
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
DoSprayNarwhal means UniDolphin ! I made it to University ! Thank-you UbuntuGnome :D https://www.urbandictionary.com/tags.php?tag=narwhal00:27
bazhangDoSpray, great topic for #ubuntu-offtopic or other chat location00:28
DoSprayagreed. Shall go to University with My Pet Owl in Septeber, goodbye /r/ubuntu00:29
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hunzighi,everyone !00:43
howudodat_need some help troubleshooting sudo for domain admins I have added %CP\\Accounting ALL=(All:ALL) ALL using visudo.  then "samba-tool group listmembers Accounting" returns holly. then trying sudo I get holly is not in the sudoers file.00:54
kenrindid holly relogin ?01:00
howudodat_I just 2x checked to make sure01:01
kenrinThen you probably added the domain and|or group wrong01:02
howudodat_kenrin:that's why I copied and pasted the lines here.  I cant find anything wrong with what was entered01:04
kenrinYou going to have to trial and error,  it also depends on how the domain is joined sometimes too01:04
kenrinFor all you know the group could be like %CP\ Account@cp.com01:05
xz_Hello, i need to help for create bootable win in linux ubuntu01:05
howudodat_kenrin: samba-tool group list returns "Accounting" among the other groups that are there01:06
xz_how create a NTFS partition on the USB stick, e.g. /dev/sdb1, and mark it bootable ?01:07
kenrinThat doesn't matter really.  My test setup I did one day required them in kerberos like realm fashion.  using the full Accounting@DOMAIN.COM01:08
kenrinThere is really too many variations to list but google should help01:08
howudodat_kenrin: is there a way to ask sudo to do more logging so I can see what it's failing on?01:13
howudodat_I've read about 50 googled sites that say the way to add to sudoers is %DOMAIN\Group  (variations on what to do with the spaces in group name which is why I chose Accounting to test with)01:14
kenrinNot that I know of, the authlog likely just says blank is not in the sudoers file. blah blah01:14
howudodat_yes very little info in authlog01:14
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Average-userHi, I need a script with root permission to run every time I start the computer, or every time I login. I've tried with .xprofile, but does not work. Any Ideas?01:19
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xz_How i clear mbr partition on usb ?01:21
whoamihow to join ubuntu in termux?01:22
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leftyfbwhoami: huh?01:24
leftyfbwhoami: please do not pm01:27
whoamii'm sorry01:27
leftyfbwhoami: what do you need help with?01:29
whoamiproblem's login01:32
howudodat_Average-user: you either want an upstart script or sysvinit script.  check /etc/init.d/ for examples, you can probably copy and modify a simple script from there.  otherwise look at the UbuntuBootupHowto wiki page01:33
pragmaticenigmawhat is the primary way of starting and stopping services in 16.04?01:41
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: systemctl01:43
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers01:44
Simoniouswhat is going on here?01:45
Simoniousapt-get update Err:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease   Temporary failure resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'01:45
leftyfbSimonious: sounds like you have a problem resolving us.archive.ubuntu.com01:45
leftyfbSimonious: as in, DNS01:45
pragmaticenigmathanks leftyfb01:45
leftyfbSimonious: try changing your DNS to a public resolver like googles;
Simoniousleftyfb: apparently I don't know how to set up my dns, give me a hint.01:57
kenrinsudo echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf will temporarily fix it01:59
kenrinBut that is usually controlled by DHCP or whatever you input when you add the IP address01:59
Simoniouskenrin: indeed, that did work, which is neat, because that file did not previously exist.02:01
leftyfbSimonious: what version of ubuntu?02:02
leftyfbSimonious: run this: nmcli device show|grep DNS02:02
SimoniousUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS02:02
SimoniousIP4.DNS[1]:                    IP4.DNS[2]:                   
Simoniousoh.. my local ISP DNS is failing02:03
leftyfbSimonious: ok, that's using your router which is using your ISP's DNS.02:03
leftyfbSimonious: change the DNS on your router02:03
kenrinThat would do it02:03
SimoniousIt's done, thanks, strangely NONE were defined yet this problem didn't exist yesterday.02:06
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Guest77202where is the "real" xchat?02:27
kenrinReal xchat is dead02:28
Bashing-om!xchat | Guest7720202:28
ubottuGuest77202: xchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.02:28
Guest77202ok, thanks. I'll have to compile it...02:29
Ben64or, you know, use hexchat02:29
kenrinOr go full linux and use a CLI client ;P02:30
bonhoefferanyone know why this isn't working grep -oPe '2017' All2017Data.txt02:35
bonhoefferi don't get an error, i just get usage: grep [-abcDEFGHhIiJLlmnOoqRSsUVvwxZ] [-A num] [-B num] [-C[num]]02:35
kenrinI don't see those options you used in there02:37
bonhoefferkenrin: sorry -- misread my version02:38
bonhoefferGNU grep has the -P option for perl-style regexes02:39
ko_whos alive02:44
leftyfbko_: what can we do for you?02:44
phillijwI need help. I tried installing nvidia drivers and now, no matter what I do, apt keeps telling me I have unmet dependencies. It suggests apt-get -f install which also fails. What do?02:51
leftyfbphillijw: post to pastebin all of the errors you get02:51
leftyfbphillijw: sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt-get autoremove02:54
leftyfbthen try again02:54
phillijwalready tried but I will try again to see what  happens this time02:54
phillijwclean was fine. autoremove suggests running apt-get -f install again02:55
leftyfbphillijw: sudo mv /etc/vdpau_wrapper.cfg /etc/vdpau_wrapper.bak02:57
Ben64aw i was gonna say that02:57
phillijwautoremove again?02:57
ljetiboSo I recently just upgraded to ubuntu 16.04. Since I made the upgrade it takes ubuntu a long time to shut down. By "long" I mean longer than before and longer than you would expect for an SSD. Additionally, just now I had a crash. I turned off the display fn+F7, and it didn't want to turn on again, YT music in the background stopped and it died. I forcefully turned it off by holding power button. During the restart it popped an error (something Lookup02:57
ljetibotable, didn't have time to take a pic) and then repeated to crash again. This is the 3rd restart of my laptop and it seems to have been able to boot into a clean version (no recovery during boot phase performed I suppose). Where can I look to find out more abotu what went wrong and fix it?02:57
leftyfbphillijw: sure02:58
phillijwleftyfb: same errors02:58
leftyfbphillijw: how did you install the nvidia drivers?02:59
leftyfbphillijw: 361 is fairly old03:01
Ben64ppa :(03:01
leftyfbphillijw: the later one is available in ubuntu without the use of a ppa03:01
phillijwthis is the problem with linux. Q&A from 15 years ago stil exists except its out of date :p03:02
leftyfbphillijw: I would suggest removing all of it and just installing nvidia-38403:02
phillijwnot sure how to even remove it tbh03:02
leftyfbphillijw: sudo ppa-purge ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa03:02
leftyfbphillijw: if that doesn't work, we'll remove it manually03:03
phillijwcommand not found :(03:03
leftyfbphillijw: sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/graphics-drivers-ubuntu-ppa-xenial.list* ; sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*03:05
phillijwit did stuff and then complained and suggests doing apt-get -f install again03:06
leftyfbphillijw: pastebin please03:08
leftyfbphillijw: sudo apt-get remove --purge libvdpau103:09
phillijwThe purge says these are unmet: mesa-vdpau-drivers : Depends: libvdpau1 but it is not going to be installed03:10
leftyfbphillijw: sudo apt-get remove --purge libvdpau1 mesa-vdpau-drivers03:11
phillijwsame with nvidia-settings03:11
phillijwnow its nvidia-settings vdpau-driver-all03:11
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leftyfbphillijw: sudo apt-get remove --purge libvdpau1 mesa-vdpau-drivers libcuda1-* nvidia-* vdpau-drivers-all03:12
phillijwE: Unable to locate package vdpau-drivers-all03:13
leftyfbphillijw: sudo apt-get remove --purge libvdpau1 mesa-vdpau-drivers libcuda1-* nvidia-*03:13
leftyfboh, sorry. first run sudo apt-get update03:13
phillijwvdpau-driver-all : Depends: mesa-vdpau-drivers but it is not going to be installed03:14
phillijwfeels very circular :)03:14
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leftyfbcan you pastebin it all please03:15
leftyfbyou ran apt-get update right?03:18
leptoneI have a machine running Ubuntu and a bluetooth keyboard but no wired keyboard03:19
leptoneis there anyway I can pair the bluetooth keyboard before login so that I can login?03:20
leftyfbleptone: I think you can get to an onscren keyboard using the mouse03:20
leftyfbphillijw: to be honest, I don't think i'll have the time/focus to continue debugging this tonight. Someone else here might be able to help03:21
leptoneleftyfb: interesting, do you know how to accomplish this?03:21
phillijwleftyfb: same here. might just reinstall win10 tbh.. wasting too much time on this stuff03:22
leftyfbleptone: https://i.stack.imgur.com/cFwK7.jpg03:22
Bashing-omphillijw: I give it a whirl : .. what does the package manager do with ' sudo apt install mesa-vdpau-drivers ' ?03:25
phillijwBashing-om: it says its already newest version then says mesa-vdpau-drivers and nvidia-settings has unmet deps (libvdpau1)03:27
phillijwis there a command I can run to just create pastebins for me? i'll just clear before each command I run lol03:28
Ben64i'd just keep on uninstalling stuff03:29
phillijwanything in particular?03:29
Ben64everything it complains about03:30
Bashing-omphillijw: Odd there, as we have "  Depends: mesa-vdpau-drivers but it is not going to be installed ' . One can pipe to the termbin site . // What about ' sudo apt install libvdpau1 ' ??03:31
leptoneleftyfb: thanks03:32
jbrown_anyone wanna brainstorm with me?03:32
leptoneunfortunatly ubuntu isn't recognizing the BT keyboard03:32
phillijwit let me install libvdpau103:32
phillijwi dont know how to pipe to termbin03:32
Ben64command | nc termbin.com 999903:33
phillijwyeah i'll just do that from now on03:33
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leftyfb!ask | jbrown_03:33
ubottujbrown_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:33
jbrown_what channel/server should i use to chat about home/business virtualization03:33
leftyfbjbrown_: #virtualization? Or ask in #freenode03:34
phillijwBashing-om: Ben64: libvdpau1 isntalled03:34
Bashing-omphillijw: Now show us ' sudo apt update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ' .03:35
phillijwI made an alias called tb for termbin btw03:36
leptoneHow can I pair a apple bluetooth keyboard with my ubuntu system?03:36
leftyfbleptone: https://askubuntu.com/questions/767678/pair-apple-wireless-keyboard-3rd-gen-with-ubuntu-16-04/76920103:37
Bashing-omphillijw: Ungood " http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu wily " checking before we go further .03:39
phillijwwhat hte heck is wily? I'm on xenial03:40
phillijwI might've installed that for setting up ynab+dropbox+wine03:41
Bashing-om!wily | phillijw03:41
ubottuphillijw: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/wily03:41
ljetiboSo I recently just upgraded to ubuntu 16.04. Since I made the upgrade it takes ubuntu a long time to shut down. By "long" I mean longer than before and longer than you would expect for an SSD (>30sec <1.5min i.e.). Additionally, just now I had a crash. I turned off the display fn+F7, and it didn't want to turn on again, YT music in the background stopped and it died. I forcefully turned it off by holding power button. During the restart it popped an03:41
