
kenvandineseb128, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/userd/ui/zenity.go07:39
willcookemorning didrocks07:43
willcookeduflu, are you around if we get started a bit early?07:44
didrocksgood morning07:44
dufluwillcooke, yes and no. Working on the google doc for a bit07:44
dufluHang on07:44
dufluwillcooke, yes. Let me know when.07:46
willcookeduflu, didrocks  - lemme just see if I can resolve the audio07:47
willcookeduflu, didrocks ok, in the hangout now... https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/desktop-team?authuser=007:50
* duflu has to grab and set up the peripherals07:51
seb128jbicha, when I talked about meson 0.45 with Jussi he wrote that08:01
seb128<jpakkane>    Well it is an LTS so it might make sense to have 0.44.1 in there because 0.45.0 will probably have regressions.08:01
seb128<jpakkane>    It has a _ton_ of features.08:01
seb128jbicha, in any case you need a ffe for that update08:02
seb128jbicha, bug #175457808:04
ubot5`bug 1754578 in meson (Ubuntu) "New meson version including features uploaded without ffe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175457808:04
willcookeduflu, speaking of libinput: https://t.co/1br5Jb40ZP08:08
willcookealso for lols:https://twitter.com/zygoon/status/97187243001587712608:08
dufluwillcooke, yeah you will see I answered that one08:08
seb128duflu, tjaalton, should we sync 1.10.2 from Debian?08:10
dufluseb128, it usually happens quickly08:10
duflu(thanks tjaalton)08:10
seb128duflu, well, the new one is in Debian but we stopped doing autosyncs at this point of the cycle so it's a manual decision now08:11
dufluseb128, yeah it looks like we may need to even consider 1.11 depending on whether some fixes get into 1.10.x08:11
seb128tjaalton, duflu, unsure if we consider "      Introduce omnidirectional (elliptical) hysteresis" as a feature that requires a ffe08:11
dufluWait and see when those fixes exist in a single branch08:11
tjaaltonI still hope to see some sort of help to thinkpads trackpoints, they're pretty much unusable OOTB :/08:12
dufluseb128, it's a fix really, with a bug entry08:12
dufluI'm already thinking bionic will need 1.10.3 ... 1.11 or something08:14
seb128duflu, well, we can start with .2 to at least fix that crash bug08:15
dufluseb128, yeah. Basically AFAIK the right code exists in master08:15
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willcookethanks duflu08:21
seb128Trevinho, I'm not sure we have enough free cycles to work on https://trello.com/c/XSHSCayy/86-separate-unity-settings-daemon-monitors-settings-and-migrate-scaling-settings before bionic is out08:22
Trevinhoseb128: first part of it is a quick thing I'll do it in u-s-d08:23
seb128let's discuss/see what other priorities we have08:28
dufluYes, just checked. The "final" touchpad fixes landed on master a little after 1.10.2 happened08:30
dufluIn other news, anyone? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/66474808:33
willcookedidrocks, duflu was the audio any better generally?08:35
dufluwillcooke, worse I think08:36
* willcooke scraps that plan08:36
didrockswell, at least, we can hear everyone08:36
seb128duflu, is that https://launchpad.net/bluez ?08:36
dufluseb128, I think it was yes08:36
didrockseven if the quality itself was worse, it was possible to hear them and understand08:36
didrockswhich is a plus IMHO :)08:36
seb128duflu, try asking on #launchpad / to cwatson08:37
dufluseb128, nevermind. I really didn't need another context switch. Was just reminded by email that the question expired (and the "official" docs told me to make it a question IIRC)08:37
dufluPlus Colin usually responds to my LP questions, eventually08:38
duflutjaalton, sorry I keep forgetting I have TrackPoint. But at the same time, whot needs a holiday from me08:40
tjaaltonduflu: heh, well I've been toying with the udev rules but haven't found anything to match what it was before08:43
tjaaltonthere's a bug upstream (gnome) about adding a slider for trackpoints to g-c-c08:45
duflutjaalton, oh so the setting exists, just no gui?08:45
dufluThat said, libinput is aiming for sane defaults, so the default being unusable is still a bug08:46
tjaaltonit's sane for t44008:46
tjaaltonjust not for *50 and up08:47
duflutjaalton, indeed. Do you know the change to make? Or just pointing out where to make it?08:48
duflulibinput 1.10.2 got a similar tweak for Apple Magic Trackpad08:48
tjaaltonnope, it's in the code but haven't looked deeper, just tested hwdb quirks for now08:49
duflutjaalton, if you have a quirk that works, that same text file exists in the source tree. Just propose a patch08:50
