
elachecheHello folks :)11:04
elachechenzoueidi: Still using WinBugs @work? If it's WinSuck10 you can try the WLS and get Ubuntu, Debian or Kali from they're store.. I know, it's not the perfect case, but can be a good idea until you convince your managers x)11:07
nzoueidielacheche: hahaha you just read my thoughts :D12:19
nzoueidiBut I had another solution; using my own personal laptop x)12:19
=== nzoueidi_ is now known as nzoueidi
nzoueidiBTW, I saw that you had the Community Council, congrats \o/ :D12:23
elachecheEmm.. I wa part of the CC since last September x) just didn't add it to linkedin until the last week :) thanks :)12:28
elachecheHello Ridley5 :)13:07
Ridley5salut elacheche :)13:07
Ridley5comment vas-tu?13:07
elachecheI am good thanks :)13:08
Ridley5pas mal13:08
Ridley5merci :)13:08
=== Ridley5|2 is now known as Ridley5
nzoueidiOh, yeah that's true. I think I will have  al-zahaimer soon xD16:59

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