
bdxhow can my users login to a controller from another host?15:59
bdxI thought it may be as simple as running `juju register <ip address of controller>16:00
bdxI can't find any docs on this16:00
bdxahh got it16:06
bdxthey just run the register command, but with the ip of the controller, instead of the register hash16:07
bdxhmmmm ... well thatt doesn't work16:08
mupBug #1754701: `juju register` workflow ? <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1754701>16:14
bdxfollowed it up with a docs bug too https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/251316:21
bdxrahwork, rick_h: rahworkx@external/devops-sandbox16:51
bdx^ model stuck in destroying in jaas16:52
bdxthe machine in that model was a manually added machine that was physically removed, but then never removed in the context of juju16:52
bdxnow trying to remove the model it hangs16:53
bdxnever destroys16:53
ryebotbdx check .local/share/juju/models.yaml, there may be a stale entry that you can remove if you're sure the machines are gone.16:55
bdxryebot: cool ... I mean I can still get `juju status` on the model ....16:55
bdxryebot: I would think that would indicate that the model still actually exists ?16:56
bdxryebot: https://pastebin.com/qisLu5dm16:58
ryebotbdx looking16:58
ryebotWhat happens if you force remove that machine?16:58
bdxit never leaves16:59
ryebotbdx can you confirm it's actually gone via aws console or cli?17:00
bdxryebot: one interesting observation https://pastebin.com/uURCXgUL17:01
bdxafter trying to --force remove the machine, it seems the juju agent has come back to life lol17:02
ryebotOh, weird.17:02
ryebotI'd probably try another force removal17:03
bdxyeah, I just hammered it with ~20ish17:03
ryebotAh, well then.17:03
bdxI'm cracking open another bug for this17:04
bdxryebot: thanks for your insight17:04
ryebotI think at this point I'd destroy the machine via aws cli/console and then wipe the model17:04
bdxits a manually added machine17:04
ryebotbdx np good luck17:04
bdxno one who has access to the model has access to the physical machine anymore lol17:05
rick_hbdx: can you destroy-machine --force?17:15
bdxrick_h: I can run the command, but it has no affect17:16
rick_hbdx: right, go to the model, destroy-machine --force all the machines17:16
bdxoh lol ... nope cant run that one17:16
rick_hthen destroy-model (now empty)17:16
rick_hhave to go the bug route and see what we can figure out sorry. That's the best get out of jail card I know for that17:17
bdxis a thing17:17
bdxdestroy-machine isnt17:17
rick_hI thought it was destroy17:18
bdxbut yeah ... got the friday bug attack all lit up17:18
mupBug #1754711: `juju destroy-model <model-name>` - model never destroys <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1754711>17:18
rick_hbdx: sorry, remove-machine --force17:18
bdxyeah, rick_h .... ya know what that did?17:18
bdxinteresting behavior https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ywJ7Cns8HS/17:19
rahworkxHello all, does anyone know a way to provision multiple kube-api-loadbalancer aws instances in the cdk bundle.yml ?19:02
rahworkxHello all was also wondering when bootstrapping a aws controller is there a way to config open port source ip's?19:28
kwmonroerahworkx: this will open ports on any unit: juju run --unit <application>/<n> open-port XXXX'20:51
kwmonroeor if you wanted ports for multiple units, you could do it at the application level with:  juju run --application <app> 'open-port XXXX'20:51
kwmonroeor everthing with: juju run --all 'open-port XXXX'20:51
kwmonroebut typically you'd rely on the charm author to open the right ports for their application.  is there a reason you want additional ports opened outside of the charm's defaults?20:52
kwmonroeoh wait, i may be misunderstanding your question -- you wanted ports opened at bootstrap time?  for the controller or a specific app or what?20:53

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