49
ubptgbot<Flohack> I got a PR already to kill the smartscopes from unity. But this will take time to land on devices, so I am thinking of how we could applyx a hotfix19:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> you'd have to do it on vivid and build new images for 15.04 and then do an OTA 3.520:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> or 3.120:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> or whatever you want to call it20:01
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee, Well I was already some time ago suggesting names for OTAs. Since our build numbers will hardly be able to correspond with a big number. SO OTA-4 will actully be a skewed 5 on some devices maybe or even more. Or less lol for new devices coming20:05
ubptgbotirene_sperber was added by: irene_sperber20:07
ubptgbot<Javacookies> something like Sailfish OS that you can't read or remember? :P20:07
ubptgbot<Javacookies> let's get it from different languages per release :D20:07
ubptgbot<irene_sperber> Hello, can I get help in German?20:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, we had this same issue at canonical, because the system-image stuff just increments the build number, so they are not uniform across devices20:08
ubptgbot<advocatux> @irene_sperber, Yes you can, in http://t.me/UBports_Deutsch20:08
ubptgbot<irene_sperber> Thank you!20:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack, Maybe could use datestamp instead20:09
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee, Yep or OTA "fruitful fruits"20:10
ubptgbot<Flohack> lol20:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Javacookies, "Android Everlasting Gobstopper"20:10
ubptgbot<advocatux> @irene_sperber, You're welcome. You can bookmark this https://ubports.com/fr_FR/telegram-welcome20:10
ubptgbot<Flohack> generate hash words out of the date20:10
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> @dohbee, That'd be great for an LTS release but Google doesn't understand the 'long term support' part20:12
ubptgbot<advocatux> @irene_sperber, [Edit] You're welcome. You can bookmark this https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome20:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Lyokanthrope, sure they do. they have an LTS kernel now :)20:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> and heck, the Nexus 5 was supported for 4 years with updates (Nov 2013-Oct 2017)20:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> granted "long term" meaning 3-5 years is kind of a crappy20:25
ubptgbot<Tompla> Hey Guys! I've connected my Nexus 4 via USB to my PC because I wanted to copy a couple of files there20:34
ubptgbot<Tompla> But my computer (windows 10) doesn't see it20:35
ubptgbot<Tompla> Does anybody know how could I solve the problem? Thank you20:35
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Tompla, Try http://adb.clockworkmod.com/20:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tompla, https://superuser.com/questions/950405/windows-10-is-unable-to-load-android-devices-as-mtp-devices#96078820:36
ubptgbot<Flohack> Oh jesus20:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> anyway, that's the answer20:37
ubptgbot<Tompla> @Flohack, I already have adb installed20:37
ubptgbot<Tompla> Aaand, it has always seen my nexus 4 when I used to have Android on it (which means until a couple of weeks ago)20:38
ubptgbot<Tompla> Today it's the first time that I try to connect it since when I installed UT20:38
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee, +120:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tompla, LineageOS?20:39
ubptgbot<Tompla> @dohbee, Not only, I used to use also PureNexus20:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> anyway, ubuntu just exposes mtp over usb. you need to unlock the screen to be able to access the device20:40
ubptgbot<Tompla> And I tried to flash the nightly of Oreo20:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> but if the screen is unlocked and the drive doesn't appear, then the issues are either on the PC side (missing OS support for MTP), or maybe mtpd got killed/disabled on the phone side for some reason20:41
ubptgbot<Tompla> @dohbee, Ok now it appears20:42
ubptgbot<Tompla> buuut20:42
ubptgbot<Tompla> I can't copy/paste anything on it20:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> you can inside the folders, but not in the root20:43
ubptgbot<Tompla> @dohbee, Oh, perfect! It works now20:43
ubptgbot<Tompla> Thank you very much20:43
ubptgbot<Tompla> Can I ask you why?20:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> because much of the system is more similar to a traditional linux system, and exposing all of the home directory over MTP would be confusing and could make it easy to break things20:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> so just the select folders are exposed over mtp20:44
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Tompla, Also, phone must e unlocked once when the session is started to prevent unauthorized access20:45
ubptgbot<Tompla> Thank you very much :) I still have to learn maaaaaaany things20:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> you are slow @Flohack :)20:46
ubptgbot<Flohack> damn!20:47
ubptgbot<Flohack> πŸ˜†20:47
ubptgbot<Flohack> I am working at 3 different things rn20:47
ubptgbot<peterbittner> @dohbee, So, the Nexus 5 is actually the only device that does convergence? Can you confirm?21:01
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> That or the M10 tablets21:01
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Unless you want to use Miracast, which is middling.21:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> @peterbittner, no, it is not the only device. but "convergence" is a vague and not helpful term, and everyone who says it means something different, in my experience21:02
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Well, the M10 is a big clumsy to stick it into my trouser pocket ... 😊21:02
