
akiksybariten: you can mount dirs over ssh with sshfs00:00
akiksybariten: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS00:00
sybaritenakik: no no i mean just mount the drive on that machine00:00
Bashing-omlibertas: That do lend weight to the Bug report . Have you tried the fix ?00:01
akiksybariten: you can put a line into /etc/fstab to mount it00:01
sybaritenit seems to be /dev/sda200:01
sybaritenyeah i dont mind doing it by hand, i just need a good line... i mean, i dont reboot the machine often00:02
gnulliganhey I'm having issues with editing a bootable iso00:02
gnulliganaccording to google the iso needs to be cp'd to another dir and then I can edit it, but cp is giving me IO errors00:02
gnulliganI'm using ubuntu 16.04 and whenever I mount it it says its a read-only filesystem00:02
akiksybariten: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions#Configuring_.2Fetc.2Ffstab00:02
gnulliganso I can't edit it because it's read-only and I can't copy because cp is throwing errors00:03
gnulliganpermissions are fine00:03
gnulliganand I ran cp as su00:03
hggdhgnulligan: I wonder... how full is this filesystem (df -h will show)00:04
gnulliganany help pls?00:04
gnulliganty, one sec00:04
akiksybariten: use uid= and gid= options for mount to match your linux user id00:04
gnulligan/dev/loop0p1 and /dev/loop1p1 are 100%00:05
hggdhgnulligan: well, there you go. You are out of space00:05
hggdh/dev/loop*? what are these filesystems?00:05
gnulliganI mounted the iso00:06
hggdharen't  ISOs read-only?00:06
gnulliganwhich is why I'm trying to cp -a iso /user/desktop00:07
gnulliganthen I'll edit it and use mkisofs00:07
gnulliganwhich should have worked according to google00:07
gnulliganbut cp is giving me io errors00:08
gnulliganWhen I do sudo cp -a /medi/user/my_iso.iso /home/user/Desktop/folder it says "cp: error reading 'media/blah': Input/output error00:09
* hggdh goes walk the dogs00:09
Jordan_Ugnulligan: Please pastebin the output of "mount" to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com .00:11
pythondudeI have ubuntu setup in a virtual machine with a graphics card passed through. It only boots in nomodeset and doesn't use my graphics card.00:16
pythondudeHow can I get it to work?00:16
kenrinDid you install the drivers for your card00:24
sybaritenJust gonna ask again, but differently .... if i double click on a disk in ubuntu, on the desktop... a disk thats not mounted....  is there any way to "extract" the mount command that is being executed then ?00:34
gnulliganI got it00:34
gnulliganty :)00:35
adrian_1908sybariten: I'm not sure, but I would assume that the "defaults" flag is used in that case. Maybe not, if the drive is somehow 'special' though, I don't know.00:36
adrian_1908also, if you have it mounted via click, try the 'mount' command and look for the drive.00:37
sybaritenyeah there is a bit of information in parenthesis after each drive entry...00:37
sybaritenwow theres quite a lot of attributes to this one specific drive apparently:  /dev/sda2 on /media/jke/FA30D0D4DD7 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096,uhelper=udisks2)00:40
kenrinThat looks pretty standard for fuse mount00:41
kenrinallow_other is the only real option I see00:41
adrian_1908sybariten: do you need help figuring out how to enter that into fstab, or is that part clear?00:46
kevdHello all.  I was just having an issue where I couldn't turn airplane mode off. The suggestions in the forums didn't help.  Anyone have any ideas?   I'm trying a restore now, but would cancel if anyone is up for helping00:48
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kevdSudo rfkill list all.    Shows hard blocked: yes00:53
kevdSudo rfkill unblock all.   No change00:54
kenrinhard block I thought was like a key combo because the hardware has it disabled00:55
kevdWhen I go to networking and slide airplane mode to off, it doesn't stick.  How can I adjust at hardware level?00:56
kenrinEither hit your key combo to turn on wifi,  or enable it in the bios if that doesn't work00:56
kenrinNothing to do with software00:56
kevdThanks.  Is key combo specific to my machine?  Maybe I accidently hit it??00:57
kevdF me00:58
kenrinIt is specific to your machine,  I know only dells you have to hit the Fn + one of the f keys that has the wifi symbol00:58
kevdYep F2.   Feel really foolish.  Thanks so much00:58
kenrinWe've all done it before =)00:58
kevdAppreciate this community very much.  Love and light people00:58
tom__Intel integrated graphics connected to monitor with VGA cable, trying to set resolution with cvt + xrandr works but when I try setting to 1920x1080@60Hz I get a black screen. Screen has 1920x1080 working via DVI.01:01
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kenrinIs the vga cable rated for that resolution?  A lot of them are low quality and only do certain resolutions like svga01:04
tom__Hmm thanks for the tip. I have no idea, I'll check on my other machine later =]01:05
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kenrinI got burned one year buying a longer generic vga.  It takes all 15 pins to do 1080 or above. 4-6 of them were shorted out when tested with multimeter01:07
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pragmaticenigmatom__, the maximum resolution for VGA varies and is dependent on both the monitor and graphics card being able to create and receive the signal at the needed frequency and bandwidth. DVI is a fully digital signal while VGA is analog, DVI can carry more data than VGA which is why VGA does not always work at higher resolutions01:13
pragmaticenigmalow quality cables can also affect the signal, if possible, it would be recommended to use DVI01:14
kenrinI like those little vga>dvi adapters.  Of course then you have to figure out if the card can do dvi-i or if it is pure dvi-d01:15
pragmaticenigmaAdapters are good for quick fix, but longer term it's better to have less connections. Each device on the cable reduces quality and affects signal transmission01:16
kenrinIf the laptop makers would start putting in the correct ports sure we wouldn't need to01:17
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amosbirdHi, I'm using the ubuntu docker via " docker run -it ubuntu bash " and doing a "apt-get install git" inside02:10
amosbirdwhy do I get E: Unable to locate package git02:10
bazhangamosbird, what version of ubuntu are you on02:11
OerHeksapt update first?02:12
unholymachinehi i have a newly set up Ubuntu Server 16.04.4 with SSH Server and default utilities installed on it. I'm trying to ssh tunnel into a VPS of mine. I have exchanged keys with the VPS but whenever I try to execute the ssh tunnel i keep getting asked for the rsa key password. however, when i execute the ssh tunnel by using sudo i'm not prompted for the rsa password. what could be wrong with my setup?02:12
amosbirdbazhang: 16.04 lts02:15
amosbirdOerHeks: ah, thanks02:15
amosbirdhmm, still E: Unable to locate package cmake302:16
amosbirdgit is ok now02:16
bazhangamosbird, not yet at the 16.04.4 ?02:16
amosbirdbazhang: I'm not sure. how can I print that ?02:16
amosbirdit's tagged as 16.0402:16
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WorldGenesis[v]is there a way of controlling the fan speed on a macbook a1181? o.o02:18
WorldGenesis[v]not sure if the kernel natively supports the fan hardware02:18
cfhowlett!fan | WorldGenesis[v]02:18
ubottuWorldGenesis[v]: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.02:18
bazhang!version | amosbird02:18
ubottuamosbird: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »02:18
amosbirdroot@76875c59c19a:/# lsb_release -a02:19
amosbirdNo LSB modules are available.02:19
amosbirdDistributor ID: Ubuntu02:19
MelatoninaOol: hello. I'm, back after re-installing Ubuntu, running ubuntu-drivers and restarting the system (just to be sure). The end result was the same: I get up to the login screen just fine, then the desktop crashes before visualizing anything and I'm back to the login.02:19
amosbirdDescription:    Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS02:19
amosbirdRelease:        16.0402:19
amosbirdCodename:       xenial02:19
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KrisWoodHi everyone, I'm stuck at a purple screen with a mouse cursor in the middle. I googled it but doing nomodeset at grub didn't have any effect. What can I do to fix this?02:23
cfhowlettKrisWood, is this at installation or what stage02:24
KrisWoodcfhowlett I've been running this machine continuously for a few months, this is the first reboot in ages02:24
cfhowlettKrisWood, ah.  server?02:25
KrisWoodI'd turned it off to add an extra hard drive I had laying around.02:25
KrisWoodcfhowlett I don't remember if I did server or desktop this time, honestly02:25
KrisWoodcfhowlett either I did desktop or I installed a desktop on it02:25
cfhowlettKrisWood, sounds like the additional hardware has confused things.02:26
KrisWoodcfhowlett, that's what I thought at first so I turned it off and removed the drive then turned it on again. Now it's still stuck at the purple screen02:27
cfhowlettKrisWood, I'd guess grub is whacked.  reinstall?02:27
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:27
KrisWoodI can't get to a terminal, so that link doesn't really work for me, but I'll try reading through grub stuff, maybe I can find a setting to change somewhere...02:29
FreakingOut1987is there a way to do debconf-get-selections without installing the tested package?02:29
cfhowlettFreakingOut1987, apt download packagename02:31
FreakingOut1987thanks cfhowlett02:33
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amosbirdhow can I make apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test run without user interaction02:43
amosbirdit currently needs me to press enter02:43
kenrinamosbird: Did you try the standard -y ?03:02
kenrinShould work for most all apt commands03:02
amosbirdah, thanks03:04
stiltzkinHi, I'm back. Still trying to diagnose this server hang issue, if anyone has any ideas. Today I came home and this was on the console, whole system hung: https://i.imgur.com/wzl5HuI.jpg03:09
cfhowlettconsider asking #ubuntu-server stiltzkin03:09
stiltzkinyeah I suppose I should03:09
cfhowlettbut that uuid missing = no such partition.  did you change hardware or something?03:10
de-factoalso maybe check hdd hw03:10
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stiltzkinhaven't changed drives03:10
stiltzkinit also boots up fine03:10
stiltzkinbut it will completely lock up at random intervals, usually every 24 hours03:11
cfhowlettstiltzkin, sounds like failing HW to me.03:11
stiltzkinI don't think so.03:12
stiltzkinThe hardware is relatively new03:12
de-factodid you look at it e.g. like "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX" (pkg smartmontools)?03:12
stiltzkinyep drives are healthy03:13
stiltzkinthere's an MCE displayed during boot03:14
de-factoalso might be interesting what the kernel log says. maybe you would need to remotely log it via network so you get last messages before freeze03:14
stiltzkin[Firmware Bug]: Ignoring request to disable invalid MCA bank03:14
stiltzkinbut I haven't been able to determine if this is normal or not03:14
stiltzkinsee: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mcheck/mce.c#L186703:14
stiltzkinkernel log is clean, other than this MCE. There's no last messages before the system hangs indicating anything unusual. After the system reaches a hung state it's not reachable on the network03:15
stiltzkinit's done this dozens of times, started popping up about a month ago or so and has happened nearly every day03:16
stiltzkinsometimes it will go 2 days, sometimes it will go 8 hours03:16
stiltzkinkind of at my wit's end with it, considering reinstalling. would have done it already if reinstalling all the software and config wasn't such a huge pita03:18
de-factomaybe a long standing ssh connection with "dmesg -w" running would show something?03:18
stiltzkinwould that show anything that wouldn't already get logged to disk though?03:18
stiltzkinI imagine the session would just end03:18
de-factoif it cant log to disk?03:18
de-factoi mean if it cant write anymore, how would it end up in that log then?03:18
stiltzkinI suppose it's possible. It's not panicing though03:19
stiltzkinat least, not that I can see03:19
de-factoif it cant write to hdd (gave up waiting for root device), i guess you wont see last kernel messages by examining disk files03:20
stiltzkinI don't understand why it would suddenly fail to write to the host drive though03:21
stiltzkindrive reports healthy, it's an SSD03:21
kenrinYou turst SMART ?03:21
stiltzkinwhat else is there to trust haha03:21
kenrinSomething that isn't consistently wrong03:21
kenrinLike manafacturer provided tools03:22
stiltzkinpretty sure WD's manufacturer provided tools just run SMART03:22
kenrinPretty sure it does a lot more than that.  Just sucks that it only runs on DOS|Win03:25
stiltzkinwell I could clone the disk to a spare SSD to rule it out03:29
stiltzkinbut I don't think it will make any difference03:29
stiltzkinI suspect this is a recent kernel issue or a hardware issue03:30
cfhowlettstiltzkin, easy test: reboot, choose an old kernel03:30
stiltzkinI've tried some older kernels and got the same results. However I might not have old enough kernels from before this started happening03:31
stiltzkinI also tried switching to HWE kernel to see if it would help - it has not03:31
kenrinEasy enough to install a pretty old one you knew worked good before,  if you can remember the version|timeframe03:32
stiltzkinI doubt I can make it match whatever it was previously03:34
stiltzkinI was apparently running "mainline build" kernel, a term I've not heard before. It came up last time I asked this question in here03:35
stiltzkinWhich is unsupported I think03:35
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds03:35
stiltzkinBut I'm not sure why I was running it - I don't remember installing a custom kernel03:35
stiltzkinprobably at this point the best course of action is to replace the host drive (since I have one lying around anyway) and just do a full reinstall, as painful as it will be03:41
stiltzkinbut I was hoping to rule out hardware problems ahead of doing that and I haven't had much luck there03:42
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kenrinCan't really rule out hardware problems without reinstalling either03:44
kenrinIf you do them both at the same go you'll never know which one it was O.o03:45
kk4ewtstiltzkin,  try it with an updated iso03:51
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stiltzkin@kenrin, true but I care less about the root cause analysis and more about my uptime :)03:55
stiltzkinthe good folks in #ubuntu-server suggested setting up syslogd with UDP to a separate server so I'm going to give that a go first03:55
stiltzkinin case the problem really is preventing the errors that take the system out from ever getting logged to disk03:55
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monkwitdafunkim having trouble accessing my firmware. i have an intel nuc03:59
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Lireally bad job from ubuntu folks .. why laptops aren't able to suspend when the battery juice is finished? we talked about this issue for years now04:29
LiI go online and everyone is complaining about it yet no from ubuntu team is willing to fix this inconvience04:29
Litime to give FreeBSD another shot04:31
Liall my work is gone because of this stupidity04:34
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whoamihow to make script python?04:39
guivercwhoami, open an editor, create your script (first line is "#!/usr/bin/python" or your shebang), save it, then `chmod +x` (make executable) & test it out... (note: i don't know python so possibility of typos/bobo's)04:42
=== ASDL is now known as SPeedY
stoopkidhi, so i'm trying to install ubuntu 16.04 without going through external media by adding a menuentry for the ubuntu ISO in grub, and i've got the menuentry and it seems to work; seems to boot into a fully functioning ubuntu 16.04 desktop environment with a desktop icon to install ubuntu, but then the installer informs me that various different things are mounted, and asks me if i want to unmount them so that it can05:28
stoopkidcontinue, so i unmount them, and it seems like it continues just fine through the installer prompts, but then when it actually starts installing it seems to hang on the "Detecting file systems..." step05:28
stoopkidi haven't ever seen prompts about mounted file-systems in an ubuntu install before; i'm guessing that's because i've only ever done installs via DVD/USB; i've got the iso in a file on sda1, and sda is the drive i've trying to install ubuntu on, i figured that this might cause problems, if the installer is wanting to overwrite the drive that it's being read from in the first place05:33
stoopkidbut idk how computers work so i figured i'd give it a shot lol05:33
lotuspsychjestoopkid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot can this help05:41
stoopkidah, well, the "Installing Ubuntu from a Menuentry Boot" is at least indicating that the various prompts i was getting are normal. i guess i need to try unmounting this /isodevice before i try running the install, maybe that'll fix it05:45
knotahackerdepends a lot on where the iso is. I wouldn't bother - just burn to usb drive (hard drives are way faster). Sometimes the drives are not listed in the correct order either - make sure you use uuid05:47
stoopkidyou mean just put the iso on a separate drive and load it from there and then use that to install onto the original drive?05:48
knotahackeruse dd or whatever and write the iso to the drive05:49
knotahackersudo dd if=isoname.iso of=devicename bs=4M05:50
knotahackerthen boot from that05:50
knotahackerworks for most nixs05:50
knotahackermake sure you get the device name right!05:51
stoopkidshould i use oflag=sync?05:52
knotahackerI don't usually - not sure what that is even. I also add status=progress to the end to see05:54
SwedeMikestoopkid: I tend to just issue "sync" after it's done, wait until that completes and then do another sync and then unplug it05:54
knotahackergood thinking!05:54
stoopkidso basically some of the data that's supposed to be written by dd might still just be stored in buffers in ram and sync flushes those buffers to make sure it's all written to drive? or am i confused about the purpose of it05:56
Blue_Crystalhello , Someone is using my nick, and i am authenticated to use that nick, what was the command for ghosting?, can someone help05:56
SwedeMikestoopkid: exactly05:56
stoopkid"wait until that completes"; seems like it completed instantly, is that what i should be expecting? not sure how much data normally gets stored in these buffers05:57
