
linux_does Elementary based on ubuntu 16.4 guys ?00:09
ubottuElementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.00:10
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Arch Linux, Manjaro, Slackware (using other packaging systems)00:23
lucyfx so, I have a question. how come I can delete a file that I don't have any permissions on, then empty the trash, using the nautilus explorer?00:29
OerHekslucyfx, start nautilus from terminal with sudo, or install nautilus-actions nautilus-admin to open the file with proper permission00:33
OerHeksand find out why you don't have permission...00:34
NoCodeWhile booting in Budgie with lowlatency kernel. I get to the login screen, try to log in, it cycles bringing be back to login. I did a dmesg in a virtual console, here's the pastebin: https://pastebin.com/0AA4gX8n00:38
NoCodeI'm using 16.0400:40
NoCodeAlso, please update the supported lowlatency kernels.00:40
naccNoCode: who are you asking to update what?00:40
naccNoCode: it's the nvidia driver, presumably, not the lowlatency kernel00:41
NoCodenacc: Well, the people who are responsible for kernels in the Ubuntu repositories.00:41
NoCodenacc: Would a reinstall of the driver work?00:42
naccNoCode: what do you mean by update? the issue is with the nvidia driver that you are using00:42
naccNoCode: afaict00:42
naccNoCode: and, if i had to guess, has to do with the spectre / meltdown fixes00:42
nacc(retpoline is the in-kernel fix)00:43
NoCodeA year ago I had issues with my 16.04 install where the driver would update and it'd skew but not to do the same thing as it is doing now. So I'd reinstall the nvidia driver after a driver update and everything would be well again.00:43
NoCodenacc: On my part, what should I do? Wait for an update for nvidia driver?00:44
naccNoCode: where are you getting the nvidia driver from?00:44
NoCodeLet me look at the repo list, it could be from a PPA. I think it might be.00:45
naccNoCode: PPAs are not officially supported and much more liable to break; presuambly the PPA owner needs to do a rebuild of their drivers to match the newer kernel in all releases. The official Ubuntu packages should work00:46
NoCodenacc: Okay, I don't have any PPAs for the nvidia drivers. Usually I do...00:53
NoCodenacc: Sorry that took a while I usually don't really cat/grep files so I had to how to "cat /etc/apt/sources.lost | grep 'nvidia'00:56
kostkonNoCode, look for it in /etc/apt/sources.list.d00:57
NoCodekostkon: it suggests that it's a directory.00:58
kostkonNoCode, yep00:58
NoCodeNothing about nvidia in there, no00:59
kostkonNoCode, ok00:59
NoCodeThe nvidia driver is also loaded in generic kernel. glxinfo is suggesting it is loaded. So I dunno what's going on with the other kernel. :(01:01
skiboyI just got an thinkpad x250 trackpad to replace the crappy one on the x240.  THe 3 buttons mouse buttons don't seem to be working, but the trackpad itself is.  Running Ubuntu 17.10.  Has anyone else had this issue?01:02
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Bashing-omNoCode: "retpoline" .. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1750937 .01:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1750937 in xorg (Ubuntu) "4.4.0-116 Kernel update on 2/21 breaks Nvidia drivers (on 14.04 and 16.04) by an insufficient compiler!" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:12
luxioOn 17.10 artful, my ~/.bash_profile isn't being sourced when I choose Xorg on the login screen.01:24
luxioIs this a known issue?01:24
luxioMy PATH is only set when I'm running Wayland.01:24
NoCodeBashing-om: Seems I'll try doing this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1750937/comments/5701:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1750937 in xorg (Ubuntu) "4.4.0-116 Kernel update on 2/21 breaks Nvidia drivers (on 14.04 and 16.04) by an insufficient compiler!" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:26
jkdr_Ah, Ubuntu-specific question maybe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kQZVwySXDy/ (FAIL)  and http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F9ss6PPrRb/ (SUCCESS)  -   Both pastebins are from root `cd /var/log; tail -f * */* */*/*` and trimmed to remove unnecessary log data at beginning, including only log data from GDM desktop login attempts to Gnome desktop.  One machine it doesn't work, brings back to login prompt, and the other machine it does work.  Both machines have01:26
jkdr_entire / root filesystem rsynced with a server hosting the system files.  I am confused why one machine isn't able to login to desktop environment.01:26
david__Yo homies01:32
david__I'm a massive noob01:32
WorldGenesis[v]what's up o.o01:32
david__Is this thing on? *taps mic*01:32
WorldGenesis[v]what's your question? o.o01:33
david__I'm just learning linux for the first time. No question, I'm just having fun.01:33
WorldGenesis[v]oh nice01:33
david__Is this channel used for support frequently?01:34
bazhangdavid__, WorldGenesis[v] please take the offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic , thanks01:34
Bashing-omdavid__: This is the ubuntu support channel on irc .01:35
dallas_hello anyone home01:42
bazhangdallas_, yes, hello; ubuntu support issue?01:43
rmunsonmeh, hi. :)01:43
dallas_rmunson: hows it going im, new everything looks, weird but thanks for the reply01:50
rmunsonGoing great, as bazhang inquired, do you need some help? :)01:51
dallas_rmunson: yea I might need to feel around to get the hang of things. i dont really know were im at or what everything means.01:54
rmunsondallas_: We're here if you need us, 24/7!01:55
dallas_rmunson: ok thanks01:55
bazhangdallas_, you might want to take a look at the free downloadable ubuntu manual for a better lay of the land01:56
bazhang!manual | dallas_01:56
ubottudallas_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:56
rmunson^ +101:56
rmunsonI thought _I_ was the one lagging, it was him! lol01:58
david__Can you guys point me in the direction of a comprehensive linux guide? I've got a box running mate and a box running ubuntu 16.04.02:02
bazhang!rute | david__02:03
ubottudavid__: documentation is to be found at https://help.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-799/rute.pdf02:03
bazhangstart with the tldp david__02:03
bazhangdavid__, while this is about ubuntu technical support, more generalized questions are best fielded in ##linux02:04
luxioI have a program on my dock, where can I find that program's location?02:11
luxioi.e. how do I do `which` on it, if it's not an actual command02:11
crypticGatorI can't see my entire desktop. It extends past my monitor/TV to the left and right.02:13
S1GM4Super n00b question02:13
S1GM4I am trying to update something (letsencrypt) and I use too many flavors of L00nix to remember the exact command02:13
S1GM4sudo apt-get update letsencrypt is not help me :( update would want to update everything, correct?02:14
S1GM4Maybe I should just run that... it has been a second, but then I'm worried...does that just update my package lists?02:14
tomreynsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install letsencrypt02:14
tomreyn'update' just updates the information on what is available02:15
S1GM40 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 286 not upgraded.02:15
bazhangS1GM4, is there a newer versioj available02:15
S1GM4Unhelpful :( lol but I think this is a letsencrypt problem, really02:15
luxioS1GM4: it's up to date in the repository you're using, then.02:15
luxioyou can compile it yourself, if you'd like.02:15
S1GM4It will no longer grab certificates due to a known security issue recently that was supposedly fixed in certbot, but I guess not letsencrypt?02:16
S1GM4away to another channel I go :( haha02:16
S1GM4thanks m8s02:16
crypticGatorI don't think he understood you luxio02:16
S1GM4I did :D02:17
S1GM4I also knew before hand that apt-get update would likely just update the packages available and updating that particular package was depend on if newer one was issue, and likely a newer one does exist that I must compile :(02:18
S1GM4This is a rather new security issue, but not entirely, about two months old (or less)02:19
crypticGatorThey may have another repository where you  can update from if you don't want to compile02:19
S1GM4I found a solution / workaround. Only problem is most workarounds are for certbot rather than letsencrypt, which is what I use on Ubuntu02:21
crypticGatorsounds good02:22
S1GM4If anybody else ever has this issue in here with letsencrypt not grabbing a certificate because of the recent security problems, the solution is: sudo apache2ctl stop || sudo letsencrypt --authenticator standalone --installer apache -d your.domain02:22
S1GM4(and the httpd should restart)02:23
crypticGatoranyone know how to shrink my screen ?02:23
WorldGenesis[v]o.o what's the best way of connecting to WPA networks via command-line?02:24
S1GM4You want to virtually shrink which screen for which purpose?02:24
S1GM4Sorry, I bourbon02:25
luxioIs there a way to change the screenshot settings on 17.10?02:29
luxioI want to copy the screenshot to my clipboard, but not save a fil.e02:29
luxioAlso, I want to change the shortcut for taking a screenshot.02:30
bazhanghttps://www.linuxbabe.com/command-line/ubuntu-server-16-04-wifi-wpa-supplicant WorldGenesis[v]02:31
bazhangluxio, using what, such as prtsrcn or other02:32
luxiothe print screen key, which I think is default in GNOME for taking screenshots, right?02:32
WorldGenesis[v]bazhang: thanks :D02:33
bazhangluxio, there are many to do what you are asking for, did you have a particular one in mind02:33
luxiowhatever works02:34
luxioideally something similar to Greenshot, since that's what I used to use on Windows.02:34
bazhangluxio, i'M Not clear if prtscrn has that, as it the most very basic, you might consider the many others that do02:34
bazhangalternative.to website luxio look for that app there02:35
luxiois there a way to change the key that's mapped to gnome-screenshot?02:36
bazhangalso apt-cache search screenshot luxio to see what the ubuntu repos have02:36
bazhangluxio, have you tried anything so far02:37
luxioyeah I found the setting in Keyboard02:37
bazhangluxio, do you mean the key 'prtscrn'02:38
bazhangthats not a setting02:39
luxioit definitely is because I just changed it02:39
bazhangluxio, and it works?02:39
bazhanghttps://askubuntu.com/questions/343444/gnome-screenshot-copy-to-clipboard-shortcut luxio02:41
OerHeks17.10 has already ctrl alt printscreen to copiy to clipboard02:46
luxioyeah I changed it to Ctrl PrintScreen for region to clipboard and PrintScreen for clipboard because I prefer that02:47
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freakyyhi all. is it possible to have a vpn server on ubuntu server which tunnels all network traffic from and toa client over the itnernet?03:27
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illuminatedfreakyy: you might try softether.  i've not tried it before, but it's supposed to be a layer2 vpn03:46
luxioWhen VLC is fullscreen on Wayland and I start pausing/seeking, there's extreme lag and the system just goes to a complete halt04:07
luxiois this a known issue?04:07
luxiothis is what I found, but it's marked "solved". https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/172090104:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1720901 in vlc (Ubuntu) "VLC under Wayland causes system freezes in fullscreen mode" [High,Fix released]04:07
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OerHeksluxio, you might want to try vlc 3.x .. snap install vlc > http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2018/02/vlc-3-0-released-easy-install-ubuntu/04:19
OerHeksi prever gnome-mpv04:19
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fareastwhy is my kubuntu clipboard storing contents of what i type into firefox search?05:28
fareastit doesn't show right away but after a few minutes05:29
fareastI think there is a hacker.05:29
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guivercfareast, maybe check your firefox extensions05:36
garyserjIs there any way to run an editor that stays in the command line and lets me move the cursor around the command line?  what I mean is that for example if you compare cat vs less.  cat will stay in the command line.  'less' will be its own program.05:46
garyserji'm looking for an editor that, like cat, stays in that screen.05:47
guivercgaryserj, to edit commands?; most shells/terms already do that05:48
guivercgaryserj, or do you mean like apple2 (sorry only example I can think of), where you could go up screen & edit a prior command on your display05:50
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garyserjI haven't used apple205:52
garyserjguiverc: not like cat>a.a  but without replacing the entire file05:52
garyserjSo like cat >a.a but without replacing the entire file05:52
guivercyou can append with >>05:53
garyserjBy the way, on a related note.. If you do cat>a.a and use your arrow keys, does it work or does it display ^[[A ?05:53
garyserjguiverc: i'm not talking about appending05:54
garyserji'm talking about writing anywhere in the file05:54
guivercgaryserj, try it and see.  i'd expect it to vary on settings (term type etc)05:54
garyserji'm accessing ubuntu via ssh and it doesn't work for me but that's through ssh i'd like to know from somebody using it directly.05:55
guiverci would just use an editor (vim is my favorite, but use whatever suits your tastes)05:55
garyserjguiverc: you're totally avoiding my question05:56
garyserji'm well aware of editors05:56
guiverci can't think of any reason to edit a file without editor (outside of database; then i'd use tools anyway, not want to do it at term)05:56
garyserjyou can call it an editor if you want but i'm talking about one that doesn't start a new screen05:56
guivercare you are of sed|awk...05:56
guivercsorry I can't help - i don't understand how you want to use it05:57
garyserji'm looking for an editor like cat>a.a but that doesn't replace the entire file but that lets me write anywhere within the file.05:57
garyserjguiverc: do you understand the question or not?05:57
garyserjdoesn't matter whether you like the idea05:57
garyserjand i'm not saying I NEED it and can't do without it. Just that i'd like it.05:58
pikapikaAbout the strange file system issue I was having...06:03
lotuspsychjepikapika: yes?06:05
pikapikaIts a long message, please wait a little while I am typing it.06:05
madmangunpm pika06:14
garyserjCan anybody running ubuntu directly (not via ssh), tell me whether their arrow keys work when they do cat>a.a  ?06:15
EriC^^i dont think they would garyserj06:16
EriC^^yeah, they don't they're giving some terminal codes ^[[C^[[D^[[B^[[D^[[A^[[C^[[B^[[D^[[A^[[D^C06:16
garyserjEriC^^: and you're running that directly?06:17
EriC^^garyserj: you could use "nano" instead if you want a text editor06:17
garyserjthe funny thing is that in windows using cygwin, cat>a.a the arrow keys work!06:17
madmangundepends on the ssh client and os06:17
garyserjmadmangun: I said without SSH!06:18
garyserjAnd I said Ubuntu06:18
lotuspsychjegaryserj: no reason to take that tone06:18
EriC^^garyserj: maybe that cat is written differently?06:18
garyserjlotuspsychje: please don't read tone into things you see online06:18
garyserjEriC^^: perhaps, I don't know.06:18
EriC^^maybe it's a terminal thing who knows06:19
garyserji think that's more likely.  in windows they don't really call that thing a terminal.06:19
pikapikaTurns out its funnier than I thought, and also not fstab, etc's fault. Remember this used to be a dual boot system? How I converted it into a pure Ubuntu is: 1) I ran gparted from a live Ubuntu. Appears the old partition was part of a logical partition set. So I cant expand it directly. 2) I deleted the Windows os and boot paritions. Old Linux was a ~ 45 gb parition with a swap of 4 gb. 3) Ctrl C Ctrl V  the main Linux parition to the newly created06:19
pikapika~100gb space. The starting point was auto set at 1 mb, I decided not to mess with it, figuring the 1 mb was being used by the grub. Then I shutdown system. 3) Boot into normal disk Ubuntu. Since grub is untouched, this is the old Ubuntu. Type sudo grub-update or whatever that command was...I dont remember exactly. Then rebooted. GRUB menu now no longer has Windows option. Type df -h, yes Linux is mounted at 100 gb partition. Everything is fine so I06:19
pikapikaforget about it and go on with my life. Now it appears what was happening was that I was alternately or ever 3rd time or whatever booting into the wrong partition. Remember that message I said was showing up sometimes during booting. I paid more attention to it right now, and noticed it was "A start job is running for dev-disk [further text]". Put this string into google, multiple threads mostly pointing to something about two swap paritions. I find06:19
pikapikathis strange, I open up gparted and scratch head for a while. /dev/sda8 also seems like a strange number for swap, I dont think I even had swap in this installation. Suddenly a lightbulb lights in my head. I open df -h and see / is 45.5 gb. So this is my old parition...the one that has my updated current data including new theme, wallpaper, etc. Lol. Even gparted is showing the 100gb as inactive.. So the 100 gb had older data and because I was updating06:20
