
abstradelichi !00:24
abstradelicgreetings all00:26
daftykinsunlikely to get much at this hour, given the timezone and all00:26
daftykinswhat brings you to a UK channel?00:26
abstradelicthen... I have interest in Qt-based platform00:29
abstradelicwhat do you can tell me about?00:30
abstradelicqt-based is really nice?00:30
abstradelicubuntu is allready qt-based?00:31
daftykinsyou should probably take this topic to #ubuntu-discuss00:31
abstradelicthen... you you allways talk for all?00:32
daftykinsit's a friendly suggestion given you came into a channel for people, where it's half past midnight00:35
daftykinsi suggested a channel intended for discussion that's 24/7 :)00:35
ali1234is #ubuntu-discuss an active channel?00:39
ali1234a lot of -discuss and -offtopic places tend to be dead00:39
daftykinsi spoke in -discuss just a moment ago!00:40
daftykinsit's a bit odd how much this channel attracts folk from other countries though, i feel like they've all been fed propaganda that all British are friendly00:40
ali1234but we are :)00:41
ali1234wasn't this channel like the default join for some irc client as well?00:41
ali1234or am i thinking of another...00:41
daftykinsyou know what's weird? i saw an american using this ntalk.de client recently, it seems to be ancient00:43
ali1234i've never heard of it... but i never really used irc on windows00:44
daftykinshmm could've sworn when i checked it was cross platform, seems not00:45
ali1234it's FOSS00:45
ali1234so probably, but it seems mainly developed for windows (all screenshots on the homepage are XP)00:45
ali1234XP and 7 that is00:45
daftykinsmaybe even Vista00:46
daftykinsbut mm, seemed like a bad choice00:46
ali1234i used ICQ/MSN etc before IRC... that's why i still use pidgin today, even though IRC is the only service it still supports00:46
daftykinsheh down to a one trick pony indeed00:46
ali1234even the lead dev acknowledges it's a problem :)00:47
ali1234he does coding streams on twitch :)00:47
daftykinsmr.purple huh? xD00:48
ali1234which ironically, twitch supports IRC connections to their chat00:48
daftykinswell it is just modded IRC afaiui00:49
ali1234yes. it doesnt support everything and makes pidgin throw error boxes because it can't eg get a list of users in a channel00:49
ali1234but it does work00:49
daftykinsi use livestreamer.io myself still to watch the feeds, if i'm on a PC00:53
daftykinsmostly it's the app on my Amazon FireTV - although it's horrifically buggy00:54
daftykinsi've even reported it and they don't even reply00:54
abstradelicI use irc long time ago00:56
diploMorning all08:23
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:06
SuperMattWhere does communitheme stand with Ubuntu 18.04. Do we know yet if it's going to be the default?09:29
SuperMattThe answer is: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-participation-an-ubuntu-default-theme-lead-by-the-community/1545/57410:01
diploAnyone use the Skype snap ?10:03
SuperMattI've been using it10:07
diploSkype snap list shows the app under help shows 4.3 ?10:11
diploAlso, can't get it ot login, do the auth part and just spins10:11
SuperMattdiplo: *shrug*10:30
SuperMattlogs in just fine for me10:31
SuperMattor it did last time I logged in10:31
SuperMattLemm try now in my vm10:31
diplota fanx, no rush10:35
SuperMattversion showing as
diplounder help ?10:36
SuperMattare you sure you don't have skype installed any other way?10:36
SuperMattyeah, under help10:36
diploNope, I was thinking that too10:36
diploRemoved the snap and reinstalled to be sure, app menu option disappeared on removal10:36
diploWill do a find/locate as well now10:37
SuperMattI couldn't even get in to the "about" page until I logged in10:37
SuperMatttype `which skype` in your terminal10:37
diployeah /snap/bin10:37
SuperMattdid you install with --classic?10:40
diploGoing to post in the forums, may be just me :)10:40
diploJoys of working for a old company, having to create a package for CentOS 5 :/10:42
SuperMattSurprised CentOS 5 isn't EOL yet10:44
SuperMattoh, it was EOL last year10:45
SuperMattgotta have words with your boss10:45
SuperMattI would point blank refuse to make a package for CentOS 510:45
diploCustomers running it, not us10:45
diploBut we run software on there we need to monitor more for10:46
diploI've said we ought to tell customers tough10:46
diploBut this is the last one on 5, still have 5 on Cent4!10:46
SuperMattI don't know how companies manage to get themselves into such a mess10:47
diploDid you know that GoDaddy still run Cent4 machines10:47
diploAnd the reason why is most small companies won't spend money on IT10:47
SuperMattoh I know that10:48
SuperMattI used to work for Rackspace10:48
SuperMattwe had customers who refused to upgrade their RedHat boxes10:48
diploIt's a pain in my rear! Yes we do too10:48
SuperMattAnd I mean Red Hat, not RHEL, actual Red Hat10:48
diploI've told my bosses they need to write clauses into their contracts on renewal10:48
SuperMattBefore Enterprise Linux was a thing10:48
diploWe just got rid of our last RH7 box and 2 SCO 5? boxces10:49
SuperMattA year after heartbleed, we still had customer that refused to let us restart services10:49
diploOh blimey10:49
diploWe have an issue on some hardware, where it has been set up using intel software raid10:49
diploIf I update past cent 6.5, it wipes /home10:50
SuperMattI tried to explain - in the time it takes for a service to restart, the end user will simply refresh the page and it will be back up again. It's seconds, not hours to restart a service. Any money lost in that period is *nothing* compared to the amount of money that could be lost due to a breach caused by heartbleed10:51
diploThey don't seem to comprehend it do they.10:52
diploI've rebooted 2 servers recently that have 5+ year uptime10:52
diploI'm just scared of rebooting these boxes, had so many issues with them, but done about 80 servers now for customers10:54
diploBut since going through this, found 3 sites with raid issues10:54
diploPhone them up, yeah we've been hearing clicking noises...10:54
diploWe don't have to support these, I do it for our ease of life10:55
SuperMattThey've been hearing clicking noises and didn't think to contact anyone?10:55
diploWelcome to my world10:58
SuperMattnever ceases to amaze10:58
diploOr me11:00
diploHad another one with a mirror'd drive, we've offered to fix it for free ( apart from price of disks ) and it has taken him 6 months with multiple prompting to fill a form out agreeing it11:14
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diplo 12:52
SuperMatt 12:54
diploFocus on the wrong screen13:01
diploFun with firewall rules on a Draytek router :/13:01
zmoylan-piwell that was enlightening... :-)20:47
daftykinsdiplo: those things are so horrible :D20:56

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