enufBlue_Crystal: /msg nickserv GHOST nick pass05:57
SwedeMikestoopkid: with a slow usb stick, sync might take 10+ seconds to be done. There can be quite a lot of write caching.05:58
SwedeMikestoopkid: if there is nothing to be written, sync returns immediately.05:58
stoopkidbut it's "done" when it returns the command prompt to me, like i shouldn't ever expect it to be just be returning the command prompt while it syncs in the background?05:59
stoopkidi guess i can check ps for that05:59
knotahackerit's done.05:59
SwedeMikestoopkid: it returns when whatever was in the write buffer at the time of issue, is written to disk.06:00
SwedeMikestoopkid: if something kept writing into the write cache, then that might still not be committed to disk06:00
SwedeMikestoopkid: so basically if you do "dd ; sync ; sync" and this completes, you can be pretty sure that whatever was written by dd is now on disk06:01
Blue_Crystalenuf, thanks, it says Green_Crystal has been ghosted and then, ~Green_Cry@unaffiliated/green-crystal/x-1110118 has just authenticated as you (Green_Crystal)   what does this mean?06:01
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stoopkidhuh, well... i go to `shutdown now` so that i can switch out the drives and run the install, and it seems to need to stop the daemon 'rsync'06:03
enufBlue_Crystal: try /nick Green_Crystal06:03
Green_Crystalenuf, ah, i understand, thanks for the help ^_^06:05
stoopkid"killing all remaining processes... [fail]; restoring resolver state... [OK]; will now switch to single-user mode"06:05
stoopkidshutdown -h worked06:09
stoopkidweird. haven't gotten that issue before06:09
detlyI'm trying to add a Launchpad PPA on 17.10 using add-apt-repository, but because our corporate proxy blocks whatever port HKP uses (11371?) it fails with "Error: retrieving gpg key timed out."06:21
detlySo does "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <fingerprint>"06:21
detlyis there some other way to eg. force add-apt-repo to use TLS instead of plain HKP for key downloads?06:22
lotuspsychjedetly: we dont support external ppa's here06:24
lotuspsychjedetly: try to contact the maintainer06:24
lotuspsychje!ppa | detly06:24
ubottudetly: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:24
detlydo you support the software in the official archives?06:24
lotuspsychjedetly: officially, we support all packages from the official repos06:24
detlygreat! add-apt-repository and apt-key are both in there ;)06:25
detlybut if they do not support forcing TLS, I will look elsewhere for a solution06:25
lotuspsychjedetly: wich package is it, you are looking for?06:26
knotahackerisn't it possible to download the key and then install from that?06:27
detlyknotahacker: from where?06:28
detlylotuspsychje: pypy > 5.806:28
detlyoh, the keyserver has a web interface?06:28
knotahackeri did it a while back, i think i just used wget06:29
knotahackernot a web interface, it's just a file06:30
knotahackereverythings a file in linux...06:30
detlywget won't work if the port is blocked though06:30
lotuspsychje!info pypy | detly06:33
ubottudetly: pypy (source: pypy): fast alternative implementation of Python - PyPy interpreter. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.8.0+dfsg-2 (artful), package size 7375 kB, installed size 45023 kB06:33
knotahackersearch for the key you want, save as a file06:37
knotahackerdetly: pypy key https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x251104D96885491506:41
lotuspsychjedetly: make your life easy and install pypy from official repos?06:42
detlyknotahacker: ooooh, I need "0x" at the start06:42
detlylotuspsychje: 5.8 < 5.1006:42
lotuspsychje!latest | detly06:42
ubottudetly: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.06:42
detlyknotahacker: not at all obvious, but that works, cheers06:42
knotahackereasy to get in trouble mixing and matching though06:43
knotahackerupdates can be horrible!!06:43
detlyknotahacker: pypy is relatively self-contained, and it's better than waiting 12 months to do development06:44
knotahackersuprised there isn't a snap package or docker or something?06:44
detlyI mean, the other alternative is to compile and install from source, which is far far harder to reverse than installing from a PPA06:44
lotuspsychjedetly: ubuntu 18.04 has pypy 5.1006:45
detlyknotahacker: could be, and if there were many more deps I'd look into that06:45
knotahackertrue - i do it too sometimes, but i get into messes too!06:45
detlylotuspsychje: good to know, cheers :)06:45
lotuspsychjedetly: ans then there are also !backports and snaps06:46
detlylast time I tried installing via snap it was catastrophic, but that was a few months ago so maybe it's better now06:47
detlyI think I have backports enabled though06:48
lotuspsychjedetly: just use the reccomended version 5.8?06:50
detlylotuspsychje: unfortunately I'm hitting a crash in the JIT compiler in 5.8, and I need to see if it's still present in 5.10 (and if it's not, use 5.10)06:52
lotuspsychjedetly: file a !bug against 5.8?06:53
detlylotuspsychje: if it's fixed by upstream in 5.10, why would I file a bug?06:53
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detlyI guess if it has security implications and a backport or patch is warranted? but then, knowing that it's fixed or not in 5.10 would still be necessary information06:55
detlyknotahacker: hah, even manually importing the key via "sudo apt-key add" won't satisfy add-apt-repository06:57
detlyat least in that case I can put the lines in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/06:57
lotuspsychjedetly: also if you need more stable, choose an LTS version06:59
lotuspsychje!info pypy xenial06:59
ubottupypy (source: pypy): fast alternative implementation of Python - PyPy interpreter. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.1.2+dfsg-1~16.04 (xenial), package size 6748 kB, installed size 37410 kB06:59
knotahackerdetly: i know it's not the right way...07:05
knotahackersometimes i cheat a little..07:05
knotahackerif you're admin, you can do what you want right? :)07:06
detlyknotahacker: ah, if only :/07:09
detlydaily backups help with peace of mind though07:09
knotahackersometimes I wish i had my own keylogger just so i could undo my screwups.07:10
knotahackerever seen a program/script to do that?07:10
knotahackertee every command to a text file..07:11
stoopkidso i dd'd this ubuntu iso to my second hard-drive, and it seems to boot into the install just fine. is there any way to add a menuentry for grub that would boot into that install? here's what i've tried https://pastebin.com/HRQB6yrc but i'm not sure why this doesn't work07:11
knotahackernot sure why you'de want to?07:13
detlystoopkid: what's on the first hard drive?07:13
stoopkidubuntu 14.0407:13
knotahackerso you're going to do a new install to that?07:14
stoopkidknotahacker: i'm just curious about if i can use grub to select from different drives to boot from07:14
detlystoopkid: possibly an obvious thing to do but have you tried just running update-grub2 (is it grub2 on 14.04?) from your 14.04 install?07:15
knotahackersure. leave the drive in when you install and the installer will find it07:15
stoopkiddetly: yea tried that07:15
knotahackerthis is 2 drives in 1 pc, right?07:16
stoopkidknotahacker: sure the issue i'm running into is just getting into the installer on the second drive without physically swapping the drives or changing the boot priority in BIOS (which i don't seem to be able to do for some reason)07:16
knotahackerso how did you get to the installer?07:17
stoopkidphysically swapping the drives07:17
detlystoopkid: does (hd1,0) actually contain the '/boot' dir? you can check from the grub console with "ls (hd1,0)/boot"07:17
stoopkidone sec07:19
stoopkid"press `c' for a command-line" ?07:20
detlyin fact, you could just try "ls" at that command line07:20
detlyyou might find you need eg. (hd1,gptX) rather than (hd1,X)07:20
stoopkidi don't have a command-line though, and `c' doesn't seem to give me one, hrm07:20
detlywell that's a bit off07:21
knotahackerdid 14.04 have grub but not grub2?07:21
stoopkiddoes grub use 'update-grub' and grub2 use 'update-grub2' ?07:22
detlyI've got 14.04 on one of my machines and it definitely has grub2, but it might vary depending on which installer (server vs desktop)?07:22
detlyif you have grub2 installed, update-grub should just point to update-grub207:22
stoopkidoh wait i'm looking right at it07:22
detlyoops, other way around07:22
stoopkidGNU GRUB version 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.707:23
detlyif 'c' doesn't get you a console... I don't know what's happening there07:23
detlyI presume it responds to other keypresses, since you can boot past it?07:23
stoopkidright, at least up/down/enter07:24
knotahackerdon't understand why you cant change boot priority in bios?07:24
stoopkidknotahacker: me neither07:24
gabequick bash question: ive got a variable with a multiline text. And an xml file that has a single value in it that needs to be replaced with that variable. sed doesnt like that variable, as it contains "special chars"==newline. does anyone have an idea how to quickly get this sorted?07:24
knotahackerstoopkid: are both listed as drives in bios? how old is this pc?07:25
stoopkid~2006; and yea both are listed, and nothing seems to be locked or disabled07:26
knotahackergabe: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1251999/how-can-i-replace-a-newline-n-using-sed07:26
knotahackerstoopkid: but there is no option to change priority?07:27
stoopkidthere is an option to change priority, and all the drives including usb show up there, and it says on the screen to use + and - to move the items up and down in the list, but, whatever keys i press the screen just flickers and doesn't do anything07:28
stoopkidand nowhere else in bios does there appear to be any setting that could be disabling the ability to change the boot priority07:29
Triffid_HunterGabe: at worst, echo "$(everything before the variable)$(variable)$(everything after the variable)" > newfile07:29
SegFault1Hi there. Is 14.04 not supported anymore? 'sudo apt upgrade' is throwing me a bunch of 404.07:30
knotahackerstoopkid: don't know any other way i guess? if you leave your install drive in the boot slot, you can still install to the second07:30
knotahackerstoopkid: you'll just have to fix your grub menu after to boot to your second drive07:31
knotahackerstoopkid: by default, i mean. otherwise it will always boot to your install/live disk. which would be great for surfing bad places...07:32
stoopkidwell, if i can do that, shouldn't i be able to fix the grub menu to have an option to boot into the install on the second drive?07:33
knotahackerright, it will just take the right series of commands.07:33
knotahackereverything is possible.07:33
stoopkidexcept for changing my bios boot priority or opening up the grub console, apparently XD07:34
lotuspsychjeSegFault1: did you add external ppa's?07:34
SegFault1lotuspsychje, yes I do have some external ppa from launchpad07:35
lotuspsychjeSegFault1: try to remove them and sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade07:35
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | SegFault107:35
ubottuSegFault1: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html07:35
knotahackerstoopkid: i would install from sda to sdb, grub-install to sdb, swap drives again and boot.07:35
SegFault1i have to remove all the ppa?07:36
knotahackerstoopkid: you can choose which drive you install grub to.07:36
SegFault1I have some important ppa since ubuntu's default repo have old versions07:36
lotuspsychje!latest | SegFault107:37
ubottuSegFault1: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:37
knotahackerstoopkid: after new install boots you can update-grub and it will find your install drive also07:38
gabeknotahacker: thx. found that one too, but I'd like to have the newlines in the xml file :)07:39
stoopkidhrm, is there any way to add a menu item that would take me into the console, if the grub won't let me get there just by pressing 'c'?07:40
knotahackergabe: i'm certainly no expert, i get all my info from google. just trying to help. make copies of everything before you experiment!!07:40
theorchidAnyone install ubuntu on a 7700HQ ROG asus laptop? I have been having some cpu related errors with kubuntu 17.10.107:41
knotahackerstoopkid: no idea07:41
theorchidI updated the firmware, gonna try again when the download finishes incase my install usb is corrupt07:41
SegFault1instead of purging them, if I comment it in my sources.list and run upgrade will that be okay.07:41
theorchid7700k with 17.10, anyone got it working?07:42
knotahackerSegFault1: what about all the wrong libraries? that can't work. reinstall the the ppas after only if you must.07:43
DVC3da nigga is eppen07:56
stoopkidalright then07:56
stoopkidso i managed to solve the grub console problem07:57
stoopkidby commenting the line "GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0" in /etc/default/grub , in attempt to get grub menu to show by default without holding shift key07:57
stoopkid(which also works)07:58
stoopkidno idea what that has to do with whether or not i can press `c' to get into the console, but...07:58
stoopkidalright, and found part of my problem, /dev/sdb is on (hd2) not (hd1)08:01
stoopkidhrm seems to be a bug in grub; i exit from the console back out to the menu and it prints the menu again without erasing the original menu08:02
knotahackerstoopkid: grub numbers things weird - the first counts from 1, the partition counts from 008:07
knotahackerstoopkid: i have hard drives in my laptop and i can get a grub menu off either one. if i royally screw up, i use my bios boot menu to get to my backup mini OS08:09
knotahackerstoopkid: 2 drives i ment08:10
stoopkidhrm, seems like it's the opposite; drive counts from 0 and partition counts from 1, at least on my system this must necessarily be the case08:14
stoopkid(hd0,1) is my /dev/sda108:15
knotahackeroh that must be it. haven't played with that in a while sorry08:15
stoopkidnp i mean this would be a hell of a lot of stuff to memorize XD08:16
knotahackerand yet some do..08:16
knotahackerlike learning regular expressions for sed and awk.08:17
stoopkidi hope i never have to work at this low level that often / intensively XD08:17
knotahackeronce you get tools you often find a need for them08:18
stoopkidalright getting closer; so first i was incorrect, the install isn't in (hd2,1)/, it's in (hd1)/08:28
stoopkid(hd2,1) was the usb stick that i had the iso on from when i was trying to usb boot XD08:29
stoopkidmuahaha, success! booting into install on second hd from grub menuentry08:32
stoopkidor... hopefully success; looks like it started, and i've got a mouse pointer... on a black screen, not sure if it's hanging or if i'm waiting for something to load08:34
kuterhello, anyone here successfully using open-eid software ?08:36
stoopkidi guess it's hanging... damn, so close08:36
trijntjeI use byobu on an external system. All I want is to be able to copy text from the byubu terminal window to my desktop. How can I do this, its driving me crazy08:50
stoopkidhuh, weird, i'm getting the same behavior now with my original menuentry that successfully booted into the ISO on /dev/sda (aka (hd0,1))08:56
stoopkidwhere before i was getting the ubuntu installer desktop env, now i'm just seeing the same black screen with a mouse08:56
sentbyGodis the behavior at least consistent? that's what I like about me computer08:58
stoopkidor at least, idk what changes i might've made to cause this to start happening08:59
locsmifIt appears my ethernet connection uses kernel module r8169. It experiences random connection loss, where my eth device loses its ipv4 address (keeps ipv6 address) although it stays "UP". I can connect as soon as I run dhclient -i <device>. Should I be using a different module?09:01
Nuovo1guys, I have a problem with usb09:01
sentbyGodwhat's the difference between debian, ubuntu, and linux mint?09:02
Nuovo1guys, I have a problem with usb09:02
Nuovo1The USB / dev / sdb1 unit must first be mounted to a mount point. Most distributions will do this automatically after removing and reinserting the USB drive.09:03
kostkonNuovo1, what's the problem exactly09:03
Nuovo1kostkon The USB / dev / sdb1 unit must first be mounted to a mount point. Most distributions will do this automatically after removing and reinserting the USB drive.09:04
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kostkonNuovo1, so the usb drive you connect isn't mounted automatically09:05
Nuovo1kostkon exact, and connected, and it works .. but does not consider it through unetbootin09:06
GargoyleNuovo1: Can you use "disks" to mount it?09:07
Nuovo1Gargoyle: no, I do not have records, I have a pen09:08
GargoyleNuovo1: You're not making any sense!09:08
stoopkidi think the install is hanging when it gets to the point of trying to load the DE for the installer; is there a way to do the install through a command-line rather than through the GUI?09:09
Nuovo1Gargoyle:   but sorry, why do I have to use the record? I have the pen, it's easier for me09:09
kostkonstoopkid, tried nomodeset?09:10
kostkon!nomodeset | stoopkid09:10
ubottustoopkid: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:10
GargoyleI don't know what you mean by "record" or "pen"? Insert the usb drive then use the "Disks" application to see if/where it gets mounted.09:10
knotahackerstoopkid: good idea - add nomodeset the the end of your grub boot line with the kernel09:11
stoopkid"This makes it possible to have high resolution nice looking splash (boot) screens and flicker free transitions from boot splash to login screen. Unfortunately, on some cards this doesnt work properly and you end up with a black screen." (black screen in scary bold) looks like this might indeed be exactly the problem i'm running into, thanks kostkon09:11
kostkonstoopkid, np09:12
stoopkidknotahacker: this would be the 'linux' command in the menuentry?09:12
knotahackerstoopkid: doesn't one line have a 'kernel' parameter?09:13
knotahackerstoopkid: the one that says root=xxx09:13
Nuovo1Gargoyle:  wait09:13
stoopkidnope i've got a loopback line, a linux line, and an initrd line09:14
knotahackerstoopkid: try it on the end of the linux line09:14
Nuovo1Gargoyle: nothing k3b only disk09:15
knotahackerstoopkid: i would guess you have a 'Radeon' card - known to have issues. I had a laptop I could only use vesa mode unless I compiled my own kernel.09:16
trijntjeI use byobu on an external system over ssh. I want to copy text from the byubu terminal window to my desktop. How can I do this, its driving me crazy09:16
stoopkidweird, with nomodeset, it successfully boots into the DE09:16
