
Peyamxet7: that didnt work. I downloaded windows 1000:05
Peyamjust wondering what the command was to install virtualboc00:05
Peyamthe one with sudo apt-get update && sudo install -f?00:05
adrian_1908Peyam: sudo apt update && sudo apt install virtualbox00:05
Peyamadrian_1908: not woring00:07
kamil__just installed kde neon on faulty disk... disk creeks and squeeks but everything works fine by now ;)00:07
Peyamadrian_1908: working00:07
Peyamhe wrote something00:07
Peyamthat worked00:08
Peyamadrian_1908: would you please scroll up and look it up for me?00:08
maizooni am trying to use an appimage and get the following (yes i chmod +x)00:09
adrian_1908Peyam: look up what? I don't have irc history prior to 1:05:0000:09
maizoonunable to execute ./etcher-1.3.1-i386.AppImage: No such file or directory00:09
Peyamohhh okey adrian_190800:10
Peyamanyone can looko up those last messages from xet7? please?\00:12
maizoonhelp anyone konw about AppImage? supposed to be just ./foo.bar but i am told no such file or directory00:12
adrian_1908maizoon: does the filename TAB-complete, or did you type it yourself?00:13
maizoonadrian_1908: tab complete00:13
maizoonsame tab complete i used with chmod a+x e<tab> the command prior which worked00:13
maizoonhuh, i have redownload and it work00:14
adrian_1908ah good :)00:14
=== sauvin_ is now known as bocaneriu
=== bocaneriu is now known as bocaneri
necrogamiI need some help with iptables and prerouting anyone have any around that can help?00:16
obontohi all.whats the cause of logfiles getting big fast?00:18
Bashing-omobonto: A fault in the file system, and the system screamming and hollering to get your attention .00:21
xet7Peyam: Do you have fast boot enabled on your UEFI ? It should be disabled, it's some Windows feature00:22
Peyamxet7: I disabled it00:22
PeyamI have now iso for windows 1000:22
Peyamhow do I add the iso file in VB?00:22
xet7Peyam: have you started virtualbox as root?00:23
xet7Peyam: Have you created rawhd yet?00:23
yusufHello, I'm trying to install JDK9 and when I try to add it to the path.. it works but (using export blabla) then excuting the command source .bashrc...but when i reboot i find the path I've added is removed again. what shall i do?00:24
necrogamigod i hate iptables ... why in the hell isn't this working it worked in the past and now on a new server it's not working00:24
* necrogami tableflips00:24
xet7Peyam: Click New => Windows => Windows 10 64bit00:24
obonto@bashing-om how can i determine the root of it?00:24
Peyamand 8 G ram00:25
xet7Peyam: add rawhd as VM image00:25
xet7Peyam: yes00:25
JackKI'm trying to create a RAID 1 setup with two drives have the same data, but are nearly full.  I'd like to initialize the array with one drive, copy the contents of the other into the array, then add the other drive.  Is it possible to create RAID 1 with just one drive to start out?00:25
Peyamxet7: fail to open00:25
xet7Peyam: remove controller ide. in controller sata, add cd drive to it, and your windows.iso to sata controller cd drive00:25
adrian_1908necrogami: I'm not well versed in networking, but nftables looks awesome in comparison, the syntax alone and that you can just use human readable config files.00:25
Peyamcan not open the file00:25
xet7Peyam: sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/rawhd.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/nvme0n100:26
yusufI even looked over the internet... i.e. -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2518127/how-do-i-reload-bashrc-without-logging-out-and-back-in#2518150 ... and same result :(00:26
xet7Peyam: delete old and create new00:26
obonto@all how can i determine which one is causing the logfiles to go big?00:26
Peyamxet7: https://pastebin.com/mXpq9dBb00:27
adrian_1908yusuf: what command are you using to export to PATH?00:27
Bashing-omobonto: Ine reads the log file(s) to see what the system reports .00:27
xet7Peyam: https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.2.8/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.2.8.vbox-extpack00:28
xet7Peyam: Did you install it?00:28
yusufadrian_1908: this is it --> export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk-9.0.4/00:28
obontoloG Folder has many contents,which one should i check?00:29
Peyamxet7: http://i.imgur.com/s8jdaso.png00:29
adrian_1908yusuf: that looks fine indeed. Are you sure JAVA_HOME is correct. You said it worked temporarily, but maybe that was because you exported it via a terminal command?00:30
xet7Peyam: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential00:30
xet7Peyam: sudo /sbin/vboxconfig00:30
yusufadrian_1908, yes, i export it using the terminal.00:30
adrian_1908yusuf: generally, exporting variables such as this is better done in ~/.profile, as you only want it to happen once. So try   export JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/jdk-9.0.4/"   inside that file instead.00:31
xet7Peyam: then start virtualbox as root again00:31
Peyamxet7: https://pastebin.com/gmAG8pZx00:31
adrian_1908yusuf: it should then stick for the entire session (requires OS restart)00:32
=== rob is now known as RobWilco
DreamSynthHow do I install the standard gnome DE (none of Ubuntu customizations) on 18.04?00:32
xet7Peyam: dmesg00:32
Peyamxet7: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/474Gm6hB8m/00:33
yusufadrian_1908, so I have to add it to the last line of the file .profile?00:33
gruntzHow's going on with 18.04 LTS? any delays with the release in April?00:33
adrian_1908yusuf: yes, you can just add it on a new line at the bottom of the .profile file.00:33
xet7Peyam: dpkg -l | grep headers00:34
adrian_1908yusuf: and make sure you don't have any duplicates left in .bashrc, it shouldn't be in more than one place.00:34
yusufadrian_1908, Thanks! I've added the line, I'll reboot and see. ...regards!00:34
adrian_1908ok, good luck.00:34
yusufadrian_1908, roger. ^_^00:34
gruntzyusuf, do that and export PATH=/opt/jdk-9.0.4/bin:${PATH} or wherever you have your jdk unpacked.00:34
Peyamhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TmshKbJGcZ/ xet700:35
DreamSynth@gruntz nothing publicly stated and the current build is incredibly stable.00:35
yusufgruntz, thanks ,, I'll!00:36
xet7Peyam: modprobe vboxdrv00:36
gruntzyusuf, otherwise your IDE will complain about that it can't find java binary, or at least Eclipse will complain, from my experience00:36
xet7Peyam: start virtualbox as root. does it open?00:36
Peyamxet7: modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'vboxdrv': Required key not available00:36
adrian_1908yusuf: that goes likewise into ~/.profile. And it doesn't hurt to have both, since they're different variables.00:36
xet7Peyam: https://askubuntu.com/questions/760671/could-not-load-vboxdrv-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-16-04-and-i-want-to-keep-secur00:37
Peyamand now xet700:38
xet7Peyam: just a moment00:40
Peyamxet7: yes00:41
xet7Peyam: Do you have secure boot disabled?00:41
PeyamI guess it is enable00:42
Peyamshould I disable it?00:42
obonto@all how&where to read log files,so i can determine why the log folder is getting big00:42
xet7Peyam: I presume that's the main reason Linux does not work00:42
Peyami will not. should I disable legacy mode too>00:42
Peyamxet7: I tried with out it too. do you want me to diable both legacy mode and secure boot?00:43
xet7Peyam: wait a moment, I'll think00:43
xet7Peyam: So as root, with command virtualbox, does it start at all?00:43
Peyamyes it does but it says no vm will start untill the issue is solved00:44
mr-daymorning :)00:44
mr-dayafter installed dualboot ubuntu 16.04 my friend's laptop not showing windows option on grub menu, i had tried some tutorials on askubuntu but still can't boot, i also had tried boot-repair still can't fixing, this is my boot repair result hope someone here can help me out :'( got stucked 2 days https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hazan98/BootRepair/master/Boot-Info_20180310_1010.txt00:44
xet7Peyam: Did you change some setting, because previously VirtualBox did work?00:45
PeyamI changed the legacy thing00:45
Peyamto legacy disable and secure enable00:45
Peyami wil change it now00:46
Bashing-omobonto: Try from terminal ' cat /var/log/syslog | less ' . where the file is piped to less as a pager .00:46
xet7first copy your windows 10 iso to harddrive00:46
xet7etc files00:46
xet7so you don't need to to download those again00:46
xet7to ram00:46
xet7then change those back00:46
xet7and copy file to ram /home/xubuntu00:47
Peyam1i have to do it all again00:49
xet7Peyam1: What all?00:49
Peyam1xet7: virtualbox and stuff00:49
xet7Peyam1: What OS you actually want?00:49
Peyam1I decided to go with windows00:50
xet7Peyam1: Did you change UEFI settings back?00:50
Peyam1I changed it to secure boot disable00:50
=== loloshark is now known as obonto
=== obonto is now known as obonto1
xet7Peyam1: Is now legacy mode enable?00:51
xet7Peyam1: Did you copy any files to harddisk, like virtualbox files, windows etc?00:51
Peyam1I download windows now00:51
Peyam1what was the thing sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f?00:52
xet7Peyam: Download VirtualBox from https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.2.8/virtualbox-5.2_5.2.8-121009~Ubuntu~xenial_amd64.deb00:52
Peyam1yes ive done it00:52
Peyam1what was the code for making the disk?00:52
Peyam1intervalcommands thing00:52
xet7Peyam: sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/rawhd.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/nvme0n100:53
Peyam1it worked this time00:53
Peyam1just waiting for win 10 iso to download00:53
Peyam13 mins00:53
bazhangPeyam1, how is a windows iso dl related to ubuntu support00:54
xet7Peyam1: msg me, this is offtopic00:54
Peyam1okey xet700:55
=== loloshark is now known as obonto2
AnjayHello guys00:57
Guest98316Hey guys, someone can help me? i would like install 18.04 beta kylin over my ubuntu 17.04. can I do it without lost my data?01:02
bazhangGuest98316, 18.04 is not out yet, discussion in #ubuntu+101:03
obonto2bazhang: pls help which logfile to read to trace on why log folder is getting big01:04
Guest98316bazhang , the beta version already release 23hs before01:04
Guest98316you can see in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/daily-live/current/01:04
bazhangGuest98316, not released as final, which means it's topical in the other channel I just told you about01:05
amansxfolks can't connect to wifi on ubuntu 1701:06
amansxnetworkctl stuck at configuring, no-carrier01:06
amansxany help appreaciated01:06
amansxspent an entire day trying to figure this out01:06
bazhangamansx, is that 17.04 or 17.1001:07
amansxmy netplan config01:10
amansxin /etc/netplan/01-netfg.yaml01:11
amansxbazhang: suggestions?01:12
bazhangamansx, the wifi was working prior, this is not a vm, so what changed between it working and now01:13
amansxit never worked01:13
amansxit's a fresh install01:14
amansxon a dedicated server01:14
amansxubuntu server*01:14
bazhangamansx, have you done the initial apt update and apt upgrade01:14
amansxwifi is all I have01:14
bazhangdo that then01:15
amansxso unless I connect to it01:15
amansxlemme see what I can do on that front01:15
amosbirdhi, how is docker able to run on different linux kernel version ?01:15
bazhangamosbird, is it?01:16
amosbirdAny distribution running version 3.10+ of the Linux kernel01:22
bazhangamosbird, is that an ubuntu support issue, or more of a docker curiousity issue01:22
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Slademy ubuntu server gets all spammy on the console about USB when the KVM switch has another machine selected.. :(01:30
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amansxbazhang: same issue01:54
amansxhow do you go about debugging the wifi issues?01:56
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Kali_Yugahello. I can't get my ps3 controller to work under ubuntu anymore. usually I connected it. checked under lsusb and it would show up and work. but the controller doesn't show up anymore.02:26
Kali_YugaI have four ps3 controllers so it can't be the controller02:28
Sladeerr. my /etc/network/interfaces file only has loopback in it.. but ipconfig shows 2 interfaces (its working ok)02:30
Kali_Yugai figured it out apparently there was somehing wrong with the mini usb cable. I switched cables and it works again02:36
Sladeah artful ardvark uses netplan instead02:47
Sladescreen tmux byobu ?02:55
VolundSo question, guys. Do modern distribs of Linux like Ubuntu here support Parallel Port connections to REALLY OLD printers. I mean, REALLY old printers. The kinds of printers that might be little more than typewriters linked to a parallel port.03:04
harmlessI use ubuntu!03:05
pragmaticenigmaVolund, there is a very good chance that it will still work. If not immediately, you'd be surprised that there is probably someone out there that has written a driver to work with the most acient of hardware03:14
CarlFKVolund: Parallel Port and little more than typewriters are super simple. there are Parallel Port drivers for the Parallel Port Part, and "simple text" is kinda like driver 101 class.03:17
CarlFKHmm, I guess there could be printers that use the connection, but don't use the printer protocols .. or whatever that standard thing is called.03:19
dakshinado u like to mke a whatsapp group and chat on it03:20
CarlFKin the last few years a friend wired up an LED to the DTR or whatever of a serial port, now we can turn a light on using the serial port, but not using it's data lines.  which is really hacky.03:20
black_13how do you build gstreamer sources from source for Ubuntu03:28
CarlFKI got this one...03:28
CarlFKer,. what do you mean "for ubuntu" ?03:28
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CarlFKblake_r: if you just want to build it and run it:  https://github.com/GStreamer/gst-build03:32
CarlFKif you want to package it.. um..use the current packages and port them to master03:32
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doge-dogerandom question, is having snaps "more superior" than packages in the repo, debs, or flatpacks?03:42
harmlessCan someone plz help me04:06
harmlessI need to access feed from wifi camera in bathrroom04:06
harmlessno connects04:06
asmith4726You put an ip cam in the bathroom? o_O04:09
Draconiatorhmmm that was weird...04:11
DraconiatorNo that DID NOT sound like a creepy stalker person.04:11
asmith4726not at all XD04:11
jerichowasahoaxsure jan04:13
asmith4726That sounds like a #metoo waiting to happen04:13
doge-dogedo wifi cams still punch a hole in upnp-enabled routers by default?04:13
doge-dogeand more scarily keep default login credentials04:14
unholymachinedoge-doge: yes. and yes.04:14
asmith4726If you don't have a professional install it :/04:14
asmith4726We just had ours done. Very nice setup in our new office.04:14
on3pkHey guys.  Not using the system right now, but my computer tends to flicker quite a bit when using the GPU for anything.  Chromium and "atom" apps do it a lot on 16.04.  Anything later than 16.04 really is unusable due to screen flickering.  What causes it?04:15
unholymachineif you want to DIY make sure your camera network STAYS on your LAN04:15
