
bluesabreochosi, flocculant: interested in adding the notification plugin to the panel?01:39
bluesabreUnit193: xfce4-notifyd includes a panel plugin01:44
bluesabreflocculant: is this one fixed now? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/104738402:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047384 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu Bionic) "System Encryption Password set before setting keyboard locale" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:42
bluesabrefull release note updated, https://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/18.04/release-notes02:47
bluesabreTrying my best to just login to the ubuntu wiki now02:51
bluesabreochosi: that adwaita screen looks great :)03:00
bluesabrehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/Beta1 updated with a link to our release note03:03
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r665 Launchpad automatic translations update. (by Launchpad Translations on behalf of xubuntu-dev)04:55
rev2kHey everyone, im trying to join some of the translation projects on transifex.com/xfce . I can see English (Australia) in the list that still has strings to translate, although when I try to join the team and choose English (Australia), it isnt in the drop down, only English UK and English Canada05:50
ochosibluesabre: i personally am a fan of adding that plugin by default. gives quick access to DND mode, which is nice. but then again i'm probably biased since i'm the author ;)06:09
ochosibluesabre: btw, i know i've created quite a few reviews for you, if you want me to hand them to someone else that's ok too (xfce4-settings, greeter etc)07:07
flocculantbluesabre: re notify plugin - I'm good if people want to add it07:24
flocculantthanks for doing release note stuff07:27
flocculantbluesabre: just to be certain cleared all the cache/config/local parole places - still no play button issue 07:34
flocculantbluesabre: shifted issues to top of release note07:47
flocculantbluesabre: well - we got some new names on the tracker \o/08:22
flocculantI'll follow any bugs they reported and try to triage them and shout if needed08:22
knomeochosi, yep, it's all done and now marked as such10:53
bluesabreochosi: sorry about that, got caught up with other things10:54
flocculant hi knome bluesabre 10:59
bluesabrehi flocculant 10:59
flocculantrn looks nice with all that stuffs :)11:00
bluesabretook longer than expected, but should get anybody up-to-date with the beta11:01
flocculantbluesabre: you want a vid of parole not playing a vid - play button thing11:01
flocculantif I get a mirror perhaps you could have an infinite one :D11:01
bluesabrenah, I should be able to dig into it from the bug report11:02
flocculantok :)11:02
flocculantbluesabre: did you see discussion in here last night re the slow desktop thing?11:03
bluesabreI think so... seemed like we didn't get anywhere11:05
flocculantyea - that's the one ...11:09
flocculantI guess we could release note it as a 'note'11:11
flocculantgiven that the 2nd login appears to be ok11:11
bluesabreYeah, that seems fair11:12
bluesabreali1234 is usually pretty good about debugging things like that11:13
ali123490 seconds to log in the first time?11:14
ali1234xubuntu doesn't use systemd for session login yet, right?11:15
flocculantali1234: which suspiciously iirc is systemd default timeout or something 11:15
ali1234you could check "systemd-analyze blame" but it might not tell you anything useful about the user's session11:16
flocculantali1234: yea it doesn't11:16
ali1234is it reproducible in virtualbox?11:16
flocculantcan't remember tbh - I use kvm11:16
bluesabreit is11:16
ali1234what's the exact steps to reproduce and when exactly does it happen?11:17
ali1234is it before or after the login screen?11:17
bluesabreI believe it only happens on live cd boot and on first login on an installed system. After the first login it's normal.11:19
flocculantali1234: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YPNCQ2Nd2B/11:20
ali1234can you try making a new user account and logging in to it?11:20
flocculantwasn't 90s last night11:20
flocculantali1234: in an installed version? 11:20
flocculantcan do that now pretty swiftly11:20
ali1234yeah, i mean: do first log in, see 90 second delay, reboot, login, no delay, make new user, log in as new user. do you get the delay?11:21
flocculantoh - not got time to do that right now - off out pretty shortly11:21
ali1234if you do, it's something in the default user profile11:21
ali1234most likely something missing which gets created after the first login11:22
flocculantI can check that out later11:22
flocculantbluesabre ali1234 - when I've done it I'll ping result11:23
ali1234"Failed to send D-Bus message Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply,... etc"11:42
ali1234is there a way to login on console on the livecd?11:46
ali1234hmm i think this is it11:49
ali1234ERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on org.bluez [blah blah] Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)11:50
ali1234and it tried 3 times, so 75 seconds, which is what i measured the delay as11:50
knomehooray ali1234 :)11:50
flocculantali1234: awesoome - thanks :)11:52
ali1234(also i have no bluetooth icon, not sure if that's expected as i have no bluetooth hardware in the VM)11:53
ali1234that error is in ~/.xsession-errors btw11:53
flocculantali1234: I see it in xsession-errors.old in the install from last night - missing from xsession-errors there11:55
ali1234basically lines 54 to 6011:55
flocculantcan paste them if they're any use11:55
flocculantand yea - it tried 3 times11:56
ali1234so out of interest, is that blueman PyGIWarning present in your latest logs?11:56
ali1234it could be related if somehow the wrong version is loading11:57
flocculantnot locally - but present in errors.old 11:57
flocculantnot in the xsession-errors there11:58
ali1234do you have bluetooth hardware and/or a bluetooth indicator icon?11:58
flocculantno hardware - can't remember what was on that install panel11:58
flocculantcertainly not locally - all removed11:59
flocculantfrom last nights install, which had 2 boots only12:01
