
MooDoomorning all07:00
diploMorning all08:54
SuperMattit is indeed a morning09:50
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:58
YasarI would like to know more about Promissory Notes?16:51
daftykinsthey're still turning up17:00
diddledanit's begun, the uprising: https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2018/3/7/17092334/amazon-alexa-devices-strange-laughter17:03
zmoylan-pialexa turning on humans, meh.... wait till the roomba uprising...17:05
diddledanbut roombas will augment their hoovering abilities with a mating between themselves and the lawn mower!17:06
daftykinszmoylan-pi: that featured in that recent x-files 'episode'17:06
zmoylan-piwouldn't be their first killer robots/a.i. story...17:39
daftykinsmmm, though this was decidedly a lemon17:40

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