
om26erHi! Who shall I bug to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1753172 ?06:33
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1753172 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "locale settings for Pakistan should be en_PK.UTF-8 not ur_PK" [Undecided,New]06:33
om26erI might be able to fix it, if provided some direction06:33
dufluom26er, don't know sorry. Only 'gQuigs' ever replied to a ubiquity bug of mine but not sure who really looks after it06:44
willcookemorning aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall07:33
willcookewoo, lag07:33
willcookedidrocks, duflu - just waiting for a few peope07:33
jameshkenvandine: here's niemeyer's notes about the user-mounts/portals discussion: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/development-sprint-march-5th-2018/4345/21?u=jamesh07:56
om26erduflu: cjwatson, maybe ?07:59
* duflu shrugs07:59
seb128duflu, what was the question?08:23
dufluseb128, I didn't have one. But I am adding things to the 18.10 column08:23
dufluin trello08:23
seb128duflu, no, I meant on IRC, om26er replied "cjwatson, maybe" but I joined after the question08:24
popeywillcooke: -> telegram :)08:24
dufluseb128: <om26er> Hi! Who shall I bug to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1753172 ?08:25
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1753172 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "locale settings for Pakistan should be en_PK.UTF-8 not ur_PK" [Undecided,New]08:25
seb128om26er, Colin works on launchpad now, try rather cyphermox or xnox08:29
Laney#ubuntu-installer is the channel for the installer08:35
Trevinhoduflu, didrocks: try to join again08:38
Trevinhowant to see if this solution is doable :)08:38
dufluTrevinho, before releasing an updated ubuntu-themes, I thought it might be nice to also attempt https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/+bug/1738762 ... but I have not looked yet09:44
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1738762 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "Window buttons lack padding when scale is set to 200%" [Medium,Confirmed]09:44
seb128duflu, Trevinho, we have a batch of fixes in a ppa, it's as easy to land that and redo a landing that nuke the current one and iterate09:49
seb128said differently, better to land what we have and just redo one with the new fixes when we get those09:49
dufluseb128, OK, yes.09:49
dufluseb128, I was going on the fact that there's no activity other than mine I could see proposed to lp:ubuntu-themes09:50
seb128also it might result in easier debugging if some of the changes create issues09:50
seb128duflu, https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-themes/+activereviews ... Trevinho proposed 3 fixes yesterday09:51
seb128+ 1 packaging fix09:51
seb128duflu, you could maybe review Trevinho's proposed changes btw? ;)09:51
dufluseb128, yeah I was caching that information from yesterday09:51
dufluseb128, I need to start cooking in a sec so no promises09:52
seb128duflu, no hurry, tomorrow is fine as well09:52
dufluseb128, it's possible some of his fixes have bug IDs too :)09:53
seb128Trevinho, ^ are there corresponding launchpad bugs for your fixes?09:54
Trevinhoseb128: mh, I wanted to check, but I didn't find much09:54
seb128k, that's fine09:55
seb128that's not strictly needed, just best to reference them if they exist09:55
Trevinhobut maybe I didn't search deeply enough09:55
om26ercyphermox: ping10:07
om26erseb128: thanks, will ask.10:07
willcookedesktoppers - anyone build go code?10:39
didrockswillcooke: I do10:41
didrockswith the official go binaries though, not the one in distro10:41
willcookedidrocks, sorted, thanks.  andyrock helped me10:49
willcookeseems a bit odd that you have to set a go path up etc10:49
didrocksyou don't have to set GOPATH anymore with 1.910:49
didrocksand there is work to get out of the vendoring/GOPATH completely10:50
didrockswhich I'm in contact with the Google go authors with, as it's going to impact our builders10:50
didrocks(this is really fresh news, from last week)10:50
willcookeoooh! good10:50
didrocksthen, we'll have per-path project \o/10:50
didrocksand no need for this single gopath directory10:51
didrocks(also reproducible build, which is the whole goal of that 69 pages spec)10:51
robert_ancellpopey, From #PackageKit  - <kalev> robert_ancell: hey, I was wondering if you'd be hugely opposed if we remove the soft dep in Fedora that automatically installs gnome-software-snap for anyone that has snapd and gnome-software installed?10:55