flocculantoff now for a while12:01
ali1234so in the livecd session if i kill blueman-applet and restart it, it times out again12:04
ali1234bug 1533206 seems related12:07
ubottubug 1533206 in Blueman "Blueman-applet crash on login: DBusException in call_blocking(): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153320612:07
ali1234previously it would crash if you had no bluetooth hardware... seems now it just hangs for 75 seconds :(12:07
knomephew... good thing i have bt stuff :P12:13
knomejoking aside, bbl12:13
knomeslickymasterWork, would you be around at 16UTCish?14:51
slickymasterWorkbut just until 17:45 UTC, knome 14:53
slickymasterWorkhave to pick up little at 18:00 at school14:53
slickymasterWork+ one14:53
FurretUberHi, is this bug: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13979 planned to be corrected for 18.04 release?15:10
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 13979 in General "Some application names are not localized in applications menu" [Normal,Needinfo]15:10
knomeslickymasterWork, ok, then let's start the sprint then as i have unexpected alone time home at that point and "nothing" (yeah right) to do15:14
slickymasterWorkI'm going to need a few more minutes knome, please16:03
knomeslickymasterWork, sure, np16:04
knome(and me too kind of, wife and son are still in the progress of leaving)16:04
knomeok, i'm free16:07
knomei mean alone16:07
slickymasterWorkok knome 16:10
slickymasterWorkshall we start16:10
knomeso, what do *you* have in mind for this cycle?16:11
slickymasterWorkinstaller first?16:11
knomewhichever order16:11
slickymasterWorkyou said you had some changes in mind you'd like to propose16:11
slickymasterWorknamely graphically wise16:11
slickymasterWorkspecifically what?16:12
knomei'm just pulling my branch to see where that is at16:12
knomewell the main thing being "let's make it smaller"16:12
slickymasterWorklet me fire up a VM so I can see it also16:12
slickymasterWorkI'll have to do some RDP for that16:12
slickymasterWorkwell, it's work 16:13
knomedo you want to discuss the other things while things are rolling?O16:13
slickymasterWorkonly Linux here, besides that machine is server16:13
slickymasterWorkregarding the end user docs I don't have, or plan any major revamps16:13
knomeat this point that would be outrageous anyway :P16:14
slickymasterWorkor better, not thinking in altering them just for the sake of it16:14
knomevisually, i'm ok with them as they are16:14
slickymasterWorksame here16:14
knomeat some point i'll probably update them but that's a longer term plan16:14
slickymasterWorkI already add the mate apps changes16:14
knomeand is related to website16:14
slickymasterWorkhm hm16:14
slickymasterWorkdid you have anything in mind, regarding the -docs16:15
slickymasterWorkother than that?16:15
knomeno, not really16:15
knomethe poking was just to make sure you handle your responsibilities :P16:16
knomeor if you can't that i know to make it happen otherwise16:16
slickymasterWorkit's true I've been pretty swallowed up here at work16:16
slickymasterWorkit will be worst in the near future16:17
knomeit's ok, the comment wasn't meant to be as snarky as it came out..16:17
slickymasterWorkbut by no means I'm planning on leaving this boat16:17
knomeso if we're sure all changes in all packages are covered in docs, then they are fine16:17
knomei think we also removed all mentions to release16:18
knomeor if there was something, updated them, so it's good16:18
slickymasterWorkall the changes, release wise, are already in the -docs16:19
slickymasterWorkI think we're not missing anything new16:19
knomeapart from an upload16:19
slickymasterWorknot sure I understood you now16:20
slickymasterWorkwhat do you mean by an upload?16:20
knomepackage upload16:20
slickymasterWorkthe -docs package?16:20
slickymasterWorkI can't upload it16:21
slickymasterWorklack the permission16:21
knomei know16:21
knomebut we need that done16:21
slickymasterWorkthat's generally bluesabre doing16:21
slickymasterWorkbluesabre ^^16:21
knomebluesabre, assigned to you on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-b-documentation16:21
knomebluesabre, i'll look at the source to make sure it's smooth for you16:22
slickymasterWorkBB is booting16:22
knomebluesabre, eg. changelogs done16:22
slickymasterWorkI think the changelog is in condition16:22
knomeapparently so16:23
slickymasterWorkdoes have his moments 16:23
knomethe installer slideshow16:23
knomeit's relatively bare atm16:23
slickymasterWorkVNware is damn slow :P16:24
slickymasterWorkstarting to pull your branch16:24
knomeso i guess the next questions are:16:25
knomewhat content do we want there?16:25
knomein what quantity?16:25
knome^ less than now, but how much less16:25
slickymasterWorkand how much slides/imagery in it?16:25
knomeand what kind of images16:25
knomedon't remember if you had looked at https://staging.xubuntu.org/16:25
slickymasterWorkI'd hate to loose some of the interactivity we have now16:26
knomei have that updated desktop/laptop image on the frontpage and new image ont he community page16:26
knomei mean the development page16:26
knomeone option is to use those images in the slideshow as well16:26
slickymasterWorkthat's a big +1 from me 16:26
knomeand i could try to have more time and motivation to draw a few more16:26
slickymasterWorkwouldn't hurt16:27
slickymasterWorkeven though I do like the ones you already did16:27
knomebut first i'd need to know the concept16:27
knomeof the slideshow, that is16:27
knometo know what kind of imagery i might draw16:27
knomefor the help & support slide, it could work if we added a few "buttons" like the links on the website16:28
knomefor the links we have there16:28
slickymasterWorkthere are a few slides we could approach distinctly 16:28
slickymasterWorkthat's one16:28
knomeit would give the slide the required amount of facelift16:28
slickymasterWorkother would be the apps slide16:28
knomeor could at least'16:28
slickymasterWorkdo we really have to continue saying what comes with the distro after all these years?16:29
knomeand we don't16:29
knomeif you looked at my new branch :P16:29
slickymasterWorkstill branching it 16:29
slickymasterWorkyeah :(16:30
