
=== davdunc_ is now known as davdunc
=== BlackDex_ is now known as BlackDex
BlackDexhello there, i have a juju that has gone out of controll11:31
BlackDexit's cpu load i 6 and counting11:31
BlackDex300% cpu usage11:31
BlackDexwich is all cpu's11:31
BlackDexhow can i check what is the issue?11:32
BlackDexI tried restarting the bootstrap node, but that didn't resovled the issue11:33
jamBlackDex: do you see anything informative in either "juju debug-log" or by ssh'ing to the bootstrap node and tailing /var/log/juju/machine-0.log ?12:05
BlackDexnot someting i can figure out what is wrong12:06
BlackDexthe juju debug-log is not responding12:06
BlackDexjam: http://paste.openstack.org/show/yw0NXzEMEyXW8rjuZiCu/12:09
jamBlackDex: something like "fortress operation aborted" makes me think something internally is failing, causing lots of things to restart, but I think we're missing the root failure in your traceback.12:10
jamyou could try changing the logging config, with: juju model-config -m controller logging-config="<root>=DEBUG;juju.apiserver=INFO"12:10
jamwhich might make it a bit less noisy12:10
BlackDexwatcher loop failed: read tcp> i/o timeout12:10
BlackDexone moments12:11
jamBlackDex: so i/o timeout to 37017 is saying that Mongo stopped talking to us12:11
jamare you running in HA, or just a single bootstrap node?12:11
BlackDexjust a single node12:11
jamBlackDex: so the other thing to consider is juju version (should be in the top of "juju status -m controller")12:13
BlackDexit states an upgrade is available12:14
jamBlackDex: I know there were several load-related fixes in 2.2.912:14
jamand even more for 2.3.* but you may want to go 2.2.9 first12:14
BlackDexbut i can't install that version as a client12:14
BlackDexis that a problem?12:14
jamBlackDex: you should be able to "juju upgrade-juju -m controller --agent-version=2.2.9" even if your client is older.12:15
BlackDexnormally i install the updated client first and then the server12:15
BlackDexlets see what that does12:15
jamBlackDex: one caveat is if you're uploading the agent version from the client, rather than downloading it from streams.canonical.com, but that would depend on whether you have internet access, etc.12:16
jamSorry I need to go for a bit, will check back in later12:16
BlackDexnp, thx12:16
BlackDexthis is a good start12:16
rick_hmagicaltrout: ping, was thinking of showing the updated ssl terminitation charm as a juju show demo Wed and wanted to see if that's ok13:07
magicaltroutrick_h: not mine, do what you like :P13:08
rick_hoh bah13:08
rick_hwhy do I always confuse you folks in irc?13:08
rick_hneed a real nickname...like "rick" :P13:08
magicaltrouti'm not named after a harry potter movie13:09
rick_hhow goes magicaltrout? having fun?13:09
rick_hmagicaltrout: no, just a fish in the zelda game :P like voltfin trout and such13:09
magicaltroutbusy away, getting some bundle stuff cleared away for our store page the ux folks are working on13:09
rick_hmagicaltrout: yea, was working with them last week at the sprint. Fun times13:09
magicaltroutalong with 2 new contracts on random stuff13:09
magicaltroutand not being paid since December because of a screw up from the US govt.13:10
magicaltroutyou know13:10
magicaltroutthe usual ;)13:10
rick_hanyone home in that us govt? :P13:10
magicaltroutthey tend to like shutting down then leaving the contractors to keep stuff working, then feel like not paying them for doing so :P13:11
magicaltrouthave just kicked off an interesting project on cancer early detection with a hospital in upstate NY13:11
magicaltroutthats some interesting stuff13:11
rick_hmagicaltrout: https://youtu.be/UnPI4xKvf0c?t=44913:12
rick_hmagicaltrout: that's cool13:12
magicaltrouthttps://cancer.jpl.nasa.gov/ a spin off from that13:12
rick_hoh man, what was that 80s flick where they take a space ship into a body13:13
magicaltroutha, it is true, trump doesn't like giving jobs to people13:13
magicaltroutwhen all he does it tout employment ;)13:13
zeestratAnyone got some tips on how to further troubleshoot https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1755155?13:36
mupBug #1755155: charm hook failures after controller model upgrade from 2.1.2 to 2.3.4 <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1755155>13:36
zeestratNo fun getting stuck after only upgrading the controller model to 2.3.4 when I want to try out the new features!13:40
BlackDexjam: It seems that upgrading to juju v2.2.9 did the trick mostly. After upgrading the agents also to 2.2.9 it seemed to settle a little bit.14:23
verndoes anyone know how I can make juju run an arbitrary command on the controller as part of the bootstrap process? I need to configure the host with a new ca cert so that it can talk to some ssl urls that have certs signed by a company certificate authority23:38

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