pikapikafstab on each boot thinking it was an error, both fstab have /mnt/e and /mnt/f. Except of course the Linux partition itself is "wrong" lol.06:20
madmangunplease tell me that wasn't my fault?06:20
garyserjEriC^^: do you think what madmangun linked to has anything to do with you finding that you get those terminal codes?06:21
garyserjwas what he linked to06:21
madmangunIf that's an issue i'll tinyurl anything else geez06:22
garyserjNo dude06:22
garyserjit is a spammer06:22
garyserjand you are simply letting a troll provoke you into talking about them06:22
madmangungreat, trolled got it06:22
pikapikaI am creating a hastebin of my question to ease reading...06:23
EriC^^garyserj: sort of those are for the shell, i'm thinking cat might be written differently in windows06:27
garyserjlooks like cat might not support it at least not in ubuntu06:28
Random832basic line editing is built into the "terminal" on windows, rather than being part of each command06:30
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pikapikaOh I am sorry for filling the channel with the long question. I am a bit new to these things.06:38
pikapikaThus I now have it on paste06:38
pikapikaI see I was being accused of being troll, that is incorrect this is a legitimate question I am having.06:42
pikapikatldr; I didnt delete the old Linux parition when I nuked Windows, grub now alternately boots into new and old partions06:44
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guivercpikapika, i only see a single swap in your fdisk -l06:54
pikapikaIs a swap needed to be a separate partition?06:55
pikapikaI guess both installations were trying to use same swap thats why it was having problems?06:55
pikapikaI can delete and recreate swap. Current parition will be nuked anyways06:56
guivercwhat version of ubuntu are you using?06:56
pikapika16.04 lts06:56
pikapikaI see06:56
pikapikaYes of course, I didnt create any new swap did I? I didnt.06:56
guivercswap on 16.04 should be separate partition by default06:56
pikapikaI know, and I didnt create new swap, so I think both installations are using the same one06:57
guivercubuntu will use a linux.swap if detected (and not disabled)06:57
pikapikaThe 100 gb one was created by copying this parition in the space created by deleting Windows06:57
guivercif you look in your /etc/fstab you'll see your filesystem table, or drives matched, most likely with an entry for swap (created on install probably)06:58
guiverc:s/drives matches/drives mounted/06:58
pikapikaYup it points to the sda8 uuid06:58
pikapikaYou gave me an idea06:59
guiverci find it hard to imagine why subsequent boots would alter which partition would boot, unless you have grub installed on a thumb-drive-key (or other) and sometimes have it installed (which has a different grub)07:00
guivercis your machine eufi or legacy (bios device boots mbr)07:00
* guiverc should have said /have it install/have it inserted/ on last07:01
bahamut24I'm guessing the fact that archive.ubuntu.com not having a package for apache 2.4.25 probably means I shouldn't try and install it..07:02
snickersplease help, i was testing out anonym8 on my ubuntu  17.10 stoped the script and now can get normal wired or wifi working07:03
snickersis there a place i can view what most config files look like default on norm 17.10 install07:03
snickersthink it has to do with dns from what i have googled07:03
snickerstypo cant get any network wifi wired working07:06
luka_33Erm is there anything running?  Check via top/htop07:07
luka_33Stop anything remotely networky07:07
guivercsnickers, if it's DNS you'll be able to ping your router (ping or whatever it is), ping your isp (ping where its isp's address in numbers), ping (oogle dns), but not `ping google.com` (or anything with human names)07:08
snickerscant ping google or any sites will try router and report back will be a while running off live usb atm going to setup two so can do this easier thank you both07:09
snickers(two laptop and ubuntu that doesnt work atm)07:10
guivercokay if its DNS; a quick fix is to add an entry to /etc/resolv.conf with `nameserver` as a line (letting it use oogle's DNS)07:11
guivercps: editing that file will get overwritten by boot; its a temporary quick fix only.07:11
guivercluka_33, were you speaking to snickers; if so I'm sorry07:15
pikapikaI did, and the fstab in the 100 gb one also points to same uuid for swap07:15
pikapikaAlso, I think I found the exact cause of the problem!07:16
pikapikaI was browing the 100gb partition that I've now temporarily mounted07:16
pikapikaFrom my own partition, I was reading the grub.cfg. I noticed a long uuid at the top of the file. I did blkid to check. Then it dawned on me. Both /sda1 (100gb Linux) and /sda7 (current Linux) have the same uuid!07:17
pikapikaI guess this is because of directly copying in gparted07:18
ZythyrNeed help with getting a service to start after mounting a partition. My server's /home partition is encrypted using DMCrypt (cryptsetup LUKS). After reboot, I manually unlock the partition by by SSHing into the server and using the command "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 data". The moment I unlocked the partition, the /home partition is automatically mounted and I don't have to manually07:18
Zythyrmount it. I have a service (Seafile server) that is suppose to start automatically after boot, however it can't start because the .sh file of the service is in the /home partition. How do I get this service to autoatmically start once I manually unlocked the /home partition07:18
pikapikaSo I think it was booting from whichever partition matching the uuid randomly encountered first?07:18
pikapikaSo if I am not wrong...a temporary fix would be to, post copying this parition again to 100 gb (so as to not lose new theme, software installations, etc). I can just changed the uuid of the 50 gb partition to something else?07:19
pikapikaI am checking to see whether grub.cfg's are any different in either installation07:19
pikapikaAnd why should it not?07:20
pikapikaOf course the 100gb one has the older grub.cfg what with the Windows 10 menu entry and all07:21
pikapikaSo of course, now I have to (I think) chroot to it and run grub-update?07:21
pikapikaguiverc is this correct?07:21
guiverci have no idea what two partitions having the same UUID would do; it shouldn't occur.07:22
guiverci would just change the UUID on one partition (the one you don't want), and I'd not use your system until that was done, ie. use a 'live' system to do it.07:23
basalthi all, if i use the "update" UI i get always asked to disable secure boot. i did this some times ago, but after the disable the laptop went crazy, so i enabled it again. but now i get asked again, can i ignore updates which require secure boot disableling?07:24
guivercyep change one (the one you won't use), sorry was behind as out feeding birds..07:24
pikapikaYes, but I think I have a clear understanding of the situation now07:24
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Guest29818speak chinese07:25
pikapikaI will write it out for clarity and post a paste07:25
Ben64!cn | Guest2981807:25
ubottuGuest29818: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:25
outoftime_92I had black screen and compiz consuming 100% cpu, after restarting lightgdm I have following dmesg http://termbin.com/wzu7i what could be the problem?07:25
Guest29818thanks  guy07:26
guivercpikapika, i wouldn't bother, my suggestion is to reboot into a live & change uuid of your less important partition there, you would probably be safe to do it without rebooting-into-live, but you are in a condition I don't know effects on.07:26
pikapikayes but as mentioned, this one has the newer data so I will copy it first07:26
pikapikawith live cd07:26
guivercpikapika, you see in control of it; come back if you have other issues..07:27
guivercyou seem in control of it (sorry lotsa typos today)07:28
pikapikaYep, now going to copy partition07:28
pikapikaWill be back reporting progress after I am done07:28
Snickershi im back was able to ping my router no problem but am not able to get internet access any suggestions just a heads up i have made some changes to config files myself running 17.1007:30
guivercwhen pinging external links; were you using numbers or names (dns means names won't work, but real addresses (numbers) will)07:31
Snickersthis is what i installed https://github.com/HiroshiManRise/anonym807:32
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Snickerswas my routers addy got a time and response07:32
guiverc10.1.1.1 is internal; what were you pinging external (numbers eg. or google.com)07:33
Snickerssorry when addresses from browser it was human readable not ip addresses in numbers07:33
Snickersand from terminal07:33
Snickersgot to open up fullscreen just a moment need to read properly07:34
guiverci'd have done it from terminal, but numbers are need to confirm its DNS. (domain name service).. is easy to remember, and oogle's dns address; if you can ping it your networking is fine (as you can reach oogle), but if pinging google.com fails then its DNS that's faulty07:35
Snickersjust pinged google dns server and i am getting good responses and no loss of packets (
guivercwhich confirms that you reasoning was correct; dns isn't working (it can't convert an address to its real number)07:37
guivercthe quick fix i mentioned is adding the line `nameserver` to /etc/resolv.conf ; which just tacks on the use of oogle's dns to whatever is used (if any)07:38
guivercits quick, but temporary (rebooting will overwrite, as will certain service restarts etc)07:38
Snickersokay will try that now also to menton while im away from this screen my network manager wont connect (daemon normally goes green) for wired or wifi07:39
guiverchow i'd fix depends on what setup you had. i'm assuming you use network manager (you just confirmed), the settings of which you should be able to alter with a icon top right on your screen07:40
guivercSnickers, 'network connections' in unity's menu (default ubuntu 16.04) is where i would look, looking for strange settings in IPv4/IPv6 settings (but this is guess only on what the program did)07:45
Snickersgot probs cant fix that as told cant resolve hostname07:46
Snickersthe file wont let me edit it at present cant nav up down or anythin07:46
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guivercSnickers, i'm sorry i don't follow your last; you'll need sudo to edit resolv.conf07:48
Snickersi ran the sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf and output was 'can resolve hostname nojimon(my username)07:49
guivercok. its possibly done something different to my guess. have you rebooted since ^C, or at least logged out & back in since?07:50
Snickersthen the file opened but nothing could be edited nor could i navigate the nano page (up,down,left,right) was so weird07:51
Snickerssorry cant typo07:51
Snickersi have numerous will do it again now never know just a sec07:52
guivercif you've done it once, again likely won't help - don't bother07:52
ducasseSnickers: is the local hostname the same in both /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts?07:52
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.07:52
Snickersexact output was 'sudo: unable to resolve hot ojimon: Resource temporarily unavailable07:54
Snickersam currently waiting for boot07:54
Snickersojimon-nojimon(my username)07:55
ducassewhat's the hostname?07:56
Snickersnot making typo like this on termial other machine fyi this a laptop and i suck with touchpads in my way lol07:56
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Snickersnojimon or noj07:57
Snickersits just a home client single machine07:58
Snickersnothin else to network07:58
Snickersdefaults assigned nojimon is username ubuntu 17.10 (im a noob so dont know how to answer that sorry)07:59
ducassestill, make sure the hostname is the same in those two files07:59
Snickerscan you remind me of the two locations please08:00
Flannel!hostname | Snickers08:00
ubottuSnickers: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.08:00
Snickersso from terminal exact syntax is 'hostname nojimon'  then try command above this last instruction?08:03
Snickersall gud08:04
ducassewhen that is fixed sudo should work without errors08:05
Snickershey i just ran cat /etc/hostname output was ubuntu08:07
Snickersdoes that mean my current hostname is ubuntu08:07
ducassetry the command 'hostname'08:08
Snickersre this suggestion (1)nameserver` to /etc/resolv.conf ) do i delete what there already (nameserver)08:12
ducasseif dns is currently broken, you might as well08:14
guiverc(sorry away with birds again), doesn't matter. it tries first on list; if it fails it'll try second..  i'd be tempted to `whois` or first one to see who it belongs to, your isp or modified by ..)08:15
Snickersso in theory making that change and restarting networkManager will allow me to surf but NetworkManger Daemon still looks sick and i cant surf08:20
ducasseSnickers: if you restart networking services it will just get overwritten again08:21
ikonia"looks sick"08:21
ikoniayou'll get a lot better information if you give factual information rather than human descriptions of problem08:21
Snickersthe daemon turns green when i am able to  connect08:21
ikoniado you currently have any working DNS?08:22
ikoniaat all08:22
pikapikaIt seems to be working for now08:22
Snickersi dont know how to check please help me work that out08:22
Snickers(i seriously doubt it but am guessing)08:23
ZythyrNeed help with getting a service to start after mounting a partition. My server's /home partition is encrypted using DMCrypt (cryptsetup LUKS). After reboot, I manually unlock the partition by by SSHing into the server and using the command "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 data". The moment I unlocked the partition, the /home partition is automatically mounted and I don't have to manually08:23
Zythyrmount it. I have a service (Seafile server) that is suppose to start automatically after boot, however it can't start because the .sh file of the service is in the /home partition. How do I get this service to autoatmically start once I manually unlocked the /home partition08:23
ikoniaSnickers: you said earlier you can ping your router, is that still true ?08:23
pikapikaI noticed that grub actually had two entries, one an Ubuntu without any further information...another something like Ubuntu 16.04 on /dev/sda108:23
Snickersyes i can08:23
ikoniaSnickers: ok, can you "ping"08:23
Snickersi can also ping google dns address 8.8.8808:23
pikapikaI tried rebooting a few times before the live cd operations. Since my grub and fstab both are based on uuids either option randomly selected whichever Ubuntu it felt like08:24
ikoniaok, so you have internet connection and your routing fine08:24
pikapikaSo just to make sure, in the live cd after copying partition I changed the uuid of sda708:24
Snickersif those answers i gave confirm that then yes08:25
ikoniaSnickers: what do you get if you do "nmcli dev show | grep DNS" in a terminal08:25
Snickerstwo address's one for ipv4 one for ipv6 do you want them verbatim in pm08:28
ikoniais it just two lines ?08:28
ikoniajust paste them in the channel please08:28
Snickersjust the addresses or the whole line08:29
ikoniajust the addresses08:29
Snickers10.1.1.1 fe80::e2b9:08:30
Snickershang on08:30
ikoniathat will do08:30
ikoniaso is your route ?08:30
ikoniaSnickers: so if you do, nslookup www.google.com do you get a response08:31
Snickersconnection timed out08:32
Snickersno servers could be reached08:32
ikoniaok, do "nslookup" (on it's own) then "server" then "www.google.com"08:32
ikoniado you get a response then or still timed out08:33
Snickersno response08:33
ikoniaok, so now do "nslookup" (on its own) then "server", then "www.google.com"08:33
ikoniadoes that work08:33
obontohi all.who can i talk to regarding a bug that is: log files growing very fast08:35
ikoniaobonto: is it a bug or a problem you have08:36
obontosomeone says its a bug.08:36
ikoniawhat is "your" problem08:36
obontolog file is eating up my HDD08:37
ikoniawhat log file08:37
liptanHay Hi who's there08:38
ikoniaobonto: that's a directory08:38
ikoniaobonto: what log FILE is giving you the problem08:38
obontoyes.i mean the contents of it grows fast08:39
ikoniawhat files08:39
ikoniaobonto: how big is your /var partition08:39
obontovar > log >syslog08:39
ikoniaobonto: ok, so the syslog is growing quickly08:39
ikoniaobonto: what is the current file size ?08:39
GuiTorishello, is there a command which create default folders (Templates, Docs, Downloads) for new users?08:40
obontobefore it was 22gb08:40
obontoi already deleted the contents08:40
ikoniaGuiToris: when a new user logs into the desktop it gets created08:40
obontobut it will go back again when i try to use the usb+wifi08:40
ikoniaobonto: ok, how long did it take (roughly) to get to 22gb ?08:40
obonto22gb in less than 8hrs08:41
ikoniaobonto: ok - so that isn't a "bug" I suspect you have a problem on your machine, and the problem is constantly being logged, (that's a LOT of data)08:41
GuiTorisikonia, oh, if it's not going to happen, should I create them manually?08:41
ikoniaso I believe ubuntu is "fine" in that it's logging your problem as it should08:41
ikoniaGuiToris: those are desktop directories, if you're not using the desktop why would you want them08:41
akikGuiToris: xdg-user-dirs-update08:42
pikapikaI am thinking08:42