knomeso... suggestion:16:30
knomeadd the monitor/laptop artwork for the "ready to go" slide16:30
slickymasterWorkhow big (slide numbers) is the reduction you have in mind?16:30
knomeand the community face one on the get involved one16:31
knomethis new slideshow has 5 slides16:31
knomeand it's also smaller in terms of resolution16:31
slickymasterWorkso, dropping 316:31
knomeit's not set it stone if we need more slides16:31
knomebut with new fast disks...16:31
slickymasterWorkwell, monitor/artwork one was one of the suggestions I was going to propose 16:32
slickymasterWorkdropping it16:32
slickymasterWorkthat is16:32
knomethe slide?16:32
knomethen it would be 4 slides...16:32
slickymasterWorkmy reasoning is the same as the one for the apps16:33
slickymasterWorkwe started it circa 16.0416:33
knomethe text now is:16:33
slickymasterWorkby one it's a given fact16:33
knomeeh, i can't copy-paste16:33
slickymasterWork* by now16:33
knomewell it says where you can find the apps and what you can use to customize your system16:34
pleia2knome: thanks for replying to that contacts email16:34
knomeeg. app menu, package manager, settings manager16:34
knomepleia2, np16:34
knomeslickymasterWork, i think that's sane information, but obviously if you have better ideas...16:34
slickymasterWorkyeah, I know16:34
knomethe wording is stale at least16:34
knomealso we still need to keep in mind we don't need to market xubuntu any more; the user is already installing at this point16:35
slickymasterWorkwhat I'm saying is do we still need to keep saying/displaying that info?16:35
slickymasterWorkthat's my point16:35
knomewhat if it's the first time the user boots up a linux OS?16:36
slickymasterWorkbut that also extends to the apps one16:36
knomewhich is why i'm only proposing dropping one of them16:36
slickymasterWorkthat user is also unaware of what comes installed with xub16:37
knomein this slide we are pointing them to explore their system16:37
slickymasterWorkI know it's a bit of a trade off16:37
knome(that's a good word, we could use that to drop something else stale)16:37
knomethis exploring includes finding out which apps are there16:37
knomebut with that we come back to the first slide16:38
knomewe mention that the user can try out their system if they use the live cd16:38
slickymasterWorkthe welcome16:38
knomeerr, the try xubuntu option, not live cd16:38
knomeso there's some redundancy in those things16:38
knomealso, do we need to congratulate people for choosing to install xubuntu?16:38
knomeisn't that a strong cliche?16:38
slickymasterWorkit's a redundancy alright16:39
slickymasterWorkno we don't16:39
knomehave you already got the branch?16:39
slickymasterWorkglad you also mention that becasue it has been bugger him for a while now16:39
slickymasterWorkmot yet16:39
slickymasterWork* not16:39
slickymasterWork436 kb/s16:40
slickymasterWorkgetting back to the last slide16:40
slickymasterWorkI do want to drop the congrats16:40
knomeyou mean the first slide?16:40
knomedid we have a pad to work on this?16:41
slickymasterWorkthink not16:41
knomethere it is16:41
knomebut i think it might be outdated16:42
knomejust a sec while i make some small changes in the branch too16:44
slickymasterWork\o/ finished 16:45
slickymasterWorknot running16:46
knomeyou need that one extra package16:47
knomei don't remember...16:47
knomeor flocculant, do you happen to recall?16:47
slickymasterWorkor krytarik16:48
knomei can try lastlogging16:49
knome14:18  Unit193: gir1.2-webkit2-4.0 or gir1.2-webkit-3.016:51
slickymasterWorklet me install it16:52
slickymasterWorkthat's not the one as I already have it 16:53
knomeok, one more sec16:53
knomemaybe move the idea about a "ready to go" system to the first slide?16:54
knomebut it's hard because it would then be the first sentence16:55
knomebut that's ok, we can figure it out16:55
knomei mean the sentence is also too long because it's one sentence for the whole slide16:55
slickymasterWorkyou mean it will extend to more than one line?16:56
knomethat's not the issue16:56
knomei don't want a slide with only on period16:57
knomeor from a different angle, why try to make those two things fit in one sentence when you can just use two?16:57
knomeas i said in the pad, maybe move the "pre-installed" thing to the first slide16:58
knomeand try to make the customization thing more interesting16:58
slickymasterWorkI've split it into two sentences 16:58
knomeyes, but now we're back to square one16:58
slickymasterWorklol 16:59
knomeok, another way to approach it17:02
knomelet's use irc for the chat because the pad becomes hard to read otherwise17:03
knomeso if we drop the "once...", then it becomes very technical and boring17:03
slickymasterWorknot necessarily 17:03
knomewe can definitely change the beginning (or the whole thing if we have better ideas)17:03
slickymasterWorkI mean we shouldn't assume that all our users are technicians nor noobs17:04
knomewhat i meant with technical is really17:04
slickymasterWorkI'd start with Use the package...17:04
knome"written by technical people"17:05
knomewritten like code documenation17:05
knomethis can be a more fun thing17:05
slickymasterWorkwhat about Software Manager instead?17:05
knomeif that's what the menu says17:05
knomei mean the whole package manager thing is meh17:06
knomeif you are a new user, it doesn't mean anything to you17:06
slickymasterWorknopes, just Software17:06
knomeif not, then you already know this17:06
slickymasterWorkyes, and Software is discernible for the newbies and familiar to old users 17:06
knomewhat if we go a more general way17:07
knomelike "xubuntu is really customizable"17:07
knomedunno, the settings manager is a cool feat17:07
knomein that all of the stuff is in one place17:08
slickymasterWorkbut that doesn't really is associated with the application installation question17:08
slickymasterWorka one liner only?17:08
knomebut this kind of tries to fix the first slide17:08
slickymasterWorkand it does look stupid now17:10
knomethere's an idea...17:11
slickymasterWorkbut now the second one is completely 17:11
slickymasterWorkwas about to say that17:11
slickymasterWorkI don't have any issues with this approach, tbh17:11