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asmith4726naw, we can view the stuff from home, but it's far from default passwords.. and it's all SSL :)04:15
unholymachinethat's cool :)04:16
asmith4726the phone app is nice too04:16
DraconiatorI'm usually a Windows user but Linux is my choice OS to escape to when a hard drive dies (like now).  http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y82/Draconiator/DSCN0008_zps51zvm8ei.jpg - so I hooked my netbook drive up with Xubuntu 16.04 on it and when the new one I ordered comes in, I'll put it back in the netbook, and reinstall it there.04:16
asmith4726I just installed elementary os on my work laptop since I don't have to use proprietary software anymore :)04:17
DraconiatorOoops, wrong picture lol04:17
asmith4726So happy I'm not bound to windows anymore, and my ubuntu mail server at the office links up well to this mail app.04:18
Draconiatorhttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y82/Draconiator/DSCN0009_zps1ar4v1fe.jpg There's the right one.04:18
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on3pkI think it's obviously related to the GPU since I can use the --disable-gpu flag on Atom and it doesn't flicker04:19
* asmith4726 uses an i5 thinkpad :)04:20
asmith4726what is running in that first screenshot?04:20
asmith4726looks like secondlife or the sims or something04:20
asmith4726So I'm a little worried about one thing. Our office has this xerox machine at work that's really new (like 6 months old unit). How hard is that thing going to be to setup. It uses like accounting to track our toner usage and such...04:25
asmith4726so we have to supply username's and such to print from it :/04:25
asmith4726and our boss wants us using secure print so we can cancel jobs if we screw up before we waste toner.04:26
asmith4726(Though I don't care about the secure print thing anymore since the copier isn't in the new hire area like it used to be lol...04:27
Draconiatorand that was Second Life.04:32
Draconiatorthe taskbar on top took some getting used to, but now I think I'm going to set Windows up that way too.04:33
asmith4726I'm mostly used to that from osx04:35
asmith4726though my macbook's logic board went out on me due to a faulty gpu module :(04:35
asmith4726600 for a replacement... nope04:36
Draconiatorhttps://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IEKG2HM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 - this is the one I ordered.   Originally wanted a pure SSD, but...them things are still too expensive for me.  thankfully the hybrids went down in price some.04:36
asmith4726I'm using a hard drive in this, but I have a backup drive with win10 on it in case I need it :/04:37
asmith4726my gaming pc has 1.75tb in ssd between 2 drives, and my new build when I get taxes back is a 2tb nvme m.2 960 pro04:38
asmith4726ssd's make old systems feel new when it comes to responsiveness04:39
asmith4726Also, newer seagate drives have been pretty faulty lately, so good luck :04:40
asmith4726my builder friend says he ordered around 20 of those and one in every 4 was doa04:41
asmith4726for a large order of workstations04:42
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DraconiatorWell the old one lasted a pretty long time, 3.4 years (over 30,000 hours), and that was WITH some bug in the firmware that made it think it was 2TB04:47
DraconiatorI trust Seagate, the one that came with the computer was a Western Digital and that conked out after a year.04:50
asmith4726I've gotten to the point I only trust samsung and crucial ssd's :)04:53
asmith4726I've had good luck though on my spinning disks (western digital blacks, a blue, a couple of seagates. No failures in years. *knock on wood*04:54
bahamut24Is there any way to mount a folder but exclude files by extension? i.e *.sln05:10
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bahamut24ah filterfs might do it05:12
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asmith4726wow, 1/4 of my steam games are now compatible with linux :) 110 or so of 400. Those guys have been doing a lot of work porting.05:22
* asmith4726 wonders how many are wine ports05:23
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Jas_My Ubuntu system is not showing it's icons and top bar also not appearing05:53
Draconiator What is the Linux equivalent of del C:\*.* ?  I was thinking maybe I could use that when my new drive comes in to reinstall.05:54
cfhowlettDraconiator, no need - just format the drive ext405:55
asmith4726yeah, when you install, it will *want* to format the drive :)05:56
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AdamTheGhostalso I think if anyone says that command in chat.. a bot might blow it's lid and ban us05:57
cfhowlettno but there is a dedicated trigger so ... don't.05:58
AdamTheGhostback in the day people used to... troll people looking for help like, "hey, how do I fix this", and some troll would say the command...05:59
Jas_My Ubuntu system is not showing icon bar and top bar .. it just shows the wallpaper that's it06:02
serei have 4k left on my /  is there a way to see whats taking all of the space.. like largest file size sort or something06:06
ZythyrNeed help with the following issue. Anyone have idea on how to resolve? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1013627/how-to-automatically-start-a-service-after-manually-decrypting-home-partition06:06
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AdamTheGhostsere, I know of an app in windows for that, but it doesn't help you much :( All I can say is check out ~/Downloads and see what all is in there, also a sudo apt-get autoremove might free up some space06:17
AdamTheGhostalso, clean out the kernels you don't need anymore06:18
AdamTheGhostubuntu likes to keep all the kernels and every so often you need to clean out the old ones06:18
pengwen_i don't get it.  how can i be logged into freenode twice?06:23
DraconiatorI never thought I'd say this...but 160GB is a TINY hard drive.  using the one from my netbook because my main one died....makes me remember the time I thought 480MB was a cavernous amount of space.06:27
sereAdamTheGhost: i cant use autoremove no space left on device and my /home is seperate im not sure how i used 10 on just /06:28
cfhowlettsere, ubuntu USB + chroot to your system then you can manage it06:28
serecfhowlett:  is there a way to extend the lvm root that has a snapshot06:31
cfhowlettsere, sorry but LVM is outside my experience.06:31
cfhowlettsomeone else will know06:31
serecfhowlett: ok thanks. i dont have a usb or would just do that06:32
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest83905
gt8ost4ldoes anybody know of a good ide for ubuntu?07:06
lotuspsychjegt8ost4l: think there is an IDE category in software center07:06
habbasigt8ost4l IDE for what language?07:07
cfhowlettseveral.  choose 1\07:07
gt8ost4lphp javascript html xml and css07:07
habbasigt8ost4l Definitely PHPStorm from JetBrains.07:07
gt8ost4lfor web development07:07
habbasiCovers all of that.07:07
gt8ost4lhabbasi: phpstorm is propritary07:08
habbasigt8ost4l But it's got a free version. And also it's awesome.07:09
habbasiIf you want libre, maybe try Eclipse?07:09
gt8ost4lhabbasi: i was waiting for netbeans but its still in beta!07:10
gt8ost4lthey should of never handed it to apache!07:11
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gt8ost4lhabbasi: have you ever used sublime text 3?07:14
habbasiI've mostly just used Visual Studio, JetBrains IDEs, and Vim.07:15
lotuspsychjestick to ubuntu support guys07:18
gt8ost4llotuspschje: so ides is not in link with ubuntu?07:19
lotuspsychjegt8ost4l: we support all questions related to ubuntu problems, use #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss for other conversations please :p07:20
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=== ZaZa is now known as ZaZaQ
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EriC^^hello ZaZaQ08:06
ZaZaQwhats up08:06
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DarekDeoAny idea how can I fix that? runtime/org.gnome.Sdk/x86_64/3.26 keeps showing up in software update, but when I click update I get an error notification: Cannot update "Gnome Software Development Kit version 3.26" Whily trying to checkout b5f77229b85f1cf... into .../.local/share/flatpak/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg/x86_64/1.6/.b577...: fgetxattr: No data09:54
DarekDeoRunning ubuntu 17.10, gnome 3 flavour (the classic one)09:55
netochkaHow can i hide my username in the login screen ?10:05
netochkaHow can i hide my username in the login screen ?10:10
cfhowlettseems like the kind of thing you could google in .35 seconds ...10:13
bazhangcfhowlett, and that's what we do, and not refer new users to do10:14
ubottuUbuntu Budgie is a community !flavour of Ubuntu featuring the Budgie desktop. Its first official release is 17.04. As with all development versions, for questions involving Ubuntu Budgie 18.04 support, visit #ubuntu+1. Ubuntu Budgie 16.04 and 16.10 are not supported by the Ubuntu project. https://ubuntubudgie.org/10:15
jeremiesDo you know some free software projects a beginner can collaborate with?10:21
bazhangjeremies, any can be done10:22
bazhang!contribute | jeremies10:22
ubottujeremies: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu10:22
cfhowlett!contribute | jeremies for ubuntu10:22
ubottujeremies for ubuntu: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu10:22
cfhowlettjeremies, and almost all F/Loss software project welcome contributors.  Ask!10:22
jeremiesOk thank you!10:24
The_Dubyacan anyone help me? I'm trying to install a .deb and it's asking for a dependency that can't be met because I can't get the newest version.  Do I have to apt upgrade to resolve this?10:25
bazhangThe_Dubya, which one, why do you need the very newest10:26
The_Dubyaits just the package was compiled that way10:26
The_Dubyai tried doing -f install but it just uninstalls the package10:26
The_Dubyaand the version is 1.68 i have version 1.58 of the same dependency10:27
bazhangwhich package The_Dubya , why do you need the very newest10:27
The_Dubyai'm trying to install this https://sourceforge.net/projects/fatx/, and it won't let me because i can't met the dependency requirement10:28
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The_Dubyai apt cache search the dependency and i can only install 1.58, how can i get 1.68?10:29
SimonNLgo wild find a repository that has it.10:29
BluesKajHi folks10:41
mr_turdoideHello guys10:43
mr_turdoideI am having a serious issue with my shutdown freezing these days.10:43
mr_turdoidePlease help me fixing it10:44
mr_turdoideMy screen gets stucked at "Reboot: Power Down"10:45
dbemr_turdoide, try adding setting acpi=noapic,nolapic on kernel command line10:45
dbemr_turdoide, https://askubuntu.com/questions/801554/how-to-set-noapic-and-pnpbios-off-parameters-for-boot10:46
mr_turdoideOk i will try that now.10:47
xsixsi Hello everyone, Once I try to add for instance "sudo add-apt-repository multiverse" I get following error --> https://pastebin.com/CpyCqTN2 how do I clean this?10:49
bazhangxsixsi, which ppa lists itself as 'multiverse'10:50
EriC^^xsixsi: aptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template for Kali/kali-rolling10:51
EriC^^xsixsi: pastebin "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"10:51
bazhangxsixsi, is this a kali install?10:51
bazhangkali support in #kali-linux10:54
bazhangxsixsi, ^10:54
aoihftI'm using ubuntu 17.10 and I'm trying to use lxd inside of it. I'm also trying to run a gui app (GNS3) I followed the tutorial in this link (https://blog.simos.info/how-to-run-graphics-accelerated-gui-apps-in-lxd-containers-on-your-ubuntu-desktop/). Then I'm stuck with the .Xauthority stuff. I don't know but maybe because ubuntu 17.10 uses wayland not the Xorg.11:08
aoihftAnd when I tried to run this command '  lxc config device add guiapps Xauthority disk path=/home/ubuntu/.Xauthority source=${XAUTHORITY}  ' the output said ' error: Disk entry is missing the required "source" property   '11:10
Space_Manusing 14.04 why are cgmanager and systemd-logind running and consuming 50% cpu each?11:19
tomreynaoihft: Xauthority, as the X indicates, is a file interpreted by the Xorg X server. I do not know whether it can also be interpreted by Wayland. I think you can switch between Wayland and Xorg at the ghraphical desktop login prompt.11:26
netochkaHow can I hide my username on log-in screen?11:26
EriC^^netochka: which de? unity?11:29
aoihfttomreyn how can I switch?11:29
tomreynaoihft: you logout, you choose the server you want to use, you login.11:30
netochkaEriC^^:  hey :) Yes. Ubuntu 1611:30
tomreynaoihft: that's as far as i know, i don't use 17.10, so this is just hearsay.11:30
tomreynnetochka: https://askubuntu.com/questions/731425/how-do-disable-user-list-on-login-screen-prompt-for-username-and-password-ubu11:31
EriC^^netochka: type "sudo nano /etc/lightdm/users.conf" and add your user next to hidden-users11:31
aoihfttomreyn thanks11:31
netochkaEriC^^: Ty. do you by any chance use Telegram?11:31
aoihftI'm excited with the 18.0411:32
EriC^^netochka: yeah, why?11:32
netochkaEriC^^: I've set Chromium to be my default browser. But when I click on a link on Telegram, it opens on Chromium, but, It seems that it opens a different one, As my bookmarks are different in the opened one. Like opening 2 chromiums ( If i already had chromium open)11:33
EriC^^netochka: no idea, i think that's normal though11:34
EriC^^netochka: it opens a different chromium instance? or new tab that isn't bookmarked?11:35
netochkaI see. btw, I donno how to Add my username as hidden in Terminal.11:35
netochkaEriC^^: not a tab. a whole new chromium and the bookmarks are not the same as the default one. as in opening 2 different kinds of chromium, but i only have 1 installed. it's weird.11:36
EriC^^netochka: you mean about the stuff i said earlier? editing /etc/lightdm/users.conf ?11:36
EriC^^netochka: it's easy, type "sudo nano /etc/lightdm/users.conf" scroll down to hidden-users and add it hidden-users=nobody nobody4 noaccess <your username here> then save and exit with ctrl+x11:37
netochkaThanks a bunch. XX11:37
EriC^^no problem11:37
netochkaEriC^^: one more thing. can launcher be set to NOT combine the opened windows?11:38
EriC^^netochka: it might, look into compizconfig-settings-manager11:38
EriC^^i kind of doubt though11:38
netochkaI see11:40
netochkaI started using SpiderOakONE, does anyone know about Its security and whether it's secure or not?11:40
FluffiI have a problem with ubuntu11:51
dbeFluffi, that's unfortunate.11:51
FluffiWhy is ubuntu such a huge pain in the ass? Why do I hate it so much?11:51
dbeFluffi, I ask myself that question from time to time, but then again the Ubuntu engineers have a very tough problem to solve - "make everything work for everyone".11:52
FluffiI dont want to use it. I have to. I get headache of ubuntu. Why do I have to spent hours of searching for fucking bash commands and fixing stuff. It is so damn fucking anoying. I hate ubuntu so much11:55
vltFluffi: Can you give an example? What was the last bash command so well hidden that you had to search for it for hours?12:01