knotahackerstoopkid: as long as it works. you can look up other solutions later, but you might need to stick it in /etc/default/grub then update-grub09:18
knotahackerstoopkid: then you can remove it from your grub and it will keep working (hopefully)09:19
stoopkidwrt the graphics, looks like NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX09:19
knotahackertrijntje: why can't you just select and paste? what doesn't work?09:19
stoopkidaccording to lshw (the physical card itself is unfortunately positioned against the wall in the chassis and i can't read the label)09:20
GargoyleNuovo1: anything from running "lsblk" in terminal?09:20
knotahackerstoopkid: maybe the right driver would work better then - no idea09:20
stoopkidwell, i'm definitely infinitely further ahead with it than i was when i first popped in here, thanks for all the help!09:21
trijntjeknotahacker: I can 'select' the text, but as soon as I let go of the mouse it de-selects everything, so I have no time to copy it09:22
knotahackertrijntje: whats your local system? i just installed byobu and it seems to copy/paste fine? ive got xubuntu latest09:24
trijntjeknotahacker: both are ubuntu 16.0409:24
knotahackertrijntje: i installed to a remote machine over ssh09:24
knotahackertrijntje: i would guess its a local problem, not remote? over my head..09:25
GargoyleNuovo1: Remove the usb drive, then in a terminal run "dmesg -w". This will output some messages and then wait (it won't return your command prompt). Press enter a few times to make a gap and then insert your usb drive. You should almost immediately see some messages relating to the detection of the usb drive. Like this:- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/574TXPx87f/09:27
knotahackertrijntje: maybe it's a weird bug - try rebooting locally?09:27
Nuovo1ok Gargoyle09:27
Nuovo1thanks for you Gargoyle09:28
stoopkidknotahacker: awesome, it totally works, minus the few catches here and there; i'll get that cleaned up over time though09:45
stoopkidjust successfully completed my install and booted into it09:46
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stoopkidwell dammit, i always speak too soon..09:46
stoopkid"[TIME] Timed out waiting for device dev-di...\x2d8858\x2d4bf999..."09:47
stoopkid"[DEPEND] Dependency failed for /dev/disk/by-...92b-2658.." "[DEPEND] Dependency failed for Swap."09:47
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knotahackerstoopkid: did you swap drives or anything?09:49
stoopkidnope, finally got it set up where (ostensibly) i don't need to09:49
stoopkidhad the installer on /dev/sdb, successfully booted into that from a menu item, and from there installed onto /dev/sda09:50
knotahackerstoopkid: if you can get into /etc/fstab you can fix the error about swap?09:50
stoopkidcan i? what am i looking for in /etc/fstab?09:50
knotahackerstoopkid: just comment it out if you can? the line that has swap in it09:50
stoopkidseems to be a line below it with "   0    0", i guess i should comment that as well?09:51
knotahackerstoopkid: ideally you would add the line back in when you are sure of the proper name or uuid of the swap partition.09:52
stoopkidoh nvm it's just the same long line09:52
knotahackerstoopkid: from a command line 'lsblk -pf'09:52
stoopkidi tried `blkid /dev/sda5`, looks like that gives me the same UUID as was in fstab09:53
sentbyGodI'm scared of ubuntu... I'm comfortable with debian but I love linuxMint09:55
sentbyGodthat's why I'm terrified of ubuntu... it's neither09:55
knotahackerstoopkid: you can change the uuid part to /dev/sdx wherever you swap is09:56
knotahackersentbyGod: i have mint installed, but like xubunt best - for now. just got off Arch and had debian before that09:57
knotahackersentbyGod: debians really slow to get updates unless you run a least testing09:57
knotahackersentbyGod: ubuntu has a huge following though, so lots of help/posts on the web for help09:58
knotahackersentbyGod: almost as good as the arch wiki09:59
stoopkidknotahacker: do i need to run some kind of update command or do the changes take effect immediately after editing fstab?10:05
knotahackerstoopkid: it's immediate, but you won't be sure unless you reboot. if you did it wrong it might hang... you just commented, or changed things?10:06
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stoopkidchanged the UUID in the swap line to /dev/sda5, which is where the swap "should" be and that device also had the same UUID that was originally in fstab10:07
stoopkidso alright we'll see what rebooting does10:07
knotahackerstoopkid: did you do the 'lsblk -pf'? that shows device numbers also10:08
knotahackerstoopkid: even which one is swap10:08
knotahackerstoopkid: the -f is for filesystems10:09
knotahackerstoopkid: the p is for partitions - shows uuid10:09
stoopkidjust ran it, showing /dev/sda5 with FSTYPE as "swap" and UUID as what was originally there10:09
stoopkid(in fstab, that is); i notice it's not mounted though. is it supposed to be?10:10
knotahackertry sudo mkswap /dev/sda5;sudo swapon /dev/sda510:10
stoopkidalright, didn't throw any errors or anything at least, i guess i'll try rebooting again10:11
stoopkidi'm showing a different UUID now in lsblk -pf10:13
stoopkiddamn; still throwing the error10:14
knotahackerstoopkid: not sure why that happens sometimes, i end up using the /dev/sdx way mostly. i had uuids, but they do have uses.10:14
knotahackerstoopkid: does mkswap work? whats the error?10:15
stoopkidmkswap seemed like it worked; i'll pastebin the error10:15
knotahackerstoopkid: did you do swapon /dev/sda5? what does 'free -h' say?10:17
stoopkidSwap: total 0B; used 0B; free 0B;10:18
GargoyleSwap is overrated! ;-)10:19
knotahackerstoopkid: wonder how it got all those forward slashes? try just using the /dev/sda5 instead of /dev/by-uuid...10:19
knotahackerGargoyle: only way to hibernate, right?10:19
GargoyleYeah. probably.10:20
GargoyleI have a desktop which never gets turned off.10:20
stoopkidwell my line in fstab is "UUID=/dev/sda5 ..." so i'm guessing that's not quite right; i'm gonna switch that out with the new UUID it's showing in lsblk -pf10:20
Gargoylestoopkid: I think you use just "/dev/sda5" OR "UUID=blah,blahblah"10:21
stoopkidah gotcha10:22
knotahackerstoopkid: ahh nope - '/dev/sda5 none  swap  sw  0  0'10:22
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knotahackerstoopkid: another important tip: comment the original line always and make a new one thats modified. then you can easily compare and reverse edits.10:26
stoopkidgood call10:26
knotahackerstoopkid: mostly speaking to myself :)10:26
GargoyleWhat's cryptswap !? (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ysQ9kSmvfS/)10:28
GargoyleSeems I have a 2GB swapfile, but "free -h" still reports 0 swap.10:29
knotahackerGargoyle: you have to mount it in fstab10:29
knotahackerstoopkid: still not getting it?10:29
Gargoyleknotahacker: Link to paste is my fstab.10:30
stoopkidso i set fstab back to use the '/dev/sda5 none swap ...', i run mkswap /dev/sda5, it says it wipes the old swap signature, and sets up swapspace version 1, size = 2 GB, and then looks like it succeedss10:30
stoopkidthen i try swapon/dev/sda5, it says deactivating swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/..., says [OK] deactivated, and now it's just hanging10:30
knotahackerstoopkid: then you do swapon -a10:30
knotahackerstoopkid: did you reboot after? could be left in your mtab file10:31
stoopkidswapon -a /dev/sda5 "... swapon failed: Device or resource busy"10:31
knotahackerstoopkid: mtab shows what fstab is using now10:31
knotahackerstoopkid: /etc/mtab i mean10:32
stoopkidi don't see it in mtab10:32
knotahackerstoopkid: how much memory on your machine?10:33
knotahackerstoopkid: maybe don't bother10:33
stoopkid2G ram10:33
knotahackerstoopkid: should be enough. comment it out and use it without for now. what de did you choose?10:33
knotahackerstoopkid: i really like xfce4 - really great for older/low memory systems10:34
knotahackerstoopkid: you have a desktop or just command line?10:34
knotahackerstoopkid: i have a couple machines running servers no desktop10:35
stoopkidjust command line, currently i'm booted into recovery mode root prompt; gonna try to mess with grub menuentry's to get a non-recovery non-root command-line10:36
knotahackerstoopkid: shucks - hey I got to go - im at work now and have some - er -work to do :) good luck! hope you get it working!10:37
stoopkidwell have a good one, thanks for all the help!10:37
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bazhang!cn | cevin10:50
ubottucevin: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw10:50
ubuntunoob1990Hello. I just have a quick question about running an application on start up?11:02
mikeriderhow to change primary display for using vga11:07
mikeridernot lvds11:07
hateball!ask | ubuntunoob199011:11
ubottuubuntunoob1990: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:11
hateballmikerider: you can use for instance xrandr11:11
ubuntunoob1990How do i make a command run on start up? I am trying to set up a gerbera media server but auto start doesnt seem to work. There is a service for it. But it doesnt start on boot11:12
hateball!systemd | ubuntunoob199011:14
ubottuubuntunoob1990: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units11:14
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hateballubuntunoob1990: googling suggests there's no official packages for gerbera, so it itself is not supported. there seems to be a !ppa for it tho and those packages probably have systemd targets11:15
ubuntunoob1990hateball, from what i can tell there are systemd targets but it just does not start on boot. I have to run it manually11:16
hateballwell then, something is wrong :)11:16
mikeriderhow download window 7 without porno pictures11:17
mikeriderhateball was for Android x8611:17
mikeriderwhat means ICS I no want sharing my computer11:17
mikeriderevery usedul software block11:18
mikeriderno 9atom11:18
mikeriderno win711:18
hateballIt's ok, you can go back to arch now. we're all impressed11:18
mikeriderUbuntu went bad11:18
mikeridermaybe fryed my USB bus11:18
mikeriderlaptop fryed11:19
Gargoyleubuntunoob1990: How are you running it manually?11:19
mikeriderquantal worked and seems somebody hacked it11:20
mikeriderif the os can run zsnes it is fine11:20
Gargoylemikerider: You are the worst chatbot ever!11:20
mikeriderwhat you want for software on eeepc11:21
hateballubuntunoob1990: "journalctl -u $servicename" should show the log and why the service failed to start11:21
mikerider9atom gone11:21
hateballmikerider: Do you have actual support questions? Otherwise there is !ot11:21
mikeriderUbuntu 16 fry my USB bus?11:22
mikeriderwhy USB chip melt on board11:22
mikeriderafter use Ubuntu 1611:22
YohkiiIs there any official way to install AMD GPU drivers? I rekt my OS last time11:22
mikeriderUbuntu 16 meltem?11:22
hateballYohkii: For what chipset? The AMD drivers are included in the kernel now11:23
YohkiiI have a R9 280 and it cries for opencl if I try to run a miner11:24
hateballYohkii: If you are on 16.04.04, then use !hwe to put you on kernel 4.13 with newer mesa/xorg11:24
YohkiiI tried running the amdgpu pro and AMD-APP-SDK, which made my screen black on boot11:24
Yohkiicould get miner running from console, but screen never lit back up11:25
hateballshould be no need for amdgpu-pro11:25
Yohkiiok, then I won't have to try that again :D11:26
hateball!hwe | Yohkii first upgrade using HWE11:26
ubottuYohkii first upgrade using HWE: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack11:26
hateballthen you should be able to use...11:26
hateball!info mesa-opencl-icd11:26
ubottumesa-opencl-icd (source: mesa): free implementation of the OpenCL API -- ICD runtime. In component universe, is optional. Version 17.2.8-0ubuntu0~17.10.1 (artful), package size 8701 kB, installed size 35156 kB11:26
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hateballI don't use AMD myself tho so I can't say 100% it'll work11:27
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YohkiiThanks a lot hateball, hopefully I'll have it running as soon as it all is done installing11:30
hateballYohkii: Good luck !11:31
mikeriderUbuntu is too much of a risk now11:31
crsnminusminushi there :)11:32
ChengLongUbuntu is too much of a risk for what if you dont mind me asking? I'm using Xubuntu 16.04 at moment11:32
SOLDIERzHey everyone is there a way to modify a ubuntu iso to do an unattended Installation of Ubuntu I found this offical do https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization but there i still have the problem when starting from the custom version i still get the menu at bootup to select language11:32
mikeriderditch ubuntu11:34
mikeriderafter it fryed my USB bus11:34
mikeriderUbuntu cannot be trusted11:35
mikeridersome sort of hardware enablement stack11:35
Gargoylemikerider: Ubuntu did not fry your USB bus.11:35
mikeriderthen explain how a specific USB chip gets fryed?11:36
ChengLongMaybe you should use a different kernel so Ubuntu handles the motherboard differently. Low-latency kernel is good for things like gaming i heard.11:36
mikeriderlast low latency kernel was Ubuntu studio 811:37
ChengLongNot sure about USB chips. Let me look it up...11:37
mikeriderforget ubuntu11:37
mikeriderafter the Macs hacked my Ubuntu quantal cloud they wasted it11:37
hateballmikerider: Please stop11:38
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mikeriderthough from the experience I'd guess more USA born crackers11:38
mikeriderthis is what years have spawned11:38
mikeridersome crackers11:39
mikeriderI'd rather have secure com lines.11:39
ChengLongI have limited knowledge of electronics other than with solar technology so i dont see how a Linux OS could fry a computer chip component11:41
ChengLongIt'll be interesting to read into later maybe11:41
Ben64it couldn't, the dude is gone and probably a troll, not worth continuing11:41
ChengLongAnyway here's the quick manual terrminal command for anyone interested in the low-latency kernel for Ubuntu systems i mentioned earlier:  sudo apt-get install linux-image-lowlatency.11:45
ChengLongIt makes Linux games such as those in the Steam store run more responsively in case there are any gamers in this chatroom, which I'm pretty sure there are.11:46
stoopkidso i'm trying to install an nvidia driver, and it's giving me a warning that the current compiler is 5.4, but the kernel was installed with 5.3, and apparently it wants to be compiled with exactly the same version of gcc that the kernel used; would it work to use 5.4 or should i go ahead and try to install 5.3?11:46
Gargoylestoopkid: Why not just use the apt package?11:47
stoopkidlack of knowledge of how to :)11:48
Ben64you're going the harder route though11:48
stoopkididk, i'm trying to install it onto a non-networked computer, otherwise i'd just be running "apt-get install" commands11:49
Ben64hook it up to a network for this11:49
Gargoylestoopkid: Oh wow. you brave soul!11:50
GargoyleI wouldn't even know where to start with that!11:51
YohkiiIf you fry your USB in a microwave, are microwaves unsafe?11:51
stoopkidwell, i'm trying to follow this glacier protocol, or at least, figure out to what extent it can realistically be followed11:51
GargoyleYohkii: Yes.11:51
YohkiiI see11:52
stoopkideverything works with it so far except i think lack of the proper nvidia driver is garbling some characters on my screen, which is problematic for copying keys from screen to paper11:55
stoopkidbut on second thought, to install this extra stuff i'm already stepping outside the glacier protocol root of trust... so i should probably try something else first11:56
stoopkidnot sure what that something else would be, since i have one monitor, one quarantined PC, and only one way to connect them... through this nvidia graphics card11:57
GargoyleWhat is the point for the root of trust thing?11:57
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stoopkidto use exactly the tools that are vouched for by the glacier protocol developers, for lack of being able to audit all the code myself (yet)12:01
stoopkid(software tools anyway; i'm kinda limited on hw due to being broke :)12:01
stoopkidi can't necessarily audit all the code, but, i can look and see that lots of money that is secured by this code is still sitting there, so.. that probably says more than any audit i could do would, anyway12:02
GargoyleSo they provide versions of all software that is approved?12:03
stoopkidthey link to ubuntu 16.04 and bitcoincore and a couple smaller scripts, along with what sha256sums should be expected for them12:05
stoopkidthey've got specific versions of things selected, but, still directing to external sources to actual acquire them, but they've got the sha256sums there to verify those downloads, in theory anyway12:06
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hateballHow is this Ubuntu related?12:07
stoopkidit was ubuntu related when i was asking about how to install packages onto offline machines, now i'm reconsidering whether to do that and am just answering some of Gargoyle 's questions about what it is i'm doing12:08
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pragmaticenigma!ask | usuario_12:13
ubottuusuario_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:13
usuarioya me va12:14
pragmaticenigma!spanish | usuario_12:14
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:14
usuariopicha corta12:15
usuariotu madre si que es gracioso12:15
pragmaticenigmausuario_, please find a different room to test conversations in12:15
usuarioyour mum is a diferent room12:16
usuarioyour mum is a shit12:16
DalekSecusuario_: Not here either mate.12:17
pragmaticenigmathanks DalekSec12:20
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zamanfI am getting notifications from an app , i.e Telegram. Is it possible to save these notifications in a file?12:30
ne2kI frequently use middle click to lower windows in Ubuntu (xenial). a recent update to Chrome has broken this functionality, but only for Chrome windows. is there anything that I can do to fix this? btw I should say that if I enable "use system title bar and borders" it's fine, but I prefer the other way and have always been able to use it before12:31
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dedzeHello, I have a small issue with ubuntu, the sidebar and the top thingie where I can see the time don't load. I tried rebooting and it didn't help.13:03
pragomer1after adding some files to ubuntu iso via "iso master" the iso is bootable as a cd (iso) but not as an usbstick (mbr). how can I fix this?13:09
mistryHi, It looks like the package repository for 16.10 is removed from the ubuntu servers. Is there any mirror where I can find those packages?13:12
