
=== soee_ is now known as soee
tjaaltontseliot: i've assigned you on some nvidia file conflict bugs10:27
tseliottjaalton: ok, thanks10:55
tseliottjaalton: they are not using my driver in LP: #175379610:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1753796 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "Conflict between libglx-mesa and nvidia-390 on Ubuntu 18.04 (pre-release)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175379610:57
tjaaltonthat was easy then :)10:58
tseliotthe fact that I can't use an i386 chroot for testing is very annoying though10:58
tjaaltonno need to, because of multiarch11:00
tjaaltonno need for i386 chroot I mean11:04
tseliotyes, but still, the best way to test i386 is on i38611:07
tjaaltonricotz: uploaded capnproto with M-A fix, since I just hit that issue myself :P11:53
ricotztjaalton, thanks12:15
ricotztjaalton, am I correct that mir support in mesa is going away?12:15
tjaaltonbut I'll wait for next mesa rc before uploading that12:16
tjaaltontseliot: the file conflict with nvidia-340 is only seen on multiarch I think, and reproduceable on a chroot13:44
tjaaltonamd64 version provides also 32bit libs but doesn't divert them?13:45
tseliottjaalton: yes, I'm working on that, and on other fixes13:46
tjaaltonok, great13:47
ricotztseliot, hi, why don't you apply the same packaging layout of 390 to 340?14:30
tseliotricotz: because 340 doesn't support glvnd14:31
tseliotand I haven't worked on a non-glvnd solution for the new packaging yet14:31
tseliot(which I am going to need for 16.04 anyway)14:32
ricotztseliot, ok, but this shouldn't prevent you to split up the package the same way14:33
tseliotit won't14:33
tseliotI'm just very busy, trying to get hybrid graphics sorted out14:34
ricotzalso multiarch would work14:34
ricotzI see14:34
tseliottjaalton: the new release should fix that16:29

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