thinkyi am running ubuntu bash on windows 10 at the moment12:02
thinkyhow can i access ubuntu files on bash?12:02
thinkyis there /home location?12:02
thinkyor root?12:02
Mathisenthinky, yes it is12:03
thinkyso where is the location and how can i access?12:03
Mathisenjust got /home in bash12:03
thinky-bash: cd: home: No such file or directory12:04
thinkycan not i access the location physically?12:04
vltthinky: The location of what?12:04
Mathisenthinky, what do you mean by physically ?12:04
thinkyon ubuntu i can access /home/user directory right?12:05
thinkywhy not on ubuntu bash on windows?12:05
Mathisenyou can there is no diffrence12:05
thinkyMathisen: but how?12:05
thinkyit must be somewhere in C: location12:05
thinkybut cant find12:05
Mathisenso you trying to find ubuntu userland in windows ? in explorer ?12:06
Mathisenthats totaly diffrent story12:06
thinkyMathisen: yep12:06
thinkyalso in terminal too12:07
Mathisenand you should NEVER edit files in your userland from windows, if you do it they will dissapear in linux as it looses the permisions12:07
Mathisenyou can however edit all files that is under /mnt/drive_letter12:08
Mathisenanyway this is more a ##windows topic now.12:08
thinkyok thanks12:09
Mathisennp and the ubuntu location is in appdata folder somewhere for your user12:10
kraghothi guys, I have a problem. I have installed Kodi and I am booting directly into a Kodi session, however the screen turns off after not doing anything which is a problem because I have no keyboard connected to it. How can I completely turn off any screen turning off options. I have already set all setting withing Kodi and gnome that cause any kind of screensaver of whatever. I have googled around but unfortunately nothing has helped12:11
pseudonymousAnyone know how to install Mono 5.x on Ubuntu 17.10?12:12
BlankSpacewhen i type su it shows authentication failure12:12
BlankSpacey is that?12:13
tomreynthinky: there's also #ubuntu-on-windows - but i'd recommend using a real ubuntu installation (can be multi-boot, can be in a VM).12:14
thinkytomreyn: i have dual boot already12:14
thinkyjust checking bash on windows12:14
tomreynthinky: i see. well i guess it'd good enough to make some files avaialable on windows.12:16
thinkyi wish i could install ms office 2016 on ubuntu12:16
tomreynthinky: what's lacking in libreoffice?12:16
thinkydoesnt feel so pro12:17
thinkyi am not sure if it s all compatible with formulas and macros12:17
Mathisenmostly is, maybe with macros there can be some issues12:17
thinkyi still prefer ms office12:17
thinkythat s one of the reason i still use windows :/12:17
pseudonymousthinky: there are alternative office packs if you're willing to drop some $. For one, you can even go with microsoft's cloud offering, Office 36512:18
akikthinky: you shouldn't access the wsl files from windows12:18
thinkypseudonymous: yea that s an option12:18
sinamalekihi every one m anybody knows that when a meeting of ubuntu is ?12:18
Mathisensinamaleki, huh ?12:19
sinamalekiI want to have a meeting with ubuntu staffs , so is there any summit or meeting plan ?12:19
adalbertkraghot: If you have disabled the screensaver in both kodi and gnome and configured power management not to turn of the display you should be oke ?12:20
dbesinamaleki, pretty interesting question. why do you want a meeting with ubuntu staffs?12:20
sinamalekiour company needs ubuntu to deploy a cloud for us12:21
sinamalekiso we want to talk to them12:21
sinamalekinot just email and tell ! because we want them to deploy a cloud with about 500 nodes and we think that this process can not suitable with phone call or email12:22
kraghotadalbert, that's exactly what I have done. I don't understand what could be causing the screen to blank :(12:22
Mathisensinamaleki, maybe just contact some other IT company that specialice on this12:22
tomreynsinamaleki: you should talk to canonical12:22
almynichi I have some weird problem with my terminal. I i open a new terminal I get this error: [2~: command not found . Does anyone know how to fix this I already updated .profile and .bashrc12:29
almynicand source doesn't work for some weird reason12:29
tomreynalmynic: use an editor which will display special characters to view those files. or use 'hd' on them. "[2~" is probably an expanded special character which ended up in one of these files while you edited them.12:35
Fluffiwhy does not even a simple vnc connection to ubuntu work. why?12:38
tomreynFluffi: is this an ubuntu support question, or just rambling? in the latter case please move it elsewhere.12:39
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tomreynFluffi: if it's the former: to connec tto VNC, you'll need all of the following: a vnc client, a vnc server and a network connection between them.12:40
FluffiI disabled encryption and still get an error encryption is not supported12:41
tomreynubuntu does not run a vnc server out of the box.12:41
Fluffii run vino12:41
tomreynwhat are you trying to achieve overall?12:42
Fluffianother problem. another searching through dozens of forum posts on the internet. oh fuck I hate this shit so much12:42
tomreynFluffi: please tone it down12:42
Fluffiwhat will happen with ubuntu when the internet is down? no one can use it anymore... thats no joke. thats true12:44
tomreynFluffi: it will work just fine12:46
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Fluffitomreyn maybe. but you cant change anything anymore12:46
tomreynFluffi: sure, you can. what doesn't work for you?12:46
niranjanDuring service pack update, my 16.04 suddenly dropped to prompt which seems to be grub prompt. Can no longer reboot.12:46
niranjanAny action on grub prompt says secure boot forbids loading module12:47
piksuWith any operating system, when the internet is down you can not access the internet. Thats basically it.12:47
tomreynniranjan: consider disabling "secure boot" in your BIOS / UEFI until you have this worked out (or in general).12:48
Fluffieverything does not work. every now and then I get stuck in a problem and end up in searching for a fix in the net for hours. I am so fed up with this shit over and over again12:48
niranjan@tomreyn, will try that, but why would working laptop suddenly change the mode12:49
tomreynFluffi: again, please stop using this language. also be aware we cannot help your with getting into a better moood, we can only help you solve well described issues here.12:50
tomreynniranjan: because of unsigned 3rd party kernel modules12:51
niranjan@tomreyn, thank you, that makes sense. Seems like my bios does not have option to enable/disable secure boot. Researching on that12:52
FluffiI am not contend with the overall situation. Why does everything in ubuntu needs a manual fix. This is such a damn time consumption12:52
BluesKajFluffi, do you expect an automtic fix?...We all would prefer that too, but there's really no such thing12:54
vltFluffi: What did you do after the standard installation that now needs a manual fix?12:55
vltFluffi: Can you give one example? What was the last bash command so well hidden that you had to search for it for hours?12:56
Fluffimy automatic fix is using windows. but sadly i can not use it. later i need to activate cuda. I have nightmares even to think about the massive amount of problems there will be activating it in ubuntu12:59
BluesKajusing windows is no fix for linux, just for you13:00
akikanybody know how to set the pulseaudio-equalizer as default? it keeps falling back to the non-eq sink for me13:01
akiksorry wrong channel13:03
almynic@tomreyn I did hd on bashrc and profile no special characters are there13:03
vltHas Fluffi phrased an actual problem yet?13:04
niranjanI tried disabling secure boot as @tomreyn suggested, looks like grub was able to see the disks, but no progress.13:04
tomreynniranjan: so what is the error message now, or what happens?13:07
niranjan@tomreyn, behavior is exactly same as before, it drops in grub shell. Says error you need to load kernel first13:08
tomreynniranjan: that's a different message than you reported earlier: "Any action on grub prompt says secure boot forbids loading module"13:08
niranjanOnly difference is after disabling secure boot, grub is able to see the disk. So commands like ls seem to be working13:08
niranjan@toreyn, yes, the message is different, now grub is able to see the disk(s), but still not booting.13:10
tomreynalmynic: hmm not sure then. maybe try the other files which are read when opening a new terminal, too13:10
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tomreynniranjan: i think you will need to either boot from an ubuntu installer image and chroot into your existing on-disk installation and fix it this way (which is a little complicated but someone ehre might be happy to guide you, not i).13:15
tomreynniranjan: or you could reinstall, but if you have /home on the same partition / file system as / (the root file system), whchih is the default desktop configuration, then you'd loose your data, too.13:16
niranjan@tomreyn trying instructions at https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2007743. May be that will help. What concerns me is no vmlunz file, but I see vmlunz.old and intrd.img.old files.13:16
tomreynniranjan: situations like you have occur when you try to manually customize the boot process, use low quality third party packages or mix packages from different releases.13:17
tomreyni'm just saying this so you'll know what to be awar eof in the future.13:17
tomreynniranjan: when you said "during service pack update", you probably meant that you installed ubuntu updates?13:19
almynic:tomreyn executing  /bin/bash  gives the error [2~: command not found so I think this is the problem13:19
niranjan@tomreyn - yes yesterday I got prompt for service update. It has one grub update too if I remember correctly13:19
tomreynalmynic: doh, that's weird. did your disk run full maybe? df -h13:20
tomreynalmynic: make sure you dont reboot before this issue is solved.13:20
niranjanOtherwise, I have never played with boot settings. Only packages from official repos.13:21
almynictomreyn: no it's not full,  71% is used.13:21
tomreynalmynic: which ubuntu release is this? lsb_release -sd13:22
almynicUbuntu 16.04.4 LTS, I use GNOME Flavour13:23
tomreynniranjan: hmm this is strange then indeed. here's how to recover an existing installation from a live / installer cd / dvd / usb stick chroot https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure13:24
tomreynalmynic: what does this output? ls -l /bin/bash13:25
almynictomreyn: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1037528 Mai 16  2017 /bin/bash13:27
tomreynalmynic: i have the same size and date (also on 16.04.4, amd64), so i suspect it'S still something else that's getting in the way.13:29
TJ-almynic: check the file integrity with: "cd /; md5sum --quiet --check /var/lib/dpkg/info/bash.md5sums"13:30
TJ-almynic: if that doesn't report a problem at least we know the executable is not corrupt13:30
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almynictj: no problem reported13:31
TJ-almynic: that's a good sign. do you get the same error if you do "/bin/bash"13:32
TJ-almynic: so, that suggests a binfmt issue (that's how the kernel detects how to handle an executable)13:32
tomreynalmynic: what does this output? echo PATH: $PATH; echo LD_PRELOAD: $LD_PRELOAD; echo LDD:;ldd /bin/bash13:34
tomreyn!paste | almynic13:34
ubottualmynic: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:34
tomreynTJ-: got more suggestions? i'm not sure how to diagnose this properly.13:34
TJ-tomreyn: I'm digging currently... almynic try: "strace -f -o /tmp/bash-strace.log /bin/bash"  then after it fails do "pastebinit /tmp/bash-strace.log" and give us the URL13:35
tomreyncould bit be related to bash-completion, too?13:36
almynic!pastebinit https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SBQCBcwfTv/13:37
almynichere is the output it produced13:37
tomreynalmynic: looks fine to me, maybe try what TJ did13:39
TJ-tomreyn: if we're using the direct path /bin/bash the current shell should just pick that up... hmmm, unless the current shell is also bash and it's hash table is bad. almynic Do "hash" and tell us if it lists 'bash' as one of it's entries, and if so, what path it shows for that bash13:39
TJ-tomreyn: oh hang on I think we may be being misled here!! I suspect bash is executing fine but something in one of it's startup scripts is bad. The error is " [2~: command not found" which looks like a PS string or simialar13:41
TJ-almynic: does "/bin/bash --norc" work ?13:43
tomreyngood job :)13:44
tomreynand sorry, but i have to go. will be back in an hour or, more likely, two.13:44
almynictj: yes that works13:45
TJ-almynic: YAY! That means that you've likely made some change to $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.profile or $HOME/.bash_aliases that has a syntax error in it13:46
TJ-almynic: do you recall editing any of those files recently?13:47
almynicTJ: I just freshly set up profile and bashrc  from scratch I didn't touch .bash_aliases13:49
stillunt1tledi wonder how many of these are just people too lazy to remove this from their autojoin13:49
TJ-almynic: what do you mean "freshly set up" - those files are auto-generated when a user account is created. Do you mean you have made changes to them?13:50
almynicyes i made some changes13:50
TJ-almynic: OK, well, those changes have errors in them, so you need to look careful at your changes and figure out what is wrong and fix it13:51
almynicTJ: ok how do I do that the fastest way?13:51
almynicfound it yes ;)13:52
TJ-almynic: you could try sourceing the files into the current environment and seeing if you get the same error. You can use bash's internal tracing to get an idea of which line it might be: Try "set -x; . $HOME/.profile"  (that . is important - it is the 'source' operator, make sure you type it)13:52
TJ-almynic: well done :)13:52
almynicwas in aliases but I didn't touch this file curious.13:53
TJ-almynic: well, at least you've fixed it13:53
almynicTJ: thanks for your help13:54
almynicTJ: have a nice day13:54
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A4L[HELP] When i try to update my Ubuntu from 14.04 LTS to  the latest version 16.06 LTS using built in Updater, it says http://ovca.ml/popup.png, after showing release notes. What to do?13:58
uGotZeStuffim  trying to run an ubuntu on virtual box and i get the error message 'This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU. Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU'. What does this mean13:58
A4LuGotZeStuff: i think it only supports 64-bit processor13:59
A4LuGotZeStuff: and youve got 32-bit13:59
uGotZeStuffwhat does13:59
A4LuGotZeStuff: u using windows14:00
A4LuGotZeStuff: ?14:00
TJ-uGotZeStuff: is the host running a 32-bit OS?14:00
A4LuGotZeStuff: download 32-bit ubuntu iso then14:00
uGotZeStuffits running 6414:00
TJ-uGotZeStuff: well, it sounds like you've configured the VirtualBox guest with a 32-bit CPU - you should be able to change that to 64-bit14:01
TJ-uGotZeStuff: otherwise, as A4L said, use a 32-bit Ubuntu ISO14:01
A4LuGotZeStuff: download 64 bit version of vitrual box14:01
joeyfairytaleit only has a unix 32-bit option in the drop down menu14:01