GuiToristhanks akik08:42
ikoniaobonto: you need to look at the lines (with help from people) to see what your problem is08:42
obontohmm.may i ask a suggestion or a remedy?08:42
GuiTorisikonia, we reach it via ssh08:42
ikoniaobonto: so if you know how to make it grow quickly, do it for a short period of time,08:42
ikoniaGuiToris: right, but those folders are for desktop use, so if you're not using the desktop why do you need them08:42
ikoniaobonto: then get a snippet (say 50 lines) from the bottom of the log and put it in pastebin.ubuntu.com then share the link here and ask for help08:43
obontoi think i had a copy of the log.before the deletion08:43
snickerssorry got disconnected battery08:43
ikoniasnickers: sorry, I need to step away for 20 minutes08:43
snickersk ill be here08:44
ikoniasnickers: I think we see the problem though, your router is not acting as a DNS server / forwarding you to valid DNS servers08:44
snickersso reset it with a pin08:44
pikapikaShould this information about the UUID duplication (and consequently ambiguity in booting) be added to the HowToRemoveWindows wiki article?08:44
snickersfyi anyone that want to take over router is working for other computer laptop08:45
snickersand when i boot a live version of ubuntu from usb works08:46
obontohttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WYtW9KbpkS/   -- pls help me interpret the logfile08:47
ducasseobonto: you need to pastebin more than that, 50-100 lines or so08:48
obontoi see.08:48
ml-boxhey there...i wanna ask about the installation of nvidia graphics in my virtua ubuntu ?09:11
TarixMay I ask a question about a conda base activation error "CommandNotFoundError" that I got in one ubuntu installation, but not in another one?09:25
quintNetworkManager seems to think I want two global ipv6 addresses with the same prefix while in a SLAAC configuration09:29
quintOne seems to be the corrent eui64 obtained from the devices mac address, and the other seems arbitrary, but short.09:31
quintAll outgoing traffic from the device goes through the ::9a7 address09:33
TarixWhat's the proper way to uninstall something like conda under ubuntu?09:34
ikoniaTarix: how did you install it09:34
Tarixpip uninstall gives a warning09:34
ikoniaTarix: there you go then09:34
ikoniayou've used the pip package manager, so the people who build the pip package (nothing to do with ubuntu) can help you undo it09:34
Tarixi ran the official installation .sh script09:34
ikoniaTarix: ok, so the official support guys should be able to help you09:34
Tarixit's kind of convenient that this stuff all ends up under "software" to uninstall in windows. was just curious if this exists in ubuntu, but i guess it's more fractured.09:35
ikoniaTarix: no09:35
ikoniaTarix: if you use a package it is easy to uninstall09:35
ikoniaTarix: you ran a shell script09:36
quintTarix: there could have been anything in that shell script. just ask whoever wrote it how to undo it. This is exactly why we have packages09:37
TarixAs there is no uninstall guide on the official page, but only an install guide, I guess people just flatten their ubuntu every now and then or use docker variations09:37
ikoniaTarix: nope09:37
vltTarix: The package managemant system Ubuntu uses is great for (un-)installing packages. If you mess with it, using pip outside of a virtualenv or by running shell scripts, you can't use its benefits anymore.09:37
ikoniaTarix: people tend to not use random shell scripts and depend on correctly packaged software09:38
pirayehello all!09:38
bazhangTarix, if this is miniconda conda, their home page has a very clear guide on removing it09:40
Tarixah, thank you, then I'm likely just blind, i googled and clicked through the manual09:40
bazhangTarix, so consult that to take care of it, as it's third party and not supported here09:41
pirayeI had download one application  and now i delete it complete.... and install it again how can i do it? can any one point me please09:41
Tarixbut you dont mean cuda -uninstall do you?09:41
pirayebecause i try more then one way to delete but still there09:42
Tarixif you could point me to the guide you mean that would be very kind09:42
vltpiraye: Was one of he ways you tried `sudo apt remove <package>`?09:43
pirayethis it will remove it completely09:44
obontohello all.pls help me interpret this --   https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/qhMvdfMdhz/09:46
CoJaBobad wifi drivers?09:50
vltpiraye: Is this a yes or a no?09:50
obontohmm.i tried using the propriety drivers,using the wrapper something09:51
obontobut even after updating to propriety drivers,the wifi driver remain the same after 2x checking it09:53
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bazhangobonto, was that ndiswrapper09:57
obontoi used this guide http://techie-buzz.com/foss/wifi-on-ubuntu-installing-atheros-drivers.html09:58
obonto@bazhang yes09:58
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bazhangobonto, you used a third party guide to install it?10:46
bazhanggot any details obonto ?10:47
obontodetails of?10:47
obontoi used this --  http://techie-buzz.com/foss/wifi-on-ubuntu-installing-atheros-drivers.html10:47
bazhangobonto, what did it say, as far as the script or whatever wrapper to use when installing it10:48
obontoit was completed without errors10:48
obontoits just the log file here,it grows at the rate of 1gb in less than 15min10:48
bazhangobonto, whats the exact chipset on that10:49
obontosomeone says its related to usb device10:49
obontoanother 1 here said wifi drivers10:49
bazhangobonto, is it a usb or a pci device10:49
obontousb wifi10:49
bazhangobonto, could you please pastbin the output of lsusb , not in the channel but to the pastebin and give us the url10:50
obontoBus 003 Device 004: ID 0cf3:9271 Atheros Communications, Inc. AR9271 802.11n10:54
snickershi everyone can somebody please help me get back online installed anonym8 now ran script stopped it cant get online since able to ping ip addresses (numbers) from terminal but not addresses from browser10:54
snickersm running 17.1010:54
obonto@bazhang is that info ok?10:55
bazhanghttps://askubuntu.com/questions/607830/how-to-install-tp-link-tl-wn722n-on-ubuntu obonto10:57
bazhangsnickers, is there a readme on that github10:58
obontohow can i undo the ndiswrapper installation?10:58
snickersno mention of how to fix issue i am facing though10:59
snickersjust a description of what it does and how to run the script10:59
bazhangsnickers, and which part of that script is giving errors11:00
snickersno part of the script gave errors but when i stopped running the script and reverted to normal setting(so i thought) i could no longer use browsers o  browse11:01
snickersmy network manager also wont connect it just hangs11:01
snickersthe daemon11:02
bazhanghttps://askubuntu.com/questions/949815/network-stop-working-after-install-anonym8 snickers11:02
snickersso does an external usb wifi usb (tried also)11:02
snickerswont connect just hangs11:02
bazhangsnickers, have you read the link I just got you11:03
snickerspretty sure a few .conf files have been changed11:04
bazhangsnickers, was that yes to following the steps on the link?11:04
snickersnot sure what they should look like prior to being changed11:04
snickersyes i followed the steps in the read me if thats what you mean11:05
bazhangsnickers, it's quite clearly laid out there11:05
bazhanghttps://askubuntu.com/questions/949815/network-stop-working-after-install-anonym8 this one snickers11:05
bazhangincluding the part about the firmware?11:06
snickerseg how to run it but if and when it wrecks your ability to connect after uninstallation nothing is mentioned11:06
snickersthat is where i find myself11:06
bazhangsnickers, are we talking about the same link11:07
snickersno longer having it installed and not running it and now having no way of connecting to internet through browser11:07
snickersthe one i posted yeah11:07
bazhangsnickers, the one I did11:07
snickersmy bad11:08
snickersin my instance its a wired connection so what to do specific to my config11:08
snickersifconfig get name of wired and insert in place of wlano11:09
bazhangsnickers, which step are you on from the link I gave11:09
snickershave not started its on another pc but the 'sudo dhclient wlanX" is where im stuck11:10
obontotnx bazshang.need to rest :(11:10
snickersdo i replace wlanx with name of my wired name (ifconfig)11:11
nieehi folks :). anyone to help me please? how to find repeated text words in two text.txt11:12
nieesearch from text1.txt (inside have 10 words) to find in text2.txt (inside have 100 words)11:12
CoJaBoniee: if they're one per line, that should be pretty easy with grep11:13
CoJaBoHow difficult is it to import an existing VM to an LXD container?11:14
kasper3is there a separate channel for apt / packaging talk?11:15
snickers<bazang> how do i download the files and put onto usb to take to other machine11:15
snickers<bazhang>how do i download the files and put onto usb to take to other machine, wget terminal copy and past11:16
snickersother machine is offline11:16
nieeCoJaBo: yes. tnx for help, but not in one line. i type 10, but words is 1000 or more...11:17
snickerscmon man please11:18
vltniee: A shell script using grep or a Python three liner should do it. What have you tried so far?11:23
nieeok vlt . tnx :) for now i tried to search one by one with grep.11:26
snickers<bazhang> thank you for your help sorry for being tedious11:35
snickersonline weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee11:35
BluesKaj_Hi folks11:54
bonkanoHi everybody, how solve /dev/sda7 clean xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx blocks from ubuntu 17.04.11:55
bonkanoI can't access to my system11:55
bonkanoI need help from you11:56
habbasiHi people. Some perms on my server got messed up unexpectedly.11:57
habbasiAny idea how to fix them?11:57
CoJaBo..how many, and where12:00
CoJaBoIf the answer is "lots, and in /", the typical easy solution is to backup /home and reinstall <_<12:00
CoJaBobonkano: That's not an error message, btw12:01
Mownerhey, im using i3 with ubuntu and im trying to cofing my brightness up and down keys (f5 and f6) however the keycodes and keysyms doesnt seem to be working. ie: when running xev some cryptic msg shows, tried google didnt work.12:02
blb2156google works here12:03
Mowneri mean my searches where futile12:04
Mownercouldnt find what the xev output meant12:04
bonkanoIs there anybody to help me?12:04
habbasiI'll check backups. :/12:05
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habbasiProbably because of NPM.12:05
pirayei have some applications in ubuntu and try uninstall is by "sudo apt remove <package>" but didn't uninstall.. is there any other can do it12:05
blb2156:Mowner bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec xbacklight -steps 1 -time 0 -dec 512:06
blb2156Mowner: bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec xbacklight -steps 1 -time 0 -inc 512:06
blb2156at least these ^ worked for me12:07
Mowner:blb2156 xbacklight doesnt work, tried that command in terminal, I was able to do a script that changes the brightness value (root permisinon no one can wirte read bla bla) however when trying bindsym Xf86MonBrightnessUp exec scrpit '+' 1012:07
Mownerit doesnt do anything12:07
Mownerwhen running xev, and pressing fn+f6 it doesnt show Xf86... as it used to before12:08
blb2156Mowner: your skript could be started with an almost empty environment. Thats why x based apps do not works12:09
blb2156Mowner: you better just start a power manager app. It manages the keys too12:11
Mownerblb2156: im sorry, kind of a noob, what do you mean? i dont know if sound goes through X but i have a script for that as well and works fine. would xfce4 work?12:11
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blb2156your script works just fine if you start it from a terminal window. It's because terminal has full environment. But if your script is started by some process the environment could be different12:13
Mowneraah I see, okey i guess ill do some reading... maybe changing the focus to a power manager. thanks12:14
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w1kohey guys12:27
Space_Mana recent 14.04 update has stopped sound and slowed down logins https://paste.debian.net/1014099/  any ideas?12:31
Mownerblb2156: hey I got xfce4 and it has an option to handle the brightness, however it doesnt seem to work, as is I am highly encouraged to quit technology and live in the woods12:32
Sven_vBI can use this command to ask aspell how many probably-wrong words there are in a file: <foo.txt aspell list --lang=en --ignore-case --dont-suggest | tr A-Z a-z | sort --unique | wc --lines; now how do I find the opposite? can I trust it uses the same definition of "word" as wc --words would?12:33
MownerSven_vB what is a word to you? can you create a small example to check if it works as you need to?12:36
TJ-Space_Man: Have you tried booting with an older/ the oldest kernel version ?12:36
Sven_vBMowner, since ultimately I want to get or calculate the number of words that aspell considers unproblemativ, I'd prefer to use aspell's definition of "word", rather than choosing my own.12:37
Saint_PhilomenaSorry about the question but... I'm try to change the dns and some configurations in networkd manager like dns and other stuff... but kubuntu dont allow me to save the options... if i make one new connection like openvpn it is ok but not with default wired connnection... someone know how can i resolve this...? i think I'm not the only one to have this problem https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php/72529-Network-Manager-bug12:37
Space_ManTJ-: no, that's a good idea12:37
* Space_Man rebooting12:37
MownerSven_vB, okey, then grab a file you want to use, make a copy and mispell all the words... as in if there is a leter add an x next to it12:39
Mowneror xy12:39
Mownerdont know many words ending with x, but im sure there are fewer ending with xy12:39
Mownerand then you know how many words aspell consider words, now you can use wc12:41
TJ-fax, lunchbox, chateaux, orthodix ..12:41
TJ-oops, typo :)12:41
Mownercheck if they are the same, however, aspell must have a way to list them.12:41
Mownerjajaja thats why faxy, lunchboxy, chateauxy, i mean i know its not perfect, but seems to be an easy and fast approach, wouldnt recommend it if you are putting your job on the line though12:43
TJ-Saint_Philomena: are you making changes to Network Manager connections? if the GUI is a problem use 'nmtui' from the terminal12:46
pavlushkaldconfig results in "/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libalpm.so.10 is not a symbolic link"12:51
MownerSven_vB what about clean, the documentation says 'cleans an input word list so that every line is a valid word.' so number of lines is number of valid words... maybe for big files this isnt optimal though12:53
TJ-pavlushka: what installed that library?12:53
pavlushkaTJ-: kubuntu-desktop12:53
TJ-pavlushka: which version? I don't see it in 16.0412:54
pavlushkaTJ-: strange~ it is an Arch Linux Package Management library~12:56
TJ-^ _12:57
TJ-@ @12:57
Saint_PhilomenaTj- i will try thanks you.12:57
TJ-pavlushka: installed via kubuntu-desktop!?12:57
SilmarillionI have installed Xubuntu on my ASUS notebook (it currently has Windows 8.1 on a 300 GB SDA (scsi HDD) but I want to do away with Windows altogether by removing the this notebook's HDD and installing a new 120 GB Intel SSD (just large enough to run Xubuntu alone). The notebook has UEFI BIOS. If I am not running Windows x64, there should be no need for the UEFI (EFI boot partitions) setting in BIOS. Can I simply set my BIOS to Launch CSM/Enabled. Fast 12:57
pavlushkaTJ-: due to that error, two packages failing to install, kde-telepathy-minimal12:57
pavlushka kde-telepathy12:57
TJ-pavlushka: which version of kubuntu is it?12:58
TJ-pavlushka: do you have some 3rd party PPAs or repos enabled where it may have come from?12:58
cfhowletteither a ppa or we mixing distro sources.12:59
SilmarillionAm I asking my question in the wrong channel?12:59
pavlushkaTJ-: today I tried pantheon desktop from ppa12:59
tomreynSilmarillion: you're in the right place, just no one got around to respond, yet.13:00
TJ-pavlushka: well you seem to be correct about it being related to Arch's pacman13:00
SilmarillionThank you, i am glad to wait.13:00
tomreynSilmarillion: your first message was cut off due to the irc per line limit. it was cut off after "Can I simply set my BIOS to Launch CSM/Enabled. Fast "13:00
ioriapavlushka,   dpkg -S /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libalpm.so.1013:01
SilmarillionOh..oh my. I apologize. Thank you for pointing out line limit tomreyn.13:01
TJ-Silmarillion: Yes, you could do that, but if the system is native EFI I'd always recommend using EFI mode, provided the system firmware doesn't have any silly bugs preventing it from using non-Windows boot-loader paths13:01
tomreynSilmarillion: generally, i would run linux with a uefi bios nowadays if thats the default the firmware suggests.13:02
TJ-pavlushka: looks like pantheon desktop is the culprit13:02
pavlushkaioria: dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libalpm.so.1013:02
TJ-pavlushka: dpkg and apt-file won't cant find it because it wasn't installed by the debian package management system. Sounds like you've broken your system!13:03
