
=== r00tobo[BNC] is now known as r00tobo
=== DonVlad is now known as Murii|linux
premhi , i am on lubuntu 17.04, i cannot update to 17.10 from Software & Updater, because apparently it is pointing to old urls19:13
premwhose support was recently withdrawn19:13
premhow do i update to 17.10 now,19:13
premshould i put a apt line for 17.1019:14
premi tried putting this.19:14
premdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ artful aardvark19:14
premwell i think that worked19:17
premthat pop window was hidden behind stack of other windows19:17
premthanks anyway19:17
flipper887Is a swap partition really appropriate on a machine with 32gb of physical memory.19:24
LioneLLno,  except for 'hibernate'19:26

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