=== IdleOne is now known as Guest95100 [03:05] I work with the FreeCAD project and we were hoping to get our 0.17 release into Ubuntu 18.04 via Debian import but it looks like the freeze period for that has passed, is there any hope still to get it into 18.04 some other way? [03:08] kkremitzki: Yes. [03:08] You can file a bug against FreeCAD called a Feature Freeze Exception. [03:09] Some details are available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess [03:09] Basically, the goal is to give a decent justification for why the Release Team should allow an exception for it. [03:10] Since it's not included in any flavor (so it's not seeded) and it's in Universe, it *should* be fine. [03:12] Part of the delay though has come from the difficulty of reintroducing a dependency back into Debian (OpenCASCADE), previously FreeCAD had been using the community fork, so getting FreeCAD 0.17 in would also require OCCT 7.2... do you still think it's likely? [03:13] We have been using a PPA version for quite a while but as it's a large library getting it to be compliant to Debian quality standards has been an effort [03:14] New packages in Ubuntu are exempt from the Feature Freeze, so yeah, as long as the paperwork is sorted for FreeCAD and OpenCASCADE is reintroduced into Debian, it should be fine. [03:14] So I would encourage you to get it squared away in Debian first, because it makes it so much easier to introduce back into Ubuntu. [03:15] Great. There's only 1 crash bug still blocking FreeCAD release so hopefully it'll be officially released in the next week or so. And yeah, I have an experimental FreeCAD 0.17 package waiting for acceptance in Debian too, but it's dependent on OCCT 7.2 === Nach0z is now known as nach0z === nach0z is now known as Nach0z [03:16] kkremitzki: For what it's worth, we have #ubuntu-motu (MOTU = Masters of the Universe = people who have upload access to help you on this) that is more suited towards this sort of thing, while this channel is more support-based. Feel free to ping me directly or subscribe me to any bugs should you need help getting things in Ubuntu. [03:16] Excellent, thank you! [03:17] Thanks for stopping by, I hope we can get this sorted. :) [03:17] Let me know how that release goes. [03:18] Will do, it's over 6000 commits of improvements so we are really hoping to get it out in the LTS [03:18] Nice. :D [03:19] kkremitzki: So one thing I am noticing real quick. [03:19] We do have Ubuntu-specific changes to FreeCAD: https://patches.ubuntu.com/f/freecad/freecad_0.16.6712+dfsg1-1ubuntu2.patch [03:19] When you get things sorted in Debian, I would be curious to see if you could apply anything there, or do some testing to see if those changes are still needed. [03:20] Keeping things in sync with Debian makes things much more convenient, and I would like to do it if possible. [03:20] Will do, my goal is to more or less take over this and a few other packages I use [03:21] Cool! [03:21] Thanks again. [05:38] It looks like the freeipa package is no longer available in bionic but I can't find any info on it [05:50] kkremitzki: Looks like Steve Langasek removed it on the 6th from the release pocket for the following reason: "FTBFS and stuck, blocks curl transition; temporarily removed from release pocket" [05:51] I found that by looking here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freeipa/+publishinghistor [05:51] Whoops, this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freeipa/+publishinghistor [05:51] Missing 'y' but I got it [05:51] Yeah, I'm on mobile. :) [05:52] kkremitzki: Anyways, it'll be reintroduced eventually. If it's urgent, you might consider pinging Steve. [05:53] It's not urgent, I just couldn't find info on its removal. I'm not super familiar with poking around Launchpad [05:54] No problem. === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [09:09] I was not getting these errors (isfinite and snprintf missing) on Xenial. Was there a change to GCC 4.8 in Bionic that might have caused this? https://puu.sh/zD703/5e49a6c5ea.log [09:11] the file does #include and #include , so they should be defined in std [10:12] there seems to be several bugs on install, too many to list, do these get fixed at the end of install, thought i read something like that? [10:23] katnip: What sort of bugs? [10:24] unable to move, create, remove, etc [10:29] this is frozen now? [11:25] "move, create, remove" <-- move, create, remove _what_? [11:26] i have locale: Cannot set LC_CTPE, LC_MESSAGES, LC_ALL, as a result the session will not be configured correctly.you should fix the problem as soon as feasble. however, the mouse and keyboard are not working wih this now [11:28] this is at reboot [11:28] brb [11:33] back [11:34] should i cold boot? [12:39] Hi, it there a problem with Network Manager, I couldn't get any of the VPNs to work. [12:40] They work alright with their own applications, like openvpn with a systemd script. [12:40] nmcli gives no errors other than VPN service closed unexpectedly. === crogers_ is now known as crogers [14:27] gerge: I have the same issue. Using the CLI I can connect via sudo, but cannot if I set up a VPN with same credentials/settings via NetworkManagers Interface [14:27] I thought I might try the beta today, but I was unable to get it to boot from a usb drive. It gave me different failures depending on what method I used to burn the iso. [14:27] it doesn't work [14:28] oh. like, at all? [14:28] well that's a relief [14:28] dlowe, sorry was finishing previous sentence to gerge; [14:29] haha. well, you could be right anyway [14:29] :)) [14:30] dlowe: did the checksum check out for the image you downloaded? [14:33] sha256 checks out [14:35] what did you download, daily