[08:12] hello [08:12] gtk+3 apps with headerbars do not use greybird window controls https://i.imgur.com/0zNWXiV.png in Xubuntu Bionic. Is it a known issue? I wasn't able to find anything about that. For comparison Arc theme handles this just fine https://i.imgur.com/c0XjRYK.png [08:12] Sorry if question is dumb, I'm a newb [08:15] ondondil: I've not seen it mentioned as an issue - report it as a bug, ubuntu-bug greybird-gtk-theme from a terminal. ochosi will see that and probably this ping [08:16] okay, thanks [08:16] ondondil: hang on 2 secs though [08:17] https://i.imgur.com/IjZnz58.png this is using greybird too [08:18] however I'm using greybird from the shimmer ppa (the Shimmer team include people from the Xubuntu Team) [08:18] and my screenshot looks right [08:19] I'm using the one from bionic's repo [08:19] I'll try installing the ppa [08:19] ondondil: could you add this ppa and update and check with that version? https://launchpad.net/~shimmerproject/+archive/ubuntu/daily [08:19] it's safe as a ppa can be - as are all the Officialish Xubuntu PPAs [08:20] if that sorts the issue it makes it simpler I think :) [08:42] It didn't help, unfortunately https://i.imgur.com/V0aPlzo.png [08:42] I may have messed up some things in this vm tho [08:42] I'll do a fresh install and report back [08:48] ondondil: okey doke [09:11] okay, so I did a fresh install. Turns out that everithing works, even the greybird version available in bionic repository but only with elementary-xfce icons. When I change the icon set to adwaita, gnome or papirus, the window controls change too. Is it an expected behavior? [09:25] ondondil: yes, thats expected for now, not sure if its easy to change/fix that [09:25] would probably mean shipping those icons with greybird somehow [09:26] arc theme somehow manages to keep its own window controls [09:28] okay, thanks for the answer and sorry for confusion [09:30] ah right, i can try to fix that then [09:31] btw, it seems like Xubuntu 18.04 is going to be a great release. Thanks for all your work, I really appreciate that as a casual user [09:39] ondondil: thanks, thats nice to hear, we put a lot of effort into it [16:14] help [20:23] ondondil: just fyi, i have a working version of greybird with the window control icons included already locally [20:23] some more cleanups and we can push that to 18.04 [20:24] oh, that's awesome [22:50] Hello, I just installed xubuntu on my 2008 MacBook and was wondering if I could automatically connect to wifi === HoloIRCUser2 is now known as PhazonicRidley