robert_ancelldo you have an opinion on that?10:55
robert_ancellor flexiondotorg ^^10:57
popeyrobert_ancell: eh. I am not sure I understand the question.10:58
popeyDoes that mean if someone has "dnf install snapd" and has gnome software by default will not  be able to see  snaps in G-S?11:01
robert_ancellpopey, yes11:03
robert_ancellthey have to dnf install snapd and dnf install gnome-software-snap11:03
willcookejust to bring popey up to speed - we're going to try and fix the issues which led to this request first11:09
popeywe can of course modify our docs to highlight that users can install both11:10
popeybecause they have to jump through the hoop of installing snapd via dnf anyway11:10
popeybut it would certainly be way nicer to not have to do that11:10
sarnoldwillcooke: hello :) do you have a few minutes to talk?12:45
willcookesarnold, sure thing, shall we come and see you?13:06
sarnoldwillcooke: perhaps chrisccoulson has already handled it? :)13:06
jbichaLaney: howdy15:01
seb128hey jbicha15:02
willcookeLaney, https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/will?authuser=015:03
Laneygo thar15:03
Laneyand didrocks too15:03
didrockshum, different than the one attached to the meeting15:04
* didrocks switches thus15:04
jbicha"requesting to join…"15:05
Laneyi didn't attach one :////15:05
didrocksthere was one attached to mine15:05
didrocksGoogle knows what you wanted :)15:06
willcookeLaney's machine is having issues.  Please stand by15:12
didrocks"your time is important to us… we will try to make the wait as short as possible…"15:13
* didrocks actually is listening to it meanwhile :)15:14
didrocksohhhhhhh, there is a 10 minutes version, exciting15:14
jbichaFrench elevator music15:14
didrocksprobably yeah ;)15:14
jbichaok, I'm ready to get off the elevator now15:18
* jbicha tries to make awkward small talk with didrocks15:20
* didrocks looks down15:20
didrocksnice carpet!15:20
jbichayes, that's a known bug with X15:23
jbichaLP: #175377615:23
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1753776 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Graphics corruption in login animation to Xorg sessions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175377615:23
seb128xnox, jamesh, andyrock, bug #1753776, one comment states it's fixed with the recent .92 update15:25
ubot5`bug 1753776 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Graphics corruption in login animation to Xorg sessions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175377615:25
xnoxseb128, let me upgrade15:26
didrocksok, I think I have time to make some coffee ;)15:26
jbichaI still saw the bug today after rebooting (with all updates installed)15:27
seb128xnox, jbicha, andyrock also says he still get it15:27
seb128jibel, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubiquity/nonfree-mp3-label/+merge/341159 when you have some time? The wording has been pre-approved by mpt earlier15:36
jibelseb128, sure, next on my list15:38
seb128jibel, thx15:38
didrocksseb128: it's not correct, mind if I review/comment?15:40
jbichaI've never used 'gbp clone'15:43
jbichaoh, one of the problems might be because debian/gbp.conf points to debian/master which doesn't exist in your LP repo15:44
seb128I think I missed some steps but why does it do that?15:50
seb128$ gbp buildpackage15:50
seb128gbp:error: You are not on branch 'debian/master' but on 'ubuntu/master'15:50
seb128gbp:error: Use --git-ignore-branch to ignore or --git-debian-branch to set the branch name.15:50
jbichabecause debian/gbp.conf needs to be updated to point to ubuntu/master instead of debian/master15:51
seb128which gbp branch would have done for me if it had worked?15:51
jbichaI haven't done that yet because we hadn't officially changed this to git yet ;)15:51
seb128why can't it just build from the current branch?15:52
seb128feels weird to refuse15:52
jbichagit remote add gnome https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs15:53
jbichausing 'upstream' as the name feels odd to me15:53
seb128that's complicated :/15:54
seb128there is no debian tools setting up those stuff for you?15:54
jbichano, there is no tool for adding the git remote yet15:54
willcookenight all16:42
jbichaSecurity approved the libblockdev MIR. I think I'm going to do a udisks2 upload to drop its recommends: libblockdev-crypto2 since that needs volume-key and we didn't do a MIR for that16:53
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