A4LuGotZeStuff: just download http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.4-desktop-i386.iso.torrent14:02
A4LuGotZeStuff: 32bit version f ubuntu14:02
TJ-A4L: in a terminal did you first do "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"14:02
A4Li searched Software Updater in SuperMenu14:03
A4LTJ-: i searched Software Updater in SuperMenu14:03
TJ-A4L: use the terminal and do the commands I showed, then try the release-upgrade afterwards.14:03
A4LTJ-: tnx wait will try now14:04
TJ-A4L: the error is caused, I think, because the release-upgrader requires a later version of apt than is currently installed. It could also be caused if the APT sources haven't enabled the trusty-updates component14:04
A4LTJ-: terminal says http://ovca.ml/terminal.txt14:06
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ked_For when the decision to use just Wayland or Xorg?14:06
TJ-A4L: did you leave the GUI release-upgrader running? Something like that has a lock so close that program first14:07
A4LTJ-: i dont know14:07
A4LTJ-: nevermind, i will just install from the iso file. tnx14:08
Liapt install gstreamer1.0* is not working are there any fixes?14:14
TJ-Li: which Ubuntu release?14:16
gajophey, my PC freezes at "Preparing to install Ubuntu" step during Ubuntu 16.04.4 installation, right after I choose if it should download while installing and whether it should install 3rd party tools/apps14:23
gajoptried all variations and it just gets stuck14:23
jkdrI have two ubuntu linux machines that I rsynced entire / fs from a server. One of them I can log in via gdm to Gnome, the other I cannot for some reason.14:24
jkdrHow can I figure out what the problem is?14:24
jkdrI can log in using i3, but not gnome, possibly because something is misconfigured, or files or missing14:25
jkdrI don't think files are missing, since other than a few exclude in rsync command, everything is synced14:25
TJ-jkdr: the obvious thing would be that gnome requires hardware accelerated compositor support14:28
gajopok so it seems like grub-mount is stuck forever during the installation phase14:29
gajopi'm going to try installing ubuntu server ^_^14:30
SadError256is it safe or at least ok to use Ubuntu Server as main14:31
SadError256gajop: as main pc or an actual server... because I joined because I want to use Ubuntu Server as main :P14:31
gajopi'll try to install it on my laptop14:31
SadError256gajop: as main for a base install or actual server???14:32
gajopthat's because the desktop installation is failing for some reason; normally i wouldn't do it14:32
SadError256because stock ubuntu kind of sucks now14:32
gajopwhy does it suck?14:32
gajopi'm looking at the LTS release14:32
SadError256gajop: wow its wierd that we are both installing Ubuntu server as main at the same time :-P14:32
SadError256gajop: Gnome desktop is bloated, sure you can replace it, but you have to carefully remove all of the Gnome dependencies, its full of stuff I dont want, I would rather use Ubuntu Server like a Main PC distro because it is like Arch with an installer14:33
SadError256I like arch, but I am curious about Ubuntu server14:33
gajopi am moving away from arch as i don't have time to maintain my PC anymore14:34
gajopi just want to use it and don't want it to get in the way14:34
uGotZeStuffI downloaded a 32 bit iso of ubuntu14:34
SadError256gajop: yes it can be a little broken at times.14:34
TJ-SadError256: sure, -server is the base of -desktop with a couple of differences. It doesn't use network-manager for example, but once installed you can add whatever packages you need14:35
SadError256TJ-: ah right. What should I use to connect to the internet14:36
SadError256im at Grandmas and all they have is a 4 inch Ethernet cable XD14:36
SadError256which is quite pointless.14:36
TJ-SadError256: well, depending on what hardware the PC has, -server might have the correct drivers in the installer to get wifi... I cannot recall though whether installer has wpa_supplicant to access WiFi - not a typical scenario :)14:38
TJ-SadError256: what's on the PC right now?14:39
SadError256SadError256: Dell Latitude E6430, Elementary OS, which is Ubuntu 16.0414:39
TJ-SadError256: oh, well that's easier. With an existing Linux you can do a side-by-side install using a chroot assuming the existing OS has network connectivity14:40
TJ-SadError256: or you can do it with a virtual machine on the current OS if you want to run the full installer14:41
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jkdrhttp://dpaste.com/22XRZ4P.txt (FAIL)  and http://dpaste.com/3T4PZ9X.txt (SUCCESS)  -   Both pastebins are from root `cd /var/log; tail -f * */* */*/*` and trimmed to remove unnecessary log data at beginning, including only log data from GDM desktop login attempts to Gnome desktop.  One machine it doesn't work, brings back to login prompt, and the other machine it does work.  Both machines have entire / root filesystem rsynced with a server hosting14:45
jkdrthe system files.  I am confused why one machine isn't able to login to desktop environment.14:45
SadError256jkdr: i havent read your logs yet, but what are your system specs? are you using Nvidia?14:47
TJ-jkdr: did you check the correct ownership of $HOME/.Xauthority on each?14:48
jkdrTJ-, The computer that doesn't boot gnome properly has: VGA compatible controller: Intel graphics, and I was able to boot Gnome in previous ubuntu linux environment.14:48
SadError256TJ-: I can use USB tethering on my Lineage phone, that will give me internet access14:49
jkdrTJ-, $HOME/.Xauthority -rw-r-----+ and same user:group14:49
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jkdrThe + is for extended ACL from rsync server to make files accessible without root privileges14:50
jkdrSadError256, Intel graphics in an Intel NUC14:50
jkdrSadError256, Ah, could it be gpu-related maybe?  The system is designed for a computer with GeForce GTX cards14:51
SadError256jkdr: dumb suggestion, could you try launching using your TTY? (CTRL+ALT+F1-F6), maybe the Gnome session button is broken14:52
jkdrIt works on the machine with the GTX14:52
Sven_vBcan I use a cross-wired ethernet cable as a nullmodem cable instead of setting up elaborate network protocols?14:52
jkdrSadError256, I am not sure what commands to exec to launch gnome from tty14:52
SadError256jkdr: i was just taking suggestion with this https://i.redd.it/h6bj8ju0f0i01.png14:52
SadError256jkdr: type "start" then press "tab"14:53
TJ-jkdr: did you check the $HOME/.xsession-errors14:53
SadError256you should see some options like startx and startgnome, try running some of those that looks like they start the DE14:53
TJ-jkdr: kern.log "compiz[5705]: segfault at 38 ip 00007fc263df4240 sp 00007ffe9013a900 error 4 in libmove.so[7fc263de9000+15000]"14:54
TJ-jkdr: "10:33:07 linuxhostname gnome-session[5662]: gnome-session-binary[5662]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry...."14:54
jkdrTJ-, Thanks, glancing now. http://dpaste.com/2SPGJMD.txt14:54
TJ-jkdr: the compiz crash suggests a GPU driver issue14:55
SadError256TJ-: burning iso with DD now14:56
SadError256TJ-: ** We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry.... ** that is a very funny error output14:57
SadError256TJ-: Boop... done14:58
SadError256goodbye everyone o/14:58
rhn_mk1hi! I have a system with ubuntu 14.04. How do I make sure the supported kernel (3.13) is used and not the newest one (4.2)?15:06
rhn_mk1do I have to write some apt rule15:06
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gustav__bin neu hier, versuche das Sys zu verstehen15:14
rhn_mk1never mind, the system is already using 3.1315:15
gustav__jemand deutsch hier, der mir Hilfe bei Druckerinstall ubuntu geben kann?15:16
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:17
ioriagustav__, but Printers can be a pain, sometimes15:18
gustav__danke ubottu15:19
gustav__thanks ioria15:20
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
ioriagustav__,  ok15:20
uGotZeStuffhow do I get to the command line15:23
EriC^uGotZeStuff: ctrl+alt+t15:24
uGotZeStuffon Ubuntu 1415:24
kostkonuGotZeStuff, open a terminal15:24
uGotZeStuffhow do I get to the terminal15:24
uGotZeStuffi can only see apps15:25
EriC^uGotZeStuff: you already got your answers15:26
EriC^up to you now15:26
uGotZeStuffi want to get to the command line15:26
kostkonuGotZeStuff, you mean TTY?  CTRL+ALT+F1 to F6.   F7 gets you back to the desktop15:27
murphnjMorning all.15:28
kostkonmurphnj, hi15:28
EriC^hello murphnj15:28
murphnjAnyone have a few minutes for a quick upgrade question?15:28
EriC^go ahead15:29
murphnjI am trying to upgrade from zesty to anything current, (actually the beta would be intersting for this vm)15:31
murphnjActually, hold on, I may nbot have read the whole thing, give me a few and I'll see if I can resolve it myself. :)15:31
EriC^murphnj: alright15:31
murphnjEriC^: Thanks for your time, what I saw did not resolve it.15:37
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:37
murphnjI get the error "The repository "..." does no longer have a release file"15:37
uGotZeStuffhow do i close all applications that are running15:38
uGotZeStufffrom the cmd line15:38
kostkonmurphnj, did you update your sources list15:38
kostkonuGotZeStuff, use 'top' or even better  sudo apt install htop  and then with just  'htop'15:38
kostkonuGotZeStuff, oh close15:38
uGotZeStuffyes close15:39
kostkonuGotZeStuff, i misread it as see all apps that are running15:39
murphnjubottu:  Funny how the specifics at the bottom of that page stop at 12.04 I saw the page earlier, and questioned its timeliness.15:39
ubottumurphnj: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:39
uGotZeStuffhow do i close all apps currently running15:39
kostkonuGotZeStuff, well that's a bit broad request what are you trying to do15:39
MickeyGP1378I need some help.15:39
uGotZeStufftrying to install x2go server15:40
kostkonuGotZeStuff, if you kill everything you will most likely kill your user session as well15:40
murphnjkostkon: I'm looking into it, seems I keed to know the name of the target in advnace, and the page for guidance stops well before it.  I'll look into it now.15:40
kostkonmurphnj, ok15:40
ioriamurphnj, if you are on 17.04 , you should not have any problem upgrade to current 17.10 (do-release-upgrade)15:41
kostkonioria, are the 17.04 repos still on?15:41
albertoiNETI can't adjust with FN keys the bright of my laptop. I tested all things of this post  https://askubuntu.com/q/1010405/46565215:41
ioriakostkon, i don't think so15:42
kostkonioria, oh ok15:42
murphnjioria:  No new release found15:42
kostkonuGotZeStuff, and what are the problems you are facing15:43
ioriamurphnj, grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades15:43
murphnjAh, just got a graphical popup to upgrade, which I'll take.15:43
jkdrI see that /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/* contains configuration for Radeon and nVidia, but nothing for Intel. xserver-xorg-video-intel-hwe-16.04 is installed. What provides xorg config files for Intel graphics?15:45
MickeyGP1378Hello, I am trying to boot Ubuntu 17.10.1 from a USB drive using UEFI but I get this beautiful error saying "couldn't open /dev/sr0: No medium found". I tried everything, and it still doesn't want to boot. Some help?15:45
murphnjioria: It was LTS, cnaged to normal15:46
ioriamurphnj, that's better15:46
murphnjIS there an as-easy way to go to the bets (after this upgrade, of course)15:46
ioriamurphnj, sure, but first you need 17.10 installed15:47
murphnjDoing that now.  (Wow, my typos are out of control today)15:47
ioriamurphnj, do-release-upgrade -d15:47
murphnjAh, thanks.15:47
murphnjThanks for the help EriC^ and ioria15:52
murphnjBack to the books, upgrade is taking place now.15:52
MickeyGP1378I still need help, patiently waiting 10 minutes for answers. I am kinda of a unpatient person.15:53
kostkon!patience | MickeyGP1378, exercise some more of it then15:53
ubottuMickeyGP1378, exercise some more of it then: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:53
MickeyGP1378I researched before, entered different forums, tried different solutions. Nothing worked for me. PS: Never expected a "patience" command existed.15:55
kostkonMickeyGP1378, it's more like an advisory15:56
TJ-MickeyGP1378: well, "/dev/sr0" is generally the DVD/CD device... is it possible the PC is booting the installer in ISO-9660+El Torito mode (CD-mode) rather than the expected UEFI mode (where it treats the image as a fixed disk)15:59
TJ-MickeyGP1378: In the PC's manual boot menu does the installer have multiple entries (possibly UEFI, ISO9660, and Legacy/CSM/BIOS) ?16:00
MickeyGP1378That's weird, I downloaded the image using uTorrent (because the thing is not copyrighted and it's safer to torrent it)16:00
MickeyGP1378There is a CSM thing in the BIOS Config16:00
TJ-MickeyGP1378: if the system is UEFI then I'd want to ensure first it is starting the installer in EFI mode and nothing else16:01
TJ-MickeyGP1378: are you using the "Try Ubuntu" session?16:01
MickeyGP1378Yeah, I booted the USB in UEFI mode for obvious reasons, instead of the usual purple background I got GRUB, selected "Try Ubuntu" and then that's when I got the rror16:02
TJ-MickeyGP1378: and it never got to the desktop?16:02
MickeyGP1378I didn't even get some kind of graphical interface, only text-based errors and that's it.16:03
TJ-MickeyGP1378: interestingly, we've seen this for a long time (I recall seeing it on Dell PowerEdge servers back in 2006!) and if I recall correctly, it was something to do with the system not having IDE CD/DVD controller, and getting confused when trying to mount it's compressed root file-system16:04
TJ-MickeyGP1378: whats the make/model of the the PC?16:05
TJ-MickeyGP1378: another question: has any Ubuntu installer ever worked for that PC?16:05
MickeyGP1378It's not a pre-built, I built it myself using parts. The motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P with AMD AM3+ socket running an AMD FX 8300 and 16GB of RAM16:06
MickeyGP1378No, never got the installer to boot, this is my first time though16:06
MickeyGP1378I remember getting it to work on an old Intel LGA1156 machine16:06
kostkonMickeyGP1378, freshly built?16:06
MickeyGP1378Built it in April of 2017, not exactly new.16:06
SomeDamnBodyWhere could I download a corpora of elf binaries compiled with debug information?16:07
SomeDamnBodyI just need something like chrome, firefox, several others. I could use apt-get to download them if possible too.16:07
MickeyGP1378TJ-: Forgot to mention that the revision is 2.x16:09
TJ-MickeyGP1378: thanks, I don't see anything mobo-specific to cause this... I'm looking for similar reports against debian-installer and/or ubiquity (the GUI installer) but so far nothing has matched16:10
MickeyGP1378I'm running the latest BIOS firmware, I highly doubt this has something to do with the motherboard.16:11
TJ-MickeyGP1378: does the error look like this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/47076/usb-boot-problems16:13
TJ-MickeyGP1378: I suspect the answer titled "This stuff really helped me." will help you16:14
DraconiatorWhat is a Linux users favorite drink?16:14
DraconiatorROOT BEER16:14