ljetiboerror (something Lookup table not found, didn't have time to take a pic) and then repeated to crash again. This is the 3rd restart of my laptop and it seems to have been able to boot into a clean version (no recovery during boot phase performed I suppose). Where can I look to find out more about what went wrong and fix it?03:41
phillijwwell I might not need wily for anything. I don't remember why I have it in there for sure03:42
Bashing-omphillijw: drop box is supported in xenial : https://linux.dropboxstatic.com/ubuntu/dists/ . Need next to look at that precise source .03:43
phillijwBashing-om: ok. Let me know if I need to do something else03:47
daneshello, has anyone installed ubuntu on a mac using the bootcamp?03:47
sparrowswordhow do i log into my ubuntu core server with a ssh key? trying to use putty... (on a windows machine)03:50
leftyfbdanes: that is not your question03:50
leftyfbsparrowsword: https://support.softnik.com/tutorials/wmdsed/using-putty.php03:51
danesleftyfb: not sure what u mean, but here's another one. How do you dualboot ubuntu on mac?03:52
leftyfbsparrowsword: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-ssh-keys-with-putty-on-digitalocean-droplets-windows-users03:52
leftyfbdanes: https://www.lifewire.com/dual-boot-linux-and-mac-os-4125733    first result on google btw03:52
sparrowswordleftyfb: well i created the ssh key using ubuntu from the microsoft store... and i have the file... but idk how to load it into putty03:52
Bashing-omphillijw: I "think" precise for steam is acceptable (??)- could be I am real wrong . But, " 179 packages can be upgraded. " we need to deal with . termbin ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list : tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' .03:53
leftyfbsparrowsword: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-ssh-keys-with-putty-on-digitalocean-droplets-windows-users03:53
leftyfbsparrowsword: found on google ^03:53
krytarikleftyfb: If you don't want to give support, then just don't.03:54
leftyfbkrytarik: I'll keep that in mind, thank you.03:54
sparrowswordwhats the password associated with sshing to the ubuntu core?04:01
hanabishihello everyone04:01
leftyfbsparrowsword: why are you using ubuntu core?04:02
phillijwBashing-om: http://termbin.com/n4up sorry for delay04:02
Bashing-omphillijw: :)04:03
sparrowswordleftyfb: does it matter? im just trying to login04:03
leftyfbsparrowsword: yes, it does. Because ubuntu core is a pretty specific use case which requires reading documentation to get setup04:04
leftyfbsparrowsword: https://developer.ubuntu.com/core/get-started04:04
sparrowswordyeah ive read that04:04
sparrowswordits very unspecific on how to ssh04:05
Bashing-omphillijw: Yhis far : change the wily " deb [arch=i386,amd64] http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu wily main" to xenial if you are to keep dropbox .04:05
leftyfbsparrowsword: did you setup your Ubuntu SSO account with ssh key as the documentation specifies as step 1?04:05
sparrowswordleftyfb: yes04:05
sparrowswordleftyfb: its just sitting at the screen on the pi that says heres how to login ssh username@10.0.0.x04:06
sparrowswordand some encryption types, but it asks for a password when i try to ssh, and idk it04:06
leftyfbok, and are you using the ssh key you setup on SSO to login?04:06
sparrowswordleftyfb: is it the password that is associated with the ssh key? isnt that kind of pointless04:06
leftyfbsparrowsword: there is no password04:07
sparrowswordi tried enter as well, says invalid04:07
leftyfbsparrowsword: you need to use the ssh key to login04:07
sparrowswordor permission denied04:07
phillijwBashing-om: done04:07
sparrowswordleftyfb: so ssh on a powershell wont connect? thought it asks for a fingerprint though04:07
leftyfbsparrowsword: what username are you using to login?04:07
sparrowswordthe one i created leftyfb:04:07
leftyfbthe one you created where?04:08
Bashing-omphillijw: Is /etc/apt/sources.list sane ? do we need to check ?04:08
sparrowswordleftyfb: think it asks for a username when core first starts04:08
leftyfbsparrowsword: https://developer.ubuntu.com/core/get-started/raspberry-pi-2-3    look at "User login" on thaat page04:08
phillijwBashing-om: I think its okay. Everything is xenial or xenial-backports pretty much04:09
leftyfbsparrowsword: will you be using ubuntu core to develop your own snaps?04:09
Bashing-omphillijw: K, lets ssee what is what then ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' .04:10
sparrowswordleftyfb: havent really researched core tbh, just wanted pi to run a ubuntu server04:10
leftyfbsparrowsword: you are better off installing ubuntu mate04:10
leftyfbsparrowsword: ubuntu core is not ubuntu server04:11
sparrowswordleftyfb: isnt that a desktop tho?04:11
leftyfbsparrowsword: remove the desktop aspects04:11
sparrowswordall i need is a terminal tbh..04:11
Bashing-omApachez: No, core also has no GUI bt default .04:11
leftyfbsparrowsword: so you don't need the ability to install packages?04:12
sparrowswordleftyfb: well that is the idea04:13
sparrowswordto install04:13
leftyfbsparrowsword: then ubuntu core isn't what you're looking for04:13
leftyfbsparrowsword: it's not what you think04:13
sparrowswordleftyfb: i understand04:13
phillijwBashing-om: success I think04:17
phillijwnow I don't rmember what I was originally trying to do04:19
Bashing-omphillijw: What now returns ' sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' ?04:19
leftyfbnvidia drivers04:19
phillijwoh I was actually trying to install some bios updating software (cmd prompt thing?) so I could update my bios so that I could run my videocard for the drivers that weren't working lol04:20
phillijwBashing-om: those commands completed successfully <304:21
phillijwalso ran autoremove just for fun and that worekd too04:21
phillijwso basically old documentation on the internet is wahts causing all my woes :*(04:21
phillijwok, so... now I should install the updated nvidia drivers for the gtx 96004:21
jussswhat is plymouthd ? it always crash when I boot my system, can I just remove that?04:21
leftyfbphillijw: you should just try installing nvidia-384 before messing with bios updates that you think will make your video card work better04:22
jusssor can I use some parameter on grub commanline to disable it?04:22
Bashing-omphillijw: :) .. now for a driver insall show us : lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' .04:22
phillijwleftyfb: i'm 99% sure I also need a bios update because this computer BARELY started before it even got to the OS. It was going really slow which is a known issue for my bios I guess. I'll see though04:22
phillijwfyi, I don't actually have hte card installed right now. I'm running on Intel onboard video04:23
phillijwjusss: https://askubuntu.com/questions/407131/why-is-plymouthd-crashing-on-startup04:23
phillijwi'm not saying you should follow those instructions but thats what it is04:24
Bashing-omphillijw: wait then .. install the card and let dmks do it's job .04:24
jusssphillijw: if it is ok I use apt purge plymouthd?04:25
phillijwBashing-om: ok, will do04:25
phillijwI would like to update my bios though. I have foxconn b75m but it only has EXE it seems http://www.foxconnchannel.com/ProductDetail.aspx?T=motherboard&U=en-us000058604:25
phillijwis xdosemu the way to run the bios update? i'm scared04:26
phillijwleftyfb: Bashing-om: thank you for the help btw04:27
Bashing-omphillijw: Glad2help .. The only way I am aware of to update bios is from a DOS environment .04:29
WorldGenesis[v]so, not sure what happened, but I installed MATE over the Unity desktop, and MATE became the default environment?04:52
WorldGenesis[v]without any sort of configuration changes from the desktop manager o_004:52
jayjowhat's the most robust way to run a python program all the time on a server? Should I use systemd or screen? I'm on ubuntu 16.04LTS05:09
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lotuspsychjeGuest13635: welcome, how can we help you?06:19
ApachezBashing-om: ?06:25
Bashing-omApachez: Sorry .,. bad higlight :(06:26
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Rar9HI need some help to fix this new problem when i do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y on my ubuntu plesk install.07:21
Rar9ERROR: W:The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/canonical-kernel-team/pti/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file., W:Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use., W:See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details., E:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/canonical-kernel-team/pti/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found, E:Some07:22
Rar9index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.07:22
Rar9any idea what is wrong. Can i fix this ba removeing the line in the sources.list?07:23
guiverci get a 404 on my browser - so yes its a sources.list issue (I'd suggest just finding the line and commenting it out; ie. a # at start of the line, maybe a "#prior line commented out due error 2018-03-.."07:24
Rar9guiverc, my worry is what effet will this have as it used to work for a long time ....07:25
guivercwhy did you add it? when etc?  (the reason I put the date/comment in my example is then you have doco/details in future)07:26
guivercinc. where was the documentation/article that said to add it  (why is key)07:27
Rar9goot to know, but nox its all a mees and i currentlydont knwo what it it and what it does07:27
Rar9when removed what might is loose (except fixing error)???07:28
guivercactually you don't have to edit file manually; you can go and unclick it in software-sources - have a look there first please..07:29
Rar9its a server ... no gui07:29
guiverci haven't used it, so don't know why or effects of its removal.  I'd look and hope there is documentation (when, why, maybe who) by whoever added it..07:30
Rar9from the error message .. it should be 2 thing that are in error ... right?07:31
guivercmost are W: WARNINGS which are a different issue.  I looked up only the ppa it reported as 404 err.07:32
Rar9??? how?  link is not opeing07:33
* guiverc copying text into text.editor so hopefully i can read better the messages07:33
guivercRar9, the normal fix for removing a ppa is `ppa-purge`, but as I don't know it, or effects I'd be unwilling to do it...  (esp. if production, and not test)07:37
Rar9i just running sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade07:37
Rar9did something , but not fix the apt-get update error07:39
guivercRar9, dist-upgrade won't.. only a ppa-purge (the command I'd be unwilling to do in your case), or commenting out line may07:40
shangulHi, any PPA to get more games?something stable, other than playdeb07:41
Rar9guiverc - its been 3 days now that apt-get update is not working anymore. :-(07:41
Rar9i habe now idea where to start.07:41
Rar9where do i find this line  as i dont see it in source list.07:42
guivercRar9, i'm sorry but you need better advice than i can give.  either wait, or try again later07:42
ducasseRar9: can you pastebin the complete output?07:42
z3dm4nhi guys. are the bionic beta install images already released?07:43
ducasse!bionic | z3dm4n07:43
ubottuz3dm4n: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+107:43
z3dm4ndoes that mean i should ask in #ubuntu+1?07:44
converseHey guys, can you help me solve this problem: http://dpaste.com/2NSFBXT07:46
ducassez3dm4n: yes07:47
ducasseRar9: looks like that ppa no longer exists07:48
Rar9yes thats what the message says, but how to fix it?... WHere?07:48
Rar9and what did it do ?07:49
ducasseRar9: i'm guessing it was for distributing kernels with the pti patches before they were included in the default kernels, you can most likely just purge it07:50
Rar9hmm. that could be :-)07:50
ducasseRar9: (and please don't pm, keep it in the channel)07:51
Rar9that was 3 months ago07:51
Rar9but i currentl ante to just manual uncomment these lines..... but where would that be located?07:52
ducassesomewhere in /etc/apt/sources.list.d, i guess07:52
Rar9i now uncommneted the line @  canonical-kernel-team-ubuntu-pti-xenial.list07:57