kostkonmistry, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/13:14
outoftime_92Is there way to install docker on Ubuntu 16.04.04 ? Docs says https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/ only about Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS)13:16
ikoniadocker is in the ubuntu repo13:17
ikoniajust install the package13:17
outoftime_92ikonia: from docker docs: The contents of /var/lib/docker/, including images, containers, volumes, and networks, are preserved. The Docker CE package is now called docker-ce.13:18
ikoniaoutoftime_92: what has that got to do with what I've just said13:19
mistrykostkon, that link contains the ubuntu ISO files. I am looking for the packages repository.13:19
kostkonmistry, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#Update_sources.list13:19
dedzeHello I'm back. My sidebar and topbar on ubuntu have disappeared. I tried to enter ccsm in the terminal and all options are disabled there and if I reenable them, it won't save my new settings.13:21
multifractalI'm getting a problem with the Python wrapper to this library https://github.com/NiklasRosenstein/deepmatching/blob/master/Makefile. I got it to complete the build but when I import the Python module I get the error "ImportError: ./_deepmatching.so: undefined symbol: png_create_info_struct" I've apt-getting various version of libpng but I can;t get it to work.13:22
multifractalDoes this look like I have a wrong version of libpng or something like that?13:22
ikoniamultifractal: talk to the maintainer of that library13:22
ne2koutoftime_92, 16.04.04 /is/ 16.0413:22
ne2kit's a point release13:23
mistrykostkon, thanks, I'll give it a try13:25
kostkonmistry, just update your sources list to point to old-releases13:26
multifractalikonia: I accidentally instaled a couple of libpngs concurrently, and now removed all of them except libpng12-0. But when I only have this version 12, the build fails with "png.h: No such file or directory".13:27
ikoniayou're missing the header from the development package13:28
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dedzePlease I have a problem can someone help me? My side and top panels have disappeared. I tried to reactivate the unity pluggin in ccsm but it didn't work.13:33
ioriadedze, tried  the Guest session  ?13:34
dedzeioria: Hi, thank you for your answer, I will try13:34
dedzeioria: It happened only today and last night I updated from the update manager13:36
BillD73dedze: this was an answer for 14.04 https://askubuntu.com/questions/475296/unity-launcher-and-top-panel-disappeared-in-14-0413:37
dedzeioria: Everything is fine in the guest session13:37
rwx777can i deinstall pulseaudio or do i get dependency issues. only want to use alsa13:37
ioriadedze, ok, something wrong with your personal (user) session...13:37
mistrykostkon, I updated the sources.list , then did an "apt-get update" . Still my "apt-get install" fails. Here's the error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/stqJsnHDzD/13:38
ioriadedze, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:38
dedzeioria: Should I do this in my session or ghost session?13:38
dedzeI mean guest13:38
ioriadedze, you can do it also in console if you want13:39
ioriadedze, nope, in your session13:39
dedzeIs console the same as terminal?13:39
ioriadedze, no, ctrl+alt+f113:39
BluesKaj_Hi folks13:39
kostkonmistry, also paste your sources.list contents13:40
dedzeioria: ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't do anything in my session13:41
ioriadedze, ctrl+alt+f213:42
dedzeioria: is there a way to change my keyboard layyout from the terminal? It will be complicated to put my password with the french layyout13:43
mistrykostkon, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dVFG67XYWw/13:43
geirhalooks like old-releases is missing packages ... again13:44
ioriadedze,  ok, can you login in your session and open a terminal ?13:44
dedzeioria: this I can yep13:44
ioriadedze, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:45
kostkonmistry, just make a backup of it, e.g.  mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak, then remove all the lines and just paste those four lines that are shown on the wiki page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#Update_sources.list13:46
dedzeioria: It's done :P13:46
geirhakostkon, mistry: Won't help13:46
dedzeioria: Should I reboot now,13:46
geirhakostkon: look here: curl -s http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/yakkety/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.xz | xz -cd | awk -v RS= '/^Package: geany-common/'13:47
geirhait says Filename: pool/universe/g/geany/geany-common_1.28-2_all.deb   but that clearly doesn't exist: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/geany/13:47
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kostkongeirha, hmm13:48
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dedzeioria: Welcome back, it's done, I'm rebooting13:48
ioriadedze, ok13:48
dedzeioria: the side and top bars are still missing :P13:50
mistrykostkon, I've done that, same results. terminal capture = https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BqR4mx6xFt/13:51
ioriadedze, are you on xenial, right ?13:51
dedzeUbuntu 16.0413:51
kostkonmistry, the file isn't there it seems13:51
ioriadedze,  can you paste ~/.xsession-errors13:51
dedzeShould I put this into the terminal?13:52
dedzeioria: BTW when I enter ccsm in the terminal it opens the control panel for some software? Everything is deactivated, but on the guest session a lot of things were activated13:53
dedzeioria: Maybe the issue comes from this? I tried to reactivate but it won't save my changes13:53
mistrykostkon, You're right.. I was able to install leafpad.. though i was unable to install geany / meld13:53
ioriadedze,  you can backup your ~/.config  and  ~/.compiz folders and reoot13:54
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dedzeioria: How do I do this? Sorry I'm really bad with ubuntu hehe.13:55
kostkonmistry, ok. but best course of action would be to upgrade to a supported release. otherwise, you'll continue to have repo problems and you aren't currently gettung any security updates. your system is alreadu pretty insecure at this point13:55
ioriadedze,  cat  ~/.xsession-errors | pastebinit13:55
e42Monodedze: just make a copy of those files. They are in your home folder13:55
dedzee42Mono: How can I access the home folder from the terminal? Usually I use the side bar, but it's disappeared13:56
outoftime_92ne2k: ok, thanks.13:56
mistrykostkon, you're right.. thanks13:57
dedzeioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4pHm9VDQ6k13:58
TJ-geirha: mistry: kostkon: Geany 1.28-2 amd64:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/geany/1.28-2/+build/10950630 (see "Built files")13:58
e42Monodedze: if you just do cd ~ now you're in your home folder13:58
dedzeioria: Something went wrong13:58
e42Monoby default a terminal opens in the home folder13:58
e42Mono"cd ~" like that13:59
ioriadedze,  what's your video card ? and using proprietary drivers ?13:59
dedzeioria: I have no idea but I saw some AMD stuff when updated yesterday? Maybe it sapped to proprietary drivers. I also saw this while googling my issue but I have no idea how to check14:00
ioriadedze,  did you install amdgpu-pro from the AMD website ?14:01
antofirefox in ubuntu can not play video on facebook how to solve it ????14:01
dedzeI only installed from the ubuntu software center, the updates and skype14:01
dedzeIt's all I ever installed on the laptop14:01
dedzeioria: on amazon it says my laptop has this graphic card Intel HD Graphics14:02
nutzzIs there any software that allows me to create bootable usbs with windows available in ubuntu software center?14:02
e42Mononutzz: you can do things manually14:02
MacroManWhen Ubuntu 18.04 server is released in April, will be ready for production use straight away or is it advisable to wait?14:03
e42Monopartition your usb drive into FAT32s14:03
e42Monoput bootables on each partition14:03
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antoI am from Indonesia14:03
JimBuntuMacroMan, it will be "ready"... that's the point of waiting so long and testing..;. I generally wait until the first minor update though14:03
nutzze42Mono: ok, I'll do things manually.14:04
e42Monodo you want just windows?14:04
e42Monoor windows and ubuntu maybe?14:04
mistryTJ- , Thanks for the link... looks like I'll need to install some packages manually.14:04
ioriadedze,  mv  ~/.config  ~/.config.back  and do the same for the compiz folder14:04
dedzeioria: mv  ~/.config  ~/.config.back14:05
dedzeioria: Should I put all this in terminal?14:05
ioriadedze,  yes14:06
dedzeioria: It's done but the terminal didnt write anything14:07
ioriadedze,  backup  also the compiz folder14:07
TJ-mistry: you can generally find the build product on Launchpad by going to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/$SOURCE_PACKAGE_NAME/+publishinghistory following the correct 'Version' link and then following the 'Builds" link for the architecture (e.g. amd64)14:07
dedzeioria: I did it for both14:07
ioriadedze,  reboot, then14:07
Sven_vBhi :) assume I have an HTTP CONNECT proxy that can simulate my favorite subset of the internet. is there a somewhat-easy way to establish a network interface that simulates a direct DHCP internet connection by tunneling the traffic through my CONNECT proxy?14:08
TJ-mistry: or if you know the exact package version you can start from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/$SOURCE_PACKAGE_NAME/$VERSION14:08
dedzeHi TJ-14:09
ikoniaSven_vB: simulates a direct dhcp internet connection ?14:09
ikoniado you mean a NAT14:09
Sven_vBikonia, I'm not entirely sure but I think yes.14:09
ikoniaSven_vB: what are you actually trying to do / why14:10
ikoniamaybe that will help us get the right answer for you14:10
dedzeioria: I rebooted the laptop, the side and top bars are not back :p14:10
mistryTJ-: thanks for the info.. its really really useful.. I'd previously installed a different version when i missed some packages.14:10
TJ-Sven_vB: there is no such thing as a 'direct DHCP connection' and I cannot imagine a TCP HTTP proxy easily handling UDP DHCP14:10
ioriadedze,  sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop14:10
Sven_vBTJ-, the relevant subset doesn't have relevant non-TCP servers that I know of. at least if I understood correctly that bind9 can answer DNS over TCP, too.14:12
ikoniaSven_vB: what is the problem you are trying to solve14:12
ikoniaforget the solution, but what is the problem14:12
dedzeioria: It's finished14:12
ioriadedze,  and try to set up a new user14:12
TJ-Sven_vB: DHCP is not DNS, and DNS only uses TCP for zone file transfers, generally /not/ for queries14:12
dedzeioria: Do you mean creating a new user session? How do I do this from the terminal?14:13
ioriadedze,  sudo adduser   mynewuser14:13
ioriadedze,  dash not working ?14:14
dedzeioria: What is dash?14:14
ioriadedze,  press the Window key14:14
dedzeioria: The new user is created14:14
dedzeIt doesnt do anything14:15
dedzeBTW altt ctrl t doesn't open terminal either14:15
dedzeI had to right click th edesktop to open a terminal14:15
ioriadedze,  right click ?14:15
Sven_vBikonia, I'm trying to make it easier for random programs to work with the restricted network access the proxy can provide. I'm trying to minimize the proxy config management effort when switching between locations with full normal/usual internet and mostly no internet.14:15
ikoniaSven_vB: what you're suggesting a solution doesn't sound like "easy"14:16
Sven_vBTJ-, oh thanks. then I might have to set up a local bind server.14:16
dedzeioria: I mean the shortcuts dont work, the only way I could open the terminal was to perform a right click with my mouse on the desktop14:16
ioriadedze,  right click does not open a terminal14:16
dedzeioria: I mean right click then choose Open terminal from the menu :p14:17
BillD73dedze: the key combo CTRL + ALT + F1 will get you a terminal14:17
ioriadedze,  are you on unity ?14:17
dedzeBillD73: Oh right it worked, but now I'm stucked inside how do I get out ?14:18
dedzeioria: Ubuntu 16.0414:18
BillD73dedze: no need to get out of it at the moment  the things ioria is having you do need the terminal14:18
TJ-dedze: from a console Alt+F7 should return you to the GUI on tty714:18
pragmaticenigmadedze, CTRL + ALT + F7 will return you to the desktop14:18
ioriadedze,  i suspect you're using something else14:18
dedzeThanks guys I'm back in the desktop14:19
TJ-pragmaticenigma: Ctrl isn't require when in a console; that's only for when using the X server14:19
ioriadedze,  xfce ?14:19
dedzeioria: It says in the terminal Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS then my username14:19
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pragmaticenigmaI did not know that TJ- ... must be carry over from RedHat days14:19
ioriadedze,  echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP14:20
Sven_vBikonia, I don't have a solution yet, just an idea that might lead to one. some programs I use only understand environment proxy config, so managing the proxy config on an application level would require I restart them. I was hoping to ideally find some way to make NetworkManager arrange their connectivity, switching the configs as easy as switching the wifi.14:21
ikoniaif you're dropping your connection, you're pretty much restarting the service anyway14:21
dedzeioria: It didnt do anything14:21
ioriadedze,  again please    echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP14:22
ikoniaSven_vB: wouldn't an easy solution to be to run a local proxy on your machine, point all the apps at that so it never changes, then just have the proxy forwarding config on a per URL basis set in your config14:22
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dedzeioria: Oh it says unity14:22
ioriadedze,  logout and login in the new user14:23
dedzeioria: Sorry I think I got confused, I thought unity was a OS like ubuntu or windows14:23
Bo_TreeUnity is the launcher mine is Mate14:23
dedzeBo_Tree: Is the launcher the name for the side bar?14:25
dedzeioria: the new user is completely normal at first sight14:25
ioriadedze,  press the Window key14:25
dedzeioria: It  opens the search thingie14:25
ioriadedze,  that's the Dash14:26
dedzeioria: Ohh oki :p14:26
dedzeioria: Is my old user account dead?14:26
ioriadedze,  log in again the broken user session and paste    ls -al  ~ | pastebinit14:26
Sven_vBikonia, that would probably do. I could makeshift my own tray icon for squid config, of course using the existing network manager icon would be nicer for UI. I'd then still have to micromanage programs that have bad or no support for HTTP proxy config, probably via some sort of SOCKS4-to-HTTP-proxy, then find a general-SOCKS equivalent of torify, then changing all the invocations to use that.14:29
Sven_vBikonia, thus, if NetworkManager had some neat kind of VPN that I could hook up to my proxy, that would have been much easier.14:30
dedzeioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ynRmbGKycw14:30
ikoniaSven_vB: got to be honest, doesn't sound like a real world problem14:30
ikoniaI move around a lot and don't have this problem setting up my laptop use the network/proxy of the location14:31
TJ-Sven_vB: for HTTP protocol, configure squid as a transparent proxy with a kernel netfilters redirect to squid14:31
ioriadedze,  config  it's still there14:31
Sven_vBikonia, I envy you.14:31
ikoniaSven_vB: what appications are causing this level of problem ?14:31
dedzeioria: It must have recreated itself because the config.back is here too14:32
ioriadedze,    right... so dbus is owned by root14:32
Sven_vBikonia, old games for one.14:32
dedzeioria: I have no idea about this14:33
ikoniaa game !14:33
ikoniathe way you where talking about this, sounded like business apps "I'd have to restart it" as if you couldn't affort downtime14:33
ioriadedze,    sudo chown  -R luffy:luffy .dbus14:34
TJ-Sven_vB: so what are you trying to do? Avoid a restrictive firewall on the network you're connected to by tunneling out via HTTP proxy?14:34
dedzeioria: IDK about this one, I dont know much about the chown command and I'd rather not mess with it14:36
ioriadedze,  the point is that in your Home folder all the files should be owned by you, not by root14:37
dedzeioria: I feel like the issue lies with not being able to reactivate unity plugin in CCSM14:37
dedzeioria: But isn't it like this for a reason? I'm scared it will break something later14:38
ioriadedze,  you don't remove anything, you change ownership14:39
dedzeioria: I'd rather skip this one because I don't understand the consequences of it hehe14:39
leftyfbdedze: why ask for support when you refuse to accept and implement the support?14:40
Sven_vBTJ-, currently just trying to tunnel an old game and some comparable un-cooperative programs through my proxy, in order to show them an optimized version of the real internet. if I can extend that to a more general VPN-like approach, all the better.14:40
dedzeleftyfb: No it's not like this, I don't want to be disrespectful.. I'm just trying to understand what's going on.. I'm just so unknowledgable about ubuntu14:40
leftyfbdedze: and ioria is trying to explain to you. Everything on your home directory should have permissions owned by your user. the chown command is "change ownership". If you want to know more about the command type: man chown14:42
Sven_vBmore general = easily give all programs that optimized view, and toggle which optimizations to apply.14:42
ikoniaSven_vB: optimised version of the internet ?14:42
ikoniawhat are you talking about14:42
Sven_vBikonia, establishing my own dictatorship censored/ patriotically enhanced version of the internet, inside my computer.14:43
ikoniaSven_vB: thats not optimising anything14:43
ikoniaand what's the point14:43
ikoniaSven_vB: got to be honest, this sounds like you're making a problem14:43
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Sven_vBikonia, the point is convincing the less-cooperative programs to behave the way I want, w/o having to learn how to decompile and patch their binaries. I've already managed parts of that using a virtual machine and some commercial network interception tools, now I'm trying to get that to work with just wine instead of a full windows VM, and a selfmade proxy instead of the 3rd-party intercept software.14:49
leftyfbSven_vB: less-cooporative programs?14:50
ikoniaSven_vB: honestly, just doesn't sound real14:50
leftyfbSven_vB: can you give some examples with program names and how they're less cooperative than others?14:50
