=== IdleOne is now known as Guest95100 [02:31] hello [02:34] If I were to create a linux install on a usb drive, what would be the best size for the drive? [02:35] 8+ [02:37] is it possible to use the usb drive only for the os, but have a windows directory be the main portion of the file system /usr? [02:37] amutjomg [02:37] oops [02:37] anything is possible [02:37] whether or not it's easy is another question [02:37] another windows director for /home? [02:41] it would just be a matter of mounting those windows directories as drives during the install right? [02:41] or mount points rather [02:41] yeah they'd certainly need to be mounted [02:42] so I could have everything including /boot on the usb drive except /usr and /home on windows partion right? [02:43] i'm sure that /home would be trivial to do with the installer. /usr might require some manual partitioning. i've never tried [02:43] manual in this case may mean dropping into a terminal and doing the heavy lifting [15:57] I'm running lubuntu on an old mac mini from 2005 [15:57] very usable still for simple things [15:59] still have 394M memory left with X and some terminal windows open [16:00] Looks like I'm stuck on 16.04 until a kernel fix for r8168/9 is released. [16:01] is there something after 16.04? [16:01] I thought that was the latest [16:02] chegney: the upcoming 18.04 (or 17.10 if you want). [16:02] Ah yeah, I forgot 17s were out [16:02] 17.10 isn't worth it as 18.04 is about a month or so away. [16:03] I don't think anything above 16.04 runs on the old powerpc though, right? [16:06] sem idéia [16:17] 18.04 won't have support for powerpc right? [17:16] is there a console player for google play music? [17:16] I found something called Jam on github, but can't seem to get it to install [18:16] chegney: you can install this kernels http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ [18:17] i use 14.04 with 4.15 kernel [18:17] chegney: https://github.com/96AA48/gmplayer [20:24] I need that kernel to use the gmplayer? [20:24] 0916 < chegney:#lubuntu> is there a console player for google play music? [20:58] ah, okay, thanks [21:11] where are the instructions to install gmplayer? [21:14] I try the npm command in the readme and I get Illegal instruction (core dumped)