Rar9ok.  looks like its working ...   THANKS07:59
homeyAnyone know how to resolev libglademm-2.4-dev on 16.04? When I try to insall it says Depends: libglade2-dev (>= 1:2.6.1) but it is not going to be installed08:06
guiverchomey, do you have 'universe' enabled  (from https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libglademm-2.4-dev)08:08
homey@guiverc, yes, main, universe restrictedd multiverse08:09
guivercwhat version of ubuntu?  (the page says all supported releases have 2.6.7 available)08:09
homeyguiverc Occasionally apt says I have broken packages but apt install -f doesn't seem to repair anything (as people suggest.)08:13
ducassehomey: why not 16.04.4? have you done 'sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade' lately?08:14
homeyducasse: locked to .2 for work at the moment.08:15
Ben64that doesn't make any sense08:16
homeynor does it explain why the install fails.08:16
Ben64if you're limiting your system's updates it does08:17
homeyBen64: libglademm-2.4-dev : Depends: libglade2-dev (>= 1:2.6.1) but it is not going to be installed08:18
* guiverc sorry i got called away; thanks Ben64 ducasse 08:19
homeyI'm just curious what cause this behavior...08:19
Ben64do 'apt update && apt full-upgrade' then try08:19
ducassecan you pastebin output of 'apt policy libglade2-dev'?08:20
homeycan't, might break my production stack, unfortuanetly08:20
Ben64it won't08:20
EriC^^that just queries information08:20
homeycan't risk it, but thanks08:20
Ben64one of the good things about ubuntu, and LTS in particular, is that version numbers don't change08:20
homeyI was referring to the upgrade not the query08:20
Ben64ignoring updates based on paranoia only causes more problems08:21
homeyUnderstood, but also out of my hands... have to work around...08:21
jayjoI'm trying to robustly run a python program on a server ... is `upstart` the preferred method for this?08:22
Ben64tell whoever's hands its in that you need an updated system08:22
EriC^^jayjo: which ubuntu version are you using?08:22
homeyducasse: Candidate: 1:2.6.4-208:23
jayjo16.04 LTS server08:23
Ben64homey: pastebin 'sudo apt update && apt list --upgradable'08:23
EriC^^!systemd | jayjo give this a a go08:23
ubottujayjo give this a a go: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units08:23
jayjoEriC^^: thanks, I appreciate it08:24
EriC^^jayjo: no problem08:25
ubottubladea: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:26
jayjowhat did bladea just attempt?08:27
jayjowhat was s/he trying with "!list"? Is that an irc default command?08:28
homeyBen64: My mistake, am on 16.04, guess they upgraded recently.08:29
homeySorry, 16.04.408:30
MeaCulpacan someone tell me how to make a program display it's icon rather than a question mark in the launcher on 16.04 please08:32
MeaCulpaI've edited the *.desktop file with the correct location of the icon but still not working08:33
MeaCulpaand the app is installed in /opt08:34
luka_33opt generally requires elevated privledges unless I'm an idiot08:34
MeaCulpaI'm an idiot with elevated priveledges :)08:34
luka_33Describes most sysadmins08:35
MeaCulpanot hard to qualify as sysadmin at home08:35
MeaCulpaCEO even08:36
GargoyleI think there's a .desktop cache or something isn't there?08:36
MeaCulpado I have to ln -s the desktop file08:36
luka_33Try restarting X08:36
luka_33it's  worth a shot08:36
bwoodWhat is the best way to theme Ubuntu?  i'd like to change the windows to osmething else.08:36
MeaCulpaI've put the *desktop file in usr/share/applications08:36
MeaCulpabwood I think settings> display> appearance08:37
MeaCulpavia the little gear wheel at top right08:38
luka_33Can you even rice ubuntu?08:39
luka_33Fuck it's been years since I installed it08:39
ikonialuka_33: stop the language08:39
ikonialuka_33: this is a polite channel08:39
bwoodMeaCulpa Nah nothing like that showing here08:40
luka_33My bad mate08:40
MeaCulpalet me look08:40
GargoyleMeaCulpa: When I change .desktop entries in /usr/share/applications, it normally has immediate effect. Did you move the file there or copy it in-place?08:40
MeaCulpaI moved it there, maybe I need to chmod it08:41
GargoyleDunno where my brain is this morning!08:41
GargoyleYeah, check the permissions and ownership and also "touch" it so that it gets a fresh timestamp.08:41
MeaCulpamy brain if fried atm08:41
MeaCulpawill give it a go thanks Gargoyle08:42
ducasseis there a .desktop file overriding it in ~/.local/share/applications?08:42
MeaCulpais it chmod 75508:42
MeaCulpaNot as far as I know08:43
MeaCulpathere's one there with a .bak extension08:43
GargoyleDon't think they need execute. 0644 would be fine. All mine are owned by root:root08:43
MeaCulpamaybe I'll delete them and start again08:43
Steristhow long would it take to set up a Wi-Fi <--> LAN tunnel, and would the connected device still have internet access if the Wi-Fi had a VPN on?08:47
ikoniawhat's a wifi_>lan tunnel ?08:47
Steristwithout manual reconfiguration08:47
lotuspsychjeSterist: perhaps more a question for ##networking?08:47
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Steristthat is a possibility, but, it is done on Ubuntu, so either way :)08:48
ikonianot really08:48
ikoniait's networking and routing08:48
ikoniaalthough I don't know what you mean to wifi -> lan tunnel08:48
SteristI don't know what it is, but, it is X Y Z lol okay man08:49
ikoniawhat ?08:49
ikoniayou've just asked how long it takes to set it up, but you don't know what it is ?08:49
ikoniathen you quote X Y Z ?08:49
rfvHey guys, having a bit of a hard time with the drivers for a wireless network adapter (BCM4352 14e4:43b1 rev 03) which seems to no longer be supported by bcmwl-kernel-source Nothing from what I tried really works - any ideas?08:57
MeaCulpabeginning to think the guys that wrote sublime text are really keen on me registering it before my icon works ;)09:07
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MeaCulpamore haste less speed my grandma used to say :)09:08
Guest16590MeaCulpa, :)09:09
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leshasteMeaCulpa, were you a drug addict?09:10
leshasteI mean, is that why she used to say that?09:10
MeaCulpawhat do you mean 'were' :P09:10
bazhang!ot | MeaCulpa leshaste09:10
ubottuMeaCulpa leshaste: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:10
bazhanglets stay topical here please09:11
leshastetrump? (ducks and promises not to do it again)09:11
leshasteme too09:11
MeaCulpaI have read the guidelines and they refer to not using bad language but nothing about only speaking of ubuntu... no offence09:13
bazhangthis is strictly support only channel MeaCulpa09:14
MeaCulpaI thought that meant only no questions about other topics09:14
MeaCulpaok fair enough09:14
BitByBitGoodmorning, Is there someone skilled on using QmiCli library and settingup cdc-wdm interface?09:26
BenceFhi we have the issue of the sidebar / menubar not showing on recent 16.0409:42
BenceFit is present with a new user as well, so not userconfig related09:42
BenceFcan someone point me to a forum, or ticket?09:42
BenceFforum posts I've found so far recommend changing / purging user-specific config files09:43
guivercBenceF, if someone in this room is able to answer your question they will (be patient please). there are other ubuntu help forums available as alternatives though..09:43
BenceFok. I just wanted to give context09:44
gary-wzl77 /chat stub09:45
guivercBenceF, it can also be people are busy, working, sleeping, in different timezones so you can always try again later...09:49
SimonNLBenceF: add a panel then set that one to default settings or so maybe .09:52
BenceFSimonNL: I think gnome session doesn't start properly: there is a right click menu, but windows are not resizable09:53
khyrthyis Mx Linux a Ubunutu -based O.S ?10:15
akikkhyrthy: no, debian: https://mxlinux.org/products10:17
ren0v0Hi, my mouse upon hovering unit icons keeps changing the active window10:36
ren0v0Only started an hour ago, is there something i could have accidently turned on?10:36
EriC^^ren0v0: which de are you using?10:37
ren0v0de = version?   16.04.410:37
ren0v0desktop environment?, its stock10:38
EriC^^de = unity10:38
ren0v0also in browser if i open more than 1 tab, i can't select any other as it switches back to the last one :/10:38
ren0v0omg this is driving me mad! :D10:39
BenceFseems like mouse5 or, whatever scroll down is, stuck10:40
EriC^^ren0v0: install compizconfig-settings-manager10:41
EriC^^ren0v0: type 'ccsm' in a terminal and go to general options > focus & raise behavior10:41
ren0v0i can't select the tab!10:41
EriC^^use the keyboard10:42
ren0v0any keyboard shortcut to change the tab?10:42
EriC^^press tab until General is selected then use the arrow keys10:42
EriC^^you want these settings https://imgur.com/a/zfjDE10:42
ren0v0ok there10:43
EriC^^resetting compiz might help, "dconf reset -f /org/compiz"10:43
ren0v0yea its the same10:43
EriC^^or deleting ~/.compiz and ~/.config/compiz-110:43
ren0v0done, let me logout10:44
ren0v0in case10:44
ren0v0no cigar10:44
ren0v0let me try another mouse10:44
ren0v0nope, not mouse either, wtf10:45
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BenceFis it a laptop? (is there a touchpad)10:46
ren0v0BenceF, i think you're right about the scroll10:46
ren0v0no its desktop10:46
ren0v0when i try and hold scrollbar, its moving down10:46
BenceFls /dev/input/mouse*10:47
ren0v0 /dev/input/mouse010:47
ren0v0BenceF, i really need to run out, but if you're here in an hour or so i'll ping you if you don't mind10:47
BenceFi'm only online cause I'm trying to solve an issue as well :) so no promises, but if I'm still here, feel free to ping me10:48
guivercBenceF, it's awhile (~hour) so its ok to ask your question again when its quiet10:51
guiverc(been awhile)..10:52
BluesKajHi folks10:59
shangulBye folks11:00
shivam887i am having errors while installing ubuntu based distros11:01
shivam887installation step failed11:01
guivercshivam887, what distro?11:02
shivam887Linux Mint11:03
shivam887or any other based on Ubuntu11:03
shivam887like Elementary11:03
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)11:03
guivercLinux Mint is not Ubuntu, and off-topic in this room. We cover Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu-mate...11:03
shivam887it is11:03
shivam887based on ubuntu11:03
BluesKajshivam887, but not supported by ubuntu11:04
guivercask in a mint forum, mint support chat room etc11:04
shivam887but ubuntu is not installing either11:04
neureCan I use chroot to have older release version of ubuntu inside a newer version?11:19
neurebasically I'ld like newer ubuntu GUI but some things require older release11:19
shivam887neure: yes but with live usb11:19
neurethat is not the same11:20
neurei was specifically asking if it is possible with chroot alone11:20
shivam887u can't11:20
SwedeMikeneure: not easily and in a generic fashion, no.11:20
mattineure: Depends what do you want to do with it.11:21
EriC^^neure: do you need the older kernel too?11:21
mattineure: If you envisioned to have a "running older Ubutnu from the chroot", then not quite.11:22
mattineure: But, you can totally have a VM. :)11:22
mattineure: KVM, VirtualBox, etc.11:22
neurematti all i need is 16.04 command line environment11:22
shivam887you can , in Virtual Box11:22
EriC^^neure: install 16.04 on a separate partition and chroot to it11:22
mattineure: Oh, in this case... as long as your file system inside chroot is sane, then it would be fine.11:22
mattiEriC^^: Why? He can debbootstrap to a chroot :)11:23
mattiOr even just rsync things over.11:23
shivam887matti: yes11:23
mattiI know.11:23
Ben64what doesn't work on "a newer version" that works on 16.04?11:24
Ben64that's not accurate11:24
mattiWhat do you mean?11:24
mattiAre you missing a CA?11:24
neure16.04 gives warning on some weak certificates, while 17.10 gives error11:25
mattineure: I think, you might be solving this problem the wrong way :)11:25
Ben64very likely11:25
mattineure: My spider sense is telling me this.11:25
neureit is not in my power to fix those certificates11:25