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Sure, but in a practical sense. A a pramatic solution seeker you would suggest to buy the Nexus 5 over any other phone, if (and only if) priority 1 is being able to work "in desktop mode" (if you want so).21:04
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] Sure, but in a practical sense. As a pramatic solution seeker you would suggest to buy the Nexus 5 over any other phone, if (and only if) priority 1 is being able to work "in desktop mode" (if you want so).21:04
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yes, but note that with the current 15.04 stable you can only run Click apps. Libertine is broken.21:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> it depends on what you want out of it and what you expect, as to what i'd suggest21:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> i doubt you're going to carry keyboard, mouse, and external monitor in your pocket either21:05
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @UniversalSuperBox, Why do you say that?21:05
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> On the Nexus 5.21:06
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Ah.21:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> also i have no idea where you are located, as that's also a factor, since some devices are harder to get in certain regions, than others are21:07
ubptgbot<peterbittner> I'm tired of Android. I want to return to an OS that consumes less battery, that is visually appealing, and I want "something more", something I can show off with, something that sets my device apart from others. (Not in a way, "it doesn't run must apps you use", though.)21:08
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] I'm tired of Android. I want to return to an OS that consumes less battery, that is visually appealing, and I want "something more", something I can show off with, something that sets my device apart from others. (Not in a way, "it doesn't run most apps you use", though.)21:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> and you need to be realistic about using the device with external screen and input, too. you can interact with the GUI similar to a traditional PC, but it's still not a PC21:08
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Switzerland, Germany, Austria21:09
ubptgbot<peterbittner> @dohbee, What would you say disturbs you most?21:10
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @dohbee, I've pointed him to the really incredible price for the best version of the Pro 5, turbo + as I call it, and eBay delivers it more or less worldwide.21:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> @peterbittner, disturbs me?21:10
ubptgbot<peterbittner> @dohbee, How would you describe the main things that lack to make it "a real PC"?21:10
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Btw, can anyone suggest where, when I install pavucontrol in Libertine, I might find the directory to paste it's icon (which is currently blank)?21:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> well it doesn't disturb me, because i know that it's still a phone.21:11
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> On my GNOME 16.04 dekstop, it's ./var/lib/app-info/icons/ubuntu-xenial-universe/64x64/pavucontrol_multimedia-volume-control.png21:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> it's not x86, you can't run steam for example21:11
ubptgbot<Flohack> @peterbittner, I cant plug in a decent GPU πŸ˜†21:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> you can't use it for certain workloads21:12
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> But that doesn't have an analogue in the Libertine container.21:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack, the GPU is pretty decent, but i wouldn't go trying to run a bitcoin miner on it21:12
ubptgbot<Flohack> haha21:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> I neeed some nice PC games (80% Windows unfortunately πŸ˜†)21:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> traitor21:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> :P21:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> Cmon I was 15 when I got hold of the first WIndows copy. I cannot deny its part of my IT life πŸ˜†21:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack, i have a couple hundred from steam on linux21:14
ubptgbot<peterbittner> @TartanSpartan, I'm happy you pointed that out, and I'm still comparing. Don't get me wrong. Sorry!21:14
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I figure as long as he knows the extents and limitations of ARM builds (maybe he rocks some RPI) and the hardware itself, he's golden.21:14
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee, I switch when Diablo runs on Linux πŸ˜†21:14
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Yeah, I know you are still treating it as just one option, and I understand that.21:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TartanSpartan, i don't understand the question. why do you want to copy that icon somewhere?21:15
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> (Photo, 1280x800) https://irc.ubports.com/941nyLuf.png21:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack, https://forum.level1techs.com/t/looking-glass-guides-help-and-support/12238721:16
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> It's empty there.21:16
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> (Photo, 64x64) https://irc.ubports.com/SJzJmGMH.png21:16
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> When it should be rocking this sexy boday.21:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TartanSpartan, what does the `Icon=` line in the .desktop file say?21:17
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Which btw is indeed a 64x64 icon, so should help narrow the search down.21:17
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I'll look for that, thanks.21:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> the .desktop file in the rootfs under `/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/` that is21:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> does pavucontrol actually work?21:17
