
ubottuCanonical and its employees have written a number of articles on various Ubuntu-related topics, these can be found here: http://insights.ubuntu.com/  For blogs from the Ubuntu Community, see !planet07:47
FlannelIt's an odd assemblage of topics and articles, I wasn't really sure how to describe it.07:48
FlannelFrom what I've read through, I wouldn't classify them as tutorials.  The tagline on the site really doesn't match reality of the content (from what I've seen, browsing for a few minutes).07:51
ikonialooks like an interesting read08:16
ikoniahow did you find that08:16
Flannelikonia: There was a factoid suggestion for it about 13 hours ago.08:18
FlannelThe factoid suggestion was just the tagline, but it didn't feel right.  The current factoid could definitely be refined though.08:19
ikoniaso intersting view points on the articles alredy08:20
ikoniaI'll have a real read tonight08:20
FlannelI've seen some of the articles on planet already, yeah.08:20
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Unit193It's how Canonical announces things.10:56
ubottualkisg called the ops in #ubuntu-mate (usuario_)12:06
ubottudiogenes_ called the ops in #ubuntu-mate ()12:12

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