neurethey really are broken, and I cannot get them fixes11:25
shivam887matti, Lol11:25
Ben64you should explain the actual problem more thoroughly11:25
neureI am trying, but it does not seem to make much progress11:25
JediMasterhi, how can I restore the original /etc/ssh/sshd_config file? I've tried deleting it and then apt --reinstall install openssh-server but it doesn't add the default config, also dpkg -S /etc/ssh/sshd_config doesn't find the package it belongs to11:26
neuresudo add-apt-repository fails because certificate is rejected in 17.10, plus I cannot get those certificates fixed11:27
mattiJediMaster: I'd use the force :)11:28
JediMasterTried that, didn't help11:28
neurei dont know if there is a way to tell add-apt-repository to ignore the fact the certificate is not up to todays standards11:28
mancman3u changed sshd without backing up a copy>?11:28
Ben64neure: ideally you wouldn't use a repository with a weak cypher11:29
neurethat is not in my power11:29
Ben64you could just grab the packages and install them yourself if you want11:29
JediMastermancman3, afraid so, Chef overwrote it, and running 18.04 beta something has changed in the ciphers that stops it from starting now11:29
mattiJediMaster: Oh! Chef?11:29
mattiJediMaster: You might have it in the cache deirectory.11:29
neureBen64, that is probably best workaround for now11:30
mattiJediMaster: If you used the file resource or template, then Chef would back up the old one.11:30
mattiJediMaster: Unless you have a non-standard setup11:30
JediMasteryeah, it's a template11:30
JediMastermatti, where does it back them up to? I thought I remembered it doing that11:30
mattiJediMaster: It might /var/chef/cache or /var/cache/chef11:31
mattiJediMaster: It should be easy to find ;)11:31
mattiJediMaster: You can also print the `Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]`.11:31
JediMastermatti, /var/chef/backup/etc/ssh/sshd_config.chef-....11:32
mattiJediMaster: So, got it?11:32
mattiJediMaster: Does it look right?11:32
JediMasterYup, thanks, still odd that reinstalling the package doesn't regen the config11:33
Ben64probably have to purge and install11:33
Ben64or dpkg-reconfigure11:33
JediMasterdpkg-reconfigure doesn't work as the package is broken as it won't start11:33
JediMasteryeah, helpful =)11:34
Ben64remember to make a backup before messing with things :D11:34
JediMasterBen64, Chef did it, also made a backup it turns out11:34
Ben64idk what chef is11:35
JediMasterit's a system to programmatically configure servers, can be applied to many machines11:36
JediMasterbit like puppet11:36
mattiBen64, JediMaster: The challenge here is - /etc/ssh/sshd_config is generated through the postinst script during package installation.11:36
mattiJediMaster: You could do apt-get download openssh-server, then unpack it with ar x ..., then unpack control.tar.gz11:36
JediMastermatti, right, and it's postinst that fails as it can't start the service as the ciphers have changed in the last few days on bionic11:36
OlofLHow do I completely reset gnome online accounts?11:37
mattiJediMaster: And then try to see how it is generated.11:37
shivam887by deleting its config files11:37
mattiBut that would be a mission.11:37
shivam887or apt-get purge gnome-online-accounts.*11:37
JediMastermatti, yeah, I've delved into postinst scripts in packages before11:37
mattiJediMaster: Ah, so you have incompatible ciphers causing it to fail?11:37
shivam887OlofL: run this in terminal11:37
JediMastermatti, yes, it won't tell me which though11:38
mattiJediMaster: The post* pre* et al scripts are also on the file system, where Apt/dpkg finds them, so you could find one and chuck "exit 0" at the top.11:38
JediMastermatti, and I'm doing this all over SSH with SSH currently down, luckily it doesn't kill off existing sessions =)11:38
mattiJediMaster: As you probably know, none of this is a rocket science :)11:38
mattiJediMaster: Oh yeah, don't cut yourself off ;)11:39
JediMasterit's all fun11:39
mattiThe good thing is.11:39
mattiI you have Chef client run on a regular intervals.11:39
mattiYou can just always fix it.11:40
mattiAnd wait.11:40
mattiSince the configuration file and sshd could be restarted every time Chef client converges.11:40
JediMasterYes, true, just comment out the ciphers line and it should bring SSH back up11:40
mattiSo it's not all that bad.11:40
shivam887JediMaster,  YEs11:40
OlofLshivam887: and then just install gnome-online-accounts.* ?11:40
JediMasterChef is magical, love it11:40
shivam887OlofL: YES11:41
mattiGlad you like it. I used to work for Chef, Inc. :)11:41
shivam887apt install gnome-online-accounts11:41
JediMasterabout 4 months of programming it but now have a load of servers on it11:41
JediMastermatti, ah nice, yes, it's so good for maintaining large amounts of servers11:41
mattiJediMaster: Helps with not having to do it manually :)11:42
mattiJediMaster: Also, to avoid breaking your servers.11:43
mattiJediMaster: Give Test-Kitchen a go.11:43
mattiJediMaster: With either VirtualBox or Docker (lxc too?) driver.11:43
JediMastermatti, yeah, that's on my list of things to try, thanks11:43
mattiJediMaster: Helps a lot to get you going with testing, etc.11:44
JediMasterIt was all good until a bionic beta update stopped support for one of the ciphers11:44
mattiJediMaster: Also, there is #chef and #kitchenci if you need a hand :)11:44
JediMastermatti, found a flaw in that chef fix approach, the service is configured before the template for sshd_config, so it tries to start SSH and fails before it writes the config, duh11:45
mattiJediMaster: That sounds indeed like a bug. But check if the service has `action :nothing`, as it might well be that template triggers reload of sshd.11:45
JediMasterI've written virtually all of my own recipes, it's probably my fault for specifying the service before the template for the config file11:47
mattiJediMaster: :)11:48
mattiJediMaster: *cough* *cough* Test-Kitchen :P11:48
JediMastermatti, yeah just swapping the template and service around works, now to figure out which cipher is breaking SSH11:48
JediMastermatti, it normally just works as the base server template has SSH already installed as Chef is boot-loaded via SSH11:49
OlofLshivam887: it seems like it didnt reset my online accounts. calendar and evolution and geary email still somehow remembers the accounts. even after boot11:56
shivam887did you delete the config files11:57
shivam887delete the config files of  calendar and evolution and geary email too11:57
shivam887then reboot11:58
elfrannetrying to apply file descriptor limit by making a conf file in /etc/security/limits.d/ but the default values are still used (even after a reboot)... where can i start lookin?12:01
cbithi guys! Is there any way to remove the display delay of the alt-tab switcher (Ubuntu 17.10, Gnome) ?12:01
JediMastermatti, thanks for the help12:01
shivam887matti : restart12:02
mattiJediMaster: No worries :)12:02
homeyI am working on an apt-mirror of a few diferent projects and am seeing lots of unmet dependencies along the line of "this depency will not be met." Any idea how to debug this issue?12:06
adalbertelfranne: man setrlimit ?12:07
shivam887homey : yes12:07
shivam887just type "apt install -f"12:07
=== HoloIRCUser4 is now known as benl90
_nedRhello, i am on ubuntu 14.04, i am getting very crappy performance on my laptop nvidia gt 620m(i mean even crappier than i am supposed to be getting) eg : i am getting 30-40fps on cs1.6 which is actually worse than the intel integrated..12:08
shivam887homey : or a command that shows in last when unmet dependencies error is showing12:08
guivercI would pick an example, then look at what the distro came with, eg. if installing vim and it wanted vim-common, I'd look at https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=vim-common12:08
shivam887_nedR : LOL12:08
homeyshivam887: Have tried that and many of teh other common fixes dpkg-configure, etc. Still broken. I guess I'm wondering how I could have ended up in thi situation in the frist place.12:08
shivam887homey: try changing mirrors12:09
guiverc(to see what versions should be there, then to see if mirror has issues, or ...)12:09
shivam887homey: send your sysinfo12:09
_nedRso i look at additional drivers, and see i am still on nvidia 340.102 but there is an option for 384.111... can i change my driver to that without ubuntu self destructing?12:10
OlofLshivam887: no idea where they exists :(12:11
shivam887homey : type "/sysinfo"12:11
homeyshivam887: I don't quite follow. You mean try changi from my local mirror to, say, archive.ubuntu.com?12:11
shivam887Client: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: ArchLinux • CPU: Pentium(R) Dual-Core  CPU      E5700  @ 3.00GHz (1.45GHz) • Memory: 1.9 GiB Total (857.8 MiB Free) • Storage: 149.4 GB / 236.0 GB (86.6 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation 82G33/G31/P35/P31 Express DRAM Controller • Uptime: 1h 21m 0s12:11
shivam887homey : yes12:12
Karoldamaneae gringaiada12:15
homeyshivam887: So after I change mirror, apt update, and see if it resolves my dep problems?12:15
shivam887homey : yes12:16
sveinseIn 17.10, how can I lock gnome shell to use the same screen configuration as gdm3 is using? My three-display setup is completely fine in gdm3 login, but display goes completely bonkers when I log in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XDgUlVNVn012:18
sveinseHow can I debug this?12:18
guiverchomey, sorry I forgot your name, my last two stmts were for you.. sorry12:22
adalbertsveinse: have you tried with arandr ?12:22
=== Ranger is now known as Guest77
Guest77have someone changr12:24
homeyguiverc: No worries, trying out a different (non-local) mirror. What kind of problems can one encounter with local apt-mirrors?12:24
Guest77why my  name change?12:24
sveinseadalbert: yes, and all of randr, arandr and gnome screen settings are working fine. its just that it goes haywire during login12:25
adalbertGuest77: cause someone else is using it registered ?12:25
Guest77o  i know.12:25
guiverchomey, i'd hope none, if they have too many probs I'd not use them. My local (isp) mirror has sync issues semi-regularly, where a file gets changed during their sync so the index doesn't match the files -- it gets resolved next sync.. that's all i can think of.12:26
groubasis this channel for ubuntu server lts also?12:26
guivercgroubas, yep.12:27
homeyguiverc: OK, thanks. I'm managing my own and not sure if that's what's casuing my package issues. Testing with archive.ubuntu to see if that's it.12:27
guivercgroubas, you can also try #ubuntu-server12:28
groubasI want to run qemu or xen on my ubuntu server.. pros and cons on xen and qemu?12:29
pragmaticenigmagroubas, that would be better topic for the room guiverc suggested12:30
groubaspragmaticenigma: missed that12:30
guiverchomey, sync errors shouldn't exist in theory; there is doco somewhere on the wiki from memory that tells how to avoid sync issues; i can look for it for you (listed mirrors are supposed to use it; my isp doesn't!)12:31
pragmaticenigmagroubas, no worries :-)12:31
guivercgroubas, my bad for giving it too slowly! sorry.12:31
littlepythonhow to configure our own kernel generally?12:35
auronandace!compile | littlepython12:36
ubottulittlepython: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall12:36
auronandace!kernel | littlepython12:37
ubottulittlepython: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)12:37
user_Hi! It's possible to use Gnome Flashback with Mutter window manager instead of Metacity or Compiz?12:45
homeyguiverc: Seems it was a problem with my local mirror. Any thoughts on how I could analyze this?12:47
gergeMutter can be used, I do not that. But I don't know how, I don't use Gnome. (source: Gnome wiki)12:48
guivercsorry - past my bedtime; you'll have to get help from others unless you try tomorrow.12:48
skishore86Hi All12:51
skishore86I have a problem with my ubuntu 16.0412:52
skishore86no unity, no laucher, unable to minimize and maximize windows..12:52