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Yes sir.21:18
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> It does.21:18
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> uVolMan is mostly sufficent, but this gives cool granular control for Audacity e.g. if I want to tape a YouTube song, I can do that by treating pulse as the microphone but muting the hardware mic.21:19
ubptgbot<peterbittner> I need to bring my question to an end: (Sorry everyone!) … How probable is it that Anbox will run on the Nexus 5 anytime soon?21:19
ubptgbot<Flohack> @peterbittner, Soon? Not :)21:20
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Never?21:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> Well, it's all relative21:20
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Soon as in this year (I do hope!)21:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> our solar system will expire "soon" (long before the heat death of the entire universe)21:20
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Guyyyys21:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> but that will still be a few billion earth years :)21:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> N5 will get anbox, yes21:21
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee, I like Rodneys "Dry Gin" philosophies πŸ˜†21:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> it might be some months though21:21
ubptgbot<peterbittner> @dohbee, I hope this will suffice to get me a decent smart watch the is a replacement for my developement machine.21:21
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> 9 months is some months and is rather relevant to human reproductive cycles :)21:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox, be more inclusive dalton. ;)21:21
ubptgbot<peterbittner> @dohbee, [Edit] I hope this will suffice to get me a decent smart watch that is a replacement for my developement machine.21:22
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> And still falls within 2018.21:22
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @dohbee, I think those pertain only to Click apps and scopes?21:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TartanSpartan, no21:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh wait, yeah, ok there's no .desktop file there for libertine apps i guess21:27
ubptgbot<dohbee> so the .desktop file in the container. you might just need to install `gnome-icon-theme` inside the container21:27
ubptgbot<dohbee> which is where that icon actually comes from21:28
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Ah ok, let's see...21:28
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Hmm, pull to refresh the Libertine scope, but the icon stays blank.21:30
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> No wait, I have the desktop file actually21:34
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> "Exec=pavucontrol … Icon=multimedia-volume-control … StartupNotify=true … Type=Application"21:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah it's just expecting the icon from the theme21:36
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Reboot perhaps?21:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't recall if that scope is handling that correctly or not21:37
ubptgbot<dohbee> no, reboot is not necessary21:39
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> For a start I'm wondering where a 64x64 directory is.21:42
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Might not be one according to my "find" searches.21:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> you don't need the 64x64 directory21:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> install `humanity-icon-theme` package inside the container21:44
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Already installed by default.21:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> ubuntu-app-launch only looks in Humanity and hicolor it seems, and doesn't fall back to gnome. it doesn't really implement icon theme spec21:46
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Is there a config file or something to prompt the fall back?21:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> that should get you an icon, but maybe not the icon you want21:47
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Also, what if I stuffed the icon into Humanity?21:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> no, it's just code, no config file (or it would work already)21:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> you could just `ln -s gnome Humanity` inside the container's `/usr/share/icons/` directory too, perhaps21:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> if you always want gnome21:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> (instead of installing humanity-icon-theme)21:49
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> See my screenshot of the apps in the container? Are any of those icons from the Humanity set?21:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> was humanity already installed?21:50
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Yes.21:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah, some of them come from humanity, but they have icons in the gnome theme too21:51
ubptgbot<dohbee> just different icons21:51
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Btw, I remember when I experimented with having system-print-gnome-config or whatever it was called in the container, I had to do this for it's icon too, except I put the icon in a folder and it worked. Wish I remembered how, but I've had to rebuild the container a couple times since then, and I asked on IRC, which is another21:52
ubptgbotreason why I wish I had persistent message storage for it back then.21:52