philip__i have a little problem can anyone help me16:15
TJ-SomeDamnBody: Fro Chrome you'd need to check with Google I guess; if you use chromium you should be able to get the debug symbols via the ddeb servers. some packages ship their debug symbols in the regular archive with  -dbg suffix16:16
SomeDamnBodyddeb servers?16:16
philip__i have setted up an server with ubuntu server with ssh and the internet doesnt work16:16
TJ-SomeDamnBody: debian packages containing just the debug symbols16:16
SomeDamnBodyTJ-: Yeah, I'd like to just pull down a binary for each command16:16
SomeDamnBodyOh ok.16:16
ubottuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures16:16
philip__even sudo apt-get update doesnt work16:17
ioriaphilip__, server 17.10 ?16:17
philip__with raid 516:17
ioriaphilip__,  check /etc/netplan16:17
TJ-SomeDamnBody: ahhh... here we go: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Installing_debug_symbols_manually16:18
philip__it tells me its just an directory16:18
TJ-SomeDamnBody: in particular see the "Non-built-in debug symbol packages (*-dbgsym)" part16:18
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
SomeDamnBodyTJ-: well I'd like to have the binaries that are compiled with debuggins symbols16:19
ioriaphilip__,  ls /etc/netplan16:19
TJ-SomeDamnBody: we don't ship them like that; package binaries are stripped first, the -dbgsym packages contain the symbols, and gdb knows where to look for them when the relevant package is installed16:20
philip__i get back the following: 01-netcfg.yaml16:20
SomeDamnBodyTJ-: ok crud.16:20
SomeDamnBodyIsn't there an apt command to compile a package locally?16:20
AppAraatkostkon: sorry to say but after observing it, it didn't really fix the issue of 100% CPU usage by YT videos. I'll have to conduct further observations to make any meaningful correlations.16:21
ioriaphilip__,  yes, your network is controlled by the config in that file; open it and degub16:21
kostkonAppAraat, oh :(16:21
philip__how can i open and debug sry im a little newcomer i just have a console without gui16:22
AppAraatthat's lyfe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯16:22
TJ-SomeDamnBody: You mean like "apt-get source <package>; sudo apt-get build-dep <package>; cd <package>-<version>; fakeroot debian/rules binary" ?16:22
ioriaphilip__,   nano /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml    (are you sure you want server ed. ?)16:22
ioriaphilip__,   please, read this : https://websiteforstudents.com/configuring-static-ips-ubuntu-17-10-servers/16:23
philip__yes becuz i dont care how long i take becuz i would be so fucking proud of myself if i finish this for myself and yes i just wanna learn16:23
philip__ioria should i take this static ip adress?16:26
ioriaphilip__,   for a server ? i'd say yes16:26
TJ-philip__: you have to configure the network correctly; it will use systemd-networkd, but we have netplan that usually has the network config specification in a /etc/netplan/<file.yaml> which at boot writes a systemd-networkd configuration. See "man netplan"16:26
rmunsonJust a general tap on the shoulder philip__ to watch the language in here bud, it's a G rated group of people. ;-)16:31
philip__how can i exit this nano thing?16:32
philip__actually set up the static ip16:32
TJ-philip__: I think it's Ctrl+X16:33
philip__ah thx16:33
TJ-philip__: if you're getting started and want to learn I'd *highly* recommend reading the man-pages for the commands you use/are going to use, as in "man <program-name>" e.g: "man nano"16:35
TJ-philip__: within 'man' press 'h' to get help to leanr the powerful navigation and search functions16:35
philip__okay thank u very much TJ16:35
philip__i now applied this static ip but it tells me that its invalid16:41
MickeyGP1378I'm back16:42
philip__pls anyone help me16:47
TJ-philip__: did you create a netplan configuration?16:51
MickeyGP1378TJ-: I'm back, I was brb for some time.16:52
=== a_ is now known as alkash
TJ-MickeyGP1378: did any of those solutions work?16:52
philip__what do you mean i just typed that of what ioria sent me16:53
TJ-MickeyGP1378: did you try the solution suggested by ITAdminNC?16:54
MickeyGP1378I didn't see16:54
TJ-philip__: it sounds to me like you're out of your depth at the moment; you need some basic understanding of how to get around in the terminal and shell and what commands to use and how. I'd suggest you install a desktop ubuntu (assuming you're using a local PC with monitor and keyboard) and use that to explore the terminal and get used to it16:55
MickeyGP1378TJ-: Yes, i tried that yesterday, didn't work. I don't even know if i did it wrong.16:55
philip__okay ill do that thx for helping me dude16:55
TJ-MickeyGP1378: I thought that sounded quite a good workaround16:56
MickeyGP1378Also, that is from 2010, Linux has changed a lot since then. Maybe the boot flags were renamed or removed16:56
TJ-MickeyGP1378: no, it hasn't changed16:56
MickeyGP1378Well, i have tried that, didnt work16:57
TJ-MickeyGP1378: Well, without further more accurate debug info there's not a lot else I can suggest16:57
MickeyGP1378I took a picture of the problem16:58
TJ-MickeyGP1378: the "/init" in the error message "/init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found" is the initrd.img's /init shell script, the first thing the kernel executes after loading, and if line 7 is hitting the problem that's very early in the script.16:59
MickeyGP1378it's line 716:59
MickeyGP1378./init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found17:00
MickeyGP1378I put a dot before the slash because the IRC clients thinks it's a command17:00
tanubisUbuntu 17.10 question: I'm experiencing random network failures that I can't seem to find information to troubleshoot.  I have both ethernet and wifi, and after a while both will die.  A reboot will fix the issue, but nothing else seems to.  If I open wireshark, I can't even see arp traffic on the network, and manually fixing my arp table with my router address does nothing.  Restarts of network service manager do not seem to do anything.17:01
tanubis  Any ideas where I could look next?17:01
PSLSanyone else running this on ancient tech?17:09
BluesKajPSLS, how ancient?17:10
MickeyGP1378I think <i'm screwed17:10
MickeyGP1378I don't have 4gb dvd's17:10
PSLSrunning xubuntu on like 6 year old netbook17:11
PSLSmore of a halfbook17:12
PSLSremoved the screen (broken ), removed keyboard (using as a desktop), put some aluminium on the heatsink to avoid overheating17:12
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
PSLSsomehow i get 5 error messages after loggin into xfce desktop17:14
PSLSis that ok?17:14
BluesKaj6yrs old isn't ancient and probly using a BIOS instead of UEFI which is a bonus IMV17:14
PSLSbought it in the year 2013, it was used then17:14
PSLSidk man , AMD C70 APU didnt pass the test of time17:15
PSLSmy past 3 phones were way more powerful than this halftop i got17:16
kobayashirowhat's that17:18
kostkonPSLS, it's not that bad http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i3-3217U-vs-AMD-C-7017:20
BluesKajthat depends how one uses the computer..pcs can still do things a phone can't do, especially display details that are illegible on phones17:20
PSLSa halftop?17:20
kostkonPSLS, yours is a frankenlaptop17:21
PSLSkostkon, well , it generates a lot of heat which throttles it.17:21
PSLSi need to find a cooling solution so i can use it properly, normal usage + downloading and im sitting on 90+ C17:22
BluesKajmodded heatsinks ;-)17:22
PSLSno , its a halftop, franken would have more stuff17:23
PSLSi hot couple pieces of aluminium with some surface are on top of measly heatsink17:23
PSLSi doesnt randomly shut down anymore17:23
AppAraatIIRC the AMD mobile APUs don't have such great support. Not sure if that's still the case with more recent kernels however.17:24
kostkonAppAraat, could be also that17:24
PSLSapparaat , it didnt really improve17:26
AppAraatwhat did you try?17:26
PSLSi mean the optimisation on ubuntu17:27
PSLSits the same level17:27
AppAraatwhat do you mean by "optimisation on ubuntu"?17:27
TJ-MickeyGP1378: if you have the busybox shell prompt when it fails, there's a debug log file you can examine. "cat /run/initramfs/initramfs.debug"17:27
PSLSe.g still getting error messages on startup, still way worse video performance on linux than windows etc17:28
MickeyGP1378Yeah, that happens, I can't use the USB right now because my brothers are using it for something...17:28
MickeyGP1378I get the busybox prompt17:28
AppAraatPSLS: have you tried running a more modern kernel?17:30
TJ-MickeyGP1378: I did some experiements here with an 18.04 image but I cannot identify  a script file that has a line 7 (or close) that could emit that error, but the debug log file records the script using the shell +x which writes each line before it is executed so if you can find the error message in it, you can see the commands leading up to it, and we should be able to figure out which script is17:30
TJ-responsible from that17:31
AppAraatPSLS: or different kernels in general. What distro(s) have you tried on it?17:31
TJ-PSLS: if it has thermal issues that would point towards some ACPI issue17:32
PSLSAppAraat, i've tried most ubuntu based distros since year 2013, on couple occasions fedora, open suse ( it was somehow more stable than buntu)17:32
PSLSTJ, ive noticed similar problems occur on windows, so i guess its the aging hardware17:33
PSLSand more needy software17:33
xcyclistI got a corrupt virtualbox it seems, and apt-get remove --purge virtualbox, and then a reinstall did not fix it it appears.17:34
MickeyGP1378_Why did my nickname change17:34
PSLSMickey it seems theres 2 of you17:36
TJ-MickeyGP1378_: presumably you didn't disconnect/quit properly and your previous nickname is still active17:36
TJ-MickeyGP1378_: Does the PC have a CD/DVD drive ?17:36
BluesKajit is since an underscore was added17:36
MickeyGP1378__Spoiler alert: I ***DONT*** have CD's17:37
=== MickeyGP1378__ is now known as MickeyGP1378
PSLSCD's.. ancient technology i last used about 6 years ago17:38
TJ-MickeyGP1378__: right... I've not a theory that for some reason the script thinks it booted from /dev/sr0 (the DVD) rather than from /dev/sda, it gets that from the PC firmware via the kernel, so I'm trying to see if there's way we can detect that and fix it17:38
TJ-s/not/got/ !!17:38
AppAraatPSLS: try one of those Arch / Manjaro distros, they often have really recent kernels. Otherwise yeah, those laptops are not really well versed against the modern Web 2.Bloat17:38
MickeyGP1378TJ-: What if I psysically disconnect the CD drive?17:38
MickeyGP1378I **barely** even use it so I don't care17:39
TJ-MickeyGP1378: won't help; this is due to the EFI firmware indicating the system is booting from DVD when it actually boots from USB mass storage, so the init script tries to mount the DVD (which doesn't exist)17:39
MickeyGP1378Then what should I do17:39
TJ-MickeyGP1378: I'm trying to identify the scripts responsible, to see if there's some way to influence them17:40
xcyclistSo instead I guess I completely reinstall ubuntu 16.04 instead.  Oh well...17:40
Sander^homeHi. Which channel have phone support for ubuntu phones?17:41
PSLS<AppAraat> I am too tired to mess with arch, yet I love breaking and fixing things17:41
AppAraatManjaro IIRC has one you can use as live environment.17:41
Sander^homeI want to find the best phone to flash with ubuntu.17:41
MickeyGP1378tj-: Do you have a 17.10.1 ISO?17:42
TJ-MickeyGP1378: the problem is the error messages come from the system's '/bin/mount' (which is part of busybox) so it doesn't help pinpoint where the scripts go wrong17:42
TJ-MickeyGP1378: possibly somewhere17:42
PSLSSander, nexus 5 hands down17:42
BluesKajArch is ok, if you like that sort of bleeding edge thing it promotes itself to be...personally it was pretty ordinary OS in my experience17:43
PSLSAppAraat , I'll try it when I mess up my current install badly17:43
PSLSthanks for suggestion17:43
ubantuconnect again17:45
ioriaTJ-,  he can try  the  ' root=/dev/sda2 ' parameter  from grub ?17:45
ubantu_i want to know the xubuntu17:49
MickeyGP1378How do I change my color17:49
MickeyGP1378I dont like pink17:49
ubantu_i have just install the fresh os17:49
ubantu_which color17:49
MickeyGP1378ubantu_: Join the xubuntu channeñ17:49
MickeyGP1378orange is my fav17:49
sander^homeis the nexus 5 just as durable as the EQ 4.5?17:50
ubantu_please tell me the basic things which is required after the installation of os17:51
MickeyGP1378ubantu_: You need to do sudo apt-get update17:51
MickeyGP1378Very important17:52
xcyclistI tried this in the kernel groups, but nobody was there any of the three times I tried, so please forgive if I try here:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Qbv5M7W8xt/17:52
MickeyGP1378go to the terminal and do it17:52
ubantu_MickeyGP1378 :- thanks after that?17:54
sander^homeI get kicked out of #ubuntu-touch17:54
PSLSsudo apt-get upgrade17:55
PSLSsander, why?17:55
TJ-_McGuyver: did you create the installer USB image using usb-creator?17:56
TJ-MickeyGP1378: did you create the installer USB image using usb-creator?17:57
terminalatorHow does one fix the following issue: "/usr/bin/curl-config: 1: /usr/bin/curl-config: krb5-config: not found"?18:00
xcyclistRegarding virtualbox, does anyone know if installing lxc, qemu-kvm and virtualbox all on the same machine has any affect one ruining the other install?18:03
MickeyGP1378Downloading Puppy Linux, hope it works18:03
MickeyGP1378TJ-: ^18:03
martina1Hi there. I have a problem with an Ubuntu-Version. Zesty is installed but I don't see the upgrade to 17.10. I get error messages like "The repository 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-backports Release' does not have a Release file." That doesn't make sense, I think. Shouldn't the release files for this version still be available? Or what am I mssing?18:05
TJ-MickeyGP1378: I've found a related bug #50082218:05
ubottubug 500822 in Ubuntu "/init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50082218:05
MickeyGP1378But how do i fix it then?18:07
TJ-MickeyGP1378: it seems what you see is a by-product and not the actual problem, which is why it is so confusing. What is actually happening is casper script is in a loop waiting for the installer device to apepar and repeatedly checks all devices... for some reason, on some systems, it requires a very long timeout (about 5 minutes) until the device is found... the message you see is just the CDROM device18:07
TJ-being tested for it, it has no bearing on the issue18:07
=== coder is now known as Guest45715
MickeyGP1378I have waited a long time, doesnt boot, the "farthest" thing i get is busybox showing an error18:09
TJ-MickeyGP1378: from reading the source-code I suspect it's caused in ./scripts/casper-helpers::find_cow_device() where there's a comment warning it can wait up to half hour if a device doesn't exist18:09
MickeyGP1378I'm getting a bit angry, trying to get Linux to work JUST to run a terminal command and all of this. Great.18:10
ioriaMickeyGP1378,   are you trying to install from usb or you get busybox from your installation ?18:10
MickeyGP1378trying to install from usb = yes18:11
