[00:10] <__chip__> kyrofa: o/ === __chip__ is now known as Chipaca [01:25] PR snapd#4799 opened: cmd/snap: use timeutil.Human to show times in `snap refresh --time` === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [07:03] Hey [07:41] PR snapcraft#1989 closed: elf: don't parse elf more than necessary [08:15] ondra: Hi, ondra this is the situation https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/gZPQVr2vDp/ - our snap/service still crash with the error in the syslog, any suggestions ? === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === __chip__ is now known as Chipaca [08:44] PR snapcraft#1992 opened: tests: run integration tests on trusty [08:50] * tbr slaps Dianomic_Stefano around a bit with a frozen trout [08:51] Hi, I'm having problem using our service 'foglamp' in a snap and using avahi - it crashs with the errors - https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/gZPQVr2vDp/ - it works fine in the standard Ubuntu server, any changes for help ? [09:00] lathiat: hi lathiat [09:23] PR snapcraft#1993 opened: core: initial support for bases [09:24] jdstrand: hi. Do you know whether the /usr/share/applications access in the browser-support interface is necessary? It is interfering with a browser snap kenvandine is working on === matteo| is now known as matteo [09:46] kenvandine: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1994 [09:46] PR snapcraft#1994: docker: add the architecture [09:47] PR snapcraft#1994 opened: docker: add the architecture [10:09] Dianomic_Stefano hi [10:10] Dianomic_Stefano so I installed avahi-client on couple of devices and it does work there [10:10] Dianomic_Stefano so without knowing more about your app it's hard to say [10:10] Dianomic_Stefano but let's try one thing [10:11] zyga-ubuntu: hey, using edge core worked for me (the layout thing works) - and edge core installed ok (no idea why it failed before, sorry) [10:11] greyback: that's excellent news! [10:11] thank you for checking [10:11] np [10:12] definitely a quick guide on best way to hack on snapd would be welcome (if your devtools are not recommended) [10:12] ondra: could it be something related to the avahi version ? we use ' avahi-daemon 0.6.32-rc' in the standrad Ubuntu server [10:13] ondra: is it possible to install a snap having the specific version 'avahi-daemon 0.6.32-rc' ? [10:14] Dianomic_Stefano you can always compile avahi from source [10:15] Dianomic_Stefano there are some older revisions of avahi for 6.32-rc let me see if I can find them [10:15] Dianomic_Stefano can try following [10:16] Dianomic_Stefano $ snap run --shell .foglamp [10:16] Dianomic_Stefano this should give you shell into your snap sandbox [10:17] Dianomic_Stefano now $ cat $SNAP/command-foglamp.wrapper [10:17] Dianomic_Stefano you will see there couple of exports, run those manually so you get all paths set properly [10:17] Dianomic_Stefano now try to run $ avahi-browse -a [10:17] Dianomic_Stefano what do you get? [10:18] 1 sec [10:19] ondra: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/GkprpWfXys/ [10:20] Dianomic_Stefano BTW my client is 0.6.32-rc [10:20] Dianomic_Stefano so no problem to talk to newer daemon [10:21] Dianomic_Stefano yeah so run manually: $ export PATH="$SNAP/usr/sbin:$SNAP/usr/bin:$SNAP/sbin:$SNAP/bin:$PATH"; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SNAP/lib:$SNAP/usr/lib:$SNAP/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:$SNAP/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$SNAP/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SNAP_LIBRARY_PATH:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH [10:21] ondra: it seems that the problem is relate to foglamp (our service) talking to avahi-daemon https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/BBVnC2Wkmz/ - this is whey I was thinging about the versioning. [10:21] Dianomic_Stefano and now run avahi-browse [10:22] ondra: foglamp doesn't start after the exports - https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/s8QQXpYfgH/ [10:23] Dianomic_Stefano can you try to run avahi-browse -a [10:23] Dianomic_Stefano so we know at least that basics are set correctly [10:23] ok, I have exeduted '$SNAP/usr/bin/wrapper-foglamp start' [10:24] Dianomic_Stefano yes, you are inside snap sandbox, so you run directly wrapper-foglamp [10:24] ondra: same errors in the syslog [10:24] Dianomic_Stefano can you run avahi-browse -a please [10:24] Dianomic_Stefano does that give you error? [10:25] avahi-brows works - https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/6cYPD7cnbS/ [10:25] ondra: but our service is crashing 'Starting FogLAMP v1.2............................................................foglamp@foglamp-core:/' [10:25] Dianomic_Stefano OK so uit; [10:26] wiht the errors ' Mar 8 10:15:51 foglamp-core avahi.avahi-daemon[9205]: Error parsing EntryGroup::AddService message [10:26] Mar 8 10:15:51 foglamp-core avahi.avahi-daemon[9205]: dbus-entry-group.c: interface=org.freedesktop.Avahi.EntryGroup, path=/Client1/EntryGroup1, member=AddService [10:26] ' [10:29] Dianomic_Stefano so problem is not related to snapd security,but more to your dbus messages, if you want to test older avahi deamon [10:29] Dianomic_Stefano I can get you some older ones, what architecture do you need? [10:30] ondra: x86_64 - version ' avahi-daemon 0.6.32-rc' - thanks a lot for helping. [10:33] Dianomic_Stefano http://people.canonical.com/~okubik/avahi-0.6.32_amd64.snap [10:33] Dianomic_Stefano can't guarantee it works but you can try it [10:35] ondra: tanks [10:35] thanks [11:02] PR snapcraft#1995 opened: options: introduce Project and ProjectInfo [11:05] PR snapcraft#1970 closed: meta: parse LAUNCHPAD_BUILD_INFO for inclusion in the manifest [11:11] are there known issues with snapd and nvidia proprietary drivers on 18.04 ? [11:12] (https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-chromium-65-0-3325-146/4390/2) === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [11:55] We don’t have anyone on the core team with modern nvidia for daily testing [12:09] PR snapd#4800 opened: cmd/snap: in changes and tasks, default to human-friendly times [12:36] andyrock, can you remind me your snap --version on bionic? [12:44] PR snapd#4794 closed: xdgopenproxy: integrate xdg-open implementation into snapctl [12:45] andyrock, also, can you send me your state.json? [12:47] PR snapd#4793 closed: progress: tweak ansimeter cvvis use to no longer confuse minicom [12:57] zyga-ubuntu: https://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/contents.html [13:02] zyga-ubuntu: http://terminals-wiki.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page [13:04] jdstrand, sorry for delay on steam interface right now, you can put that blame on me [13:05] sorta stuck on other stuff atm [13:08] * Chipaca chomping on gummy bears [13:08] * zyga-ubuntu shakes fist at ikey ;-) [13:08] ikey your stuff is late and _you_ want it [13:08] how are you doing? :-) [13:08] i know im my own worst enemy [13:09] im good thanks, ear is a bit ouch, you? [13:09] ouch, had that two weeks ago, we're churning along with fixes and some features [13:09] I'm trying to get a systemd generator to behave [13:09] the ear thing is my fault. got it repierced yesterday xD [13:09] oh ok [13:09] ah, well that's what you get when you inflict self damaga :) [13:10] :D [13:10] apart from that some catch-up where we are and if we can land things for the next release [13:10] shaved my head off too so im cold. again my fault [13:10] in the winter?!! [13:10] i know xD [13:10] whaaat [13:10] i get ideas. not all of them good [13:10] why? [13:10] it was *long* [13:10] did you see the webcam thing? [13:10] "hold that thought" until sprint [13:10] *spirng [13:10] aw [13:10] spring [13:10] the webcam thing? [13:10] the photo on G+ [13:11] https://twitter.com/ufee1dead/status/971021153371377671 [13:11] *snort* [13:11] ikey: you look awesome :D [13:11] with my comb and scissors? :P [13:12] i look simply fabulous.. [13:12] so yeah now its all gone [13:12] swapped hair for a holy