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> OIC.21:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> or rather, different but similar icons21:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> probably you put an icon in `/usr/share/pixmaps`21:53
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Right, that was a directory I was looking at also.21:53
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> http://notyetthere.org/installing-more-puritine-apps-on-the-m10/21:54
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> He talks about desktop files, so will check that out.21:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> that is definitely old info you shouldn't need any more21:55
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Right.21:57
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Pasted the png icon into picmaps, but insufficent. Guess it wants a .xpm file too/instead?22:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> no22:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> what file name?22:07
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> pavucontrol_multimedia-volume-control.png22:07
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Duhhh, I just saw that this should work from an example:22:09
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Icon=/usr/share/gedit/logo/gedit-logo.png22:09
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> So I'll try a dir link like that.22:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> no it should be named multimedia-volume-control.png22:11
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Right I'll change it.22:12
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Got it :D22:14
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Now it's on the same level as any other Libertine app.22:14
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Thanks as always for the assist.22:14
ubptgbot<padraic7a> looking at the instructions to install anbox at https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/anbox.html … Does adb shell persist into fastboot? … Otherwise I don't know if the instructions make sense...22:14
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Oh oh oh I just thought, @Flohack @mariogrip22:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> No, fastboot has no adb22:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> fastboot is only fastboot22:15
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @padraic7a, You reboot the device, then run the remainder of the commands on your computer22:15
ubptgbot<padraic7a> ah. markdown formatting makes it look a bit weird22:16
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> When you guys demo'd the system settings-integrated printer feature in Xenial images. Does it have compatability with a wide range of hardware models?22:16
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Seems to just be CUPS22:16
ubptgbot<padraic7a> Even the first line should probably be split in two.22:16
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/0OhQ0Ly1.png22:17
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @TartanSpartan, it has the same printer support as xenial desktop22:17
ubptgbot<padraic7a> Where is the place to file a change for the instructions again?22:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TartanSpartan, it's just cups22:17
ubptgbot<mariogrip> if you are talkign about our devices all will get that support22:17
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> @UniversalSuperBox, oh shit that's rad22:18
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I remember trying this in Libertine, but the files (I forget their terminology) had a very limited compatability. I could interface with my specific HP printer, but it referred to it by an old, slightly generic name, and the print page was sort of reminiscent of 80s/90s printing with glitches and artefacts.22:18
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> I never use printers but having full CUPS support on a phone is dope22:18
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I guess you guys have way surpassed those flaws though.22:18
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> And Lyo speaks truths!22:18
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TartanSpartan, i mean if you install cups and all the support packages, inside the container, and start up cups inside it, you can print to anything22:19
ubptgbot<dohbee> at least from the apps inside the container22:19
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> KInd of yes but with the caveats I mentioned (oh and the screwed up font it installs in the Facebook, Gmail and similar webapps).22:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> eh?22:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> fonts in the container cannot affect webapps22:20
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I remember you blanking on that bug before, so lemme show you :)22:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> you mean on firefox?22:21
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> I like firefox22:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> i like weather underground22:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> "it's clear!"22:22
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> i like darksky22:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> outside: <black clouds rolling in>22:22
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I legit know a guy who operated in the Weather Underground ^_^22:22
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Sorry* the Weathermen.22:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> all you have to do is connect a barometer to the internet and you're in22:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> nothing special22:23
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Haha22:23
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> @dohbee, my phone has a barometer so already there22:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> anyway22:25