SilmarillionCan I copy the current EFI boot partition on the standard HDD i currently have in the notebook to the SSD i plan to install in the ASUS notebook?13:03
pavlushkaTJ-: ok, I am fixing it, dont worry, reversing the process :)13:04
tomreynSilmarillion: sure you could, but what'S the purpose?13:05
TJ-Silmarillion: you could or you can let the Ubuntu installer create it13:05
SilmarillionThat EFI boot partition preceeds the Primary Windows 8.1 x64 NTFS partition that contains Win OS.13:05
tomreyngpt has no concept of primary partitions13:05
TJ-Silmarillion: as long as you boot the Ubuntu installer in EFI mode it'll install Ubuntu in EFI mode, creating the EFI-SP if necessary13:05
SilmarillionThe Ubuntu installer can create the EFI boot partition? Oh, wait, i can select the option *Something Else, during install of xubuntu.13:06
TJ-tomreyn: I think Silmarillion was referring to Windows concept of 'primary' because there are often a few NTFS partitions13:06
tomreynoh, probably13:06
pavlushkaOh, and another issue, dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-config-telepathy-accounts_4%3a15.12.3-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):13:07
pavlushka trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu113:07
tomreynhi tuseroni13:07
SilmarillionYes there are 3 NTFS partitions (OS/Data/Recovery)13:07
TJ-pavlushka: that's on /old/ bug! hasn't it been fixed yet!?!13:08
ioriapavlushka, that's an old bug iirc; but what about the libalpm.so ? do you have an archlinux repo in sources ?13:09
SilmarillionI have no DVD/CDrom drive in the ASUS notebook. I would have to attach an external USB driven DVD/CDROM drive.13:09
pavlushkaioria: I manually removed that library which fixed that problem13:09
SilmarillionUEFI BIOS do NOT like USB devices13:09
tuseroniso, i have installed and configured samba, seems to work on my linux machine, can access it via konqueror, but i can't connect to it from my windows machine, i get "the network name cannot be found" while perhaps not exactly an ubuntu problem...since it seems to be working inside ubntu...but any ideas?13:09
ioriapavlushka, do you know its origin ?13:09
pavlushkaTJ-: looks like its not13:10
tomreynSilmarillion: your specific one, or uefi bios in general? since, in gerneral, they do.13:10
SilmarillionWhen I attempted it the Boot portion of my BIOS stated there was no path to USB.13:11
TJ-Bug #145172813:11
ubottubug 1451728 in ktp-accounts-kcm (Ubuntu Wily) "[master] kde-config-telepathy-accounts package install error" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145172813:11
SilmarillionI had to force boot via UEFI13:11
pavlushkaioria: I installed elementary desktop and then compiled elementary-tweaks from git and after that installed kubuntu-desktop which caught into the problem13:11
tomreynSilmarillion: and you had a bootable usb stick plugged in since before you pressed th epower button?13:11
TJ-pavlushka: ^^^^ there are /lots/ of duplicates of this master-bug, including ones referring to google-im.service13:11
ioriapavlushka, i see, tx13:11
SilmarillionOh i did not have USB stick plugged in.13:12
TJ-pavlushka: I've never seen a list of duplicates on a bug that long!13:12
Sven_vBMowner, I'm still having strange charset issues with the "clean" approach, but overall I think that's a good idea. thanks!13:12
TJ-pavlushka: looks like "sudo dpkg --remove account-plugin-google" might help13:13
tomreynSilmarillion: just write an ubuntu installer on a usb stick and see if you can boot off that in uefi mode.13:13
SilmarillionShould I place the ISO image on a USB thumb drive instead of DVD disc13:13
pavlushkaTJ-: ioria I was fine with LXDE but someone known to me recently switched to ubuntu and he loved the pantheon desktop but was having issue13:13
SilmarillionOkay. I will try that. Burn image of Xubuntu iso to USB thumb drive.13:14
tomreynSilmarillion: not the iso file itself, but you use another software to extract the iso file contents to the usb stick and to make it bootable13:14
pavlushkaTJ-: ioria So in trying to help him I wanted to test that desktop but oh my13:14
MownerSven_vB: great, you should compare to another tools to see if aspell is really what you want13:14
SilmarillionYes, tomreyn, i will burn the image of the iso onto the usb thumb drive.13:15
SilmarillionThank you for much needed assistance.13:15
tuseronianyone got any familiarity with setting up a samba share and connecting to it via windows?13:15
cfhowlett!samba | tuseroni13:16
ubottutuseroni: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html13:16
tomreynSilmarillion: i'd approach it this way: (1) backup any data you still need (or move the current hdd to a different computer so you stiul have access to the data), (2) write the ubuntu installer iso to usb stick, (3) replace the hdd by the ssd in your laptop, (4) set bios to uefi mode, (5) boot ubuntu installer from usb13:17
tomreynSilmarillion: you're welcome.13:17
crisedAny guide to set up a IpSEC ESP with manual keying between 2 Ubuntu hosts13:18
tomreynSilmarillion: personally, i would also update the system firmware between steps 2 and 313:18
tuseroniyeah that doesn't help me13:19
pavlushkaTJ-: I had to "sudo dpkg --remove account-plugin-google unity-scope-gdrive" to fix the issue13:19
tomreyncrised: this is somewhat specific. i'd say check the documentation of the ipsec implementation you're using.13:19
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tuseronii've already done all that, but the windows machine says the network name cannot be found13:20
crisedtomreyn: Shouldn't IPSec ESP be mainstream?13:20
TJ-pavlushka: I saw that gdrive might also be needed; glad you got it back under control13:20
pavlushkaTJ-: ioria thanks :)13:21
ioriapavlushka, ok13:21
tomreyncrised: ipsec with esp is not anything unusual (if not something the average user sets up any day), but how you do the manual keying surely depends on the implementation you choose.13:22
crisedtomreyn: like which encryption algorithms I choose and things like that?13:22
tomreyncrised: yes13:22
crisedtomreyn: What's the implementation below ipsec-tools13:23
SilmarillionThis channel has made my day! Thank you for saving me from "slugging it out" with my xubu install. You saved me a bunch of coffee and aspirin. Have an outstanding weekend if i am not able to drop by sooner.13:23
TJ-crised: IPsec is famous for being complex and difficult to configure unfortunately; is there a specific reason you need IPsec as opposed to some other solution?13:23
TJ-Silmarillion: glad you got sorted :)13:23
SilmarillionThanks and praise tomreyn and TJ-:13:24
Silmarillioni must away people. TTFN13:24
crisedTJ-: yes, there is an specific reason unfortunately :(13:24
tomreynSilmarillion: good luck, you're welcome13:25
TJ-crised: Well last time I had to deploy it, I think I had to re-read instructions and even source-code due to wanting to avoid using a weak cipher and it took me 1/2 a day of sweat and swearing :)13:26
tomreyntomreyn: i've only worked with strongswan and openswan software imeplementations so far, but that's been a while ago, too.13:26
tomreynyeay, talking to myself13:26
tomreyncrised: ^13:26
TJ-tomreyn: that's what IPsec does to ya!13:26
tomreyn"wanting to avoid using a weak cipher" -> obvious ipsec noob mistake13:28
Sven_vBMowner, can you recommend some tool for guessing the probability that a given text is written in the language of a given locale?13:28
tomreynsorry, i'll move this to -discuss nex ttime13:28
MownerSven_vB: that seems something for a NeuralNetwork something like LSTM... however I only heard about it about a year ago and didnt do much reaserch on it13:31
Sven_vBMowner, well ok it should be fast still. :)13:32
MownerSo I think i pinned down the issue as much as I can. I want to set the brightness keys (fn+F5 and fn+F6), however Xbacklight and using xfce-power-manager to control the keys don't work. I made a script that works on console however it doesn't work when I set it in my .config file (im using i3WM)13:42
MownerMy guess its something to do with the enviroment im running the script, one in console and the other in the config file... any clues how to fix it?13:43
TJ-Mowner: usually those hotkeys are controlled by a platform specific driver and automatically linked to the correct internal signals13:43
crisedHas anyone used ssh -D to make a sort of vpn?13:44
crisedif so can you name me a command?13:44
criseds/ Could you help me with a command?13:44
MownerTJ-: usually, unfortunatly it wasn't my case, i had to set the volume keys... however some of them work fine (wifi, and bluetooth)13:44
TJ-Mowner: did you investigate kernel platform module options that might help? Also, sometimes it's ACPI related and acpi_osi can improve things13:46
MownerTJ-: I'm quite new in the messing with the computer, thats why I only changed the WM is there any place to read that you recommend? I mean I'll google and all, but sometimes things are too criptic13:48
TJ-Mowner: show us the kernel log and I'll check what might help you: "pastebinit <( dmesg )"13:49
avid_reader@search Leveraging the Universe13:49
MownerTJ-: the kernel log is quite big, do you need some specific part?13:52
TJ-Mowner: the dmesg is perfect... I exist on kernel logs :)13:54
Guest8927Hey everyone my wifi is disturbing a lot...I ain't getting strong wifi signal13:57
MownerTJ-: https://pastebin.com/crARsr49 ITS 900 lines, I mean you don't need to read that thing13:58
Guest8927Please Help13:58
TJ-Mowner: only 900? I'm used to several thousand :)13:58
TJ-Mowner: so is this a Lenovo Thinkpad E470 ?13:59
MownerTJ-: yes13:59
MownerTJ-: I feel naked13:59
TJ-Mowner: good - that's important info13:59
TJ-Mowner: put your PJs on then :D13:59
TJ-Mowner: these logs are the bread and butter of the support we give, especially for hardware/platform/driver issues14:00
Space_Mana recent 14.04 update has stopped sound and slowed down logins https://paste.debian.net/1014099/ any ideas?14:00
Space_Mandmesg https://paste.debian.net/1014110/14:00
Space_ManTJ-: I've tried 3 kernels and the problem is the same14:00
MownerTJ-: So where do I start learning this things?14:02
TJ-Mowner: hmmm. Best thing is to read dmesg (which is the kernel message log) to get to know what to expect, what changes, what happens when... after a while you come to be able to instintively know what to look for and focus on... in your case, I suspect line 789 "[    4.352936] thinkpad_acpi: ThinkPad BIOS R0DET33W (1.09 ), EC unknown"14:04
TJ-Mowner: thinkpad_acpi is the platform-specific ACPI driver for Thinkpad models but it looks as if your model was not known when kernel v4.13 was released, so it reports it does not recognised the EC (Embedded Controller). So my first step is to look in the latest Linux kernel source-code and see if recognition has been added14:06
MownerTJ-:  Ill se whats what... however a few lines below it says '[    4.362899] thinkpad_acpi: This ThinkPad has standard ACPI backlight brightness control, supported by the ACPI video driver14:07
Mowner[    4.362900] thinkpad_acpi: Disabling thinkpad-acpi brightness events by default...14:07
TJ-Mowner: yes, but there's no indication of hotkey input devices recognition... controlling the backlight is a separate function, as-in, the key-events could be used to do something else14:10
MownerTJ-: I must add, all this keys worked fine before adding i3WM to the mix. thanks for your aid, i'm looking into the kernel source code14:11
TJ-Mowner: Hmmm, so using the default desktop session rather than i3WM, do the hot-keys work again or has something permanently disabled their function?14:14
TJ-Mowner: Generally I'd suggest trying the latest mainline kernel build but there have been very few changes in the thinkpad_acpi module since v4.13 and none that could affect this. What I did notice in the source-code is there are 2 ACPI IDs for the hotkeys and I don't see either reported in the kernel log. That may be because 'debug' level logging is not enabled or generally they aren't reported.14:16
MownerTJ-: mmmh I'm not sure if it works on default desktop. So should I run dsemg with another flag? maybe -l debug?14:19
TJ-Mowner: no, it's fine. If you've had the hotkeys working fine before adding i3WM then what desktop session was that? Does using it now see those keys working? If so you know it's a lack of functionality in i3WM.14:27
Mowneryea, i was using ubuntu as comes, i think gnome is the name, however I get mixed up14:32
TJ-Mowner: Gnome or Unity, depending on release version14:33
bonkanoCan anybody help me to solve /dev/sda7 clean from ubuntu 17.0414:36
Sven_vBtrying to run Windows programs in wine in xenial amd64. I've installed mono and gecko system packages as wine recommended, but it still doesn't detect them. any ideas? http://abload.de/img/wine_mono_gecko9zsh2.jpeg14:36
MownerTJ-: yea, Gnome then... so its an i3WM problem mmmmh14:36
TJ-Mowner: well that is /good/ news since it's not a system or OS problem :)14:37
TJ-Mowner: most times it is which is why I went directly to the kernel log14:38
DiecastMessiahSven_vB: maybe best to try at #winehq .. maybe a fix it .. best i could say is try installing those packs with winetricks14:39
DiecastMessiahmaybe able to fix it.. i am new so don't know14:40
Sven_vBthanks, I'll try14:40
DiecastMessiahyou know about wineprefix's ??14:40
Sven_vBDiecastMessiah, yes. I'd still expect wine to be able to detect the system packages independent of which wine prefix I've set.14:41
MownerTJ-: yea, I'm thrilled, well thanks I learned a lot from you14:42
troozersHi guys, not entirely sure where this problem lies so am asking in Chrome and here... Got Chrome installed on Ubuntu 17.10 and every time I reboot it forgets the Account Sync password.  Doesn't happen on any other platform14:49
TJ-troozers: have you tried using Chromium too?15:01
troozersI haven't, although the chromium codecs seem to be installed (chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra)15:04
jaseytroozers: i can't say it'll fix the problem but i definitely find chromium works better than chrome itself15:06
jaseytroozers: i haven't looked back since i installed it.15:06
troozersOK, I shall have a go look-see at Chromium.  Thanks for the feedback, tis much appreciated15:07
ioriaMowner, have seen this : https://cialu.net/brightness-control-not-work-i3wm/15:11
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antgelI just successfully upgraded my desktop from Xenial to Bionic, and then tried on my laptop. My laptop is failing as it's timing out waiting for the /boot/efi partition, and / or the resume partition, which appears to be encrypted (not sure if it was on Xenial). This used to work fine. Screen images at https://photos.app.goo.gl/DZ5yVaJWLKHrGr2O2 - anyone got any clues what I should try next?15:23
antgelI really don't understand why things are timing out - I can mount /boot/efi from recovery mode, so I don't know why my initramfs can't15:24
antgelOops, I should be in ubuntu+115:25
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pragmaticenigma!ch | qianran15:34
ubottuqianran: The Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it15:34
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:34
pragmaticenigmaalwaus get those two confused15:35
qianranwhere are you from,friend15:35
pragmaticenigmaqianran, this channel is for request support for Ubuntu... If you would like to chat please see #ubuntu-offtopic15:37
qianransorry,now i got it15:37
nukemAnyone know how to prevent a snap package from having internet access?15:46
nukemi.e. block it15:46
adalbertnukem: which port is it using ?15:48
nukemadalbert: no idea. I'm debating grabbing the KeePassXC snap, and would want to isolate it from the internet15:49
nukemadalbert: how can I tell what port it would use? I've got a temp VM up that I can test with15:50
adalbertnukem: KeePassXC needs network access for downloading website icons (favicons) for password entries and for providing KeePassHTTP-compatible browser extensions with access to your database. Both features are optional and opt-in. KeePassXC will never access any network resource without your explicit prior consent. If you don't use either of these features, you may also compile KeePassXC without any networking code15:51
nukemadalbert: yeah I see that in the FAQ, but I'm paranoid15:52
ycyclistCan someone direct me to a kernel build support group?15:52
adalbertnukem: wireshark your network after installing it ?15:52
nukemadalbert: from the same machine or from another (wired) networked machine?15:53
adalbertnukem: from the same machine15:53
nukemadalbert: just curious if that's a feature of snap packs in general. They're new to me15:54
nukemadalbert: i.e. 'easily' restricting certain resources15:54
adalbertnukem: i have no idea, i'm quite new to snap myself15:54
adalbertnukem: in any case, i'm pretty sure that if you compile without any network support , there's not going to be any traffic back or forth since it has no code for it.15:56
kostkonnukem, use snap disconnect somehow to take away network access. the interface is 'network' afaik. more info here https://docs.snapcraft.io/core/interfaces15:56
kostkonnukem, also  man snap15:56
nukemadalbert kostkon do yall use kpxc?16:00
kostkonnukem, i use a lot of snaps but in the case of keepass i use keepassx from the repos16:01
nukemkostkon: any particular reason why keepassx instead of xc?16:01
