
Guest98316folks , i would like install beta version kylin 18.04 over my ubuntu 17.04 that Iḿ using now... can I do it without lost data?01:07
bazhangGuest98316, have you burned the iso to usb01:08
Guest98316all right... but during the instalation, how i need proceed instalation without keep my data? 01:09
Guest98316*how i need proceed installation keeping my data01:09
bazhangGuest98316, did you see the preserve /home option in the installer01:09
Guest98316tks bazhang01:10
=== lisbeths is now known as johnnymacs
DarinMilleranyone know how to enable dns from 18.04 recovery shell?05:25
DarinMilleradding nameserver x.x.x.x to /etc/resolv.conf is no longer an option.05:26
DarinMillersystemctl enable systemd-resolved    fails to find the service.05:27
=== johnnymacs is now known as dorothyw
valorieDarinMiller: sounds like a bug05:54
valorieis there one?05:54
DarinMillerI don't thinks its a bug, but the correct way to enable dns from the root recovery prompt is challenging to discover.05:56
=== dorothyw is now known as johnnymacs
uzbeki installed 17.10. how can i upgrade to 18.04 beta?07:37
tsimonq2uzbek: sudo do-release-upgrade -d in a terminal.07:38
tsimonq2Note that things could break; it's only a Beta.07:38
flocculantit's not even a beta :p07:39
tsimonq2Depends on how you look at it flocculant :P07:54
flocculantI look at it properly - there is no Ubuntu Beta, there are a some flavour Beta's - Ubuntu won't have a beta until after the Final Beta milestone, until then they only have dailies (assuming that it builds)07:56
CoJaBoAre there any known issues with Bionic running with IOMMU enabled? I have pretty severe instability and device hangs/errors without iommu=soft; not sure if OS bug, or something else10:06
tomreynCoJaBo: not that i know of (it would be ridiculous to release with this kernel version if this was a general issue, but i'm sure it's not). check system logs and dmesg, check for bios / uefi upgrade availability, try a mainline kernel.11:22
CoJaBotomreyn: It's running the latest BIOS. Did manage to confirm it happens with older stable kernels too11:24
tomreynso it's old hardware?11:33
tomreynwhat about the system ogs?11:33
CoJaBoIt's fairly new; Ryzen3, X37011:34
tomreynoh a rtyzen, and you're surprised about instability :)11:34
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 196683 in x86-64 "Random Soft Lockup on new Ryzen build" [Normal,New]11:34
tomreynSo it's actually UEFI and not BIOS. Disable "Power Supply Idle Control" and maybe C6, that should help.11:36
CoJaBotomreyn: In most cases, the system just dies; these are the logs I've been able to get, all of them issues with various SATA cards: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19668311:36
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 196683 in x86-64 "Random Soft Lockup on new Ryzen build" [Normal,New]11:37
tomreynthat'S the same link i posted11:37
CoJaBoNot sure why it didn't copy: https://paste.debian.net/1013355/11:37
tomreynwhen you say "the system dies" what does this look like, what do you see on screen, does it power off, reboot by itself?11:38
tomreynor freeze?11:38
CoJaBoAll LEDS go off, and monitor goes to standby, fans/PSU keep running11:38
tomreynhmm those are sata errors. bad cable?11:39
CoJaBoTried replacing SATA cable, drive, and controller. Only thing that makes any difference at all is setting iommu=soft11:40
CoJaBoAlso tried different PCIe ports; same problem each, unless that option is set11:41
tomreynit could be an issue with insufficient voltage or unstable currents.11:41
tomreyn(i.e. bad / insufficient / incorrectly wired power supply)11:42
CoJaBoIt'd seem pretty weird for a kernel parameter to fix a PSU issue11:43
tomreyntrue, i was assuming coincidence11:44
CoJaBoI did check the voltages at least with a multimeter, and it didn't pick up anything odd11:44
CoJaBoThe SATA errors are reproducable 100% of the time; turning off that parameter causes them to happen again11:44
tomreynokay this prooves me wrong, i guess11:47
CoJaBoThe crashes were random, usually happening when dealing with SATA hotplug or SATA errors (I'm not sure if the first SATA errors, not in that log, were related to the problem; at that time, I figured it was a bad drive, and discarded it). Nonetheless, it has so far never crashed with iommu=soft, and had never made it more than 24 hours uptime without.11:47
CoJaBoThe system also will not boot from a drive connected to that controller, as GRUB cannot find it. Tho that could be an entirely unrelated bug11:47
tomreyni still think giving the "Power Supply Idle Control" option a shot can be worth it.11:49
CoJaBoI think my BIOS calls it something different, but it crashes in both settings11:50
CoJaBoI also turned off "Cool&Quiet" (which also might be the same thing), with no effect11:50
tomreynthat's something else11:50
elhoirhello guys12:02
elhoirseems that latest clamav update for bionic conflicts with spotify and virtualbox O_O12:02
elhoirhow is that possible?12:02
elhoiri made some tests, libvpx4 package is no longer available in bionic12:04
elhoirand virtualbox-5.2 depends on it12:04
elhoirin bionic it is named libvpx512:04
elhoiris that a bug in virtualbox? in Ubuntu? none? both?12:06
tomreynelhoir: it's hard to understand the output since it's not in english. you can create english language output by running "export LANG=C" before you run further commands (which then produce errors).12:31
tomreynhowever, your output seem to indicate that there is no need for the libvpx4 package, it just points out that it's no longer needed and could be removed.12:32
tomreynthere is no package "virtualbox-5.2" in bionic, so if you have this from a third party (probably virtualbox's upstream apt repository) and it conflicts with bionic then that's not something ubuntu can fix.12:33
stochastixWhats the best way to keep 18.04 up to date with dev changes right now? apt-get upgrade perhaps?17:01
stochastixReason im asking is because I did update and upgrade and dist-upgrade, and didnt get a lot of new packages, but I figure since it is in development there maybe should be more changes than what I saw.17:18
TJ-stochastix: 'apt update; apt full-upgrade'17:29
stochastixTJ-: Thanks, ran full-upgrade and looks like its already up to date then.17:55
stochastixWhat repo is php7.0-mcrypt supposed to be in?18:19
stochastixor even 7.2,  I cant find either18:19
FauxDidn't mcrypt get deprecated a long time ago?18:20
stochastixoh, maybe?  Im following a walkthrough for Nextcloud 13 on 18.04 and the person "installed" mcrypt18:20
stochastixill look into it more thanks.18:21
FauxOr became part of core or something.18:21
FauxThere's a php-mcrypt package in Artful so probably not. :)18:22
stochastixOn the official NC 13 installation page they are still showing it as a recommended package too18:22
stochastixI dont think I need it right now anyways18:22

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