knomei kind of like the idea of going a bit like:17:11
knomefirst do this, ...17:11
flocculantevening you 217:11
knomeonce you've done that, then ....17:12
slickymasterWorkeven because the installing time is getting smaller17:12
slickymasterWorkhey flocculant 17:12
knomeeg. try to split the now first slide into two int he time scale as well17:12
knomeyou get what i'm saying?17:12
knomethe thing with "once you've..."17:12
knomemakes it sound more like "this can take time, when you are ready get back to.."17:12
knomenow it's like "do this, this and this"17:13
knomeflocculant, hello17:13
knomeflocculant, feel free to join our brainstorming17:13
knomeflocculant, on the sliDshow ^17:14
* flocculant looks17:14
knomeslickymasterWork, on another note, not sure the community fe... faces artwork fits on the last slide with the new note ;P17:14
slickymasterWorkyeah, but sliding aspects of help could remain17:16
knomehello bluesabre!17:16
knomeslickymasterWork, ack17:16
slickymasterWorkhi bluesabre 17:16
* bluesabre waves17:16
bluesabreOnly stopping by for a bit since I saw the channel was active on my lunch break :)17:18
knomeslickymasterWork, oh, you mean those sliding things17:19
knomeslickymasterWork, nooooo17:19
slickymasterWorkdon't like them?17:19
knomelet's do something else if you want flashy17:19
knomebut maybe i can come up with something nice with the installation media comment17:20
slickymasterWorkyep, and preferably not static17:20
flocculantI'm not at all convinced that making the slideshow say next to nothing is helpful - but I'm also *shrug* you can do what you want with it and I'll not say more than that17:20
knomeflocculant, i'll happily include all kinds of stuff that can be helpful there in that time and space :)17:21
slickymasterWorkthing is we're always saying way too much, flocculant 17:21
slickymasterWorkin the slideshow17:21
flocculantlike I said "I'll not say more than that"17:21
bluesabreSeems like you guys are doing a fine job. :-) bbl17:28
* bluesabre peaces out17:28
knomehf bluesabre 17:29
tracker5I'm new here. I want to help testing 18.04. I have done the RC1-live-session-testcase. Then I did the RC1-install testcase. Would it be helpful to now to the nightly version of these testcases? And as an aside: which would be more helpful for the devs: the RC1 or the nightly testcases? Thank you.17:32
* knome points tracker5 to flocculant 17:32
flocculanthi tracker5 17:32
flocculanttracker5: basically a milestone is just a point - now we've almost moved past it - the qa team (me and akxwi-dave) have no interest in it :D17:33
flocculantif in doubt - always the daily :)17:34
flocculanttracker5: what sort of thing are you testing on? vm? hardware?17:34
flocculantare you in a position to use it fulltime?17:35
flocculantthe last is probably one of the most useful things people could do - but also understandable when it's not possible17:35
tracker5As I said I'm new here, so here goes: I don't know what you mean by "a milestone is just a point" (and just to be absolutely clear: english is not my own language)17:36
flocculanttracker5: taking the language first - don't worry - many of the xubuntu team are the same as that :)17:37
tracker5I am testing on a laptop. I am in a position to use it full time. As a back up I have 16.04 on a different partition17:37
flocculanttracker5: that's great - then I'd be inclined to make use of you like that 17:37
tracker5So, if I download the daily that would be more helpful?17:37
flocculantfrankly if the installer part of the iso breaks - it's likely to be broken for everyone17:38
flocculanttracker5: do you still have the iso you grabbed for beta?17:38
knometracker5, milestone is just a point means it's just a single daily image from a predetermined day17:38
flocculanttracker5: ok - so let me introduce you to zsync :D17:39
knometracker5, we keep on testing that to make sure everyone is on the same page for at least the milestone17:39
flocculantusing that - you don't have to download the whole iso - you can just download the differences17:39
tracker5So: should I install zsync and from that point on I am testing the daily?17:40
flocculanttracker do you have 30 minutes or so now?17:40
tracker5Yes, unless my wife wants her hot chocolate between now and then17:40
flocculantok - so I'll take over the channel for a bit then :D17:41
tracker5please do17:41
flocculanttake some time explaingin and making some things easier for you17:41
knomeflocculant, it's yours!17:41
flocculantso - open a terminal in the folder you've stored your downloaded iso17:42
flocculantthen install zsync with apt17:42
flocculantlet me know when you've done that17:42
tracker5Ah.. ehm... well: the iso is in the Downloads folder in the 16.04 partition; I am now running this from the 18.04 partition/session. Your suggestion would mean I'd have to log out here, reboot and etc... Is that what you want me to do?17:44
flocculantshouldn't need to - just mount that partition17:45
tracker5right. will try. brb17:45
* flocculant runs to kitchen17:47
tracker5So so so sorry... The iso is not in that Downloads folder anymore. It's on my usb-stick... 17:48
flocculanttracker5: well I've got time if you want to copy it over?17:48
flocculantif not we can talk and I'll just give you the zsync command you can use later - you tell me17:49
flocculantalso tell me if I'm going to quick17:49
tracker5will do. which would make more sense: to put it in the download folder of the 16.04 partition or in the 18.04 parition?17:49
flocculantwell - if you're going to move to using the 18.04 then in there would make more sense17:50
tracker5I need some advice here: what's the best way to copy the iso? (If i use thunar I don't "see" the iso, but the files)17:52
flocculantoh 17:53
flocculantprobably best to just grab it again 17:53
flocculantwe could actually use zsync so you'll know how to use it next time17:53
tracker5ah right, you really meant the iso, and not the "live"-usb... sorry for being daft.17:54
flocculantyea - no worries :)17:54
tracker5I'll download the iso again17:54
flocculanthang on :)17:54
tracker5remember all this time we are actually testing 18.04 here :-)17:54
flocculantyup :)17:54