skishore86can some one help me in this regard12:52
skishore86I have followed all the steps given in some forums...12:53
skishore86but no luck12:53
skishore86can some one help me12:57
hateball!patience | skishore8613:00
ubottuskishore86: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/13:00
hateballskishore86: You have a working login manager tho? Problems arise soon as you login?13:00
hateballI do not use Unity myself so I dont know if there's some clever way to reset it13:01
BitByBit hello to all.. I have problems connecting a UMTS modem to internet with cdc-wdm interface. I get this error when I set the expected date though qmicli but I don't know if is a kernel related issue or a useer domain issue.13:01
littlepythoncould someone tell how the Filesystem, Kernel and components interact13:09
BluesKajlittlepython, we don't normally suggest this , but in your case google is your friend :-)13:15
BuActuallyGoshHow do i install el spotify snap - I need the base program first. On LxQt 10 - if you'd like to loosie for me.13:27
BuActuallyGoshCan someone WRITE IT DOWN for me, please ?13:30
ikoniael ?13:31
=== crogers_ is now known as crogers
darkknight80hello all13:56
_nedRhello again... i changed my nvidia driver on 14.04 from v 340.102 to 384.111 via additional drivers on my ubuntu 14.04 ( i have a 620m gt gpu)...13:56
_nedREverything went well until i used nvidia prime to switch to nvdia graphics from intel.. Then i got the black screen ... i am back on intel now.. but how do i get nvidia to work?13:56
DiogoMConstantinHi all14:03
TC`apt-get update only runs mannualy or it is run out of the box from OS install ?14:04
TC`without installing unattended-upgrades it doesn't run?14:04
pandaadbhi - i have been seeing unexplicable cpu problems with any processes. The second I try to do something cpu intesive, the clock speed drops from 2.3-2.8GHz to 300-500 MHz14:10
pandaadbi can replicate this now by doing maven builds (java) or doing cpp builds14:10
pandaadbeither way, my clock speed drops heavily. I am using `cpufreq-info -c 0 ` for monitoring that14:11
pandaadbthe processes still run, but not reliably and not fast. This has happened before and sometimes a restart fixes that, sometimes not14:11
pandaadbthe last time I needed an over night shutdown for this to go away and fix itself. I am not sure where to begin looking, not even sure what to google for. If anyone has any ideas, please shoot :)14:12
setpillHi all, I installed the package debian-archive-keyring on Ubuntu 17.10, but the hash of /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg doesn't match any of the keyrings in the archives downloaded from https://packages.debian.org/{wheezy,jessie,stable}/all/debian-archive-keyring/download14:13
setpillDoes anyone happen to know which version of the debian keyring is in the ubuntu repos for Artsy?14:14
pandaadba reboot has fixed it and my cpus jumped back from 350MHz to 3.6 GHz14:21
pandaadbi tried changing the governors to use p[erformance mode, but that didn't do anything.14:22
=== nictki is now known as Guest13021
=== JimBuntu is now known as jimBuntu
=== jimBuntu is now known as JimBuntu
jlnlI´m trying to automount Windows shares when logging on with ads/krb5 credentials upon logging into an Ubuntu 16.04 server. Working: logging in with ads user on ssh, automatically creating homedir /home/$domain/$user. Tried pam_mount with cifs volumes, but could not get it to work.14:43
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
=== crogers_ is now known as crogers
BillD73chrome google mainpage has become really unresponsive on my XFCE and 16.04 anyone else notice this?15:10
BillD73really seems to be only the mainpage, firefox is fine, simply selecting a link it opens and runs nice  only when opening the browser from a launcher to default page15:12
glitchdchromium-browser FTW15:15
BillD73glitchd: yes its chromium-browser15:16
gautamSgoogle-chrome FTW15:17
gautamSHello, zhanglei15:19
gautamSI just prefer google-chrome because it seems to work better on my system than chromium (which crashes a lot)15:20
gautamSI'm sure the difference is negligible on a well-configured system15:20
zhangleihi gantamS15:21
BillD73this is completely new this morning15:21
=== XueFeng_ is now known as glance_
BillD73even took the time to remove and purge then reinstall and log in  no new extensions  browser opens fine but when I search it takes forever  if I click a link such as http://ubottu.com/y/gl in topic it opens an loads page no problem15:23
zhangleigautamS: ?15:24
gautamSgautamS: Yup?15:24
gautamSzhanglei: Yup?15:24
zhangleiwhat is this?15:25
zhangleichat room?15:25
pragmaticenigma!ask | zhanglei15:26
ubottuzhanglei: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:26
gautamSIt is a humble request to not query to raise a query but simply to ignore the consequences of your query and query15:34
gautamSSomeone needs to write a English obfuscator program15:34
kostkongautamS, /j #philosophy15:35
=== bs_ is now known as bs
* [gnubie] waves15:47
[gnubie]any suggestion on the best way to get the PID value of the latest coredump from the output of the command “coredumpctl list”?15:47
=== Mr_Pan_ is now known as Guest8522
=== Guest8522 is now known as Mr_Pan
SennaHello, I'm having issues on succesfully opening ports.16:08
SOLDIERzHello everyone is there a way to setup keyboard layout when using preseefd file / debian installer?16:09
MartiiniI'm an online kickbag asshole madafakaaa16:17
infnullhi all, i recently bought a thinkpad t470p with windows 10 preinstalled and i installed ubuntu 16.04.4 on it.  the problem is that the laptop makes annoying noise when it's charging. there is no noise in battery mode. any ideas?16:18
SennaWhat kind of noise?16:19
infnulllike a seeking hdd16:19
DuncanTUbuntu 16.04: "snap install kotlin –classic" returns "error: cannot install ["kotlin" "–classic"]: snap "kotlin" requires classic confinement" - any way I can tell snap that I'm fine with classic confinement? I thought that was the point of --classic?16:21
infnulllooks like it's related to linux since it doesn't exist when i'm in bios configs16:21
kostkonDuncanT, sudo snap install kotlin –classic?16:22
kostkonDuncanT, is it -classic or --classic? hmm16:23
DuncanTkostkon: You're a genius. Thanks!16:24
infnullthere are some info here but they are old i don't think they apply to a modern kernel http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problem_with_high_pitch_noises16:24
kostkonDuncanT, np16:24
* DuncanT writes a shell alias that calls him an idiot if he uses -classic rather than --classic since snap doesn't16:25
wolfmoonby mistake i deleted the  /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf file  and when i open it again its empty? is it a way to restore it?16:28
RedCat27wolfmoon: does this exist on your computer? /usr/share/dhclient/dhclient.conf.example16:30
wolfmoonbash: cd: /usr/share/dhclient/: File or catalog doesnt exist and then  bash: cd: /usr/share/dhclient/dhclient.conf.example: File or catalog doesnt exist from the terminal16:33
mattflyubuntu is not detecting my nvidia GPU not even if i lspci | grep 'VGA" i dont see it16:34
mattflyi have installed the latest drivers, removed, tried with older ones, nothing16:34
pavloswolfmoon: here's my copy ... http://termbin.com/ii3v16:36
mattflycan anyone help me?16:36
mattflylspci | grep -i nvidia16:37
mattfly09:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK208M [GeForce GT 740M] (rev a1)16:37
mattflybut not VGA device16:37
wolfmooni just open up  /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf  and paste it into the empty file?16:38
mattflyif i start x with Nvidia enabled on my settings i get unable to find screen16:38
mattflyand startx crashes16:38
pavloswolfmoon: yes16:39
wolfmoonwhat are the  /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf file anyway? what does it do?16:39
pavloswolfmoon: asks the dhcp server for parameters as you can see in the top 7 lines, the rest is commented16:40
wolfmoonok, thanks for the help16:43
pavlosmattfly: power off, re-seat the card, reboot. Did you install ubuntu-server or ubuntu-desktop? which release?16:45
mattflyubuntu desktop 16.04.3 LTS16:45
mattflywhat is re-seat  ?16:45
mattflynvidia-detector returns none16:45
pavlosmattfly: remove the card, make sure the pcie is clean, connect it again16:46
mattflyits a notebook16:46
jpvgnHi there, I tried the connect my headhphones bluetooth but connect and not sound16:47
jpvgnIm reading about change the profile16:47
jpvgnbut when tried change the profile trought blueman said me "Failed to change profile to headset_head_unit"16:48
pavlosmattfly: does your bios have an option to select the nvidia instead of the cpu-provided gpu?16:49
mattflyi didnt find16:49
pavlosmattfly: go to additional drivers and see if it offers to install an nvidia driver16:51
mattflyi am using i3 interface16:51
mattflywhats the command to open that gui?16:51
pavlosmattfly: on a terminal, software-properties-gtk and the 4th tab should be addl drivers16:55
=== sa-ghosts_BNC is now known as sa-ghosts
faekjarzHi, 16.04 LTS Gnome uses Pulseaudio by default, right?17:13
naccfaekjarz: yes17:13
azizLIGHTanyone on 16.04, when you play music, and lock screen, can you change songs (next track/prev track) from the lock screen using media keys on keybvoard?17:16
faekjarzazizLIGHT: yes, works for me. volume controlls (+/-/x) work too17:17
azizLIGHTwow niec thank you17:17
faekjarzazizLIGHT: i'm running gnome17:17
azizLIGHTi cant do it in 14.04 on unity17:17
azizLIGHTonly volume up/down mute17:17
azizLIGHTwell i hope it still works in 18.04 for when i upgrade17:18
nehemiahI'm preseeding a ubuntu server installation and I want it to install the 'ubuntu-mate-desktop' tasksel. But it seems like that line is totally ignored. Installing it manually after works fine but that kind of defeats the purpose. What am I missing?17:35
naccnehemiah: how are you specifing it in your preseed?17:36
nehemiahtasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-mate-desktop, print-server17:37
naccnehemiah: and how you are doing it after?17:37
nehemiahsudo tasksel install ubuntu-mate-desktop17:38
naccnehemiah: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/apbs04.html B.4.10; i'm not sure if ubuntu-mate-desktop is a preseedable task17:42
naccoh wait it is listed on that one17:43
nacc(sorry wasn't listed on another page i was looking at)17:43
naccnehemiah: you could drop to a shell in the installer and see if it installs correctly there?17:43
howudodat_I'm having a difficulty with pam-mount.  I have enabled logging but I dont see pam-mount even trying to mount (no entries at all in syslog).  auth optoinal pam_mount.so is added to common-auth and common-session by pam-auth-update command.  <debug enable="1" /> and <volume sgrp="CAREPLACEMENT" fstype="cifs" server="" path="CarePlacement" mountpoint="~/CarePlacement2" options="user=%(DOMAIN_USER),setuids,acl" /> is in pam_17:45
naccnehemiah: i'm not sure otherwise, it does appear like it's suppoised to work as you've done it17:46
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNLAfk
konradosHi. Once again my pc restarted for an unknown reason, I don't know when exactly this happened, but in had to be during the last 2h. What log do I look at to try to determine *why* this happened?18:31
konradosThe dmesg shows only messages *after* it started again, right?18:32
konradoshow do I see what happened exactly *before* it decided to shut down?18:32
konrados"restart" actually18:32
konradosvar/log/syslog maybe18:34
tgm4883konrados: try /var/log/syslog.18:36
tgm4883konrados: try /var/log/syslog.118:36
=== william is now known as Guest17929
vltHello. An rsync target is 100 % full but the source size has shrunk to only 50 % of that data. How can I tell rsync to delete remote files that are no longer present in source _first_ before trying to copy over new data? I tried --delete-before but still get a disk full error message.18:38
