=== naught101_ is now known as naught101 [09:12] I am looking to try a prerelease candidate for 18.04 vanilla 64 bit desktop [09:13] Hopefully an iso that is not going to crash on me [09:13] lisbeths: read the topic [09:13] Are the daily builds safe? [09:13] I am not looking for say arch linux style [09:14] they are the latest isos you can get [09:14] alright I'll try it out. Hopefully it is more like debian sid or fedora stable than like arch [09:14] you should expect problems, though. if you can't handle manual packages breakage etc a daily build is not for you [09:18] Eh [09:19] I feel like I could pick up package breakages if It happens [09:19] The only thing I usually install is emacs [09:27] Hi everyone, is here someone on ubuntu 18.04 with Nvidia card? I need nvidia driver but there was a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/1752053 and i'm not sure if it safe now to install it. [09:27] Launchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Incomplete] [09:34] It was broken for me, and is now working again. But I have some problems, e.g. Chrome on Google Maps is now awfully slow. But, what do you expect, prerelease. [09:57] @Faux i see, so you installed nvidia-driver-390 or just nvidia-390 from ppa? [09:58] I'm not using any ppas. nvidia-XXX are just transition packages to nvidia-driver-XXX now I think. [09:59] Do you use bionic-proposed rep? [09:59] No. [10:00] Ok thanks [10:04] Hm weird http://storage8.static.itmages.com/i/18/0309/h_1520589840_6215328_5e8c6efccd.png [10:04] http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1520589879.png [10:05] As I said, nvidia-384 is just an alias for nvidia-driver-390 now. SUPER CONFUSING. [10:08] Will try, if system will die will update bug report :) [13:27] I have a silly issue on a bionic setup. If I ssh in with konsole from another host... I can clear the terminal with clear just fine.. but if I fire up a tmux instance and try to clear in that... it just rehomes the cursor and doesn't wipe the screen [13:30] If the session that connects to tmux has term of xterm-256color, it will fail to clear inside tmux. If the term is linux, it works ok. [14:00] Is it possible to make Bionic not brick every single time the network interface name changes? [14:53] CoJaBo: Could you describe your problem in a little more detail, please? [15:16] Odd_Bloke: If the network interface name changes, the system hangs for a very long time at boot (sometimes it seems to continue, sometimes seems to hang forever), so you can't easily fix the problem [15:17] Also, is the manpage for the version of zfs used in bionic available online? All I'm finding are what appear to be incredibly old versions [15:22] CoJaBo: if that's due to a systemd-networkd configuration change the .network file to match on another property of the interface that doesn't change, such as it's MAC address [15:25] ? [16:49] any hope of getting xfwm4.13 into the repo's/installed by default in 18.04? [16:49] I only see 4.12 now ;( https://apaste.info/5GBv [16:50] 4.13 switched from Xrender to opengl ;) [16:52] donofrio: it's after feature freeze [16:52] donofrio: so unless the xubuntu devs want to deal with that transition, and there is a bug filed and approved by the release team, then no. [16:52] donofrio: the appropriate place to ask is in a bug, though, not the support channel [16:52] ok I'll bug it - tnx [16:54] what url to bug tried "github.com/Ubuntu but only shows 30 projects and no xfwm listed ;( [16:55] donofrio: uh, really? [16:55] !bug [16:55] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [16:55] donofrio: github is not related to ubuntu the distro in general [16:55] donofrio: you've never reported an ubuntu bug? [16:59] I've done launchpad bugs before just forgot where I needed to go for a min [17:18] donofrio: xfwm4 4.13 is a dev release [17:18] not likely that we'll be changing to it for an LTS version [17:55] flocculant, do you have a repo where I could install it on 18.04? [17:56] donofrio: https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/experimental [17:58] there are a couple of other xubuntu ppa's we use if you're interested [17:58] very much intrested [17:58] https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/extras [17:59] https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [17:59] https://launchpad.net/~shimmerproject/+archive/ubuntu/daily [17:59] all these PPA's are Xubuntu Dev Team - even the shimmer one - this is what I'm using [18:00] sounds great thank you.... [18:00] no problem - I have an xfce/xubuntu ping from this channel - but we live in #xubuntu-devel [20:47] hello [20:47] iam on 18.04 and Remmina won't connect to RDP windows server [20:47] also screen brightness controls on my laptop not accurate [22:10] This works with Xenial, but with Bionic, it gives errors about std::isfinite and std::snprintf not existing: https://git.io/vAhwa [22:22] aww crap I used nprocs instead of nproc - use this repro instead: https://git.io/vAhon [22:42] Is 18.04 using x11 by default? Or still on wayland? [22:44] stochastix: 18.04 will now have X11 as the default with wayland as the option . [22:44] I see, thanks [23:21] is ubuntu 18.04 able to set the MTU with netplan? it seems to be ignoring the setting