adalbertnukem: I don't use it .16:02
kostkonnukem, i must had one at the time, when deciding what to install, but i can't remember anymore what it was16:02
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bonkano1My ubuntu 17.04 cannot start. I have the message /dev/sda7 clean xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx blocks message at startup. Ireally need help16:22
bonkano1My ubuntu 17.04 cannot start. I have the message /dev/sda7 clean xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx blocks message at startup. Ireally need help16:24
lowryderbonkano1: (we saw your message from 2 minutes ago. If someone else sees it and wants to engage, they probably will)16:27
pragmaticenigma!patience | bonkano116:28
ubottubonkano1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:28
pingecHello, is it possible to boot a live ubuntu from a usb stick?16:29
lowryderpingec: yes, as long as the bios for the machine allows booting from usb16:30
pingecShoud I follow this wizard https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/try-ubuntu-before-you-install#016:31
pragmaticenigmapingec, that is the best tutorial to use :-)16:31
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pragmaticenigmabonkano1, what was the last thing you did with your computer before the message appeared? I would also suggest, while you wait for assistance, preparing a live boot disk and backing up your data just in case.16:34
ycyclistSay, I just got a used latitude, stuck 16.04 on it, and it is exhibiting this mousepad from hell effect where it won't move steadily.  Is there some kind of algorithm or package fix for this?16:38
bonkano1pragmaticenigma, i did an update && upgrade and dist-upgrade16:48
pragmaticenigmabonkano1, do you have any 3rd party PPAs enabled?16:49
bonkano1pragmaticenigma: , I think16:50
ioriabonkano1, you know 17.04 is no longer supported ?  said that, can you open a console with ctrl+alt+f1  after that msg appear ?16:52
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pragmaticenigmaioria, I missed that...16:53
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html16:53
bonkano1 ioria, I tried to do that but I only have black screnn can't access to a console16:53
ioriabonkano1,  try again with another Fx key (like F2); if fails, you need reecovery Mode from Grub menu16:54
pragmaticenigmabonkano1, my suggestion is that you boot to a live disk, transfer your files to an external disk or another computer. Then format and install a supported version of Ubuntu. 17.04 is no longer officailly supported16:55
ioriabonkano1,  or that ^16:56
bonkano1pragmaticenigma, and what about my installed apps?16:56
sliddisI cant start my VM. whats wrong here? https://imgur.com/a/IbfYl16:56
pragmaticenigmawhat about them, you can install them again when you get your machine up and running once more16:57
bonkano1I have a lot of apps, it will not be easy for mr16:58
bonkano1Is there anyway to migrate to 17.10 without new installation?16:59
kostkonbonkano1, attempt an eol upgrade but your system seems to be borked either way17:00
ioriabonkano1, you don't even have a login prompt ....17:00
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:00
pragmaticenigmaWe are limited on what can be done with 17.04. It is unsupported and if there was a recent update installed to your machine, it came from a 3rd party PPA that is not supported. It is not recommended to install 3rd party PPAs on your system.17:00
kostkonbonkano1, you'll probably get a borked system even if you do a release upgrade17:00
par4g0nsliddis: https://askubuntu.com/questions/41930/kernel-panic-not-syncing-vfs-unable-to-mount-root-fs-on-unknown-block0-017:01
ioriabonkano1,  i have already suggested you  Recovery Mode, right ?17:02
jac76Is there a tool/program that enables me to "DVR" a live stream broadcast?17:04
pragmaticenigmabonkano1,  Applications can easily be reinstalled later. If they are that important to you, you should already have a list so you know what to install when your computer is back up and running. It would be nice to not have to put you through this process, however, when a version of ubuntu reaches end of life, it isn't supported.17:04
pragmaticenigma!mythtv | jac7617:04
ubottujac76: mythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support of MythTV, try #mythtv-users17:04
pragmaticenigmabonkano1, please keep all messages in the chat room and do not private message without asking for permission first. all messages should be kept here so others who may have the same issue can also recieve help17:05
jac76Ok, I'll check out mythtv, any others?17:06
bonkano1ok I'm understand17:06
pragmaticenigmabonkano1, you will not have a successful upgrade to 17.10 because you have 3rd party PPAs installed. They have to be removed prior to even attempting an system upgrade17:06
pragmaticenigmajac76, mythtv is the most mature and longest running home DVR system I am aware of. I'm sure there are others, but mythtv has the widest available support and users.17:07
sliddispar4g0n: thanks it worked17:09
chello everyone17:12
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pragmaticenigma!ask | Guest2875817:13
ubottuGuest28758: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:13
shpingrldehello. I'm using xubuntu on an hp dv7, and I can't get sound via my audio jack. the HDMI out, and laptop speakers work fine. previously, on Manjaro-XFCE, I was able to use the audio jacks. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this, because there's no error in the var syslogs. screenshot of the volume control: http://i.imgur.com/arSjrtl.png as you can see, it always says Line Out is (unplugged), no matter which17:15
shpingrldejack I plug the speakers into. and it doesn't include an entry for Headphones, which may be the actual problem, I'm not sure. any pointers in the direction of how to troubleshoot this would be lovely!17:15
xboxi am in my xbox using linux :v17:23
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AppAraathi, does anyone else notice increased CPU usage when viewing YT videos on more recent kernels of 16.04? I'm on 4.13.0-36-generic17:45
jac76pragmaticenigma, I been reading and it seems that MythTV requires tuner cards, so I guess capturing internet live streamed video is outside it's capabilities. Bummer17:45
AppAraatit's like 40% more usage. A YT video now frequently consumes 100% CPU on my i5-336017:45
AppAraatand it's usually 720p, not even talking about higher encodings.17:47
AppAraatcould this be the result of SPECTRE/Meltdown mitigations?17:47
TJ-AppAraat: I read recently YouTupe changed the default codec to their VP9 I think it is, which doesn't have so much support in hardware. I also read there is a setting to force it to use H.264 which hardware mostly supprots17:56
TJ-AppAraat: I can't verify that myself because I don't use youtube but I'd think with that knowledge you can find some info via a search17:56
AppAraatinteresting, I'll take a look at that. Thanks.17:57
AppAraatperhaps this is also IO related, I think I'm able to correlate CPU usage of say Chromium with IO activity using iotop. My SSD has 23GB of 512GB available. Can this be an issue?18:01
TJ-AppAraat: I wouldn't have thought so /unless/ the file-system is doing real-time 'discard' rather than the weekly 'fstrim'18:02
TJ-AppAraat: there's the 'discard' option in /etc/fstab and mount options that enables real-time18:02
AppAraatI have FDE enabled if that makes any difference.18:03
kostkonAppAraat, there is the h264ify addon for chrome and firefox for that very purpose18:03
TJ-AppAraat: I doubt it18:04
TJ-AppAraat: sounds like kostkon knows something about the issue I read about18:04
AppAraatthanks, found it - https://github.com/erkserkserks/h264ify18:05
kostkonAppAraat, you'll find that lack of hardware accel support for vp8-vp9 is common on many systems18:06
AppAraatI'm going to see if it makes any difference, will report.18:06
lwizardlhow do i fix a broken sound settings in panel on xubuntu? I select the audio icon, then select sound settings... and nothing happens18:07
kostkonlwizardl, delete your ~/.config/pulse  folder then either logout or reboot and then try again18:09
AppAraatkostkon: I can confirm YT now under 1080p uses around 25-30% CPU instead of 100%. According to "Stats for nerds" - Codecs: avc1.4d401f (136) / mp4a.40.2 (140)18:09
kostkonAppAraat, good to see. that looks manageable. np18:10
AppAraatdefinitely, now my computer doesn't freeze up when viewing YT videos lol18:10
FurretUberWhat can I do to improve the sound quality of the internal microphone of my notebook? Its quality is pretty bad compared to Windows 1018:13
lwizardlkostkon, nope still same18:14
SotomayorHi, I'm newbie in the world of linux. I have 2 different users on VPS ubuntu and 1 interface with 2 static ip: is it possible to assign to each user the ip with which he has to "work"? Thank you :)18:15
kostkonlwizardl, are you able to remove the applet. then add it back?18:16
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badchipmunkanyone in here have experience in getting openvswitch bridges up at boot?18:24
compdocbadchipmunk, did you try those suggestions of using address for the bridge?18:27
GuiTorisWhy does my usb mouse get suspended after a few seconds? How can I do about it?18:32
AppAraatGuiToris: check whether suspending USB devices is enabled in power settings. A bit deeper might be BIOS / UEFI USB settings.18:37
GuiTorisI use tlp and I even blacklisted my mouse18:38
massimoghi All18:39
GuiTorisAppAraat, it can't be a BIOS settings, before the reinstall, it worked properly18:39
AppAraatdoes it also suspend when not using TLP? Also, power mgmt is separate from TLP.18:39
GuiTorisit seems so18:41
GuiTorisI disabled and it turned off18:41
AppAraatIIRC TLP operations are (de-)activated between boots.18:42
GuiTorisI might not have rebooted between them18:42
AppAraatand don't forget to turn of power mgmt in Ubuntu itself.18:42
GuiTorisI'll give it a try, thanks18:43
GuiTorisAppAraat, https://ptpb.pw/Tip-18:46
GuiTorisThis is my current configuration18:46
GuiTorisI'll try to disable it18:49
badchipmunk@compdoc, no just dhcp18:49
GuiTorisAppAraat, it's working now :S18:55
GuiTorissomething is wrong with TLP18:55
GuiToriswhat should I change?18:55
speekayCan anyone help me with this?18:57
speekayPermission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).18:57
speekay lost connection18:57
fcastillospeekay: you haven't given us almost any info. What are you doing when you see that message?19:00
AppAraatGuiToris: dunno, I don't have much experience with TLP, but at least you know where to look at. Perhaps see again whether the USB ID is the correct one. Also, whitelist / blacklist might be the other way around.19:00
speekayIts an error regarding ssh keys I suppose... I am using ssh keys to commmunicate between a host and a guest system19:01
GuiToristhank you for your help AppAraat19:01
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Sladewhich ubuntu download do i want for a docker host?19:30
Sladeserver, or cloud19:30
Gizmo_RomickCould someone help me?  I am looking to have my open media vault server be as reliable as possible on both the OS and the filesystem.  I have the choice enabling ZFS, which from what I understand is a very reliable FS, through plugins and the testing repository, or using a FS like XFS or EXT4 which isn't as reliable as ZFS, but is included in the OMS stable.  Which should I choose?19:41
TJ-Slade: for the host? bare-metal = -server, virtual-machine = cloud19:42
SladeTJ-, awesome19:42
TJ-Gizmo_Romick: it depends on what you expect to go wrong and your ability to recover - ext4 for easiest route with most tools to recovery19:42
Gizmo_RomickTJ: I have multiple backups, so maybe I should stop overcomplicating and just stick with ext4.  I was just worried about file copying reliability.  I really don't know that much about filesystems19:43
Gizmo_RomickTJ: I also use RAID619:44
AppAraatGizmo_Romick: thought not as battle-tested as ZFS, there's also BTRFS which is a part of the kernel and not loaded as a separate kernel module like ZFS.19:44
AppAraatboth filesystems have methods of stopping bitrot19:44
Gizmo_RomickAppAraat: does BTRFS still have problems with Raid 5/6?  If true, I would very much consider using it19:45
AppAraatI don't have much experience with BTRFS, but I'd say do a mirror instead of complicating things with other RAID modes.19:45
AppAraatthis way (at least with ZFS) when bitrot is detected on one drive, it can be healed from the copy of the other drive.19:46
Gizmo_RomickAppAraat: so your saying in my case as a home user who is most concerned about simplicity and reliability, I should go with BTRFS and RAID 1?19:47
TJ-Gizmo_Romick: is it hardware RAID or OS-implemented software RAID?19:47
Gizmo_RomickTJ: OS-implemented19:47
Gizmo_RomickTJ: It's just an old...ish computer I installed OMV and a few hard drives laying around19:48
mate-userhi :)19:48
TJ-Gizmo_Romick: OK, one thing you might want to consider is using LVM on the RAID so that at a later date you can easily expand the volumes/file-systems at will if you need more space19:48
AppAraatGizmo_Romick: yes, though you should also consider choosing your hardware carefully if your data is very important to you. For example, while ECC RAM, mobo and CPU is not a requirement, it will help prevent memory errors.19:49
TJ-Gizmo_Romick: Generally when I delploy I use RAID > LVM > PVs > VGs and I /do not/ allocate all the free space in the VGs to LVs, I create LVs big enough for now and do lvextend + resize2fs' later as needed19:49
Gizmo_Romickok, thanks for the help everyone19:50
TJ-Gizmo_Romick: with LVM you can easily add another disk/disks to an existing VG19:50
Gizmo_RomickTJ: i'm going to try setting it up that way.  OMV is currently re-installing from my failed attempt to use ZFS (I backed up first of course)19:50
mate-useri made a new distro poll, my first one got spammed and included BSD distros, so i made a new linux desktop only poll, please vote19:50
mate-userthanks :)19:51
TJ-Gizmo_Romick: I use ext4 since it is trivial to resize it online (expand) including rootfs, and to shrink it if needed19:51
Gizmo_RomickTJ: how is data reliability in ext4?  I would like to use it because it is more tested, but does it prevent errors and bitrot?19:52
TJ-Gizmo_Romick: it has support for metadata checksums amongst other features https://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Features19:54
shpingrldeahoy! I'm using xubuntu on an hp dv7, and I can't get sound via my audio jack. the HDMI out, and laptop speakers work fine. previously, on Manjaro-XFCE, I was able to use the audio jacks. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this, because there's no error in the var syslogs. screenshot of the volume control: http://i.imgur.com/arSjrtl.png as you can see, it always says Line Out is (unplugged), no matter which19:55
shpingrldejack I plug the speakers into. and it doesn't include an entry for Headphones, which may be the actual problem, I'm not sure. any pointers in the direction of how to troubleshoot this would be lovely!19:55
TJ-Gizmo_Romick: front page of that Wiki has some informative linnks19:55
fabianscHi Everyone. Can someone help me out recovering my ARM linux ubuntu? NetworkManager cannot find /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libudev.so.1 and I dont know why19:56
TJ-shpingrlde: you're on the correct lines so far. Can you "pastebinit <( dmesg )"19:56
tomreynfabiansc: does the file exist, though?19:58
AppAraatTJ-: metadata checksums however are not a substitute for per-block hashing.19:59
shpingrldeoh, the speakers aren't currently plugged into the headphone jack. I can do that and repaste if it's needed for better dmesg info19:59
fabianscyep, i checked it. It is a system link to libudev.so.1.6.419:59
AppAraatGizmo_Romick: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/68zg6v/bitrot_proof_file_systems/19:59
TJ-shpingrlde: line 783 "snd_hda_codec_idt hdaudioC0D0:    hp_outs=0 (0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)"  --- I'd expect that to be hp_outs=1 at least20:00
tomreynfabiansc: ls -l /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libudev.so.1  # provided by package libudev1 (in xenial == 16.04): https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/armhf/libudev1/filelist20:00
fabiansctomreyn: But network manager throws: ubuntu /usr/sbin/NetworkManager: error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.1: cannot open shared object file20:00
tomreynfabiansc: does the target oif the symlink exist and is it a regular file?20:00
TJ-AppAraat: indeed not, I mentioned it since I was dealing with a tooling issue where that is missing in e2fsprogs earlier20:00
tomreynfabiansc: (and does it exist at this very location the symlink points to)20:01
fabiansctomreyn: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Feb 1 16:04 /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libudev.so.1 -> libudev.sp.1.6.420:01
=== z0 is now known as now
TJ-shpingrlde: to give you some context, here is what I see on my Dell (which has 2 H/P jacks) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HF3TnXbsSQ/20:02
fabiansctomreyn: lubudev.so.1.6.4 is a regular file (typo up there; as the ubuntu cannot connect to the internet)20:02