Sven_vBikonia, dunno what your "real" is. it's not a business problem, yes. it's more playing around.14:52
skinuxHow do I export an environment variable to system-wide?14:52
Sven_vBskinux, set it in /etc/profile14:53
skinuxJust put it after everything else?14:53
akikskinux: yes14:55
GargoyleSven_vB, akik, skinux: I thought the correct place for system wide env vars was in /etc/environment ?14:57
Sven_vBleftyfb, nope, the once I could admit I'm trying to run, I'd be expected to search the internet for other solutions first.14:57
Sven_vBGargoyle, you're right, that's a better place for that.14:58
leftyfbSven_vB: sounds like you have your answer then14:58
Sven_vB*the ones14:58
raidghostTJ-: Around?15:02
ikoniaSven_vB: I don't really get how this is a problem, configure applition to use proxy on network you're on, job done15:03
raidghostDone some research. Figured out that /drivers/media/dvb-core/Kconfig config DVB_MAX_ADAPTERS 1615:04
Sven_vBikonia, yeah, for most of them I actually to have a mostly-working collection of many small crutches. I was hoping to generalize them using one large enough hammer instead of the many small special case solutions.15:05
Sven_vB*do have15:05
ikoniabut most networks advertise a proxy, which is picked up by network manager15:05
Sven_vBalso I could save about 40-ish netfilter rules if all traffic went through my proxy by default.15:06
dafuqsystemdding da ding15:06
Sven_vBikonia, the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol mechanism?15:07
dafuqsystemdAnyway, why would systemd complain of: "Error: Cannot create any directory in" $MUHDIRECTORY ?15:07
dafuqsystemdCorrect permissions.15:07
ikoniaSven_vB: thats one way15:07
dafuqsystemdchowned, chmodded15:07
dafuqsystemdAttempting to change storage directory for apt-cacher-ng15:08
dafuqsystemdChanged the folder in the configuration file and systemd file.15:08
dafuqsystemdchmodded, chowned15:08
dafuqsystemdBut bitches.15:08
ikoniadafuqsystemd: enough15:08
ikoniathis is not how tyou engage with people15:08
dafuqsystemdikonia: ?15:09
ikoniadafuqsystemd: state a problem without bad language or rude phrases15:09
ikoniadafuqsystemd: rather than join with a foolish nickname, ramble on and start saying things like "but bitches"15:09
dafuqsystemdYou're right, you're not being a good communicator.15:09
ikonia!guidelines | dafuqsystemd15:09
ubottudafuqsystemd: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:09
dafuqsystemdCOMPLAINS / Bitches15:09
dafuqsystemdThanks for culturally exluding me15:09
hellierIs there an rdesktop param that lets me draft files from windows to my home machine (ubuntu)?15:09
dafuqsystemdThat's not inclusive of you.15:09
ikoniadafuqsystemd: I know what it means - don't need that sort of thing15:09
mancman3well done15:11
youreaviagnagchiAnyone, since I was so rudely interrupted.15:12
youreaviagnagchiSystemd complains about not being able to create a folder, while having correct permissions.15:12
youreaviagnagchiCan't have popcorn when someone has godmode on.15:12
youreaviagnagchiThat's a coward ;)15:13
ikoniayoureaviagnagchi: there will be no more warnings15:13
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, file system permissions you mean? have you checked apparmor or similar restriction mechanisms?15:13
ikoniayoureaviagnagchi: deal with your technical problem, no more snide comments or bad language or rude phrases please15:13
youreaviagnagchiApparmor? Elabborate pls15:13
youreaviagnagchiikonia: k15:13
youreaviagnagchiikonia: k15:13
pavloshellier: does this help ... http://bayo.opadeyi.net/2011/06/copy-files-between-linux-and-windows.html15:13
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, AppArmor is a programs that helps other programs avoid operating on files they're not meant to operate on.15:14
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, like a firewall but for file systems.15:14
youreaviagnagchiSven_vB: I've never modified it intentionally.15:14
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, I didn't either when I first learned about it.15:15
youreaviagnagchiI'm not sure why it would complain just changing a directory in the configuraiton files.15:16
youreaviagnagchiI even copied source folder to new destination.15:16
ikoniayoureaviagnagchi: are you aware of selinux ?15:16
youreaviagnagchiI know the name.15:16
mancman3its similar to apparmor15:16
ikoniayoureaviagnagchi: apparmor is another way of doing the same thing, it's policy based protection15:16
youreaviagnagchiikonia: k15:17
ikoniaso therefore changing a directory in a config file, may look like nothing, but if it's not in line with what the policy expects, it will block it15:17
pavlosyoureaviagnagchi: can you paste the output of the systemd command that shows that error?15:17
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, also make sure you're really checking the same file paths for the permissions. a chroot might give the complaining service another view than you have.15:18
youreaviagnagchiMar 07 09:18:21 $MYBOX apt-cacher-ng[9166]: Error: Cannot create any directory in $DIRECTORY15:19
Sven_vBthe "any" looks suspicious15:20
GargoyleThat's a duff error message. We'll need to know what $DIRECTORY is?15:20
dchotasHello folks, I'm on 16.04 and updated my system only to find that I have no window decorations and also compositing seems messed up. After some reserach I used aptitude to reinstall compiz, unity and ubuntu-desktop but to no avail, lightdm seems fine but as soon as I login my user the top panel, unity dash or dock disappear.15:20
youreaviagnagchiGargoyle: the directory I've change it to.15:21
youreaviagnagchidefault is /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng15:21
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, lemme guess, the new directory is not within /var15:21
youreaviagnagchiSven_vB: correct, policy then I'm assuming?15:22
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, could very well be the case. I still wonder why the error has "any" instead of a specific directory name that acng would have tried to create.15:22
terminalatorHow does one download a link from the clipboard using wget?15:22
ikoniayou should see any policy errors in the syslog15:23
youreaviagnagchiSven_vB: well, it doesn't necessarily create static files.15:23
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, try su-ing into a shell running as the user account and group that you use for acng, then climb the path one-by-one starting from /15:23
youreaviagnagchiikonia: syslog command?15:23
ikoniano, syslog is a log file15:23
Sven_vBusually /var/log/syslog15:24
Gargoyleterminalator: In a terminal you mean?15:24
terminalatorGargoyle: Yes, I'm tinkering around with wget and xclip, but haven't found a solution yet.15:25
GargoyleDo you mean programatically, and not just by typing "wget " and then pressing SHIFT+CTRL+v ?15:26
Sven_vBterminalator, if you mean to download the file at the URL that's currently stored in clipboard, wget "$(xsel --clipboard --output)"15:26
terminalatorGargoyle: Well, I'm trying to set up this command that download links from the clipboard using wget.15:26
terminalatorSven_vB: Ah, I see. That's what I'm looking for.15:27
terminalatorThanks guys! ;)15:27
Sven_vBterminalator, of course the original question is an interesting one as well. ;)15:27
Sven_vBterminalator, oh, if there are many URLs, you may want to use something with xargs15:28
Sven_vBxsel --clipboard --output | xargs {magic here} wget {maybe more magic15:28
terminalatorSven_vB: I'll defenitely give that a try ;)15:29
Sven_vBin order to normalize whitespace and similar noise, xsel --clipboard --output | grep -oPe '\w+://\S+' | xargs {magic?} wget {magic?}15:29
mustmodify_I had a USB wifi stick working on my linux machine. It stopped working a few days ago. I have had the machine working via ethernet because I'm too lazy to figure out how I got it working in the first place. But my wife is sick of the yellow cable running across the living room. `ifconfig` shows enp2s0, enp3so, lo and lxdbr0. This machine has two ethernet cards (onboard and expansion) so I'm assuming the usb device is lxdbr0. Is that right? [[Please let 15:37
mustmodify_I noticed enp2s0 and lxdbr0 have IPv6 addresses but not ipv4. Why one and not the other? Could that have something to do with it? If so, ... I'm not sure what to google. :)15:38
erdemhi there15:39
TJ-youreaviagnagchi: I don't see any apparmor profile shipped in the apt-cacher-ng package (you can check with "dpkg -L apt-cacher-ng" but you could also try finding a policy affecting a-c-n with "sudo grep -rn cacher /etc/apparmor.d/"15:39
TJ-mustmodify_: lxdbr0 is the bridge for the LXD container daemon, so not it.15:40
erdemi want to setup a network share on my ubuntu server. i figured that ssh will do the job. my question is: how do i make the shared directory accessible to every client, without the need to change permissions/owner of the shared directory?15:40
Sven_vBmustmodify_, check iwconfig for a list of which adapters are wifi15:41
TJ-mustmodify_: wifi interfacesgenerally start with "wl". Try "iwconfig" since that only reports details of wifi interfaces. Also, please show us "pastebinit <( lsusb; dmesg )"15:41
erdemchmod -R 777 /shared ?15:41
pavloserdem: consider using samba and have /shared available to all clients15:42
mustmodify_you guys use pastebin? Is that the one with all the ads?15:42
mustmodify_iwconfig... so...15:42
mustmodify_ifconfig is non-wifi?15:42
Sven_vBmustmodify_, I prefer adfree pastebins.15:43
Sven_vBmustmodify_, ifconfig isn't concerned about whether it's wifi15:43
MonkeyDustmustmodify_  there's alos hastebin15:43
mustmodify_I see.15:43
mustmodify_hastebin lolz15:43
mustmodify_I usually use github but I'm paste-thing-agnostic.15:44
mustmodify_Trying to remember... there used to be one I always used. I don't think it was either of those.15:44
Sven_vBhastebin has fallen victim to cloudflare15:44
BillD73https://paste.ubuntu.com/  sudo apt install pastebinit      <command> | pastebinit   no ads15:44
pavlosmustmodify_: you can use, <command> | nc termbin.com 999915:45
mustmodify_Just FYI, googling 'list of make's tasks' or even 'make tasks' is useless.15:46
mustmodify_Google needs a "nerd" flag15:47
mustmodify_make task -nerd15:47
Sven_vByeah. same with "vpn over connect"15:47
mustmodify_oh, their tags are keys...15:47
mustmodify_nerd:nerd make tasks15:47
mustmodify_1.  `iwconfig` showed the four interfaces and said none were wifi.15:51
mustmodify_2. I found the driver I originally used. But the instructions now say to install dkms, and I'm not on the interwebz so ... that isn't working.15:51
mustmodify_I can plug in the yellow cable again I guess.15:51
MonkeyDustmustmodify_  also explore the command   iwlist15:52
youreaviagnagchiYeah, so it has something to do with being in the /var/cache directory15:52
mustmodify_tada! I had done `sudo make` and `sudo make install` thinking maybe the kernel updated (I saw something about it not lasting through kernel updates)...15:52
youreaviagnagchiI copied apt-cacher-ng to apt-cacher-ng-test and it worked fine.15:52
mustmodify_no luck. But then I rebooted and it's working now!15:52
youreaviagnagchiSo what controls that?15:52
mustmodify_(is that how you spell that?)15:52
erdempavlos, with a samba share, do i have to give the shared directory special permissions?15:54
pavlosmustmodify_: see huzzah; used to express approval or delight15:54
youreaviagnagchiTJ Sven_vB  ^15:54
Sven_vBmustmodify_, honestly it may be easier to invest about 8 USD in a cheap wifi dongle that's auto-supported by ubuntu.15:54
mustmodify_@MonkeyDust Sven_vB, pavlos, BillD73, Tj: Thanks15:54
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, if the program name matters and you're on mostly-vanilla ubuntu, it's probably apparmor.15:55
erdemi want to share a mounted hard drive. location is /mnt/backup and it belongs to root:root - can i mount --bind it to some other location and set permissions there? or shall i just share /mnt/backup directly via samba? pavlos15:55
pavloserdem: no, the shared dir can be left alone with its own perms, you just provide that dir to clients.15:55
mustmodify_Sven_vB: well, we're moving. For the next few weeks I'll be in a temp spot, but then wherever we land I'll go back to hard-wired again.15:55
mustmodify_It doesn't really make sense to be on wifi when you have fiber-to-the-house.15:55
phabletksmkskdkdkdmdmzmzmzmdmdmzmzhxhchjdjdjhdhfbfvfvfhfjdhdvvxbxvdvfhfhdghddhdjfjhfhcjfhfjdhhfjjfjfvjxkdkdndndndnndndndndnnx xb. xbxfgjkkdksksndnskdnsnsnskdkkdjsjdjdjdkdjdhbbnfncknxhdhfjfbfvffhfjghfgghghgjgjgjghfbgnfvdjxodhsfkkdkdnfbdbfkfvendbcmdbbnflñdbbcbnn.  ckkd15:55
Sven_vBmustmodify_, that dongle may come in handy before you know it. I was surprised once when Ubuntu stopped shipping the drivers for my netbook's ethernet.15:56
ikoniaphablet: ?15:56
Sven_vBcat probably.15:56
youreaviagnagchiSven_vB: sudo grep -rn cacher /etc/apparmor.d/  returns nothing.15:56
pavloserdem: in samba you can define [shared] path = /mnt/backup guest ok = yes15:56
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, you could try running acng in strace (check the man page for how to get un-shortened file paths displayed) and maybe get more info on what leads to the error.15:58
Sven_vBe.g. what directories it's trying to create.15:58
youreaviagnagchiSven_vB: right on, time to learn some new stuff :^)15:58
Sven_vBalso use -o because strace produces LOTS of output15:58
youreaviagnagchiSven_vB: how do you run a program as a specific user?  Tried to su into it, but apparently can't do that?16:04
erdempavlos, works like a charm, thank you!16:04
pavloserdem: np16:04
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, often you need superuser powers to run su. if you have sudo powers, you can sudo -su username, or -iu to make it a login shell.16:05
youreaviagnagchiah, -iu16:05
aarobcHey, so I'm using ubuntu for development, and was finding our test suite would run faster for people running macs. After some messing, I was able to exceed even the mac performance by remounting my home directory with  `nobarriers`. I'm aware that this can be risky business, but is there an alternative? Any other way to improve disk performance? we're on the exact same hardware (booting ubuntu on mac) so I'm saddened16:05
youreaviagnagchi-su did it actually16:05
Sven_vByoureaviagnagchi, yeah -su is a normal shell, based on the one it was run in.16:06
Sven_vBactually -s is. the -u is just for custom username.16:06
aarobcroughly 20x slower on ubuntu with barriers :(16:06
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TJ-youreaviagnagchi: check /var/log/auth.log for any sign of denials16:07
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pragmaticenigmaaarobc, while you have the same exact hardware for the two computers, macs are built for running MacOS. The OS is optimized for that specific hardware where Ubuntu is designed to handle multiple configurations. Unless your team is willing to build a custom kernel for that specific machine, you will not be able to achieve the system performance you are seeking16:08
TJ-aarobc: which fiel system ?16:08
youreaviagnagchiapparently I don't have access to the base16:08
* youreaviagnagchi facepalm16:08
TJ-youreaviagnagchi: /always/ check /all/ logs first; grep is your friend :)16:09
youreaviagnagchiWell, I learned how to use strace and some new su commands so not a waste of time16:09
youreaviagnagchiThanks :)16:09
youreaviagnagchiGeneric complaint: Why doesn't the default desktop 17.10 auto organize icons?16:10
youreaviagnagchiMounted drives just dogpile on each other.16:11
pragmaticenigmaright click and click on Organize by Name, youreaviagnagchi16:11
youreaviagnagchipragmaticenigma: >auto organize16:11
youreaviagnagchiAnd I haven't found an option for it.16:11
pragmaticenigmaActually I have no idea... I'm running 16.04... overlooked the 17.10 comment16:12
aarobcTJ-: ext416:12
youreaviagnagchi18.04 S O O N16:12
youreaviagnagchiI was running it on a spare Chromebook until it decided to shit the bed last night :'(16:13
youreaviagnagchiRIP lil buddy16:13
TJ-aarobc: is the underlying device SSD? if so, does the entry in /etc/fstab have the'discard' option added (which can slow things down)16:13
pragmaticenigmaplease mind your language youreaviagnagchi16:13
aarobcTJ-: ssd:yes, no discard option visible16:14
aarobcI mean, why the hell does using barriers destroy performance?16:15
aarobcIs there a faster file system out there?16:15
hggdhprudedudes: please do not go that way. You know you should not. Consider this as a warning16:15
aarobcit's the difference of running tests that take 12 seconds vs  nearly 4 minutes16:16
prudedudeshggdh: lol infinite IPS and handles my dude, don't really care, you're not important16:16
TJ-aarobc: I can understand why barriers would have a performance hit if the device is re-ordering rights frequently16:16
aarobcTJ-: but isn't it unsafe to mount without barriers?16:17
dchotasHello everyone, I got back to my workstaiton after a week of vacations and after running my updates through the software center I lost all windows decorations and compositing. Can anyone help me figure this out? I'm on 16.0416:17
aarobcmy workaround has been to remount without barriers, run the tests, then remount with them enabled16:17
Sven_vBhow does lightdm decide which session managers to offer?16:18
dchotasI've already tried using aptitude to reinstall compiz, unity and the ubuntu-desktop packages but to no avail.16:18
aarobcdchotas: use i3, then no windows to decorate16:19
KuroganeI've a problem to install ubuntu, in the the "Configure the Package Manager" step is failing. Here what happen in that step https://puu.sh/zCn0D/cc8758ded7.gif16:22
TJ-aarobc: it seems strange you'd see such a hit, but the numbers are relative so I'm not clear if the comparision is valid - there could be other things going on. I'm not aware of any reports of excessive performance loss using ext4 and it's the default for most installs.16:22
pragmaticenigmaKurogane, is your virtual machine properly setup to provide a network connection to the guest?16:26
naccdchotas: have you rebooted since the updates?16:27
dchotasnacc: the problem only started after the first restart following the updates, I choose to do so because I noticed there was a kernel update16:28
naccdchotas: oh i see16:28
TJ-dchotas: you're not the first to suffer this; we've had several report the same issue the last few days. It seems there's something upsetting the desktop session in the user's config16:28
dchotasTJ-: I've seen a couple ask ubuntu/stack overflow quesiton since the 25th of feb reporting similar issues, I tried most of the stuff suggested, but compiz still seems broken everywhere I look16:29