flocculantopen a terminal where you want the iso to be17:55
tracker5you want me to download the daily?17:55
flocculantyou will be shortly - but with zsync17:55
tracker5so not the daily now?17:56
flocculantsort of - lets get it going - then I'll explain about dailies etc17:56
flocculantdo you use 64bit?17:57
flocculantok - so install zsync with apt17:58
tracker5wait.. I have not downloaded an iso yet...(sorry for being slow).17:59
tracker5Can I use this? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/bionic-desktop-amd64.iso17:59
flocculanttracker5: we'll do the iso shortly :D18:00
tracker5ah right.18:00
knometracker5, don't download an iso. install zsync ;)18:00
tracker5will do18:00
flocculantjust install zsync and let me know when you have18:00
tracker5zsync installed nicely18:00
flocculantok now we can use it 18:01
flocculantin the terminal run 18:01
flocculantzsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/bionic-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync18:01
flocculantas you have no iso - it will tell you it's grabbing the whole thing18:01
tracker5eta 6 mins18:01
flocculanttomorrow or Sunday or any day you can use exactly the same command - next time it will ONLY grab the difference18:02
tracker5cool. "icremental" iso updating?18:03
tracker5ETA 4 mins18:03
flocculantis what I see now using the same command - nothing to grab as I have it all18:04
flocculantgenerally I see it only having to download somewhere between 10 and 20 %18:04
tracker5I can see how this is helpful.18:05
flocculantindeed :D18:05
flocculanthi donofrio - just chatting to a new tester atm18:05
donofrioI selected "autojoin" this channel and dev so I'll be here moar often18:05
flocculantdonofrio: this is where we hang out18:06
tracker5less than 1 min18:06
flocculanttracker5: so - as far as testing the iso goes - you can obviously 'use' 18.04 as your main install - and report issues you find with ubuntu-bug18:07
flocculantsigh - not testing the iso at all - that's testing 18.04 in the real world :D18:07
flocculantso do that while you can18:07
tracker5zsync is done18:08
flocculantiso testing - do you have vm capability on the laptop - mostly that's down to ram18:08
tracker5hmmm. You want me to run a vm on this machine? RAM would not be a problem I think.18:09
flocculanttracker5: this is how I do stuff ...18:09
flocculantI run the dev version more or less immediately after we release a version18:10
tracker5whatever needs to be done, I'll do it18:10
flocculantI then test our iso's for the most part in a vm18:10
flocculantI also have the iso listed on my grub - so I can at least boot it on hardware18:10
tracker5I'd be quite willing to update this 18.04 partition on a daily basis and use that18:11
tracker5whatever is more helpful18:11
flocculanttracker5: you misunderstand me there18:11
tracker5Ah, sorry18:12
flocculantonce you've got it installed - you can let the updater do it's thing to keep you updated18:12
flocculantthen - I use a vm to test the iso for installs18:13
* flocculant grabs a picture to show you18:14
tracker5(thank you for being patient)18:14
flocculantsee - vm of the current daily and us chatting :)18:15
donofrioI see me name ;)18:15
flocculanthe he he 18:15
tracker5So, I'll now have to install VirtualBox?18:16
donofriojust so you all know I run 18.04 on my windows 10 installs using wsl - my daily driver setup is http://www.tinyurl.com/donofrio1804 in case anyone wonders why I'm trying to update and when it fails....just for the log I figured I'd let you know all that I'm doing... ;)18:16
flocculantthat's up to you - I use kvm18:16
tracker5Am installing VirtualBox now...18:17
flocculantdonofrio: yea I've seen you in the +1 channel18:17
flocculanttracker5: so with booting to 18.04 AND using a vm - you're doing invaluable things for the community18:19
donofrio(was sharing for the 'others' here and that will come - I figure this like others is logged daily?)18:20
flocculantdonofrio: the channel? if so yea - logged 18:20
tracker5well booting to 18.04 is not a problem. installing virtual box is though: I tried to install the zesty version but that won't install it appears. Where can I get kvm?18:20
flocculanttracker5: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation18:21
flocculantyou also want virt-manager18:22
tracker5oh man... I'm learning lots. *takes a look at the link you sent*18:22
flocculanttracker5: this could take a while18:23
donofrioI tried to use VB to build my windows and couldn't bootp until I used VMware player that hooked rightin ti pxe/bootp just fine18:23
donofrioti = to18:24
flocculanttracker5: do you want to have a read of that - pretty self explanatory - then shout? 18:25
flocculantalso - more reading material at https://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa.html18:25
flocculantit's getting close to 'belly sounds like volcano' time here lol18:26
flocculanttracker5: quick question - what prompted you to come here offering help? 18:28
tracker5I installed synaptic, then virtual box. So am ready to use that.18:29
flocculantok 18:29
tracker5If you need food: eat18:29
flocculantcheck out the secon dlink I gave above at some point18:29
flocculanttracker5: so at this point - you're running 18.04 and are in a position to test iso's as often as you want to18:30
flocculantwhat would help me now is for you to have questions :D18:30
tracker5as to what prompted me: I have been using xubuntu for years and want to contrinute. I saw Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph's call out on google+ yesterday18:31
tracker5I had been doing some testing before18:31
knome^ pleia2 :)18:31
flocculanttracker5: aah cool - glad that worked then :D18:31
flocculantbluesabre: ^^ our blog post did some good \o/18:32
tracker5as to questions: if I use 18.04 on a daily basis and update/upgrade that each day, and I do regular installs in the VM, that would be helpful?18:33
flocculanttracker5: yep :)18:34
flocculanttracker5: were you the person asking Lyz questions on the g+1 post?18:34
flocculantwhobers on launchpad18:35
tracker5I am the one who "complained" about the test process being not as straight forward as I had hoped (sorry about that), but yes: that's me :-)18:36