=== now is now known as z0
fabiansctomreyn: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8440 Feb 1 16:04 for libudev.so.1.6.420:02
shpingrldehmm, so I'll browse aptitude for HD codecs?20:03
fabiansctomreyn: so libudev.so.1 and its link to libudev.so.1.6.4 (file) looks ok from my perspective.20:03
fabiansctomreyn: I thought that there might be a configuration at NetworkManager, that he is looking at a wrong location?20:04
TJ-shpingrlde: No, it's a configuration issue. The wrong info is being provided to the kernel about what's available. I'm not sure if that is something the driver deduces by reading the device config space or whether it comes from ACPI20:04
tomreynfabiansc: the error message doesn't suggest that it's looking at the wrong location20:05
tomreynfabiansc: since when does this issue happen?20:06
shpingrldehm. purge and reinstall xfce, hoping that the audio stack configures correctly?20:06
fabiansctomreyn: you got a point there.20:06
TJ-shpingrlde: try this: plug the headphones in then run "alsactl init"20:06
fabiansctomreyn: Its a rapsberry pi running without updates for a while now. It must have happened around Februar 16; the date of the system hung up there (its still on Feb)20:07
TJ-shpingrlde: no, you're overthinking, it's not an OS install issue, it's bad config from the PC firmware so the kernel never gets to know about the headphone port20:07
fabiansctomreyn: I also noticed that AWK and vi is not installed anymore. I am not sure how that happened20:07
TJ-fabiansc: have you checked this isn't due to a corrupt file-system or SD-card ?20:08
tomreynfabiansc: /var/log/apt/term.log should provide hints on that20:08
shpingrldeFound hardware: "HDA-Intel" "IDT 92HD75B3X5" "HDA:111d7603,103c363c,00100202" "0x103c" "0x363c" \ Hardware is initialized using a generic method20:08
TJ-fabiansc: I had similar strange happens when the micro-SD card started going bad20:08
tomreynfabiansc: i agree an fsck (and maybe a media test, too) may be a good idea.20:09
TJ-shpingrlde: any sign of headphone port in pavucontrol now?20:09
bynariehey guys, i havent been around for a while but last time i used to be able to execute scripts or commands via /etc/rc.local. Now I'm running 17.10, whats the default way to run scripts or commands systemwide at runtime, or something that would be equivalent to /etc/rc.local20:09
ioriafabiansc, you can also run ' ldd /usr/sbin/NetworkManager | grep udev  '  and check for the libs20:10
shpingrldenot yet. I think I'll try the second suggestion from https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/214166/why-there-is-no-sound-on-my-debian-7 (googled the alsactl init output)20:10
fabianscTJ-: term.log has some installations of firefox, than postgresql which resulted in a dpkg error processing package postgresql-common20:10
fabianscTJ-: afterwards an dpkg error for python3-update-manager and log end on 2018-02-1820:10
TJ-shpingrlde: I'm going from a report where the user has the same issue and says "Well, when I run that command with my headphones in, my headphones get sound, but once I take them out and reinsert them I lose it again :S hmm..."20:11
TJ-fabiansc: so possibly either out-of-space or bad file-system20:11
fabianscthe sd card was full some time ago and the raspberry came hardly up. I deleted some temporary files back there20:12
TJ-shpingrlde: I wonder if an acpi_osi override might help you. It's definitely worth trying - we see a lot of this kind of bug in HP firmware recently. http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html20:12
fabianscioria: returns libgudev-1.0.... => some file20:13
fabianscioria: alibudev.so.1 => not found20:13
fabianscioria: sorry; typo: libudev.so.1 => not found20:13
fabiansctomreyn: how can i trigger a manual fsck? is there still some "touch /force_fsck"?20:14
shpingrldetrying that now, thank you20:14
ioriafabiansc,  you miss a required lib20:15
fabianscioria: you found more than me :) The question is why he is not finding the file. It's located as link /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libudev.so.1 --> /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libudev.so.1.6.420:15
TJ-fabiansc: check all the symlinks are not broken: "find /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ -type l -print0 | xargs -0 readlink -ve "20:16
ioriafabiansc,  i suggest for now, to set up  /etc/network/interface  so you got connection20:16
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fabianscTJ-: that returned a large list of .so and .o files20:17
TJ-fabiansc: any sign of errors - may need to scroll back up the list to find any. Because I don't have broken links I'm not sure what to grep for20:18
fabianscTJ-: its just a list of files. No error messages or anything like that included20:19
TJ-fabiansc: OK, I deliberately broken mine in the cause of science! Try this: "find /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ -type l -print0 | xargs -0 readlink -ve | grep 'No such'   "20:20
ioriaTJ-,  lol20:20
fabianscTJ-: but there is also no system link displayed; just /lib/arm..../<<filename>>.so.<version>20:20
fabianscTJ-: you are cool :)20:20
TJ-fabiansc: that's correct, readlink -e resolves all symlinks until it finds a proper file/dir ... if it doesn't find one, it reports the "No such..." error20:21
fabianscTJ-: empty reply20:21
TJ-fabiansc: That's interesting!20:22
fabianscTJ-: So it was worth breaking the lib? ;)20:22
TJ-fabiansc: so, you need to do, as root, "ldconfig" to fix the broken cache then it'll work20:23
fabianscTJ-: basically i just received a new line for the command prompt (no gui installed). THerefore we had 0 hits20:23
TJ-fabiansc: ldconfig maintains the list of where to find every library in the system paths, when new packages are installed that change libraries that should call that. if for whatever reason they fail that might not get done so you can do it manually20:23
fabianscTJ-: Executed it with sudo. He asked for a password and I received a new command line (no reply)20:24
TJ-fabiansc: now ioria's command should not report "not found" :   ldd /usr/sbin/NetworkManager | grep udev20:24
fabianscTJ-: still not found20:25
fabianscTJ-: libudev.so.1 => not found20:25
TJ-fabiansc: :( ... well that tells us the packages are mangled, let's see if it can fix that with "sudo apt-get -f install"20:25
ioriafabiansc, do you have a minimal internet connection ?20:26
fabianscTJ-: outchy. I conneted the pi via cable; but for cable some Ubuntu MAAS is configured with DHCP Provider..20:27
fabianscioria: Basically the same internet as my laptop (writing here). Connectivity is configured via WLAN normally. But it has some strange name (not wlan0; something large and cryptic).20:27
TJ-fabiansc: ignore it, if you know your sub-net, use " sdo ip addr add a.b.c.d/24 dev eth0" (assuming eth0 is the i/f)20:27
fabianscTJ-: 192.168.190.xx/24 ; looks like you assume a static ip - is there a way for dynamic DHCP?20:29
TJ-fabiansc: a static is fine for right now20:29
fabianscTJ-: The router will not like a static ip, i assume20:29
ioriawhy ?20:29
TJ-fabiansc: it doesn't care and won't realise as long as you use an address in the sub-net it is routing20:29
TJ-fabiansc: then you need to manually set a DNS server so the raspi can resolve names20:30
fabianscTJ-: alright. Cannot finde device "eth0" Any idea where I can check up that strange name on the pi?20:30
TJ-fabiansc: does this report a symlink: "ls -l /etc/resolv.conf" ?20:30
TJ-fabiansc: "ip link show"20:30
fabianscTJ-: need a minute now20:31
fabianscTJ-: enxb827ebf3bacf is my eth0 dont know why the pi takes that always20:31
TJ-fabiansc: OK, that looks like it's using the MAC of the interface20:31
fabianscTJ-: empty new line for the ip addr20:32
TJ-fabiansc: do you know your LAN's DNS server IP address?20:32
fabianscTJ-: ifconfig still does not displays it20:32
TJ-fabiansc: "ip addr show" will report allocated IP addresses20:32
fabianscTJ-: DNS is the router
TJ-fabiansc: right, so does "ip addr show" report  enxb827ebf3bacf has an IPv4 address ?20:33
ioriafabiansc, would be easier set up /e/n/interface20:33
fabianscTJ-: eth0 has my defined ip now:  inet scope global enxb827...20:33
xcyclistSay, there must be a public bugbase for kernel build problems.  Can anyone here point me to it?  I don't see results directly from google.20:34
fabianscioria: just anyother way to do so; but i think it will conflict with NetworkManager later20:34
ioriafabiansc, nope, just enable/disdable20:34
TJ-fabiansc: right, so now prove it can ping the gateway: "ping -c 4"20:34
ioriafabiansc,  and /e/n/interface prevails usually on NM20:35
fabianscTJ-: connect: Network is unreachable20:35
fabianscTJ-: sorry cable was dropped20:36
TJ-fabiansc: I think there's an issue there because you said 'ip addr show' reports for **eth0** ... inet scope global enxb827... <--- that last is pointing to a different interface name.20:36
TJ-fabiansc: LOL is that it?! so is it ping-in now ?20:37
fabianscTJ-: retrying the ping20:37
iamthadanyone know if there is a functional debdelta server for Ubuntu these days?20:37
fabianscTJ-:  still unreachable. The router also does not display the PI within its network list20:38
TJ-fabiansc: don't worry about the router view for now; you seem to have different network interface names going on and that is always going to end badly20:38
fabianscTJ-: in ip addr show its listed for enxb827 (I just named it eth0)20:38
TJ-fabiansc: OH! deliberately trying to confuse me :D20:39
fabianscTJ-: 2: enxb827... inet scope global enxb827...20:39
TJ-fabiansc: does "ip link show" report enxb as state UP20:40
fabianscTJ-: state is DOWN20:40
TJ-fabiansc: aha: "sudo ip link set up dev enxb...@20:40
fabianscTJ-: I start hating the enxb2... name :) But some programs are configured to use it anyways20:41
ioriafabiansc, or   sudo ip link set  enxb827ebf3bacf up20:41
fabianscTJ-: returned empty line20:42
TJ-fabiansc: when i see those I just make a shell variable with it, e.g. "export IF=enxb..." then use $IF whenever I need it20:42
fabianscioria: liked your command more (shorter) :)20:42
TJ-fabiansc: now try the ping20:42
fabiansc0% loss20:42
ioriafabiansc, check again ip link show20:42
fabianscTJ-:  wow20:42
fabianscTJ-: pinged the router successfully20:43
ioriafabiansc, ping www.google.com20:43
fabianscioria: DNS failed i think.unknnown host20:43
TJ-fabiansc: pinging? now set up the name resolver: " echo nameserver | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf"20:43
fabianscTJ-: returned empty line20:44
TJ-fabiansc: now try ioria's command to test name resolving20:44
fabianscsudo ip link set  enxb827ebf3bacf up <--?20:45
TJ-fabiansc: no "ping www.google.com"20:45
fabianscTJ-: ping still failed: connect: Network is unreachable20:45
ioriafabiansc,  sudo echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf      and try again ping www.google.com20:45
TJ-we may need to set a default route if DNS works but destination unreachable20:46
TJ-fabiansc: that's fine, don't touch resolv.conf!20:46
TJ-fabiansc: "sudo ip route add default dev eth0"20:46
TJ-fabiansc: then retry the "ping www.google.com"20:46
fabianscTJ-: received a "Permission denied" for iorias command anyways :)20:46
fabianscTJ-:  even with sudo20:47
ioriafabiansc, yeah, sy; sudo sh -c "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf"20:47
fabianscTJ-: shall I replace eth0 with my nic?20:47
TJ-fabiansc: yes, sorry!20:47
ioriafabiansc,  sudo not working with redirection20:48
TJ-ioria: don't make it more complicated! we don't have outside routing yet, the gateway will do DNS as we've just shown with the network unreachable response20:48
TJ-fabiansc: at this point you should get a reply for the "ping www.google.com"20:48
fabianscTJ-: got some news receive a reply from my tv: bravia.fritz.box ( icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable20:49
TJ-fabiansc: errr did you allocate the raspi the IP address of your TV?20:50
fabianscTJ-: BTW: Fritzbox lists my rasberry within its network list20:50
fabianscTJ-: could be; i did not check if it was already used.20:51
TJ-fabiansc: hehehe that might be a good idea  ... shall we redo that?20:51
fabianscTJ-: Yep I did. Didnt expect that20:51
TJ-fabiansc: "sudo ip addr del dev enxb827ebf3bacf"20:51
TJ-fabiansc: then let's use a high number "sudo ip addr add dev enxb827ebf3bacf"20:52
fabianscTJ-: hmm so many devices in the network. I try some 3digits now20:52
TJ-fabiansc: check the 'default' route is still there with "ip route sho20:52
TJ-fabiansc: check the 'default' route is still there with "ip route show"20:52
TJ-fabiansc: if the default route is there try the "ping www.google.com" again20:53
fabianscTJ-: ip route show has multiple lines (1. via dev tun0; 2. dev tun0 proto kernel scope link src; 3. dev enx... proto kernel scope link src
fabianscTJ-: Network unreachable20:56
TJ-fabiansc: right, but is there one called 'default' ?20:56
fabianscTJ-: no defaul in the output20:56
TJ-fabiansc: then you need to redo "sudo ip route add default dev enxb827ebf3bacf"20:56
TJ-fabiansc: that means any IP address not matching other routes get sent out the enx... i/f which presumably has your gateway router at the other end of the cable20:57
fabianscTJ-: ip route show has default dev enx.... scope link now20:57
TJ-fabiansc: retry the ping20:57
fabianscTJ-: Destination Host Unreachable20:58
TJ-fabiansc: how about "ping"20:58
fabianscTJ-: router is pingable20:58
fabianscTJ-: Destination Host Unreachable20:58
fabianscTJ-: So i cannot reach behind the router to reach google DNS20:59
TJ-fabiansc: right, there's something about your LAN config that needs something more than the regular simple config. If is the gateway to the internet that all other devices use it should now be working21:00
fabianscTJ-: I can ping devices in the network.21:00
fabianscI have a NAT config on the raspberry21:00
TJ-fabiansc: right now, packets for the Internet are being sent down the enx i/f which your gateway/router should then forward to the Internet.21:00
TJ-fabiansc: why is the RasPi configured to do NAT?21:01
TuHhallo, jemand da?21:01
fabianscTJ-: I set up a Ubuntu MAAS there and have some servers for deployment behind it (home lab)21:02
genewitchhow do i get the dev/devel packages if they're not listed in apt21:02
genewitchlike chrpath and gsl-devel21:02
TJ-fabiansc: hang on, so currently the MAAS server is active on the raspi too?21:02
TuHich habe eine version frage zu linux nixhgt speziell eine bistimmte distribution21:02
fabiansci think so21:02
TJ-genewitch: standard extension is -dev21:03
TuHoh, is it not a german chat room?21:03
TJ-!de | TuH21:03
ubottuTuH: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:03
fabianscTJ-: but it is not fully booted due to failure of NTP and NetworkMonitor; so its partly up21:03
genewitchTJ-: they're not there, even apt search gsl doesn't show a -dev/-devel21:03
TuHmy Englisch is not good but I will try, because i have no linux chat room found21:04
TJ-!info libgsl-dev | genewitch21:04
ubottugenewitch: libgsl-dev (source: gsl): GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- development package. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4+dfsg-6 (artful), package size 1017 kB, installed size 5662 kB21:04
TuHcan you help me about a question about version in linux?21:04
TJ-!info chrpath | genewitch21:04
ubottugenewitch: chrpath (source: chrpath): Tool to edit the rpath in ELF binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16-2 (artful), package size 13 kB, installed size 36 kB21:04
TJ-TuH: we can try21:05
TJ-fabiansc: so I wonder if you've got something applying firewall rules that are interfering on the Pi itself. Check if there are any with "sudo iptables-save"21:05
genewitchTJ-: i have that installed, but the source still complains "gsl-devel is needed by dieharder-src"21:05
TJ-genewitch: then the 'source' is looking in the wrong place :)21:06
genewitchi wanted to build it with clang21:06
TJ-genewitch: "dpkg -L libgsl-dev" will show you where the files are, you can compare that to what you're building21:06
fabianscTJ-: any other device just connects via the router and goes online that way. Any idea where to check next?21:06
TJ-fabiansc: confirm we have no firewall blocking on the Pi first21:07
TJ-genewitch: whatever you're building might have hard-coded the package name so it doesn't match the Debian naming scheme, instead of using pkg-config21:07
fabianscTJ-: no firewall; normally the pi connects via wlan0 easily21:07
TJ-fabiansc: is your gateway/router configured to do something different for wired connections?21:08
fabianscTJ-: For wlan0 it receives a static DHCP ip from my fritzbox; nothing configured there21:08
fabianscTJ-: Just DHCP, nothing else (defaults)21:08
TuHok i understand so far, linux need >512 MB RAM. older linux version can work with <512 MB RAM and slowe CPU. but a Linux HD TV Reciver hav very slow CPU ~300MHz and need a full linux but the older linux version have no ssl or what ever we have toda for thhps  web sites, so. my question what distribution people install on an HD Reciver?21:08
genewitchah i fixed it21:09
genewitchthanks TJ- i was just approaching it incorrectly21:09
TJ-fabiansc: let's try altering the default route a bit. remove the current rule, replace it. "sudo ip route del default dev enxb827ebf3bacf" then sudo ip route add default via"21:10