Kuroganepragmaticenigma, yes.16:29
TJ-dchotas: to prove you're suffering the same issue create a new user and log-in to it's GUI and see if it works - if so, that suggests it's a saved setting in your regular user's config16:30
TJ-dchotas: if you've got the time we'd love to find out exactly which setting is causing this16:30
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, I had some bugginess a couple weeks ago... after a few reboots for other reasons, it "cleared" itself up16:36
ninoHallo Leute, ich habe ein Problem mit Audio16:36
pavlos!de | nino16:37
dchotasTJ-: newusertest has absolutely no problem, so it' most probably something on my home folder16:37
ubottunino: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:37
ninohi guys I have an audio problem with ubuntu16:37
dchotasTJ-: one thing I noted that's related to some other reports of similar issue is using cairo-dock16:37
TJ-dchotas: right... my current hypothesis is something in the old settings confuses some upgraded package... the hard part is figuring out what. My best idea right now would be to, from a console terminal, set an "inotifywait -rm $HOME/.config |& tee /tmp/inotify.log" then try to do a GUI log-in. After it fails return to the console, Ctrl+C the inotifywait, and "pastebinit /tmp/inotify.log" so we can try to16:39
TJ-determine which file(s) to inspect16:39
ninomy motherboard has this Creative Sound Blaster ZxRi sound card16:39
pragmaticenigmaHey nino, we'd like to help. Could you please tell us in as much detail the issue you are experiencing. If you can include information about the hardware and any configurations/drivers you have installed that would help us out greatly.16:40
ninoI have a gigabyte z270x aorus 916:40
TJ-nino: can you show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk; uname -r )"16:41
dchotasTJ-: can you PVT me that last set of instructions? I misclicked and closed my browser16:44
ninoplease http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wGHmJt6YJw/16:46
TJ-dchotas: right... my current hypothesis is something in the old settings confuses some upgraded package... the hard part is figuring out what. My best idea right now would be to, from a console terminal, set an "inotifywait -rm $HOME/.config |& tee /tmp/inotify.log" then try to do a GUI log-in. After it fails return to the console, Ctrl+C the inotifywait, and "pastebinit /tmp/inotify.log" so we can try to16:46
TJ-determine which file(s) to inspect16:46
pavlosKurogane: just did a ubuntu server on VB, went through the proxy page without issue. Your network is not configured correctly.16:47
TJ-nino: well! there is no built-in audio device showing on the PCI bus, only the HDMI audio devices in te Nvidia GPUs. Can you show us "psatebinit <( dmesg ) "16:50
ninoTJ i have posted my pastebin16:50
TJ-arrgh typo16:50
ninomy audio is sound system 2.116:50
TJ-nino: Can you show us "pastebinit <( dmesg ) "16:50
TJ-nino: sorry, I was wrong, the built-in device is Intel: "00:1f.3 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 200 Series PCH HD Audio [8086:a2f0]"16:51
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, There were three entries... one near the top and two near the bottom...16:52
Kuroganepavlos, is configure correctly if not then i can't login to the server and not is virtual machine is a server.16:53
pavlosKurogane: so it is a physical server, you trying to install and the proxy step fails?16:53
skiboyI can't seem to use the HDMI display output on my Thinkpad x240 when using the Ultra Dock.  Lenovo's site says that System VGA and docking station output can't be used at the same time.  Do I need to disable the VGA driver on docking, or is there another issue?16:54
TJ-nino: from what I see in the kernel log the sound device is running correctly: "[   16.896226] snd_hda_codec_ca0132 hdaudioC0D0: ca0132 DSP downloaded and running"16:54
pavlosKurogane: can you plug in a live ubuntu disk/usb and test the network?16:55
Kuroganepavlos, fails i can't do anything when that happen, i can't abort installation, select other opcion can't do anything only press the reset to startup again the server.16:55
ninoTJ>I know it does not come out audio16:55
TJ-nino: possibly one of the HDMI audio outputs has been set as the default. Have you gone into Sound Settings and changed the preferred device?16:56
Sven_vBwhat's a good way to automatically estimate, for each system locale, the probability that a given text (in a file or stdin) is natural language matching that locale?16:56
Kuroganepavlos, how i can test the "network" in the installation?16:57
ninoTJ yes, I changed but it does not give me an audio output16:57
Sven_vBI thougt of ispell but maybe there's something less prone to "false friends" (same letters but different meaning)16:57
Sven_vB(like "handy" in german is a mobile phone)16:58
pavlosKurogane: if you boot a live CD/usb, you can see (top right, network icon)) if it gets network from your env (home,office,company)16:58
Kuroganepavlix, its a server, i'm not using desktop livecd16:58
TJ-nino: can you show us "pastebinit <( pactl list )"16:59
TJ-Kurogane: can you drop to the root shell and check the network configuration and test it?17:00
pavlosKurogane: you're trying to install a ubuntu server to a physical machine and the proxy step fails. So, as I wrote, boot of a live usb (it will run on memory) and see if it gets network.17:00
youtahuhg, anyone have any idea how to disable the keyring password prompt when I launch Chrome for an autologin user? The old documentation was last updated in like 2012.17:01
manjaro<manjaro> sorry I wanted to ask a question, according to you which vers of ubuntu  I can17:01
youtahand my automation gets locked behind it17:01
* youtah is running 17.1017:02
TJ-nino: Everything looks good there; have you tried using 'pavucontrol' to select the profile for the built-in audio? I see a long list of possible profiles in the 'pactl list' output17:04
godxenocan i have help17:05
Sven_vBKurogane, if the graphics get in the way, you could also modify the LiveUSB to not start X but just some shell (or screen or tmux) instead.17:06
TJ-nino: I'd start off with the simplest "Analog Stereo Duplex"17:06
ninothe problem is that the sound of the audio can be heard, however, music or voice no17:06
Sven_vBnino, even if played by the same program=17:07
Vamp898Hi there. I want that the user can mount a SAMBA Share. On Archlinux i just added the entry to /etc/fstab and then the user could use the mount command like this "mount //server/share" but on Ubuntu this results in "mount: //server/share: No such file or directory"17:07
TJ-nino: that doesn't make sense? what is 'sound of the audio' ?17:07
TJ-nino: do you mean 'System sounds' (beeps, etc.) can be heard17:07
Sven_vBnino, what kinds of sounds are that if neither voices nor music? like just beeps?17:07
TJ-nino: this seems to be an issue with which device, port, and profile is set as the default. Because there are also 2 GPUs both with HDMI audio outputs too, I suspect 1 of those is the system default and that's where the audio is going17:08
Sven_vBVamp898, I can look up my least-worst non-solution if you like, but I strongly recommend to find something that circumvents samba. :)17:09
godxenohere why you no goto directory17:09
TJ-nino: with some music playing use 'pavucontrol' Playback tab to change the device the application is sending it's audio to17:09
Sven_vBVamp898, well, at least I assume you want comfy file access. if it's just about mounting itself, np.17:10
ninoTJ on the monitor comes out audio via HDMI and from the inputs of the motherboard that does not give me audio17:11
TJ-godxeno: type "pwd" to see which directory the shell is in. You've disabled the shell prompt from showing the path17:11
godxenooh it's there17:12
godxenothanks tj17:12
TJ-nino: do you mean you want the built-in audio inputs (line-in and/or microphone) to be looped directly to an output?17:12
guest-zoqucyhow are you17:13
Vamp898Sven_vB: well its not about me, im fine, its about the user. He wants to access a script on the server and so KIO/Dolphin does not work17:13
Vamp898Sven_vB: Thats why we want him to mount it, but manual mount causes "Not eough access rights". Setting it up in /etc/fstab causes an other error17:14
Sven_vBVamp898, so why is the user restricted to using samba? can't you make the server offer the files via some better protocol?17:14
ninoTJ no the microphone and that of the webcam via USB, on the other hand, the 2.1 audio system is placed on the front and center on the input of the motherboard17:14
pavlosVamp898: can you paste the /etc/fstab line that mounts that dir?17:14
Sven_vBVamp898, I'd accept "it's meant as a punishment for the user" if that's your motivation. ;)17:15
ninoTJ because the card shows that it works because the volume bar is moving but does not come out audio17:15
Sven_vBVamp898, I'm just too lazy to search my old configs if it turns our you might be open to less painful solutions.17:16
Vamp898/server.domain/share /mnt cifs user=username17:17
Vamp898oh sorry, i cut off one / in the beginning17:17
Vamp898its //server.domain/share /mnt cifs user=username17:17
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Vamp898oh wait, the user cant access /mnt17:20
Sven_vBnino, you could try recording a bit of sound in Audacity to see whether it gives the expected waveforms, then try to play that17:21
Sven_vBVamp898, yeah, usually you'd use some subdirectory of /mnt17:21
TJ-nino: At this point I'm at a loss... if you want an /input/ to be redirected to an /output/ without an audio application in between you'll need to configure a Pulseaudio module-loopback with module-null-sink. The sink attaches to an input device, and the loopback attacks to the null-sink to provide a output. I'm not aware of any easy GUI way to configure those though; usually it needs shell script commands.17:21
TJ-E.g.  http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=11044017:21
khwabgahHi. I need help to install a VPN onto my computer.17:21
Sven_vBVamp898, and if the mount has the user flag, users might not even need write permission to the mount point.17:21
khwabgahlinux beginner user here17:22
Vamp898Sven_vB: nope, still doesnt work :/ i still get "No such file or directory"17:22
Sven_vByeah the mountpoint should exist17:23
Sven_vBbefore trying to mount17:23
CoJaBoAchievement Unlocked: Plugged more than 3 drives into Bionic Server without it shutting off17:23
Vamp898Sven_vB: it does, mounting as root works fine too17:24
TJ-Vamp898: try using "mount --verbose ..."17:24
Sven_vBVamp898, I think one of my non-solutions was using gvfs-mount. not sure whether it was the least worst though. there was also something like cifsmount or fusesmbfs.17:25
Vamp898TJ-: same output17:26
Vamp898mount: //server.domain/share: No such file or directory17:27
Vamp898doing the same thing as root, asks for the password of the user17:27
Kuroganepavlos, TJ, yes i have connection https://puu.sh/zCCin/db2c541571.png17:27
khwabgahCan anyone walk me through installing a VPN please?17:29
TJ-Vamp898: can you use 'smblclient' to manually confirm the user can get access/list, or else get some useful error messages. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/smbclient.1.html17:31
ninoTJ then both the motherboard inputs and also the front panel of the casing does not output audio either headphones or sound system, even a microphone with no audio input17:32
TJ-Kurogane: strange; when you entered the root shell had the install already started but failed at the package-manager step? If so, the installed OS should be mounted at /target/ and you could "chroot /target/ " to investigate more17:32
TJ-nino: if you use an audio application like 'sound recorder' or 'audacity' can they record audio from those inputs?17:33
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ninoTJ> no, the recording bar moves but no voice is heard17:40
SkyWayi have an internal HDD, mount onto a docking HDD station. The dock is connected via usb3.0 to a Raspberry PI. The problem is that it makes a noise, just like waking up/sleep down17:42
SkyWayany ideas?17:42
leftyfbSkyWay: you might be better off in #hardware since this isn't related to ubuntu17:43
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leftyfbSkyWay: btw, the raspberry pi doesn't have usb 3.017:43
SkyWayyeah, raspberry pi-like device :)17:44
SkyWayarm device +)17:44
skiboyI can't seem to use the HDMI display output on my Thinkpad x240 when using the Ultra Dock.  Lenovo's site says that System VGA and docking station output can't be used at the same time.  Do I need to disable the VGA driver on docking, or is there another issue?  I'm running Ubuntu 17.10.17:44
leftyfbSkyWay: still not related to ubuntu. Plug that into a Redhat or Windows machine and you'll still have the same question.17:44
KuroganeTJ, https://askubuntu.com/questions/969179/ubuntu-preseed-exits-after-package-manager/969989#96998917:44
SkyWayleftyfb, on my ubuntu 16.04 it works fine!17:45
leftyfbSkyWay: ok, then what is the issue that related to ubuntu again?17:46
SkyWayany thought of what is causing that :)17:49
SkyWayhere are some logs, in dmesg ... which are red :17:50
leftyfbSkyWay: Your issue is not related to ubuntu. Please visit #<INSERT OS YOU ARE USING>17:50
SkyWayok, thanks17:52
ninotJ> I have done all the possible tests from the motherboard inputs not from audio17:52
TJ-nino: this is one of those issues it's almost impossible to fix remotely without being able to hear the results I'm afraid. Maybe someone who specialises in complex audio routing with pulseaudio can help17:53
ninoTJ>>>if you want I have teamview and you can look at yourself17:57
MonkeyDustnino  try and ask in #ubuntustudio18:00
ninoMonkey>>>> you have the chatt, please18:01
naccnino: start typing a nick, then hit <tab>18:02
pekkaI cannot install package libpcre3-dev, I get this error: libpcre3-dev : Depends: libpcre3 (= 2:8.39-5ubuntu3) but 2:8.41-1.1+ubuntu17.04.1+deb.sury.org+3 is to be installed18:03
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_maddyanyone can help?18:03
nacc(pekka is using a PPA that is unsupported here, but I think they already left)18:04
nacc_maddy: with what specifically?18:04
_maddynacc: no it's me18:04
nacc_maddy: ah you changed your nick? you are using a PPA18:04
nacc_maddy: are you on 17.04?18:05
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_maddynacc: I don't think so.. I have had some unofficial repos now and then, but not now.. I just updated to 17.1018:05
nacc_maddy: you definitely are using packages from a ppa (`apt-cache policy libpcre3` please)18:06
nacc(or were and didn't purge them)18:06
ioria_maddy, you probably installed some18:06
ioriaOndřej Surý18:06
ioria ppa18:06
_maddyioria: yes, I installed php 7.1 a long time ago from that18:07
ioria_maddy, yep18:07
ioria_maddy,  as nacc suggested, apt-cache policy libpcre318:08
nacc_maddy: if you iddn't purge the ppa before upgrading from zesty, you're in a bit of a spot18:08
nacc_maddy: you should try and ppa-purge it now18:08
_maddyok I will try18:09
nacc_maddy: providing the apt-cache policy output would help still18:09
naccyeah, ppa-purge may not work, since the ppa was probably disabled by the upgrade18:11
_maddyppa-purge says: Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: ondrej php18:11
_maddymaybe I can add it back?18:12
nacc_maddy: you may have to manually fix it18:12
nacc_maddy: or you could do that18:12
_maddywow this ppa-purge is really handy, that was easy :)18:14
xsixsihello everyone when I try to add sudo add-apt-repository ppa:umang/indicator-stickynotes I get following errors:https://pastebin.com/Wd9mpirT  , could someone help me out?18:16
xsixsihow do I clean that file?18:17
EriC^^xsixsi: is it listed when you type "ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d" ?18:18
xsixsi google-chrome.list  nodesource.list  spotify.list  teamviewer.list  vscode.list18:18
xsixsigoogle-chrome.list  nodesource.list  spotify.list  teamviewer.list  vscode.list18:19
nacckhwabgah: please don't PM18:19
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ejrwhich of the ubuntu/mint/debian distros (or which one of the three themselves) is the most current one when it comes to packages?18:29
naccejr: there are different releases of each, so it's not really a sensible question18:30
ejrnacc: if i needed the most bleeding edge packages, which one would provide me with those if I chose to activate them (like with sid in debian)?18:31
MonkeyDustejr  i guess that question is more for #ubuntu-offtopic18:32
pragmaticenigmaejr, you answered your own question... All three have the ability to activate and install bleeding edge repos18:32
ejrok, thx18:32
pragmaticenigmait is up to you to decide if the risk in activating bleeding edge software is worth the risk. Do note, we can only help with what is in the default software pacakges repositories18:33
nancy_riddlei don't know if your listening..18:33
MonkeyDustnancy_riddle  start with a question18:34
pragmaticenigma!ask | nancy_riddle18:34
ubottunancy_riddle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:34
ioriaejr, well, you'll like bionic : https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/02/ubuntu-software-snap-channels18:35
ethansis Mx Linux a Ubuntu-based os ?18:42
MonkeyDustethans  it is not supported here18:43
Corvidhi again18:47
pragmaticenigmahello Corvid18:51
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pragmaticenigma!ask | khwabgah, Do not private message.18:59
ubottukhwabgah, Do not private message.: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:59
gnulliganhey is there a good website which goes over cli linux installation?19:12
gnulliganI'm following the gentoo handbook, but it's not clear on which fs to use for which partition19:12
naccgnulligan: are you using gentoo?19:12
pragmaticenigmaWhy are you using gentoo instructions to install Ubuntu... they are not the same19:12
Sven_vBgnulligan, how about using ext3 for all partitions where you're undecided?19:14
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, we need to establish what gnulligan is doing before we offer further help. If they are install gentoo, we are unable to help them19:15
Sven_vBkhwabgah, I'm back, feel free to query me19:16
Sven_vBfor support as well as for info on the situation :)19:16
naccSven_vB: any reason, as well, you're suggesting ext3 over ext4?19:16
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, we ask that all questions be asked in the main room as it will help others who may have similar issues. Please offer support here and not in private messages.19:16
Sven_vBnacc, some years ago when I read about which fs is best, some website claimed that data recovery on ext4 is harder.19:17