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> (Photo, 1152x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/vm1qpKZW.png22:26
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Observethetextwrittenlikethiswithnospaces22:26
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> And weird blue symbols for numbers.22:26
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> what th efuck22:27
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> [Edit] what the heck22:27
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> NOW, that's what I've got on devel arale on Xenial (god only knows why), but the exact same bug occured for that printer thing I mentioned.22:27
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't see how installing things inside the container would cause that22:27
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Good question dude. I'm trying to trace the bug on github to draw light to it.22:28
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Got it here, just a sec:22:29
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/167393422:30
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1673934 in Oxide "when gsfonts is installed the browser will render the pages badly" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:30
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Ah, that was actually for installing to the rootfs. I must have done that because installing part of the printer functionality required that? Libertine didn't have sufficient permissions to rock CUPS by itself.22:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> that is installing to the rootfs on the phone22:31
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> As I said ;)22:31
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> But yeah, annoying tradeoff for when you wanted to print, to have to put up with that.22:31
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Still, you live and learn.22:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh, you can run cups, but you will have to change the port number for the web interface, or disable it22:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> because low port requires root22:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> but really you don't need the web iface anyway22:32
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Fair enough. I'm not really interested in trying it again, it's rendered irrelevant by having CUPS integrated into the system in Xenial anyway.22:32
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Was a learning exercise in how you can't expect to approximate a full desktop system purely via Libertine.22:33
ubptgbot<peterbittner> I found apparently a dual-SIM solution for Nexus 5. Does anyone know this? http://www.simore.com/en/mobile-phone-accessories/google/nexus-5/23:07
ubptgbot<padraic7a> So anbox is now working on my M10. How do I install an apk though?23:11
ubptgbot<padraic7a> The anbox instructions are to use … ```adb install ``` … and this doesn't work from my M10 shell.23:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> @peterbittner, i'm pretty sure those bluetooth ones won't work23:12
ubptgbot<peterbittner> @dohbee, And the simple Dual SIM adapter?23:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> @peterbittner, i expect it will be problematic with the sim tray23:14
ubptgbot<padraic7a> @padraic7a, For anyone finding this on  a search it seems that it isn't possible to do much yet. Most recent advice on the QA group is that "installing apps is a bit hard at this moment. but im working on some scripts to make that simple". That might be the group to check out if you're looking to test anbox.23:22
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Haha, this is fun! Add a microSD card adapter to the Nexus 5: https://liliputing.com/2016/01/give-a-nexus-5-a-microsd-card-slot-at-your-own-risk-with-this-dirty-hack.html23:23
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Lord knows every phone needs an SD card (sincerity, not sarcasm, mode)23:25
ubptgbot<peterbittner> I would order a Meizi PRO 5 today if convergence was easy to do. I has the damn SDcard slot, and it has dual SIM (alternatively). It's a shame has no slim port.23:28
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] I would order a Meizu PRO 5 today if convergence was easy to do. I has the damn SDcard slot, and it has dual SIM (alternatively). It's a shame has no slim port.23:29
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] I would order a Meizu PRO 5 today if convergence was easy to do. It has the damn SDcard slot, and it has dual SIM (alternatively). It's a shame has no slim port.23:29
ubptgbot<dohbee> @peterbittner, prepare for the future and get an htc 10 instead23:30
ubptgbot<peterbittner> Why should this be the future?23:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> there's work on an htc 10 port. and it's got an sd card slot, 4 GB RAM, and usb-c slimport support23:34
ubptgbot<peterbittner> [Edit] Why should this be the future? - Oh, there is a dual SIM version of it?23:35
ubptgbot<dohbee> it's only 32GB internal storage, and single sim slot though23:35
ubptgbot<peterbittner> The HTC Desire 10 Pro is a different breed?23:36
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> Very23:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah not that one23:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> just "HTC 10"23:36
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> also lol I forgot HTC turned the 'Desire' line into a crappy low budget line23:36
ubptgbot<peterbittner> @Lyokanthrope, lol this just attacted me when I saw the low prices! 😊23:37
ubptgbot<peterbittner> @Lyokanthrope, [Edit] lol this just attracted me when I saw the low prices! 😊23:37
ubptgbot<dohbee> low prices?23:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> like $30?23:38
ubptgbot<peterbittner> @Lyokanthrope, [Edit] lol this just attracted me when I saw the low prices! 😊 … Same price class as the Nexus 5, anyway.23:38

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