flocculantexcellent - that squares that circle18:36
tracker5it triaged the traingle I think18:36
flocculanttracker5: would you think it worth 'our' time to run some sort of 'welcome to testing xubuntu' type session on here?18:37
tracker5*needs to take care of his wife's hot chocolate now; will be right back*18:38
flocculantokey doke18:38
ochosibluesabre: hey no worries, i just noticed you're doing so many different things at the moment and i don't wanna stress you out or anything18:42
pleia2tracker5: welcome! glad you found your way here :)18:43
flocculantpleia2: some time in the next day could you g+1 the mail that's about to hit the mailing list for us please :)18:44
flocculantknome: could you twitter it ;)18:45
* flocculant will fb18:45
knomemaybe politely ask pleia2 18:45
knomeshe's probably logged in already...18:45
flocculantoh right :D18:45
pleia2I can do twitter too18:45
flocculantI'll do fb a bit later or it'll 404 when getting the mail and it looks stupid :d18:46
tracker5*wife's happy now*18:46
flocculanttracker5: just quickly - re testcases and what you might see - the testcases aren't constantly updated - there's me and a couple of other people who do it for the whole shebang18:48
flocculantso if you see an issue with one - you can report that as a bug - I see them quickly18:48
tracker5so, flucculant: would it be worth your time to have a session here? Not sure: for me (and perhaps people like me) the irc-channel is not q well know medium. 18:49
tracker5to log into this was a bit of a step, because of the fact that it's out of my normal channels18:49
flocculantI can point people at the dev tracker option - which is perhaps where you came from? 18:50
* flocculant refuses to do video ;)18:50
tracker5so, to me (but that may just be me) it seems the people who get to come here have already taken some steps beyond their comfort zone.18:50
tracker5Also: 18:50
tracker5the terminology "you guys" use, is somewhat overwhelming. Don't get me wrong: I see that you are patient and do explain things the best way you can. But:18:52
tracker5just to show you what I mean:18:53
knome(before you even say it, i want to say this is important and very useful for us, so thanks for sharing!)18:54
tracker5from this conversation alone:18:54
tracker5"until I used VMware player that hooked rightin ti pxe/bootp"18:54
pleia2flocculant: the mailing list post about possibly running an intro session?18:54
tracker5 my windows 10 installs using wsl - my daily driver setup 18:54
tracker5" I use a vm to test the iso for installs" (which I now understand18:55
knometracker5, maybe it helps understanding that those comments were from donofrio, not flocculant :)18:55
tracker5"the dev version"18:55
knomemaybe IRC as a platform (and how it's usually output) can make following some of the stuff harder when there are multiple discussions going on 18:56
tracker5I am not trying to be unkind here. Jut trying to paint the picture18:56
knomei absolutely understand; as i said, this is valuable information for us18:57
knomewould a glossary with explanations help?18:57
knomeeg. vm <> virtual machine18:57
knomedev version <> development version, ...18:57
knomeobviously with more thorough explanations18:57
knomethe problem with those is that they don't help you if you haven't read them - and referencing to them live is tedious...18:58
knomeand if you read them without knowing the subject, they might not help you understand anything either ;)18:58
tracker5I've been thinking about that: I think it might indeed. Does irc do marco's, so that when you type "vm" it expands to virtual machine?18:58
knomebut the glossary could be with the developer documentation18:59
knomewhich we hope is written in a way that is understandable, btw18:59
knomeif that is not, then "good news", because that's relatively easy to fix :)18:59
tracker5a lot of the documentation is indeed understandable!18:59
knomeif you find it potentially lacking in some parts, knowing where would be useful19:00
knomeand in what ways lacking or misleading or whatever19:00
knomeultimately there's also this other thing: terminology is a bit complex because the whole matter is kind of complex19:00
flocculanttracker5: when we talk about documentation in this scenario - we're usually talking about the contributor docs online - is that what you're referring to?19:01
knomehttps://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/ <- that19:02
knomeand i guess ultimately any other documentation that links to19:02
knomenow for something completely different... bbl19:02
knometracker5, thanks for your interest! :)19:03
tracker5flocculant: that's indeed a very useful place to start. I used it some time ago.19:03
flocculanttracker5: cool19:03
tracker5Shall I give another example of where i got confused?19:03
flocculantyea for sure19:03
* flocculant goes to make cup of tea while you type19:03
tracker5I am a bit of a language fanatic: I speak and read/write Dutch, speak and read/write German, speak and read/write English. So:19:05
tracker5I thought I could do some translation work. I headed over to 19:07
tracker5then: https://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/docs-translations.html19:08
tracker5then: https://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/docs-translation-guidelines.html19:08
tracker5then https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/Guide19:09
tracker5then https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/StartingToTranslate19:09
flocculantand still weren't sure?19:09
tracker5and then I sort of gave up.19:10
flocculantslickymaster: ^^19:10
flocculantknome: ^^]19:10
tracker5It's not your fault though19:10
tracker5It's a bit of a wall which I ran into I think19:10
flocculanttranslations are not an easy way in at all from what I read19:10
tracker5I would not know how to make this any easier though, so I am not complaining. I am just trying to paint the picture here19:11
flocculantyea for sure - and as know said earlier - all good for us to know19:12
flocculantit's not easy to do docs for things you understand - very easy to forget not knowing things19:12