naccSven_vB: seem awfully vague to be the basis for advice in the official ubuntu support channel, and to diverge from the ubuntu defaults19:18
Sven_vBnacc, indeed I didn't consider the ubuntu defaults, since the question seemed to be about gentoo.19:19
pragmaticenigmaext4 is designed to be better at data management than ext3, including data recovery. Until ext4 had widespread adoption, it was more difficult to use a live disk to boot the machine and recover the data. That is no longer the case as all mainstream distributions offer support for the file system.19:19
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, thanks for the update!19:20
jaanвсем привет19:21
mdemoDo file systems do minor versions?19:21
pragmaticenigma!ru | jaan19:21
ubottujaan: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:21
akikpragmaticenigma: ext3 hard to recover how? did you just make that up?19:21
_bpdoes anyone know how to find dns server offeres by the dhcp (dhclient)?19:22
pragmaticenigmaaki, I did not say ext3 was harder. I said the ext4 is built with the intention of making data recovery easier19:23
akikpragmaticenigma: could you still describe how ext4 is better than ext3 in that regard?19:23
pragmaticenigmamdemo, all things have some sort of version. some are more explicit than others.19:23
youtahI figured it out!19:24
pragmaticenigmaakik, that is a topic for the offtopic room19:24
youtahSo I am telling all of you, whether you like it or not.19:24
mdemoI can't ever remember updating my file system is all, I guess that's included in the kernel?19:24
naccmdemo: yes, the file system(s) are part of the kernel.19:25
youtahIf you are on 17.10, and you are a user with Auto Login Enabled.... you need to open your keychain, and set the password for Login to blank, and accept the untrusted. THEN Apply, and reboot. THEN open your keychain again, and delete the Login ring from the keychain all together. Not sure why it wasn't deleting it with a set password, but you apparently have to allow it to use "unsecure storage" in order for it to delete it. Now my autologin, .desktop19:26
youtahbased rabbitmq/selenium automation works.19:26
youtahJust so you all know.19:27
amancer1Hey all, I have a machine here (16.04) that shows the login screen, lets me log in but the deskop is not launching. I am in terminal though. Can even right-click and see the „desktop option“ menu. Can anyone help out?19:27
youtahI wish I knew more to help amancer119:28
mdemoI solved this today, but I'd like to share: I had a problem with my router when setting up dnscrypt-proxy where if I set my server's IP as the primary DNS, my server could no longer communicate with the internet. I solved this problem by adding another IP to my server's interface as described in https://askubuntu.com/a/31388119:30
pragmaticenigmamdemo, usually you would set your server to manually talk to a remote DNS server in it's network settings. Otherwise if it uses the settings sent by your router you create a feedback loop and nothing works19:31
pragmaticenigmapardon me, I mean the DNS server's configuration is setup to statically get it's upstream data from another DNS provider19:33
mdemo well, I had my server configured statically, with resolv.conf pointing to localhost for the dncrypt proxy19:33
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mdemoright now, I can use the ping command with -I and it works with one IP but not the other, it's very curious19:34
morten_kan du lave en d19:34
morten_kan du lave en facebook19:35
outoftime_92When I'm pushing Ctrl(down), d (down), Ctrl(up), d(up) fast using Firefox, unity command input appear. How to disable it?19:35
pragmaticenigmamdemo, I'm uncertain what you are using for a DNS daemon, but resolv.conf is for system... I'm talking about the actual instance your're running... it's all confusing me19:35
outoftime_92When I'm pushing Alt(down), d (down), Alt(up), d(up) fast using Firefox, unity command input appear. How to disable it?19:35
pragmaticenigma!ask | morten_19:35
ubottumorten_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:35
mdemopragmaticenigma so dnscrypt-proxy runs a local resolver on my server, and communicates securely with opendns19:36
morten_kan du lav e en facebook19:36
pragmaticenigma!engish | morten_19:37
mdemoand as far as I can tell, my router won't let a host that is set as the primary resolver communicate with the LAN, but WAN works fine19:37
Sven_vBamancer1, which observation made you conclude the desktop hasn't launched? are icons missing on it? is the background wallpaper missing?19:37
pragmaticenigma!english | morten_19:37
ubottumorten_: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList19:37
mdemolike I said I resolved this by adding another IP to the interface but it's still a head scratcher for me19:37
amancer1Sven_vB: I can see the background, but no dash / taskbar. No icons. And pressing SUPER doesnt open the „start“ window19:38
pragmaticenigmamdemo, they do that because of the siuation you just ran into19:38
pragmaticenigmamdemo, without seeing your setup, I'm not certain you fixed it, but rather made it worse19:38
mdemohow do you mean?19:39
Sven_vBamancer1, is it a notebook or PC? might it be confused about how many screens seem to be connected, and which of them is the primary one?19:39
rollingubuntuhey guys! does any of you know if it's possible to somehow isolate bad RAM addresses from being used? (if memtest86+ shows errors)19:42
amancer1Sven_vB: laptop. no secondary screen19:42
pragmaticenigmamdemo, the configuration of dnscrypt-proxy should have the IP addresses of the upstream (outside source) dns provider. The computer should still configured to get the DNS settings from the DHCP server of your router. The router should have the IP address of your server setup as it's primary dns. If the router will not let you do this, it is because your router is running a caching DNS server of it's own.19:43
pragmaticenigmaAnd having it configured to look on the network is going to create a traffic feedback loop... over time, you will slowly saturate your network with traffic to the point you can't go anywhere19:44
Sven_vBrollingubuntu, you could probably write some program that explicitly requests and holds them, then does nothing important with them. maybe such programs do exist, but I wouldn't wonder otherwise.19:45
pragmaticenigmarollingubuntu, you can add bad memory blocks in your grub configuration. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BadRAM19:46
Sven_vBrollingubuntu,  at least you're not alone. http://rick.vanrein.org/linux/badram/19:46
mdemopragmaticenigma, I believe the "dns relay" feature of the router is turned off, but I'll test to see if it's running a DNS server of its own directly. I tested and confirmed that my router's DHCP server is providing the IP of my server for DNS like I want it to.19:47
Sven_vBrollingubuntu, this might also help https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/75059/19:48
mdemopragmaticenigma Everything I can think to test seems to work ok, and the router doesn't IP respond to DNS requests as expected. All I can think is that it's a cheap router and that this use case wasn't tested.19:52
mdemo* typo, strike "IP"19:53
joescriptI had a question about ubuntu system info collection. is this going to be applied to the ubuntu server LTS?19:55
mdemoactually this guy's experience seems a bit like mine: https://serverfault.com/a/89094119:56
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amancer1Sven_vB: So Ubuntu default is not loading. If I select Gnome from the login screen I can load Gnome20:00
amancer1Since it’s not mine and the user is used to the default: Do you have a way for me to analyze this problem?20:01
Sven_vBamancer1, just the usual - check the syslog and possibly X error logs20:01
amancer1I will try to figure it out,. thanks20:01
user123че типа как20:06
pragmaticenigmamdemo, If it works, it works :-)20:10
pragmaticenigma!ru | user12320:10
ubottuuser123: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:10
pragmaticenigma!ask | joescript20:11
ubottujoescript: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:11
pragmaticenigmajoescript, what system info collection are you talking about?20:11
acidrainfallHi all, quick question. Trying to set up a 14.04 system to connect to freeIPA (with AD trust) and am having issues20:12
acidrainfallFor some reason, `id` works, but logins fail always on "bad password". Any ideas....?20:13
Outyis this the right channel for linux mint too?20:13
pragmaticenigmajoescript, are you referring to the opt-in system information collection during installation? It is schedule for 18.04, you have the opportunity to opt-out during install by unchecking the box20:14
pragmaticenigmaOuty, this room is for Ubuntu and and it's mainstream variants only. You will need to seek out the Linux Mint group for assistance.20:14
Outypragmaticenigma: thx ... you know the channel btw?20:15
tgm4883!mint | Outy20:15
ubottuOuty: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)20:15
acidrainfallAnd/or does anyone know how I can get in contact with Timo Alltonen?20:17
pragmaticenigmaacidrainfall, you may want to consider upgrading to a new version of Ubuntu. 14.04 reaches EOL spring of next year.20:19
pragmaticenigmaacidrainfall, for more focused assistnace you can check out https://www.freeipa.org/page/Main_Page which is the current home of the software package you are looking for assistance on20:20
user01hi is there a decentralized social network good for linux users, ubuntu, etc? like mastadon.social or something?20:20
pragmaticenigmauser01, you may find luck in locating a community in our offtopic room20:21
pragmaticenigma!offtopic | user0120:21
ubottuuser01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:21
user01yes i was thinking for ubuntu support20:22
user01ok thanks20:22
user01ubuntu-offtopic is it?20:22
rollingubuntuSven_vB: wow, nice idea :) thanks for the links!20:22
pragmaticenigmauers01, this is one of the best places to find support. it is contributed to by users and developers involved with the Ubuntu projects20:22
rollingubuntupragmaticenigma: many thanks for your suggestion too! :)20:22
Sven_vBrollingubuntu, you're welcome. :)20:23
pragmaticenigmarollingubuntu, the best option if possible is to replace that RAM as soon as you can. When RAM starts to fail, it's usually a sign the entire module will shortly fail20:24
rollingubuntupragmaticenigma: why is that?20:25
acidrainfallpragmaticenigma: Yeah I wish they could upgrade the boxes. I'm helping a consultant on-site with a customer.20:25
acidrainfallBelieve me they hate those boxen.20:25
pragmaticenigmarollingubuntu, failing ram is usually a sign of damage. continuing to use broken/damagaed ramputs you at risk of losing your data if the computer stops working20:26
pragmaticenigmaacidrainfall, hopefully an upgrade is slated soon20:31
acidrainfallDecom, really20:31
acidrainfallBut they want them connected20:31
naccpragmaticenigma: why are you suggesting an upgrade for acidrainfall ?20:32
pragmaticenigmanacc, his customer is running ubuntu 14.04... it's reaching EOL... I was suggesting they consider an upgrade path20:35
stoopkidhi, so i just installed ubuntu 16.04, am running it purely in the terminal, and am getting a bug that characters in the console are getting garbled for display. does anybody know where i might start looking to figure out what might be causing this?20:37
naccpragmaticenigma: ... a year from now?20:37
pragmaticenigmanacc, companies do not like to move fast with upgrades... they want to test and retest everything to ensure there are no problems before they perform upgrades like that20:38
pragmaticenigmanacc, look at how many times Microsoft had to extend Windows XP support, because companies did not like the risk of upgrading. Windows XP embedded is still be supported because companies refuse to upgrade20:39
zer0Gin a banner string such as "1:16.6p1-2ubuntu2.10" or "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 Ubuntu-2ubuntu2" -- what is the significance of the numbers surrounding the second 'ubuntu'20:40
rollingubuntupragmaticenigma: I see, so, if that's the case, then why do linux developers find work-arounds and solutions for such cases?20:41
rollingubuntupragmaticenigma: like BadRAM ? for example?20:42
lolcatIs ubuntu usable with 2gb ram and 32 gb hdd?20:42
naccpragmaticenigma: i really don't need you to try and educate me on what companies do or not do.20:43
stoopkidlolcat : an all-terminal ubuntu certainly is, i can currently vouch for this20:43
pragmaticenigmanacc, then why did you ask?20:43
naccpragmaticenigma: I asked why you were insisting (it seemed like) a 14.04 user upgrade20:43
stoopkidnot sure if a DE will stretch your RAM's limits or not20:43
pragmaticenigmarollingubuntu, they are intended as temporary workarounds until the issue can be fixed20:43
Outy#linuxmint and #linuxmint-help are dead ... no reaction from any user there ^^20:44
lolcatstoopkid: I need a GUI20:44
naccOuty: not entirely our issue :)20:44
stoopkidas an ubuntu user, i'm not particularly computationally intensive20:44
Outyeven not any activity20:44
lolcatstoopkid: I was thinking i3wm or something20:44
naccOuty: might suggest not using those distros, given you can't find support for them, but still not an ubuntu issue20:44
nacczer0G: I'm not sure on the second string, although I'm guessing it's tied to the first int he source. Debian versioning is typically done like <upstream>-<debian revision>20:45
Outynacc: i guess ill have to figure it out by myself. its not for me. im un xubuntu and everything is fine. it a stupid problem on a friends laptop20:45
nacczer0G: so the first 2 is the second debian publish of that upstream version in debian20:45
stoopkidlolcat: you can probably get away with it; i tried the standard ubuntu DE on my 2G machine; it had a couple glitches but i have no idea whether they had anything to do with RAM limits20:45
nacczer0G: since there is an 'ubuntu' in the version, that implies there is some ubuntu changes relative to that debian version (1:16.6p1-2)20:46
pragmaticenigmaOuty, if you can figure out a way to duplicate it in Ubuntu, we can probably help with that.. you can then apply that knowledge to help fix your friends computer20:46
nacczer0G: similar to the debian revision, there is an ubuntu revision, so there have been 2 ubuntu updates20:46
lolcatstoopkid: Cant I just use swap?20:46
pragmaticenigmaOuty, or now is a good time to convert your friend to ubuntu?20:46
Outypragmaticenigma: if - it will be xubuntu =)20:46
stoopkidlolcat: maybe, i'm probably like the least knowledgeable person in this channel right now XD i just happened to have a 2G machine here running ubuntu20:47
zer0Gnacc, thanks, I'll have to read more --20:48
tgm4883Outy: there seems to be activity in there now20:48
nacczer0G: np, a lot of that is documented in the debian manual20:48
lolcatstoopkid: ah, windows 10 is horrible with that little ram at least20:48
rollingubuntupragmaticenigma: ok, I am only looking for sufficient reasoning, as it's a bit of both here... also, look at http://rick.vanrein.org/linux/badram/, what  Sven_vB has found & shared here earlier :) (the person writing that sounded more like permanent than temporary, however, I do understand what you say... and still, sometimes I wonder, isn't that just another marketing term to buy more)20:49
stoopkidlolcat oh for sure, windows 10 was unusable for me on my other machine with 5.6G ram20:49
Outytgm4883: waited 20min but there wasn't even a join or leave. i'll better handle the problem myself... linux mint is sooo dead =)20:49
stoopkid5.8G? 6G? not sure what `free -h` is trying to tell me here, but, yea, f--k windows especially #10 lol20:50
tgm4883Outy: fair enough. Sure they only have ~300 users in their channel which is far less than the 1500+ here, so you'd have to wait much longer for support20:50
pragmaticenigma!language | stoopkid20:52
ubottustoopkid: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:52
Outytgm4883: yeah i guess so - but i'm pretty sure there won't be any useful answers.20:52
pragmaticenigmarollingubuntu, it could be a long time before it fails, it could be tomorrow... it's up to your acceptable risk level on what you want to do20:54
stoopkidmy bad20:54
stoopkid"i respectfully disagree with the usage of windows 10" XD20:55
kostkonstoopkid, that's marginaly better. please rephrase again20:57
pragmaticenigma"Linux and Ubuntu are Awesome" is what I think stoopkid is going for! XD20:59
stoopkid"i use linux, specifically, ubuntu. this is a matter of personal preference and does not (necessarily) reflect the views of this channel's operators, my sponsors, or the government of the United States of America"21:00
pragmaticenigmaon a different note, thank you for being mindful of others stoopkid21:01
Sven_vBrollingubuntu, observe that Rick intended BadRAM to use RAMs that were faulty at production time, as I understand the project. if errors occur after long use, you'll need good knowledge about what caused the failure in order to estimate whether it may be an issue of age that might soon apply to other areas as well. that is, if you need to rely on a perfect system. if you have redundancy anyways (e.g. three of five computers have to21:01
Sven_vBagree to change course), you can probably categorize more RAM failures as yet another possible misbehavior.21:01
rollingubuntupragmaticenigma: thank you21:18
rollingubuntuSven_vB: thank you too :)21:18
Mason385Hello, I tried upgrading a 14.04 install to a 16.04 and the update failed because the C++ runtime (libstdc++ I think) got wacked. Where is the best place to report this issue?21:18
Mason385maybe I should try again in a VM, but I think the problem is reproducible21:21
Sven_vBrollingubuntu, oh also you can of course use bad RAMs to upgrade a computer where the risk of damage due to additional RAM failure is minimal in comparison to other risks. like if you decide to install Steam and try a few new buggy games each week, I'd consider that a good pretense for stopping to worry about the RAMs.21:21
Ben64Mason385: you should explain more21:22
Mason385Ben64: so I add a working 14.04 setup. I ran the script to upgrade to 16.04, and when the system rebooted, it stayed in console mode (failed to start the GUI).21:23
Mason385Trying to run apt failed with "missing libstdc++" error messages, and basically every app that linked libstdc++ was hosed21:24
Mason385I think the reason is that I had used the gcc-toolchain PPA21:24
Mason385which added several versions of libstdc++21:25
Ben64well, that would definitely be something worth mentioning21:25
Ben64there's a reason PPAs are unsupported21:25
Mason385and in the upgrade, it looks like libstdc++ got hosed21:25