TJ-MickeyGP1378: what's already installed on the PC? existing file-systems can cause this too18:11
MickeyGP1378get busybox after waiting 5 minutes = yes18:11
ioriaMickeyGP1378,   and you got :   /init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found18:11
ioriastdin: Not a typewriter    ?18:11
MickeyGP1378got that = yes18:11
MickeyGP1378i have windows 1018:11
ioriaMickeyGP1378,   do you get to the main menu (try, install, etc. etc .) ?18:13
MickeyGP1378I get the grub thing18:13
ioriaMickeyGP1378,   grub prompt >     ?18:14
tgm4883MickeyGP1378: you're trying to get Linux to work JUST to run a terminal command?18:16
ioriaMickeyGP1378,   if you manage to have an editable kernel boot line, you can try to append a parameter:   live-media=/dev/sdb118:20
EriC^MickeyGP1378: try typing "normal" and press enter or "configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg"18:20
sander^homeAnyone have a way to debug why internet on ubuntu phone dosnt work with both 3g and wlan?18:22
MickeyGP1378_I'm back18:22
MickeyGP1378_i was brb18:22
MickeyGP1378_tgm4883: yes18:23
=== novice is now known as ghe
MickeyGP1378_ioria: No, I get some kind of multi-boot Grub thing saying "Try Ubuntu without installing" and some others18:24
ioriaMickeyGP1378,   that's the Main menu18:24
ioriaMickeyGP1378,   from there you can change the kernel boot line18:24
MickeyGP1378_And yes I can press E and edit the boot flags18:24
MickeyGP1378_I call it "boot flags" but whatever, i get the idea18:25
ioriaMickeyGP1378,   append at the end     live-media=/dev/sdb118:25
ctrlaltdelicioushey guys can you see what im typing18:25
MickeyGP1378_before the -- or after?18:25
MickeyGP1378_there are some -- at the end18:25
ioriaMickeyGP1378,   before those18:25
MickeyGP1378_should i delete something?18:25
ctrlaltdeliciouscan someone tell me if they can read this? i just installed hexchat18:26
tgm4883!test | ctrlaltdelicious18:26
ubottuctrlaltdelicious: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...18:26
MickeyGP1378_ioria: I have tried that too, doesnt work18:26
MickeyGP1378_yesterday I tried EVERYTHING18:26
ctrlaltdelicious!test | ctrlaltdelicious18:27
ubottuctrlaltdelicious, please see my private message18:27
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  maybe it's not sdb1, how many disks do you have ?18:27
MickeyGP1378_all kind of storage media or just hard drives?18:27
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  all18:27
MickeyGP1378_dvd drive and hard drive18:28
MickeyGP1378_so it would be two18:28
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  how did you do the usb stick ?18:28
MickeyGP1378_i plug it in the back of the motherboard, pressed f12 on BIOS POST, selected UEFI SanDisk blablabla and then got the grub multi-boot thing, after selecting "try ubuntu without installing", i get the error.18:29
TJ-ioria: from what I can tell this is a udev/blkid timeout problem... it's supposed to loop on all block devices looking for the live file-system, but some device/file-system causes it to hang, or else the device is not discovered.18:29
tgm4883MickeyGP1378_: so after you run the one command on Linux, are you done with Linux? Would the windows subsystem for looks work for this?18:30
MickeyGP1378_i created it with rufus and linuxlive usb creator18:30
diffHi! My current setup does not include a wireless network card. Can I just plug it in or do I need to reinstall system?18:30
MickeyGP1378_tgm4883: I am trying to do something with the boot list (i want to remove some entries) but i need linux for it, that's why i need a live usb image18:31
ioriaTJ-, can't we point it to the right device from grub ?18:31
TJ-ioria: I think it's more fundamental... it looks like the block device node has not been created by udev,due to it hanging18:32
TJ-ioria: I'd love to be able to recreate this but it seems it needs particular hardware and/or unique devices/file-systems to provoke it18:32
=== MickeyGP1378_ is now known as MickeyGP1378
TJ-Some people report it hands due to trying to detect a missing floppy disk, but the code I'm looking at in 18.04 specifically avoids /dev/fd* devices18:33
TJ-MickeyGP1378: test works18:33
MickeyGP1378How do I change my color, I dont like pink18:33
MickeyGP1378TJ-: What's "18.04"18:34
MickeyGP1378they released it?18:34
MickeyGP1378or is it a beta18:34
ioriaMickeyGP1378, are you booting 18.04 ?18:35
MickeyGP1378hell no18:35
TJ-MickeyGP1378: the code is basically the same, it's not changed much in 10 years :)18:35
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  try    live-media=/dev/sdb     (without the partition number)18:36
MickeyGP1378ioria: Wait a sec, I need to create the live usb again, I had to format it and use it for something else (dont ask)18:36
ioriai don't ask18:36
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  use rufus18:37
TJ-ioria: I'm wondering if from the busybox prompt we could manually create the node, with "mknod /dev/sdb  b 8 1"18:38
MickeyGP1378ioria: I have looked in a linux mint forum and some guy says that if i have 2 storage media i should use /dev/sdc118:38
MickeyGP1378which /dev/ thing should i use18:38
ioriaTJ-, mmm, idk18:38
TJ-ioria: that'd work around a hung udev at least :)18:38
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  already done the usb ?18:38
ioriaTJ-,  sure18:38
MickeyGP1378ioria: No, still rocking usb 2.0, dont expect much :p18:39
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  we'll wait18:39
MickeyGP1378my flash drive doesnt want to format18:39
MickeyGP1378windows is complaining...18:40
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  rufus will do that18:40
xcyclistOk, it looks like I have something else wrong, because I completely reinstalled ubuntu on this machine, and only installed chromium, virtualbox, and downloaded ubuntu server 16.04 as additions, and the second I try to start the well configured install I have configured many times in vbox, it locks up the machine.18:40
xcyclistSo, I believe there may be a bios setting I need.18:40
MickeyGP1378windows was unable to complete the format. great!18:40
MickeyGP1378diskmgmt.msc to the rescue18:40
TJ-ioria: the other possibility is the USB mass storage driver isn't detecting the device18:41
ioriaTJ-,  ok, but should work in live mode, no ?18:42
DraconiatorXubuntu is an awesome OS in itself but it's so darn different....I look in the file manager and it's like looking at an alien world.18:42
ioriaDraconiator, you can install other FMs18:43
MickeyGP1378ioria: Ok, Rufus is doing it's work right now18:43
MickeyGP1378Can you please tell me which boot flag should i use, i forgot18:44
MickeyGP1378This pink color is bothering me18:44
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  first try again with    live-media=/dev/sdb1     then we try without the part num18:45
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  boot in 'Try Mode'18:45
xcyclistFirst glance at bios, it appears nothing is bad.  This is a Dell laptop.  Suggestions on settings for bios or otherwise for vbox use welcome.18:46
MickeyGP1378And then, if /sdb/ (without a number) doesnt work, i try with /sdc1/ right?18:46
ioriaMickeyGP1378, well, in that case i whould be out :þ18:46
MickeyGP1378my computer doesnt speak �language18:47
MickeyGP1378i litteraly got this: �18:47
iorianever mind18:47
MickeyGP1378usb is ready18:47
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  boot it and select 'try without installing'18:48
MickeyGP1378with the boot flags?18:48
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  nope18:48
MickeyGP1378how many times do i have to say that doing it without flags, **D O E S N O T** work18:48
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  one more time18:49
MickeyGP1378oh well18:49
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  busy box ?18:50
MickeyGP1378i'm doing something not related to this18:50
clincksHi, I'm trying to install rudder. But I get an error when lauching command apt-get that says: " The repository 'http://www.rudder-project.org/apt-4.3 artful Release' does not have a Release file.". ANy idea how to fix that ? Thanks18:56
TJ-clincks: as the rudder archive maintainers; likely they don't build for artful18:58
clincksTJ ? I don't get you... I followed step by step the documentation18:59
clincksWhat is "artful" ?18:59
cheguacamolevery stylish clincks19:00
cheguacamoledoing something creatively to achieve an overall style19:00
ioriaclincks, looks like the latest build is for xenial : http://www.rudder-project.org/apt-repos/4.2.4/dists/19:01
MickeyGP1378ioria: I'm busy, doing things. Will do the ubuntu thing soon19:02
sander^homeThanks for beeing silence about the ubuntu-phone, I just managed to get up the wlan and mobile cell network... but kinda pity that #ubuntu-touch is closed down :-(19:02
TJ-ioria: I notice the casper scripts do 'udevadm settle' and it's man-page says the default timeout: ...seconds to wait for the event queue to become empty. The default value is 120 seconds" .. if that is being repeatedly called in the loop that'd explain the symptoms. We probably need to pass --timeout option with a short timeout19:02
ioriaTJ-, i think so, yes19:03
TJ-clincks: obviously not, rudder doesn't have a pocket for the 'artful' 17.10 release19:04
clincksAh ok, artful is a version of ubuntu... I got it now. I will reinstall with the corect version of ubuntu. Thanks for your help19:04
TJ-ioria: question then is *why* is the kernel's event queue taking so long to clear that it hits such a timeout... again that suggests 'udevd' is hung on something19:05
TJ-clincks: if you look here you'll see all the releases it supports; looks like a mix of Debian and Ubuntu http://www.rudder-project.org/apt-4.3/dists/19:05
ioriaTJ-, at first sight, i'd say something hw related, but really idk19:06
TJ-It could be a binary being executed by a udev rule I think19:07
clincksWhat is the latest version of ubuntu supported ? Xenial ? To with version number of ubuntu it refer ? Thanks19:08
clincks16.04 ?19:08
ioriaclincks, you want the latest supported by rudder, yes, 16.0419:10
ioriaTJ-, timeout option sounds  good19:13
leruHi, on ubuntu 16.04 LTS the dash closes when i enter q. how to prevent this?19:14
kostkonleru, that's a new one19:15
kostkonleru, check in your keyboard prefs if you've set q to act as the super key19:16
clincksiora, thanks. Annother question... I do have a corei7... if I well understand I have to do<nload the i386 32 bits ? The other option is64 bits but limited to AMD. Did I understood right ???19:17
ioriaclincks, nope, if you have an intel icore 7, go with 64bit19:18
lerukostkon, especially an annoying one. does ubuntu have any other keyboard prefs than the one in the system settings?19:19
ioriaclincks, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/53415/why-are-64-bit-distros-often-called-amd6419:19
kostkonleru, other gui prefs no, other ways to set keyboard shortcuts i'm guessing yes19:20
clincksiora, thanks... will be a little bit less stupid tonight19:21
ioriaclincks, no problem19:21
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TaylroxGood evening all.19:22
lerukostkon, i suppose q is not working as a super key since it does only close the dash19:22
clincksBy the way, I should ask before installing rudder... is rudder doing good job ? They are so many doing the same... not sure what to choose19:24
kostkonleru, you could try resetting unity/compiz but you'll lose any customisations. everything will revert to defaults19:24
ioriaclincks, never used, sorry19:25
leruwill try. brb19:25
clincksiora, used another similar ?19:25
ioriaclincks, nope19:26
lerukostkon, compiz reset didn't help19:26
lerusame goes for the alt menu for every program19:27
clincksany idea why I'm not able to post on ##linux channel ?19:28
ioria!info chef | clincks19:28
ubottuclincks: chef (source: chef): systems integration framework - clients. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.14.60-3 (artful), package size 639 kB, installed size 4205 kB19:28
clincksiora, I wasreading about chef also... it is in my short list. But not sure who is best... seems rudder is easy to use19:29
kostkonleru, you could try resetting your gnome configs.19:30
ioriaclincks, rudder is an 'external' package, so you wont get any help19:30
clincksioria, is "chef" an internal package ?19:31
ioriaclincks, yes19:31
ioriaclincks, take a look : https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-install-and-configure-chef-on-ubuntu-1704/      should work on 16.04 too19:32
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ioriaclincks, you can skip the 'Download' part clearly19:34
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lerukostkon, no. this didn't do anything about my q19:35
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kostkonleru, and you have logged out after each change19:36
lerukostkon, i did19:37
clincksioria, thanks will give a try19:38
albertoiNETCan't change brightness in my laptop. Any can help me?  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1010405/the-brightness-of-laptop-screen-cannot-be-adjusted-with-either-the-buttons-or-th/101155719:38
ioriaclincks, good luck19:38
martina1Hello. Important question. As long as a distribution-update is running and the computer is still in the process of unpacking things, nothing has been installed, right?19:38
tgm4883martina1: no19:40
tgm4883martina1: that is incorrect19:40
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martina1tgm4883: Okay. I wasn't sure.19:40
MickeyGP1378Hi im back19:40
MickeyGP1378ioria: hi19:41
MickeyGP1378Didnt work19:41
ioriaMickeyGP1378, what exactly ?19:42
MickeyGP1378Didnt get the /dev/sr0/ error this time, just a blinking bar, after 5 minutes i got the busybox prompt saying that it couldnt find any live media19:43
MickeyGP1378Got it this time19:43
MickeyGP1378what should i do19:43
TJ-MickeyGP1378: it's currently at the initramfs busybox  shell?19:44
MickeyGP1378Only if i could send images19:44
ioriaMickeyGP1378, ls -l /dev/sd*      do you see any usb (sdb) ?19:45
ioriaMickeyGP1378, ls -l /dev/sd*19:45
Sladeis netplan an ubuntu only thing really?19:46
MickeyGP1378I just see /init: can't open bzguoehxpxrhorx19:46
MickeyGP1378And the busybox prompt19:46
MickeyGP1378Oh wait19:46
MickeyGP1378Ok i got this19:46
Sladeubuntu and docker seem to hate19:46
MickeyGP1378Brw------- 1 8, 4 /dev/sda419:47
TJ-check if there's a log file: "ls -l /run/initramfs/initramfs.debug"19:47
MickeyGP1378I see sda through sda419:47
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  usb is usually sdb19:47
MickeyGP1378Sda, sda1, sda2, sda3, sda419:48
TJ-MickeyGP1378: OK, so /dev/sda is the fixed disk... and the USB device isn't there19:48
MickeyGP1378Dont see sdb19:48
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  wait a bit19:48
TJ-MickeyGP1378: check if there's a log file: "ls -l /run/initramfs/initramfs.debug"19:48
MickeyGP1378Ls: /run/blablablablabla no such file or directory19:49
TJ-MickeyGP1378: drat, that would have been really helpful19:49
MickeyGP1378It just says no such file or directory19:50
TJ-MickeyGP1378: try this: "mknod /dev/sdb b 8 1"19:50
MickeyGP1378Did that19:50
MickeyGP1378And nothing happened19:50