flocculantthe qa docs turned up when I wrote them after 5 or 6 years of doing it for instance19:13
flocculanttracker5: so back to the testing stuff - any thing you'd like to know now that will help you?19:15
tracker5I think I now understand what I can do to help: I'll update my 18.04 on a daily basis; will zsyng the iso in the downloads folder as often as I can to test the install19:16
tracker5and i'll report anything I think might be a problem \19:16
flocculantok - any thing you need to ask - come back here, or mail the dev list19:17
flocculantI'm at UK times 19:17
tracker5I'll subscribe to the devlist19:17
tracker5I'm at Dutch times.19:17
flocculantI don't always post to both list19:17
flocculantespecially early in the 6 month cycle19:18
flocculanttracker5: that's easy then - quite a few of the team are EU times19:18
tracker5*confused* "in the 6 month cycle" you hibernate? ;-)19:19
tracker5seriously though: what 6 month cycle are you refering to?19:20
flocculantthe development cycle19:20
tracker5Ah, I see. Sorry19:20
flocculantwhen we release bionic in April - we'll immediately (almost) start the next19:20
tracker5If people only knew how much time and dedication you guys put into this!19:21
flocculantso what I meant by my comment was 'at the beginning of the cycle I don't include the user list - not fair' and only mail the dev list who are fair game for me :D19:21
flocculanttracker5: well you can spread the word now ;)19:22
knomemy main issue with translations is that our translations go bureaucratically through the ubuntu translation teams19:22
knomethis means we have no simple way to tell you to do this to get doing that19:22
knomethis is also where the stuff under help.ubuntu.com comes into the show...19:23
tracker5knome: that's yet another of these confusing things: I looked into translating for xubuntu, but after 42 (:-)) hyperlinks I found myself on a Ubuntu-site. So I decided I had taken some wrong utrn somewhere19:23
knomenope, xubuntu shares a lot of things with ubuntu19:23
knomelike the testing tracker is the ubuntu testing tracker, not the xubuntu testing tracker :)19:24
knomebasically all of our infrastructure is donated by canonical (the company behind ubuntu)19:24
tracker5Yes, I realise that now but not when I was trying to get involved then19:24
knomeor not really even "donated" but given into use19:24
knomemhm, so it might help to mention this in the contributor docs as well. ack.19:25
tracker5BTW: just tried to start the ISO in VM (see I'm learning the lingo here), but got an error: VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DISABLED).19:26
knomei'll bring this up again as we're hitting a wall related to this again; i still think we might be better off just ripping ourself off from the ubuntu translation team bureaucracy for our own packages19:26
knomelike xubuntu-docs could easily be translated under xubuntu-specific bureaucracy19:26
flocculanttracker5: you need to turn that on in BIOS 19:27
tracker5So I'll have to logout now, and may return later but possibly not with the alias "tracker5"19:27
knomexfce stuff we can get translated upstream with their transifex19:27
knome(yes, this is the downside: you probably need two team memberships and accounts)19:27
tracker5thanks for your patience19:27
flocculanttracker5: you might want to look into setting up an irc nicname19:27
knomebut again, bbabl19:27
tracker5will do19:27
flocculanttracker5: no problem at all - thanks for coming by and mostly for testing for us all 19:28
tracker5*now trying to find the right way to log out here*19:28
flocculantif you're on the webthing - just close the tab :)19:29
pleia2flocculant: the one about a testing session?19:29
flocculantpleia2: sorry - yea that one :)19:29
tracker5ah thanks19:29
* flocculant should possibly check twitter and g+1 when things are there for 'me' lol19:30
pleia2ok, I did the things19:30
I_was_tracker5_oI turned the virtualisation on and am now running the install in virtualbox. So all is well19:35
flocculantI_was_tracker5_o: if you're likely to be back to irc (and we do most of our communication here) have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto19:37
flocculantjust remember to use hexchat instead when installing19:37
* flocculant patiently waits for knock on the door19:38
I_was_tracker5_oinstalling hexchat now19:40
I_was_tracker5_ogreat; thanks19:41
flocculantno problem :)19:42
Used2BTracker5Anyone out there? (This is a test)19:52
ochositest failed. only bots in here. right ubottu?19:53
Used2BTracker5I see. Shame. But thank you. :-)19:54
flocculantha ha 19:54
flocculantevening ochosi 19:59
ochosievening flocculant 20:14
flocculantbeen busy in here since yesterday lol20:18
donofrio knome keep in mind if your new to iirc'ing then you simply can look to the left side in hexchat and see who is typing and when you reply to someone just type (part of there name and hit tab to complete) name and then a comma will show up then you can talk with them....never though you'd think my comments were for you hope you have a good day in iirc land ;)20:23
Used2BTracker5So: what I learned just this eveneing thanks to you all: usage of zsync; xchat; freenode...  20:25
Used2BTracker5donofrio, thanks for the explanation20:25
donofrioUsed2BTracker5, yep iirc good for the last 25 years online ;)20:25
Used2BTracker5I've been using computers since the 80s, worked on mainframes... never used irc though. 20:26
Used2BTracker5https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_PET 20:27
Used2BTracker5happy days.20:27
Used2BTracker5bye for now20:27
ochosiflocculant: yeah, i noticed the backlog :)20:29
flocculantochosi bluesabre - the people I worry about are the ones who just try something else > https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=238673720:40
flocculantright - been sat in front of the screen since 5:30 ish - comfier seat fpr a while20:43
ochosiflocculant: well thanks for catching those ppl on the forums and replying20:53
donofrioanyone seen a xubuntu 18.04 beta1 cloud squishfs file around?21:18
donofrioI mean a daily cloud squishfs xubuntu release of 18.0421:21
slickymasterwe tried that, or something similar, with the installer translations knome 22:03