ear and sense of coldness [13:12] PR snapcraft#1996 opened: tests: add SNAPCRAFT_KEEP_DATA to debug [13:13] holly cow [13:13] that's some extra hair you have there [13:13] right? [13:13] you can see in the reply the lack of hair after :D [13:13] and cheese didnt work with my webcam so i have to use guvcview.. [13:14] darned gnome apps [13:14] * ikey decided to accelerate his midlife crisis by a couple decades [13:15] PR snapd#3998 closed: snap-confine, snap-seccomp: utilize new seccomp logging features [13:16] ikey: no worry on my end. I was just trying to be transparent with my PR comment; not trying to add pressure [13:17] honestly mate ive not even read it yet, i just know i have a notification, sorry bud [13:19] * zyga-ubuntu needs more VMs [13:20] is there anything that's not libvirt, not virtualbox that works out of the box and is not an overly-engineered monster? [13:20] (that is before I snap vmware) [13:22] eh, for me, libvirt "Just Works" [13:23] install virt-manager, boom, done [13:23] or use gnome-boxes if you're into that sort of thing (that is, gnome ;) ) [13:24] PR snapd#4801 opened: cmd/snap-seccomp: Cancel the atomic file on error, not just Close [13:24] popey: the gtk-common-themes snap should be mostly working (testing against https://people.canonical.com/~jamesh/theme-experiment/gtk3-demo_0.1_amd64.snap) [13:25] How do I install Spotify ? I dont have snapcraft installed on rosa ? [13:25] popey: 27 MB for GTK3 and icon themes covering Adwaita (GNOME/Fedora), HighColor (a11y), Ubuntu, and Solus, and the Arc GTK theme [13:25] Who's jamesh ? [13:27] PR snapd#4802 opened: strutil: simple shell lexer [13:31] Is princes Leia here, on the answer my question - horizon ? [13:32] jamesh: nice [13:33] popey, I'm at home on Rosa 10 LxQt (sorry about that) - any chance you could halp me install Spotify today, as a snap, please ? Just boot LxQt for first time :-) [13:34] **booted [13:34] BuActuallyGosh: hello codereurope. if it's based on ubuntu you can "snap install snapd" and then "snap install spotify" [13:35] thankyou gura mie ayd. i shall try to keep quiet in future. [13:37] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VMWshwjb8n/ [13:37] oops, typo on my part [13:38] "sudo apt install snapd" [13:38] * BuActuallyGosh chuckles [13:38] (assuming this thing is based on debian or ubuntu - I'd not heard of rosa 10 lxqt before) [13:40] okay - it worked - yu assume too much. I won't both you again until after beaver. gura mie ayd popey. [14:09] PR snapcraft#1997 opened: lxd: merge existing image info contents [14:58] zyga-ubuntu: https://hackertyper.net/ [15:10] zyga-ubuntu ping [15:10] pong [15:12] zyga-ubuntu actually unpong [15:12] zyga-ubuntu my error, was mixing bind and bind-file [15:12] zyga-ubuntu BTW have you had thought about that install error for default content provider? [15:13] zyga-ubuntu I still think that should be error, not blocking error [15:13] zyga-ubuntu what if you uninstall provider, then refresh would fail [15:13] zyga-ubuntu and I though default, does not mean "only" provider [15:15] ondra: I don't know much about the default provider, I would have to check [15:16] zyga-ubuntu or who would be to talk about this? [15:17] ondra: mvo would be best [15:17] PR snapd#4803 opened: snap-confine, snap-seccomp: utilize new seccomp logging features - 2.32 [15:17] zyga-ubuntu cool, will chat with him about it [15:18] zyga-ubuntu: can I use layouts to bind mount a file into somewhere I need it? [15:20] ooh "bind-file" [15:20] unping [15:21] PR snapd#4804 opened: strutil/shlex: import github.com/google/shlex into the tree [15:22] PR snapd#4802 closed: strutil: simple shell lexer [16:34] PR core#84 closed: xdg-open: switch to "snapctl user-open" based implementation === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk [17:37] jdstrand: tyhicks: Q for you: is 14.04 getting the backport of the seccomp EPERM thing? [17:48] greyback: yes, just use bind-file [22:30] PR snapcraft#1998 opened: pluginhandler: add {pre,post}-build scriptlets