[20:56] Hello Apu vy [20:56] Hi Pavel [20:56] type p+tab [20:56] pavlushka, [20:56] yea [20:56] cool [20:57] this is our local hanging out [20:57] channel [20:57] pavlushka, thanx very much for ur help [20:57] Welcome to Ubuntu [20:57] Apu let me introduce you to some asking for help basics :) [20:58] plz do [20:58] Apu: (vy) for that read the channel topic :) [20:58] :p [20:59] ok [20:59] for sharing screenshots, we use imgur, you can login to it using your google account [21:00] Apu: and for commandline output logs we use, paste.ubuntu.com, it will give you a sharable link of your paste to share with us [21:00] As I'v told u earlier, I'm here for using 'R Server version' since it is not compatible with windows [21:01] The desktop R is okay with both windows & Linux [21:01] Apu: and we ask questions/help in one whole paragraph if needed or in one line if that is poissible [21:01] alright [21:01] is there any option for notification for hexchat? [21:02] Apu: we directly ask, we dont ask to ask, like, "can I ask a question" or "can I get some help?" [21:02] Apu yes [21:02] how? [21:02] Apu: goto settings tab, look for preference, there [21:08] !help | Apu [21:08] Apu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [21:08] Apu: meet out ubuntu bot lubotu2` [21:09] hi lubotu2 [21:09] Apu: it does not talk [21:09] hahahaha [21:10] Apu: its a helper bot and we also have a channel helper bot u-la-la [21:10] bapre [21:11] r u the only organic human being here? [21:11] * pavlushka checking whether a website is up or not [21:11] .isup paste.ubuntu.com [21:11] http://paste.ubuntu.com looks fine to me. [21:12] Apu: nope, LjL is, sometimes Researcher- also [21:13] Apu: ChanServ is the channel operator bot [21:13] ok [21:13] Apu: u-la-la channel helper bot [21:13] nice [21:13] lubotu2`: is the Ubuntu help bot [21:13] pavlushka: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [21:14] Apu: Brainstorm is the earhtquake alert bot by LjL [21:14] Apu: and u-la-la is by me [21:15] .voice #ubuntu-bd Apu [21:15] .devoice #ubuntu-bd Apu [21:16] .why [21:16] We are unable to find any reasons *why* this should work. [21:17] .why [21:17] We are unable to find any reasons *why* this should work. [21:17] .yt Sadat Qiyum [21:17] YouTube returned 1052 results: Muhasabatul Qolbi - Ya Sayyida Sadat 2017 by KANG ROZAQ (https://youtu.be/ihe-9CefMN8), ALAMAAK ya sayyidassadat by kang falah (https://youtu.be/IDCmp5__Z8s), Sholawat Ya Sayyida Sadat Clip Asian Muslim Weddin ... by Sambel Godok Channel (https://youtu.be/bUfFlWZheic), YA SAYYIDASSADAT ( SYAUQUL HABIB ) | RESEPSI PERNI ... by Ogi Sarof 'GENCAR' (https://youtu.be/e9yHyCAhQB4) [21:18] .wx-wg Dhaka, Bangladesh [21:18] Cover: Haze, Temp: 72°F (22°C), Dew Point: 61°F (16°C), Humdity: 59%, Feels Like: 72°F (22°C), Pressure: [] 29.83in (1010mb), Wind: From the at 0 mph (0 kmh), Location: Dhaka, , Last Updated: March 10, 12:00 AM +06, (Powered by wunderground.com) [21:19] Apu: So that is it. we have soem mailing systems [21:19] .tell Apu to be in here [21:19] pavlushka: I'll pass that on when Apu is around. [21:21] Apu: u-la-la takes command preseded by an immidiate dot [21:21] .yt Sadat Quayum [21:21] YouTube returned 0 results: [21:22] Apu: anyways, have fun, if it stops, you can ask here why? :p