knomeyes and tbh there weren't any blockers22:04
knomewell for that package there are22:04
slickymasterwas going to say that22:04
slickymasternever got any feedback from other flavors reagrding it22:05
slickymasterregarding even22:05
knomethat was a sad story22:09
Unit193Sad, sad Robot.22:13
Unit193pa-plug and -terminal in Debian.22:24
Unit193(libwnck and vte remaining delta)22:24
ochosibluesabre: i think we should make the warnings shown in the restart and shutdown windows infobars, but i guess we don't want that in 18.04 because of translations, right?22:50
ochosialthough if we don't change any strings, maybe it's ok...22:50
bluesabreochosi: got a screenshot of what it looks like now?22:58
ochosithe warning you mean?22:58
ochosiunfortunately not, because dm-tool doesn't allow the power windows to show and from the greeter you can't take screenshots22:59
bluesabrelovely :)23:00
bluesabrewill lock and check23:00
Unit193Ah, greeter.  OK.23:00
ochosibluesabre: haven't finished the infobar stuff yet23:01
bluesabreochosi: ah, yeah, wouldn't be so bad there23:01
Unit193I think I pasted a LL bug somewhere... :>23:02
ochosionly sucky part is that the dialog title leaves you with a fairly empty window...23:04
ochosibluesabre: anyway, maybe test and review my other UI fixes first and i can try to get the infobar in until UIF23:10
bluesabreochosi: will do23:10
ochosialso would be good to get more greybird testing23:10
ochosicurrently the checkboxes don't look the same in all contexts (e.g. in menus they are still drawn by murrine)23:11
ochosibtw thanks for all the release note work you did!23:12
ochosiah right, thanks for the reminder23:20
ochosibluesabre: i'd also really like to get the mirror fixes for display settings into 18.0423:20
ochosiUnit193: crap, the hook declines the release branch23:23
ochosii need to check in with Skunnyk23:23
Unit193Don't break it...23:30
ochosioh dear23:30
ochosiseems like there were never proper release notes for the thing23:31
knomewhenever skunnyk is mentioned, it's indeed best to make sure anything won't be broken...23:31
knomeslickymaster, so we kind of didn't do our sprint... but i think it's better to sleep on it anyway23:31
knomei'll look at it tomorrow again23:32
ochosiUnit193: this would be a potentially nice commit to get into the release too https://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-indicator-plugin/commit/?id=311efa7951487e5d5652541543509ae2ed8e7dcf23:33
ochosibut then again this may create a very confusing history...23:33
ochosiat least for people comparing master and a very cherry-picked release branch23:33
ochosialso this one https://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-indicator-plugin/commit/?id=f01133757140d6ca42d3dff37394e1926089723023:34
ochosior we may even want this in xubuntu specifically: https://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-indicator-plugin/commit/?id=7c3c1e68abd91f054fe02f7ea904d8c904de106a23:34
ochosibasically everything but the xfconf stuff :23:35
ochosibluesabre, Unit193 anyway, give me your thoughts on the above ^23:36
ochosii don't mind cherry-picking a branch together for v2.3.423:36
Unit193What *specifically* are we trying to exclude?23:36
ochosithe switch to xfconf 4.1323:36
ochosicrap. i just see now that this is just optional23:37
Unit193https://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-indicator-plugin/commit/?id=7099de347f70817005725899bfb0f4ccfcc00ef2 this, where it's guarded?23:37
Unit193OK, was a bit confused as I'm *basically* running git.23:37
ochosiin that case, nothing i guess. i'll just delete the release branch and do a proper release23:37
Unit193(Cherry picked commits.)23:37
ochosiwe just have to make sure to sell it as bugfix23:37
ochosi(square icons may be considered a feature)23:38
Unit193So, this means that any future ayatana fixes will take a long time to get released. :/23:38
ochosihow so?23:38
Unit193Basically, given the attention that the plugin gets, and frequency of release.23:41
ochosiwell, i can do another release anytime if somebody steps up and does the ayatana patches23:42
Unit193Should be very easy...23:43
Unit193Basically do what xfconf does, with the patch I pushed to Debian?23:43
ochosii know nothing of that23:44
ochosibut if you already know what to do, why don't you just propose a patch?23:44
Unit193Because I don't know autotools well enough. :P23:44
ochosihah, well i would be one to talk23:45
ochosiok, 2.3.4 released. night everyone23:49
ochosibluesabre: still remember what i need reviewed from you? i can send you a shortlist as a reminder if you like ;)23:53
bluesabreochosi: that would be super handy23:53
ochosi(most of it are settings branches)23:53
ochosixfce4-settings-4.12: https://git.xfce.org/users/schuellerf/xfce4-settings/23:54
ochosi(contains my mirror fixes cherry-picked for 4.12, a segfault fix and another fix that is already in 4.12 and master)23:54
ochosixfce4-settings-4.13: https://git.xfce.org/users/ochosi/xfce4-settings/log/?h=mirrored-cloned-inconsistent23:55
ochosi(baseically the same as above)23:55
ochosixfce4-settings-4.13: https://git.xfce.org/users/ochosi/xfce4-settings/log/?h=find-cursor23:55
ochosithe find-cursor implementation for 4.13 (same codebase as for 4.12)23:55
ochosilightdm-gtk-greeter: https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/lightdm-gtk-greeter/fix-panel-adwaita/+merge/34077323:56
ochosifixes appearance with adwaita (without breaking e.g. greybird)23:56
ochosii think those are the most important ones23:57
ochosiand we need to pull in updates to xubuntu-artwork and do another release (at least one before UIF)23:58
ochosii made the checkboxes the same in gtk2 and gtk3 in greybird (finally)23:58
ochosiand the radiobuttons too23:58
bluesabreconsistency ftw23:58
ochosiand another tiny icon fix in elementary-xfce23:58
ochosiwhat would be nice in the power manager btw is checking if light-locker is running in the security tab23:59
ochosiand showing an infobar if not23:59
ochosi(like i do in notifyd)23:59
ochosibut i dunno if i can hack that in for 18.0423:59
ochosimaybe for the future23:59

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