TJ-fabiansc: I'm assuming /is/ the gateway/router ?21:10
fabianscTJ-: is the fritbox / router ; BTW I added a static IP for wlan0 and brought it up21:11
tomreynTuH: einfach lesen was dir ubottu gesagt hat. in #ubuntu-de gibt's deutschsprachigen support.21:11
TJ-fabiansc: had wpa_supplicant brought up the Wifi then?21:11
fabianscTJ-: but wlan0 is not connected to the SSID yet21:11
fabianscTJ-: I used the same commands as for enx... for wlan021:12
TJ-fabiansc: right, so allocating an address won't do anything21:12
fabianscTJ-: true :)21:12
TJ-fabiansc: if you've added the new default route rule retry the "ping" again21:12
TJ-fabiansc: if you've added the new default route rule retry the "ping" again21:13
TJ-grrr, me and my typos!21:13
fabianscTJ-: I cannot ping but I did a nslookup for google and can ping the ip of google21:14
fabianscTJ-: I can also ping www.google.com now21:15
TJ-fabiansc: right, isn't correct, I mistyped, meant
fabianscTJ-: via was the solution :)21:15
TJ-fabiansc: YAY! finally :D :D  ... so now try "sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade" --- any problems try "sudo apt-get -f install"21:15
fabianscTJ-: takes a while (6 MBit)21:16
TJ-fabiansc: it works, which is the main thing21:16
fabianscTJ-: We are just online; so we can get started to resolve the broken files :P21:17
fabianscTJ 139 packages / 200 MB21:17
fabianscTJ-: Let me grep some water it will take <= 5 minutes I guess21:18
WorldGenesis[v]what's the different between 'apt' and 'apt-get' ?21:19
Peyamim trying to install ubuntu. but when the installation is done nothing show up21:21
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PeyamI have the boot secure to legacy support disable and secure boot enable21:21
Peyamis it correct configurations?21:22
fabianscTJ-: dpkg error - AWK not found while processing a firefox update21:25
fabianscTJ-: shall I simply go for sudo apt-get -f install or apt-get install awk?21:25
Kumoolyou already should have awk21:26
fabianscKumool: I thought so; but apt-get install showed its not installed21:26
Kumoolthen install it yes21:27
TJ-fabiansc: yes try "sudo apt-get -f install"21:27
fabianscKumool: wow dpkg is insane. Many errors processing package python3-update manager "No apportreport writte nbecause ;axReports is reached already221:27
TJ-fabiansc: that suggests there's been a lot of problems; ignore that for now if you can21:28
fabianscTJ-: giving it a try with -f install now21:28
fabianscTJ-: last time that python smashed my raspberry21:28
fabianscTJ-: dpkg "No apport report has been written because Max Report is reached already"21:29
TJ-fabiansc: have you added any 3rd party repositories, PPAs, etc?21:29
fabianscTJ-: Just the MAAS21:29
fabianscTJ-: doesnt look good. It fails with many dpkg errors21:29
TJ-fabiansc: I'm surprised the RasPi is OK as the controller, I tried it and it was very slow and hitting memory ceiling21:30
fabianscTJ-: /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:30
TJ-fabiansc: you've got network - can you pastebin the output now?21:30
fabianscif you tell me how to do it from console (UI is uinstalled - memory) ;)21:30
TJ-fabiansc: is 'pastebinit' installed?21:30
fabianscTJ-: BTW it is running fluently with MAAS21:30
TJ-fabiansc: otherwise do this: "script /tmp/problems.log"21:31
fabianscTJ-: Here is my step-by-setp setup if you are interested (you also see my face there :P) https://cloud.fas-consulting.de/drupal/page/cloud-computing/metal-service-maas/maas-preparation-sd-card21:31
fabianscTJ-: I executed the script; he records something now21:32
TJ-fabiansc: then do "bash"  then do "sudo apt-get -f install" once it's finished with errors and is back to command line do: "exit" and again "exit" then ...21:32
TJ-fabiansc:  ... "cat /etc/problems.log | nc termbin.com 9999"21:32
TJ-fabiansc:  ... "cat /tmp/problems.log | nc termbin.com 9999"21:32
fabianscTJ-: on my way; I just guess you dont want to see it :P21:32
fabianscTJ-: the termbin after the exit, isnt it? :)21:33
TJ-fabiansc: yes, after TWO exits21:33
TJ-fabiansc: 'script' starts an 'sh' shell so I always start 'bash' inside it, so have to do the 2 exits to get back21:34
fabianscTJ-: yep. I think he is uploadig something21:34
fabianscneed to install nc first21:35
TJ-fabiansc: it's not there? that's unusual21:35
fabianscTJ-: nc can also not be located via apt-get instal21:35
TJ-fabiansc: are you sure someone/something hasn't got access to that Pi and basically messed it up?21:36
fabianscbut the cat said nc is part of netcat-openbsd or netcat-traditional21:36
TJ-fabiansc: is 'netcat' working instead of 'nc' ?21:36
fabianscTJ-: If this happened I hope they also found the honeypot behind it on the lab :P21:37
fabianscTJ-: netcat also not available. Maybe uninstalled with some packages during the initial setup?21:38
TJ-fabiansc: maybe not installed at all, was this an ubuntu-core image originally/21:38
fabianscTJ-: getting netcat-traditional21:38
TJ-fabiansc: OK, getting anything right now would be good! I was about to start giving you the raw bash commands to create a TCP socket and send over that!21:39
fabianscTJ-: don't know; never used it.21:39
fabianscdpkg failed it due to some postgresqlcommin21:39
fabianscTJ-: that dpkg errors block all apt-gets :(21:39
TJ-fabiansc: yes, it's not helpful.21:40
TJ-fabiansc: I think you have to work through those dpkg issues one by one21:40
fabiansci got w3m installed21:40
fabianscdoes that help somehow?21:40
fabianscah; i got an idea.21:41
TJ-fabiansc: as in "sudo dpkg --configure -a"21:41
fabiansci could sftp with my laptop21:41
fabianscTJ-: syntaxError: invalid character in identifier21:42
fabianscTJ-: got the file on my laptop21:44
TJ-fabiansc: the armhf package ?21:44
TJ-fabiansc: oh, the log file! I thought you meant you were going to install the files for the packages via your laptop :)21:45
TJ-fabiansc: OK so "pastebinit /path/to/problem.log"21:45
fabianscTJ-: PSCP helped out :)21:46
TJ-fabiansc: what the heck!? from line 37 it looks like binary data. I'm pretty sure now you've a bad SDcard issue there21:47
fabianscTJ-: BTW: he seem to have found out that we dont have february anymore :)21:47
fabianscTJ-: any chance to check if this is really the case?21:48
Peyamanybody please?21:48
xet7Hi Peyam :D21:49
fabianscTJ-: line 37 ff I totally agree, that must be binary data21:49
xet7Peyam: Please what?21:49
PeyamI try to install ubuntu on my hp probook21:50
Peyambut nothing show up21:50
TJ-fabiansc: it looks like sectors belonging to some key files are now not reading correctly. Does "dmesg" report any I/O errors?21:50
Peyamwhen Im done with instalation21:50
fabianscTJ-:  Guess what? :)21:50
TJ-Peyam: we had a similar issue with some HP devices the last few weeks; in most cases the problem is the PC's firmware (UEFI) is hard-coded to only accept Ms Windows boot-loader paths21:50
TJ-fabiansc: I/O errors?21:51
fabianscTJ-: ah wait i typed it incorrectly21:51
PeyamTJ-: so what do I do now?21:51
fabianscTJ-:  it was not found (Typo) ;)21:51
xet7Peyam: Did you try to install newest Ubuntu? Old Ubuntu versions don't support UEFI at all21:51
PeyamI try to disable legace and secure boot and all possible options21:51
Peyamxet7: I21:51
PeyamI use xubuntu 16.0421:51
Peyamand im on live disk21:51
xet7Peyam: 16.04 is 2 years old21:52
fabianscTJ-: i put dmesg into a file and searched for "rror" --> 0 hits21:52
xet717.10 is mimimum I use21:52
Peyamxet7: then which one should I install. I dont have any other usb. can I use it anyway?21:52
TJ-Peyam: the issue I spent about 4 hours on and we couldn't find a decent workaround. It seems like HP are typing their devices to Windows OS only and making it very difficult for users to install an alternative OS... the OS installs but the firmware boot-loader interferes21:52
PeyamTJ-: should i now download last version of ubuntu?21:53
fabianscTJ-: https://pastebin.com/BWwmhHjn21:54
PeyamTJ-: is it any way to install latest ubuntu from a disk live that runs xubuntu 16.04?21:55
mcm_where does wayland write its log files?21:56
mcm_i can't find anything under /var/log21:56
TJ-fabiansc: so there **IS** a firewall running!21:57
fabianscTJ-: there is?21:57
xet7Peyam: If I remember correctly I did have newest Xubuntu or Linux Mint installed on HP EliteBook, but I really don't remember what version I was running, and it can be different for HP ProBook. I was unable to install Qubes OS in any way, even workarounds did not help. Those are so difficult hardware.21:57
Peyamxet7: I try to update the live disk21:57
Peyamand see if that works21:57
xet7Peyam: Good luck :)21:58
TJ-fabiansc: and it has "EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem" so that confirms there was/is FS corruption21:58
Peyamxet7: can you update a live disk?21:58
Peyamxet7: I happen to remove windows as well so there are no OS now on my disk21:58
fabianscTJ-: Doesn't sound too good. I have an external USB having a SWAP file there.21:59
fabianscTJ-: Do you know if the old USB dongle is affected or the SD card?21:59
TJ-fabiansc: at this point I think you need to shut it down, put the SD-card in another PC, and do some thorough checks - possibly back it up to another device and then blank it with zeros, do a badblock test on it, and re-install21:59
TJ-fabiansc: mmcblk0 is the SDcard21:59
fabianscTJ-: Sad. So basically the SD Card is gone; how did you find that?22:00
fabianscTJ-: any line in dmesg?22:00
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xet7Peyam: Having no OS is no problem. You can download Windows 10 iso from https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/software-download/windows10ISO and use WoeUSB to write it to USB stick https://askubuntu.com/questions/289559/how-can-i-create-a-windows-bootable-usb-stick-using-ubuntu , Windows automatically detects Windows Product Key that is embedded in UEFI22:02
TJ-fabiansc: no, there is no I/O errors reported which is good, but we know the file-system had to be recovered which tells us there was some detectable corruption. We also saw that the apt-get -f install log had binary data dumped in it which tells us some sectors of some files are not what they should be22:02
Peyamxet7: I have only one usb and that is the one Im using and talking to22:03
fabianscTJ-: Is there a way to keep the system as it is and install it on a new SD? Or do I need to start from scratch with a new SD card?22:03
TJ-fabiansc: I'd keep the current SD-card as-is for now, get another one, and install and configure the replacement exactly as the current one is. You can do that on your Intel Laptop by using QEMU virtual machine with ARM emulation, or use a chroot and use the binfmt support with qemu-arm-static22:05
fabianscTJ-: I had some issues with python in the past and forced a SD check on boot; could this be the reason for the recovery remark?22:05
Peyamxet7: is it possible to install windows from a ubuntu live disk?22:05
TJ-fabiansc: possibly, but an fsck is done at boot... the point is it *found errors*22:05
fabianscTJ-: if it found than no need for discussions. The setup of a new SD takes approx 1h (not much, as I documented everything - remember my link? :)22:06
fabianscTJ-: I am more concerned that Ubuntu MAAS will try to re-install all my VMs in the Lab22:07
TJ-fabiansc: yes, but you might also need to copy over some (uncorrupted) config files for your MAAS etc22:07
fabianscTJ-: Alright. One more question: Any idea how that could happen? Its the 2nd SD card in 1.5 years22:08
fabianscThe pi was doing a reboot daily. Nothing big except to that22:08
TJ-fabiansc: wear22:08
TJ-fabiansc: I had a 32GB Samsung card develop real I/O errors reported in kernel log... I managed to recover the device (not what was on it) via my laptop which has a proper MMC controller on (not a USB-bridge) to write zeros across it, which allowed it's internal firmware to reallocate the bad blocks. Then I ran the 'badblocks' program on it for 2 days and it didn't fail once22:10
xet7Peyam: How big is your USB stick?22:10
kasper3in which unit, gbs or inches ;)22:12
fabianscTJ-: Got a Macbook air here (running windows; please dont ask why). I think it has a connector; just need to put the SD in an adapter22:12
fabianscTJ-: Is it a specific tool to write the zeros on the bad blocks? How did the firmware reallocate the bad blocks? Is the badblocks program on the ubuntu image?22:13
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TJ-fabiansc: 'badblocks' is part of the package e2fsprogs.  Writing zeros to the device? "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblkX bs=256M status=progress" (replace mmcblkX as appropriate)22:15
fabianscTJ-: I guess that would simply kill the content of the SD. I guess you want to say: reformat the SD Card and clean the blocks; reinstall afterwards?22:17
fabianscTJ-: Means also: all data lost, but the Hardware remains? :)22:17
xet7Peyam: It could maybe be possible, if Windows 10 iso is downloaded to USB stick, VirtualBox is installed to Ubuntu Live, new VirtualBox VM is made with direct hardware access to harddisk22:18
TJ-fabiansc: right, which is why I recommend *NOT* wiping it but keeping it as it is and using a new clean SD-card, install into it, then copy the configs across.22:18
TJ-fabiansc: in my experience you always forget some config item and then find you wiped the thing and can't recover it22:18
xet7Peyam: But much easier would be if you have USB hub and another USB stick where to write it22:18
fabianscTJ-: I got everything documented; no need to copy anything :)22:19
Peyamxet7: have only 1 usb22:19
TJ-fabiansc: like key files, databases, configs22:19
xet7Peyam: How big is your USB stick ?22:19
TJ-fabiansc: you've got a MAAS config and postgres DB there22:19
genewitch:-(  -> configure: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one22:19
genewitchuname -m aarch6422:19
Peyamxet7: 8 g. but it has to be unmounted to make changes on it.22:20
fabianscTJ-: yeah but the config took just a few minutes; got it here with screenshots and copy+paste commands anyways (https://cloud.fas-consulting.de/drupal/page/cloud-computing/metal-service-maas)22:20
Peyamxet7: and if that is unmounted i cant use it22:20
xet7Peyam: How much RAM is in your laptop?22:20
TJ-fabiansc: OK, I was thinking more about those deployed VMs you have22:20
fabianscTJ-: So thanks a lot TJ. I am very impressed by your knowledge. Do you still think someone took over the Pi? Or just corruption? :)22:20
Peyamxet7: 1622:20
xet7Peyam: Ok.22:21
TJ-fabiansc: well, corruption is the more plausible explanation of what we've seen22:21
fabianscTJ-: they will be kicked; happens. THey run on an VMware vsphere When the Pi kicks them, i will roll back the snapshot22:21
Peyamxet7: is it possible to install newest ubuntu then?22:21
fabianscTJ-: It was lots of fun finding that out; even thoug I am feeling a bit bad for wasting your time22:21
TJ-fabiansc: I'm feeling exhausted trying to outthink that RasPi!22:22
xet7Peyam: Maybe, but I'm thinking how do you write it to USB stick if you already boot from that USB stick22:22
fabianscTJ-: so you enjoyed it too? :)22:23
xet7Peyam: For example in Puppy Linux it's possible to run Puppy totally from RAM, and change another USB stick22:23
xet7Peyam: For example with XenialPup: http://puppylinux.org/main/Download%20Latest%20Release.htm22:23
Peyamxet7: I would be greateful if you could help me.22:24
fabianscTJ-: I am just happy to had Ubuntu MAAS running fluently on the RPI :)22:24
Peyamso how do I do it22:24
xet7Peyam: Do you want to install Linux or Windows?22:24
Peyamxet7: linux22:25
TJ-fabiansc: I'm intrigued you got it perform reasonably22:25
fabianscTJ-: you can build the same. I even added a VPN Server there (OpenVPN) to run at the same time22:25
TJ-fabiansc: I'll have to try it again since I have CDUs and other stuff here I want it to control to make power cycling of my kit more centralised22:25
TJ-I've got a couple of racks of gear which gets switched on/off quite a lot, plus networked serial multiplexers and KVMs. right now I have custom scripts to do the operations22:26
fabianscTJ-: you could reach it only via wireless using VPN. It was NATTING the lab to the internet. And everything was felxible to be shifted arround as it is connected via the Pi, which has its uplink via wifi :)22:26
xet7Peyam: What Linux you have on USB stick?22:27
Peyamxet7: I have downloaded the 64 bit of that thing22:27
Peyamxet7: xubuntu 16.0422:27
xet7Peyam: What have you downloaded?22:27
Peyamxet7: http://ftp.nluug.nl/os/Linux/distr/puppylinux/puppy-xenial/64/22:27
fabianscTJ-: than you should really go for it. I started to integrate some smart home elements (i got many chapters on my blog there; you might use or even improve it)22:29
xet7Peyam: Download VirtualBox from https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.2.8/virtualbox-5.2_5.2.8-121009~Ubuntu~xenial_amd64.deb22:30
Peyamxet7: done22:30
TJ-fabiansc: I watch the #maas channel and the number of bad-quality code bugs I see there makes me prefer my own solution where I know how to fix it22:30
fabianscTJ-: Ubuntu MAAS quality really has huge opportunities...22:31
xet7Peyam: Install it with: sudo dpkg -i vir..deb22:31
xet7Peyam: download VirtualBox extension pack from https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.2.8/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.2.8.vbox-extpack22:31
