
lynoriannhaines, any luck on my badge info07:11
nhaineslynorian: no, but I've sent an email to SCALE to get it resolved.07:43
=== RScholar is now known as RogueScholar
nhaineslynorian: You're welcome.  You might get an email notification about it soon, since I just got mine.22:53
nhainesThey auto-registered me as a speaker, but since I had registered back in October with registration number 23, I wanted that badge number.  :D22:54
nhainesOkay, so I'm eating lunch and my massive order of tea samplers came, so the dilemma as I wait for UPS to deliver the booth stuff so I can drive over to Pasadena is:23:17
nhainesWhich tea do I want to try after lunch?23:17
pleia2tea :d23:22
darthrobot`Title: [Ubuntu – Details of package tea in bionic]23:23
nhainespleia2: I may just bring all of them since they're in airtight pouches.23:33
nhainesYay, I just heard UPS.23:35
pleia2they just called a mechani for the plane :\23:43
nhainespleia2: still better news than calling a priest.23:43
nhainesIf you want to look at teas while you wait... https://wwww.adagio.com/ and here's a $5 coupon code for the next 24 hours: 135144572123:44
darthrobot`Error opening URL: [Errno -2] Name or service not known23:44
nhainesCan't be too careful.23:47
pleia2ok, airplane fixed23:57

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