
=== JimBuntu is now known as Plaid
=== Plaid is now known as JimBuntu
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:13
lordievaderGood morning07:02
lotuspsychjehey lordievader how are you?07:03
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje07:04
lordievaderDoing good here, how  are you?07:04
lotuspsychjegreat here coffeeee07:05
ducassegood morning07:15
lotuspsychjehey ducasse07:15
ducassehi lotuspsychje - how's life?07:16
lotuspsychjefine about to breakfast07:17
ducasseenjoy, lotuspsychje07:19
lordievaderHey ducasse07:35
lordievaderHow are you doing?07:35
ducassemorning lordievader, all well here thanks. how about you?08:14
lordievaderDoing good here 😁08:33
ducassegood :)08:43
ducassegoing into the city today, which will be a chilling experience08:43
lordievaderCold day?08:47
ducassenot too cold, but a river runs through the middle of the city, so that chills things down considerably08:50
lordievaderAh, I see.08:51
ducasseit's just a quick trip, though, won't be there long. forecast says warmer weather is coming over the weekend, so maybe we'll get rid of some of all this snow...08:56
lordievaderSame here, reports go as high as 17 degrees :)09:06
ducassewow, we'll barely be hitting the plus side :)09:08
Blueskaj'Morning folks10:01
BluesKajHi TJ- , think I'd better just be a bystander/observer in #ubuntu since gnome/gnome 3 is totally beyond my knowledge base now12:36
TJ-BluesKaj: same here; I generally avoid the GUI issues :)12:37
BluesKajhehe, yeah good idea :-)12:38
TJ-Can't get decent diagnostic logs for GUI in most cases, and I try to avoid guessing and mind-reading12:40
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon

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