zak | Ubuntu Mate 16.4 how to move the time icon to in between the volume and power icon. | 01:06 |
=== zak is now known as Guest98141 | ||
Guest98141 | I accadently deleted it. | 01:16 |
Guest98141 | And I want to put it back where it was | 01:17 |
Guest98141 | no help? | 01:45 |
Guest98141 | It is hard to find help for linux. I'm thinking about going back to Windows. | 01:52 |
todd_ | what up | 03:24 |
derrin | hi I'm fairly new to linux, started with ubuntu unity 16.04 but it was buggy and someone told me it wasn't supported anymore plus I didn't like the unity desktop etc, anyway, now i have ubuntu mate 16.04.4 and i love it, problem is i have paid for expressvpn, which works on windows and iphone quite well, but even the expressvpn support staff couldn't help me get the 'ubuntu'expressvpn app set up as it seems i may have to do | 07:02 |
derrin | something different to get it working on ubuntu mate | 07:02 |
alkisg | derrin: it works on ubuntu unity but not on ubuntu-mate? | 07:04 |
derrin | Is there anyone here who may be able to help figure out what the problem is? i may be able copy and paste the bulk of the chat i had with the support staff, they said theres something different in the way ubuntu mate handles the software | 07:04 |
derrin | hi alksig, yes i'll try posting the chat here and maybe you can see what the issue is | 07:05 |
alkisg | Put it in | 07:05 |
alkisg | And paste the link here | 07:05 |
alkisg | !pastebin | 07:06 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 07:06 |
derrin | Hi, ive gotten expressvpn working on my windows desktop and also my iphone (with the app from the app store), i am now trying to get the linux ap working but i can get it to work via the terminal, is there anyone there who can help me with linux? im using Ubuntu Mate 16.04.4 | 07:06 |
derrin | ok i'll try it all again, thanks | 07:06 |
derrin | Me | 07:06 |
derrin | Appreciate. Please take your time and let me know how it goes. | 07:06 |
derrin | Blaze | 07:06 |
derrin | ok ive signed into expressvpn website, ive just clicked on the download link button, with ubuntu 64-bit selected as that is the closest linux distro name there (unless ubuntu mate needs a different terminal syntax command to install it?) | 07:06 |
alkisg | Now you got muted for flooding | 07:06 |
alkisg | Read what I wrote above for pastebin | 07:06 |
alkisg | The bot will unmute you in a few seconds | 07:06 |
derrin | Blaze | 07:07 |
derrin | no i cant find it anywhere sorry | 07:07 |
derrin | homefolder-downloads- but doesn't seem to be in there | 07:07 |
derrin | Me | 07:07 |
derrin | Please note that it's assuming that you are on the download folders. Then try this command: sudo dpkg -i '/tmp/mozilla_ubuntu-mate0/expressvpn_1.4.1_amd64.deb' | 07:07 |
derrin | Blaze | 07:07 |
alkisg | And now you're muted again | 07:07 |
alkisg | That means that we don't see what you wrote | 07:08 |
derrin | On your main directory please try this command: sudo dpkg -r expressvpn | 07:08 |
derrin | Blaze | 07:08 |
derrin | i never go to the point where im supposed to enter the confirmation code either, does that come later? | 07:08 |
derrin | Me | 07:08 |
derrin | The activation code should be after you have installed the VPN. | 07:08 |
derrin | Blaze | 07:08 |
derrin | Me | 07:10 |
derrin | Let check on that. | 07:10 |
derrin | Blaze | 07:10 |
derrin | ubuntu mate is less commonly used than ubuntu, but ubuntu mate is more highly scored by users than ubuntu according to reviews on | 07:10 |
derrin | ubuntu mate, and linux mint mate are the two linux distros generally sugggest for new linux users to start with | 07:10 |
derrin | any idea when ubuntu mate might be tested for expressvpn? | 07:10 |
diogenes_ | same thing happens if you drive without knowing the traffic rules | 07:11 |
=== ma is now known as Guest32723 | ||
Guest32723 | Buenos Dias, como puedo establecer el cursor fijo, sin tener que intruducir nomodeset al principio. Gracias. | 09:09 |
Guest32723 | Good day, as I can set the fixed cursor, without having to enter nomodeset at the beginning. Thank you. | 09:10 |
karl | Hola | 09:32 |
diogenes_ | hola | 09:32 |
karl | ¿Aquí se puede preguntar sobre Ubuntu Mate? | 09:32 |
diogenes_ | !es | karl | 09:33 |
ubottu | karl: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 09:33 |
karl | No hay nadie en ese canal | 09:35 |
Khan | hello everyone. I'm having a problem with Mate's GUI: The text in the buttons of alert boxes is nearly the same color than the background, and I can't read them. (The kind of windows that popup when using JS Alert() function in a browser. Where can I configure those?? | 11:50 |
diogenes_ | Khan, have you tried a different browser? | 11:58 |
Khan | umm, it happens in Opera... doesn't seem to happen in FireFox | 12:04 |
=== ma is now known as Guest34112 | ||
fred_ | hi | 15:01 |
=== fred_ is now known as Guest18636 | ||
Khan89 | how can I get an application to autostart on startup? | 17:26 |
alkisg | Khan89: run `mate-session-properties` | 17:30 |
alkisg | It'll show a dialog to manage startup applications | 17:30 |
Khan89 | it did, thank you! now to find the one I need... is there a default folder for installed applications? :/ | 17:31 |
alkisg | The desktop files are at /usr/share/applications | 17:33 |
alkisg | Those are "launchers" | 17:33 |
Khan89 | found it, thanks again :) Going to reboot to see if I got it right | 17:37 |
mate|73973 | sha256 doesn't checkout for torrent or iso for 16.04 64Bit | 18:12 |
mate|69273 | anyone using mate as an audio studio? | 18:53 |
sadac | hola ? | 20:14 |
anomalo | hi! | 20:16 |
paulo | hi everyone | 22:50 |
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