dufluAlthough I'm not sure all parameters are yet tweakable08:51
Laneytjaalton: hi, any chance you can cherry-pick a309323328d9d6e0bf5d9ea1d75920e53b9beef3 for xorg-server please?09:07
LaneyI think it's the same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1748926 but the symptom for me is that it broke X ...09:07
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1748926 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "From 1.19.6 on, X treats every device as an input device" [Undecided,Incomplete]09:07
tjaaltonah that09:08
tjaaltonwas hoping for 1.19.7 to arrive by now, I'll add that next week09:09
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Laneythis was a bit annoying, I was trying to present and screen share but couldn't get on an X session to do that09:10
Laneydev release fun09:13
Laneyjbicha: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tYqWwsqkT3/09:13
Laneylooks like I forgot to fish it out of my stash and push it09:13
Laneywould have made some aspects of the demo easier09:13
darkxsthey desktopers!09:26
darkxstLaney, I have used gbp quite a bit over the years, but how will it scale with debian/ubuntu using different brnaches and repos?09:30
darkxstwill there be a delta on every gbp.conf file in packages?09:36
didrocksjibel: another ubiquity MR for you :) (will still need a FFe if we don't have it yet): https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubiquity/intall-metrics/+merge/34122910:26
didrocksunsure still how to run autopilot tests though to adjust tests10:26
didrocksI had to revert the previous commit to make it unstalable in my tests10:27
jbichaLaney: thanks. I found debian-tag based on what you said10:27
jbichaseb128: oh oops about meson. last cycle we had reason to need newer meson versions since GNOME was needing new features, but I regretted syncing after I pressed the button10:29
seb128jbicha, should have blocked in it proposed so we could have deleted it :/10:30
jbichanow that we're on meson 0.45, do we expect that anything is broken though?10:30
seb128now we need a revert10:30
seb128well we have a process10:30
seb128either we need a ffe and have it approved or to revert10:30
jbichaI won't push any newer versions of meson this cycle without discussion10:30
seb128also maybe check with upstream10:30
seb128Jussi recommended we stay on 0.44 when I talked to him10:30
seb128well, 0.45 is already an issue, we need to sort that one out now10:31
willcookerobert_ancell, getting a 4040 on this page (as linked to from your bug): https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/add-method-to-show-recently-updated-snaps11:02
willcookerobert_ancell, is it just me11:02
robert_ancellwillcooke, I renamed the title, and thought it kept the old link :/11:03
willcookethanks robert_ancell11:03
oSoMoNkenvandine, jamesh: https://github.com/Ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/10011:19
kenvandinerobert_ancell, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-software/issues/32311:29
kenvandinejbicha, gnome-characters snap now shows color emoji on bionic11:31
jbichakenvandine: nice … but why are you using EmojiOne instead of Noto Color Emoji?11:33
kenvandinei didn't intentionally11:34
kenvandinejbicha, it actually should be using the fonts on the host11:35
kenvandinejbicha, i need to remove those fonts11:36
Laneydarkxst: delta> yes, scalability> unknown!11:36
jbichakenvandine: I don't have Emoji One installed, basically it looks like the first screenshot instead of the second at https://community.ubuntu.com/t/try-color-emoji-in-18-04/149211:37
jbichaoh, fonts-emojione is in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ubuntu/gnome-3-26/+packages11:38
jbicharicotz: could you look into LP: #1682455 for Firefox 60?12:24
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1682455 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "thunderbird not available in GNOME Software" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168245512:24
ricotzjbicha, moving the symlink does the trick?12:42
jbichaI think so. Thunderbird does show up in Debian's GNOME Software so maybe look at what they're doing (Debian does a bit more complex stuff with icons though)12:48
jbichaappstream metadata is a bit of a pain because the only way to know for sure is to upload to the archive (ppa's don't work yet)12:48
ricotzI will add an additional symlink for the icon to usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/*.png12:49
seb128jibel, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization12:49
