[03:30] HOLA QUE TAL SOY MEXICANO Y TENGO UNA SERIE DE PREGUNTA SI ES POSIBLE QUE HALGIEN PODRIA AUXILIARME PORFA [05:19] Hello everyone, I would like to install vmware horizon view client 4.7.0 on ubuntu raspberry pi3. After installed completed, it's not working. I cannot to launch the application. Did you used to implement vmware horizon 4.7 on ubuntu raspberry pi, please advice me about that configure [05:46] hey [05:46] Is anyone [05:46] here [05:46] yep [07:36] i have a raspberry pi 3 model b with a apt upgrade error of "Extracting templates from packages: 99%apt-extracttemplates: error while loading shared libraries: stat64: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" and error "dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/base-files_9.4ubuntu4.6_armhf.deb (--unpack): subprocess [07:36] dpkg-deb --control was killed by signal (Segmentation fault)" [07:37] any ideas? [07:38] run these as root: apt clean; apt update; apt full-upgrade [07:39] If the problem persists, ping... [08:02] Hi, Network manager can't connect VPNs, I tried OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP, IPsec... [08:02] There are no errors with nmcli too, just VPN service closed unexpectedly. [08:02] with 18.04 daily [08:02] But connecting with openvpn works, problem is with the Network manager [08:07] gerge: try ubuntu+1 for 18.04 [08:07] i.e. /join #ubuntu+1 [10:28] hi === odin_ is now known as Guest79494 [13:19] join#channel [13:19] hi [16:18] Who knows what doing if in grub menu after start PC I see ???????? no text in grub menu? 17.10 Ru It happened after today's update [16:19] q3e545t67uir6o, what is your language? [16:22] ru [16:22] Russian [16:22] q3e545t67uir6o, тогда напиши мне в приват [20:33] Hello, I'd like to get help with a resolution issue. Will someone please help me? [20:34] !ask [20:34] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [20:36] Ubuntu doesn't recognize my screen and I can't change the resolution. I'm connected to Hdmi on a TV screen. How can I change this resolution? [20:37] xrandr [20:38] what u see there [20:40] I see the image on my screen, but I can't change the resolution and it tells me that my screen is unknown. [20:41] I see the image on my screen, but I can't change the resolution and it tells me that my screen is unknown. [20:41] I'm using a translator to talk to you. I'm French. [22:46] hello [22:46] anyone here?? [23:18] hello?? [23:19] everyone's asleep