TJ-MickeyGP1378: actually no, that'd wrong!19:50
TJ-MickeyGP1378: let's remove that: "rm -f /dev/sdb"19:50
MickeyGP1378Nothing happened again19:51
TJ-MickeyGP1378: then do "mknod /dev/sdb 8 16"19:51
TJ-MickeyGP1378: then do "blkid /dev/sdb"19:51
MickeyGP1378Ok i see this19:51
MickeyGP1378Usage: mknod sjpsgoushpjhghps19:52
TJ-MickeyGP1378: generally, on Linux, a command not returning anything means it was successful. It'll get verbose if something goes wrong19:52
TJ-MickeyGP1378: sorry, my typo!19:52
TJ-MickeyGP1378: then do "mknod /dev/sdb b 8 16"  (I missed out the 'b' )19:52
TJ-MickeyGP1378: then do "blkid /dev/sdb"19:52
TJ-MickeyGP1378: tell us what it reports, if anything19:52
MickeyGP1378It doesnt say anythibg19:53
TJ-MickeyGP1378: OK, so that tells us although we've created the node there is no hardware discovered for it19:53
MickeyGP1378Now what?19:54
TJ-MickeyGP1378: try this: "modprobe usb_storage"19:54
MickeyGP1378No verbose19:54
MickeyGP1378And yes i do know what verbose id19:54
TJ-MickeyGP1378: in theory that should have dicovered the USB device, try: "dmesg | tail"19:54
MickeyGP1378This is so long19:55
MickeyGP1378It did somethibf19:55
MickeyGP1378I can't write it all19:55
TJ-MickeyGP1378: that'll show the last few kernel messages; do you see anything indicating a new USB storage device was discovered19:55
MickeyGP1378The last this is19:55
MickeyGP1378Registered new usb interface driver19:55
TJ-MickeyGP1378: this is the kind of thing you'd expect to see if a USB device is found: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3m5ymYySM7/19:56
MickeyGP1378I dont see any mount thibg19:57
TJ-MickeyGP1378: now try unplugging and plugging in the USB key19:58
TJ-MickeyGP1378: then redo the "dmesg | tail"19:58
MickeyGP1378The busybox prompt is gone19:58
MickeyGP1378Unable to enumerate usb device19:58
leagrisCan I have some help fixing weird permission denied from Inkscape reading and writing to its /home/username/.config/inkscape directory?19:59
TJ-MickeyGP1378: OK, that's interesting, that suggests the device was recognised earlier so it's seen it disappear19:59
MickeyGP1378Last thing is unable to enumerate usb device20:00
leagrisIt is Apparmor denying access to Inkscape to its own config20:00
leagrisHow should I fix this Apparomr issue?20:00
TJ-MickeyGP1378: Without being in front of the PC it's almost impossible to remotely diagnose/fix this; obviously something unique about that PC and/or what's on it is causing this since the problem is seen so rarely, but we've about exhausted what we can usefully investigate20:01
MickeyGP1378I did the ls command again20:01
MickeyGP1378And i see something new20:01
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  let's try again with the kernel parameter ?20:02
TJ-MickeyGP1378: generally I can wrestle a system into submission but for boot issues like this I need to be in front of it20:02
MickeyGP1378Brw-r--r-- 1 8, 16 /dev/sdb20:02
TJ-MickeyGP1378: what do you see? anything about the USB storage being discovered?20:02
TJ-MickeyGP1378: we created /dev/sdb ... but try "blkid /dev/sdb" in case there's now something on the end of it20:02
TJ-MickeyGP1378: no reply?20:03
MickeyGP1378No verbose20:03
TJ-MickeyGP1378: if there was a device there blkid would tell you all about it20:03
MickeyGP1378Where can we talk where we can send images20:03
MickeyGP1378Its just easier to explain with images20:04
TJ-I think we used to have a factoid for posting images20:04
TJ-ioria: ^^^^ any ideas?20:04
ioriaTJ-, only change usb port or kernel boot parameter20:04
MickeyGP1378TJ-: i will ctrl+alt+del ok?20:05
ducasseTJ-: imgur is what we usually use20:05
TJ-MickeyGP1378: sure20:05
TJ-ducasse: thanks! I couldn't remember the name20:05
MickeyGP1378Will post imgur links20:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:05
ioriaoh, yes20:06
ioriaalso http://tinypic.com/index.php20:06
MickeyGP1378! post20:07
ioriano post,  !paste20:07
TJ-!screenshots > TJ-20:07
ubottuTJ-, please see my private message20:07
MickeyGP1378!post https://i.imgur.com/ZF7Ew1R.jpg20:10
MickeyGP1378TJ-: ^20:10
ioriawe already know that20:11
TJ-MickeyGP1378: seen it, yes, from the last line "Unable to find a medium..." plus the earlier search for the device we know the USB device isn't being found correctly20:11
TJ-MickeyGP1378: Because USB isn't working we have no way to get the kernel log (dmesg) off to investigate why20:12
TJ-It's too early for any network ability20:12
MickeyGP1378I give up20:12
MickeyGP1378I will try with puppy linux20:12
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  let's try again with the kernel parameter ? (2)20:12
MickeyGP1378Which parameters20:12
adalbertQuestion: I want to export a running ubuntu installation to a virtualbox image, how do I proceed ?20:12
ioriaMickeyGP1378,  live-media=/dev/sdb20:13
ioriaMickeyGP1378, have you tried other usb ports, right ?20:14
TJ-ioria: it won't help; the device isn't there. I suspect udevd is hung running a binary or similar so isn't creating the device nodes20:14
ioriaTJ-, yep, i k20:14
ioriaMickeyGP1378, do it, please20:14
MickeyGP1378Lemme try this with another port20:14
TJ-MickeyGP1378: ioria's idea to try another USB port is a good one... try a front port if it has them20:14
TJ-MickeyGP1378: usually we see problems with front ports not working but rear ports OK... maybe your's is different20:15
MickeyGP1378I have front ports but my usb flash drive is broken and i need to put it in a very specific place and gravity otherwise it will not work20:15
MickeyGP1378The plastics brokw20:15
TJ-HUH!?! now you tell us the USB device itself has a problem?20:16
MickeyGP1378It works20:16
MickeyGP1378But the plastic is broken and i need to put it in a very specific place with specific gravity20:16
MickeyGP1378Yes, gravity20:16
TJ-well yes it has booted but maybe there's something upsets the Linux kernel that the firmware ignores :D20:17
MickeyGP1378Ok i put the usb in another port20:17
TJ-MickeyGP1378: what you describe suggests there is a solder break on the connector of the USB device20:17
MickeyGP1378It f*cking works20:17
TJ-MickeyGP1378: it worked?20:17
* TJ- pops the Champagne20:17
TJ-MickeyGP1378: you built this PC? :p20:18
ioriadesktop ?20:18
ioriai see20:19
MickeyGP1378Dont even know why it didn't want to boot with the other port even tho i cant get that port working in windows20:19
ioriaMickeyGP1378, what linux command you intended to run  ?20:21
MickeyGP1378I Hackintoshed my pc before20:22
ioriaTJ-, let's go to drink20:22
MickeyGP1378But there are some entries in the boot list that i want to remove20:22
MickeyGP1378How do i format a partitio20:22
TJ-ioria: I'm already there :D20:22
TJ-MickeyGP1378: the command 'efibootmgr' can be used to edit the boot menu; see "man efibootmgr" for options20:24
leagrisPlease I need help fixing apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.inkscape.inkscape" name="/home/lea/.config/inkscape/templates20:24
MickeyGP1378How do i mount partitions lel20:25
TJ-leagris: looks like something to do with snaps not being given permission, not sure why not though20:25
leagrisI tried changing the snap profile for inkscape var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap.inkscape20:26
TJ-MickeyGP1378: create a directory to mount at, a mountpoint, e.g. "mkdir /mnt/target; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/target"20:26
MickeyGP1378I can put whatever name i want in "target" right?20:26
leagrisBut anything I change there is overwritten once I restart snapd20:27
TJ-MickeyGP1378: sure, it's usually an empty directory to act as a mountpoint for the block device20:27
leagrisHow can I get ride of apparmor and snapd alltogaether to get my applications working correctly?20:28
leagrisWhat are these stuff annoying and imparing usability?20:28
MickeyGP1378How do i delete a partition20:29
ioriafire up gparted20:29
ioriabur umount20:30
leagrisOk found out I installed Inkscape from a snap package20:34
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leagrisand the provided snap profile is just plain wrong20:34
ioriashould be contained20:35
StickyNipplesIs there any way to virtualize a DAC? I am building a system that needs to communicate with one and I dont have money to buy a box for dev purposes20:35
xseHi, i'm having an issue with an usb wifi thingy using rltwifi/rtl8192eu_nic.bin20:35
xseeverything works on a liveCD or in recovery mode20:35
xsebut as soon as i boot normally i can't connect20:36
xsethe exact same firmware seems to be loaded each time tho20:36
craigbass76Is there any way to get chgrp to work on group names instead of GID? Haven't found an option yet for that, but craig has different GIDs on two different computers, so is there a way to get chgrp to reference the name instead of GID?20:36
ikoniacraigbass76: chgrp works on names20:37
craigbass76ikonia: by default?20:37
craigbass76I don't see a switch for it in the man pages20:38
ikoniacraigbass76: chgrp group file20:38
craigbass76I wonder if doing it over an sshfs is screwing it up some.20:39
craigbass76ikonia: rsync -avz -e ssh  /this/dir/ remoteuser@remotehost:/remote/dir worked fine. Must have something to do with sshfs and UID/GID20:43
ikoniarsync is nothing to do with chgrp20:44
Sladedoes artful ardvark still use iptables?20:49
Sladei know theres some changes in there.20:49
ikoniawhat changes ?20:49
ikoniait still uses iptable20:49
Sladeikonia, with netplan and all t hat20:49
ikoniathats just a descriptor20:50
Sladeyea cant use the old files anymore tho.. stugglign with some docker problems with resolution so trying to figure it out20:51
Sladename resolution that is20:51
ikoniaSlade: you can still use the old files just fine20:51
craigbass76ikonia: but ifi'd sshfs-ed into the remote box, and the GID of the craig user is 1000 there, not 1002 like on the local box, that wouldn't cause a problem? Straight up rsync worked fine, so I'm guessing that was the issue, but I'm curious if you think it's something else.20:52
Sladehm /etc/network/interfaces wasnt happy maybe i screwed up something20:52
ikoniaSlade: interface file is nothing to do with iptables20:52
Sladecorrect. i'm just talking about what i noticed was different20:52
ikoniacraigbass76: I have no idea what you where doing in the first place, I just answered your question chgrp20:52
Sladeiptables sprung to mind as something messy regarding docker20:53
TJ-For future reference, I've added a comment to bug #500822 with details of how the "/init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found" installer boot failure might occur20:53
ubottubug 500822 in casper (Ubuntu) "/init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50082220:53
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yongohi. using ubuntu 16.04. my ubuntu gnome desktop won't load anymore. i have no taskbar, no unity sidebar, keyboard shortcuts don't work anymore (ie no alt-tab, windows key, alt-f4,...)20:56
yongowhat to do?20:56
yongoi already reinstalled gnome package and unity, but nothing changed20:57
yongoit all happened yesterday out of the blue. i think the day before i installed system updates, no idea if that could have caused it20:57
craigbass76ikonia: after I ran sshfs parkers:/data1/craig /home/craig/data1, when I try to rsync from /home/folder to ~/data1/folder/ I get the chgrp error. If I just do an rsync in the format of that other command I pasted, it's fine20:57
TJ-yongo: you're not the 1st; we've had a lot of similar reports. It is something to do with the user's config for desktop confusing some updated package but we're not sure what specifically20:58
yongoTJ-, thanks. any workaround so far?20:59
TJ-yongo: last I saw people were moving aside $HOME/.config/ to a back-up name but that's sort-of sledgehammer because it moves all your local config settings21:00
TJ-yongo: it could be $HOME/.cache/ though, and that's dispensible, so you could try renaming that directory first21:00
yongoTJ-, thanks, i'll try that. my desktop is pretty vanilla anyway, so there's not too much to lose21:01
yongothe worst is that i have to restart everytime i want to switch to a different app cause i have no alt-tab and all the window controls like minimize etc are gone21:01
TJ-yongo: we found creating a new user there is no problem, so it's definitely something in existing user settings21:02
yongoTJ-, i see. thanks for advice, i'll try it out!21:02
yongoTJ-, alright, the sledgehammer worked :)21:08
TJ-yongo: :) could you do a diff of the old/new see if we can discover what setting upset it?21:08
yongoi could21:09
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yongoTJ-, but there are many subfolders21:09
yongoTJ-, any particular suspect?21:09
yongoTJ-, probably compiz...21:10
TJ-yongo: something like "diff -u $HOME/.config/ $HOME/.config-old" ... maybe wrap that in "pastebinit <(  ...commands... )" and I can take a look21:10
TJ-yongo: oh, that should be "dif -ru ..." to do a recursive diff21:10
craigbass76Oops, wrong window. :)21:11
yongoTJ-, https://pastebin.com/BFXBivpA21:14
yongohere you go21:14
TJ-yongo: thanks :)21:15
yongoyou're welcome!21:15
TJ-yongo: not brilliant but I'd guess maybe something in CONFIGBACKUP/unity3d21:18
yongoTJ-,  i can paste contents of this folder21:19
yongoTJ-, or i could restore it and see if the desktop is gone again21:19
TJ-yongo: that's a good idea!21:19
TJ-process of elimination :)21:20
yongoTJ-, do i have to restart or is logout enough?21:20
TJ-yongo: it's all user, so logout is sufficient21:20
yongoTJ-, ok, brb21:21
yongoTJ-, no, the desktop is still here21:22
yongoTJ-, well i could do that for every remaining folder...21:22
TJ-yongo: OK... I bet it's some weird interaction of multiple settings... if you want to be tortured go ahead but it's not necessary :)21:23
yongoTJ-, kk, then not21:23
yongoTJ-, thanks for helping :)21:24
Bashing-omgambl0re: Hello to you, your support question ?21:34
gambl0reim trying to update my react site that is being hosted on github pages but my site isng being updated. anyone know what could be causing this?21:35
kenpenI am trying to install emacs25 on a freshand updated  install of 17.10. This is what I get:21:36
kenpenSetting up emacs25 (25.2+1-6) ... Install emacsen-common for emacs25 emacsen-common: Handling install of emacsen flavor emacs25 emacs25: error while loading shared libraries: libotf.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ERROR: install script from emacsen-common package failed dpkg: error processing package emacs25 (--configure):  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Errors 21:36
kenpensudo apt install libotf0 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done libotf0 is already the newest version (0.9.13-3build1). 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 1 not fully installed or removed. After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.21:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:37
kenpenoops, sorry21:37
rmunsonJust so you don't get kicked out by our bot for flooding. ;-)21:38
rmunsonnp kenpen, just a gentle nudge to the right area, pal!21:39
kenpenok, here is url: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xCkCkBdwgJ/21:39
kenpenthanks :)21:39