frostschutzvlt, if it's completely full, you might have to delete something yourself. rsync creates temporary file during transfer, if it can't do that because already full, everything else will fail too18:39
vltfrostschutz: Ah, ok. Thanks.18:39
jayjowhen I use system service restart nginx (or some similar service) or those systemd commands?18:49
jayjoand if that's the case, does that mean that using apt-get install <service-name> part of the installation is writing the config files for systemd?18:50
akikjayjo: systemctl is a systemd command18:51
jayjowhat program is "system service <...>"?18:53
akikjayjo: apt-get installs systemd service files, yes. in some cases it can also install sysv init files but you can check by package what it installs "dpkg -L nginx"18:53
akikjayjo: i don't think there's a command called "system"18:54
jayjoI'm sorry - I meant `service nginx restart` for example18:55
akikjayjo: service is for sysv init18:56
akikjayjo: you can check with: dpkg -S `which service`18:57
jayjoOk, which is the previous system, right? Now it is systemd? I am reading the channels recommended digital ocean systemcl page, and trying to understand this in the broader picture18:57
akikjayjo: sysv init -> upstart -> systemd on ubuntu18:58
jayjobut sysv is still supported and used by most default installations?18:58
jayjodefault installation referring to when I am installing a service. Maybe eventually nginx distibutions would switch to systemd?18:59
akikjayjo: yes there's compatibility for sysv init on systemd18:59
akikjayjo: the default for ubuntu has been systemd since 15.0419:01
jayjoI know this is a vague question... but I've been working on linux for years but have always piecemealed my understanding along the way... is there a definitive or holistic approach to the unix/ubuntu system to get more familiar with the architecture?19:04
jayjojust read through top questions on unix.stackexchange?19:07
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:10
akiknot sure if that is what you meant19:10
akikmaybe more technical?19:10
jayjoI was thinking more technical and to understand _why_ things are set up the way they are19:11
jayjomaybe that's a better question for #linux19:12
akikjayjo: ubuntu changes from release to release. it's a kind of keeping up with the game19:12
akikwikipedia page on ubuntu is kind of extensive19:13
pragmaticenigmajayjo, I would start with the ubuntu manual, just for the foudnations of the interfaces. Then you will have some knowledge to go deeper and seek out more detailed specifications. Eventually you will probably get to the point were the release notes are a good way to keep up with all the changes going on.19:17
pragmaticenigmajayjo, there are also several online publications that devote a lot of time and effort in announceing new features and upcoming changes to ubuntu. https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/ tends to be a popular choice19:19
pragmaticenigmaLinux Journal is a good source for all things linux, and what's happening in the linux community and development19:20
=== shroOm is now known as Guest85248
jayjook thank you - these are two really good resources19:27
albertoiNEThi everyone https://i.imgur.com/xUCSHnH.gif19:30
=== SimonNLAfk is now known as SimonNL
albertoiNETsomebody can help me with this bounty problem on askubuntu?19:36
ikoniabounty problem ?19:38
tomreyn"This question has an open bounty worth +100 reputation from albertoiNET ending in 3 hours."19:39
ikoniaso basically now IRC is being used to point pepople to fix askubuntu problems19:40
tomreynfor a good while now19:40
konradostgm4883: ok, thanks, so somewhere is the moment my pc crashed for an unknown reason - https://fpaste.ca/5dK.txt19:41
konradosHow do I find this moment?19:41
konradosand why is there so much info about RTL871X?19:42
konradosisn't this my network device?19:42
EriC^^konrados: yeah it is, it looks like it crashed here maybe Mar  8 18:32:26 konrad rsyslogd-2039: Could not open output pipe '/dev/xconsole':: No such file or directory [v8.16.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2039 ]19:46
konradosEriC^^: sec...19:47
EriC^^after that it had a new boot19:47
konradosEriC^^: indeed, thanks! But... what does it mean? :)19:48
EriC^^no idea19:48
EriC^^do you have a /dev/xconsole right now?19:49
konradosI don't even know what it is :( I do have a terminal open, yes19:49
konradosbut no, htop says I don't have 'xconsole' open19:50
konradosas a process19:50
EriC^^konrados: there's a lot of hard disk smart output going on, might want to run a smart test and have a look at sda and sdb19:51
konradosEriC^^: ok, thanks! Let me google that19:51
vltfrostschutz: Unfortunately deleting ~500 MB of data on the target didn’t solve the problem.  rsync copied that amount of data there and now it’s full again.  Size of source: 0.9 TB, size of target 1.6 TB.  Any idea?19:51
EriC^^konrados: sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda19:51
konradosEriC^^: https://fpaste.ca/7H0.txt should I be worried about the Error xyz occurred at disk power-on lifetime: xyz things?19:53
mifritscher1how can I disable the whole framebuffer alltogether in the alternate installer of 16.04? I want to have plain 80x25/80x50 textmode19:54
EriC^^konrados: no those are fine, the stuff to look for are offline uncorrectable, current pending sector, and reallocated sector ct, 0 0 and 2 for the latter, it means 2 bad sectors have been found and reallocated19:57
EriC^^so it's starting to go on it's way out, it's still good for now i'd guess19:57
mecotriWhat would it take to modify the poweroff restart dialog in Ubuntu 17.10?20:14
mecotriI would like to add another menu option (reboot to different OS) but I can't figure out how or where to make that change.20:15
ikoniahow do you think that would even work20:15
ikonia"reboot to different OS"20:15
ikoniahow would you tell ubuntu to pick a different OS ?20:15
ikoniamore so when ubuntu doesn't control the pre-boot environment20:16
mecotriikonia: grub-reboot 420:16
mecotriikonia: that part works fine.20:16
ikoniaso you're basically going to call a binary that has hardcoded menu options20:16
mecotriikonia: correct.20:17
ikoniaso you'd need to re-write the dialog popup and add a function into the gnome source20:17
senihey guys. when I try and use a lm-sensors it tells me it couldnt find any sensors. any ideas? I thought ubuntu was better for lowlevel stuff how can it be this is so easy on windows but ubuntu cant do it?20:17
ikoniaif you're lucky there will already be an "exec" style function rather than an API call or handler20:18
Sven_vBwhat's the use of writing an architecture in an apt repo line, ike "deb [arch=amd64] https://…"? wouldn't apt guess the architecture automatically?20:18
ikoniaSven_vB: some repos contain both20:18
Sven_vBikonia, even then, wouldn't apt just get the one that fits best for the machine on which apt is run?20:19
pragmaticenigma!guidelines | albertoiNET :Please do not Cross Post20:19
ubottualbertoiNET :Please do not Cross Post: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:19
ikoniaas some 64bit programs will still need a 32bit lib as a dependency20:19
ikonia(for example)20:19
Sven_vBoh. then maybe I generated my apt.sources wrong for xenial 64. should I have put [arch=amd64] in each repo line?20:20
b3h3m0thI am running a script on tty1 as root and there is another user who was already logged in on tty2. I want to leave my machine until script is complete. How do I lock tty1 so that the user on tty2 when he returns, don't get root shell after the shell script is complete?20:20
vernb3h3m0th: I'm not sure there is a way to do what you want to do. best would be to run your script inside screen, detach the screen session, log out, and reattach when you come back20:22
pavlosb3h3m0th: you could run your script with nohup, eg. "nohup myscript.sh &" and logout. The script will continue running.20:23
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, another option is to run the command in "screen" which will persist after log out20:26
Exagone313Hi, when you do an install from a live cd (i.e. not ubuntu server or debootstrap), does /etc/fstab contain UUIDs or /dev/sd* paths?20:26
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, "screen -R name script.sh"20:26
Ben64Exagone313: uuid20:26
b3h3m0th@people, I am aware of the screen method, I want to know if there is a locking mechanism if script is already started :)20:26
b3h3m0thI could login as root at another tty if that would be required20:27
Exagone313Is it the same for officially supported variants?20:27
b3h3m0thto perform the lock on tty120:27
Ben64should be20:27
Exagone313(I guess so)20:27
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, explain what you mean by locking?20:27
b3h3m0thpragmaticenigma: the tty1 should show login prompt, upon successful login, the script execution screen should be shown20:27
b3h3m0thLike the vlock utility20:27
b3h3m0thBut the vlock only allows locking current tty or all tty.20:28
b3h3m0thNot arbitrary tty20:28
mecotrib3h3m0th: Is this a one time thing? Could you detach the running script without stopping it then use screen the next time? https://serverfault.com/questions/34750/is-it-possible-to-detach-a-process-from-its-terminal-or-i-should-have-used-s20:28
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, what you are descriping is exactly what the screen command is for. The ability to start a process, place it in background and lock/logout of the session, but return later and using the name of the screen session restore the outout of the command/script you were running20:29
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, it's also safer as if the process gets out of control, another sysadmin could login and kill the process if needed.20:31
vernb3h3m0th: if vlock doesn't do what you want (why isn't the current tty the one you want to lock?) I'd say the screen advice is probably your best bet20:31
b3h3m0th>why isn't the current tty the one you want to lock?20:32
b3h3m0thCurrent tty is already running a script. I don't want to kill it now. I have option to login at a new tty and do something to make current tty locked if there is any way to do that20:32
Sven_vBb3h3m0th, tmux seems to have a nicer architecture than screen. learning to use tmux is on my todo for a long time.20:33
pragmaticenigmaso the process is already active b3h3m0th ... so you are looking for a solution after the fact?20:33
vernCtrl-Z bg20:34
mecotrib3h3m0th: Did you read my link? You can detach the script from the current terminal and logout.20:34
konradosEriC^^: thank you!20:35
vernor as mecotri suggests: ctrl-z, bg, disown %120:36
vltfrostschutz: Turns out the rsync process’s target device is filled with other stuff and --delete-before seems to work perfectly fine. Thank you and sorry for the confusion.20:45
Kumoolcan anyone recommend a google drive replacement since there doesnt appear to be an easy way to have it?20:50
MeaCulpadropbox is easy kumool a bit clunky20:52
Kumoolmmm, alright20:53
albertoiNEThi ikonia20:53
albertoiNETwhat's up20:53
albertoiNETpragmaticenigma, hi20:55
b3h3m0thCan a single "login" process have multiple children?20:55
naccalbertoiNET: this is not a chat room, please stick to ubuntu support topics20:56
albertoiNETthis is not a support channel?20:56
naccalbertoiNET: it is, but you seem to be pinging people to say "hi"20:57
MeaCulpawhat is really wrong with that nacc?20:57
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, login is a session, not a process... you can create sessions within session (like sudo or su does)20:57
b3h3m0thWhat do you mean login is not a process?20:57
naccMeaCulpa: that is not the purpose of this channel, there are appropriate channels for it20:57
rockywho else is running on raspi20:58
b3h3m0thwhen getty execve's into /usr/bin/login, of course it's a process with the same PID as the getty20:58
b3h3m0thex-getty to be accurate20:58
albertoiNETno. I don't ask people to say "hi". I'm just being cordial.20:58
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, I don't understand what you are trying to achieve with this line of questioning20:59