fabianscTJ-: my setup was 4 month on idle to find out, MAAS can only store 3 linux images at the same time. Otherwise some component outside MAAS crashes for no reason22:32
Peyamxet7: Errors were encountered while processing:22:32
Peyam virtualbox-5.222:32
fabianscTJ-: also internet uplink is not supported that way. Wake-on-LAN has been removed, status changes a buggy.22:32
xet7Peyam: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install22:32
fabianscTJ-: But otherwise: cool stuff :P22:33
fabianscTJ-: alright. Its getting late here. Thanks alot again for your spoort. Hightly appreciated. Keep the cool stuff up!22:33
Peyamxet7: working now22:33
Peyamwhat do I do now22:33
TJ-fabiansc: don't go breaking it again too soon :D22:33
xet7Peyam: Just a moment22:34
TutenkhamunI'm new.  I was wondering if anyone could help me with bluetooth on Ubuntu.  I'm trying to pair it to my Google Home but the Ubuntu PC requires a bluetooth passkey and the Google Home doesn't want a passkey at all.22:35
xet7Peyam: Download Ubuntu 17.10 minimal iso: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso22:36
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Peyamxet7: done22:36
xet7Peyam: Double click that vbox-extpack to install it22:36
Peyamxet on that file or in vb22:37
xet7Peyam: in file manager, double click extpack22:37
fabianscTJ-: I'll try my best. Playing with a Intel Xeon E5 right now. The power of that CPU is redicolous... I underexpected the performance :-D22:38
fabianscTJ-: alright; see you :)22:38
TutenkhamunAnyone here know anything about installing Bluetooth under Ubuntu?22:38
xet7Peyam: sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/rawhd.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sda22:39
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Peyamxet7: can find any ext22:39
xet7Peyam: https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.2.8/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.2.8.vbox-extpack22:39
TutenkhamunSince nobody can help me we'll try my other problem.  Can someone help me with logging issues?  Whenever I have my 128 GB USB flash drive plugged in my log files fill my 500 GB hard drive daily.  How do I tell it not to log the USB drive or whatever it's doing?22:40
Peyamxet7: when I double click it still opens the iso file22:40
Peyamand not vb22:40
leftyfbTutenkhamun: what exactly is being written to the logs when you plug your usb drive in? Is it possible the drive is bad and the log is filled with errors?22:41
TutenkhamunNo, the drive is good.22:41
TJ-Tutenkhamun: check *why* the log files are growing so quickly, that sounds like there's a massive amount of errors being reported22:41
leftyfbTutenkhamun: so what is being written to what log? Please paste to pastebin22:41
xet7Peyam: VirtualBox / File / Preferences / Extensions / add it22:42
TutenkhamunI haven't read the logs, I am forced to just delete them because they fill my hard drive so full I can't open anything including a text editor.22:42
DraconiatorHi, is there any Nvidia driver for Xubuntu?  I've got a GT610.  my other hard drive died and I'm trying to get everything I need on this one until the other one I ordered arrives (I got a 2tb hybrid drive)22:42
TutenkhamunBut I know the USB drive and hard drive are good.22:42
xet7Peyam: Do you have ssd ?22:42
Peyamxet7: It is  installed22:42
Peyamyes xet722:42
xet7Peyam: sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/rawhd.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sda22:42
necrogamiI'm working on trying to setup an interesting iptables tunnel to reverse ssh tunnel. It's something i originally had working on my 12.04 server but lost when it got updated to 16.0422:43
leftyfbTutenkhamun: which log?22:43
TutenkhamunI don't remember.22:43
leftyfbnecrogami: have you looked into sshuttle?22:43
Peyamxet7: RAW host disk access VMDK file /home/xubuntu/rawhd.vmdk created successfully.22:43
leftyfbTutenkhamun: we cannot help you unless we have which log and what's being written to it22:43
TutenkhamunI guess I'll have to make it happen again and keep track of which log right?22:43
necrogamiBasically i've got port 80 -> 9000 via prerouting and 443 to 9001 and then via ssh reverse tunnel i go from 9000/9001 to ports localhost:80/44322:43
leftyfbTutenkhamun: just plug in the usb drive, if it's filling up as quick as you say it is, you should get stuff being written pretty quickly. Look at all the logs and their size and see which log is growing quickly22:44
xet7Peyam: actually, look what is your harddisk name, with for example "df -h" or from /dev directory22:44
xet7Peyam: or with gparted22:44
TutenkhamunI need to go to work soon so I'll plug in the USB drive when I leave and figure out which log it is when I get home in 5 hours.22:45
xet7Peyam: do you have SSD or NVME ?22:45
DraconiatorWhat is a Linux users favorite drink?  ROOT BEER, okayimboredlol....22:45
leftyfbTutenkhamun: ok, you really shouldn't ask for help if you can't provide information nor have the time to troubleshoot22:45
necrogamiAnyone have any ideas?22:46
Peyamxet7: ta-hp_DVDRW_GUD1N_M1BGCGN233422:46
leftyfb!pastebin | Peyam22:46
ubottuPeyam: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:46
Peyamxet i guess nvme22:46
TutenkhamunIn the meantime can you help me with a bluetooth issue?  I'm trying to pair my Ubuntu PC to my Google Home so I can use the Google Home as a speaker.  But Ubuntu's Bluetooth software requires a pin and the Google Home refuses to take a pin so they won't pair.  I was wondering if there's another bluetooth software available for Ubuntu that doesn't require a pin.22:46
Bashing-omDraconiator: Sure, nvidia is well supported . what shows ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' ?22:46
xet7Peyam: That seems to be your USB stick22:46
leftyfbnecrogami: what exactly are you trying to accomplish? Try to explain without mentioning ports22:46
xet7Peyam: ls /dev/mmcbl*22:47
necrogamileftyfb: i connect via ssh, route http/https to my local http/https via reverse ssh tunnel22:47
leftyfbTutenkhamun: try blueman22:47
TutenkhamunOkay, how do I install and setup blueman?22:47
Peyamxet7: no such directory22:47
necrogamileftyfb: allows me to via an ssh connection (secure) have publically available http/https from my laptop to show clients sites i'm working on22:47
leftyfbnecrogami: for what purpose exactly? So someone at the remote location can get to your local http?22:47
xet7Peyam: do you have gparted? what is your harddisk in /dev ?22:47
xet7Peyam: or: sudo apt-get install gparted22:48
leftyfbTutenkhamun: you install blueman like every other package in ubuntu22:48
Peyamxet7: http://i.imgur.com/3NVcNJs.png22:48
leftyfbTutenkhamun: then you open up "Bluetooth manager"22:48
xet7Peyam: sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/rawhd.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/nvme0n122:50
xet7Peyam: ls /home    <=== what home directory is there?22:51
xet7Peyam: I mean username22:51
xet7Peyam: /home/something22:51
xet7Peyam: sudo rm /home/xubuntu/rawhd.vmdk22:53
xet7Peyam: sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/rawhd.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/nvme0n122:53
Peyamxet7: RAW host disk access VMDK file /home/xubuntu/rawhd.vmdk created successfully.22:53
xet7Peym: close virtualbox. write: sudo su   , then as root: virtualbox22:54
xet7Peyam: Then create new VirtualBox VM of Ubuntu 64bit22:55
Peyamthre isnt ubuntu 6422:56
TutenkhamunI'm having the same problem with Blueman.  It won't pair without me entering a pin code.22:56
TutenkhamunBut the Google Home refuses all pin codes.22:56
xet7Peyam: in VirtualBox, click New, Type: Linux, Version: Ubuntu 64bit22:57
leftyfbTutenkhamun: https://support.google.com/googlehome/answer/7182412?hl=en22:57
xet7Peyam: as harddisk, select /home/xubuntu/rawhd.vmdk22:58
xet7Peyam: for RAM, select for example 8 GB22:58
Peyamxet7: there isnt any 64 bit22:59
xet7Peyam: is all 32bit ?22:59
leftyfbwhere is there only ubuntu 32bit?23:00
leftyfbPeyam: ?23:00
leftyfbVirtualbox will most certainly let you create a 64bit Ubuntu guest23:00
Peyamxet7: there are only 32 bits23:00
Peyamcant find the screen shot button23:00
leftyfbTutenkhamun: btw, I found that answer on google by searching for: google home bluetooth intext:"pin"23:01
necrogamiAny ideas leftyfb23:01
xet7Peyam: In your UEFI settings there is no VT-x or VT-d enabled most likely23:01
Peyami disabled them23:02
TutenkhamunI went to that page, got to step 5, and apparently Google removed guest mode from Google Home.23:02
xet7Peyam: You should enable them to be able to install 64bit Linux in VirtualBox directly to your harddisk23:02
Peyamohhh so We have to do all this again?23:02
Peyamwait i will do it now23:02
leftyfbnecrogami: I would just forward those 2 ports with ssh -R. To be honest, I'm not sure how to do with with iptables. I'm sure there's a better way to accomplish what you're trying to do though.23:03
TutenkhamunSince my Android phone pairs to Google Home just fine I'm going to remove Ubuntu from my PC and install Android on it.23:03
leftyfbTutenkhamun: ok, you'll have to contact google support. There's a chat button right on that pahe.23:03
TutenkhamunI contacted Google support.  They also gave me a bunch of directions that don't work.23:03
necrogami@leftyfb: I was under the impression I couldn't ssh -R port 80/44323:03
leftyfbnecrogami: of course you can23:03
TutenkhamunThere MUST be a bluetooth app for Android that doesn't need a pin or a passkey.23:04
flipper887have brand new Dell Precision Tower 3420  sf with an AMD firepro w2100 grapohics card. On which i have a fresh install of ubunu 16.04LTS and i'd ;like to know which driver to add into the xor.conffile to get the aforementioned GPU functioning?23:05
Peyamxet7: can you send me again the links to download23:06
leftyfbTutenkhamun: finding some bluetooth pairing app that for whatever reason doesn't ask for a pin isn't going to solve your problem. Your problem is with google home.23:06
necrogami@leftyfb: you can't reverse tunnel 80 directly unless root. It's a protected port23:06
xet7Peyam: Download VirtualBox from https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.2.8/virtualbox-5.2_5.2.8-121009~Ubuntu~xenial_amd64.deb23:06
xet7Peyam: https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.2.8/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.2.8.vbox-extpack23:07
TutenkhamunYeah, because Google Home does not want a pin or passkey.23:07
TutenkhamunWithout a pin or a passkey, I believe it will work.23:07
xet7Peyam: sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/rawhd.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/nvme0n123:07
xet7Peyam: in VirtualBox, click New, Type: Linux, Version: Ubuntu 64bit23:08
xet7Peyam: correnction: run virtualbox as root23:08
Peyamxet7: the one with -f install23:08
xet7Peyam: correction23:08
Peyamwhat was the code23:08
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xet7Peyam: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install23:09
=== Guest41772 is now known as marin_
Peyamxet7: and for the extpack23:09
xet7Peyam: VirtualBox / File / Preferences / Extensions / add it23:09
xet7Peym: close virtualbox. write: sudo su   , then as root: virtualbox23:10
xet7Peyam: in VirtualBox, click New, Type: Linux, Version: Ubuntu 64bit23:10
Peyamxet7: can you send me the mini.iso link23:11
xet7Peyam: Download Ubuntu 17.10 minimal iso: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso23:11
Peyam8g RAM?23:11
xet7Peyam: yes. and this rawhd.vmdk as harddisk: sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/rawhd.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/nvme0n123:12
xet7it is link to your real harddisk23:12
Peyamxet7: https://pastebin.com/710TeAiB23:12
xet7Peyam: delete rawhd.vmdk if it exists, then create it again23:13
xet7Peyam: but if it exists, add it as harddisk to VirtualBox23:14
xet7Peyam: When virtualbox is started as root23:14
Peyamxet7: xet7http://i.imgur.com/ag6qwLp.png23:15
xet7peyam: use yellow folder icon to select rawhd.vmdk23:15
Peyamxet7: http://i.imgur.com/O6377NP.png23:15
xet7Peyam: create23:16
xet7Peyam: yes23:16
Peyamxet7: http://i.imgur.com/4SMeox1.png23:16
xet7peyam: click settings => storage23:16
Peyamadn then?23:17
Peyamxet7: http://i.imgur.com/kALXtTc.png23:17
xet7Peyam: remove controller ide. in controller sata, add cd drive to it, and your mini.iso to sata controller cd drive23:18
xet7Peyam: sata harddisk, checkmark [X] solid state drive23:18
xet7Peyam: Click OK and start VM23:20
Peyamxet7: http://i.imgur.com/H1Ept85.png23:20
PeyamI mark the Solid-state in rawhd23:20
Peyamis it sorrect23:20
xet7Peyam: Yes23:20
xet7Peyam: click OK and start VM23:21
Peyamxet7: no it shows23:21
Peyamxet7: http://i.imgur.com/Gk4C4yZ.png23:21
xet7Peyam: Install23:21
xet7Peyam: if it captures keyboard, you can use Right Ctrl when you want to write or click outside VirtualBox window23:22
xet7Peyam: Install Linux normally, reboot, and try does it boot correctly.23:23
Peyamso it installs on my disk?23:23
xet7Peyam: yes, to your harddisk directrly23:23
Peyamyou are a genius23:23
Peyamand the Vb is installed on usb?23:23
xet7Peyam: after it is installed, you can reboot and try to boot from it without USB stick23:23
mcm_how can i run command that require root user on wayland? e.g. whoopsie-preferences23:24
xet7virtuabox is running on top of your live ubuntu, but it uses your harddisk directly23:24
xet7Peyam: and after install you can use it directly from harddisk23:24
ubun7uHello! I just installed (inserted) TO-Link AC1300 Wireless Dual Band PCI Express Adapter. I don't see wireless connections listed; 1) settings -> software & Updates -> Additional drivers say that im using broadcom wireless driver from bcmwl-kernel-source 2) restarted few times 3) restarted networking 4) looked up askubuntu forums. I'm not able to figure out how to fix this. Any ideas? thanks!23:25
ubun7uoutput of lspci -vnn https://pastebin.com/jZUw3bwn23:25
Peyamxet7: then I can install debian I mean I use the ubuntu to download debian23:25
xet7Peyam: if there no graphical user insterface installed with it, you can install any desktop later you want, for example "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"23:25
xet7Peyam: I'm not sure does Debian have hardware support for your laptop23:26
xet7Peyam: Ubuntu supports more hardware out of the box23:26
Peyamxet7: cool23:26
xet7Peyam: I need to go to sauna now, I'll be back to this chat later or tomorrow23:27
Snappyshelp apt-get install python-pip23:27
xrandrI was trying to upgrade to artful from yakkety, but the software upgrade tool says it cannot do it23:29
xrandrShould I do it via command line?23:29
=== PickledEggs_ is now known as PickledEggs
Bashing-om!info python-pip xenial | Snappys23:30
ubottuSnappys: python-pip (source: python-pip): alternative Python package installer. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4 (xenial), package size 140 kB, installed size 620 kB23:30
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
xrandrok, command line isn't working either23:32
xrandrWhat are my options?23:32
=== anonymous is now known as Guest52805
abtiphi all23:33
abtiphave a windows 2000 drive and its not being seen in ubuntu23:34
=== Guest52805 is now known as Anonymos
AnonymosFailed to fetch http://gr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/python-pip/python-pip_1.0-1_all.deb  404  Not Found23:34
AnonymosFailed to fetch http://gr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/python-pip/python-pip_1.0-1_all.deb  404  Not Found23:37
Anonymoshelp me23:37
xrandractually, i think it decided to work for me :) yay, upgrading to latest ubuntu23:37
AnonymosI do not use ubuntu I use anonymous os and I'm a root user23:39
xrandrit didn't. How can I upgrade from 16.04 to 17.10?23:39
Anonymosand how do I update my ubuntu system23:40
ubun7utrying sudo dpkg-reconfigure bcmwl-kernel-source brb23:41
Anonymosroot@anonymous:~# sudo dpkg-reconfigure bcmwl-kernel-source brb23:43
AnonymosRemoving all DKMS Modules23:43
tgm4883Anonymos: that wasn't directed at you23:44
tgm4883And Anonymous OS isn't supported here23:44
Anonymosand it's still loading23:45
tgm4883but in any case, that's a super old version of Python PIP. Not in any supported version of Ubuntu23:45
Peyamxet7: thank you again. it is installing23:45
=== zzz is now known as zzz_
xrandris it possible to upgrade via iso?23:45
tgm4883Anonymos: wait, you're using an OS that was discontinued after a beta and never got a full release...23:46
Anonymosdo not23:48
Anonymosi an yes23:49
tgm4883Anonymos: in any case, you need to go to the support channel for your particular OS, which is not Ubuntu23:50
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=== zzz_ is now known as z0
Anonymoswhat would the channel be23:51
tgm4883Anonymos: I have no idea. I'm not even 100% sure what OS your running. You've stated it's not Ubuntu and the version of Pip you're asking about is older than what's in trusty. So in any case, you're unsupported here23:52
necrogamiI need some help with iptables and prerouting anyone have any around that can help?23:56
Anonymosanonymous os is based on ubuntu and linux two in one but I need a command to install the pip23:56
xrandrCan anyone help me with upgrading from 16.04 to 17.10?23:56
Anonymoswhat command should I execute to install pip23:57

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