jbicharicotz: why do you want to keep the /usr/share/pixmaps/ location?12:50
ricotznot sure, could something still relying on them?12:51
ricotz(considering 14.04 and later)12:51
jbichaI'll let you decide, but stuff shouldn't be hard-coding the full icon path :|12:55
ricotzI will move it to the mentioned location12:57
ricotzshould be in the next trunk upload and 60.0 beta 312:58
jibeldidrocks, did you try a preseeded installation?12:58
jibel(re your MP)12:58
didrocksjibel: I guess that's the debconf UI, which I didn't12:59
didrocksI did the "automatic" which is asking less questions and taking the default preseeded answers12:59
jibeldidrocks, isn't it "noninteractive"?13:00
jibelnvm, I'll try13:00
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didrocksjibel: yeah, the definition is a little bit puzzling. Testing all the other cases were quite time-consuming. If you can give a try on the preseeded one, I will appreciate13:01
jibeldidrocks, yes, don't worry, I'll do it13:01
jbicharicotz: oh I read the calendar wrong. Do you think there's time for it to make FF 59 too?13:02
jibeldidrocks, is there a card on the board?13:02
ricotzjbicha, oh, not sure how far chris is with 5913:02
jibelfound it13:03
didrocksjibel: https://trello.com/c/QBufNYWO/174-add-a-send-data-to-help-improve-ubuntu-option-to-the-installer-and-to-settings13:03
didrocksjibel: feel free to edit, the current goal has changed a lot with the first login prompt, so not matching what is written there (not updated)13:03
ricotzjbicha, chrisccoulson, https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head/revision/218513:07
robert_ancellkenvandine, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1754655 - fixed in bionic13:08
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1754655 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Bionic) "Installing snap from command line confuses GNOME Software" [Medium,Triaged]13:08
kenvandinerobert_ancell, thx13:21
kenvandinejbicha, how does it decide to use emojione or noto?13:55
kenvandinejbicha, do you know?13:55
kenvandinejbicha, i've rebuilt the platform snap without emojione and it breaks gnome-characters13:56
kenvandineif i install emojione on my bionic system it starts working13:56
jbichakenvandine: uh, fontconfig sets the priority. by default on bionic I believe emojione will override noto-color-emoji14:00
kenvandinejbicha, it didn't work before i installed emojione :/14:01
jbichaI don't know much about snap yet14:01
kenvandinejbicha, snaps can now access fonts from the host14:02
kenvandineit wasn't the case when i created these snaps14:02
jbichabut I saw you had emojione in that ppa and not noto-color-emoji. Now that noto-color-emoji is there, maybe you want to remove emojione14:02
kenvandineso the snap bundled fonts, including emojione14:02
kenvandinei rebuilt the snap without emojione14:02
kenvandineand it broke14:02
kenvandinemy snap no longer has emojione14:03
jbichaare you sure about snaps being able to use host fonts?14:03
jbichalike Logs shows the wrong font for me ( https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/font-issue-with-bionic-snaps/4330 )14:03
kenvandinejbicha, i installed the deb of emojione on my bionic laptop14:04
kenvandineand it started working14:04
kenvandineso it's getting the font from my host14:04
jbichaI feel pretty lost here, but maybe you can share your platform-without-emojione with me?14:08
cyphermoxwillcooke: jbicha: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/175467114:14
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1754671 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Full-tunnel VPN DNS leakage regression" [High,Confirmed]14:14
kenvandinejbicha, it's in the edge channel14:17
kenvandinesnap refresh --edge gnome-3-26-160414:17
jbichaI dug around in /snap/gnome-3-26-1604/current/ and things look ok. Do I need to know anything about how apparmor stuff works?14:34
jbichabtw, I guess the Logs fonts issue is Wayland only14:34
kenvandine[m][m]jbicha: I couldn't figure out why it can't find the noto emojis.  I even built my snap with the noto emojis and it didn't work.17:45
jbichakenvandine[m][m]: I don't understand it either :(17:45
kenvandine[m][m]I'll have to look more after I get home17:46
jbichaLaney: I switched gnome-desktop3 to LP git https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-desktop/+git/gnome-desktop21:28
jbichawe didn't really use bzr for the package: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-desktop/ubuntu21:29

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