pragmaticenigma!ask | albertoiNET21:00
ubottualbertoiNET: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:00
pragmaticenigma!guidelines | albertoiNET21:00
ubottualbertoiNET: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:00
naccb3h3m0th: although i don't think login is exec'd anymore by default (at least not directly) it's managed by systemd-logind21:01
b3h3m0thWhen I get a tty with getty, I see a username prompt. When I enter my username and hit enter key, it asks for password. And usually, at this stage, getty gets reimaged into login process. Now if I enter the correct password and hit enter key, a shell is spawned as a child to login process if my account has shell enabled. Now my query is, can a particular login process have multiple children?21:01
naccb3h3m0th: given the shell is the child, i don't see how21:02
bray90820anyone here on 16.04 wanna do me a favor and run "rsync --version" and tell me the version number?21:02
naccb3h3m0th: but technically speaking i don't think it's impossible, i just don't see how you'd get to that state21:02
nacc!info rsync xenial | bray9082021:02
ubottubray90820: rsync (source: rsync): fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool. In component main, is standard. Version 3.1.1-3ubuntu1.2 (xenial), package size 334 kB, installed size 741 kB21:02
b3h3m0thYea, it doesn't make sense to me for login to have multiple children, but wondering if there is any scenario I missed.21:02
bray90820ubottu: is that 16.0421:03
ubottubray90820: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:03
naccb3h3m0th: i can't think of one, but i'm not a login expert; you might ask in #linux21:03
naccbray90820: xenial is 16.0421:03
b3h3m0thnacc: You mean ##linux? I thought that was for the kernel.21:03
bray90820What I wanna know is what version of rsync is on 16.0421:04
naccbray90820: yes, and ik just told you?21:04
pragmaticenigmabray90820, that was provided to you with ubottu's response21:04
naccbray90820: you can also look on packages.ubuntu.com or any number of other websites taht probably mirror the same info21:04
bray90820Aaahhh you did tell me my bad21:05
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, ##Linux is freenode’s general Linux® support channel. We provide help and support for any Linux® distribution and aim to answer any questions you might have about Linux®. Discussion about the various aspects of Linux® and Free/Open Source software is also encouraged.21:05
albertoiNETI can't adjust brigthness on my laptop in Ubuntu 17.10. More details in this askubuntu. Thanks: https://askubuntu.com/questions/967046/display-brightness-control-not-working-in-17-1021:06
zteamHi! does anybody here know to enable HDR (HDMI Ultra Deep Color) in the Nvidia driver? Ubuntu 17.04 and Nvidia 384.111 ?21:06
nacczteam: 17.04 is eol.21:07
pragmaticenigmaalbertoiNET, there is already a response to that askubuntu question21:07
zteamnacc, well.... I did say 17.10 not 17.04.... ;-)21:08
kenrinDon't lie21:08
nacczteam: "Ubuntu 17.04"21:09
pragmaticenigmazteam, if the feature is not available to you in Nvidia's control center it is either not detected as a compatible setting or isn't supported by the driver.21:10
zteamnacc, ops. I readed line above what I wrote myself, sorry, anyway, Ubuntu 17.10 not 17.04 was what meant21:11
nacczteam: ah ok21:11
b3h3m0thpragmaticenigma: check something in your /sys/class/backlight/21:11
b3h3m0thfor my Lenovo laptop, I had a writable /sys/class/backlight/ideapad/brightness21:12
zteampragmaticenigma, well I don't know at all, but for some features there isn't even a gui :-)21:13
b3h3m0thoops, that was for albertoiNET:21:14
b3h3m0th /sys/class/backlight/21:14
albertoiNETb3h3m0th, there is ln called acpi_video021:15
pragmaticenigmazteam, Nvidia's driver and control center are difficult for us to support. Also, hidden settings and features are hidden because they are not fully tested and likely considered experimental. I stick to the settings that are available in the control panel21:15
b3h3m0thtry modifying the file named "backlight" in it and see if there is a change21:16
b3h3m0thin brightness21:16
albertoiNETit doesn't change brightness21:16
b3h3m0thDo you have a dedicated graphic card?21:17
albertoiNETyes, only one card21:18
albertoiNETa nVidia GeForce GTX 106021:18
b3h3m0thdid you install driver for that?21:18
albertoiNETnvidia 39021:18
b3h3m0ththen you might probably want to set the grub parameter as specified in the SO answer21:18
b3h3m0thinstead of vendor, probably nvidia21:19
luxioHow do I add something to the list of programs that comes up when I press the "show applications" button in the dock?21:19
b3h3m0thif you don't intend to use nVIDIA on your Ubuntu, you can install a tool called Bumblebee to switch to your intel graphics21:19
zteampragmaticenigma, yes, I understand, I'm just wondering if is supposed to auto detect such, or if there is any settings to toggle for it :-)21:20
kostkonluxio, create a desktop file for it21:20
b3h3m0thOr maybe leave it as vendor itself.21:21
b3h3m0thIf one of the configs, you will see a new folder created in the /sys/class/backlight folder21:21
albertoiNETI changed grub file and I try the acpi_backlight to values like "none" "vendor" "native" and "video" and didn't work21:21
albertoiNETand then use update-grub of course21:21
pragmaticenigmazteam, it might be, it could be that the version from the repo is behind in version from what is released directly from Nvidia21:22
luxiokostkon: thank you, got it working21:22
kostkonluxio, that fast?21:23
pragmaticenigmaunfortunately, installing Nvidia's driver from nvidia directly isn't something we can support since it's 3rd party21:23
luxiokostkon: yeah found a premade desktop file for it on google21:23
b3h3m0thalbertoiNET: actually keep it as acpi_backlight=vendor itself21:23
kostkonluxio, oh ok. which app is it if im allowed to ask21:23
luxiokostkon: Android Studio21:23
b3h3m0thand albertoiNET pragmaticenigma, install nVIDIA provided driver itself and live in bliss, forgetting everything you know about software sanity :P21:24
albertoiNETxD I tryed nouveau and nvidia driver21:25
b3h3m0thIf nothing works, set Torvalds showing his middle finger as the grub background and nVIDIA should obey.21:25
albertoiNETboth drivers with the same result. negative21:25
kostkonluxio, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-make21:26
zteampragmaticenigma, I'm well aware of that :-)21:26
albertoiNETgod bless Tolvards21:26
kostkonluxio, no need to install it manually next time. or even now. your choice basically.21:26
b3h3m0thCan someone here suggest albertoiNET some modprobe technique to figure out if drivers are installed correctly?21:26
zteamalbertoiNET, from a terminal just run   lsmod | grep nvidia too see if the nvidia driver is properly loaded21:28
pragmaticenigmaactually b3h3m0th ... I found direct install from nVidia has cause me many issues... there is a Ubuntu developer contributed PPA where the default settings are better setup for integration with Ubuntu21:28
kostkonb3h3m0th, like the one that lists the modules that are currently loaded21:28
zteamb3h3m0th, it's just lsmod | grep nvidia from a terminal21:28
kostkonb3h3m0th, ?21:29
kostkonb3h3m0th, zteam gave it away it's lsmod21:29
albertoiNETthis is my lsmod output21:29
zteamkostkon, sorry for that :D21:29
kostkonzteam, no, you did good21:30
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, you mean lspci -nnv21:30
zteamalbertoiNET, your nvidia driver is loaded and running :-)21:31
albertoiNETyes :) but my eyes are blooding for the brighhtness. I create a bash script to use xrandr to control the brightness using command: xrandr --output DP-0 --brightness 0.5021:33
b3h3m0thxandr is able to control your brightness?21:34
albertoiNETit works, yes, and I added a sortcut in my keyboard, but... thats a workarround21:34
albertoiNETyes b3h3m0th21:34
b3h3m0thOh, then that's good enough right?21:34
zteampragmaticenigma, wouldn't that just report the the nvidia card itself, without considering if the driver is loaded properly?21:34
zteamkostkon, :-)21:35
b3h3m0thYou can probably try to trace xrandr while you change brightness to figure out how it does it21:35
b3h3m0thstrace for open syscall probably21:35
albertoiNETb3h3m0th, sometimes brightness change from 50% to 100%. That's really disgusting :(21:36
b3h3m0thto see if they're using something exposed on the filesystem21:36
albertoiNETso, thats not a great solution21:36
b3h3m0ththere must be some max_brightness parameter21:36
albertoiNETmax_brightness is 10021:36
b3h3m0thI wrote a custom program when I had this issue on my laptop and that just worked fine21:37
albertoiNETusing xrandr also?21:37
b3h3m0thusing the file exposed in /sys fs21:39
zteamalbertoiNET, just a thought out of the blue here: have you tried updating your kernel to mainstream kernel for example, that might fix the issue :-)21:39
b3h3m0thIt was kind of lame, to write a program around it. Instead of writing a kernel module.21:40
pragmaticenigmazteam, it will include a line that indicates the driver in use21:40
albertoiNETyes zteam . Have you tried to read my askubuntu? xD https://askubuntu.com/questions/1010405/the-brightness-of-laptop-screen-cannot-be-adjusted-with-either-the-buttons-or-th21:41
b3h3m0thWouldn't be there any testing IOCTLs to figure out if his nVIDIA driver is responding to anything?21:41
albertoiNETI tried the main upstream mainline kernel21:41
b3h3m0thDo you need nVIDIA on Ubuntu?21:41
b3h3m0thIf not disable it21:42
b3h3m0thThen your intel can takeover and it should work fine21:42
albertoiNETI'm only one GPU21:42
albertoiNETonly nvidia, I dont have intel card21:42
zteamalbertoiNET, no I didn't, since I don't have that particular issue myself :-)21:42
b3h3m0thyou're on AMD processor?21:42
albertoiNETintel processor21:43
b3h3m0thI thought all intel processors have GPUs as well.21:43
b3h3m0thwhich is your processor model?21:43
b3h3m0thIf nVIDIA is in fact your only GPU, then the very fact that you have a GUI up and running means that you have nVIDIA working just fine.21:44
naccb3h3m0th: could be using nouveau and not the binary driver, it depends on the goal21:44
albertoiNETi7 sprectre, meltdown,... xD21:44
b3h3m0thyou should be having intel graphics then21:45
albertoiNETbut in bios it will be show up, but not appear21:46
b3h3m0thlshw does not show anything?21:46
albertoiNETIf I had two cards, BIOS should show it. but no21:47
aroonihow can i list *all* env variables21:47
b3h3m0tharooni: env21:47
zteamcould be under lspci as well :)21:47
b3h3m0thzteam:  really?21:47
b3h3m0thintegrated graphics is not connected via PCI right?21:47
pragmaticenigmaalbertoiNET, please pastebin the output of the command "lspci -nnv" for us. that will help us figure out what graphics are and are not in your computer as well as what drivers are in use21:48
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, Many of the recent processors intel produces have GPUs integrated, however it is possible that the processor doesn't or the manufacture decided not to connect those pinouts, thus rendering it unused21:49
zteamb3h3m0th, well from my experience some built-in soundcards show up under lspci despite being integrated into the mainboard at least :-)21:49
albertoiNEThere you are pragmaticenigma https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3jfFycVhKM/21:49
TJ-Is there an xterm escape code/key-binding that can disable right-mouse context menu?21:50
mattflyhello, is there any way to install opencv c++ 3.3.0 libraries and headers without having compile it?21:50
pragmaticenigmalspci lists all things connected to the PCI bus... which includes integrated components21:50
albertoiNETI think that video driver an audio driver is in the same pci bus21:50
albertoiNETbut I have only one Graphic card21:50
b3h3m0thpragmaticenigma:  why are integrated devices connected to PCI bus?21:52
WorldGenesis[v]so i learned that modifying /sys/class/backlight/ was kind of a bad idea on my macbook XD21:52