snapshot? [14:37] yeah, I didn't see anything else [14:37] you could always change your source list too, assuming you're presently using Ubuntu 17.x. That's what I did. [14:38] I don't know too much about Ubuntu's daily snapshots, but on the Debian side, one can easily find a daily that doesn't boot. So maybe try an earlier snapshot? Sorry I'm outta ideas otherwise. [14:39] it's fine. As all the warnings say, you shouldn't try this with the expectation it will work [14:39] :) [14:41] dlowe, actually according to this: a beta should be available to day! https://itsfoss.com/ubuntu-18-04-release-features/ [14:42] that was why I figured a daily might work. [14:42] if not, where are they pulling the beta release from? [14:42] Yeah probably from a known good daily though === crogers_ is now known as crogers [15:09] i have 18.04 installed with a few errors in /etc/profile for locale; i have the live cd in, how can i access these files from the cd? (live cd is 16.04) [15:36] katnip, it should auto-mount your sdx device [15:36] you can run the disk utility on live cd to see how it's molunted [15:37] i dont understand [15:37] you may need to remount as rw instead of read only if you're trying to change /etc/profile [15:37] katnip, dpkg-reconfigure locales ? [15:39] katnip: you can try holding SHIFT on boot to enter grub recovery for your ubuntu install. you can try different kernel or get to single user mode and make the change there [15:39] i got that, now, i need all locales by default, how do i get that? looks odd with a gui [15:42] try this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/162391/how-do-i-fix-my-locale-issue#227513 [15:45] katnip, to run the locales command after changing locale.gen iirc [15:46] locale not locales [15:46] how do i locate this file tho [15:47] its /etc/locale.gen [15:48] make a backup [15:48] after that run: sed -i 's/^\# //g' /etc/locale.gen [15:48] so i uncomment all of those? [15:48] for activating all locales [15:49] the sed command does that for you [15:50] not sure what you are going to do, but that will do the trick [15:51] then run locale-gen [15:51] ok, the error was no locales [15:52] see man 5 locale.gen and man 8 locale-gen [15:53] pretty confusing this commands. normally you do the dpkg-reconfigure locales command. [15:54] bye y'all. [15:54] ty [16:05] swein, still there? [20:36] samsung gear iconx 2018 pair as bluetooth earbuds easily on 18.04. microphone support not so much [20:49] what version of qt is 18.04 running? I need 5.10 or higher [20:49] wondering if I should just go ahead and upgrade [20:52] Woodpecker: libqt5 is at 5.9.4 it seems like [20:58] nacc: chrome crashed my bloody ubuntu... again. Stupid memory whore [20:58] Woodpecker: please watch your language [20:59] Woodpecker: i've never had chrome crash my OS [21:01] nacc: it happens to me twice a day. Its been an issue for me for a loooong time: https://askubuntu.com/questions/931507/ubuntu-is-quickly-running-out-of-ram-and-my-computer-is-starting-to-freeze-wha and https://askubuntu.com/questions/817966/google-chrome-will-take-up-my-memory-to-the-point-where-it-causes-my-computer-to [21:02] All of a sudden, my computer just freezes up and I cant even bloody sysrq b [21:02] Woodpecker: are you sure it's chrome using the memory? [21:03] nacc: oh yeah. [21:03] Woodpecker: or are you overcommiting your system (the first issue mentions compile) [21:03] nacc: I can have one tab open in chrome, and it will be using 4gb+ of ram [21:03] only when I close the entire app does it clear the cache. [21:03] Woodpecker: are you fully up to date in chrome, etc? [21:04] mmmmm most likely [21:05] Woodpecker: to be clear, having your RAM used is a good thing [21:05] Woodpecker: you want to look at the RES value in top, not the VIRT, as well [21:06] nacc not when it causes me to crash. It will be sitting at the 90% used. I will have one tab open. I will try to compile my small program and.... freeze. [21:06] Woodpecker: you have swap enabled? [21:07] I have btrfs on at the moment so no. [21:07] Woodpecker: well ... then don't overcommit your system :) [21:07] Woodpecker: you've configured your system so that it can't deal with memory pressure [21:07] nacc: one bloody tab open and chrome using 4 gigs is a design flaw. [21:07] the 16.04 live cd, will it fix locales on 18.04, do i need to mount the hdd? [21:07] Woodpecker: take it up with chrome? it's not an ubuntu package [21:08] nacc: yes, but stop stating that it is on me. [21:08] Woodpecker: that what is on you? [21:08] Woodpecker: regardless of the underlying cause, your system is prone to OOM if you're loading it to overcommit levels without any recourse [21:08] and the reason I use BTRFS is that ext4 doesnt handle ssd corruption very well and Ive lost an entire system because of it. [21:09] 'ssd corruption'? [21:09] you mean hardware failure? [21:10] nacc: having one tab open, I am not loading it to overcommit. If anything, I am trying to take steps to stop it from overcommitting. [21:10] Woodpecker: read what i wrote, "regardless of the underlying cause" [21:10] Woodpecker: I agree that chrome should not use that much memory, that is a chrome problem [21:10] nacc: the filesystem matters. I am prone to hardware failure because of my environment. [21:10] Woodpecker: but any process on your system *could* and you'd also have crashes [21:11] nacc: It would be nice if Ubuntu had some means to prevent system freeze up due to this issue. [21:12] Woodpecker: you can use a memory cgroup [21:12] Like a auto kill command on certain programs when it detects is going over the limit. [21:12] nacc: hmmm? Sounds interesting. [21:13] Woodpecker: look at cgroups, etc. cgcreate, etc [21:13] nacc: I will, thanks