
MarkyMarkAnyone out there that can assist me on replaceing Win 7 with Lubuntu?05:46
MarkyMarkdownloaded and burnt to DVD and still will not install05:48
MarkyMarkused CloneDrive and tried to install from that and no dicce as well05:48
MarkyMarkNobody is there????05:52
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/05:52
tsimonq2Have you tried Rufus?05:52
MarkyMarkNo... pretty much the same as CloneDrive isn't it?05:53
MarkyMarkDidn't try USB as I had a DVD handy05:53
tsimonq2Ah ok05:54
tsimonq2And define "will not install"05:54
MarkyMarkbypasses DVD boot al together05:54
tsimonq2Then maybe it's a problem with your system.05:55
tsimonq2Check the BIOS.05:55
tsimonq2Maybe there's options in there.05:55
MarkyMarkok... I will try that05:55
tsimonq2Or, check the POST messages. Maybe you can press a key to choose the DVD.05:55
tsimonq2Because it could be a problem with the DVD or the DVD reader, and not with Lubuntu.05:55
MarkyMarkI hit F12 and got the list to what should boot and chose DVD/CD05:55
tsimonq2Or, you could pick up a USB stick (if you don't have one, they've gotten super cheap) and try with Rufus.05:56
MarkyMarkdrive works fine... been using it all week05:56
tsimonq2Hm, I don't know.05:56
tsimonq2Like I said, maybe try a different DVD or a USB stick.05:56
MarkyMarkI will try the USB... I have had success wit that in the past05:56
tsimonq2Cool, let me know how it goes.05:56
MarkyMarkwill do05:58
MarkyMarkthanks again05:58
parheliaI get the feeling they just burned the ISO file to the DVD06:03
parhelia"CloneDrive" is a virtual ISO mounter for windows06:03
chegneyhow do you update lubuntu if  you haven't used the system in a while?15:45
chegneyapt update gave me 151 upgradeable packages, is that it?15:45
chegneyjust apt upgrade?15:45
chegneyI have 16.04 LTS, so I'm assuming just updating the packages should be enough right?15:51
chegney16.04.4 to be precise15:52
blevyzgaapt  do-release-upgrade15:57
chegneythat says invalid operation16:25
blevyzgafirst try apt dist-upgrade16:27
chegneyah, I went into the graphical software updates and changed it to any new version rather than any lts16:31
chegneyit's now triggering the update to 17.1016:31
chegneythat's probably the same as the dist-upgrade you mentioned16:31
KamilionYo, can't find the beta 1 ISOs, what's up?21:12
Kamilionn/m, i see21:54

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