mattflyreally hate having to conmpile all all the time and getting all the dependencies manually21:52
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, why not, it's cheaper21:52
mattflyI should go back to slacware21:52
pragmaticenigmab3h3m0th, that's an pc archetecture question and a bit out of scope here21:53
zteamb3h3m0th, I don't think they really are, I just think it's the way the kernel detects them, but I could be wrong about that21:53
kostkonzteam, they are21:53
b3h3m0thDoes iGPU mean on-mainboard or within CPU die? :/21:54
kostkonzteam, some even use the usb bus, e.g. web cameras and even an internal ps/2 bus for the touchpad21:54
kostkonand keyboard21:54
b3h3m0thI thought it was directly connected to the northbridge21:54
b3h3m0ththe integrated GPU I mean21:55
pragmaticenigmaTo make things simple, it's easier to route both periphials and integrated components through the same PCI bus. That way custom drivers don't need to be written for the different configurations... thus saving money21:55
TJ-Most major hardware is connected via PCI if it needs to memory-map it's IO or is intregrated into the CPU or PCH/south-brdige; other intergrated devices will connect on USB, and some slower devices may well use SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)21:56
bonkanoHi guys, after apt update && upgrade && dist-upgrade from my ubuntu 17.04, my system can't start21:56
zteamkostkon, I stand corrected then. I know for instance that linux did list some SATA-harddrives as SCSI or PATA ones, a long time ago, but that may have changed :)21:56
bonkanoI've got a black csree21:56
TJ-But the USB host controllers will be connected via PCI so in the end almost every device has a path via PCI at some point21:57
zteambonkano, hold down shift right before the ubuntu logo and try a older kernel :)21:57
bonkanoa black screen at startup with /dev/sda7 clean xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxblocks21:57
bonkanoI need help, please21:57
b3h3m0thAs per this, the integrated graphics is not connected via PCI right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Intel_5_Series_architecture.png21:58
zteambonkano, did you try my tip? :)21:58
kostkonbonkano, that's normal. but what happens after that? nothing?21:58
kostkonbonkano, wait, 17.04?21:58
bonkanoztean, i did not understand your tip21:59
b3h3m0thiGPU use DMI instead of PCIe?21:59
TJ-b3h3m0th: yes, the iGPU connects via PCI-E21:59
bonkanoEnglish is not my language but I try to speak it as i can21:59
b3h3m0thBut the diagram shows it as DMI TJ-22:00
zteambonkano, if you restart your computer, hold down shift, right after the computer logo, and try to boot a older kernel22:00
b3h3m0thTJ-:  or is it that iGPU is connected to south bridge which has DMI to the CPI die?22:01
bonkanook i'm trying your tip22:01
TJ-bonkano: DMI is a specialised wrapper around PCI-E22:02
kostkonbonkano, you'll need to upgrade to a supported release though22:03
b3h3m0thTHat's brand new information22:03
TJ-b3h3m0th: if you're interested here's an overview of DMI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Media_Interface22:03
b3h3m0thIt says "DMI shares many characteristics with PCI Express"22:04
bonkanoubuntu logo appears and nothings22:04
b3h3m0thI wonder why lspci has to list iGPUs still22:04
b3h3m0thgiven it's not the actual PCIe wiring22:05
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
albertoiNETsee you tomorrow22:08
bonkanoI need help22:11
zteambonkano, you need to give more info, do you use the the nvidia driver?, are you sure you have free diskspace left on your harddrive? (yes too little space can prevent your system from booting correctly too22:14
bonkanofor nvidia, I dont know22:19
bonkanoI have Intel processor22:19
bonkanoI'll check if I have free disk space22:20
pragmaticenigmabonkano, You'll need to upgrade your computer to a supported version of Ubuntu. Ubuntu 17.04 is no longer supported. You will either need to upgrade to ubuntu 17.10 or downgrade to 16.04.22:21
zteamwell if you didn't install any nvidia driver yourself, you are not using one22:22
pragmaticenigmazteam, they're on an unsupported version of ubuntu... they will have to move their machine to a supported version of ubuntu before we can provide assistance22:22
pragmaticenigmazteam, there is a good chance that they are using unsupported PPAs that installed an incompatible package which has caused this problem. As Ubuntu 17.04 is not receiving anymore updates.22:24
zteampragmaticenigma, well, in that case, we can't really give them to much support other than advicing them to use ppa-purge22:26
pragmaticenigmazteam, we cannot offer them support because they are on 17.04... that is no longer supported22:27
pragmaticenigma!zesty | zteam22:28
ubottuzteam: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html22:28
weaksauceis there a dos to unix line endings utility22:29
nacc!info dos2unix | weaksauce22:29
ubottuweaksauce: dos2unix (source: dos2unix): convert text file line endings between CRLF and LF. In component universe, is extra. Version 7.3.4-3 (artful), package size 344 kB, installed size 1243 kB22:29
pragmaticenigmathanks nacc22:29
zteampragmaticenigma, sure, I get your view, still we could try to give them some basic troubleshooting tips, althought I don't believe we should put too much effort into it22:31
pragmaticenigmazteam, it's best not to start, it can set a bad example and create hostility that we helpped one person with their issue and not someone else. We offered as much help as we can to attempt to get them a working machine so they might be able to get up and running enough to do the upgrade.22:33
zteampragmaticenigma, maybe you are right about that :)22:35
zteamwell time to sleep, see you around people22:35
mustmodify_weirdest thing... SCP sayis it's working. -v says "Transferred: sent 2560, received 2632 bytes, in 0.1 seconds". But no file on the other end.22:59
Jordan_Umustmodify_: What is the exact scp command you're running. How are you checking for the file?23:02
mustmodify_Turns out SCP doesn't work if your shell sends back any text. but it says it works, which is unfortunate.23:04
bonkanohow solve /dev/sda7 clean xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx blocks from ubuntu 17.0423:05
MeaCulpacan anyone tell me if there are potential advantages from upgrading the kernel when everything is working ok. Or I'm better to leave things as they are?23:06
guivercMeaCulpa, I'd not go to a later kernel if everything works fine.  Supported kernels have bug fixes backported so security is pretty much covered. Later device support is main benefit23:08
quarkMeaCulpa: I think ubuntu does not replace the old kernel, so if things go wrong you can always boot with the old one23:08
ghutzriopI'm not interested in installing ubuntu atm, but I'm curious if the current default installation comes with thumbnail support in the gtk filepicker.23:08
MeaCulpado kernels update automatically when they are considered to be stable?23:09
MeaCulpathanks for responding quark23:09
ghutzriopMeaCulpa, improved power management and better performance(for example with graphics drivers) might be other advantages23:10
MeaCulpaand quiverc :)23:10
=== eschwartz is now known as anyone
samthewildoneI'm trying to compile a program and I'm getting this message, I have no idea what it means. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TtCfRRn7Hp/23:14
quarksamthewildone: what software are you trying to compile?23:15
naccsamthewildone: you should probably ask the Tether developers23:15
naccsamthewildone: it's a bug in their scripting23:15
samthewildoneit's tether-android23:18
samthewildonehm, let me see if I could comment out the function within the code23:18
samthewildone^ most likely will lead to more errors.23:18
samthewildonenacc, I think your option is better.23:18
naccsamthewildone: yeah, don't do that :)23:19
naccsamthewildone: it's failing to parse the gcc version, if i had to guess23:19
lighthunterDoes anyone happen to have any suggestions on getting audio working over HDMI on an Optimus laptop (hybrid NVIDIA/Intel graphics)? i have documented what i have tried so far at https://askubuntu.com/questions/1008599/no-audio-over-hdmi-on-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1050-ti.23:24
=== andre is now known as Guest94058
Guest94058Hello. I am online, if someone needs some help with R, I am available...23:35
Guest94058I am Andre, I would like to say...23:35
naccGuest94058: that's not really how this channel works (this is not an R specific channel, this is an Ubuntu support channel). There is probably an R channel23:36
Guest94058Ok. Thanks for the information, nacc.23:36
KumoolGuest94058, /nick Andreorsomething23:37
Kumoolto change your nick23:37
Kumoolalso /join #r  Guest9405823:37
rhokshey guys is it okay if I remove xserver-xorg-input-all and reboot and reinstall it, or will it do damage23:43
fradI copied 300GB of data into a 1TB external hdd. Copied it all, moments later the hdd's icon disappeared from the screen. Gparted od lsblk didnt showed the unit either. Turned the computer off, restared, plugged hdd in, it didnt mount, no icon popped up, neither do gparted of lsblk show the unit23:46
fradthe unit spins though23:46
fradhelp appreciated23:46
pragmaticenigmarhoks, why do you think you need to remove that package?23:48
pragmaticenigmafrad, It's possible the external HDD has failed. Does it work if you plug it into another computer?23:49
fradi dont have another computer23:49
rhokspragmaticenigma: because I disabled my mousepad/touchpad by the keyboard combination to do so and can't re-enable it, so maybe that will help23:49
fradis it normel for units to fail after having copied a ton of data?23:50
rhoksassuming input-all will also remove input-libinput too23:50
pragmaticenigmarhoks, I don't believe you will need to resintall that package... there is probably a better way to get you mousepad working agin23:50
rhokspragmaticenigma: cool23:51
lighthuntercan anyone recommend a channel to ask about NVIDIA/Optimus audio or graphics issues? (c.f., https://askubuntu.com/questions/1008599/no-audio-over-hdmi-on-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1050-ti)23:51
pragmaticenigmarhoks, it's more likely a configuration issue... I'm not certain exactly what the fix might be at the moment, be patient and I'll look or someone else may try to help23:51
pragmaticenigma!patience | lighthunter23:52
ubottulighthunter: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/23:52
pragmaticenigmarhoks, take a look at this article, let us know if that helps or not and we can go from there: https://askubuntu.com/questions/335317/deactivated-touchpad-how-to-activate23:54
lighthunteri realize that nobody who has read my question likely knows the answer to it, pragmaticenigma; i am simply wondering if there is another venue i can try.23:54
kasper3hi i installed all dev packages of clang/llvm/lldb 6.0 from http://apt.llvm.org/, but couldn't find LLDB.h which used to be there in all previous versions of lldb. is it a packaging bug?23:55
lighthunter(I have already tried the venues suggested by the bot.)23:55
kasper3it seems to be present in sources: https://github.com/llvm-mirror/lldb/blob/release_60/include/lldb/API/LLDB.h23:55
pragmaticenigmalighthunter, have you tried the step in this article? https://itsfoss.com/how-to-fix-no-sound-through-hdmi-in-external-monitor-in-ubuntu/23:55
lighthunteri have spent weeks on this issue.23:56
nacckasper3: that would be a question for llvm.org, right?23:57
pragmaticenigmalighthunter, the reason I sent the "patience" to you was because you effectively asked your question shortly after the first. while they may not be the exact same, it may take a while for someone with knowledge to respond. Continuing to ask questions about the issue clutters the room and makes it difficult to help others23:58
kasper3nacc: already asked in #llvm, thought someone in #ubuntu might have observed it and knows a workaround etc.23:59

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