rmunsonAs for your actual issue, I'll let someone else go for it, because im stumped kenpen.21:40
kenpenok rmunson, thanks any way :)21:41
TJ-!info emacs2521:42
ubottuemacs25 (source: emacs25): GNU Emacs editor (with GTK+ GUI support). In component main, is optional. Version 25.2+1-6 (artful), package size 3246 kB, installed size 13114 kB21:42
Draconiator"Sudo" is like the best program name in the history of operating systems.  lol21:43
ZythyrNeed help with a service not starting after manually decrypting a partition. Anyone have idea? More details here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1013627/how-to-automatically-start-a-service-after-manually-decrypting-home-partition21:43
TJ-Bug #173009221:43
ubottubug 1730092 in emacs25 (Ubuntu) "package emacs25 25.2+1-6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173009221:43
kenpenubottu, oh, a bug :(21:45
ubottukenpen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:45
Musk_of_justiceWish I discovered IRC earlier21:47
DraconiatorWhat directory do program files get installed to?21:49
Musk_of_justicehttps://askubuntu.com/questions/54395/where-can-i-find-the-location-of-folders-for-installed-programs this should help you21:51
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Musk_of_justiceshort answer /usr/bin21:51
TJ-Draconiator: for each package the install locations can be seen with "dpkg -L <package-name>"21:52
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Musk_of_justiceIs it worth dropping windows altogether ?21:54
Musk_of_justiceI've been torn between linux and windows for ages21:55
Musk_of_justiceusing windows for games and specifix applications21:55
TJ-Musk_of_justice: try them side by side, both have strengths and weaknesses and it can depend on what hardware it's running on too21:56
Musk_of_justiceso dualboot basically21:57
Musk_of_justiceits always useful having windows around21:57
rmunson*dies inside*21:58
Musk_of_justicewindows is useful for windows installation usbs21:58
akikMusk_of_justice: you can make a windows installation usb in linux too21:59
Musk_of_justicei sometimes do pc repair and such21:59
Musk_of_justicebut its a little trickier21:59
Musk_of_justicealso... game performance21:59
Musk_of_justiceand game variety22:00
TJ-Musk_of_justice: I've not used/installed Windows since 2005 so it is certainly possible to do without it22:05
Musk_of_justiceI'll try to do similar22:07
rmunsonI do windows pc repair using linux and it's tools...22:11
rmunsonso absolutely possible.22:11
Musk_of_justicelinux master race22:12
TJ-Ironic that most Windows forensics/data recovery requires Linux22:14
DraconiatorHeh, I noticed that too.22:15
DraconiatorI think that uses Tinycore22:15
Draconiatorand yet I know my way around Windows like the back of my hand, but when it comes to Linux I'm next to a complete n00b.22:17
rmunsonEmbrace the dark side.22:17
Musk_of_justicetoday i had to remember compiling so i could modify my ipod classic22:18
Musk_of_justicethis stuff makes me love computers22:18
Musk_of_justicewhen in doubt , just ./22:19
Draconiatorgoing back to Win10 when the new hard drive comes in.  I only use Linux when my main hard drive dies.  LOVE it for that but seriously the only way I got it to SOME semblance of what I'm used to is Google.22:20
Musk_of_justicegoogle is good22:21
Musk_of_justicebut duckduckgo + irc is better22:21
Musk_of_justiceso i got 128 gb flashdrive22:24
Musk_of_justicewould it be enough for all possible linux based repair oriented distros/tools?22:24
TJ-Musk_of_justice: I've a 2GB tool I've used for years which is enough, so the answer is definitely yes :)22:26
KumoolDraconiator, and you'll always be one. at least when it comes to linux, however other OS's are better for learning22:26
Kumoolfor example the freebsd handbook teaches you everything you need to know about the OS, well most of everything, what's left is knowing C and hacking the kernel, but you can learn everything about it22:28
Musk_of_justicethanks TJ, I'll go ahead and fill it :> little moneymaker22:28
NokajiHi, anyone wanna suggest an easy way to connect my 16.04 ubuntu PC to my android phone - I can use a cable or wifi router?22:29
jeremy31Nokaji USB22:29
NokajiI've used Software DataCable a few times successfully but I use it so rarely, I never rememebr how to fire it up22:30
Nokajijeremy31: I'll look in to that22:30
jeremy31You will likely have to go into USB options on the phone and select MTP or file transfer if you want to copy/delete files on the phone22:31
vltMusk_of_justice: I've been using grml.org as my repair distro for years now.22:31
Nokajijeremy31: okie - it does sound so simple I'm sure I tired it before resorting to otehr methods ... what you say may be the clue i needed22:32
DraconiatorUbuntu for me.  or Xubuntu currently.  Used pure Ubuntu last time this hapenned.22:32
jeremy31Nokaji Sometimes USB debugging needs to be enabled in developer options on the Android phone22:33
Nokajijeremy31: I don't have root enabled, hopefully that won't matter too much22:34
jeremy31Nokaji USB debugging can be enabled on Android without root22:35
Nokajishowsme 'MVP' & File Empty at the moment ut you've given me some trickts to try22:35
lighthunterTJ-: apologies if you already saw these messages, but replaying them in case they slipped by. I failed miserably to get the resume callback approach you described working. However, I noticed https://github.com/hhfeuer/nvhda/blob/master/scripts/nvhda-resume.service and https://github.com/hhfeuer/nvhda/blob/master/scripts/nvhda-suspend.service.22:39
lighthunterThese make me think hhfeuer deliberately left out the resume callback and other things that would need to be changed to transition their DKMS module from prototype to full-fledged. They don't actually seem to work for me though. When I come back from suspend, I lose audio over HDMI. I think I am probably in over my head on this one.22:40
TJ-lighthunter: yes, it looks like he took the easy approach to it :)22:43
TJ-lighthunter: at least you got audio working at all, that was progress!22:43
lighthunterlike i said though, it doesn't actually work. (I never use suspend, so I am okay with the current state of affairs; I just figure this is helpful information if you decide to proceed.)22:43
lighthunteryes, that was really all i was hoping to achieve, so i am perfectly satisfied. thanks again for the help.22:44
TJ-lighthunter: we see a lot of these issues related to proprietary/closed-source code; it's so frustrating not to be able to dive in an fix it properly, or be guessing on how it works internally22:45
lighthunteryes, i am aware. and the HW vendors tend only to test their code with Windows, which makes the lives of Linux driver developers dramatically more difficult.22:46
manudavidosHello, I just installed Ubuntu 17.10 and I don't have sound, speakers show up on Pulseaudio but I can't hear anything22:47
samthewildoneI just installed PopOS a ubuntu fork from system76, the problem is my wimax is located but unable to connect to my service.22:47
samthewildoneAm I missing any drivers ?22:47
TJ-samthewildone: we only support Ubuntu here, not derivatives22:48
samthewildoneTJ-, thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I really appreciated it.22:48
TJ-manudavidos: could the wrong profile be selected? check the Configuration tab of pavucontrol22:48
rmunson"unofficial" derivatives...which PopOS does fall under.22:49
manudavidosT3: Tried to do so, doesn't work22:49
Nokajijeremy31: I.ve set up those options. The drive auto-opens in 'files', display proper name "Moto G(4)" however there are no files displayed. Right-clicking properties produces a list of "unknown"'s, I also get PERMISSIONS usb:008,007 (mtp) 'could not be determined'22:49
TJ-manudavidos: another thing to check, from terminal, is to run 'alsamixer' and check the sound device doesn't have a separate 'mute' or 'automute' toggle, or master/pcm volume set to 022:50
manudavidosT3: Thanks, I'll try it now22:50
TJ-manudavidos: also, is the built-in audio the default device. We're seeing a lot of systems recently where HDMI audio is being found first and set as the default. When an application is playing sound, in the pavucontrol Playback tab, check which output the application is sending to, and try changing it (drop-down menu on right side of application/meida name)22:52
jeremy31Nokaji Any other new objects in file manager?  Some Motorola devices have Windows drivers on them that cause issues with accessing the file system22:52
Nokajidid see a 192.168.... IP number, it said "busy", I closed it down and will re-conect the phone, in case22:53
Nokajijeremy31: thanks - I'm looking on google too for the error code22:54
Nokajijeremy31: I've opened it in terminal (I'm a novice), gone up a couple of CD. and can see some files at "/run/user/1000/"22:57
manudavidosT3: Looked at it, Master set to 100 no mute or automute toggle22:57
manudavidosT3: Any other suggestions?22:57
TJ-manudavidos: you may have missed my last suggestion...22:58
TJ-manudavidos: also, is the built-in audio the default device. We're seeing a lot of systems recently where HDMI audio is being found first and set as the default. When an application is playing sound, in the pavucontrol Playback tab, check which output the application is sending to, and try changing it (drop-down menu on right side of application/meida name)22:58
Nokajijust maybe i can do a 'copy (all)' command and then search at my leisure22:58
Nokajioops, silly me ... this is ubuntu files22:58
manudavidosT3: It doesn't allow me to change the output23:03
manudavidosT3: I'm using Xiaomi MI Air laptop23:03
neopsychehelo all23:04
TJ-manudavidos: I'm not sure then, if you've got the correct profile selected and the correct default (built-in) device23:04
neopsycheCan anyone help with 'hard drive, read only, cant add or delete files, 3 partitions, ext4 + ntfs)23:04
neopsycheUbuntu 16.0423:05
neopsyche(external drive, 1TB)23:05
* rmunson hands kenden a /23:08
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Bashing-omneopsyche: Tell is more of the target hard drive .23:10
neopsychebashing-om what do you mean?23:10
neopsychebashing-om I am referring to external backup drive on USB, with 3 partitions on the drive23:10
Bashing-omneopsyche: internal drive, USB ? how is it mounted ?23:11
neopsychebashing-om it is external drive23:11
neopsychebashing-om internal drive is connected in the drive bay / notebook23:11
neopsychebasing-om the drive in question is on usb 2.023:12
neopsyche(via cable/port)23:12
Bashing-omneopsyche: is it connected now ?23:14
userushas anyone been able to get a usb to hdmi cable to work on ubuntu 16?23:15
Bashing-omneopsyche: pastebin ' ls -al /media/<username> ; sudo parted -l ' . see what tale gets told .23:16
manudavidos__TJ: Sorry, my internet is bad, is there any suggestion to fix audio? (It works with LiveCD/USB)23:17
TJ-manudavidos__: are they different kernel versions?23:19
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neopsychebashing-om does not seem to say anything on pastebin except the comand23:20
manudavidos__TJ: No they are same23:20
neopsychebasing-om https://askubuntu.com/questions/333287/external-hard-disk-read-only23:21
Bashing-omneopsyche: ' ls -al /media/<username> | nc termbin,com ' where <username is your actual used ID .23:21
neopsycheused ID?23:21
neopsycheaccount for termbin?23:21
TJ-Bashing-om: use $USER and then the user doesn't need to change it :)23:21
Bashing-omneopsyche: the username you use when logging into your system .23:22
Bashing-omTJ-: :) thanks !23:22
VILCHIShola desde cancun23:22
neopsychebashing-om still does not show much https://gist.github.com/anonymous/03a5838ed81cda043e25c3e339acc13523:23
neopsychebashing-om same problem https://askubuntu.com/questions/333287/external-hard-disk-read-only23:24
neopsyche(similar drive)23:24
VILCHISesto funciona o no?23:25
ZythyrNeed help starting a service after decrypting a partition. My service is NOT starting. More details here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1013627/how-to-automatically-start-a-service-after-manually-decrypting-home-partition23:26
Bashing-omneopsyche: Sorry, did not give the port to access - 9999 . my result for reference : http://termbin.com/xp2w .23:26
neopsycheaccess 9999?23:26
DraconiatorI'm pretty sure every viral term originated from Linux in some way heh23:26
Bashing-omneopsyche: '  ls -al /media/$USER | nc termbin.com 9999 ' .23:27
neopsychedoesnt show anything23:31
Bashing-omneopsyche: neopsyche Well, let's back up a level . what shows ' ls -al /media/ ' ?23:31
manudavidos__Can anyone help me with Ubuntu 17.10 no audio problem?23:31
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neopsychesee pvt23:32
neopsychebasing-om see pvt23:32
neopsychebashing-om https://pastebin.com/mVLQsJLE23:33
Bashing-omneopsyche: What is "  usb -> usb0 " all abput ? Never ever seen a device symlinked !23:34
neopsycheno idea. i think i was hacked23:34
neopsychesome files deleted.. noticed a strange ftp connection a while back23:34
neopsychei dont know enough to know what it is.. just that there was sensitive information on the drie that seems to have been deleted23:35
on3pkI'm trying to do some apt-get upgrades and it keeps failing.  I get this message: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mTSy5hMrQb/23:35
neopsychebashing-om also.. it could be something to do with circuit board controller.. which goes in the drive holder for external drives23:36
Bashing-omneopsyche: What shows ' ls -al /media/usb ' . Like advised, I sorta out in left field here .23:37
visipon3pk: apt-get autoremove ; apt-get autoclean23:38
on3pkvisip, I do that, but going through the apt-get update/upgrade processes still fails23:41
jonasmclwho wants to make a boat load of money23:43
vfwNokaji: kdeconnect23:45
vfwNokaji: and wifi file transfer23:45
vfwand / or23:45
jonasmcli have this idea and i need help23:45
Nokajivfw: Appreciated, thanks - I have had success before but possibly I changed my config somehow plus I always struggle as I connect so infrequently - memory fades23:49
vfwon3pk  sudo apt-get -f install23:50
neopsychebashing-om ng timeout: 240 seconds)23:50
neopsyche<visip> on3pk: apt-get auto23:50
vfwon3pk: Maybe even: sudo dpkg --configure -a23:50
neopsychebashing-om lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Dec 31 15:57 /media/usb -> usb023:50
neopsychemaby some kind of intel AMT thing23:51
on3pkvfw: doesn't seem to wannt help23:53
on3pkanyway to see what the error actually is?23:53
Bashing-omneopsyche: Sorry, I just do not know what to advise in this respect - never seen such before - That symlink makes no sense to me .23:54
vfwon3pk: sudo apt-get clean23:54
vfwon3pk: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:54
Bashing-omneopsyche: Hang loose here .. see what others with greater skill can advise .23:54
vfwon3pk: If all else fails, just remove the offending file.23:56
vfwon3pk: rm /var/cache/apt/archives/manpages_4.10-2_all.deb23:56
on3pkafter I delete the file, it will then try to download it again at the next upgrade command23:58
on3pkI can hold back manpages, but then nothign upgrades23:59

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