=== IdleOne is now known as Guest95100 === huck is now known as JHMFtheImapaler === redphantom is now known as redphantom2 === savitur is now known as elshmieth === owner is now known as fareast === redphantom is now known as redphantom2 [03:12] Ok I am running linux for the first time in a long time since mandrake and I have this laptop for me dad. Just typing like crazy on irc trying to break in the keyboard that was shipped here from china. Luckily I found me a spare battery from an old craptop that crashed and it was 100% good so I am recalibrating it. As far as a good web radio program do they make any that are easy to use with minimal setup? [03:13] I think if he were to be able to listen to radio stations on this thing he would be incredibly happy. [03:15] So much had to be done to get this thing working again, a new hard drive, a new battery, a new keyboard, a bios update. The list just on and on add linux into the package and you have a good bit of work. === JHMFtheImapaler is now known as ChisHansen === ChisHansen is now known as ChrisHansen === ChrisHansen is now known as MrEdMotherf [07:04] Good morning === AntiSpamMeta2 is now known as AntiSpamMeta === pan is now known as Guest74398 [10:59] Hi folks [11:37] Hy everyone [11:37] I try to connect to a vpn network [11:38] I get this error: the vpn service 'org.freedesktop.networkmanager.openswan' was not installed [11:38] What can I do? [11:40] the package network-manager-openvpn is installed [11:40] So what package do I need to install? [11:41] I got samba shares working today. So the vpn is my last issue to never need windows again :) [11:44] markus_d, not sure , but strongswan might help [11:44] IPsec protocol vpn? [11:45] As I see it strongswan needs a certificate file. We have a PSK only [11:46] We use Sonicwall. No clue if this is ipsec [11:50] this might be relevant https://www.sonicwall.com/en-us/support/knowledge-base/170503424887880 [11:54] I tried with netextender software. The software runs but does not connect. It seems they use 2 difefrent clients. On windows the client we use is named Global VPN client === phoenix_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd [12:00] where is the kubuntu 18.04 beta 1 iso? [12:03] phoenix_firebrd, https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-bionic-beaver-18-04-beta-1-testing...all you need to do is google it [12:03] https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-bionic-beaver-18-04-beta-1-testing/ [12:28] BluesKaj: I already checked the link you gave when I first saw in planetkde.org post. But the iso are missing [12:29] BluesKaj: got it [12:29] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/387/builds/167653/downloads [12:30] BluesKaj: thanks [12:31] phoenix_firebrd, good luck, I'm running it fine here myself [12:32] BluesKaj: you have intel graphics or nvidia or amd? [12:32] nvidia GT520 gpu [12:33] BluesKaj: ok, can you tell me the i965-va-driver package version? [12:33] it's not gamer card, but sufficient for my needs [12:35] BluesKaj: There is a but in the intel va driver version 1.8.x, and in version 2.0.0 vp9 profiles are missing in libva. The problems are gone in 2.1.x. I am eager to know if the current driver version is 2.1.x in 18.04 beta 1 [12:35] *bug [12:37] look here, i guess https://01.org/linuxgraphics [12:37] phoenix_firebrd: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/i965-va-driver [12:41] !info i965-va-driver bionic [12:41] i965-va-driver (source: intel-vaapi-driver): VAAPI driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.0+dfsg1-1 (bionic), package size 416 kB, installed size 2280 kB (Only available for any-amd64; any-i386) [12:44] BluesKaj, hateball, lordievader thanks [12:45] Hi - I'm on kubuntu 16.04 and was told that 16.04.4 was released which supposedly contains kernel 4.13 - the auto update however did not suggest this update to me (I'm still on 4.4). Is this update supposed to happen automatically? [12:46] !hwe | bschindler [12:46] bschindler: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [12:46] I *think* it should happen automatically tho... but if you apply HWE then you get 4.13 [12:47] ok, thx, let me do that then === alpha is now known as Guest92132 === alpha_ is now known as alpha__ [13:44] Steam Client is not working on the new kubuntu. Did anybody find a solution for this? [14:06] markus_d: do you mean 18.04? Then support is in #ubuntu+1 [14:19] hateball: I got it working not with the client from their site but with the installed from the distro [14:20] Well distro packages are all that's supported here anyhow [14:21] Hello Kmail search does nt work ? KMail version 5.2.3 I facing from this problem log times with many version now [14:42] where could I find any help ? === pan is now known as Guest57058 [14:56] dubis: well, here, but it is usually quite idle [14:56] dubis: you could also ask over in #kde [14:56] dubis: I personally do not use KMail so I have no help to offer [15:00] @hateball Thaks [15:01] !ask [15:01] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:01] hmmm [15:01] !patience [15:01] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait. [15:01] dubis: there's also those forums ^ === owner_ is now known as fareast === pan is now known as Guest22476 [16:14] Hi guys! How can I integrate am appimage into the menu? I want to find it by typing! [17:14] Hi guys! How can I integrate am appimage into the menu? I want to find the appimage by typing! === kde is now known as Guest75657 [19:58] hi all [19:58] hi brothers, hi sisters, hi ? [20:26] hi :-) [22:28] hello. in dolphin 17.12.2, i changed some of my folder icons using right-click>properties. now i seem to be unable to undo it, so now the only way those folders' icons can be changed is by using right click>properties. changing the theme wont work. how do i revert to the way it was before i did that? [22:30] * acheronuk looks [22:37] if he had stayed I could have told him to remove the .directory file in the folder