Mason385Ben64: so the procedure before an upgrade is to purge all PPAs then?21:26
Mason385makes sense, but didn't see it mentioned in the tutorials I followed when trying the upgrade :-)21:26
Mason385also it sucks that there is only one version of the toolchain available21:27
Mason385in my work, I need several versions of gcc21:27
Ben64 Using packages from repositories not controlled by Ubuntu is not recommended as it can be a security risk and may break or complicate your upgrade.21:27
Mason385indeed :-)21:28
Mason385so does that mean that it's not worth pointing out the potential issue on some mailing list?21:29
Mason385maybe I should get in touch with the gcc PPA maintainer, and see if they can package something differently to avoid the situation altogether... ?21:30
MonkeyDustMason385  yes, but if something goes wrong, the channel cannot help you21:31
Mason385MonkeyDust: I'm not sure which question you are answering to.21:31
Mason385last one?21:31
howudodat_got a "sysadmin" type question for a server that will be used as a terminal server for remote users.  I'm using x2go with xfce on ubuntu 16.04.  so far so good, everything's working. so then I added AD integration with auto home directory creating.  everything's still working fine.  Now I need to map some network drives to the users and I am running into a block21:31
MonkeyDustMason385  to using a ppa21:32
Mason385MonkeyDust: what's the difference between using the gcc PPA, and compiling several versions myself?21:33
howudodat_the network drives are on a synology nas which supports both nfs and smb mounting.  Permissions for the drives are controlled by group membership in the domain.  and access to it needs to be at least shortcutted to the user's homedir.  first question: should I be mounting this nfs or smb?  I'm thinking for the permissions I need to mount smb21:34
MonkeyDustMason385  it looks like i missed part of the discussion21:36
stoopkidso, i'm trying to figure out why certain characters are getting garbled on my screen. it doesn't seem to be a problem with my monitor, or with locale settings, the problem seems to be that the wrong data is being written into whatever buffers the monitor is reading from. does anybody know how i might start narrowing down the cause of this?21:37
Mason385MonkeyDust: basically, I need several versions of the toolchain (gcc-5, gcc-6, gcc-7) and the toolchain PPA was a way to get them precompiled. However, this seems to hose the upgrade process, so it looks like I'm stuck with having to build the toolchains myself...21:38
Vic2What is the URL to find the current version of a package available in the repository?21:41
BillD73howudodat_: just mount the drives, smylink them in the the home dir Samba and NFS would only be required for network sharing to other PC21:41
Ben64Vic2: apt-get install --yes --no-download --reinstall --print-uris <package>21:42
howudodat_The nas supports both NFS and SMB, so I can mount the drives using either.  Is one preferred over the other?21:42
Vic2I was referring to the web page rather than the terminal command Ben6421:42
Ben64Vic2: packages.ubuntu.com21:43
Mason385https://packages.ubuntu.com/  ?21:43
BillD73howudodat_: missed that NAS part   I would use NFS21:43
Mason385"amd64 build of gcc-7 7.2.0-8ubuntu3.2 took 9 hours, 27 minutes, 17.2 seconds"  erf, those binary releases are awfully convenient :-(21:46
naccMason385: what are you referring to?21:47
Mason385nacc: the toolchain PPA21:47
naccMason385: seems offtopic for the ubuntu support channel then :)21:47
Mason385ah I see21:48
Mason385well to bring more on topic21:48
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
Mason385it would be useful for ubuntu (or debian) to support multiple concurrent versions of the gnu toolchain21:48
Mason385for example, 14.04 is stuck on 4.8 which can be a problem for some projects21:49
naccMason385: that sounds like a feature request, which is not a topic for this channel either (you can file a bug, if you want).21:49
naccMason385: it feels like you probably already know this if you are using the toolchain PPA, though21:49
naccMason385: and also, 'stuck on' is a weird choice of words when you are using a release that came out 4 years ago21:50
Mason385nacc: you're right, freezing package versions is a feature of LTS versions21:51
naccMason385: if you need a more recent compiler, move to a more recent distribution, in a container, vm etc.21:51
akikMason385: compiling gcc doesn't take 9 hours21:51
naccakik: in the PPA it might, depends21:51
naccakik: as it probably runs all the tests too21:52
akiknacc: i think it tests itself while compiling the later stages with itself21:53
Mason385nacc: it it possible to have concurrent versions of gcc, it seems much more convenient to run gcc-5 or gcc-8 natively, than fire a VM just for that21:53
akikMason385: how about a chroot with the other versions?21:54
naccakik: right, just saying the LP builders might take a while, it depends21:54
naccMason385: that can be your opinion, but it is not the case for Ubuntu21:55
rollingubuntuSven_vB: it's actually a desktop pc, for personal use, no gaming involved :D so, the risks... well, they are personal documents (stored on hard drive), browsing and emails, etc... I will see21:55
JonelethIrenicuscan you make sure ssh uses a specific interface?21:55
naccJonelethIrenicus: ssh or sshd?21:55
Mason385nacc: what is not the case, the convenience ?21:55
JonelethIrenicusnacc: ssh21:55
naccMason385: that it is possible to have multiple gcc versions with the packages shipped by Ubuntu21:56
rollingubuntuSven_vB: it will probably need time-to-time memory tests to see if any more bad addresses appear21:56
naccJonelethIrenicus: maybe with -b ?21:56
Mason385nacc: I believe you are mistaken. The PPA does something funky, but if I build the toolchain myself, then there is no compatibility issue with the system toolchain21:57
tgm4883Out of curiosity, why do you need multiple versions of the toolchain?21:57
Mason385tgm4883: regression testing, as per godbolt21:58
naccMason385: I'm stating what is published in ubuntu21:59
Mason385anyway thanks for the info, I learned my lesson: "remove all PPAs before upgrading" :-)21:59
naccMason385: I didn't say there were compatibility issues or otherwise. I'm simply stating that what is supported in Ubuntu currently is the toolchain shipped21:59
Mason385nacc: I understand that Ubuntu the project won't support "custom" software versions, but I am stating that there is no technical hurdle to doing so, that's all. Thanks all for your time, I have learned something valuable.22:02
Vitly_2018Hi All22:02
Vitly_2018I have a question about the table on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/SpectreAndMeltdown22:02
Sven_vBrollingubuntu, there may be social implications if the bad RAM causes email to be sent to the wrong address.22:03
Vitly_2018Does it mean that Spectre v2 patch for kernel 3.13 is still coming?22:03
HathadarI am getting some NO_PUBKEY errors when trying to apt-get update https://pastebin.com/5AeATXFb what is happening here?22:03
Sven_vBrollingubuntu, or if it changes a digit in an important document.22:03
=== cemerick_ is now known as cemerick
ikoniaHathadar: from 3rd party repos,22:04
ikoniaHathadar: ask them where their repo is22:04
Ben64Hathadar: if you're running zesty you need to upgrade too, it went EOL in Jan22:04
naccVitly_2018: #ubuntu-hardened22:04
Vitly_2018Thank you!22:05
Sven_vBrollingubuntu, found that xerox link again, http://www.dkriesel.com/en/blog/2013/0802_xerox-workcentres_are_switching_written_numbers_when_scanning22:08
Sven_vBhad another reason for why it changed numbers, but shows how horrible it can get.22:08
tgm4883Sven_vB: I'd think it more likely that it would corrupt the file than change a character, although I suppose it's possible22:09
=== Seihava_ is now known as Seihava
tgm4883The file is still lost either way though22:10
Sven_vBtgm4883, the difference is in how likely you are to detect it early enough in your backup rotation.22:10
tgm4883Sven_vB: but let's be honest here, if you're running known bad ram, what are the odds you even have a backup strategy22:11
indigo945is there a distribution that can be installed on an old firewall appliance with only 1g of flash memory? ip fire install plainly complains "hard drive too small"22:13
rollingubuntuSven_vB: sorry, I did not get that... found that xerox link again? I rad a bit of it here and there... however, is it related?22:14
naccindigo945: not really ontopic for the ubuntu support channel, but you could try http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/22:14
indigo945@nacc: yes, sorry and thank you; is there a more on-topic channel for this?22:15
kostkonindigo945, not Ubuntu related im afraid. but you could maybe google for Linux distros for routers22:15
naccindigo945: you probalby want #linux ?22:15
indigo945oh. yes22:15
indigo945ty both, i'll move it over there22:16
=== john__ is now known as momo
joe___Hi, i was just trying to watch netflix with firefox on 16.04. Everything loads, but the video doesnt start, it just stays paused. I can skip and the video refreshes, but still cant unpause. Anyone knows what's going on?22:20
Sven_vBrollingubuntu, it's related in the sense of what damage can occur if numbers in important documents change without notification.22:21
CtrlCis curl installed by default on ubuntu?22:24
kostkonjoe___, and you've made sure the widevine plugin is enabled22:24
Sven_vBCtrlC, iirc nope22:24
stoopkidCtrlC: not on mine anyway22:24
kostkonCtrlC, no, wget is afaik22:24
naccCtrlC: on server only22:24
CtrlCserver it is. thanks guys.22:24
stoopkidwget is indeed installed by default on my ubuntu (16.04)22:24
CtrlCI need curl though.22:25
CtrlCunless this also works with wget: curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_9.x | sudo -E bash -22:25
joe___kostkon: yeah, widevine is running. I can see pictures from the video, if i skip the video ahead. It just doesnt start playing and nothing happens when i press the pause button22:25
kostkonCtrlC, well it's just an apt install away22:25
naccCtrlC: there are lots of reason to not do stuff like that, fwiw22:25
naccCtrlC: and yes, you can absolutely do the same iwth wget22:26
kostkonjoe___, could be a codec problem. Have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?22:26
naccCtrlC: pretty sure you're just after wget -O- -q22:26
joe___kostkon: no, it's not installed yet. gonna try.22:27
kostkonjoe___, ok22:27
CtrlCit didn't seem to be installed by def on the docker version at least.22:32
joe___kostkon: restricted-extras didn't help, it's still paused and doesn't start22:40
kostkonjoe___, did you restart firefox, just in case22:40
CtrlCAre the official repos down or something? E: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/chromium-browser/chromium-browser-l10n_63.0.3239.84-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_all.deb  404  Not Found22:40
joe___kostkon: even restarted the whole machine22:40
CtrlCthey worked on second run it seems.22:41
naccCtrlC: that version is not current on any distribution22:41
naccCtrlC: fwiw22:41
joe___i would just install chrome, but it's a 32bit machne and chrome itself seems to come only in 64 bit now? Is there a way to add widevine to chromium?22:41
naccCtrlC: xenial-security is at 64.0.3282.167-0ubuntu0.16.04.122:41
CtrlCnacc, what do you mean?22:41
CtrlCnacc, it's what it is trying to install so idk22:41
naccCtrlC: it should not be22:42
kostkonjoe___, you could try creating a new profile in firefox. and make sure you reenable the plugin22:42
naccCtrlC: did you run `sudo apt-get update` first?22:42
naccCtrlC: `apt-cache policy chromium-browser-l10n` please?22:42
CtrlCnacc, it's running already. it's a docker build22:43
naccCtrlC: i wouldn't trust it if it's actually installing that version22:43
naccCtrlC: something is rather messed up, if it is22:43
CtrlCchecking logs to see if update went wrong22:43
kostkon!info chromium-browser xenial22:43
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 64.0.3282.167-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 50312 kB, installed size 181485 kB22:43
nacc!info chromium-browser-l10n22:43
ubottuchromium-browser-l10n (source: chromium-browser): chromium-browser language packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 64.0.3282.167-0ubuntu0.17.10.1 (artful), package size 2556 kB, installed size 14402 kB22:43
naccerr, what kostkon found :)22:43
nacc(same source, differnt version string for SRU purposes)22:44
CtrlCnacc, I might have found the issue. not sure: Step 2/12 : RUN apt-get update22:44
CtrlC ---> Using cache22:44
naccCtrlC: not good :)22:44
naccCtrlC: if that is the case, you really don't want to be doing that, or you want to fix your cacher22:44
CtrlCnacc, it seems to be working fine on new run.22:44
kostkonjoe___, i believe chromium and netflix is a no-go22:45
naccCtrlC: working fine as in it got the corect version?22:45
naccCtrlC: ok22:45
joe___kostkon: wow, with the fresh profile the video starts. thanks alot!22:46
CtrlCnacc, yup Unpacking chromium-browser-l10n (64.0.3282.167-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) ...22:46
CtrlCUnpacking chromium-browser-l10n (64.0.3282.167-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) ...22:46
kostkonjoe___, well probably installing the restricted extras helped a bit too22:46
naccCtrlC: well, a bit worrisome that it changed all of a sudden? did you disable the cache?22:47
xz_Hello, how can i create a bootable win usb in linux?22:47
CtrlCnacc, I had edited a line in the docker file which caused not using the catch.22:47
kostkonjoe___, good to hear though enjoy your "netflix and", you know what :P22:47
naccCtrlC: ah ok22:47
xz_i need format to usb for win22:48
akikxz_: bios or uefi boot?22:48
akikor is it non-uefi or uefi boot22:48
xz_akik: I want to bootable win7 usb in ubuntu22:49
xz_i need to bootable win7 usb22:49
leftyfbxz_: as in the installer, or a live usb with the running OS?22:49
akikxz_: https://atkdinosaurus.wordpress.com/2016/07/20/how-to-create-a-bootable-windows-7-usb-stick-in-linux/22:49
xz_i have to win7.iso, but disk image writer cant bottable for win22:49
joe___kostkon: yeah thanks :D22:50
xz_akik: when i use that command, may i have to win usb?22:51
akikxz_: after those commands, you'll have a bootable usb stick that you can install win7 from22:52
xz_i trying multibootusb %45, if cant, i will use that link22:52
akikxz_: just be careful to use the correct device names22:52
xz_akik: right its sdb122:53
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
rollingubuntuSven_vB: I see, half way... what I mean is, when a document is being photocopied by a xerox machine, it scans, that document becomes pixel format... then it prints again, so, it might not be the purpose of my case, however, numbers changing in a photocopied document are not excluded, however, errors in RAM should actually result in extra pixels or missing pixels all over a document23:12
rollingubuntuSven_vB: ... and not only changes in digits (or numbers) in a scanned document...23:12
Sven_vBrollingubuntu, yeah, bitmap data would most probably result in visible artifacts if it fell victim to bad RAM. in the RAM case I was thinking of spreadsheets.23:13
Sven_vBor other documents where your numbers are stored as text or binary numbers23:14
Sven_vBthe overlap is more in "this could have happened for years before we even noticed"23:14
rollingubuntuSven_vB: thanks for your advice and tips :)23:17
Sven_vByou're welcome :)23:18
mr-dayguys my friend installing ubuntu 16.04 64biit on their laptop, dualboot with windows with uefi mode on, now he's cant boot on windows, i had try repair it with boot repair but it still not work only showing ubuntu only on boot menu23:21
Jordan_Umr-day: Please run "sudo efibootmgr" and pastebin the output.23:22
Jordan_Umr-day: Then, please run boot info script from here: https://github.com/arvidjaar/bootinfoscript and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces.23:23
mr-daywew he's not on my home now XD ok next time i will try btw is sudo efibootmgr and run boot info script return different result? and what command is that23:25
Jordan_Umr-day: "sudo efibootmgr" will list all of the UEFI boot entries on the machine. These are OS entries stored in flash on the motherboard. The Windows entry should still be there, just not the default. Boot info script is a script that runs many different commands to gather a lot of different information about the machine that tends to be useful when debugging boot problems. Basically, just from what23:29
Jordan_Uyou've told us so far we don't have enough information to know what's causing the problem or how to solve it.23:29
mr-dayowh ok i will back next time when my friend ready with their laptop, thanks Jordan_U23:32
Jordan_Umr-day: You're welcome.23:34
tlinkI want to combine curl http://api.somesite.com/value  with removing all non digits or decimals from the string I get from the response  {//[^0-9\.]/}23:43
tlinkhow can I do that?23:43
nacctlink: sed or awk23:45
nacctlink: or tr23:45
energizerHow can I fix this problem with apt? https://paste.pound-python.org/show/k2tp4ouz5DEoe3iJgGRs/23:46
naccenergizer: don't use PPAs23:47
tlinknacc: http://api.somesite.com/value awk {//[^0-9\.]/}23:47
energizernacc: does ubuntu not support the use of PPAs?23:47
nacc!ppa | energizer23:47
ubottuenergizer: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge23:47
naccenergizer: you asked for how to fix the problem :)23:47
naccenergizer: emacs-snapshot-common is not an ubuntu pacakge, and emacs25-common is only in 17.10 and 18.04, and you appear to be on 14.0423:47
naccenergizer: but the real answer to your question is ask the ppa owner, it's not an ubuntu issue, per se23:48
energizernacc: ok how can i get rid of this ppa then and get back to a normal system23:48
nacc!ppa-purge | energizer23:48
ubottuenergizer: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html23:48
kostkonenergizer, apt-cache policy emacs25-common will show you the PPA23:49
=== berglh_ is now known as berglh
energizernacc: well i can't install ppa-purge23:49
naccenergizer: why not?23:50
energizernacc: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/XevbH9NA311SbeNN3qIs/23:50
naccenergizer: remove the broken packages23:50
naccenergizer: e.g., sudo apt-get remove emacs25-common23:50
energizernacc: apt-cache policy says `http://ppa.launchpad.net/kelleyk/emacs/ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages` so what do i put into ppa-purge?23:54
naccenergizer: ppa:kelleyk/emacs i think23:55
energizernacc: worked great, thanks23:56
naccenergizer: yw23:57

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