
xubuntu66ii want to know about Voyager08:47
xubuntu66iVoyager 16.0408:47
flocculantxubuntu66i: that's not supported here - you'll need to find information at their site08:52
lwizardlhow do i fix a broken sound settings in panel? I select the audio icon, then select sound settings... and nothing happens17:59
=== HoloIRCUser is now known as doppelganker
Kumoolanyone knows how to fix or what this means?  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service (process:3689): indicator-sound-WARNING **: volume-control-pulse.vala:744: Unable to connect to dbus server at 'unix:path=/run/user/1000/pulse/dbus-socket': Could not connect: No such file or directory20:09
Kumoolsound indicator used to work, now it doesnt20:09
well_laid_lawnKumool:  you aren't the first with that issue20:18
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:18
Kumoolalright, i fixed by installing pulse audio plugin though20:19
well_laid_lawnok :)20:19
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft

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